july 5, 2017 chapter astral spirits -...

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July 5, 2017

Chapter Astral Spirits

Astral spirit problems Your astral body is a spirit and your spirit can have problems and cause problems, especially after your physical body dies. That is the core message in this chapter and the reason we separated this information from the chapter on Your Astral Body Esoteric information is information withheld from the masses, taught to a chosen few, to insiders, to an inner circle. Exoteric information is what is taught, revealed, allowed to the masses. This chapter is full of esoteric information about the astral body part of the human energy assemblage. It is about your process of dying, and becoming a spirit. Unfortunately lack of information on the importance of dying properly, or healing the astral bodies in the astral dimensions is really messing up your life on the physical dimension. This was difficult to write because there was very little “path” between what we know about astral spirit in this part of the world. Initially this chapter was on how spirits who are traumatized, robotic and controlled by higher, evil forces have a negative influence on human beings. As the writing of this text progressed, we became aware that the subject could not be understood unless you understood “what you are” which includes your entire assemblage of bodies and Mindstrings. We realized that is it how you die and your astral body becomes what we call spirit that is the issue. Years ago we identified the lost, influencing spirits as being the problem. And then we understood that astral bodies are those spirits, but we call them our astral body while we are still alive. But when you die “poorly” you become those spirits who haunt, and terrorize the humans still alive. They also terrorize other spirits.


So if we could no longer point the finger at the spirits/astral bodies for all they have “done” to block your intentions and make you sick, then what? Then we moved into the stage of understanding: “poor spirits” they need our help, they are so lost and sick and cannot be held responsible for what they do. And finally we understood that it is ourselves we need to point the finger at. But not in blame but in compassion, because when we die, all too often we become that type of astral spirit that haunts those that we love. Ultimately we need to have compassion for ourselves, and also do something about the process of our lives, so that the interaction between the spirit world and living beings can improve and ultimately be a positive exchange and support. After all, our astral bodies are those spirits when we die and they can be a huge block to our intentions. Spirit influence Many years ago we woke up in the middle of the night hearing these words, “what do we do with our dead?” And we kept hearing this question, wondering what it was all about. We knew it was important, as this is the way we often get information for research: a thought pops into our head and we know we are on to something. Now we know that popping in our head is most often influence from the masters or at least well intended spirits. Negative spirit influence In this particular case, the statement was really asking a question, which if answered, explains why it is often so hard to achieve your intentions. A lot of what is “wrong” with your life, a lot of the wrong that you do, is due to negative spirit influence blocking your intentions. Most healers will tell you that, as would shamans and medicine men. Because of this, shamans always deal with the interfering spirits before going into the healing of the individual, just as Christ first cast out spirits. Astral spirits are very influential in human lives. As we revealed in the previous chapter, they can attach to you (spirit attachment) and actually enter you (spirit possession). They can attach to your organs or other parts of your body. In Stem Cell Therapy you actually do battle with these spirits. In this way they become an influence, changing you because their intentions are not aligned with yours. Removal of these spirits and their influences corrects psychological, emotional and physical ailments and disease and helps unblock your intentions. We never took care of our astral body


What does that have to do with the question: “what do we do with our dead”? Until recently, most of the spirit attachments and possessions we find with our clients are spirits that once had physical bodies and are now “dead”, as in no longer possessing a physical body. They, their astral body is still very much alive, though not so well. And their lack of wellness and psychological issues are often the cause of your suffering and blocked intentions when they are near you. Even though their physical body is dead, they are an astral spirit with emotions and thoughts and these can and do transfer to those still living. Traumatic death If these people had died in the proper state of consciousness, they would have continued on their evolutionary process towards the light, as the loss of their physical body is the first part of that process. They would never have lingered near the physical dimension, influencing you, blocking your intentions, even making you ill. If they had continued their process, they would not attach to you or possess you. A common factor with these spirits is that their death was traumatic. State of Consciousness at the moment of death It was the state of emotions of the astral body of the person at the moment of death, the state of calm or trauma that determined where their astral spirit went next. And entirely too many died in trauma, frightened, crazed, disassociated and depressed. And in this emotional state they became lost in-between dimensions or at least not moving towards where they would have gone if they had been clear headed and alert. Too many of these spirits were and are still in a state of shock and disassociation because of how they felt at the moment of death. And they remain in that state of shock and disassociation in the other dimensions. Trauma Impairs The Spirit’s Will after Death In the next chapter we will review extensively the definitions and concepts of disassociation. We repeat some of it here because of how important it is to understand and integrate this information into your life so that you can make choices that align you with your intentions. What is disassociation?

