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July 2019


Priest-in-Charge : Rev Graham Hedger 14 St Peters Close, Charsfield IP13 7RG Tel: 01473 737280 Mobile: 07388 117656 Email: revgrahamhedger@outlook.com

Churchwarden : Jane Woodbury-Eggins Bickley, Harriers Walk Tel: 746667 Treasurer : Malcolm Plews Easton House The Street Tel: 746443 Magazine Editor : Clare Owen 5 Harriers Walk Tel: 745015


Flowers Cleaning

6th July Martin & Luke Martin & Luke

13th July Jane Woodbury-Eggins Jane Woodbury-Eggins

20th July Jane Woodbury-Eggins Jane Woodbury-Eggins

27th July Mary Willson Jayne Gibson



From Revd Graham Hedger

Worship is the offering of ourselves to God, through the whole of our lives. It is expressed in how we live our lives and seek to experience God at work in and through us. One of the main ways we do this is when we gather with others to worship God in song and the reading of the bible. This month sees two special services that will enable us to worship God in different ways. Both take place on 21 July. In a world full of noise and activity, the opportunity to pause, be still and silent is often welcomed. This month sees the start of a monthly service using music from the Taizé tradition. Taizé is a Roman Catholic community in France. People from all Christian traditions and none flock to Taizé throughout the year to participate in simple worship and experience the welcome afforded to them by the religious community. In recent years the music of Taizé has spread throughout the world. We often use Taizé songs in weekly worship. They are simple and repetitive enabling people to learn them quickly. The service we will be using is simple in structure, with the use of music, song, space for quiet, and prayers. It provides an opportunity to explore a different style of worship. We will be using the Taizé style worship in special services for the next four months, on the third Sunday at 4 pm in Easton Village Hall. I hope that many people will take the opportunity to come and take part. Many of us have pets and draw much comfort from them. They provide companionship, and comfort. For many people they live in mutual inter- dependence with their pets. In recognition of this there will be a special ‘Pets Service’ on 21 July at 11 am on the lawn at the Archdeaconry (formerly the Rectory) in Marlesford, by the kind permission of the Archdeacon and Mrs Morgan. I hope many people will come, and if appropriate bring your pets. My bearded dragons will not be leaving their warm vivarium but will appear via a photo, so if your pet can’t come bring a photo! Whilst on the theme of services, thank you to all who attended the special service of commissioning and re-commissioning of elders in June. It was a very special service. At the beginning of this month we welcome the Revd Canon Dave Gardner, Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry, as our guest preacher at the benefice service on 7 July at 10 am at Parham. Do come along and hear Dave as he encourages us in the work of mission and ministry in our parishes. Last month we said farewell to Carol Rook from Easton. Carol has been treasurer in Easton and an elder in the benefice for many years. She has also been a mainstay, not just of the church community, but with her husband, John, of many other village organisations. We wish them well as they move to Dorset.



Church Matters ………..

Carol and John Rook

The June Sunday Cafe was an opportunity for people from the village to say "au revoir" to Carol and John, who received National Garden Tokens in a brief presentation.

We thanked them (again) for all they have done for Easton over the years and we send them our love and best wishes in their new home. We shall miss them!

Orebeck Benefice Services

Because there is a fifth Sunday in June, there will be a benefice communion service at Easton on 30th June.

The benefice service on 7th July will be at Parham at 10 am hours.

On 4th August the benefice communion service will be at Brandeston at 10 am.


As a new venture, there will be a Taizé service in the Village Hall at 4 pm on Sunday 21st July. This is a quiet, contemplative worship style. Further services are on 18th August, 15th September and 20th October.

Discussion Group

There is no meeting in July. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 7th August at Almond Tree Cottage, when we shall be looking at what the natural world can teach us of God and his creation. The meeting will start with coffee/tea at 10.30 am. New members are always welcome.

Dates for your Diary

No significant dates in the next couple of months.

