jsconf: all you can leet

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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My JSConf slides.


All You Can LeetA heaping helping of performance,

selector engines, & sandbox natives

By John-David Dalton

@jdalton ▪ john@fusejs.com ▪ http://allyoucanleet.com

function times(iterator, context) { $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context); return this;}


Reduce Abstraction


function times(iterator, context) { var i = -1, length = this; while (++i < length) iterator.call(context, i, i); return length;}

Reduce Abstraction


function contains(element, descendant) { if (element.compareDocumentPosition) { return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; } if (element.contains) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(element); } while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant == element) return true; } return false;}

Fork like Rabbits

function isHostObject(object, property) { var type = typeof object[property]; return type === 'object' ? !!object[property] : !/^(boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(type);}var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); }


Fork like Rabbits

var type = typeof object[property]; return type === 'object' ? !!object[property] : !/^(boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(type);}

var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}


Fork like Robots

var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}


Fork like Hobbits

var contains = function(element, descendant) { while (descendant = descendant.parentNode) { if (descendant === element) return true; } return false;};

if (isHostObject(docEl, 'compareDocumentPosition')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { /* DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08 */ return (descendant .compareDocumentPosition(element) & 8) === 8; };}

else if (isHostObject(docEl, 'contains')) { contains = function(element, descendant) { return element !== descendant && element.contains(descendant); };}

But don't fork Marsellus Wallace !


var cache = { }, reHyphenated = /-([a-z])/gi, uid = +new Date;

function toUpperCase(match, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase();}

function camelCase(string) { var key = uid + string; return cache[key] || (cache[key] = string.replace(reHyphenated, toUpperCase));}



Choose Your Engine










•Acme (Dojo)

•DomQuery (ExtJS)

•NWMatcher (FuseJS, Prototype)

•Sizzle (jQuery, MochiKit, Prototype)

•Slick (MooTools)

Selector Engines










•Acme (Dojo)

•DomQuery (ExtJS)

•NWMatcher (FuseJS, Prototype)

•Sizzle (jQuery, MochiKit, Prototype)

•Slick (MooTools)

Dare to Compare

Selector Engines

NWMatcher Chrome 1+ Firefox 1.5+ IE 6+ Opera 9.0+ Safari 2.0+

Legacy Chrome 1+ Firefox 1.5+ IE 6+ Opera 9.25+ Safari 2.0.4+

Sizzle Chrome 1+ Firefox 2.0+ IE 6+ Opera 9.0+ Safari 3.0+

Prototype 1.6.1+

* supports Safari 2.0+

Compatible Source ▪ Compatible ▪ Possible Compatibility ▪ Failed Compatibility

Browser Support

Selector Engines

E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)

NWMatcherSizzle Prototype 1.6.1+

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:not(s) E:active E:focus E:enabled E:disabled E:checked E:link E:visited E:target E:lang(t)

Not Supported ▪ Supported ▪ Not Supported + Failed Compatibility

E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)

E E#fooId E.fooClass E F E > F E + F F ~ F F[foo] F[foo="bar"] E[foo^="bar"] E[foo$="bar"] E[foo*="bar"] E[foo~="bar"] E[foo|="en"] E:root E:empty E:nth-child(n) E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-child(n)


Selector Engines

Selector Support


QuerySelectorAll Bug Fixes

Prototype 1.6.1+

1. Quirks className case-sensitivity

2. Quirks mixed case className

3. :disabled :enabled on inputtype="hidden”

4. :link matching non-hyperlinks

5. :target support

6. Matching ^="" or $=""

7. Source attribute values

1. Quirks uppercase className

1. Quirks className case-insensitivity


Selector Engines

CSS 3 Selector Tests: LegacySelector Engines

CSS 3 Selector Tests: SizzleSelector Engines

CSS 3 Selector Tests: NWMatcherSelector Engines

Match Maker[ event delegation; higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

Performance[ higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

Performance[ higher score is better ]