To remove from association; separate

A state of shock is an example of severe disassociation. Multiple personalities now called dissociative disorder is another example of severe disassociation.


We all know how people react when they are in a state of shock: they are slow, appear less intelligent, confused, have a hard time understanding what is going on around them; they are not available on a mental or emotional level. They do not have a lot of authority or will and they are easily led. That is the very important point: their will is impaired. Your state of consciousness when you die becomes what is traditionally called spirit. If you died gracefully, not frightened, or angry, but calm and clear headed, you awake in the other dimensions graceful and calm, and somehow, you know and/or are guided to where you need to go next, which is not anywhere near the physical dimension! When you are in a state of disassociation, you are also guided, or perhaps misguided is a better descriptive. Lost spirits, negative influence We honestly do not know a lot about where we are supposed to go after death. We do know entirely too much about what happens when we do not die well because we are clairvoyant and clairaudient. We can see and hear what goes on in the other dimensions. We are also a healer and use these abilities to research why people become ill in order to help them get better. We have found that the effect of negative spirits, people who did not die well, on human beings and their lives is so vast that until recently, before the onslaught of electromagnetic radiation we felt that effect the most negative influence humans suffer under. Army of robotic souls: entity driven behavior If all these people had not died “poorly”, if their astral body or etheric body has not lost its proper association from their assemblage, your life would be better. We see that daily, when we speak to the spirits who are attached, causing untold issues and problems. If they had died well, these spirit attachments and possessions would have never happened and entity driven behavior would not be an issue. If we did not disassociate, we would also not have the issues of attachment and possession, but the spirits would still be wandering about. There are other spirits that never had physical bodies There are other spirits that never incarnated into a physical body. But this is not the chapter where we address those spirits we call Galactic spirits.. Now back to the regular spirits. A link between “evil” and disassociation of your assemblage of bodies The issue of disassociation is perhaps this is why the Lords Prayer, translated directly from Aramaic to English, reads thus:


“Free us from not being in the present” (not to disassociate)

Instead of the Aramaic to Greek to English version:

“deliver us from evil”.

The “deliver us from evil” version that we are familiar with is the translation that goes from Aramaic, to Greek, to English. When we eliminate the Greek filter, we end up with a totally different version of how Jesus advises us to keep ourselves free from evil. Here is the entire prayer, to refresh your memory so you can be even more open to our information that may appear weird,

The Prayer of Jesus From Aramaic to Greek, to English

Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be the name

Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth, as it is heaven

Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts

As we forgive ours debtors And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil For Thane is kingdom, and the power and Glory, forever


The Prayer of Jesus From Aramaic to English

O Breathing Life, your name shines everywhere! Release a space to plant your presence here,

Envision your “I can” now. Embody your desire in every light and form.

Grow though us this moment’s bread and wisdom. Untie the knots of failure binding us,

We release the strands we hold of others’ faults Help us not forget our Source,

Yet free us from no being in the present


From you arises every vision, power and song, from gathering to gathering.

Amen may our future actions grow from here! That version of the Lords’ Prayer corresponds with what Spirit Release therapists know about attachments, and also corresponds with what we witness in our work. Shamans call it soul retrieval, when they bring back a part of ourselves that we disassociated from. But today you don't need to go looking for a shaman, as the mantras we recommend at the end of the book often bring back into your assemblage pieces of you that you disassociated from. How do they do that? By wording the mantra to address the issue of the rejection of negative emotions and in that way draw back into your astral body the pieces that have or could disassociate. This Purification Mantra is an example

Even though we are angry at him We love and accept myself.

When we accept our rage, depression, jealousy, we accept and embrace an emotional issue, which always affects our astral body, then is no disassociation or what we disassociated from is called back into the assemblage by the acceptance of the negative emotions. It really is that simple and much easier than what we recommended in the past when we encountered spirits. That being said, we still recommend spirit release therapy as a very efficient way of releasing spirits. But remember to formulate a mantra to deal with the issue in your assemblage that caused you to fragment.

