july 8, 2018 14th sunday in ordinary time · july 8, 2018 14th sunday in ordinary time fourteenth...

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Church Information Mass Schedule Saturday (Anticipated) .................................................... 4:00pm Sunday English ................................................................ 9:00am Sunday Bilingual……………………………………………………….11:30am Daily Mass Tuesday—Friday .......................................... 8:30 am Holy Days .......................................... 8:30 am , Noon & 6:00 pm

Office Hours Monday ............................................................................. Closed Tuesday thru Thursday .................................. 9:00am—3:00 pm Friday ................................................................. 9:00 am—Noon

Pastoral & Office Staff Pastor .......................................................... Rev. Nick Thompson Email ........................................... father.nick@strosedenver.org Deacon .......................................................... Rev. Mr. Don Tracy Email ................................................. deacondon@ecentral.com Business Office ................................................. Barbara McGuire Email ............................ stroseoflimabusinessoffice@gmail.com Music Coordinator ................................................. Frances Rossi Email ................................................ peacerose727@gmail.com Spanish Ministry Liaison ................................... Teresa Mendoza Email ............................................... tyhmendoza@hotmail.com Quinceniera………………………………………………………...Claudia Moo Email……………………………………………...claudia.t.moo@gmail.com Faith Formation......................................................Tammy Abad Email.....................................re.sacraments.st.rose@gmail.com Maintenance & Facilities .................................. Adam Archuleta

St Rose of Lima Catholic Academy 1345 W. Dakota Avenue ............................... Denver, CO 80223 Phone 303-733-5806 ..................................... Fax 303-733-0125 Principal ................................................................ Mr. Elias Moo Email ............................................. elias.moo@strosedenver.org Assistant Principal ....................................... Mrs. Katherine Kelly Email ............................................. kate.kelly@strosedenver.org Administrative Assistant ................................... Esther Gutierrez Email .................................................. strosedenver@gmail.com


THE UPCOMING WEEKEND Please submit to: bulletinstroseoflima@gmail.com

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updates, and interesting reads.

Sacramental Life Reconciliation Saturday .............................................................. 3:00—3:45 pm

(or by appointment with Fr. Nick)

Adoration & Benediction First Fridays ......................................................... 7:00—8:00 pm

Baptism & Marriage…………………………………..Fr Nick Thompson Must be registered members of the parish. Preparation classes required

Electronic Giving Electronic Giving is a convenient and consistent way to help St Rose of Lima Parish grow. To donate online, visit our Church and School websites and look for the DONATE NOW button.



Est. 1924 Church Address 355 S. Navajo Street Office Address 1320 W. Nevada Place Denver, CO 80223

Phone: 303-778-7673 Fax: 303-778-6601 www.srldenver.org www.facebook.com/srlchurchdenver


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time How many times were you told as a child, and have since told your own children, that true wisdom comes from learning when to keep your mouth shut? That’s a central lesson of our lives, and most of us feel enormous grati-tude for the many times we wanted to say something horrible, and didn’t. That’s true maturity, and society functions so much better when people exercise that dis-cipline. Ahem. But here’s the question: when is it holy and right to speak up? I admit that I congratulate myself every night, when I make my examen, that I showed such maturity in staying quiet in situations where I might have wanted to speak. Hey, I didn’t make any waves. And there go my baptism and confirmation vows, right out the window. I don’t know how I missed it for years and years, but the actual image of Jesus that emerges now from the distor-tions of my youth is One who took issue with the reli-gious and political authorities, and those who were profiting because of them. He put his life at risk―and yes, died terribly for it―every time he spoke, when it was so much smarter to stay silent. Jesus the Prophet broke all the rules. He healed on the Sabbath. He ate with sinners. He touched the “unclean.” He even went into the Temple and discharged those who were cheating the poor. And when he came into Jerusa-lem the week before his death, he came on a colt, a beast of burden, an animal of peace. The Romans, of

course, entering from the west at that same time, came in on their war horses. Oh, Jesus. How did we miss you?