Jane Woodbury-Eggins




It was standing room only at Luke and Vicki's wedding on 8th June in the church. We all held our breath in the morning as the rain poured down, but it stopped in time for the ceremony and there was even a glimmer of sunshine for the photos. Vicki and Luke live in London but have been coming to church regularly here in order to get married in this church. Family and friends enthusi-astically supported the couple who looked radiantly happy. During the ceremony there was music from a violinist as well as organ accompani-ment and their wedding reception was held at Glevering Hall. We wish Vicki and Luke a long, healthy and happy marriage and send them our love and blessing.

Jane Woodbury-Eggins


A fond farewell to all our friends and acquaintances in Easton. We have enjoyed a wonderful life here and are now starting on the next chapter

of our lives with our family.

We have been totally overwhelmed by the cards, gifts and good will messages received: thank you all SO much. Words can't express our

feelings for all the love and good wishes shown to us.

We shall miss you all. With our love and thanks,

John & Carol Rook



is hosting

Sunday Cafe Easton Village Hall

21st July 10.00 - 11.30 am

Bacon rolls made to order, croissants, toast. Homemade sausage rolls, savouries, cakes,

cheese and fruit scones. All available to eat in or take away.

Make new friends and meet up with old ones.



(Re)Commissioning of Lay Elders

in the Orebeck Benefice Sunday 2 June was a special day in the life of our Orebeck Benefice. As is usual on a first Sunday, all seven parishes met together for worship. Our services rotate alphabetically around the Benefice as each month passes, and it was Marlesford’s turn to be the host. Archdeacon Ian Morgan is still away ill, so in his place we were pleased to welcome the Rev Jeanette Gosney, Bishop’s Ministry Officer, who is currently acting Archdeacon. Part way through the service, Carol Cooke was commissioned as an Elder and alongside her, five of the existing Elders were recommis-sioned. As for the sixth, we were sad to say goodbye to Carol Rook from Easton, who is moving to be closer to her family. The role of an elder is to work with the minister of the parish in many different spheres. As Jeanette welcomed the Elders, she was keen to point out that although the elders do an excellent job it is up to all of us to contribute to the life of the church in our villages and communities. The Orebeck Benefice Ministry Team (From left to right): Jackie Clark, Carol Rook, Jane Slade, Carol Cooke, Rev Canon Graham Hedger, John Bradfield, Mary Baker, Jane Woodbury-Eggins.






In your role as Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer you will be an employee of the Parish Council, responsible for maintaining the administration of the Parish Council within the legal boundaries set for Local Government. Candidates must have a full understanding of the role, with a minimum of 3 years’ experience, hourly rate negotiable and in accordance with experience. This is a varied and rewarding post. Further details – Chair, Mrs Sue Piggott 01728 746622 / sue.e.piggott@btinternet.com. To apply, please send CV and 2 References with completed Application Form (downloadable from PC Website) to The Chair Easton Parish Council, Oakburn, Harriers Walk, Easton, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0HA



The sun’s shining and it's time to enjoy a glass of wine or cup of tea while watching a game of cricket or bowls. Visitors are always welcome at both clubs and you might even fancy giving one of the sports a try.


Sat 06 1st XI v Halstead 2 Home 2nd XI v Needham Market Away Sun 07 Sunday XI v Castle Hedingham Away Ladies XI v Thriplow Away Sat 13 1st XI v Mildenhall 3 Away 2nd XI v Hadleigh Home Sun 14 Sunday XI v Battisford District Away Ladies XI v Melton St Audreys Home Sat 20 2nd XI v Battisford District Away Sun 21 Sunday XI v Bardwell Home Ladies XI v Woolpit Away Sat 27 1st XI v Eight Ash Green Away Sun 28 Sunday XI v Old Newton Away Ladies XI v Copdock Home

Matches start at 1.00pm


Tue 02 Woodbridge League Laxfield Away 7.00 pm Thurs 04 Easton Challenge Home 6.30 pm Sun 07 Open Hammond Trophy Home 11.00 am Mon 08 Open Pairs Tournament Home 10.00 am Tues 09 Woodbridge League Waldringfield Home 7.00 pm Thurs 11 Fynn League Wickham Market Away 6.45 pm Tues 16 Woodbridge League Dennington Away 7.00 pm Thurs 18 Fynn League Melton Home 6.45 pm Tues 23 Woodbridge League Melton Home 7.00 pm Thurs 25 Fynn League Waldringfield Away 6.45 pm Mon 29 Open Pairs Tournament Home 10.00 am Tues 30 Woodbridge League Otley Away 7.00 pm




