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Juliet Lushbough Dee

Department of Communication University of Delaware Newark, Delaware 19716 302-831-8041 302-831-8021 juliedee@udel.edu Education Ph.D. 1981 Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Major: Radio-Television-Film Minors: Journalism, Theater and Speech Dissertation: "Television Writers; Their Images and Roles: A Descriptive Study of Sixty Television Writers" M.A. 1975 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Major: Radio and Television Minor: Theater A.B. 1974 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey with honors Majors: English and American Civilization Academic Experience Director, Legal Studies Program, University of Delaware (September 1996 to August 1998) Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Delaware, 1992 to present, secondary appointment with the Legal Studies Program beginning in 2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Delaware, 1984-1992 Visiting Assistant Professor, Program in Communication Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 1982-1984 Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Media, Rutgers University, 1980-1982


Books Juliet Dee, Editor, From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as

Facilitators of Social Movements. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018. T. Barton Carter, Juliet L. Dee and Harvey L. Zuckman, Mass Communication

Law in a Nutshell (Seventh Edition). St. Paul, Minnesota: West Academic Publishing, 2014 [Wrote 8 of 13 chapters for this edition].

Free Speech Yearbook 46 (Juliet Dee, Editor), National Communication

Association, 2012. Free Speech Yearbook 45 (Juliet Dee, Editor). National Communication

Association, 2011. Free Speech Yearbook 44 (Juliet Dee, Editor). National Communication

Association, 2010. T. Barton Carter, Juliet L. Dee and Harvey L. Zuckman, Mass Communication

Law in a Nutshell (Sixth Edition). St. Paul, Minnesota: Thomson-West, 2007. [Wrote 7 of 12 chapters for this edition].

T. Barton Carter, Juliet L. Dee and Harvey L. Zuckman, Mass Communication Law in a Nutshell. (Fifth Edition). St. Paul, Minnesota: West Group, 2000. [Wrote 7 of 12 chapters for this edition]. T. Barton Carter, Juliet L. Dee, Martin J. Gaynes and Harvey L. Zuckman, Mass Communication Law in a Nutshell. (Fourth Edition). St. Paul, Minnesota: West, 1994. [Wrote 5 of 12 chapters for this edition]. Harvey Zuckman, Martin Gaynes, T. Barton Carter and Juliet L. Dee, Mass Communications Law in a Nutshell (Third edition). St. Paul, Minnesota: West, 1988. [Wrote 3 of 12 chapters for this edition]. Book Chapters “Street Performers, the First Amendment and New York City’s Activity Zones.”

Harvey Jassem & Susan Drucker, editors, Urban Communication Regulation Project, 123-138. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018.

“`What’s Wrong, You Can’t Take a Joke?’ Advertisers’ Defenses of Images of

Violence against Women in Their Ads, 1979-1989.” In Kim Golombisky and Peggy J. Kreshel, Editors, Feminists, Feminisms, and Advertising: Some Restrictions Apply, 133-153. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2017.


“Communication Freedoms and Limitations: Citizens Bank Park, Heckling and the First Amendment.” In Dale Herbeck and Susan J. Drucker, Editors, Communication and the Baseball Stadium: Community, Commodification, Fanship and Memory, 86-107. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2017.

“Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying: There Ought to Be a Law.” In Susan J.

Drucker and Gary Gumpert, Editors, Regulating Social Media: Legal and Ethical Considerations, 65-88. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2013.

“Fingerprints, Grace Notes and YouTube: The Problematic Relationship between

Convergence and Copyright Law.” In Susan J. Drucker & Gary Gumpert, editors, Regulating Convergence, 147-158. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2010.

“Anonymous Defamation and Libel-by-linking: Whom Do You Sue?” In Susan J.

Drucker & Gary Gumpert, editors, Real Law @ Virtual Space: Regulation in Cyberspace, 259-282 (Second Edition). Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, 2005.

"Whitney v. California." In R. A. Parker (Editor), Free Speech on Trial: Communication Perspectives on Landmark Supreme Court Decisions, 36-51. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2003. John S. Gossett and Juliet Dee. "Near v. Minnesota." In R. A. Parker (Editor), Free Speech on Trial: Communication Perspectives on Landmark Supreme Court Decisions, 69-84. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 2003. "Do Narratives of Violence Come with a Price?" In Thomas R. Hensley (Editor), The Boundaries of Freedom of Expression and Order in American Democracy, 108-111. Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 2001. "Heavy Metal, Hit Men, Dial-a-Porn and the First Amendment." In George Rodman (Editor), Mass Media Issues: 6-16. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1993. "Constraints on Persuasion in the Chicago Seven Trial." In Robert Hariman (Editor), Popular Trials: Rhetoric, Mass Media and the Law:86-113. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1990. Refereed Articles “Forum on Occupy Wall Street.” First Amendment Studies, 49:2, 113-114

(October 2015).


“Dreams of Sleeping in Public Spaces: The Occupy Wall Street Movement and Sleep as Symbolic Expression.” First Amendment Studies, 49:2, 126-137 (October 2015).

Helen Wolf and Juliet Dee, “Public Opinion Regarding the Role of Government in

Regulating Violent Content in Video Games.” First Amendment Studies, 47:2, 170-197 (2013).

“Trading Picket Signs for Radio Talk Show Appearances Post Snyder v. Phelps: Is This Extortion or a “More Speech” Solution?” Free Speech Yearbook 46: 15-21 (2012).

“Franklyn Haiman’s Approach to the Problem of Incitement.” Communication Law

Review 11:2:49-50 (December 2011). “Shedding Light or Casting Shadows? The ‘Penumbra’ Metaphor, Privacy and

Privileged Communication.” Free Speech Yearbook 44:55-63 (2010). "`Mere Conduits' or Editors? ISPs, Web Masters, Immunity and Safe Harbor in

Online Defamation versus Online Intellectual Property Cases." Free Speech Yearbook 41:80-96 (2004).

Valerie P. Hans and Juliet Dee. "Whiplash: Who's to Blame?" Brooklyn Law Review 68:1093-1120 (Summer 2003). Reprinted in Defense Law Journal, June 2004. Reprinted in ATLA Education (Association of Trial Lawyers of America), 2004.

Reprinted in Law and Popular Culture: Text, Notes and Questions, 316-318. David R. Papke et al., Editors. Newark, New Jersey: LexisNexis (2007).

