‘jump to’ table

Post on 15-Oct-2021






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Ellucian® Ellucian Advance™ Change Request Resolutions

SYSTEM: Advance

VERSION(S): 9.10.0/2015/2016/2017

DATE RANGE: 11/21/2014-02/12/2018


‘JUMP TO’ TABLE Biographic Hot Fixes

Gift/Pledges Hot Fixes Membership Hot Fixes

Prospect Hot Fixes Contact Report Hot Fixes

Events Hot Fixes DataLoader Hot Fixes

General/Lookup Hot Fixes


Biographic Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1CVUAKT PROBLEM: When changing the job title for employment data that is linked to a business address, the user gets a message telling them to check the business address to see if any updates need to be made to the business address. However, if they go to the business address the new job title displays next to the drop down but the job ttitle has not yet been changed. If the user does a save so that the job title will change, the job title still does not change. The user must re-select the employment row from the drop down and then save before the job title is updated. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.8.2 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1H157P3 PROBLEM: The Race/Ethnicity application is not in the GOTO. It is on the bio nav tree so the user is able to access it that way. However, it should also be in the GOTO. Note that the user can manually add this to the GOTO using the config utility. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-BEDDZX PROBLEM: Form (80549), when sorted by Author, is sorting according to Honorific (Dr., Mr., Mrs., etc). and not name. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-NTD52F PROBLEM: If the user adds entity task to the deceasing utility, when the user tries to actually drill down to the entity task data, the application crashes with a multiple controls error - multiple controls with the same id 80129_lbl_task_code were found. Reported in but also an issue in 9.6 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-WXO0WU PROBLEM: The current email data does not default into the entity update form and the user can't select it from the iframe so there is no way to do a modify. If the user enters in email mail data, it's always as an add. The user is not able to change it from an add to a modify as the sequence number is set to zero in the DataLoader tables. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-X6ZEU7 PROBLEM: The context column in the tms assignment table is used to determine which codes can be used on which forms. However, if the user does not use the drop down and inputs a code that does not have the correct context and does not tab and does a save, there is no error message and the row is saved with a value that should not be in the row. Note that if the user tabs before saving, then the correct error message appears. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000100180 PROBLEM: There is a column in the entity table that should be updated when the name is changed and that is the name change date. There is also a column in the entity table that should be updated when the record status value is changed and that is the status change date. However, when making a name change, both dates are changed and only the name change date should be changed. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000100754 PROBLEM: Mass Add for org contact data crashes as soon as user clicks on org contact in the bio nav tree. Does not seem to matter if the clipboard is a list of person id numbers or organization id numbers. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000102130 PROBLEM: There is no save on the menu bar and doing an F8 does not save the data. You can change the number of years but you are not able to save the change ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000102539 PROBLEM: The Advance Bio Data Elements guide says below but it appears that only one telephone number can ever be preferred, it isn't one per type. TELEPHONE: preferred_ind (Required) CHAR(1) This indicates whether the contact method is the preferred contact method. Only one telephone record per telephone type can be preferred at any given time. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105130 PROBLEM: When a telephone row has a type of Past Home or Past Business, the user is not able to change the stop date. The user changes the date and saves and gets the save completed message but the date is not actually changed. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106117 PROBLEM: If a committee role is removed (changed from a valid role to "none") on the Committee Participation form for an entity, the role is not removed from the Current Members for that Committee; the former role is still displayed for that entity. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106314 PROBLEM: Adding a note attachment prior to saving the note causes the attachment to be saved as a negative note_id in the notes_attachment table and creates a row in the attachments table. A row that is invisible and unavailable to callers in the application. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106487 PROBLEM: When using the entity merge utility, the data that is written out to the TO id number is not using the operator name of the person who is actually performing the merge. Instead, it seems to be using the value in system option 200. System option 200 holds the operator name to be used for Donor Totaling. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in - note that this is the previous entity merge utility, not the new entity merge and purge utility. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106591 PROBLEM: When running an entity profile report that includes many different types of data in combination with an entity having a large number of contact reports, multiple connections are opened and can eventually crash the application. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106607 PROBLEM: The following entity profile reports need the money fields formatted appropriately: Giving History #80855 Giving History, Marital #90481 Giving History, Corporate #80856 Giving Overview (Filtered) #90483 Giving Overview #80857 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107523 PROBLEM: The Advance 9.9 database upgrade script 990_cleanup.sql includes a SQL insert statement (beginning on line 408) to add missing rows to the former_spouse table (due to defect 1-1F0F30N). There are two issues with this insert statement: - only former spouse rows of type "F" are considered. All former spouse rows should be included. - The insert will fail if the entity identified by the former spouse id is also a former spouse to another entity, due to the improper way that the xsequence value is calculated. The insert will fail with a duplicate row error. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107535 PROBLEM: If the user unlinks the employment link on a business address, they get a pop up message saying that the data in the business address and employment do not match. If they click on OK, the employer name is cleared out but the job title remains. It also remains in the first address label line. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107933 PROBLEM: When system option 46 is enabled, if the record status is changed to an inactive record status, the prospect active indicator should be reset to inactive. This is not happening unless the record status is D (deceased). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108177 PROBLEM: User enters decimal number in the Shareholder Qty field, click Save and the decimal rounds to a whole number. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108190 PROBLEM: When using entity merge and purge for two id numbers that are related to the same id number, the merge fails with a message to check adv_log_exceptions for the reason that the merge failed. The message is that the merge failed because data exists in the following tables: relationship - id number, relationship, relation id number. The test used a child relationship and the following also occurred: Both child rows were deleted. In relationship, there remain two rows both for the child id number - one with the relation id number of the FROM entity and one with the relation id number of the TO entity. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108191 PROBLEM: When using the entity merge and purge standalone, if both id numbers are linked to the same membership, the merge crashes with an application error written to the awalog. The error is: unique constraint - memb batch key 0 violated. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108199 PROBLEM: If two corporations are in the corp. hierarchy and related to each other (parent id - id number) and the entity merge purge is used for one of the two id numbers, the merge is successful but the data in org_relationship now has the same id number for


parent and id number. If the user clicks on the corp. hierarchy link in the nav tree, the application crashes with a ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108200 PROBLEM: When using the Entity Update form (80717), when the data pulls in from entering an ID Number, the marriage date comes in as format YYYYMMDD; the form has Date Box type that expects MM/DD/YYYY. Consequently the form will not submit until the date is fixed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108327 PROBLEM: The country call code from tms_country does not come up when country is selected in Add Organization. IE8 only ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108545 PROBLEM: A task that appears to have been created at the entity level is created at the prospect level. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108599 PROBLEM: When using "Entity Merge & Purge - Standalone Process" (ENTMS) to merge an entity with one or more membership cards the merge completes but the ENTM_ENTITIES_HISTORY table has no record of the membership cards being affected (the membership cards are merged). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109517 PROBLEM: When changing the name for an organization that is linked into business address data, there is logic in place to update the new name of the organization in the linked business address data. However, there is no check on the address status or on the record status of the person and is updating address data where the address status is last known and the record status is deceased. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110000 PROBLEM: When adding a new entity, if the user has not entered any address data, they should get a message stating that no address data was entered and do they want to enter address data. If the answer is Yes, then the user should be taken to the address application so that the address can be entered there. Even though Address is a hyperlink in the helpful text, some of our clients remove the helpful text so the link would not be there. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110001 PROBLEM: The user can enter name data with accented characters. However, when they go to export the data, the accented characters is turned into other unrecognizable characters. For example, I added an entity with the last name of Boss?. When I exported the data from entity, the last name came out as BossA@ and the pref sort name came out os BOSSA%. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110402 PROBLEM: When entering a matching gift using foreign currency, if the exchange rate in the tms foreign currency table is zero, the foreign face amount is not enabled even after the user puts a value in the foreign exchange column. Reported in but also a problem in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111342 PROBLEM: A claim is not being generated when the entity is not an alum record type. Even though system option 20 is turned off, the alum record type check is still being performed and if the entity is not an alum record type the claim is not being generated. Reported in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111514 PROBLEM: If there is no data in zz_eprofile_rpt and zz_eprofile_detail, when the user tries to invoke the entity profile report, the application crashes with a no row at position 0 error. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111634 PROBLEM: User has made a change to the options for application id 85550 (restrict merge/purge) at the site level. However, any users that are at a lower profile level are not seeing this change. Only the users at the site level are seeing the change. Note that there are no changes at lower levels for this application ID. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111712 PROBLEM: The phone column for matching policy is defined as varchar2(22). However, the work table (w_matching_policy) defines the phone column as varchar2(10). If the user tries to enter a phone number greater than 10 characters, they get a column too large


error message. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111948 PROBLEM: When bringing up the staff drop down in Advance Windows, the office is included. This helps sites with large numbers of staff to identify the correct staff member. However, in Advance Web, the office is missing from the drop down. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000112169 PROBLEM: The current indicator in the tms adddress type table is not being checked when determining if a business address should or should not display on the entity overview. This results in past business addresses showing on the entity overview. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000112376 PROBLEM: The entity overview is displaying all of the telephone rows that have a telephone code where the business indicator is checked (Y). Even if the entity does not have a business address all of the telephone rows that are marked as a business type are showing on the overview. Note that if the entity has more than 18 rows, that the entity overview will crash. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113280 PROBLEM: When an affiliation is deleted, the institutional suffix is not updated in Entity Overview. This has also been reproduced in Advance 990 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113543 PROBLEM: When the user puts NGA in the zip code column and tries to save, they get an invalid zip code message. The invalid message is a result of not being able to generate the postnet zip data and should be an informational message, not a fatal error. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114031 PROBLEM: When a user enters a seasonal address for an entity and saves, the application auto populates the start date to today's date. The causes the seasonal address to appear on the entity overview form instead of the home/ preferred address. User has to go back in and delete the start date, save, to be able to see the home/ preferred address in the entity overview. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114529 PROBLEM: Form 60585, "My Pictures Links" is included with Advance Web but not included in any app by default. It can be added to the home page by clients to provide icons for links for quick access to prospects, contacts, and tasks. If a client chooses to include this form in the home page, they will get the error Invalid characters were entered. This is usually caused by HTML tags (such as <p>) being entered into a form. once they log on and click on items in the page tree. This is happening because by default several of the icons and labels on the form are set to the control type of "Hidden Text Box" so they do not appear. Some of these controls have Javascript in them. When the links are hidden the Javascript is still included in the page (but not displayed) confusing Advance Web and causing the error. The problem can be fixed by changing the type on the hidden controls to "Label". This will display the links, so they can be hidden using the "Override" checkbox. ======================================================================

Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114615 PROBLEM: When the column Start_Zip in table Zip_City contains '-0000' ,Vanity City function is not triggered when user tabs off the zipcode in the Address form. User has to delete the '-0000' from Start_Zip in order for Vanity City to work. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114620 PROBLEM: The use of double parenthesis revert back to single parenthesis which leads to inaccurate results. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114754 PROBLEM: A Connector biographic push fails to push all the expected data when it includes a type of data where there are multiple records per entity, such as degree, committee, activity, and record type data. Some of these records are not included in the push, despite having a date modified falling in the date range selected for the push operation. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000115345 PROBLEM: When employment data is linked into a business address, the user should get a pop up message telling them to check the business address. This does not happen if the user changes both the job status and enters a stop date. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117735 PROBLEM: When changing employment status from current status to former status, the econtact alert is not displaying ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117938 PROBLEM: On Affiliations (80357), when an update to an existing entity's affiliation year is made, it is not propagating to Inst Suffixes. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117941 PROBLEM: If the user changes the telephone type from B to Q, the status is not reset to inactive. Changing H to P does reset the status to inactive ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117960 PROBLEM: On the Contact Information form on the Entity Overview (form 50100), the Google Map and Mapquest links do not work. For example, the Google Map link for an address will be created as: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q=en==3216%20Alsey%20Pl%20, %20Durham,%20NC%2027707 The link will load up just Google Maps but not the specific map location. The problem is the values for v_addr_g_prefix and v_addr_mq_prefix in adv_address.create_address_links, they have become corrupted. Compare 9.8.1 (where the links work) to and 9.9 (where they do not work) . I suspect these were corrupted because the "set define off" command was not issued before the package was compiled, causing the &s (ampersands) to be interpreted as prompt characters instead of text. The upgrade includes the "set define off" command so I think the problem happened when compiling critical fixes in and 9.9, both versions that included critical fixes for adv_address.bdy and did not include any instructions on executing the "set define off" command before compiling the package. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119409 PROBLEM: When using mass modify to remove the stop date where the stop date has a specific date, it actually sets the stop date to January 1, 1900. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119497 PROBLEM: Validation error occurs when adding a local degree record: "Degrees - Local ind may be set only for Alumni or Student types". This is happening when entities have multiple entity record types, and an alumni or student record type is NOT the Primary record type due to the record type hierarchy in TMS. Error occurs on the Advance degree app and with DataLoader. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119985 PROBLEM: If the pref mail name is greater than 35 characters, the user gets a column too large error message. The error is in the w_staff table where the name is defined as a length of 35 but in the database table, the name is defined as a length of 60 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119999 PROBLEM: If the entity being purged has gift and/or membership data where there is no batch number, the application crashes with an invalid batch number error. The error message is written out to adv_log_exceptions as adv_entity_merge.calling entm_get_gift_batch_number - invalid number. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120106 PROBLEM: When loading a new entity with DataLoader and providing address and telephone data in the same record (using DataLoader form/transform ID 8), the telephone data fails to load; there is no error or other indication of a problem. Found in 9.9; not a problem in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120230 PROBLEM: If a client is using MLP and committe_role and committee_owner are not shared, the location id needs to be added to the index for these two tables. Reported in but also an issue fo r9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-ACXL5L PROGRAM: Bio Deceasing Utility PROBLEM: When system option 187 is used (auto deceasing utility) and the entity being deceased is married to a non-entity spouse, the former spouse row for the surviving spouse is being set to F instead of W. It should be set to W. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108358 PROGRAM: Entity Merge and Purge PROBLEM: Using "Entity Merge & Purge - Standalone Process" and merging an entity with one or more contact reports with a long description (for example, more than 100 characters) results in an error in ADV_LOG_EXCEPTIONS "Building SQL - SQL Format Error for 35". The merge completes but the ENTM_ENTITIES_HISTORY table CHANGE_SUMMARY field for the contact report record