Wi Fi and spiraling out of your consciousness

We have established that you can only have spirit attachments and possession if a piece of you is “gone”, disassociated which means you have a hole in your assemblage. In the past that hole was usually due to excessive emotional reactions, which caused you to reject the overwhelming emotions and reality. But today the microwave frequency that powers most electronics that are wireless and that microwave, and it expels your consciousness from your assemblage, leaving gaping holes we call portals not just in your assemblage but also in your house over your router…

This quote about how microwave damages your assemblage is from our masters who provide information that is beyond what we have been able to acquire via our remote viewing:


“Microwave fries the wiring of the etheric but it also does something else. It twists the cording at the same time, which causes a spiraling effect. That creates a type of dizziness, which again, does not allow clear thoughts. The spiraling pulls the consciousness of the person out and up, like out of their body and up off the ground. In other words, microwave energy is highly disassociating and ungrounding. It is the reason for that “look” in people’s eyes. That “look” is the look of someone who is not all there, as too much of their consciousness is up and out of their body.”

“Not there”? That is disassociation, regardless of the words that are used to describe someone who obviously is not entirely present on the physical dimension.

What is microwave? Below is a quote from science:

“This type of energy (microwave) takes a straight-line path. Like all electromagnetic waves, they do not require a medium to travel through. They can pass through non-metal materials like plastic and glass…Microwaves are absorbed by foods and other materials with high water content, and produce heat. This is the operational principle on which microwave kitchen appliances work.”


So why is the frequency of microwave bad for your assemblage? It makes sense that something that exists on our Planet far away from the dimensions where you have bodies and was designed or capable of destroying meteorites cannot be good when it is directed at your ear or invades your home. Microwave produces heat and changes water by boiling it. Anything that radiates heat is radiating the element of fire. Anything made up of water, such as your cells or your astral body will heat up and eventually evaporate if exposed to enough microwave. Using Wi Fi has consequences for your astral body and the spirits (that don't have physical bodies), because astral particles and their emotions are associated with the element of water. Boiling astral particles is adding fire to your emotions, which is really bad for you and anyone who has to associate with you, because excess fire is the fuel for anger, and emotional and physical violence. And excess fire is also the cause of some diseases and conditions, cancer being one of them. Microwave and your emotions


Microwave produces heat which means microwaves produces and radiates the fire element. So if you have devices powered by microwave, which includes all wireless devices you are being radiated by fire. The part of your home that has the router and the cable boxes is also being radiated and will eventually have a portal to other dimensions. Why is that not good for your assemblage and your life? The fire element is characterized by and triggers:


When your assemblage is radiated by microwave and you cannot process all that movement that is now inside of you, as in leaving a hateful job or moving to another town, that fire then turns into frustration, anger, rage, hatred emotional violence and eventually physical violence. It is very simple: you cannot kill or maim unless you have excess fire in your assemblage of bodies. Association between the fire element and the Devil The fire element has always been closely associated with the symbolic figure of the Devil and perhaps for that reason some Christian churches have said that your cell phone is an instrument of the concept of the devil. From this passage in the Bible, that would appear to be the cased:

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” I Timothy 4:1-2


Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,

that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to

seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

speaking lies in hypocrisy; having

their conscience

seared with a hot iron

I Timothy 4:1-2

Microwave Wi Fi augments hate and violence The excess fire turns the astral bodies into anxious, hyperactive and/or angry bodies. This may be the reason for the incredible increase in violence on the Planet. In the Samuel Milham book Dirty Electricity the author established via 40 years of statistics, the association of the fire element and suicide. Suicide is the ultimate violence against you and suicides statistically augmented 5 X in the towns and cities when they became electrified. Stem Cell Therapy Now lets look at how that disassociation plays out when you are sick and decide to have stem cell therapy. At every step your life there is a battle with astral emotions, yours and others that can block your intentions. There is nowhere we can explain it so clearly as in what we witnessed when we remote viewed stem cell procedures, a literal battle between intentions. We don’t need to see fantasy horror movies; sometimes the reality of the other dimensions is enough to satisfy any science fiction fan. Using remote viewing to watch a stem cell treatment was like watching a Sci Fi or war movie. But it was not scary; it gave valid information that we now pass onto you so you can know what is going on in other dimensions in every inch of your body! Spirits and medicine In Chinese medicine there are spirit points in acupuncture, in Catholicism you have a listing of different spirits, in shamanism it is routine to first


remove spirits before a healing, Jesus Christ first banished spirits before a healing….and on and on.