Tracey DiLeonardo and Juliet Dee. "Discouraging `Objectionable' Music Content: Litigation, Legislation, Economic Pressure and More Speech." Communications and the Law 25:1:13-39 (April 2003).

"`How-To' Manuals for Hitmen: Paladin Press, a Triple Murder, and First Amendment Protection of Technical Information." Communications and the Law 23:2:1-54 (June 2001).

"Basketball Diaries, Natural Born Killers and School Shootings: Should There Be Limits on Speech which Triggers Copycat Violence?" Denver University Law Review:77:713-737 (2000).

Elizabeth Perse, Douglas McLeod, Nancy Signorielli and Juliet Dee, "News Coverage of Abortion between Roe and Webster: Public Opinion and


Real-World Events." Communication Research Reports 14:1:97-105 (Winter 1997).

"Andrea Dworkin, Hustler and First Amendment Protection for Opinion: Is Something Rotten in the House of Libel?" Free Speech Yearbook 34:41-48 (1996).

"When Classified Ads Lead to Murder: Hitmen, Soldier of Fortune, and the Question of Commercial Speech." Communications and the Law 18:1:29-56 (March 1996).

"Identifying a Victim when the Criminal is at Large: Is It Negligent or Newsworthy?" Communications and the Law 18:2:1-22 (June 1996).

Priscilla Murphy and Juliet Dee, "Reconciling the Preferences of Environmental Activists and Corporate Policymakers." Journal of Public Relations Research 8:1:1-33 (1996).

"Little Red Riding Hood, Justice Rehnquist and the NEA." Free Speech Yearbook 33:29-48 (1995).

"Twins Separated at Birth: The Strange Cases of Michael Levin and Leonard Jeffries." The Howard Journal of Communications 5:4:279-294 (Summer 1995). "Subliminal Lyrics in Heavy Metal Music: More Litigation, Anyone?" Communications and the Law 16:3:3-24 (September 1994). "`To Avoid Charges of Indecency, Please Hang Up Now:' An Analysis of Legislation and Litigation Involving Dial-a-Porn." Communications and the Law 16:1:3-28 (March 1994). "Heavy Metal, Rap and the First Amendment." Free Speech Yearbook 31:100-123 (1993). "`Disgorging Benefits' and Plugging Dikes: An Analysis of the Legal Arguments Advanced by the United States and United Kingdom to Stop Former Intelligence Agents from Publishing What They Know." Communication 13:4:303-326 (1993). "Joe Sedelmaier and the Creative Process: Here's the Beef." Journal of Popular Culture 26:4:173-185 (Spring 1993). Priscilla Murphy and Juliet Dee. "DuPont and Greenpeace: The Dynamics of Conflict between Corporations and Activist Groups." Journal of Public Relations Research 4:1:3-20 (1992).


"From `Pure Speech' to Dial-a-Porn: Negligence, the First Amendment and the Hierarchy of Protected Speech." Communications and the Law 13:4:27-73 (December 1991). Valerie Hans and Juliet Dee. "Media Coverage of Law: Its Impact on Juries and the Public." American Behavioral Scientist, 35:2:136-149 (November/December 1991). Reprinted and translated into Portugese: “Cobertura mediatica da justice:

O impacto nos jurados e no publico,” 39-56. In Justica, ambientes mediaticos e ordem social (Helena Machado & Filipe Santos, editors). Portugal: Edicoes Humus, 2010.

"Legal Confrontations Between Press, Ex-CIA Agents and the Government." Journalism Quarterly 66:2:418-426 (Summer 1989). "Media Accountability for Real-Life Violence: A Case of Negligence or Free Speech?" Journal of Communication 37:2:106-138 (Spring 1987). James Inciardi and Juliet Dee. "From the Keystone Cops to Miami Vice: Images of Policing in American Popular Culture." Journal of Popular Culture 21:2:84-102 (Fall 1987). Yayoi Anzai, Juliet Dee and Federico Subervi. "Mutual Images: Americans and Japanese in TV Commercials." Human Communication Studies XIII:1-33 (Spring 1986). Refereed articles published before coming to the University of Delaware "That's the Game: TV Writers Tell What It's Like." Public Communication Review 1:4:22-32 (Summer 1982). "Unbutton One More Button: TV Writers Themselves Speak of TV Sex and Violence." Public Communication Review 1:3:8-17 (Spring 1982). Robert W. Harkins and Juliet Lushbough. "1974 National Nutrition Policy Conference: An End to Apathy?" Journal of School Health 44:10:539-542 (December 1974).


Non-Refereed Publications “A Demoted Detective, 10 Angry Teachers, and Ghosts of Hobby Lobby: The

Supreme Court’s First Amendment Decisions from the 2015–2016 Term.” Communication Currents 11:5 (October 2016).

“Threats on Facebook, Confederate Flags on License Plates and Growing a Half-

Inch Beard: The Supreme Court’s 2014-2015 Term and the First Amendment. Communication Currents 10:5 (October 2015).

“Hobby Lobby, Campaign Spending, and Figuring Out when Silence is Golden:

The Supreme Court’s 2013-2014 Term and the First Amendment.” Communication Currents 9:5 (October 2014).

“Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency and Déjà vu All Over Again.”

Communication Currents 8:5 (October 2013).

“Nudity, Fleeting Expletives and Lies: The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2011-2012

Term and the First Amendment,” Communication Currents 7:5 (October


“Celebrating the First Amendment: Thank You, James Madison!” Communication Currents 6:5 (October 1, 2011).

"The National Communication Association (2000)." Kairos 6.1 (Spring 2001). "Legal Briefs." (Newsletter of the University of Delaware Legal Studies Program, September 2000). "Legal Briefs." (Newsletter of the University of Delaware Legal Studies Program, September 1998). "Cokie Roberts." In Nancy Signorielli (Editor), Women in Communication, pp. 321-327. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996. "Jean Kilbourne." In Nancy Signorielli (Editor), Women in Communication, pp. 236-242. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996. "Power, Politics and Ethics: John Frohnmayer and the NEA." ACLU Delaware, 4 (Fall 1994). Priscilla Murphy and Juliet Dee. "Greenpeace and Du Pont: Dialogue in

Deepwater." NAPEC Quarterly (National Association of Professional


Environmental Communicators) 2:3:4-5 (September 1991).

Book and Film Reviews

Censorship, Inc. The Corporate Threat to Free Speech in the United States by Lawrence Soley. Free Speech Yearbook 41: 174-176 (2004).