How has your image of who Jesus truly is changed through the years?

Kathy McGovern©2018 www.thestoryandyou.com

Decimo-Cuarto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario ¿Cuántas veces se te dijo cuando eras niño, y le has di-cho tú a tus propios hijos, que la verdadera sabiduría consiste en aprender cuando mantener la boca cerrada? Esa es una lección central en nuestras vidas, y casi todos nosotros sentimos mucha gratitud al pensar en todas esas veces que queríamos decir algo horrible pero no lo hicimos. Esa es verdadera madures, y la sociedad funcio-na mucho mejor cuando la gente ejercita esa disciplina. Ejem. Pero la pregunta es: ¿cuándo es santo y correcto hablar? Admito que siempre me felicito a mi misma cada noche, cuando me hago mi examen, por haber mostrado tanta madures al quedarme callada en situaciones donde quise haber dicho algo. Oye, yo no hice olas. Y me olvido de mis promesas de bautismo y confirmación. No se por que no me había dado cuenta de esto durante tantos años, pero la imagen verdadera que recuerdo ha-ber tenido de Jesús en las distorsiones de mi juventud era que Él siempre tenía problemas con las autoridades religiosas y políticas, y con aquellos que se lucraban a causa de ellos. El arriesgaba su vida−y sí, murió terrible-mente a causa de esto−cada vez que hablaba, cuando era mucho más inteligente quedarse callado. Jesús el profeta rompía todas las reglas. Él sanaba en el día de reposo. El comía con pecadores. El tocaba a los “impuros.” Hasta llego a entrar al Templo y corrió a to-dos los que estaban estafando a los pobres. Y cuando entró en Jerusalén la semana antes de su muerte, mon-taba un burrito, una bestia de carga, un animal de paz. Los romanos, por supuesto, quienes entraban por el lado oeste al mismo tiempo, venían en sus caballos de guerra. Oh Jesús. ¿Cómo es que no te vimos antes? ¿En qué manera ha cambiado tu imagen de Jesús a tra-

vés de los años? Kathy McGovern©2018 www.lahistoriayusted.com

Saturday July 7 4:00 pm +Liz Tomsicby Theresa Rodriguez Sunday July 8 9:00 am People of the Parish 11:30 pm +Margaret Slogar Monday July 9 8:30 am Tuesday July 10 8:30 am Anthony Abad Wednesday July 11 8:30 am Mickie Kilker by Mary Melvin Thursday July 12 8:30 am +Frank Vigi by Family Friday July 13 8:30 am Increased Vocations to the priesthood

and religious life Saturday July 14 4:00 pm +Chuck Bauer by Marie Bauer Sunday July 15 9:00 am +Roy Mills by Helen Mills 11:30 pm People of he Parish Please pray for the sick and homebound of our parish: Betty Sagoonick, Jenny Martinez, Margie Phelps, Fern Driscoll, Ernest Flores, Vera Aragon, Tina Ara-gon, Nancy Lederhos, Berlinda Madrid, Joe Cruz Martinez, Helen Mills, Margaret Davis, Francis Tay-lor, Mary Ann Rhode


Readings for the Week of July 8, 2018 Sunday: Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 [2cd]/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Ps 115:3-4, 5-6, 7ab-8, 9-10 [9a]/Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [4b]/Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9/Ps 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16 [4b]/Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-13, 14 and 17 [17b]/Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Mt 10:24-33 Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13


Archbishop Catholic Appeal ~ The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal is more than a col-lection. Your gift—when combined with other dona-tions from Catholics—will fund nearly fort archdioc-esan ministries that were created to assist, instruct, guide, and enlighten our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you.

Observances for the Week of July 8, 2018

Sunday: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: - - - Tuesday: St. Thomas, Apostle Wednesday: Independence Day Thursday: St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest; St. Elizabeth of Portugal Friday: St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr Saturday: - - - Next Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

CPR Classes~

The next CPR class will be Saturday, June 21 at @ 2:00 pm in the church basement. Please sign you and your family members up for this important class.