is blank. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-X0KR4A PROGRAM: Feedback PROBLEM: When using the Feedback page and checking the option "Send Email notification on save" it may not work, while sending emails using other functions in Advance Web (such as emailing contact reports) do work. This is because there is the line mailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = True in the code right before the feedback email is sent. This can cause problems with certain SMTP servers depending on how they are configured, and the line should should not be included. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-126XTOV PROGRAM: Org Bio Display PROBLEM: The count for alumni employees is in the header data for an organizaiton but the count for non-alumni employees is missing. Reported in but also a bug in 9.8 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125298 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: If an entity currently has no email or telephone data, when the first row is added, the preferred checkbox is checked automatically on the save. However, if the user does not want this email or telephone marked as preferred they are not able to turn of the preferred checkbox. If they turn off the preferred checkbox and save, the application does not save the change and leaves the row marked as preferred. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Enhancement) #: CR-000125641 PROBLEM: Title: IDEA-28158-Enable the context column in tms_task Body:There is a context column in tms_task that is not currently implemented. Would like to be to control which codes show in the drop downs based on the values in the context column for tms_task. BUSINESS PURPOSE: Created from Case. Please update this field. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125969 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When system option 7 is turned off, there should be no check on the data in the tms majors table versus what the user is entering in the application. However with system option 7 turned off, the messages are still appearing when adding a new local degree. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126109 PROBLEM: If system option 46 is turned on, the user gets one of two error messages when trying to change the record status. If the entity has assignment data and system option 29 is also turned on, then the user gets a critical error message stating that the xsequence in zz_alert_message can't be NULL. If the entity already has data in zz_alert_message, then they get a unique constraint error on zz_alert_message. If the entity does not have assignment data, then they get 'error saving - information has been modified or deleted by another user since you retrieved it'. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127682 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The employment link is only supposed to appear when the business indicator in the tms address type table is checked (Y in the database). However, the employment link shows for all address types (home, past home, seasonal, etc.) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127847 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: If the user adds an employment row and turn on the primary employer checkbox and saves and then adds a second employment row and turns on the primary employer checkbox , the application crashes with a critical error message: cannot update employment date_modified to NULL ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127937 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding a new name row in the Names Screen, and the name is the same as an existing name, the following error message is flagged, even though the Name Type is unique: 'id_number - the name and name type you have entered is already being used for this entity. You must either change the name or the name type'. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128144 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: An address has been added with an address type code that is a business type and the person has employment data. The employment link is used to link the address to the employment data and the job title and employer name columns are populated. Then the user changes the address type to a non-biusiness address type and the employment link is cleared out but the job title remains in the address. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128145 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding a new address where the business checkbox is not checked in the tms address type table, if the person has employment data, the employment data is automatically brought into the address.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128348 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When modifying home address data, if the entity is married and has the same home address checkbox checked and the home address is preferred, the address validates but will not post. There is no error message or any indication that it did not post. However, the user can tell that it did not post as it does not move to the next row in the transaction list. Reported in 9.8.21. but also an issue in 9.10. Note that there is no workaround. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128676 PROBLEM: When running a set of mailing labels, the user has several options as to what additional data appears on the label. When selecting full institutional suffix and mail center, those two options are not wor ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128971 PROBLEM: In the upgrade script awa_del_baseline_metadata.sql (found in the upgrade directory work\web_general) the Advance upgrade deletes all rows from the ZZ_MT_TMS_ATTRIBUTES table before it reloads the metadata. This will delete system rows as well as client added rows. Instead, the upgrade should only delete rows where the profile ID is less than or equal to 0 (WHERE profile_id <= 0). This is the same thing that the upgrade does for all other metadata tables. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129688 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding new employment data via the entity update and the DataLoader option, the value in the job status column is not actually saved. Reported in 9.9.1 but also an issue in 9.10.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130300 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: Incorrect phone data displays under current when trying to modify the home telephone number and change it to past home if past home data already exists. And if the user tries to post the data, they get a validation error: duplicate area code and telephone number entered. Additional information - the same problem exists when trying to change the H type address to a P type address. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130383 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The Biographical Details Exist! message appears when there is data present in the entity source code column. Once data is removed, Biographical Details Exist! message disappears. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000131709 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding a new address, the user has the option of also adding a telephone at the same time. However if the user adds a change source value, the change source is copied to the telephone row. The telephone application uses a different tms table for change source so if the use then tries to update the telephone row, they get an invalid code error message for change source. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000131728 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: If a person is married and has a name only spouse and the user enters a new marital relationship where that person is the spouse id number, the name only spouse data for the id number in spouse id number is not moved to former spouse. If the new marital relationship is added using the entity id number that has the name only spouse, then the data is moved to former spouse. Reported in but also a bug in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000133530 PROBLEM: When adding data using the finder file logic, if there is no prefix in the input data, the wrong prefix is assigned when the salutation is generated. In this test case, the gender is M but the prefix assigned is Ms. for the salutation. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 and 9.10.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000133989 PROBLEM: When using entity merge/purge, the user is getting an error message that bio detail data exists and must be updated before the merge can proceed. However, the error message is referring to data in entity_src_code instead of ethnic_src_code. The error should not be checking entity_src_code. Error message: The entity to be purged has bio detail data that must be reviewed and adjusted for the merge to succeed. This is error message 85543 in the entm_validations table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-OVVWXX PROGRAM: Alerts - new form ID field PROBLEM: When using the GOTO for Alerts (not alerts and messages) and filling in the ID number, when the user does a new, the id number entered into the GOTO does not default into the id number column. Note that it also does not default if the user does a GOTO alerts and messages. Reported in but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119443


PROBLEM: When trying to modify assignment data and changing the type, the wrong tms values are showing in the drop down if the prospect is a program prospect. Note that the assignment data has no program code for the type of assignment being modified. However, the mass update utility is only showing the codes for program instead of the codes for prospect if there is program prospect data. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122122 PROBLEM: A "unique constraint" error can occur posting relationship for entity IDs which are also "relation_id_number" IDs for other entities in the DataLoader batch. "The logic for updating the converse_sequence does not take into account the case where an id_number is also a relation_id_number in a separate row. As a result when the converse relationships are inserted a unique constraint error occurs." ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129028 PROBLEM: The application crashes with an 'SQL command not properly ended' error when trying to use entity merge/ purge standalone and the FROM id number has SIC data. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129746 PROBLEM: When merging two organizations where there is employment data and that employment data is linked to business address data for the employees, the business address is not being updated correctly. The employment link is correct but the name of the employer is not being changed to the new employer name in both the address and the address label columns. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137369 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When you try to load new entities that have alternate IDs with email addresses in Advance, it will not work and the following errors will appear in adv_log_exceptions: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ADVANCE"."W_EMAIL"."ID_NUMBER") ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ENTITY", line 87 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DATALOADER_WEB", line 1832 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DATALOADER_BATCH", line 107 ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ADVANCE"."W_EMAIL"."ID_NUMBER") ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ENTITY", line 132 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ENTITY", line 1801 ORA-06512: at line 1 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DATALOADER_WEB", line 1740 ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ADVANCE"."W_EMAIL"."ID_NUMBER") This error is happening because the w_email.id_number column does not allow nulls. However because the email data is being loaded with the entity, and the entity is new, an id number has not been generated yet. The w_email.id_number column should allow nulls. Looking at other work tables for data that can be loaded with new entities (entity, address, telephone, name, etc.) the id_number column does allow nulls. The column w_email.id_number column should be changed so that it allows nulls as well. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137692 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When a new employment record is linked to an existing business address the updated business address label does not include the employer name and job title as it should. The business address employer name and job title fields are properly updated, but not the address label. Linking a new business address record to an existing employment record does work properly, the address label includes the job title and employer name. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137705

PROBLEM: When the data is updated on the Race/Ethnicity page in Advance (app 91469, form 90958) the operator name and user group are not updated. They should be updated with the user name and user group of the user that made the changes. Note that originally, this table was originally created with data from the entity table by a SQL statement in the 9.4 upgrade. In the SQL statement the operator name was hard coded to 'MGW' and the group to '00'. This means that all rows in the entity_race_ethnicity table that existed as entities when the 9.4 upgrade was run will always have operator name set to 'MGW' and group to '00' because there is no way for them to change. Entities added after the upgrade (entity_race_ethnicity is added at the same time as entity) will have an operator name and user group of the user that originally added the entity but it also will not change if race or ethnicity is changed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140343 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When doing an employment lookup and combining employment data with other bio criteria, if the user selects the employment result set, the wrong data is being returned. The other bio criteria is being ignored ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141130 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The following error comes up when attempting to inactivate or delete a gender code in tms_gender Exception Type: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException Exception Message: ORA-00936: missing expression Exception Source: Oracle Data Provider for .NET Exception Target Site: UpdatedRowStatusErrors


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141141 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding former spouse data where the person is deceased but the surviving spouse is not deceased, the relationship data is backwards. It shows the surviving spouse as the deceased spouse and the deceased person as the widow/widower. If the user marries the two and then does a new and enters the marital status of W, the relationship data is added correctly. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142019 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: After loading business addresses via dataloader, the employer and title are showing for a split second on the entity address form but then disappear. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142374 PROBLEM: Updating an organization results in the error Error: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ENTITY", line 3675 ORA-06512: at line 1 The error is not consistent and cannot be reproduce reliably. It has not been duplicated here. It has been reported both in Advance 9.10 and 2015. After commenting out the exception block the error was found to be on the following lines of codes in the adv_entity.fn_valid_pre_updates(). UPDATE zz_adv_validation_log log SET val_rowid = NVL((SELECT DISTINCT w_entity.rowid FROM w_entity INNER JOIN w_email USING (loader_row_id) WHERE log.val_rowid = w_email.rowid), val_rowid) WHERE log.val_rowid IN (SELECT w_email.rowid FROM w_email WHERE loader_row_id > 0); -- All rowid in w_email UPDATE zz_adv_validation_log log SET val_rowid = NVL((SELECT DISTINCT w_entity.rowid FROM w_entity INNER JOIN w_econtact USING (loader_row_id) WHERE log.val_rowid = w_econtact.rowid), val_rowid) WHERE log.val_rowid IN (SELECT w_econtact.rowid FROM w_econtact WHERE loader_row_id > 0); -- All rowid in w_econtact ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142799 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The "Entity Type" drop-down for tms_record_type allows for codes P, G, Y, S, E, N, or blank. Code "Y" is for Alum. These entities are included in the "Alumni Emp" count on the Org entity header. The other codes are for types of non-Alumni, and should be included in the "Other Emp" count. However, the "Other Emp" count only includes types 'N' or blank. Entities with record type having alum_type_ind = P, G, S, or E are excluded from the "Other Emp" count on the Org entity header. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142853 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When a person dies who is married, the users have the option of using system option 187 or manually changing the marital status for a married couple. If 187 is used, the relationship data is added correctly. If 187 is not enabled and the user manually does a new on marital information and enters the marital status code of W for the active entity and Z for the deceased spouse id, the relationship data is created backwards. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143110 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When using the F2 lookup, the returned results do not meet the criteria entered. For example, last name of Brown but state of MA returns browns who do not have an address with a state of MA ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143384 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: There is a performance issue when trying to use entity merge for an id number that has a lot of data. After entering in the FROM id number and tabbing, that is when the performance problem occurs. The issue is with bringing up the data for the FROM and TO id numbers. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143501 PROBLEM: The procedure the gets the data from the database for the entity header, adv_headers.adv_entity_header, counts the number of alumni employees and non-alumni employees for organizations. This is done in an IF statement, where it checks to see if the entity is a person or org. However, this count is also done outside of the IF statement, for all entities. The second count should not be included, because person entities do not have employees. This can cause performance issues because when using Data Loader to load new person entities, the id_number is still blank when this procedure is called, which can cause the count to take a long time for each entity. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143965 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When system option 285 is turned on, an F2 lookup will bring up an abbreviated version of the entity lookup. However, even though the deleted indicator is set to N, virtually deleted entities are being returned in the result set. There is no indication to the user that some of the entities in the result set are 'virtually deleted'. The same issue exists when using the F3 lookup ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143881 PROBLEM: When a user sets a segment in the segment header to inactive, the date modified does reflect the date of change.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145116 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When doing a lookup that has bio criteria plus assignment criteria and using an assignment result set does not return any data. Using an entity result set does return data. Seems to be related to CR-000142250. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2015 and 2016 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145117 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When doing a contact report lookup, the entity contact reports are not returned in the result set unless the entity is also a prospect.. Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145441 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The relationship data is backwards when adding a former spouse row to an id number that is deceased. The former spouse data is correct but the relationship data is backwards ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145444 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When removing the employment link on a business address, the employer name, job title and address lines still contain the old employment data. Removing the employment link should remove the employment columns from the business address. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145481 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When the user selects the relationship view under Bio - Views, if the record status of the spouse is different than the record status of the id number, the wrong status shows in the list. Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016 ===================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145911 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When system option 187 is not enabled and the user manually updates the marital information to indicate that one of the two entities is deceased, the relationship table is updated incorrectly and the relation code is the opposite of what should be set. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2015 and 2016. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146186 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When entering an entity id number in the advisor column for a degree, if the pref mail name is longer than 30 characters, the application issues a critical error with a value too large for column error, Reported in 9.10.0 but also a problem in 2016. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146644 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: If the employer is a name only employer and is linked to a business address, if the employment link is removed, the employer name and job title remain. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146846 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: Joint checkbox on Contact Report form does not auto-fill the spouse ID or name in Advance 2016. When using the joint checkbox in the previous versions of Advance, the spouse ID and Name auto-filled when the two records were linked in the Marital Information record. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147006 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When trying to use mass update to add entity notes, the application crashes with a no data found error. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147017 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: Modifying an entity note set to be joint can cause id_number and joint_ind to be lost from the note record. The note record can still be properly displayed (based on the creator_id field) from the initial entity's record. Appears unpredictable but most likely to happen making consecutive modifications to the same note without navigating away from note record between modifications. {Note: this is modification of the original description of this issue, which was incorrect.] ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147672 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The data source (data_source_code) is not stored with a Notes record when it is saved. Any value selected from drop-down and visible on the Notes form fails to be written to the database record. Applies to any note type (entity, prospect, allocation, etc.). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147985 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding a new address, the user has the option of including a telephone number at the same time. If the user includes a change source value with the new address, the change source date is also added to the new telephone row, but shouldn't be. ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000148349 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: Empt Link box disappears when attempting to add a new business address (business address type other than 'B); happens with critical fix AWA-2016_0-ORA-06 installed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000150723 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: In Advance 2016, when F3 is used, it no longer brings up the enhanced lookup (where you can enter last name, first name, etc.). Instead, brings up a simple lookup where you can enter only an ID number. This is regardless of how system option 286 (called "enhanced F2 lookup", but also used for F3) is set. This is only a problem in Advance 2016. It works properly in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000151080 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When creating a new address, clicking tab after entering Address 1 jumps to the third line. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000151113 PROBLEM: When you have multiple tabs open in Advance and switch between them by clicking on the tab, you will loose focus on whatever field the cursor was in when you go back to the original tab. The focus will not be on anything - you can't use the Tab key to get back to the field you originally had focus on. You must use the mouse to click on the field you want to have focus on. Interestingly, if you use Alt-Page Up or Alt-Page Down to switch between tabs, you do not lose focus completely. When you switch back to the original tab the first input field will have focus, or the field that is first in the tab order. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000152423 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: When adding a new activity in the activities screen, the Fee Amount is now a required field. ======================================================================