Deliberate Intent: A Lawyer Tells the True Story of Murder by the Book by Rod Smolla. Free Speech Yearbook 38:170-173 (2000). Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline by Robert H. Bork. Free Speech Yearbook 37:191-193 (1999). Presidential Defiance of "Unconstitutional" Laws: Reviving the Royal Prerogative by Christopher N. May. Free Speech Yearbook 37:188-190 (1999). The Press on Trial: Crimes and Trials as Media Events. Lloyd Chiasson, editor. Free Speech Yearbook 36:154-155 (1998). The Electronic Republic: Reshaping Democracy in the Information Age by Lawrence Grossman; and Politics on the Nets: Wiring the Political Process by Wayne Rash. Focus on Law Studies XIII:1:14-15 (Fall 1997). The Costs of Privacy: Surveillance and Reputation in America by Steven L. Nock. Free Speech Yearbook 32:226-228 (1994). Privacy as a Constitutional Right: Sex, Drugs and the Right to Life by Darien A. McWhirter and Jon D. Bible. Free Speech Yearbook 31:230-232 (1993). The Mass Media and the Law by John J. Watkins. Free Speech Yearbook 30:250-251 (1992). Do Not Enter: The Visa War Against Ideas produced by Robert Richter and Catherine Warnow. Choice (July-August 1988). "No Map." Review of Common Culture and the Great Tradition: The Case for Renewal by Marshall W. Fishwick. Journal of Communication 33:2:195-196 (Spring 1983). Media and the Russian Public by Ellen Propper Mickiewicz and Media Power Politics by David L. Paletz and Robert M. Entman. Journal of Broadcasting


26:2:616-618 (Spring 1982). Manuscripts in Preparation “Sweet Jesus, The Band Who Must Not Be Named, and Friends U Can’t Trust: Disparaging, Immoral and Scandalous Trademarks in Europe and the United

States,” submitted to First Amendment Studies, January 2018. Conference Papers “Confederate Monuments and Government Speech,” Panel on Current Issues in

Freedom of Expression. Invited. National Communication Association, Dallas, Texas, November 17, 2017.

“Milo Yiannopoulous, Richard Spencer and Public Forums on University

Campuses.” National Communication Association. Refereed. Dallas, Texas, November 18, 2017.

“When Lies Vanquish Truth: The Problem of Fake News.” National

Communication Association. Refereed. Dallas, Texas, November 18, 2017.

“Lee v. Tam: What Will the Supreme Court Say about `Derogatory’ Trademarks?”

Panel on Current Issues in Freedom of Expression. Invited. National Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 11, 2016.

Dannagal Young, John Courtright & Juliet Dee, “Adderall on Campus: A theory of

Planned Behavior Approach.” Refereed. National Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 12, 2016.

“Haig Bosmajian and the ‘Captive Audience’ Metaphor.” Refereed. National

Communication Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 19, 2015. “Silencing the Satirist: Bassem Youssef and (the Absence of) Free Speech in

Egypt.” Refereed. National Communication Association, Las Vegas, November 20, 2015.

“Hobby Lobby and Pandora’s Box: Why Congress Should Not Permit

Corporations to be ‘Persons.’” Refereed. Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 23, 2015.


“Muses, TV Shows, Libraries, and/or Brilliance: The Real Story behind How Scholars Go from No Ideas to Strong Scholarly Plans.” Invited. Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 24, 2015.

“Connections and Directions: Establishing a Game Studies Minor at the

University of Delaware.” Panel on Game Studies, Culture, Play and Practice. Refereed. Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 12, 2015.

“Titicutt Follies, Borat and Joan Rivers: Documentary Films and Invasion of

Privacy.” Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 2014.

“Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency.” Invited. Panel on “Privacy

in the Electronic Age.” Constitution Day Celebration, Radford University, September 15, 2014.

“Docs versus Glocks in the ‘Gunshine’ State: Physicians’ Right to Discuss Gun

Safety.” Refereed. Eastern Communication Association Convention, Providence, Rhode Island, April 24, 2014.

“Confusion in the Court! Inconsistency in Court Decisions on Cyberbullying and

Students’ First Amendment Rights.” Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, Washington, D.C. November 22, 2013.

Helen Wolf and Juliet Dee, “Public Opinion Regarding the Role of Government in

Regulating Violent Content in Video Games.” Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, Orlando, Florida, November 15, 2012.

“Justice Antonin Scalia’s Contributions to the Development of Free Speech Law.”

Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, Orlando, Florida, November 16, 2012.

“Public Space and Protest: It’s All about the Permit.” Refereed. National

Communication Association Convention, Orlando, Florida, November 17, 2012.

“Feeling Emotionally Distressed? Just Avert Your Eyes! How the Public Forum Doctrine Trumps Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress in Snyder v. Phelps.” Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 18, 2011.

“Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying: There Ought to Be a Law!” Refereed.

National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17, 2011.


“The 2010-2011 Supreme Court: The Communication Law Year in Review.” Invited. Eastern Communication Association, Arlington, Virginia, April 16, 2011.

“Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association.” Roundtable

Discussion. Invited. Eastern Communication Association, Arlington, Virginia, April 15, 2011.

“Honoring the Scholarship of Franklyn S. Haiman.” Invited. National

Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California, November 14, 2010.

“Legal Implications of Social Networking: Cyberbullying.” Refereed. National

Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California, November 16, 2010.

“The Bridge Nobody Wants and Everybody Needs: Dog Fighting Bites the

Supreme Court in United States v. Robert J. Stevens.” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California, November 17, 2010.

Respondent, Panel on “Silencing the Opposition: Government Strategies of

Suppression.” Invited. National Communication Association, San Francisco, California, November 17, 2010.

“Legal Implications of Social Networking.” Invited. Panel Discussion. Eastern

Communication Association, Baltimore, Maryland, April 23, 2010.

“Abuse of Privilege: Ulterior Motives, Retaliation, and Turning Reporters into ‘Fall Guys’ when They Protect Confidential Sources.” Refereed. National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 13, 2009.

“What Will Your Life Be Like in Five Years? Without Freedom of Expression It

May Not Matter.” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2009.

“’Cuz It’s My Computer—That’s Why: When Private Ownership Trumps Free

Speech.” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2009.

“100 Years of Communication Law.” Invited. Panel Discussion, Eastern

Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 24, 2009.


Respondent, Panel on “First Amendment Lessons: Engaging Today’s Students about their Rights.” Invited. Eastern Commu nication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 23, 2009.