The Parish Council [PC] continues with its responsibilities, the cemetery and burials, village car park, village play area, village grass cutting, along with projects for the village. Minutes, Financial Statements and docu-ments can be found on the website and Minutes on the Notice Board. The PC may be contacted directly as well. Over the year the Car Park has had a concrete bay installed for the Recycling Bins, this keeps the bins off the car parking area. The fly tipping problems at the bins seem to have ceased. The PC organised the WW1 Centenary Beacon event which took place on the 11th November last year. It was very well attended and received, the bells were rung and beacon lit and a hog roast was provided. The village green Christmas tree was arranged by the PC, volunteers decorated it and the tree looked beautiful. The PC are happy to ensure that this is organised each year. The PC continues to financially support the Speed-Watch initiative which requires the speed gun to be calibrated annually and incidentals that arise throughout the year. The WWI centenary village signposts have now been put in place. The signposts are owned by the PC but under licence, specification, and jurisdiction of Suffolk County Council and as a result of their lengthy processes it was not until 20th May that they were finally installed, despite starting the process back in 2017. Last year the PC passed over to the Village Hall notification and applica-tion forms for SCDC CIL funding. The PC congratulates the Village Hall for their successful application, the result of which was given in October last year, which was to grant the Village Hall £38,000 to put towards their funds for a £48,000 programme of works to replace the flat roof, and make improvements to the toilets and hall area. The PC received a grant application from the Village Hall. Although the request was for £400 to aid the running expenses of the hall, the


income gave a surplus, the PC congratulates the Village Hall committee in its hard work to achieve this. This year the PC decided to grant £400 to the Village Hall to develop a bespoke website. Easton Village Hall will be able to have visible booking fees, booking conditions, booking enquiry forms, details of classes, promote events, news, committee membership details, charity details and documents, which should help and support promoting Village Hall bookings. Also, to support the Village Hall the PC would like to put forward a member to join the Village Hall committee, as in previous years. The Neighbourhood Plan has had to stall, because East Suffolk Local Plan Review is in process and has to be adopted and concluded before the Neighbourhood Plan can reach completion. This ensures that the Easton Neighbourhood Plan will be examined against the most up to date Local Plan and ensure the greatest strength to its policies. The next stage will be a community event which will display the Neighbourhood Plan in its draft form, prior to the examination and adoption by East Suffolk Council. It is hoped this will happen by the end of this year. The PC has decided to pursue some projects to spend the community infrastructure levy money that comes to the PC. The money from the Hopkins development comes in three instalments; one has been received along with an individual build in the village which totals £15,700; there will be two more instalments from Hopkins Homes which will bring the total to approximately £44,500. The details of these funds are within Financial Statements produced by the PC and can be viewed at any time on the website or by contacting the PC. The Household Survey conducted for the Neighbourhood Plan guided the PC on their decisions for spending the CIL monies which must be within criteria set by East Suffolk Council. A high percentage indicated that addressing volume and speed of traffic was a priority. The PC will pursue a project to put physical speed calming for the village by way of pull outs which create points of road narrowing. It means that the space left will not allow for two cars to pass, and has shown to be effective in other parts of the country. These pull outs can be simple and marked each end with rustic posts to fit into the conservation status of the village.


Almost 100 percent of respondents wished to see a wildflower meadow and community orchard. The PC will explore purchasing a parcel of land to deliver a wildflower meadow and community orchard. Also, replacement of equipment in the Play Area. The annual ROSPA inspection reports are starting to show that replacements are needed. This year has been an election year which has resulted in six elected Parish Councillors, with one vacant seat. There is a vacancy for a Clerk. The PC is advertising for an experienced and suitable Clerk. The Chair has many years of clerking experience and can keep the PC administra-tion going on an interim basis as Acting Clerk which is legally accepted by the District Council and is the situation that many other Parish Councils have. On behalf of the Parish Councillors, I would like to thank all the members of the community who consistently thank the PC and show their appreciation for the work that the PC does. All Councillors give a lot of their time to meet their duty as a Parish Councillor and they do their very best to ensure the PC meets its legal obligations and works within its powers.