For the month July they would like us to collect canned vegetables. Please place your donation in the basket in the entrance of the church.

Baptism Class ~

Class will be Thursday, July 12 ~ 7:00-8:30 p.m. The class is for both English and Spanish parents. If you have questions, please call Fr. Nick.

The Holy Rosary will be prayed at 8:30 Sundays before the 9 am Mass


LIVE THE LITURGY - It seems that Jesus is always facing some kind of op-position. Today, those from his native place amaze him because of their lack of faith. We oppose Jesus as well. It is not easy to be challenged and realize our great need to change. We grow comfortable with ourselves and our surroundings and resist change. We become defensive when the wisdom Jesus utters asks us to leave ourselves and our con-cerns and think more about others. We lack faith in God, faith in ourselves, and faith in one another. We are asked to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and al-low ourselves to be stretched. Jesus knows what he is talking about. Do we really believe this?

Free Meals & Summer Fun!! Find a summer –meal site serving kids & teens. Text “FOOD” to 877-877 or visit kidsfoodfinder.org Call the Hunger Free Colorado Food Resource Hot-line toll-free at (855) 855-4626 to be connected to food resources in Colorado. Some of the sites are:

Barnum Elementary Athmar Park Library Goldrick Elementary Kepner Middle School

Pray for Pro Life … Join us for Prayer and

Rosary the second Saturday of the month at10:00 am at 3846 Pontiac St. Denver, Co. 80217 across from the largest abortions clinic in Colorado. We will meet at the St. Rose of Lima parking lot at 9:30am to share rides or can meet you there.

Who: Our very own Father Nick is participating!


Date: Friday, July 13

Time: 7:00 PM—gates open @ 5:30 PM.

Where: Security Service Skysox Field—4385 Tutt Blvd. Colo Springs 80922

WHY? Vocations!!

LIVE THE LITURGY - God does not rejoice in our demise or our destruction. Rather, He made us in His image and desires that we have life. He also desires that we be healed and know His loving touch. There is great power in an embrace. The touch of another can heal wounds and restore life. There is also power in faith. Faith can turn us toward the truth and turn us toward God. God can profoundly change how we see Him, ourselves, and one another. God de-sires that we turn toward Him and be healed of all that wounds and binds us so that we can be free and enjoy the fullness life. Reach out and share your faith with someone this week so that they can receive God's life-changing embrace.

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP ~ RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS Sometimes we need a dose of healthy skepticism. Do you see some of the claims on the Internet, in social media, or even on the cover of supermarket tabloids? If we are not careful, we can easily be led astray. However, when we find ourselves skeptical all the time, unable to trust anyone or anything, we have a problem. Trust is essential in a conversion process, and we all are in a continual process of turning toward and moving closer to God. If we find it hard to trust the promises of God, then we will find ourselves lost and bewildered. Sometimes the biggest obstacle to a stewardship way of life is lack of trust. This is true for individuals as well as parish communities. Do we believe that God will provide for our needs? Do we believe that if we give it all away we will receive even more in abundance? Do we believe that there is true freedom in complete sur-render? Many will say that the principles of a stewardship way of life sound good spirituality and are inspiring. But when really faced with the tough decisions, they will fall back on placing trust in themselves, material goods, or money. Are we true disciples and good stew-ards as we claim? Where do you place your trust? Have you chosen a path where you are all in or are you still keeping something for yourself because you just aren't sure all this talk of "consider the lilies" is real or just pretty words on a page?


Ministerio de la comunidad Banco de alimentos ~ Por el mes de julio, el ministerio del banco de comida estará aceptando latas de vegetales. Encon-trarán canastas para colocar su donación el la entra-

da de la iglesia.

Colecta Aual de Arzobispo ~

Laa Colecta Annual del Arzobispo es pucho más que una simple colecta. Su donación, una vez combinada con las de otros católicos de la parroquia y ar-quidiócesis, ayudarán a cerca de cuarenta ministeri-os que fueron creados para asistir, instruir, guiar e iluminar las vidas de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Por favor haga su donación hoy mismo en archden.org/donar. Por favor, sea generoso en la medida de sus posibilidades. Muchas gracias.