“Fingerprints, Grace Notes and YouTube: The Problematic Relationship between

Convergence and Copyright Law.” Refereed. National Communication Association, San Diego, California, November 22, 2008.

“From T-Shirts and Letters to Protesting in Person: The Bush Administration’s

Attempts to Intimidate Those Who Dissent.” Panel Discussion on “Taking It to the Streets: A Protest against the Loss of Free Expression in America.” National Communication Association, San Diego, California, November 22, 2008.

“Shedding Light or Casting Shadows? The ‘Penumbra’ Metaphor, Privacy and

Privileged Communication.” Refereed. National Communication Association, San Diego, California, November 23, 2008.

“More Speech: Justice Brandeis’ Concurring Opinion in Whitney v. California

(1927).” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 15, 2007.

“Who Fired Eight U.S. Attorneys and Who Can Claim Executive Privilege?”

Panel on Keeping Faith with the “Framers:” Our Constitutional Crisis and the American Communication Landscape. Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 16, 2007.

“Whose Law Is It Anyway? Will the Supreme Court Change Course and Outlaw

‘Virtual’ Child Pornography?” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas, November 18, 2006.

“Government Incursions on Privacy.” Panel on Global Perspectives on Freedom

of Expression.” Invited. Panel Discussion. National Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas, November 16, 2006.

“Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto and EverQuest: Are Video Games Inciting

Real-Life Violence?” National Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 17, 2005.

“Freedom of Expression Year in Review: To the Supreme Court and Beyond.”

National Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 18, 2005.

“Assessing the Health of Academic Freedom: The Academic Bill of Rights Movement.” National Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 19, 2005.


"`Mere Conduits' or Editors? ISPs, Web Masters, Immunity and Safe Harbor in Online Defamation versus ONline Intellectual Property Cases." National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 11, 2004. "Whither the First Amendment? The 2003-2004 Supreme Court Year in Review." Panel Discussion, National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 13, 2004. "Actual Malice versus Absolute Privilege: Walking Blindfolded or Falling Off a Tightrope?" National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 14, 2004. Tracey DiLeonardo and Juliet Dee. "Discouraging `Objectionable' Music Content: Litigation, Legislation, Economic Pressure and `More Speech.'" National Communication Association, Miami Beach, Florida, November 22, 2003. "Scheidler v. National Organization for Women." Panel on Whither the First Amendment? National Communication Association, Miami Beach, Florida, November 22, 2003. "Teaching Communication and Law: Ideas for the Classroom." National Communication Association, Miami Beach Florida, November 21, 2003. "Total Immunity versus Notice-Based Liability for ISPs in Online Defamation Cases: Time to Call a Bluff?" National Communication Association, Miami Beach, Florida, November 19, 2003. "Anonymous Defamation and Libel-by-Linking: Whom Do You Sue?" National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 23, 2002. "The Corpus Christi Lawsuit at Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne." National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 23, 2002. Valerie Hans and Juliet Dee. "Whiplash: Who's to Blame?" Conference on "Responsibility and Blame: Psychological and Legal Perspectives." Brooklyn Law School, October 18, 2002. "First Person Accounts of First Amendment Controversies." National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 3, 2001. "Filtering Freedom of Expression: Federally Mandated Internet Blocking, Libraries, Schools and the First Amendment." National Communication


Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 3, 2001. "The First Amendment in the Information Age: The Implications of the Library and School Internet Access Controversy for Freedom of Expression." National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 3, 2001. "Ambush TV on the Jenny Jones Show: Has Tort Liability Expanded at the Expense of the First Amendment?" National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2, 2001. "Trends in Technology and the Law." National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2, 2001. "Free Speech for Students or `Libel-by-Linking?' Defamatory Web Sites and Provider Immunity from Libel Suits." National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1, 2001. "School Shootings, Computer Games and Goth Web Sites: Do the Media Encourage Mass Murderers?" National Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 11, 2000. "From Hazelwood to Kincaid: Divorce, Bad Grammar and the Color Purple." National Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 10, 2000. "Free Speech and Eavesdropping: Does the First Amendment Preclude Civil Liability for Intercepted Conversations?" National Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 9, 2000. "The ACLU and Freedom of Speech: From Scopes to Reno." National Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 9, 2000. "Do Narratives of Violence Come with a Price?" Panel on "Violent Expressions of Freedom: Negotiating Narratives of Social Order and Disorder in Contemporary U.S. Media." Symposium on The Boundaries of Freedom of Expression and Order in a Democratic Society. Kent State University, May 2, 2000. "Internet Rights." Delaware Human Relations Commission, First Annual Mid- Atlantic Fair Housing Summit 2000, Wilmington, Delaware, April 27, 2000. "Basketball Diaries, Natural Born Killers and School Shootings: Should There Be Limits on Speech which Triggers Copycat Violence?" University of Denver 2000 Law & Policy Symposium: Reactions to Youth Violence: The Legacy of Columbine. Denver, Colorado, March 25, 2000.


Brian O'Connell, Thomas Flynn and Juliet Dee: "`The Nuremburg Files' v. Planned Parenthood Coalition." National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 6, 1999. "Whitney v. California: One of the Most Important Free-Speech Decisions of the Twentieth Century." National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois, November 4, 1999. "Freedom(s) of Expression." National Communication Association, New York, New York, November 21, 1998. "Is Uncle Sam Crying `Uncle?' The Communication Decency Act and the Retreat from Regulation." Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, Texas, April 3, 1998. "Jokes and Jolts: A Qualitative Analysis of Advertisers' `Defenses' of Images of Violence Against Women in Print Ads." Eastern Sociological Society Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1998. "How-To" Manuals for Hitmen: Paladin Press, Triple Murders and the First Amendment." National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 19, 1997. Juliet Dee and Johnna Moyer, "Denver Area Telecommunications Consortium v. FCC: Indecency on Leased Access Cable Channels." National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 21, 1997. "Communicating from the Courtroom: An Analysis of Storytelling and Ideological Constraints on Media Accounts of the Chicago Seven Trial." National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 1997. "Dancing in the Penumbra: The Impact of Griswold v. Connecticut on Constitutional Protection for Privacy." Western States Communication Association, Monterey, California, February 18, 1997. "But Was the Speech `Disruptive?' Waters v. Churchill, Disruptive Speech, and `Institutional' Versus `Individual' Academic Freedom." Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California, November 23, 1996. "Climbing Out of the Quagmire: The Genius of Justice Brandeis' `More Speech' Doctrine in Whitney v. California. Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California, November 25, 1996.