Gift/Pledges Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-19UKPKG PROBLEM: If the user does a gift transaction lookup and a large number of transactions is returned, if the user then does a print form, the application hangs. Breaking point seems to be around 500 transactions ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1EQQ0CB PROBLEM: The user is able to enter a special handling code when adding a matching gift. However, after processing the matching gift, the processed matching gift does not display the special handling data. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-EFUI2V PROBLEM: In Advance Web, when you enter a Pledge with an Open frequency the payment date is not removed and you get the error: "An 'O'pen pledge may not have an initial payment date". In Advance Client this payment date is removed on Open Pledges. Advance Web should remove the payment date as it does in Advance Client. (Note: also exists in 9.4.2) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-QQUNL4 PROBLEM: When viewing a processed gift, the user can also view the matching claim data if any exists. However, the labels for claim status and claim status date are missing as well as the history hyperlink. The control_hidden column is set to Y for forms 90274 and 90369 for the matching claims forms and that is why the labels are not showing up. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-RPQINU PROBLEM: When using the transaction list with audit and bringing up the reversal data, the word Reversal is in black and italics. When using the pledge/payment list with audit and bringing up the reversal data, the word Reversal is red and is not in italics. In addition, the occurence number is missing from the pledge/payments with audit reversal detail. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-YSORTF PROBLEM: When using a payment frequency of O (open), the initial payment date must be set to NULL. However, when setting the payment frequency to O on batch defaults and then adding a new pledge, the initial payment date defaults to the current system date. If the user does not notice that the date has defaulted and then tries to save, they get an error and must go back and manually blank out the payment date. Reported in but also a bug in 9.7 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000102590 PROBLEM: Matching claims are not getting generated for a gift when the donor's spouse works for a matching company and the matching policy has the "spouses of eligible employees are eligible." ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000102771 PROBLEM: for processed Matching gift documents, on the document detail display, the context is shown without a hyperlink to open/edit that context. For all other document types, there is a hyperlink that will bring you directly to the Overview ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000103540 PROBLEM: When adding a joint gift using the gift/pledge loader, if the transaction amount contains an odd decimal value, when the data is loaded into the batch tables, the joint donor amount is the same as the primary donor amount which results in the sum of the associated donors being a penny greater than the primary gift amount. Reported in 9.8 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105009 PROBLEM: When modifying a previously processed matching gift, the user does not get the save completed message. This is the donor matched gift, not the matching gift header data. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105086 PROBLEM: An error can occur when attempting to display the transaction list when the batch contains a mix of data with different primary key types, for example with entity and allocation type data. Error: Exception Type: System.ArgumentException Exception Message: Column 'allocationcode' does not belong to table 85006. Exception Source: System.Data Exception Target Site: GetDataColumn For example the error will occur in a batch of Address, Allocation Beneficiary, Contact Report, and Telephone data. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106344 PROBLEM: When running the script to populate the YY tables for the pledge reminder report, the primary donor is not always in the first


slot (asc_code1 in yy_reminder_donors is not always set to P). This results in the pledge reminder report showing the name of the non-primary donor on the report. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107053 PROBLEM: User gets a critical error trying to reverse a gift that has been matched. Error is: unique constraint (ADV990_batch_gift_tender_type_key0) violated at ADV990_batch_rev_mod line 2964 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107180 PROBLEM: When adding a gift in the gift entry ledger, the user has the ability to enter multiple securities data. However, when adding a second row, the definition of the Reval Amt is not defined the same as the Reval Amt column when adding the first security row, When adding the security row that is added when adding the gift, the Reval Amt is allowing the entry of decimal values, However, when adding the second row by clicking on the security link, the Reval Amt only allows whole numbers. Reported in 9.8 fixed in 990 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107278 PROBLEM: Confirmed issue does not occur in Chrome or IE. Firefox only. In batch gift entry, after adding a gift transaction. Go over to Giving Codes. Enter a new gift code and save; save successful message. Any attempt to move away from screen causes the popup box "Your changes have not been saved..." to pop up. Box does not pop up in gift update, only batch gift entry. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107334 PROBLEM: There is no Charity Description in a Gift Transaction Lookup, not in the output on the screen or when exported to Excel. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107598 PROBLEM: When entering a gift and doing a donor lookup, if the entity has name data that meets the criteria entered in the lookup but that name row has a name type code with the exclude from lookup checked, the application crashes with a no row at position 0 error. Reported in 9.8.1 but appears to be fixed in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107728 PROBLEM: The school and allocation school displays are reversed on the Pledge Associated Donors display (Form 90153). The allocation school appears with the donor information, and the donor's school appears in the allocation school field. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108397 PROBLEM: If a planned gift has been virtually deleted (purge_ind='Y'), the nav tree still includes it in the counts. Since this data will no longer display, this is confusing to the user as they see a count of 1 but no data will display. The count should not include any planned gifts where the purge_ind ='Y' ===================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108408 PROBLEM: When a user deletes the home address for an entity who is married with the same home address indicator set, it is not deleting the home address for the spouse. Instead, it is creating a past home address for the spouse that is the same as the home address. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108434 PROBLEM: When deleting a planned gift with system option 46 turned on, the application does not actually physically delete the row from the planned_gift table. Instead, it sets the purge_ind =Y. However this causes other issues in the application as the lookups will return a proposal that is linked to this planned gift. And then when the user drills down to the detail, no data comes up. This is a difference between the behavior in Advance Windows where Advance Windows does remove the row from the planned gift table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108463 PROBLEM: When doing a Gift Appeal lookup with Gift Appeal Lookup list results format and Display Results/Open on exact match output type selected, the application flashes and does not open if there is a single match found. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108818 PROBLEM: Using the zz_build_dues_payments procedure, recurring payments are being created for memberships that have a status of "inactive sustainer." And the Inactive Sustainer status in the membership_status tms table has the Prevent Payment indicator checked. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109673 PROBLEM: FireFox only issue - user adds a gift and then adds giving code data. The giving code drop down shows the codes and the user selects one of the codes from the drop down and saves and the user gets the save successful message. However, when the


application re-displays the information, the description of the code no longer appears. And when the user tries to navigate away from the giving codes, they get the your changes have not been saved message. Note that the data, however, has indeed been saved. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109929 PROBLEM: When expanding the funding purpose tree, the order appears to be random. So instead of displaying something like 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc,. the order might be something like 1.1.3, 1.1.1. 1.1.2. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109945 PROBLEM: When the user is adding a gift that includes security data and using the high and low values, the value per share is being rounded. The column allows for more than 2 decimal places so the calculation should not be rounding at that affects the value calculation as well. If the value per share should be more than 2 decimal places, the user has to manually adjust the value which means that the calculation is not really useful as the client then has to figure out the calculation manually and make the adjustment. Reported in appears to be fixed in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110666 PROBLEM: When bringing up the transaction list from a gift/pledge loader run and doing a print form, the Entity and Source columns are blank even though there is data for both column on the actual list. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 Link: https://ellucian.force.com/clients/a0xG0000001wHPOIA2 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110930 PROBLEM: Advance Web does not work with the latest Chrome update, v34.0.1847.116 m. When you click on the Lookup icon, the Lookup tab never displays, or changes from 'Loading'. The last stable version of Chrome that works well with Advance Web appears to be: Version 33.0.1750.154 m Logged for v9.8.1 but appears to be a problem with all versions of Advance Web. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111410 PROBLEM: When adding a payment for an 'open-ended' pledge, the display of the balance in the iframe shows as a negative amount and in red. The balance should display as zero. When viewing the pledge via the pledge detail, the balance does show as zero. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111699 PROBLEM: When trying to drill down from the transaction list with audit to the gift reversal data, the application crashes if there are multiple gift reversal rows with the same associated donor code. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000112373 PROBLEM: Similar to another logged bug where copy and paste has an issue in version 9.9.0. In this case, the user is entering a comment into a gift and saving. They then copy the comment as they want to add the same comment to the next gift. However, this does not work using IE 9. This does work in version ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113550 PROBLEM: If a custom form (batch metadata) is created for allocation data and a batch of allocation modify records is created then Dataloader displays the Entity Summary form and "New Entity" when navigating between records in single-record mode. First record displayed from transaction list is ok (allocation summary is shown); next record displayed by posting the first or by navigating with arrow is incorrect (entity summary is shown). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113731 PROBLEM: When modifying a joint pledge and turning off the joint indicator, when the batch is processed, the bpe_associated_donor rows in the original batch are deleted. Reported in 9.8 but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113897 PROBLEM: When a pledge has a payment frequency of O, there can only be one payment schedule and the date is stored as eight zeros. However, if this is a pledge with more than one associated donor and the user modifies the pledge to add a third associated donor with a legal amount, the application crashes with a input value not long enough for date format. Checking the date in sql, the eight zeros has been changed to just four zeros which causes the error. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0. In 9.8.1, the user is not aware of the problem until they attempt to close the batch. In 9.9.0, the user gets a critical error trying to save the third associated donor row. ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113922 PROBLEM: If the user enters a future date of record on batch control and specifies a payment frequency but does not provide a pay date, when they attempt to save the batch control they get an error message that the pay date must be equal to or after the date of record. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113963 PROBLEM: Husband is a prospect for two different prospect groups (BS and LF) Wife is a prospect for the LF group When a user assigned for prospect group BS views their assigned contact reports, user can see the contact reports for the LF prospect group in the Recent Activity report In the wife's LF contact report her husband's ID number is entered in the 2nd ID field which causes the 'pe.id_number or' where clause to retrieve the wrong record. UNION -- Prospect Entity SELECT c.report_id FROM contact_report c ,assignment a ,prospect_entity pe WHERE a.assignment_id_number = i_id_number AND a.active_ind = 'Y' AND c.date_modified >= v_start_date -- This is helping the query plan AND a.prospect_id = pe.prospect_id AND (pe.id_number = c.id_number OR pe.id_number = c.id_number_2); STR 1) Enable prospect security (SO31) 2) In config utility, set user's prospect group to BS 3) You will need to create husband and wife records 4) Husband should have two prospect rows with two different prospect groups assigned (BS and LF) 5) Wife should have one prospect row with the LF group assigned 6) Create contact report for Wife for the LF group 7) Log into Advance Web 8) My Contact Reports on the homepage shows prospects from wrong group 9) Contact report for wife appears with hyperlink User should not be able to see these contact reports as they belong to a different prospect group (BS) Link: https://ellucian.force.com/clients/a0xG0000002NjNAIA0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114521 PROBLEM: User is trying to merge gift club data and gets an error when they click on the hyperlink. Seems to be related to having ADM installed. It's and Advance has encountered an unexpected error message and the full error message is logged in the awalog. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114649 PROBLEM: If the user enters a recurring payment type membership without a payment amount and without a tender type, after the membership has been processed, the user can add a dues payment for that membership with a payment type that is not enabled for recurring payment memberships. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000115849 PROBLEM: User is modifying a gift that has an inactive allocation. When they close the batch, there are no errors on the validation report. However, when gift processing run, a message is written to zz_gperrorlog that the allocation is inactive and the batch fails to post. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117460 PROBLEM: When you check the joint indicator box on a gift that already has associated donors, the message is misleading, as it states that associated donors will be deleted, which no longer occurs. Clicking 'OK' causes the application to produce a critical error message. Request that the message be changed to alert the user that the associated donors must be deleted manually, and can it just be an alert message - so that clicking 'OK' doesn't result in the package trying to insert a duplicate row when the associated donors have not yet been removed? ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117499 PROBLEM: The gift batch transaction list (form 90954) does not show the appeal code on a gift if it is a membership appeal. It will show the appeal code if it is a gift appeal. This is happening because membership appeals and gift appeals are stored in different columns in the table bg_associated_donor, and the procedure adv_batch_control.list_donors only selects the value from the bg_appeal column and not the bg_memb_appeal column. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119001 PROBLEM: There is an extra blank row for each gift batch displayed on form 80039. This is happening because two controls in one of the table cells have the same control_seq value. To fix the problem, edit form 80039. Change the control_seq value (named "Sequence" if viewed in the Config Utility) for the control st_pp_batch (xsequence=80) from 4 to 5 (so that it does not have the same control_seq value as the control GiftBatchLockedUser that is at the same x and y location). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119236 PROBLEM: When bringing up the pledge payment with audit report, the reversal rows doubles the soft credit amount. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119304 PROBLEM: The pledge payment with audit is difficult to read if the pledge has multiple allocations and the payment also has multiple