For and on behalf of Easton Parish Council - Chair, Easton Parish Council


Easton Table Tennis has been on the go for ten years or so and has eight regular members.

If there’s anyone who is interested in joining, please come along and give it a try, or give me a ring to find out more.

We meet at 6.30pm every Wednesday evening in the Village Hall and usually retire to The White Horse for a drink after-wards, so it is a very social club.

The fees are £5 per player. John Owen


Easton Belles WI

For our WI meeting on 23rd July we will be meeting at Marlesford Community Centre at 7.00 pm for a gentle walk (approx 45 minutes), followed by tea and scones. If it is wet we will have some fun in the hall instead. This is the link to all you need to know about Marlesford and should help you find the Community Centre. You need to press the Control button and click your mouse and it will open up in a brand new page!

https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1461760 New members are always very welcome with no charge for their first visit. So why not come along either on your own or bring a friend to see for yourself what a friendly and fun group we are.

Enquiries to: Sylvia Mothersole - 747458

There is no Village People Profile this month.



I would love to hear from anyone who would be interested in taking part on behalf of Easton Church. Do ring me for details and sponsorship forms.

I shall be giving up organising this event after this September. Would anyone help by taking over this easy job please? Someone who is available on the second Saturday in September!

Christine Burgoyne

T: 747443



Courier Fraud, Bogus Police and Bank Officials Alert Action Fraud has issued an alert regarding current fraudulent activity. Some of this has been previously reported but as with many scams they are often resurrected with subtle alterations. Below is one of the latest. What you need to know Individuals have been receiving phone calls from people claiming to be a police officer or banking official. The suspect will say either: There has been fraudulent activity at the victim’s bank and the

staff at the bank are involved, the victim is then asked to withdraw money to either keep it safe or assist the police with their investi-gation

A business such as a jewellers or currency exchange is fraudulent and they require the victim's assistance to help secure evidence by purchasing jewellery or exchange a large amount of currency to hand over to the police

The victim's card has been compromised and used to purchase goods by a suspect, the victim is requested to withdraw their money to keep it safe or hand over their bank card to the police

Occasionally the victim will be told to dial a non-emergency extension of ‘161’ to receive confirmation of the individual’s bogus identity, the bogus official will advise the victim to lie about the reason for the withdrawal or purchase if challenged by staff, as the staff member is involved in the fraud

A courier attends the victim’s home address to collect the goods the same day, often the victim is given a code word for the courier as a way of authentication

Your bank or the police will never:

Phone and ask you for your PIN or full banking password

Ask you to withdraw money to hand over to them for safe-keeping

Ask you to transfer money out of your account Send someone to your home to collect cash, PINs, cards to

cheque books. John Owen



Citizens Advice – here to help! Leiston Citizens Advice gives free advice, help and support to hundreds of people throughout East Suffolk every year. We advise across a wide range of issues including benefits, debt and money, employment, housing, consumer problems, utility issues, relation-ships and family problems.

On an everyday basis our advisers help clients make and manage benefit applications, including Universal Credit, and advise on benefit appeals. We support and help clients through managing and dealing with their debts, and we guide clients through the issues they face when relationships break down, or they face separation or divorce. We are there to help in emergencies when people become homeless, are escaping abuse or have nothing to eat. We are also the first point of contact for people who have a consumer problem, for example, with repairs or something they have bought.

The majority of Citizens Advice advisers are trained volunteers. In our East Suffolk Leiston office volunteers have the back up of a small group of paid staff - a manager, two supervisors and a dedicated money advice specialist and assistant.

Our main office is in Leiston and we hold outreach sessions in Woodbridge, Saxmundham, Aldeburgh, Wickham Market, Alderton and Framlingham. We work from GP surgeries, libraries, children’s centres and community centres in an effort to reach isolated communities and address poor public transport in the rural areas of Suffolk.

Anyone who needs to contact us can drop in – no appointment necessary. Our Leiston office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10am and 2pm. Our outreach offices are open at different times throughout the week – for in-formation phone 01728 832193 or check www.leistoncab.org for venues and times.