"Empowering Parents or Empowering Bureaucrats: V-Chips, Violence Ratings and the First Amendment." International Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, May 26, 1996. "But It Was Just My Opinion: First Amendment Protection for Opinion in Libel Suits." Speech Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 19, 1995. "When Classified Ads Lead to Murder: Hitmen, Soldier of Fortune, and the Question of Commercial Speech." Speech Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 20, 1995. Priscilla Murphy and Juliet Dee, "Reconciling the Preferences of Environmental Activists and Corporate Policy-Makers." Top Three Paper, Public Relations Interest Group, International Communication Association Conference, Albaquerque, New Mexico, May 28, 1995. "Can Rape Victims Achieve What Jerry Falwell Could Not? Private Facts Versus Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress: Battle of the Torts." Eastern Communication Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 30, 1995. "Twins Separated at Birth: The Strange Cases of Michael Levin and Leonard Jeffries." Speech Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 21, 1994. "Little Red Riding Hood, Justice Rehnquist and the NEA." Speech Communication Association Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, November 18, 1993. "`To Avoid Charges of Indecency, Please Hang Up Now:' An Analysis of Legislation and Litigation Involving Dial-a-Porn." Speech Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 29, 1992. "`Please Don't Say That Out Loud!" An Analysis of Two Universities' Attempts to Discourage Controversial Speech in Light of `Institutional' Versus `Individual' Academic Freedom." Best Faculty Paper Award, Commission on Freedom of Expression, Speech Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 31, 1992. "Heavy Metal, Rap and the First Amendment." Top Three Paper, Commission on Freedom of Expression, Speech Communication Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2, 1991. Priscilla Murphy and Juliet Dee. "Du Pont and Greenpeace: The Dynamics of


Conflict between Corporations and Activist Groups." Top Three Paper, Public Relations Interest Group, International Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 26, 1991. "Developing a Feminist Perspective on Images of Violence against Women in Advertising." Speech Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1, 1990. Juliet Dee, Doug McLeod, Elizabeth M. Perse, Nancy Signorielli and Meg Crohan. "News Coverage of Abortion, Public Opinion and Statistics: Are They Related?" American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1990. "From `Pure Speech' to Dial-a-Porn: Negligence, the First Amendment and the Hierarchy of Protected Speech." Speech Communication Association Conference, San Francisco, California, November 18, 1989. "Greenpeace and DuPont: Dialogue in Deepwater." Speech Communication Association Conference Seminar on Environmental Advocacy, San Francisco, California, November 18, 1989. "Prior Restraint, Prepublication Review and Sabre-Rattling: Legal Confrontations Between the Press, Ex-CIA Agents and the Government Over the Past Two Decades." International Communication Association Conference, San Francisco, California, May 29, 1989. "`Disgorging Benefits' and Plugging Dikes: An Analysis of the Legal Arguments Advanced by the United States and United Kingdom to Stop Former Intelligence Agents from Publishing What They Know." Speech Communication Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 3, 1988. "Dial-a-Porn, Heavy Metal and Hitmen: Can Media Be Legally Accountable for Alleged Effects?" International Television Studies Conference, London, England, July 22, 1988. "Media Accountability for Media Effects: Negligence or First Amendment Law?" Speech Communication Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, November 6, 1987. "They Were `Framed': An Analysis of Narrative Theory and Selective Perception in Media Reports of the Chicago Seven Trial." International Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 25, 1987. James Inciardi and Juliet Dee. "From the Keystone Cops to Miami Vice: Images of Policing in American Popular Culture." Eastern Communication Association


Convention, Syracuse, New York, May 20, 1987. Yayoi Anzai, Juliet Dee and Federico Subervi. "Mutual Images: Americans and Japanese in TV Commercials." Eastern Communication Association Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 3, 1986. "Media Accountability for Media Effects: The Conflict between Negligence and First Amendment Law." Television 1985-86: Issues for the Industry and the Audience Conference, Hempstead, Long Island, November 19,1985. "Selective Perception in a Non-Vacuum: Thoughts on the Chicago Seven Trial." Speech Communication Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, November 7, 1985. Juliet Dee and Regina Wood. "The Effects of Age and Sex Differences on Perceptions of Newscaster Credibility." Eastern Communication Association Convention, Providence, Rhode Island, May 4, 1985. "Myths and Mirrors: A Qualitative Analysis of Images of Violence against Women in Mainstream Advertising." Southern Speech Communication Association Convention, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, April l3, 1985. Judy Jones and Juliet Dee. "Cultural Images in Advertising: What You See Is Who You Are." Sixth Annual Convention of the National Women's Studies Association, New Brunswick, New Jersey, June 28, 1984. "Television as an Artistic Medium: What the Writers Say." Eastern Communication Association Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 9, 1984. "Television Writers and the Viewers." Eastern Communication Association Convention, Ocean City, Maryland, April 28, 1983. "And Now a Word from Women and Minorities in Television (But Just a Few, Please)." Communication, Language and Gender Conference, Athens, Ohio, October 16, 1982. "The Hollywood TV Writer." Eastern Communication Association

Convention, Hartford, Connecticut, May 7, 1982.



2012-2013 Member, University of Delaware’s Game Studies Research Group: Phill Penix-Tadsen is principal investigator of this multi-disciplinary research group; the College of Arts and Science awarded $9,940 to this group for research on effects of video games.

1986 Delaware Humanities Forum award of $3850 to run a one-day seminar entitled "Television; A Social Phenomenon: A Seminar on the Effects of Television Programming on American Social Habits and Morals from 1948 to the Present," held November 15, 1986, Clayton Hall. 1986 Office of Computer-Based Instruction grant of $22,463 to fund videodisc based tape editing simulator entitled "Basics of Editing Videotape," designed to enhance teaching of television production courses by University of Delaware Communication Department Service University Committees 1998-present Member, Executive Committee, Legal Studies Program 2017-present Chair, Seminar Sub-Committee for Legal Studies Program 2013-2017 Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public

Events (CAPE) 2008-2012 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE) 2005-2009 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Welfare and Privileges 2004-2005 Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE) 2001-2005 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE) 2002-2004 Member, Faculty Senate, University of Delaware 1997-1998 Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE)


1996-1997 Member, Board of Senior Thesis Readers 1996-1998 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Freedom 1995-1997 Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE) 1994-1995 Chair, Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE) 1995-1996 Member, Panel of Judges for Oxford Debate Auditions 1992-1995 Member, Faculty Senate Admissions and Standing Committee 1989-1996 Member, Legal Studies Program 1986-1999 Member, University of Delaware Commission on Sexuality College Committees 2012-2017 Member, College of Arts & Science Career Services Advisory

Committee 2008 Member, Search Committee for Assistant Director, Student Center, and

General Manager of WVUD 1994 Member, Search Committee for Performance Events Supervisor, Mitchell Hall 1985-86 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Department of Communication Other Service to University Organized panel discussion (with pre-law advisor Wayne Batchis) for pre-law

students on “What’s It Like to Practice Law?” led by Johnna Moyer Darby, October 4, 2017

Co-Panelist (with Jenny Lambe and Wayne Batchis), Can You Take a Joke?