allocations and both the pledge and the payment have been modified more than once. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119786 PROBLEM: The control 96082 ("Recent 1st Time Annual Donors of 5k+") has two two controls, t_amount, and d_amount, that have the same value of "d_amount" in the column control_htmlid. This will generate the error "Multiple controls with the same ID 'd_amount' were found" whenever you go to a page where the form has been added, and the form has data to display. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-B52NDQ PROGRAM: Batch Proof Report PROBLEM: If the user enters a gift with a transaction type where the exclude indicator is checked (non-gift), the heading on the batch proof report reads Non Gifts Reversal Transactions - this is not a reversal so the heading should not have Reversal in the heading ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-BMARJO PROGRAM: Gift Entry Ledger PROBLEM: The user is able to enter an inactive payment type code for a gift. They do get the message that the code is inactive but they are allowed to save the transaction with the inactive code. The validation report also does not check this so the user is able to close the batch and process the batch using an inactive payment type code. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-CCN25N PROGRAM: Gift Entry Ledger PROBLEM: When the user wants to modify a joint gift but the joint id number is no longer the spouse id number in entity, the user gets an error message and they are not able to modify the transaction. The application needs to look at the former spouse data and see if the joint id number is in the spouse id number in former spouse. If it is present in former spouse, then the modification should be allowed to continue. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-CSPKIZ PROGRAM: Gift Validation Report PROBLEM: The gift validation report is giving an error on the joint id number when trying to reverse a joint transaction when the spouse id number is no longer in the entity table for the primary donor. The gift validation report needs to refine this check to allow this situation on a reversal. Reported in but also an issue in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122199 PROBLEM: When modifying a matching gift where the tender type is not check/cash and changing the tender type data, the gift tender type reversal table contains the changed data, not the original data. So basically the batch_gift_tender_type data is written to the gift_tender_type_reversal table instead of the original gift_tender_type data. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122217 PROBLEM: When adding data to zz_gpl_transaction, transaction type and payment type are not listed in the documentation as required. However, if the user tries to import the run when the transaction type and payment type are missing, the import will fail with a message that required data is missing. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122257 PROBLEM: Giving code types is set up as location specific. However, if a user tries to add a code for one location that already exists as a code for a different location, they get an error message that they can't enter a duplicate tms code ===================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122533 PROBLEM: When using the affiliation filter on giving totals, the amounts in the gift credit and received amount columns are reversed. Reported in 9.8.,1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122882 PROBLEM: When running the zz_build_dues_payments script, the value in zz_new_id is not incremented by one before the first dues payment is generated. This results in a duplicate dues payment number. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125347 PROBLEM: When doing a Gift Reversal, the following error is generated Exception Type: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException Exception Message: ORA-12899: value too large for column "ADVANCE"."W_LIST_TMS_VALUES"."ADV_SHORT_DESC" (actual: 119, maximum: 100) ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_TMS", line 3815 ORA-06512: at line 1 Exception Source: Oracle Data Provider for .NET Exception Target Site: HandleErrorHelper The code looks like it is reading the description field out of the CASHIER_TAG table which is 120 characters and writing it into W_LIST_TMS_VALUES.ADV_SHORT_DESC, which only holds 100 characters. W_LIST_TMS_VALUES.ADV_SORT_NAME will also need to be increased to 120 ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125709 PROBLEM: When adding a new allocation and entering a value in the allocation department column, the school from the tms allocation department table is not defaulting. System option 143 is not enabled but the allocation school should still default. Note that the allocation division in the tms allocation department table is not populated and that seems to be why the allocation school is not defaulting. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125940 PROBLEM: User is able to save a funding purpose allocation row but when it is saved, it does not have a funding purpose code. The funding purpose code is key to tying to the allocation to the actual funding purpose row so there needs to be a check before the data is written out that the funding purpose code is linked to the allocation. Reported in 9.8 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126669 PROBLEM: The use is getting the error message: "Tender - invalid transaction type - EFT and Payroll Deduction Payments must be made in a separate batch" if they add the gift with a non-eft payment type and then immediately change the payment type to an eft type. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126709 PROBLEM: One of the upgrades scripts for the 9.9.0 release sets the location id to NULL for the gift tender type and batch gift tender type tables. For a client using MLP, the location id can't be NULL and this results in errors when trying to modify or reverse any matching gift where the corresponding gift tender type row has a NULL in the location id. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127725 PROBLEM: When the user is modifying a gift where the allocation department on the allocation has changed, the user gets the message about the allocation department does not match what is in the allocation for the primary donor. If the user selects the OK option to bring in the new allocation department from the allocation, the department value is changed. However, when attempting to make the same change on associated donor for the non-primary donor, if the user selects OK to bring in the allocation department value from allocation, the value does not actually change and the old department value remains in the associated donor row ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130006 PROBLEM: When adding a gift or pledge that includes an in-honor-of or in-memory-of donor, the soft credit amount is not being verified if the user adds a soft credit amount. The user is able to add any soft credit amount regardless of which switches are set in the tms associated amount control table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130404 PROBLEM: When trying to add a matching gift using the match donor gift functionality, when the user tries to save that matching gift, the user is taken back to the logon application. Similar functionality occurs when trying to change the allocation on a matching gift that has been generated from the claim list. After changing the allocation and saving, the user is taken back to the logon screen. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130424 PROBLEM: The logic in zz_gp5.sql that calculates the next sequence number for the pledge reminder log table can return a number that is larger than a number (6,0) which is the definition of the column in the pledge reminder log table. The definition of the sequence number in the temp table is an integer so the logic does not fail on the insert into the temp table. However, when gift processing attempts to write to the pledge reminder log table, it now has a 7 digit number which is too large for the pledge reminder log sequence. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130710 PROBLEM: Entity Merge When attempting to move allocations that contain a dash in the allocation_code and an administrator_id_number, the following error occurs: Exception Type: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException Exception Message: ORA-00936: missing expression ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ENTITY_MERGE", line 5296 ORA-06512: at line 1 Exception Source: Oracle Data Provider for .NET Exception Target Site: HandleErrorHelper ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000131523 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When viewing a matching gift reversal that has a transmit to accounting and an original transmit to accounting values, the reversal view shows the same value for both columns and both columns contain the current transmit to accounting value. The problem is in the form controls for form 80110. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000133656 PROBLEM: When attempting to make a pledge payment on a multi-donor pledge where the appeal is inactive, the user is not able to


save the transaction as they get an error message that the appeal is inactive. When they attempt to remove the appeal code from the primary donor they continue to get the error as the associated donors also have the inactive appeal code. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000133900 PROBLEM: When the user does a pledge modification and attempts to change the allocation for the pledge and the allocation switch is checked for the PP code in the tms validation control table, they get a red Allocation followed by a dash but with no message. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000134356 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When changing the proposal id on gift update when a proposal already exists, after the save, the prospect data in the primary gift has not been update and still contains the prospect id from the first proposal. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000136343 PROBLEM: The payment type default for membership fast key loader is using the tms_payment_type table instead of the tms_memb_pay_type table. Reported in but also a bug in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000101345 PROBLEM: The lookup query is giving all matching gift when checked with gift and there is a criteria on the credit amount. Since there is no credit amount for matching gift there is no condition made in the query. Example : gift checked, matching gift checked and credit amount > 50000. The result would give all gift with credit amount greater than 50000 and would also give you all matching gift transactions since there is no criteria on credit amount. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119506 PROBLEM: Not an issue when adding new matching gfits. However, when modifying more than one matching gift from different organizations, the claim list 'sticks' for the first matching gift modification. When viewing the second matching gift modification, the claim list hyperlink shows the correct count. However, clicking on the hyperlink brings up the claim list from the first matching gift modification. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000121994 PROBLEM: When entering matching gifts with system option 148 turned off (Canadian tax receipts), the columns create_tax_receipt_ind and yr_end_rcpt_requested_ind are not being set to N. There is an integrity check that flags these transactions as missing a required values (Y/N). These columns should be set to N if system option 148 is set to N. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122103 PROBLEM: When modifying a matching gift where the date form received has a value, the date form received is not copied over to the replacement matching gift. The date form received value is in the matching gift reversal row but is not in the current matching gift row. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122472 PROBLEM: A gift is added where a claim is also added for a donor. The user updates the claim by setting a claim amount and the claim status and the claim status date and saves. The user then goes back to gift details and makes a change. The claim is also updated and the amount is reset to zero. This also happens if the user turns on the claim form received checkbox but then goes back to gift details and makes a change. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000123181 PROBLEM: When system option 20 is enabled, the matching policy row for the employer id number can indicate whether or not they will match retirees. However, if the matching policy row is set to not match retirees, the claim is still generated. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129045 PROBLEM: The Advance Gift/Pledge Loader Data Elements documentation for associated donor code still lists P, J, H and M as the only valid codes. The documentation needs to be updated to remove that restriction. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130387 PROBLEM: Matching policy data is being checked when system option 20 is not checked. Claims are either generated or not generated based on the data in the matching policy data even though system option 20 is not enabled. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10.0 ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000135839 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: User is making a third party payment on a pledge with multiple donors and multiple allocations and system option 147 (copy donors from pledge to pledge payment) is turned on. After the payment has been saved, the user adjusts the hard and soft credit amounts. On the save, the user gets the error message: bg_pledge_number - the amount of the pledge payment exceeds the pledge balance. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000136287 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The examples for the training values in the tms user guide for the tms_transaction_type has blanks instead of N. A Y/N column should always be Y or N and not blank so the examples need to be updated to replace blank with N. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138184 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When using GMOD to modify gifts that were entered using an appeal code that is a membership appeal code that can also be used for gifts, the membership appeal code is removed from the gifts when the gifts are written to the batch tables. Reported in but also a bug in Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138268 PROBLEM: When system option 147 is enabled, the associated donors from the pledge are copied into the pledge payment. However if one of the allocations is inactive, the user is not able to save the transaction as they get the message: 'Allocation - The Status of the Allocation provided is inactive.' Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138377 MODULE: Gift/Pledge Loader PROBLEM: When trying to use the pledge and pledge payment link in gift/pledge loader, the data is being loaded using an alpha order which can result in the pledge payment being loaded before the pledge and then the link fails. Using numbers does not always work because the gpl_transaction_id is defined as a varchar2(20) so the load will load the data in alpha order instead of numeric order. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138691 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The batch security from windows was not fully implemented in Advance Web which resulted in a gift entry supervisor having access to the transactions. The gift entry supervisor should only have access to batch control. This defect was fixed in Advance Web. However, someone who has built their processes around the ability of the gift entry supervisor to access the transactions is no longer able to keep those processes in place when they upgrade as they are encountering the change in logic as a result of the defect fix. Requesting a new value for system option 9 where if operator level security is being enforced, that a gift entry supervisor be allowed to access and update the transactions. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139218 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When merging two people, if there are gifts that contain EFT and/or payroll deduction payment types, when the merge attempts to create the batch data it will issue an error that EFT and payroll deduction types can't be mixed in one batch. Tender - invalid transaction type - EFT and payroll deduction payments must be made in separate batch. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139496 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The lookups have specific functionality that prohibits them from being added to the home page or the entity overview. The documentation needs to include that fact in the advanced lookup user guide. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140021 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: A new retiree ratio was added to matching policy. However, if system options 67 and 68 are not checked (N) , then the retiree ratio is not being used to calculate the claim amount. The regular ratio is used instead of the retiree ratio. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140092 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When system option 33 is turned on (enable alerts and messages) and you are entering a gift or pledge into a batch, when you enter an entity ID for an entity that you have not already viewed in the current session, you will lose focus on the entity ID field. When you hit tab to move focus to the next field (Allocation) focus instead will be on the top Actions menu on the page. This is happening because Advance is executing some JavaScript as part of a pop-up window to check if the entity has any alerts and messages. (This is new to Advance 9.10.) If there are no alerts or messages the pop-up window will quickly disappear (it may not be seen at all) but if there is an alert or message the window will stay until it is closed. Whether it stays or not it causes the focus (where the cursor is) to be lost. The user must hit tab multiple times to move to the next data entry field (Allocation) which should only take one tab. This will happen only once per entity per session because Advance keeps track of all entities that it has checked alerts and messages for and will only check to see if a specific entity has any alerts or messages once per session. Note that the check to see if an entity has been already checked is done before the pop-up is displayed. The check to see if the entity has any alerts or


messages is done after the pop-up is displayed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140954 MODULE: Bio PROBLEM: The former spouse should save with the marital status that's entered in the Former Marital Status form (90553) pop-up. There appears to be code in adv_marital_info.insert_work_adds that defaults the marital status for the newly created former spouse record to be F if the new spouse has an entity ID EVEN THOUGH the operator may have chosen a different value in the Former Marital Status form (90553) pop-up like D (Divorced) or W (Widowed). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141113 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When modifying a Canadian tax receipt gift, the create tax receipt and year end tax receipt are reset to N when the original gift has them set to Y. Note that the Charity value remains but the two indicators are reset to N. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141231 PROBLEM: A change was made to the lookup sql syntax to add an UPPER to various columns - for example, the gift receipt number on the gift transaction lookup. This results in a table scan of the gift table since the UPPER will ignore the index. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141372 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When setting up the rules for donor totals, the user has the option of selecting which amount to use when calculating the totals. However if the user selects pledge balances, the logic is not using the pledge balance. The totals show the primary pledge amount instead of the pledge balance. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141395 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When system option 81 is enabled and the affiliation filter is turned on , the text "filter in place" is supposed to print on the forms on giving summary to show that the totals have the affiliation filter applied. The text is not showing so the user has no way of knowing if the totals are being filtered or not. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141396 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When system option 81 is enabled and the affiliation filter is turned on for the entity overview, the totals in the giving summary quadrant are not being filtered. And there is no indication that the affiliation filter is turned on. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142036 PROBLEM: When loading a pledge with a payment frequency of Open, Gift/Pledge Loader automatically sets the initial payment date ("Pay Date") to the current date. This causes a validation error when attempting to close the batch. The Pay Date should be blank for an Open frequency pledge. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142461 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When turning on the form received checkbox in gift update for a claim, if the person is retired and the company matches retirees and there is a retiree ratio in matching policy, the retiree ratio is not being used to calculate the claim amount. The standard ratio is being used instead of the retiree ratio ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142905 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The gift pledge user guide does not fully explain how to enter multiple allocation and/or multiple donor transactions. There is no mention of needing to set up the tms association codes. There is also no mention of how to enter the multiple data and then click on generate and what happens after the rows have been generated. For example, the documentation does not tell the user that they need to adjust the legal and soft credit amounts in the donor grid. There is also nothing in the documentation on how to add a donor after the grid has been generated. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143011 PROBLEM: If the user wants to extend the pledge payment schedules by reducing the amount on the last schedule, the application ignores the change. This is a problem in pledge update as well as the gift entry ledger. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110401 PROBLEM: There is a reference to zz_gp_transaction_base in the gift/pledge loader user guide. Base needs to be removed - the name of the table is zz_gpl_transaction. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143447 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: If the user changes a gift or pledge and it has associated donors, a change to the amount or a change to the joint indicator will trigger a warning that the associated donors will be deleted. However, if the user changes the primary donor id, no warning message appears and the associated donors are deleted. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2015