“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the

soul, although the two cannot be separated.” -Plato

So why don’t we deal with the spirit issue when we have an intention, when we get sick, when we are blocked? Once we honestly integrate what our religions have been trying to tell us for centuries, we will be much more efficient in dealing with what we contend are problems Remote viewing a stem cell procedure

After viewing 3 stem cell procedures we wondered if stem cell research is where we ultimately fulfill the destiny that has been predicted would happen in the Age of Aquarius, a time when science becomes religious and religion becomes scientific. After all, it time that what is happening on in those other dimensions that has been reserved for religion become the domain of science also. I think this last statement can be better worded

Stem Cell Procedures

What we witnessed in the stem cell therapy is so important that we are sharing all the details from a stem cell procedure that was a “beauty” treatment, which included extracting stem cells from the patients’ abdomen and injecting the cells into her face, chin, and head. We also remote viewed two patients who were diabetic. Regardless of the reason to choose stem cell therapy the treatment is identical to the therapy if you have a disease beyond the aging process.

The following is what we witnessed first hand in the surgery room during the procedures, and conclusions we reached, many of which align perfectly with what is already known about stem cells.

Stem Cells are God Particles, God Particles are units of intention

God Particles are pure intention, the building blocks of this part of the Universe. God Particles respond to the innermost desires of the human. The deepest intention of the patient undergoing Stem Cell Therapy determines whether the treatment will work or not.

Patients’ Intention

As you have seen throughout this book, particularly in the chapter on


hidden intentions, all of an individual’s life responds to that individual’s intentions. Stem cells do the same, they respond to the individual’s intentions and they will not override an individual’s choice of disease and even death. The problem can be that the patient has disassociated from a part of himself or herself and something else with a different intention takes over.


First procedure: mini liposuction

The first procedure was to acquire stem cells from the patient’s abdomen. It was done with long needles that extract fat, which includes stem cells.

The patient’s abdomen was anesthetized locally with Lidocaine which separates the webbing of the etheric body from the physical body, but only where the Lidocaine is used. Normally the etheric electric body is aligned with the physical, extending one inch beyond.

In this case the etheric abdomen looked weird. The localized Lidocaine made the etheric abdomen “balloon”, like when you have a balloon and squeeze it in the middle and the air creates a bubble effect. This process is probably the reason your lip feels fat after undergoing a dental procedure: you call feel the extended etheric body.


Etheric energy body Etheric Body With Lidocaine in Abdomen 1

Procedures to concentrate the stem cells by removing negative emotions /astral particles

The extracted fat was taken through two procedures that we realized in retrospect were to remove/purify the negative astral particles of depression and anger. In a sense this is what shaman do initially when working with a sick person: remove bad energy.

The tubes of extracted fat were placed inside a machine called a Stempro Fill that spins the tubes counterclockwise for 20 minutes, separating the stem cells from the fat.

The mix of blood, fat and stem cells were initially a gold tone. The counterclockwise motion released a spiraling black astral particles.


Note about the counterclockwise movement of energy: When you read about working with the two triangles that create the Star of David in you, you will be instructed to move the energies at the bottom of the triangle that points up, as counter clock wise pulls out bad energies…

Three minutes later the spiraling energy stopped and black particles of depression, in the shape of petals/tongues were pushed out of the mix in the machine. The counter clockwise motion was separating and releasing the particles of depression from the mix.


Next a red triangle shot out of the tubes, releasing anger particles. We do not know why a triangle versus a tongue…


Next Nile green petals were pushed down and out.


Four minutes later a grid appeared, replacing the “petals” and triangle. At that point the process can be described as a “separating the wheat from the chaff”… a Biblical reference which means you select what is useful or valuable and reject what is useless or worthless.

Pure intention

The grid pushed down and out the negative emotions/astral particles. The mix was now pure stem cells with no negative astral particles, which could block the intentions of the patient and doctor.

At the end of the 20 minutes separation procedure, the tubes formed into the shape of a flower with many petals and a hallow stalk.




Second procedure: waking up the stem cells

The tubes were then put inside another electronic apparatus whose function was to wake up the cells with a type of light. In Spanish it is called a Luz Activador, translated, it means light activator. The light added the element of fire and activated/woke up the stem cells. Instantly the tube of stem cells emitted iridescent bubbles of light. It was stunning.

NOTE: The Luz Activador was next to a clear plastic box and the bubbles avoided the box, as if they did not like the plastic! Note: In terms of quality of energy, plastic is deeply invaded with spirits and is almost the opposite of what is sacred.

Injecting the concentrated stem cells

After the two procedures, first to concentrate the stem cells and then to activate them, the extracted liquid was ready to be injected into the patient. The doctor estimated the liquid was 30% stem cells and the rest diluted stem cells acting as a type of filler.