October 18, 2017, 231 Pearson Hall (discussion with undergraduates, organized for Free Speech Week)


1998-2000 Wrote and edited first and second issues of "Legal Briefs," the official newsletter of the Legal Studies Program 1995 Produced and directed 20-minute video drama It's Academic written by Scott Mason, designed to inform University of Delaware students about where to go for academic assistance (currently being used in SkilMod courses on campus) Communication Department Service 2016-2017 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Department of

Communication 2015 Chair, Peer Review Committee for Carolyn White Bartoo 2012 Member, Department of Communication Undergraduate Curriculum

Committee 2012-present Member, Planning Committee for Department of Communication’s

40th Anniversary Celebration 2013 Member, Peer Review Committee for Ralph Begleiter 2006 Chair, Peer Review Committees for Ralph Begleiter and Phil Wescott 2004 Chair, Peer Review Committee for Phil Wescott 2003 Chair, Peer Review Committee for Ralph Begleiter 2001-02 Headed Search Committee for Public Relations Instructor position, filled by Phil Wescott 2002 Served on Search Committees for Professors Lance Holbert and Steve Mortenson 2001-2017 Represented Communication Department at following events: Sept 23, 2017 Blue & Golden Days, 100 Wolf Hall Feb 20, 2016 Decision Days, 205 Gore Hall Oct 20, 2015 Free Speech Week July 18, 2015 Discovery Days, Trabant Center Oct 19, 2013 Blue & Golden Days, Perkins Student Center July 13, 2013 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center


April 6, 2013 Decision Days, 100 Wolf Hall April 21, 2012 Decision Days, 100 Kirkbride Hall July 21, 2012 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center July 16, 2011 Discovery Days, Trabant Student Center April 9, 2011 Decision Days, 100 Kirkbride Hall July 17, 2010 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center March 13, 2009 Majors & Minors on Main Street, Trabant Student Center April 11, 2009 Decision Days, 100 Kirkbride July 18, 2009 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center Oct 11, 2008 Blue & Golden Days, 130 Smith Hall July 26, 2008 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center April 11, 2008 Majors & Minors on Main Street, Trabant Student Center April 19, 2008 Decision Days, 100 Kirkbride Sept 29, 2007 Blue & Golden Days, 130 Smith Hall July 7, 2007 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center April 14, 2007 Delaware Decision Days, 100 Kirkbride Oct 21, 2006 Blue & Golden Days, 130 Smith Hall July 22, 2006 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center Nov 12, 2005 Blue & Golden Days, 130 Smith Hall July 9, 2005 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center Oct 16, 2004 Blue & Golden Saturday, 130 Smith Hall July 10, 2004 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center Oct 25, 2003 Blue & Golden Saturday, 130 Smith Hall July 12, 2003 Discovery Days, Bob Carpenter Center April 12, 2003 Decision Days, Rodney Room, Perkins Student Center July 14, 2001 University of Delaware Preview Days, Bob Carpenter Center April 7, 2001 University of Delaware Discovery Days, Gore Hall April 5, 2001 Major Mania, Morris Library Mall July 13, 2002 University of Delaware Preview Days, Bob Carpenter Center 2002 Served on FAAR Evaluation Committee 1994 Served on FAAR Evaluation Committee 1993 Served on FAAR Evaluation Committee 1989 Headed Search Committee for Television Production Instructor 1986/1989 Served on Search Committees for Professors Signorielli, Burggraf, McLeod, Pavitt, Perse and Samter 1989/1991 Served on Two-Year Peer Review Committees for Professors Murphy, McLeod and Perse 1987 to present Served on Curriculum Committee for Mass Communication Concentration


Service to Discipline 2013 to present Editorial Board, First Amendment Studies 2016 to present Editorial Board, Communication Law Review 2013-present Reviewer of papers submitted to Freedom of Expression Division

of NCA 2016 Respondent, Panel on “Rhetoric, Conflict and Courtroom Decision

Making,” National Communication Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 12, 2016

2016 Reviewer of papers submitted to Communication & Law Divisions and

Women’s Caucus, National Communication Association 2015 Represented Freedom of Expression at NCA Interest Group Fair, Las

Vegas, Nevada, November 19, 2015 2013 Member, Franklyn S. Haiman Award Committee, NCA 2009-2012 Editor, Free Speech Yearbook 2012 Outside reviewer, Committee on Promotion & Tenure for Dr. Augustine

Pang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2012 Guest speaker, National Communication Association Webinar, “Emerging

Trends in First Amendment Studies,” October 25, 2012 2010 Outside reviewer, Committee on Promotion & Tenure for Dr. Mark Cenite,

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2008 Judge, Scholar-to-Scholar Session V, National Communication

Association, San Diego, California, November 23, 2008 1994-2009 Editorial Board, Free Speech Yearbook 2004-2006 Chair, Freedom of Expression Division, National Communication Association


2001-03 Chair-Elect and Program Planner, Freedom of Expression Commission, National Communication Association 2001 Chair, Franklyn S. Haiman Award Committee, National Communication Association 1999-2000 Chair-Elect, Freedom of Expression Commission, National Communication Association 1998-1999 Secretary, Freedom of Expression Commission, National Communication Association 2005 Respondent, “We Must Not Be Afraid to be Free: Spotlight on Ron Collins.” National Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 12, 2005. 1997 Panelist, Freedom of Expression Commission, Issues in Teaching Courses in Freedom of Expression: A Roundtable Discussion, Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 1997. 1997 Moderator, Panel on Electronic Communications Technology: What Impact on Democracy, Civic Discourse and American Culture? (Speakers included Lawrence Grossman, former President of the Public Broadcasting Service and NBC News), American Bar Association, Charleston, South Carolina, March 7, 1997. 1996 Assistant Program Planner, Commission on Communication and Law, Speech Communication Association, San Diego, California, November 23-26, 1996. 1996 Panelist, Freedom of Expression Commission Roundtable Discussion on

the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Speech Communication Association Convention, San Diego, California, November 25, 1996.