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143845 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The lookup form for the allocation lookup under the Lookup Gift nav tree (not the quick lookup) produces an error if the user enters a value for min amount or goal amount. In addition, the form controls are incorrect. Both columns are defined as a lookup column. They are not lookup columns but numeric columns Error message is Value cannot be Null ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000144095 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: The following error is raised when the user tries to change the face amount of the matching gift during a modification 'Amount - A matching gift from <xxxxx> for <xxx.xx> paid by Check # <xxxxx> already exists in another batch. Please review the amount and other information you have entered. Reported in 9.10.0 but also a bug in 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000144793 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: Pledge is entered as a joint pledge. The pledge is then modified to remove the joint donor. After the pledge modification is processed, the user enters a pledge payment for the pledge but the joint checkbox is checked even though the pledge is no longer joint and the joint gift checkbox is not checked on marital information. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145200 MODULE: Pledge PROBLEM: New modification on a pledge in foreign currency (changing the frequency of payments from custom to annual or changing the rate) the payment calendar is showing that the first payment was already made. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145445 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When adding a gift for a person who has employment data with a job status of 'retired', a claim is not being generated even though matching policy has the will match retirees checkbox chevcked. If the job status is changed to 'current', then the claim is generated. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145449 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: Adding a claim to a gift for a donor whose job status is 'retired' is not using the retiree ratio ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146238 PROBLEM: New modification on a pledge in foreign currency (changing the frequency of payments from custom to annual or changing the rate) the payment calendar is showing that the first payment was already made. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146535 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: If user attempts to edit an allocation without entering all required fields then proceeds to try to close form, the save alert pop-up box does not come up. Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146542 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: User gets a critical error trying to add a gift when the person has employment data with an employer id number and the matching status checked but the employer id number does not have matching policy data since system option 20 is N. Even though system option 20 is N, the application is trying to read the matching policy row which does not exist so the user gets a 'no data found' error ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146640 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When adding matching gifts, the user can click on match donor gift when no claim exists. Using this functionality, the user either tabs out of the donor id, receipt and sequence number columns and selects the gift from the donor gift pop-up or the data entry person can key in the donor id number, receipt number and sequence number to add the matching gift. However, once the data entry staff has done this twice, the match donor gift becomes non-functional - the donor pop-up does not come up and if the user keys the id number, receipt number, sequence number manually, the attributes of the gift being matched do not default into the form ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146866 PROBLEM: If a pledge payment is modified and changed to be an outright gift, when gift processing run, the primary pledge is updated and the amount paid is changed to take out the amount of the pledge payment. If the pledge is fully paid, then the status is also changed to active (A) from paid (P). However, the date modified is not changed. The date modified should be updated when this change is made. Reported in 9.01.0 but also an issue in 2016 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147077 PROBLEM: When modifying a set of gifts that have an appeal code using the gift mass mod utility, the appeal code is copied into both the appeal column and the memb appeal column. The appeal code should only be copied to the memb appeal column when the apply


to memb allowed is checked. If the apply to memb allowed checkbox is checked, then only the memb appeal code column should be populated and the gift appeal column should not contain the appeal code. After the gift mass mod has put the data into the batch tables, the user then gets an error message on the validation report stating that membership appeal XXXXX is not configured to be used on gifts and pledges and the batch can't be closed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000148037 PROBLEM: The F3 functionality is no longer working on the scheduled payments under pledge update ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000152256 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: When entering an associated gift, after entering the entity ID, the entity's default school code and class year are not automatically populated (as they should be) . Because these fields are required if the entity is an alumnus, they must be entered manually. This is not a problem when entering the primary donor for a gift. First reported in Advance 2015, also a problem in Advance 2016. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000152306 MODULE: Gift PROBLEM: Transaction amounts and total amounts show, but subtotal amounts do not. The form is 80883 and the subtotal values are listed in a format like this =SUM(foreign_receipt_total)!account The totals in a format like =SUM(foreign_receipt_total) and regular values that are just a field, such as foreign_receipt_total are fine, so I'm guessing it doesn't like the !account syntax. The report still works, just doesn't populate the values. ======================================================================


Membership Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000100494 PROBLEM: Session id is not being set in the temp_generate_appeal table which results in multiple rows being added when trying to load appeals using the run_gen_appeal.ksh. Additional notes: The problem is happening because the columns in table temp_tmpid are defined as char instead of varchar2. There is a compare between i_session_id in temp_tmpid which is char and the variable i_session which is varchar2. If the values are less than 10 characters the compare will fail because the char column is padded with spaces. There is also code in the script to prefix the month with a "0" if the month is only one character (1 - 9, Jan. to Sept.). This does not work for several reasons: the concatenation operator is "+" and really should be "||", and the if statement is checking if the second character is blank to see if the month is 1 - 9 (which won't work) instead of checking to see if the length is 1. The procedure also adds rows to table temp_generate_appeals before setting i_session_id, meaning that the rows won't get deleted at the end of the procedure. However this doesn't matter because the table is never referenced again in the procedure! Most temp tables used in the procedure have a session_id column so it can be safely run more than once at the same time. However one table does not (temp_tmpid2) which means that if the procedure is run more than once at the same time, they could interfere with each other. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000103451 PROBLEM: When using Fast Key membership entry, the application is determining the membership type code to assign based on the amount in the input file. However, if there are two memberships that both qualify but one is inactive, then fast key is not assigning the active membership type. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000104830 PROBLEM: When creating a new appeals clipboard, you can end up with an endless loop of error messages. In IE, the only way to exit is to kill and restart the browser. This is not an issue in Chrome and Firefox because the message box includes an option that will prevent the web page from creating additional messages. To reproduce: - Go to the Clipboard application - On the Page Tree, expand Gift then click on Appeal - Click on the "New" button to create a new clipboard - In the empty row that was created, click on the second column (Appeal), then click somewhere else - The message "ID Number and Appeal Code are requiered" will appear (note that the word "requiered" is also misspelled) - If you click on "OK" to dismiss the message, it will reappear, in an endless loop, until you use Task Manager to kill IE ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111342 PROBLEM: A claim is not being generated when the entity is not an alum record type. Even though system option 20 is turned off, the alum record type check is still being performed and if the entity is not an alum record type the claim is not being generated. Reported in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111361 PROBLEM: After receiving a 'Duplicate Membership' warning and the user cancels the entry, the application will still create a row in the memb_batch_payment table. This occurs when a duplicate is in another batch and when a new membership is being entered that has a duplicate in another batch. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117888 PROBLEM: When a membership is added with a payment, the payment is not appearing in the batch proof report ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119860 PROBLEM: If the entity has more than one membership with the same memb_year value, the wrong membership displays as the current membership. The procedure is not checking on status or end date but is instead using rownum to determine which membership to display. If the membership that should be displaying is not rownum =1, then the wrong membership displays. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119977 PROBLEM: For a membership user who has a lot of membership data, the dashboard reports are slow to bring up the data. Client reports that it took over seven minutes for the data to appear. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120231 PROBLEM: There is a checkbox in tms_memb_status that indicates if a payment can be applied to a membership. However, when making a dues payment on a membership that was entered via Fast Key, if the status is not A, the user gets a message telling them that the person does not have a membership. ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120764 PROBLEM: The membership payment list with audit shows a dues payment reversal twice if the membership has also been modified. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120785 PROBLEM: Entity has two memberships. The older membership has seven premiums of which 3 are declined but the other 4 are not declined. User attempts to modify the newer membership which has 7 premiums, none of which are declined. When the membership modification is brought into Fast Key, all 7 premiums are brought into the modification but 3 of them show as declined. It appears that the declined indicator is being set from the older membership. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128386 PROBLEM: The user is getting the duplicate membership error when a person adds a membership for themselves and then is the payor on a different membership where they are not the member. Reported in 9.8.21. but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When doing a dues payment lookup, if the user keys in a dues payment number, the application displays hyperlinked data about the dues payment number. The hyperlink display includes the payment type but the hyperlink is using the wrong tms table to retrieve the data. It is using the tms_payment_type (DT) table instead of the tms_memb_pay_type (MD) table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122104 PROBLEM: When adding membership data using the Fast Key Membership Loader, if a check number value is in the input data, it is not copied into the membership batch table when the data is loaded. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122868 PROBLEM: User is adding an 'add spouse' type of membership where the card count is set to 2. After adding the membership, the card count of 2 is correct. User then brings up the members and deletes the group member. The card count now shows 4. However, when viewing the card data in the application only 2 cards show up for the primary member. Close the batch and run dues processing and check the memb card data and note that each of the two id numbers that were in the membership initially are in the memb_card data twice - so two rows for the primary member and two rows for the group member. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000123656 PROBLEM: User has set up a membership with a variable payment plan schedule. However, when they try to adjust any of the schedules, the schedules are regenerated without using the variable payment plan setup so the schedules are not updated correctly. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126459 PROBLEM: When renewing a membership that has a premium attached and not using fast key, the premium is not brought into the renewal unless the premium is linked via the membership type code in the tms memb type table. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127156 PROBLEM: The membership card reports do not actually export any data if the membership is not a fast key membership. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000131533 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: several issues with the splitting of the dues payment when the membership is joint and the payor id is not the same as the primary member. In most cases, the payment amount only shows half of the amount instead of the full amount. In one instance, the payor id is the joint member but the dues payment only has half of the amount entered for the payment. In the second instance the payor id numbmer is not associated with the membership at all and again, the payment is for only half of the amount. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137914 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When renewing a membership using Fast Key and the payment plan is a variable payment plan, the schedules are not brought into the renewal and the renewed membership has no schedules ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139191 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When modifying a membership such that the membership amount now equals the paid amount, when dues processing runs, the membership status is not reset to P (paid).


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139198 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: Similar to earlier request to add new option to system option 9 to enable a supervisor to access membership transactions in the membership ledger when system option 9 is set to 2. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139386 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: If a dues payment for a sustainer membership is modified, dues processing incorrectly sets the status to paid. This prevents the entry of any new payment for this membership ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141644 PROBLEM: When modifying a membership and changing the start and stop dates, if there are premiums associated with the membership, the user is prompted to determine how the premium start and stop dates should be updated. The user also has the option of using the membership start and stop dates or manually entered stop and start dates. If the stop date is in the future (2099) and the user selects use the membership dates, the premium stop date year is set to 1999 instead of 2099. Some stop dates seem to work correctly but other stop dates cause a problem with the year being set to 19NN instead of 20NN. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143166 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When trying to modify a membership appeal row for a entity that has more than one of the same memb_appeal_code (but different appeal_year), the user receives the following message during the save: Reported in but also a bug in 9.10.0 and 2015 Error saving - Information has been modified or deleted by another user since you retrieved it. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000144053 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When adding memberships using finder file data, one of the checks to flag a duplicate is on the zip code column. However, if one entity has a 5 digit zip code and the second entity has a zip code + 4, they are not flagged as a potential duplicate even thought the first, middle and last names are identical. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145113 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When adding memberships using finder file data, one of the checks to flag a duplicate is on the zip code column. However, if one entity has a 5 digit zip code and the second entity has a zip code + 4, they are not flagged as a potential duplicate even though the first, middle and last names are identical. Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016 ======================================================================

Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145526 MODULE: Membership PROBLEM: When using the new F3 functionality on dues payment or membership, the box that comes up to enter the new id shows a <1> with an invalid id message. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147767 PROBLEM: When entering a new membership for a member, if someone other than the member is paying for the membership and they have a membership it is giving a duplicate membership error. This is a false error. The "new member" does not have an existing membership. ======================================================================


Prospect Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1B4YMZP PROBLEM: User gets a prospect id does not belong to table 85006 when trying to update several different task types (entity, prospect, allocation, etc.) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105778 PROBLEM: If the major prospect checkbox is checked but there is no value in the Maj Prospect column for a prospect, when the prospect summary under the entity overview display, there is a dangling comma. The user sees Major Prospect, but nothing after the comma. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106428 PROBLEM: If you activate the proposal combo form in Advance Web (app 80926), then add a proposal/purpose/assignment where the description in the purpose has more than 120 characters, you will get the error ORA-12899: value too large for column "ADVANCE"."W_PROPOSAL_COMBO"."NEW_PURPOSE_DESCRIPTION" (actual: 136, maximum: 120) DataTable contents (80258) The description_6202 field on form 81157 is set to a max length 900 chars. The tables w_proposal_combo and proposal which contain the description are set to 120 chars. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106458 PROBLEM: When using the filter on the Prospect Tasks page, after the user inputs the filter criteria and clicks on OK, they get an application crash with a multiple control error on 80305_lbl_task_code. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106946 PROBLEM: Messages are not getting generated when there is a marital status change for prospects. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109999 PROBLEM: The prospect views for with spouse data is bringing in the data for both ID numbers but the owner column is not displaying the correct data. So, instead of ‘current’, it should say ‘joint’ if it is a joint prospect. If the data doesn’t belong to the ‘current’ id number and is not joint, then it should say ‘spouse’. So, the data that it’s bringing back is correct – it’s just the label for ‘owner’ that is wrong. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110419 PROBLEM: After exporting entity task data, user receives the following error when attempting to sort task list columns: Multiple controls with the same ID '80129_lbl_task_code' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111520 PROBLEM: When doing a prospect lookup, the result set includes the assignment id number as well as the id number of the entity. However, if the user then runs a set of labels from the result set, the assignment id number is included in the labels. The labels should only include the id number associated with the prospect, not the assignment id number. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0. The workaround is to copy the results to the clipboard. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113542 PROBLEM: System option 46 is turned on. Proposal has an active task (defined as the task status has a code where the active status indicator is checked in the tms task status table) and the user updates the proposal. The following message is written out to zz_alert_message which then shows up under messages for the person assigned to the proposal and the task - Deactivated Proposal: (100278 for Prospect: (100182) Mr. William Lewis Brown(#0000005000) has an active Task. But the proposal is not being deactivated - the user has simply changed something else in the proposal. Reported in but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113545 PROBLEM: If the user has turned on Expert Mode and enters in criteria for a prospect task lookup such that only one row will be returned, the row is not actually returned. The user does not get the no records found message but the application appears like it is ignoring the search command. If the user changes to display results, the row is returned. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117964 PROBLEM: When using the proposal combo form, if the user gets an error message when attempting to save, the assignment id number column is cleared of the value that was entered. Reported in but also an issue in version 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118274