Spirit Influence in stem cell therapy

Casandra I may be repeating here what I say in the chapter on Astral and Mental Illness

This is a good place to remind you again of the reality of spirit influence in health and happiness. If you still have any resistance to accepting spirits/ghosts as an influencing factor in human health, we refer you to your religion, which should have educated you in not only their existence but also their negative influences.

Chinese Medicine, over 2,000 years old and rapidly gaining recognition for its effectiveness in the West, has acupuncture points called Ghost Points, which deal with the spirits that interfere with human health.

The 13 Ghost Points was developed by Sun Si Miao (6th Century, around 581 A.D). The 13 Ghost points are all regular meridian points. Today, The term of 13 Ghost Points, however, is typically not included in the curriculum nor in textbooks. Those are considered as spirit points…. http://www.acatcm.com/weblog/the-ghost-points

Ayurveda, the oldest organized medicine on the Planet, over 5,000 years old, also deals with the issues of spirit influence and invasion.

In Tibetan Psychiatry there is a formal classification of spirits some of which make people forget! They believe that all forms of epilepsy are caused by spirit invasion.


In Catholicism there is also a classification of spirits that influence humans.

The point is that it has been known for centuries that spirits can and do interfere with the patients’ intention and also the doctors’. The issue is not a new issue in health, just an unrecognized invisible factor in modern medicine, which has not incorporated the knowledge of the existence of other dimensions, which would include spirits.

Spirit intentions can override the patients’ intentions

Spirits can block the success of the stem cell procedure where the intention of the spirit is stronger than the intention of the individual. A spirit invades the individual where that person has chosen to disassociate from the cells and/or area of the body, creating a type of local disassociation.

We again remind you what disassociation is as it is such a huge block to your intentions. Below is a definition of disassociation from the website of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation:

“Dissociation is a word that is used to describe the disconnection or lack of connection between things usually associated with each other.

Dissociated experiences are not integrated into the usual sense of self, resulting in discontinuities in conscious awareness”.

If there is a heavy invasion, then the spirits intention could determine the outcome of the therapy, regardless of the conscious intention of the patient who is not aware they have lost their free will in that area of their body. It is preciously for that reason that shamans begin their “therapy” by releasing spirits.

Back to the procedure…


The doctor started the process of injecting the stem cells into the parts of the face he wanted to rejuvenate. The stem cells either created a new etheric grid/Higgs Field wherever they are injected or they repaired the existing grid, whatever was needed. The process was automatic, as it always is when you have an intention, somehow, some way, if you are not blocked, you get what you intend.

Humans tend to congest their faces with frustration and anger, which they do feel but are taught not to emote. When the doctor injected the cells into the chin area, we could see it triggered a battle between the stem cells and spirits. Remember the definition of emotion:

Emotion: to move out


We already discussed societies reluctance to allow “emoting” of emotions, creating the health issues studied in psychoneuroimmunology. In other words, emoted emotions do not cause a break in the grid allowing spirits an entry point, unexpressed and repressed emotions do.

As the doctor injected the stem cells into the face, there was a battle between the spirits that were able to occupy spaces, because the patient had a broken etheric face due to her emotional congestions. That blocked the intention of the stem cells. As the stem cells “won” territory in her face, those areas turned a light orange color.

It took a while for the chin to turn orange from the injected stem cells and it took till the end of the hour-long procedure for the entire face to turn orange

Battle between intentions

Stem cells are God Particles, which are all about intention. Stem cell therapy is a simple battleground between the intention of the patient and the intention of the spirits that can control that part of the patient. The issue can be called spirit possession because literally, if a spirit is occupying an area of the body, he possesses it and may not allow the stem cells to do what they and the patient would intend.

The influence of spirits on health and particularly mental health, have always been the domain of shamans, medicine men, the original teachings of Chinese Medicine and also Ayurveda. Today, in parts of the world that practice modern medicine, spirits are usually the domain of religions that do spirit release therapy or exorcisms.

Unfortunately no one does spirit release therapy or exorcisms when they go into surgery. We highly recommend doing a type of mantra therapy and spirit release therapy before any medical procedure. It is stacking the deck in the patients favor to strengthen their intention to heal and to confront the issue of spirits blocking their intention.

Stem cells and zombies have a lot in common

Stem cell therapy is a battleground of intentions at the level of cells. The process of becoming a zombie is the same battleground of intentions but at a full body level. Following is what we know about how you can become a zombie. This is rather important information because it has been prophesized and not just in the Christian Bible, that there will be a vast augmentation in zombies now on the Planet. Our TV shows do seem to be preparing us for that.

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