Clase pre-bautismal ~ La próxima clase pre-

bautismal para padres y padrinos será el 12 de julio de 7:00 a 8:30 pm. Esta clase se ofrecerá en ingles y español. Para mas informacion porfavor co-municarse con Padre Nick.

Almuerzo gratuito durante el verano Los siguientes sitios arán ofreciendo almuerzo gratu-ito para niños y adolescentes:

> Barnum Elementary > Athmar Park Library > Goldrick Elementary > Kepner Middle School

Para más información mande el mensaje te texto “FOOD” al 877-877 o visite la pagina de internet kidsfoodfinder.org

Las lecturas de la semana del 8 de julio 2018 Domingo: Ez 2, 2-5/Sal 123, 1-2. 2. 3-4 [2]/2 Cor 12, 7-10/Mc 6, 1-6 Lunes: Os 2, 16. 17-18. 21-22/Sal 145, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [8]/Mt 9, 18-26 Martes: Os 8, 4-7. 11-13/Sal 115, 3-4. 5-6. 7-8. 9-10 [9]/Mt 9, 32-38 Miércoles: Os 10, 1-3. 7-8. 12/Sal 105, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7 [4]/Mt 10, 1-7 Jueves: Os 11, 1-4. 8-9/Sal 80, 2 y 3. 15-16 [4]/Mt 10, 7-15 Viernes: Os 14, 2-10/Sal 51, 3-4. 8-9. 12-13. 14 y 17 [17]/Mt 10, 16-23 Sábado: Is 6, 1-8/Sal 93, 1. 1-2. 5 [1]/Mt 10, 24-33 Domingo siguiente: Am 7, 12-15/Sal 85, 9-10. 11-12. 13-14 [8]/ Ef 1, 3-14 o 1, 3-10/Mc 6, 7-13 Las conmemoraciones de la semana del 8 de julio 2018 Domingo: 14o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Agustín Zhao Rong y compañeros, mártires Miércoles: San Benedicto, abad Viernes: San Enrique Sábado: Santa Kateri Tekakwitha, virgen Domingo siguiente: 15o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD DIARIA - RECONOCER A DIOS EN LOS MOMENTOS ORDINARIOS A veces, necesitamos una dosis de sano escepticismo. ¿Viste algunas de las afirmaciones que se hacen en Inter-net, en las redes sociales o incluso en la tapa de las revis-tas de los supermercados? Si no tenemos cuidado, po-demos extraviarnos fácilmente. Sin embargo, cuando somos escépticos todo el tiempo, incapaces de confiar en nadie o en nada, tenemos un problema. La confianza es esencial en el proceso de con-versión, y todos estamos en un proceso continuo de con-versión y acercamiento a Dios. Si nos resulta difícil confiar en las promesas de Dios, entonces estaremos perdidos y desconcertados. A veces, el mayor obstáculo para una forma de vida de corresponsabilidad es la falta de confianza. Esto es cierto tanto para las personas como para las comunidades par-roquiales. ¿Creemos que Dios suplirá nuestras nece-sidades? ¿Creemos que si damos todo, recibiremos aún más abundancia? ¿Creemos que hay verdadera libertad en una entrega total? Muchos dirán que los principios de una forma de vida de corresponsabilidad parecen ser buenos espiritualmente y que son inspiradores. Pero cuando realmente se en-frentan a decisiones difíciles, terminan confiando en sí mismos, en sus bienes materiales o su dinero. ¿Somos verdaderos discípulos y buenos siervos como afirmamos ser? ¿Dónde depositas tu confianza? ¿Has elegido el camino de la entrega total o todavía te reservas algo para ti, porque no estás seguro de que todo este discurso so-bre "considerar los lirios" sea real o piensas que son solo palabras bonitas de una página? ~Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

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