PROBLEM: in the ADV_LOOKUP_RESULTS package the procedure for task results has "strategy_ind" spelled as "stratedy_ind" in multiple places. When users export the results of their lookup the column header says "stratedy_ind". ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118844 PROBLEM: Husband is a prospect for two different prospect groups (BS and LF) Wife is a prospect for the LF group When a user assigned for prospect group BS views their assigned contact reports, user can see the contact reports for the LF prospect group in the Recent Activity report In the wife's LF contact report her husband's ID number is entered in the 2nd ID field which causes the 'pe.id_number or' where clause to retrieve the wrong record. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120748 PROBLEM: When using the entity merge (this is not the entity merge/purge), and attempting to move prospect data from one id number to a second id number, the prospect data will appear as bold text and there will not be a checkbox on the FROM id number if the TO id number already has prospect data. Even though the prospect data for the TO id number is unique and not the same as the prospect data for the TO id number, all of the prospect data will show as bolded text and is not able to be moved. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000134255 Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119435 PROBLEM: If a proposal id is entered via gift update, the prospect data in primary gift is not being updated with the prospect id and other prospect data linked to that prospect id number. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125510 PROBLEM: If the user does an export form while on the prospect summary on the entity overview and the prospect has more than one program, the granted amount from the proposal is incremented by the number of programs associated with the prospect. For example, if the proposal has a granted amount of 350,000 and belongs to two different programs, when the user exports the form to Excel, the granted amount shows as 700,000 instead of 350,000. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140310 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: When attempting to update information on the contact report detail (other than the ID), an error occurs. Open entity overview, click Biographic then Prospect Tracking. Create or Open an existing contact report. Click Staff Credit. Change Credit Type or Participation. Click Save. Critical error occurs SP: adv_contact_rpt_credit.do_update Error: ORA-01407: cannot update ("ADVANCE2015"."CONTACT_REPORT"."AUTHOR_ID_NUMBER") to NULL ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE2015.ADV_CONTACT_RPT_CREDIT", line 535 ORA-06512: at line 1 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141600 PROBLEM: When using mass add to add new prospect data, the transaction list displays the wrong data if the entity id number is the same as an existing prospect id number. Instead of displaying 'new prospect', the transaction list displays the data from the existing prospect which is confusing to the user. Note that the prospect data is actually posted to the correct entity id number. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142896 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: A person is linked to two prospects. Each of the prospects has a different staff member assigned to each prospect. The two prospects have other different characteristics such as a different value for classification. When a lookup is performed, the entity is returned even though each prospect and each assignment combined does not meet the criteria entered ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143205 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: The Contact Reports Save Alert pop-up box does not come up when user attempts to close contact report form without saving. Pop Up blocker is disabled. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145241 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: If the user has set up a site specific validation for the insurance application that contains both error messages and warning messages, the user is not able to save the data unless they also fix the data in the warning messages The save successful message comes up on the save but the data is not actually saved. If the user fixes the data in the warning messages then the data is saved, Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147665 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: If the user puts criteria into the text column on the contact report lookup, the text criteria is ignored and the contact report lookup will return contact reports where the text entered is not in the contact report. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-


000148629 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: Integrity Check error received when Program and Assignment added to a Prospect record after installing Critical Patches 9, 10, 13 and 14 due to '+' stored in program_year field of ASSIGNMENT table. Error: program_year not found in program_prospect ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000153590 MODULE: Prospect PROBLEM: Attempting to select the "Prospect - Contract Grant" Lookup template results in a system error. Underlying error is "Exception Message: There are no forms defined for this lookup". Affects Advance 2016 only. ======================================================================


Contact Report Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1267BR5 MODULE: Contact Reports PROBLEM: If you enter a contact report with text in it that includes angle brackets, you will (correctly) get the message that invalid characters were entered, and a link is provided that you can click on to go back to the prior page to fix the contact report. However the "go back" link does not always work, and sometimes does nothing, and something takes you back to the Advance Web log on page. Once on the logon page, if you click on "cancel" (instead of logging in again) you will then go back to the contact report page. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1CYCSLC PROBLEM: The following the steps below results in a duplicate Advance Web session (using Google Chrome) getting opened rather than the report. 1. Run any CR report that has a hyperlink to the Entity Overview 2. Click "Run Report from report output" link at the bottom of the report window. 3. Run a context sensitive report. a. Report generates in a new browser tab/window. 4. Close the previous context sensitive report prompt window 5. Click Click "Run Report from report output" link at the bottom of the report window. a. A new/duplicate Advance Web browser session is open rather than the report you tried to run. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1DKPOOQ PROBLEM: Changes have been made to form 80086 - contact report and all of the columns that would normally appear below the text area have been overridden. When the user tries to bring up a saved contact report, the data from the security form overwrites the text area and the user is not able to see the text. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1GUJBL4 PROBLEM: Contact report representative type should be required only if there is a representative ID or name, but not if there is neither. Currently once representative data is added it can't be removed because the representative type can't be made blank, and if not blank an ID or name is required. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-PNKRKV PROBLEM: When the user has opened an existing contact report where the prospect id number is populated, if the user does a new, the prospect id number is not copied into the new contact report. Reported in but also an issue in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105134 PROBLEM: If you have a contact report with a long description, the description will overlap with the contact report text when you use the "Print Form" menu item on the contact report form (form 80086). To reproduce: - save a contact report with a long description - select "Print Form" from the Actions menu on the contact report form - Note that the description field overlaps the text field If you print the contact report in an entity profile report, the long description in the "Contact Reports" form (80851) will overlap the header of the next form in the report. To reproduce: - save a contact report with a long description - run the Entity Profile Reports for the entity - select "Contact Report" as one of the reports, then select any other report that is after it - run the report - note that the description for the contact report runs over the header of the form of the following report ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107054 PROBLEM: When the user performs a contact report lookup search using a login id that is assigned to a particular prospect group they are receiving data for contact reports attached to another prospect group. This occurs when the result list approaches the limit specified in system option 130 for number of results returned, When the results set returned is less than 75% of the limit specified in this system system option, the logic works correctly, and returns the correct results set to that prospect group. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108832 PROBLEM: System Option 84 = Y A user has an Entity open and then selects Go To, Contact Report (New). The Contact Report Form opens with the Prospect Id populated with a Prospect ID from a different Prospect Group other than the Users. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111700 PROBLEM: An attempt to look up contact persons using the Contact Person lookup form results in the message "This combination of criteria and/or output format is not compatible. This request cannot be processed (1)", even if the "Contact Person Lookup List" results format is selected and regardless of criteria. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111749 PROBLEM: The contact activity reports (group by office, group by staff, group by unit) all will fail with the error "ORA-01840: input value not long enough for date format" if only the two digit year is entered (and not the full four digits with the century). The report form should require a four digit year or the stored procedures behind the reports should add the century "20" if only a two digit year is


entered. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000124890 PROBLEM: When system options 31 and 84 are enabled, it is possible for the wrong prospect id number to default into the contact report when using the New Contact Report on the home page. If the entity id number belongs to two different prospect id number but the one that belongs to the user's prospect group is not active and the prospect id number that is active but belongs to a different prospect group is active, the prospect id will default into the contact report. Note that the drop down does not show that prospect but the wrong prospect id number will default into the contact report. If the user does not realize that it is the wrong prospect id (no echo will show to the right of the drop down) and they save the contact report, they can never retrieve it again since the prospect id belongs to a different prospect group. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.10. The workaround is to turn off system option 84. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126481 PROBLEM: If the user changes the id number on the author row in the contact report credit row, it does not update the contact report so the contact report still has the previous author id number even though it displays the author row from the contact report credit row. If the user then updates the contact report to correct the author id and restore it to the previous id number, the contact report credit has two author rows and then no author data displays in the contact report. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127087 PROBLEM: When using mass add to add entity contact reports, if there is data in the text area that does not contain any special characters, the text is not actually loaded. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000127155 PROBLEM: If the user puts criteria into the text column on the contact report lookup, the text criteria is ignored and the contact report lookup will return contact reports where the text entered in not in the contact report. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126859 PROBLEM: The lookup users' guide does not tell the user the difference between using contact report lookup result set versus contact report lookup 2 result set. It is possible to get different results if the user runs a two queries - one with contact report lookup and one with contact report lookup 2. The documentation needs to alert the user to the difference between the two. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145919 PROBLEM: Unable to add Allocation Tasks contact reports from contact report dropdown ======================================================================


Events Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-MG4RR9 PROBLEM: When running the participant by fee report, if the user forgets to enter in the master event id and clicks on run, the application crashes with a ORA-01403: no data found. ORA-06512 at AWA96.adv_event_reports_3, line 300. Reported in 9.3.2 but also a bug in 9.6. Note that no error occurs if the user enters a master event value. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107183 PROBLEM: If the user adds an invitation, uses mass invite to create a list of invitees and then immediately clicks on invitation status update and checks off several boxes and updates the status, the list of invitees doubles. Reported in 9.8.1 but does not appear to be an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108395 PROBLEM: My Lists on the clipboard displays all public lists instead of only the users lists. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108439 PROBLEM: Note is missing on form 72289 (ep_participant). The note on form 72290 is saved to table ep_participation. Users need to be able to create a note for the participant as well as the participation. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109339 PROBLEM: The registration by alpha event report will issue an Oracle error - value too large for column, actual 20, allowed 10 if the date has a time stamp. It is trying to put a 20 character date into a varchar2(10) column in temp_reg_id. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109507 PROBLEM: When attaching a New Doc to a Saved Contact Report, the attachment search form appears out of view at the top of the screen. The user must scroll up to see the attachment search form. In earlier versions of Advance the attachment search form would appear in focus when the user clicked on 'New Doc' on the attachment menu ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110126 PROBLEM: The documentation says the code length is 5 for the recruitment event code. However, the zz_mt_tms_attributes sets the max length to 1 so the user is not able to add codes that have more than one character. Reported in 9.7 but also an issue in 9.9.0 Any harm if we change the max length to 5 in order to have longer codes? ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113251 PROBLEM: Advance correctly trims trailing spaces in clipboards but the trailing space is still written to the list_detail table. When writing code against the clipboard table, the ids are invalid because the a trailing space is added to the end of the id AND the first '0' from the entity_id is removed...creating a 9 digit entity_id ex '000123456 ' instead of '0000123456' ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114671 PROBLEM: The sort name column in w_ep_participant is defined as a length of 35. This causes a critical error when trying to enter a registration where the sort name is more than 35 characters. User gets a value too large for column error when trying to add a registration when the sort name exceeds 35 characters. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114731 PROBLEM: Previously you could save an edited clipboard list without checking the replace existing clipboard box. With 9.9.0 although you get the popup message asking if you want to replace the existing clipboard, if you click ok, you get the saved completed successfully message but the updates have not actually been saved. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114753 PROBLEM: When adding a participant to an event that has fees, the user is getting a unique constraint error on ep_participant_fee. The first time that a participant is added, the user does not get an error. It's on the second add that the error occurs because the application is writing the zero fee id row and so the second time they try to add the fee to the participant, the unique constraint error occurs. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000116614 PROBLEM: Loading a clipboard list via Mass Invite in the Events MODULE excludes anyone that has a record status other than 'A'ctive. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120034 PROBLEM: When adding a new registration, the person added in the registration detail is added to ep_participant as xsequence 1. However, if you add a second participant but delete this xsequence 1 record, the registration detail still exists in the ep_registration table, but it is no longer visible in the Web. Also note that the header still shows the name of the registrant but the user is no longer able to get to the registration detail. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120694 PROBLEM: When attempting to save a entity/non-entity guest to a sub-event, the following error is received. A Critical error occurred while saving your work. You can try to reload the information and try again. SP: Error: Attempt to modify more than one row per table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-14U325M PROBLEM: When using the clipboard import functionality, the documentation states that the user can use a tab delimited or csv format but does not say that the file extension must be .txt or .csv. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-156DZFA PROBLEM: The Event User Guide does not explain how to reverse out a payment and the logic that occurs when the user reverses out a payment. In fact, the user guide is not very clear on how to enter a payment and the difference between making a payment with the registration and making a payment after the registration has already been added. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108465 PROBLEM: When the registrant has made a partial payment on the fee for an event, the payment id of the partial payment shows in the bottom Balances form of the Event Financial application. However, if the user clicks on the payment hyperlink, the user gets an HTTP error 404.- - the resource you are looking for had its name changed or is temporarily unavailable. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122447 PROBLEM: When a new event is added, a 'no fee' row is automatically added. This no fee row using the fee code of N. However, the tms user's guide does not list this as a required value. Reported in 9.8.1 but also missing in the 9.9.0 documentation. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000123178 PROBLEM: User has added a second participant to a registration. Second participant has now indicated that they will not be attending. However, when trying to turn off the checkbox for the event, the application immediately refreshes and the checkbox is still checked and the user is not able to turn off the checkbox for the event. Reported in but also an issue in 9.10, Note that in 9.10 the user is not able to turn off the checkbox for the registrant as well as the second participant ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126116 PROBLEM: The datebox control "80799_delete_by_date" on form 80799 ("Save Clipboard Detail") has a max length set on it. Datebox controls should not have a max length set on them - this should be set to 0. All other datebox controls do not have a max length set. While this does not cause a problem here, one client did report getting the error "maximum length must be 10" when setting a delete date when saving a new clipboard list. Once the max length on the control was removed they no longer got the error. I was not able to reproduce the error here and can not explain why I did not get the error. However, regardless of whether or not I get the error, there should not be a max length set on datebox controls and the max length on this control should be removed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128646 PROBLEM: User gets a critical error when trying to do a select all under Actions for a participant where the event has sub-events with capacity settings. A critical error occurred while saving your work. You can try to reload the information and try again SP: adv_ep_participation.do_update Error: ORA-01427: single row subquery returns more than one row ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_EP_PARTICIPATION, " line 908 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_EP_PARTICIPATION," line 823 ORA-06512: at line 1. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129677 MODULE: Event PROBLEM: If the user is adding a name only participant and makes a mistake in the name, when they correct the name and clear out the participant name and sort name and save, the participant name is not rebuilt. This results in a blank row showing in the list of participants and the user is not aware that there is another row. if the user clicks on the blank row, it does bring up the row. However, the participant name should be rebuilt if the user changes the name components and clears out the participant name. The sort name is rebuilt so the participant name should also be rebuilt. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a problem in 9.10. ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000130993 PROBLEM: Random rows are being written out to the email table where the id number column does not have an entity id number ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000131297 PROBLEM: On the event entity restrictions application, the user has the option of selecting a restriction code that allows the user to specify who to sit next to. However, if the user select a non-seat near type code, the lookup icon remains, the user can do the lookup, select an entity and save the row and the id number is saved in the seat near column. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a defect in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119374 PROBLEM: Event Registration When we make a change to the payment (change the pay date, change the pay type) then save and post, the paid amount and balance amounts become incorrect. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122353 PROBLEM: The user can change a name only participant to be an entity id number participant when they discover that the name only participant is actually in the database. However, when they attempt to do a lookup to get the id number, the F2 lookup is disabled. And, if they enter the id number and attempt to save, they get an invalid id number error. However if they do a second save, then that is successful. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122555 PROBLEM: When the user has an event that has multiple fees, they get an incorrect error message when adding multiple name only participants with payments. The changes you are attempting will result in a lower registration cost. Name-Only registration functionality does not automatically perform credit handling. You must first perform a reversal to reverse out the original payment(s). You can then make the registration changes and enter the appropriate updated payment amount with the credit handling done outside of this system. Reported in bug also a bug in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126721 PROBLEM: Clipboard being used for mass registration contains an entity id number that is already registered for the event. The user turns on the 'select all' checkbox, enters the required data and clicks generate. The user gets no error message but the generate fails to create the registrations. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129546 PROBLEM: When using the Event lookup under the lookup nav tree to find all master events, the lookup is not returning the correct data. It is not returning all of the master events and is also returning sub-events. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000136829 MODULE: Events PROBLEM: When using mass participation update, the first update is successful. However, if the user then attempts to do a second update, they get the confirmation message that the update was successful but the data was not actually updated. When testing, noticed that if the user drills down to the actual participant data and update the status there, when they go back to mass participation update, they can do an update but again, a second update fails. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141129 MODULE: Events PROBLEM: When doing an event participation lookup and using the start date for an event and the fee from the participation form and using the event participation output result set, the user gets a 'this combination of criteria and/or output format is not compatible' error message. If the user changes the result set to be event result set, then they don't get the error but the fee criteria is being ignored so the lookup returns the wrong data. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142215 MODULE: Events PROBLEM: If an event payment is modified more than once, the application crashes with a single_row subquery returns more than the requested number of rows error message. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000115687 PROBLEM: In the tms user guide, the value of N as the default value when adding a new event is not listed as required. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147712 MODULE: Events PROBLEM: Changing name-only participant to entity_id number cause blank name in registrations form ======================================================================