2000-present Reviewer for papers submitted to Freedom of Expression Division, National Communication Association 2007 Reviewer for papers submitted to Mass Communication Division, National

Communication Association

1995-1998 Reviewer for papers submitted to Communication Law and Policy Interest Group, International Communication Association. 1994-96 Reviewer for papers submitted to Commission on Communication and Law, Speech Communication Association


1994-96 Reviewer for papers submitted to Mass Communication Division, Speech Communication Association 1993-96 Secretary, Commission on Communication and Law, Speech Communication Association 1992 Chair, Panel on Contemporary Issues in Freedom of Expression, Speech Communication Association Convention, Chicago, October 30, 1992. 1990 Reviewer, Journal of Communication Conferences Program Planner, First Amendment Congress (one-day conference on the First Amendment), Wilmington College, October 25, 1991 Organized one-day conference at Clayton Hall entitled "Television, A Social Phenomenon: The Effects of Television Programming on American Social Habits and Morals from 1948 to the Present," November 15, 1986 Community Service Worked with pre-law advisor Wayne Batchis to organize panel discussion for pre-

law students on “What’s It Like to Practice Law?” led by Johnna Moyer Darby, October 4, 2017

Co-Panelist (with Jenny Lambe and Wayne Batchis), Can You Take a Joke?

October 18, 2017, 231 Pearson Hall (discussion with undergraduates, organized for Free Speech Week)

2016 Arranged for screening of documentary film Men in the Arena with panel

discussion featuring Black Hawk Down author Mark Bowden, along with producer and director of Men in the Arena, Thursday, November 3, 2016, 130 Sharp Laboratory.

2015 Served on Panel for “Symposium on Hate Speech,” Clayton Hall, April 27,

2015 2006 Judge, Delaware Press Association Book Contest 1991 to present Honorary member, Golden Key National Honor Society 1992 Chair, Subcommittee on Academic Freedom, First Amendment Committee of Delaware


Interviews granted to media on First Amendment law and other issues August 15, 2016 WDEL-AM: Media and presidential candidates May 20, 2015 The Review: Symposium explores hate speech February 20, 2013 The Review: Breaking up on Facebook: legal issues September 4, 2012 The Review: TV talent contests such as The Sing-Off July 21, 2011 WGN-Chicago: Threats against President Obama November 16, 2010 The Review: Garcetti v. Ceballos (academic freedom) October 4, 2010 The Review: Students’ Most Amusing Excuses April 22, 2008 The Review: Presidential Race and Wikipedia August 31, 2007 WSDL-FM: Blogs and Defamation (Salisbury, MD) April 10, 2007 WDEL-AM: Don Imus and Rutgers Basketball Team April 18, 2006 The Review: Ratemyprofessor.com: Popular site May 27, 2005 WHYY-TV: Freedom of Information Act November 19, 2004 The Review: UD vows to crack down on file-sharing March 15, 2004 WILM-AM: Indecency laws on radio and television January 13, 2004 WILM-AM: Voter apathy and Delaware Legislature December 8, 2003 WILM-AM: Consolidation and radio format changes June 8, 2003 WILM-AM: FCC decision to relax ownership rules May 29, 2003 WHYY-TV: Changes proposed: FCC ownership rules March 1, 2002 The Review: "How Much Do Your `Friends' Get Paid? November 13, 2001 The Review: "U.S. News May Air in Afghanistan" February 13, 2001 The Review: "Gunman Depressed" March 19, 1999 The Review: "Shows Hit the Spin Cycle" June 26, 1998 News Journal: "Conspiracy Theory" November 16, 1997 Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana): "Still Funny at 50" (about TV sitcoms) March 28, 1997 The Review: "Communication Decency Act" March 19, 1997 Delaware State News: "Arguments on Internet Bill" November 5, 1996 WVUD-FM: Election night commentator November 17, 1995 The Review: "Bringing back the Beatles" October 13, 1995 The Review: "No courtroom camera" September 8, 1995 The Review: "TV murder coverage up" July 13, 1995 WHYY-TV: V-chips and the First Amendment November 23, 1994 WHYY-TV: Power Rangers and copycat violence October 25, 1994 The Review: "Broadcast laws challenged" May 8, 1994 WVUD-FM: Rock music censorship April 27, 1994 WHYY-TV: Richard Nixon and the media April 13, 1994 WAFL-FM: Freedom of Information Act November 23, 1993 WHYY-TV: Ethics in Broadcast Advertising July 13, 1992 WHYY-TV: Media coverage of Democratic and Republican conventions January 25, 1991 WHYY-TV: Media coverage of Persian Gulf War April 17, 1991 WILM-AM: Reporting names of rape victims October 4, 1991 WHYY-TV: Free speech in public schools October 13, 1991 WXDR: Rock music censorship


October 30, 1991 WHYY-TV: First Amendment and TV violence Guest Lectures 2017 “Cyberbullying and the First Amendment, Professor Danna Young’s

Honors Colloquium on Communication Theory (Communication 256), September 12, 2017, Pearson Hall.

2016 “Cyberbullying and the First Amendment,” Professors Betsy Perse and

James Angelini’s Honors Colloquium on Communication Theory (Communication 256), September 21, 2016, Pearson Hall.

2017 Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat

Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 11, 2017, Memorial Hall.

2016 “Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat

Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 12, 2016, Memorial Hall.

2015 “Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat

Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 14, 2015, Memorial Hall.

2015 “Hate Speech and Social Networks.” Symposium on Hate Speech, April

27, 2015, Clayton Hall. 2014 “Cyberbullying: There Ought to Be a Law.” Department of Communication

Colloquium, September 17, 2014. 2014 “Cyberbullying: There Ought to Be a Law.” Radford University, September

15, 2014. 2014 “Edward Snowden and the National Security Agency.” Panel on “Privacy in

the Electronic Age.” Radford University, September 15, 2014. 2014 “Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat

Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 15, 2014, Memorial Hall.