Selector Engines

Make the Switch

rake dist SELECTOR_ENGINE = nwmatcher

Selector Engines

The Problem

Array.prototype.size = function() { return this.length;};

var arr = [1, 2, 3];arr.size(); // 3

// Excluding the use of newer ES5 methods like// Object.defineProperty() when defining new properties// the internal [[DefineOwnProperty]] method is called with// a property descriptor containing [[Enumerable]] true.for (var i in arr) { // i is 0, 1, 2, `size`}

Sandbox Natives

The Problem

// framework X defines a methodFunction.prototype.defer = function() { var fn = this, args = arguments; return window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(fn, args); }, 10);};

// framework Y paves previous method with their ownFunction.prototype.defer = function(millis, thisArg, args) { var fn = this; return window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(thisArg, args); }, millis);};

Sandbox Natives

// framework X defines a methodArray.prototype.reduce = function() { return this.length > 1 ? this : this[0];};

// Later, a different implementation is added to ECMAScript// Array#reduce ( callbackfn [ , initialValue ] )

// returns [1, 2, 3] instead of 6[1, 2, 3].reduce(function(prevValue, value) { return prevValue + value;});

The Problem

Sandbox Natives

// Sandbox natives to the rescuefuse.Array.prototype.size = function() { return fuse.Number(this.length);};

var arr = fuse.Array(1, 2, 3);arr.size(); // 3

// won't extend the global Array constructortypeof window.Array.prototype.size; // undefined

The Solution

Sandbox Natives

Browsers Tested

•IE 5.5+

•Firefox 1.5+

•Chrome 1+

•Konqueror 4.2.2+

•Opera 9.0+

•Safari 2.0+

Various JavaScript Engines•SpiderMonkey

•SquirrelFish (& Extreme)










Sandbox Natives

Supported Natives









Sandbox Natives


var str = fuse.String('bacon');

// sandbox natives cannot be primitivestypeof str; // object

// kinda like calling the global String constructortypeof new String('bacon'); // object

// internal [[Class]] is still [object String]({ }).toString.call(str);

// chaining works toostr.split('').join('').capitalize(); // Bacon

Sandbox Natives

What's Cool

// multiple sandboxed nativesfuse.Array;

fuse.dom.NodeList = (new fuse.Fusebox).Array;

// jQuery syntax with real arraysfuse.query('.tabs').addClassName('.active').show();

Sandbox Natives


Fuse JavaScript Framework


Browsers Tested

•IE 6+

•Firefox 1.5+

•Chrome 1+

•Konqueror 4.2.2

•Opera 9.25+

•Safari 2.0+


•Sandbox Native[ better 3rd party & browser support ]

•Performance[ Reduced abstraction & fork methods by browser features ]

•Zero Browser Sniffs[ feature detection, feature testing, object inference ]

•Framework Emulation[ PrototypeJS at beta, others later ]

•Debug Friendly[ console.log(fuse.Number(3).times); // times(callback, thisArg) ]



•Modular[ less abstraction, custom builds ]

•Selector Engines[ Acme, DomQuery, NWMatcher, Peppy, Sizzle, Slick, Sly ]

•Quirks mode support[ dimensions, positioning ]

•DOM + Event decorators[ better 3rd party & browser support ]

•Cross iframe compatible[ fuse(iframeDoc).query('.widget') ]



•Enforce FIFO Event Observer Order[ cross-browser and fixes edge cases ]

•Back-Forward Cache[ better performance between page navigation ]

•No Expandos Added in IE[ avoids unnecessary redraws ]

•Method Generics[ fuse.Array.slice(arr, 0) ]

•Separation of DOM Properties & Attributes[ fuse.dom.Element.plugin.getAttribute ]



Performance[ lower score is better ]


Performance[ lower score is better ]


Performance[ IE8 - lower score is better ]


Performance[ lower score is better ]









Twitter: @jdalton @fusejs

Email: john@fusejs.com

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