Finally, a word about Citizens Advice volunteers. Citizens Advice is always looking for new volunteers, including to help with fund-raising. If there is anyone in the parish who would like to talk to us about volunteering – there are a range of roles available – please get in touch with our Manager, Martin Jones, at bureau@leistoncab.cabnet.org.uk or give him a call on 01728 832193.


Easton Ramblers Cricket Club – Final Part These photographs are reproduced by kind permission of Ben Reiss, The National Trust for Scotland. They were taken by Lady Mary Douglas-Hamilton in 1912/1913.

The above photograph was taken facing Framlingham Road with the Round Cottage just visible on the right.

Club House and nets.


The Club House

Cricket Team 1907


nd Left, seated Bob Taylor Pro. & Groundsman

Extreme Right, James Best, Head Gardener & Umpire

(identified from notes by the late W D Akester, previous historian.)

Brian Boon.

The previous three photographs are © National Trust for Scotland.

Brodick Castle.



11.00am The Archdeaconry,


Pets of all sizes and shapes welcome. Do join us even if you haven’t a pet of your own,

there will be others for you to enjoy! Please bring your garden chair or a rug


Letheringham Priory 20th

July 6.00 pm

Musica Antica Rotherhithe

Music for the Wool Merchants

Music drawn from the period when Letheringham Priory was in its prime and the English wool merchants’ cloth was sought as a luxury good across Europe

Reserve your seat at


merchants/ or call 01728 747449 tickets £10.00 adults £2.00 children

All money raised will go to the Priory Church of St Mary restoration fund


Village View in July

Mobile Library

Wednesday 3rd and 31st

12.25—12.45 pm

Easton Farm Park

Sunday Café

21st July

10—11.30 am

Village Hall

Easton Belles WI

Tuesday 23rd July

7.00 pm

Marlesford Community


Strength and Balance Class


2—3 pm

Village Hall

Yoga Flow with Kat Hesse


9.30—10.45 am

Village Hall


Every Wednesday

9.15 am (advanced)

10.15 am (mixed ability) Village Hall

Table Tennis

Every Wednesday

6.30 pm Village Hall

£5 per session

Rabble Chorus Community Choir

Thursday evenings

8—9.30 pm

Village Hall

First session free!

Easton Pre-School

The Hamilton Room at

Easton Farm Park

Mon 8am-4pm

Tues Closed

Weds 8am-4pm

Thurs 8am-4pm

Fri 8am-4pm

Call 746935 for info.


For more information on your local villages, visit the parish


www.easton.onesuffolk.net www.brandeston.net

www.kettleburgh.suffolk.gov.uk www.campseaashe.onesuffolk.net

www.marlesford.com www.parham.onesuffolk.net


Contact details of Councillors that serve Easton

Parish Councillors:

Chair : Sue Piggott T: 01728 746622 (Highways/Cemetery/Burials)

Vice Chair : Adrian Hollins T: 01728 746053 (Pathways Officer)

Fiona Siddall T: 07970 450245 (Joint Play Area Officer)

Bob Gibbon T: 01728 746866 (Emergency Officer)

Jenny Armfield T: 01728 747194 (Joint Cemetery/Burials Officer)

Maureen Birt T: 01728 747242 (Joint Play Area Officer)

One vacancy on PC. Clerk : Vacant

Suffolk County Councillor Robin Vickery T: 07545 423827 E: robin.vickery@suffolk.gov.uk

Suffolk Coastal District Councillor Carol Poulter T: 07833 441349 E:carol.poulter@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk

Do you have something to put in the magazine?

Contributions to the next Parish Magazine should arrive by the 20th of the month before, either by email or by handwritten piece, please.

My email address is :- clareeowen@tiscali.co.uk

or handwritten pieces to me at 5 Harriers Walk,

Village Hall Bookings

Contact Lorna Edwards Email lornaed@hotmail.com

Telephone: 747970


www.suffolkvillagehalls.co.uk … and search Easton

EASTON PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE The Parish Council Website is where you will find all Parish Council documents and information. The address is:


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