2013 “I’m Schmacked Arrests and the First Amendment,” Art of Interpretation

Honors Colloquium, Professor Richard Hanley’s class, September 30, 2013


2013 “Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club, and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 16, 2013, Memorial Hall

2012 “Media Liability in Copycat Violence Cases,” Art of Interpretation Honors

Colloquium, Professor Richard Hanley’s class, October 1, 2012 2012 “Radio Contests, The Mickey Mouse Club, and Grand Theft Auto: Copycat

Violence, Homicide and the First Amendment,” Governor’s School for Excellence, July 17, 2012, Memorial Hall

2006 “The Media and the First Amendment” (with Jenny Lambe). Sponsored by

the Delaware Humanities Forum, Brandywine Hundred Library, January 31, 2006.

2006 “Race and the Media.” Sponsored by the Delaware Humanities Forum.

Bear Library, January 16, 2006. 2006 “How We are Perceived in the Media Abroad” (with Ralph Begleiter).

Sponsored by the Delaware Humanities Forum. Claymont Library, January 9, 2006.

2005 “What’s Wrong—You Can’t Take a Joke? Images of Violence against

Women in Magazine Advertising. Research on Women Fall Lecture Series, 103 Gore Hall, September 14, 2005.

2003 "Church, State and the Pledge of Allegiance." Sponsored by the University of Delaware Civil Liberties Union. Trabant University Center, November 10, 2003. 2003 Respondent for Georgetown University Professor Kristen Ann Goss' paper, "Gun Control and the Policy-Politics Paradox: How Strategies Constrain Participation." Legal Studies Conference on Gun Control: Controversy, Social Values and Policy. Perkins Student Center, October 23, 2003. 2003 "Basketball Diaries, Natural Born Killers and School Shootings: Should There Be Limits on Speech which Triggers Copycat Violence?" Legal Studies Seminar Series, 228 Purnell Hall, March 7, 2003. 2002 "Heavy Metal, School Shootings and Natural Born Killers: Media Liability and the First Amendment." Sponsored by the Scholar in the Library Lecture Series, Morris Library, November 6, 2002. 2002 "Violence on Television." Interactive program on television violence presented to three first-grade classes, Immaculate Heart of Mary Elementary School, May 20, 2002.


2001 "Why Journalists Need to Know Mass Media Law." Communication Magnet Program, Mount Pleasant High School, January 5, 2001. 2001 "From Pure Speech to Natural Born Killers: Negligence, First Amendment Law and Protected Speech." The Governor's School for Excellence, July 17, 2001. 2000 "Taking the `Rats' Out of `Bureaucrats:' Can Subliminal Messages in Advertising Influence Our Behavior?" Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, DuPont Experimental Station, December 5, 2000. 2000 "Hit Men, Natural Born Killers and the First Amendment." Torch Club of Delaware, Blue & Gold Club, October 11, 2000. 2000 "From Pure Speech to Basketball Diaries and Natural Born Killers: Negligence, First Amendment Law and Protected Speech." The Governor's School for Excellence, July 18, 2000. 2000 "Is Your Right of Privacy Protected on the Internet?" Delaware Human Relations Commission Fair Housing Summit 2000, Wyndham Garden Hotel, Wilmington, April 27, 2000. 2000 "You've Got Mail, But Who Else Can Read It? Computer Privacy at the University of Delaware." Talk sponsored by University of Delaware Civil Liberties Union, 205 Kirkbride, April 18, 2000. 1999 "First Amendment Rights of Students." Conference sponsored by American Civil Liberties Union, 209 Trabant University Center, November 3, 1999. 1999 "`The Music Made Me Do It:' Media Liability and the First Amendment." "The Law and You" Lecture Series, 104 Gore Hall, February 26, 1999. 1999 "From Pure Speech to Basketball Diaries and Natural Born Killers: Negligence, First Amendment Law and Protected Speech." The Governor's School for Excellence, July 21, 1999. 1999 "Hit Men, Chemistry Textbooks and the First Amendment." Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, DuPont Experimental Station, January 19, 1999. 1998 "Heavy Metal, Hit Men and the First Amendment." 179 Graham Hall, October 28, 1998. 1998 "What's Wrong--You Can't Take a Joke? A Qualitative Analysis of


Advertisers' `Defenses' of Images of Violence against Women in Print Ads." Women's Studies Research on Women Fall 1998 Lecture Series, Perkins Student Center, September 16, 1998. 1998 "From Pure Speech to Beavis and Butthead: Negligence, First Amendment Law and Protected Speech." The Governor's School for Excellence, Clayton Hall, July 15, 1998. 1997 Panelist, "Freedom of the Press versus Our Privacy, Paparazzi, Pre-trial Publicity and Constitutional Rights." Purnell Hall, October 15, 1997. 1997 "From Pure Speech to Beavis and Butthead: Negligence, First Amendment Law and Protected Speech." The Governor's School for Excellence, Clayton Hall, July 24, 1997. 1996 Discussion Leader, Festival of Irish Film, Museum of Natural History, March 29, 1996. 1995 "Subliminal Messages in Advertising." Lane Hall, November 27, 1995. 1995 "Subliminal Messages in Advertising." Squire Lounge, April 20, 1995. 1994 "Subliminal Messages in Advertising." Gilbert-F Hall, October 10, 1994. Voted "Program of the Month." 1994 "Images of Violence against Women in Advertising" (for Professor Tom McFalls' course entitled "Deviance"), April 4, 1994. 1994 "Women in the Media." Brown Hall Lounge, April 5, 1994. 1993 "Subliminal Messages in Advertising." Russell Hall, April 27, 1993. 1992 "Effects of Alcohol Advertising," DuPont Safety Meeting, Louviers Plant, July 21, 1992. 1991 "Slasher Films and Copycat Violence" (talk given as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Week, October 29, 1991). 1991 Panelist, "Effects of New Technologies." First Amendment Congress of Delaware, October 25, 1991. 1989-96 Guest speaker, Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, DuPont Experimental Station, DuPont Chambers Works and ICI International.


1987-95 Images of Women in Advertising (guest lecture given at Pencader Commons, Rodney Commons, Harrington and Sussex; also given to Du Pont Women's Resource Groups at the Experimental Station and Barley Mill Station). 1986-89 Media Portrayals of Sexuality (talk given each semester for IFS 401: Foundations of Human Sexuality). 2002 Media Consultant, Delaware Partnership for Alcohol Responsibility 1985-86 Media Consultant, Women's Task Force on Substance Abuse

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