DataLoader Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1EMBZSU PROBLEM: DataLoader can modify the record type field when modifying entity data, but should not be allowed to do so. When the entity record_type_field is updated in this way the new record type is not added to the entity_record_type table and the record type hierarchy logic is not applied to determine the primary entity record type. As a result a lower priority record type can be set by DataLoader in the entity table and appear in the entity overview, etc, but not in the record type table, which may contain a higher record type code for the same entity. ======================================================================

Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1ETHQ9V PROBLEM: An error occurs attempting to create a batch to modify a contact report with DataLoader if the contact report contains a program code: "ORA-06512: at "...ADV_DATALOADER_BATCH", line 858 ... cannot insert NULL into (..."LDR_BATCH_DETAIL"."LDR_PK"). Applies to Mass Mod DataLoader option. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-BJGO70 PROBLEM: Home or Business address Add records in a DataLoader batch can't be changed from Add to Modify unless a sequence value is supplied. This is different from Advance Windows DataLoader where, for home or business address records only, an Add can be changed to a Modify without having supplied a sequence number. (is also CC 14045) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106311 PROBLEM: When modifying special handling records with DataLoader in single-record mode the "current" record displayed is always the oldest special handling record (lowest handling ID) for the entity, regardless of the handling ID specified in the input data. When this happens the wrong record is merged with the input record to create the "proposed" record. This problem does not apply to DataLoader bulk processing. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111236 PROBLEM: When loading new home addresses with DataLoader, if married entities (married to each other) are in the same batch each with the same new home address (and same home address indicator is set on), then DataLoader validates and posts two new home address records for each spouse. Each spouse entity ends up with two home addresses in the database, and if the new address is preferred then each spouse has two preferred address records. Advance 9.9 only. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113719 PROBLEM: In a DataLoader batch of new entities (using Alternate IDs) that includes employment records, if user attempts to view an employment record before the corresponding entity record is posted then an error occurs. Error does not occur with other types of data. Error: "System.IndexOutOfRangeException ... There is no row at position 0." [Also reported with email and telephone; and reported with DataLoader records for new entities originating from Entity Update; prevents these records from being discarded.] ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119007 PROBLEM: (1) Create new batch (from files or tables) with data that uses an alternate ID; (2) Omit selecting an Alt ID Type when creating the batch; (3) Create the batch; DataLoader does not create a batch NOR does it give the user an error message of any kind. Work table(s), if used, are cleared. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119407 PROBLEM: When using Dataloader to load bio detail data from the THIRDPTY_ENTITY_BIRTH_DEATH table, DataLoader fails to load the data for the field citizenship_2, though citizenship_2 data is present in the table. The batch metadata for transform ID 205 (Thirdpty Bio Detail) appears to be missing that field. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000120218 PROBLEM: In the Advance DataLoader User Guide 9.9.0 on page 14 for the description of the alternate_id_code, the correct view is "tms_advloader_alt_ids_code", not "tms_advloader_alt_ids_type". ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122880 PROBLEM: For an organization entity that does not already have matching policy data new matching policy data cannot be added with DataLoader. Documentation indicates that only "Modify" is supported by DataLoader and "Add" is not enabled for Matching Policy batch metadata, but using the Modify operation results in the validation error "No matching Advance record exist for xxxxxxxxxx"; error does not occur if entity has existing matching policy data.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000123646 PROBLEM: Volunteer Activity is a type of data supported by DataLoader, but it is not listed in the "DataLoader User Guide", appendix A. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000132686 PROBLEM: When generating DataLoader batches, if more than one batch is generated based on the value in system option 184, the first batch generated stays in a status of processing. All following batches have the correct status of open ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000133894 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When changing the address type from H to a different address type where an H type telephone row also exists, the address link on the telephone row is not cleared out but remains at zero. When the entity is also married and has the same home address and home telephone checkboxes checked, this results in a problem when trying to change the spouse address type from H to a different type. The user gets a fatal error saying that the telephone must be unlinked to change the address type code - telephone - Telephone numbers are linked to this address. The telephone numbers must be unlinked before deleting the address. The user can eliminate the error by going to telephone for the entity and resetting the address link to link it to the other address type. However, when using DataLoader, the user does not have the option to do this so DataLoader will error out. Reported in but also an issue in 9.10.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000134401 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When modifying telephone data using DataLoader, when the user brings up the transaction list, the current column is empty even though the telephone sequence number is in the input file. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128601 PROBLEM: When the user is trying to discard or defer a row from the transaction list for a DataLoader batch, a form appears where they can enter in the reason code. However, if the user has more than 6 codes in the tms table, they do not all appear in the list and the user is not able to get to the other codes. Does not seem to be an issue in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137691 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When using Dataloader to attempt to post a new address record that includes a telephone number but does not include a telephone type code the address record will fail to post with the validation error "phone_number .. The telephone type is required when a phone is entered". However despite the validation error a new telephone record is created, one that includes the telephone number but lacks a telephone type code. Link: https://ellucian.force.com/clients/a0x16000004TNclAAG ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139891 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When trying to add or modify matching policy using DataLoader, the display of the current data is pushed way over to the right hand side of the application. The problem is with this label: Employee donor logs onto the matching gift website and submits the matching gift request..... This label pushes the data way over to the right and that makes it difficult for the user to line up the label with the data. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142093 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: The Bio User Guide and the DataLoader user guide both list gift segments as being able to add, modify and delete. However, only add is supported for gift segments. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue for the documentation for Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109660 PROBLEM: If the user deletes a custom form that they used to create a DataLoader batch and then tries to delete the DataLoader batch, they get an error. Add to the DataLoader documentation that the batch should be deleted prior to deleting the custom form. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114828 PROBLEM: The section of the DataLoader Users Guide on "Input Data Columns", "Headers" (p. 14) states: "transform_id ... This is the transform_id for the type of data (see Appendix A)." The correct transform ID will not be from the Appendix if the user has created their own batch metadata (form) for their data; the documentation should indicate that. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143267 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When adding two rows of telephone data for the same id number when no telephone data exists and doing a bulk post, the


preferred indicator is not being set correctly. If the user brings up the transaction list and views the data, the preferred indicator is set to Y for one row and N for the second row. However, when the batch is bulk posted, the preferred indicator is actually set to N for both rows. If the user posts the rows individually, then the preferred indicator is set correctly. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000144568 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: List of valid entity number were saved in Excel and imported into clipboard. Mass modify of Professional Suffix Validate generates the following error: phone_unlisted_ind NULL is an invalid value ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145761 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: When trying to modify address data using DataLoader, the user is getting an invalid ROWID error: Error: ORA-01410: invalid ROWID ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_ADDRESS", line 4039 ORA-06512: at line 1 The error is not consistent and cannot be reproduce reliably. It has not been duplicated here

====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145840 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: In the DataLoader user guide there is an appendix that describes the duplicate checking based on system option 57. However there is mention of the fact that there is duplicate checking for email data. This needs to be added to both the DataLoader user guide and the System Options user guide. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000148402 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: Email address data can be included with an entity record when loading new entity data with DataLoader. If an email address is included in the new entity record but it lacks email address type and email format values then the record should fail validation and show the validation error on the screen or in the DataLoader batch error log. Instead the entity record will appear to validate despite the missing data, but won't post, the post button appears to do nothing and there is no message. By adding valid email and format data the record can then be successfully posted. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000151403 MODULE: DataLoader PROBLEM: The DataLoader User Guide does not list eContact data as supported by DataLoader, but it is. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000153988 PROBLEM: When adding telephone records with DataLoader the telephone stop date (STOP_DT) is not set to '00000000' when no value is supplied in the batch record. This results in a STOP_DT value of ' ' in the TELEPHONE table, which is not a valid value. This happens when the telephone records are posted in bulk, not when posting record-by-record (single-record mode).


General/Lookup Hot Fixes Change Request (Defect) #: 1-132YTWM PROBLEM: There are several database tables that are maintained in TMSC. These tables have an active column but if the user turns off the active checkbox, the values can still be used in the application. The active indicator on database tables like geo type, geo code, cashier tag, charity, need to have the inactive logic applied to them. Reported in but also a bug in 9.8 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1D23EI5 PROBLEM: If you set up a prompt for a web form report to use numeric parameters, they will be passed to the procedure running the report as 0 and not the actual value entered. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000100764 PROBLEM: Segment lookup control seems to be hard coded at 10. The value in CONTROL_MAX_LENGTH has no effect on the LOOKUP control. User can enter a segment code on the segment header for an entity longer than 5 and Advance crashes ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000103720 PROBLEM: When trying to resave a previously set of saved critieria that is marked as public, if the rights identifier does not have delete granted the user gets an error: operator name-access denied. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000104528 PROBLEM: When using the Delete Saved Lists utility in the config utility, if the id number column is used and the user has the super group flag turned on, the name in the list is the super group user, not the name of the id number from list headers. The correct headers display but the owner name is not correct which can be confusing to the person trying to delete the saved clipboards as the owner name in the list does not match the name that displays next to the id number. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000104808 PROBLEM: When looking for a person or org the info in the Name and/or First Name is not carried out to the new Org or New Person form. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000105995 PROBLEM: User enabled TMS Code-Level Security (System Option 111 set to 2). for over 7000 TMS codes. Performance was impacted when trying to bring up the applications where tms code security was being used. Turning off the check owner brought performance back to previous times but turning check owner back on again showed that to be the source of the performance issue. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106302 PROBLEM: A Critical error occurred while saving your work. You can try to reload the information and try again SP: adv_proposal.do_update_combo Error: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource ORA-06512: at "AWA9821.ADV_PROPOSAL", line 2297 ORA-06512: at line 1 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106618 PROBLEM: When data is retrieved using the Entity Enhanced Lookup List Template there is an anchor link and a name link defined in the Form 81103 Entity Lookup List.. Neither of these links work. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106679 PROBLEM: When adding or modifying a degree, changing the Institution field results in a popup saying "txtControl is null". Clearing the popup produces no side effects and the institution field is changed correctly. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106687 PROBLEM: The “CAE Report” section of the deferred processing user's guide incorrectly references the script. It refers several times to a stored procedure called ZZ_FILL_CFAE. The zz_fill_cfae is a script not a stored procedure. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106704 PROBLEM: If you do an institution lookup, once you get the results list, if you click on the ellipsis link to go to a specific institution, Advance Web will instead take you back to the home page. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106733 PROBLEM: Advance Windows 9821 allows a major code to be added with a space (ie 'ART HS'), but Advance Web 9821 flags an error


if attempting to add a major code with a space within. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000106888 PROBLEM: In the Advance 9.9 upgrade, in the script 990_cleanup.sql, there is an extra semicolon in an insert statement for the table data_transfer_profile_map, before the list of the values for the insert (line 37). This causes the row of data to be not added to the table, with the error ERROR at line 25: ORA-00926: missing VALUES keyword ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000107923 PROBLEM: The function adv_vol_activity.fn_valid_post_updates, when checking for errors in zz_adv_validation_log (when determining whether to return a true or false value), treats all errors as "hard" errors, including those errors that should be just warnings. The code in the function is as follows: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO i_err_cnt FROM zz_adv_validation_log; IF i_err_cnt > 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; Instead, the function should only count error rows where val_err_code is greater than 0, indicating a hard error. Soft errors (warnings) where val_err_code is 0 should not be counted., so the code should read as follows: SELECT COUNT(*) INTO i_err_cnt FROM zz_adv_validation_log WHERE val_err_code > 0; IF i_err_cnt > 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; False (indicating a hard error and that validation has failed) will only be returned if there is at least one row in zz_adv_validation_log where val_error_code is greater than 0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108432 PROBLEM: When deactivating a staff member in Staff Maintenance, stop date defaults to current date and does not allow the user to set the appropriate stop date ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108520 PROBLEM: The Upgrade Planner has a file used in the install named g$_nls.pls. This can cause problems on Unix system as the $ character is treated as a special character. When the Upgrade Planner looks for this file to compile it into the database, it won't find it because the $ character will instead cause it to look for the file g.pls. The message SP2-0310: unable to open file "db/g.pls" will appear in the Upgrade Planner install log. To fix the problem, it is suggested that the file be renamed to g_nls.pls, and the reference to the file in install_config.xml also be changed to g_nls.pls. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111063 PROBLEM: When doing a lookup that combines philanthropic interest and bio data and using the philanthropic interest result set, the bio criteria is ignored. When using the entity result set, then the bio criteria is in the sql syntax. But if the user wants to get a philanthropic result set, the fact that the bio data is ignored results in incorrect data being returned. Reported in but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111370 PROBLEM: When trying to change the application in the Go To Listings in the web config utility, the user gets an error message saying that application is required even though the application has been selected from the drop down list of values. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111668 PROBLEM: Any reports that include a call to a procedure that writes values to a logging table generate the following error: Exception Type: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LogOnException Exception Message: Log on failed. Exception Source: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Exception Target Site: VerifyDatabase ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111878 PROBLEM: The copy command of Ctrl+c no longer works in Chrome, FireFox, IE 9 or IE10 in Advance Web versions 9.9.0. and 9.9.1 Note that this works in using Chrome34. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000112027 PROBLEM: We are currently testing upgrading Advance Web from 9.8 to 9.9. Crystal Reports that use a logging table now experience duplicate entries in the log table with version 9.9. This is generating incorrect information on reports that display information on how many times a report has been run. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000112680 PROBLEM: Performance when modifying or saving information on the Staff-Goals maintenance is extremely slow with each table consisting of 2000+ rows. The average wait time to bring up Staff maintenance is roughly 6 seconds, while saving or modifying takes 15 seconds. Ellucian Support does not have the volume of data to reproduce the issue. The following workarounds were applied that improved performance slightly but still slow- average wait time to bring up Staff maintenance is roughly 5 seconds, while saving or modifying takes 5-8 seconds after the workarounds. 1) The removal of the hyperlink on the staff list master form 2) Turned on


paging 3) Added a filter so that the form only loads active staff ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113142 PROBLEM: In zz_mt_tms_attributes, the account field is defined as a max length of 16. However, the column is actually a length of 30. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000113712 PROBLEM: In the zz_mt_lookup_header table, the owner is supposed to record the operator who originally saved the lookup criteria. However, the application is storing the user group and not the operator name so there is no way to tell who actually saved the lookup criteria initially. ======================================================================

Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114217 PROBLEM: Advance Web has an option to email error messages to a specified email address. If the email server has an IPv6 IP address, Advance Web will not be able to deliver the error message to email server if the IP address is the first returned in the DNS lookup. This is because the functionality used to deliver the email address only works with IPv4 addresses, and always uses the first IP address returned in the list. The Advance Web module (simplemail.vb) needs to be updated to take the first IPv4 address in the list. Also a problem in v9.9. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114310 PROBLEM: When doing a lookup for a combination of award and honor criteria and entity criteria and using the awards and honors result set, the bio criteria is ignored which results in the wrong data being returned. Reported in 9.7 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114435 PROBLEM: Error running Recent Activity Report for Activities when Desc1 exceeds 60 The following error displays: ORA-06512: at "ADVUPGRD.ADV_REPORTS", line 2375. "TEMP_MSG_TMESSAGES"."DESC1" (actual: 62, maximum: 60) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114696 PROBLEM: When using lookups for employment and entity person data and using the employment result set, the entity person data is being ignored. This results in the wrong data being returned, Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000117299 PROBLEM: The lookup for recruitment is ignoring the date parameter. ======================================================================

Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118284 PROBLEM: The recalc_appeal.sql script (called by run_recalc_appeals.ksh) does not update the columns appeal_cnt responded_cnt refused_cnt considering_cnt accepted_cnt accepted_amt even though the documentation does list them as columns that are updated. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118362 PROBLEM: The Crystal Environment is much slower than it was in previous versions of Advance Web. Some reports run either very slow, or timeout and never run. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118744 PROBLEM: When doing an assignment lookup, if the user changes the All to None for program code, the search does not find any results because the program code is being set to a space and should be set to a NULL. Reported in 9.8 but also a bug in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119005 PROBLEM: Perform an entity lookup with an entity result set and save the criteria, then close everything except the home page. The user goes to do another entity lookup and the saved criteria is still in the entity lookup. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-CGPIVW PROGRAM: Advanced Lookups PROBLEM: When the user goes to save the criteria from a lookup, the lookup type column is missing from the save critiera form. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000111354 PROGRAM: Configuration Utility PROBLEM: In the Config Utility, in the Web Applications section, the names of several applications are missing the first letter of the Application Name : 85257 'C' lass Credit 85258 'C' lass School Credit 85244 'A' llocation 85237 'A' llocation Account 85238 'A' llocation Agency 85239 'A' llocation Campus 85232 'A' llocation Department 85231 'A' llocation Division 85230 'A' llocation Fund


Name 85229 'A' llocation School ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1F0OPSA PROGRAM: Deceased Task PROBLEM: User has logged into the config utility and enabled entity tasks for the deceased entity utility. However, when they try to click on the entity task link, the application crashes with a Object reference not set to an instance of an object - Retrieve Data error. Reported in 9.8.1 but also a bug in ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000121937 PROGRAM: documentation PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide incorrectly lists the subsystem as Bio instead of Gift. Also, in the description, the word 'posed' should be 'posted' ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-A6DGRE PROGRAM: TMS PROBLEM: If the user has inquiry access only to TMSC, when they try to bring up the entries in the tms transaction type table, they get an Input string was not in a correct format - string to number error. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-19I8BDL PROGRAM: Viewing transactions that are linked to Proposals PROBLEM: When bringing up the transaction list from the prospect, program prospect, proposal applications, there is a nav tree item called Transactions that allows the user to view processed transactions that are linked to the prospect, program prospect and proposal. However the documentation states that it includes pledge payments and the list only includes outright gifts and pledges. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: 1-1F40L07 PROGRAM: Web Forms PROBLEM: Required fields are being passed when no default value has been selected and 'Apply Entity Exclusion Rules' box is checked. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118277 PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide incorrectly lists the tms_parking_lot table as simple. The table has an additional field (parking_lot_qty). ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000118295 PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists tms_ticket_sport as a complex table but it is a simple table. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000119427 PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists Ticketing as the application for tms_awd_honor. The application should be Bio. Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in 9.9.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000125307 PROBLEM: There is a section of code in adv_bpe_associated_donor where the error message is number 5279. But there is no row in zz_mt_msgs for that error number so the user has no idea what the error actually is. Reported in but also a bug in 9.10. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128199 PROBLEM: The tms table for adv loader reason can only be a length of 5. However, zz_mt_tms_attributes defines it as a length of 16. This allows users to create codes that are longer than the application will accept. The length needs to be reset to 5. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000128200 PROBLEM: Couple of issues related to tms_advloader_reason. The 9.10 document lists this as obsolete but it is still used by DataLoader. Also, the length is listed as a length of 2 but it should be a length of 5. And, in the list of tms tables in TMSC, it is listed as DataLoader Reason Code and listed alphabetically in the D's even though the view is still listed as tms_ advloader_reason code. this needs to be changed in the tms user guide to clarify that the table used to be called adv loader reason but when AdvLoader was no longer supported, it simply became dataloader reason code. Reported in 9.9.0 but also an issue in 9.10 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000109462 PROBLEM: When using the "Employment Lookup List" results format and combining employment criteria with criteria based on other types of data, the criteria are correct under "View Criteria" but not under "View SQL"; under "View SQL" the non-employment criteria are lost and the results of the lookup are incorrect. Using the same criteria with another results format such as "Entity Lookup List" does not have this problem; the SQL and results are correct. A Lookup using the "Employment Lookup List" results format without any employment criteria results in an error: "A problem exists with your search request..." ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000110936


PROBLEM: The documentation states that the duplicate entity check will use the name, zip code or foreign city zip when generating its list of duplicates. This is not the case with system option 48 turned on ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000122804 PROBLEM: When using the look up function to search for committee members by including criteria on the Committee Header form but using a result set of committee participant an error is flagged: "This combination of criteria and/ or output format is not compatible. This request cannot be processed (3)." ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000126815 PROBLEM: If the user selects filter under the Actions menu on a form and then minimizes the filter form by clicking on the collapse icon, when they maximize the form (click on the collapse icon again), the bottom half of the form is missing so the user does not have the OK and Cancel options available to them and must use the back to get out of the filter option., ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129281 PROBLEM: When doing a lookup for sports criteria combined with entity criteria and using a sports result set, the entity criteria is ignored and that results in the wrong data being returned. Reported in 9.9.0 but also a bug in 9.10.0. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000129600 PROBLEM: The documentation says that this functionality will predict values based on values or codes. Some of the fields seem to ignore the codes ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000134343 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: User has changed the home page to include the gift batch list application and the gift reports and has set the override switch on some of the other applications. When they have a couple of tabs open and click on close all and then try to sort the list on the operator name, the application crashes with an awalog error message. Does not crash in Chrome, only an issue when using FireFox or IE 10. Main part of error message: Exception Type: System.NullReferenceException Exception Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Exception Source: Ellucian.Advance.Framework Exception Target Site: ModifyMenuDataForHeader ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000137673 MODULE: Technical database PROBLEM: There is no reference to generating the procedure from the package in the database install. After running the adv_banner.bdy step, having a note to execute adv_banner.generate_tms_xref_data would be a helpful step to include here and not just a note in the Integration guide. Under the Banner Integration steps in the database install guide, the GTVEMAL table should be added under the list of tables that need to have select grants. It isn't currently listed there and that will cause problems. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138105

PROBLEM: When running the Word merge report, all of the columns are being populated except the preferred name. For example, salutation is being populated and the address lines are being populated but the preferred mail name is missing. Reported in but also an issue in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000138371 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: If the user has an appeals clipboard and does a mass modify to change the actual appeal code, the appeal code is not actually changed. There are no error messages, nothing logged in adv_log_exceptions but the actual code itself is not changed, Reported in 9.8.1 but also an issue in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139232 PROBLEM: When attempting to do a name lookup using expert mode and sounds like results in an error: "A problem exists with your search request. This query cannot be processed" Reported in 9.10.0 but also an error in Advance 2015 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000140409 MODULE: Technical database PROBLEM: The Connector install script "create_advconsched_tables_and_grants.sql" is re-runnable and to that end it drops public synonyms and tables at the beginning of the script; the drop synonym sql specifies the schema ADVCONSCHED but the drop table SQL does not specify the schema so if run under the wrong account (SYSTEM or ADVANCE, for example) , all of that schema's tables are dropped without warning. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141388 PROBLEM: Is very specific to using IE 11 and having the pop-up blocker turned off. Under that condition, when bringing up the address link drop down list of addresses when there is a contact id number present, the address of the organization shows in the drop


down instead of the address data for the contact id number. If the pop-up blocker is turned on, then the correct address data shows. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141614 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: In the v9.5.1 Configuration Utility, the rights assigned to a user are sorted alphabetically in the user rights section. In the v9.10 Configuration Utility, there is no logical sort to the rights. Customers can have as many as 100+ rights group which they have to manage. Having no logical sort order poses a great issue for anyone needed to manage 100+ uses with 100+ rights groups. The suggested resolution to this defect would be to place an ORDER BY for the display of the User Rights ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141824 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide doesn't list the additional field current_ind for tms_email_type. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141825 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists the tms_addr_src as a simple tms table but it is a complex table. It needs to be identified as complex and the additional columns listed in the description and examples. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141826 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide for tms_alloc_departments lists the length of allocation division as 3. It should be a length of 7. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141827 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide does not list the additional field App ID for tms_document_context. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141829 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide doesn't list the additional field current_ind for tms_email_type. This needs to be added and an explanation added of how the current_ind is used. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141852 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists MA as the table ID for tms_membership_cards. MA is the table ID for tms_memb_club. The correct table ID for tms_membership_cards is JN ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141854 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists the view as tms_email_reason_changed for the mail distribution list reason changed table. The correct view name is tms_mdl_reason_changed. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141855 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists the veiw name as tms_ent_exclusion_action. The correct name of the view is tms_ent_excl_action. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141860 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists the tms_telephone type as simple but it is a complex table and needs to be changed to complex. In addition, the columns current_ind and business_ind are not listed and they need to be added to the description of the table with an explanation of how the application uses those two indicators. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141866 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide lists tms_pledge_pmt_rules for the name of the view, but it should be zz_pledge_pmt_rules. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141867 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide does not include Membership for the tms_unit_code. Unit is used by membership so that should be added to the list ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000141868 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: The TMS User Guide list the wrong view name for Transmit to Acctg. It lists tms_transmit_to_accounting, but it should be tms_transmit_to_acctg. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143876 PROBLEM: Advance 2015 added a new feature where you can export data as Excel files. Starting with Google Chrome 53, when you try to export data as an Excel File, the export will not work, and at the bottom of the Chrome window (where file downloads are listed) Chrome will show the exported file name with the text "Failed - Network error" below it. This error does not occur in Firefox or Excel. Both are able to successfully export to Excel files.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000108849 PROBLEM: The 9.9 DataLoader User Guide has an obsolete picture and description related to Filtering Batches (p.25) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000114310 PROBLEM: When doing a lookup for a combination of award and honor criteria and entity criteria and using the awards and honors result set, the bio criteria is ignored which results in the wrong data being returned. Reported in 9.7 but also an issue in 9.9.0 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000124603 PROBLEM: In the TMS User Guide for the tms_alloc_division, there is a reference to the alloc_school_code appearing in the drop down for the allocation school column. While technically this is correct, it would make it clearer if it also references that the alloc_school_code comes from the tms_alloc_school table. Reported in 9.9.0 but also in the 9.10 documentation. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000139996 PROBLEM: There is a keyword filter when the user brings up the staff list. In the nav tree there is also a link to tmsc. It appears that the keyword filter on the staff list should not be there as it does not work and the header suggests that it is actually showing the keyword search for tmsc. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000142536 PROBLEM: With Advance system option 33 enabled, when accessing an entity for the first time an alert application appears momentarily on the screen (as an empty box) even when there is no alert for that entity. Similar is true for allocation alerts in Advance 2015. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000143071 PROBLEM: Tabbing issues in FireFox and Chrome in Associated Donors form entry IN FIREFOX When adding an Associated Donor, pressing the Tab Key from the Donor Field causes the cursor to highlight the data that automatically populates in the Allocation Field. This is GOOD When adding an Associated Donor, the cursor disappears from the form once the check occurs. No amount of pressing the Tab Key nor Alt+Tab Key combination brings the cursor back. User is required to grab the mouse and click in a field on the form to continue. When returning back to the Primary Associated Donor by clicking on the Primary Donor row, the cursor highlights the Allocation Field. You may press the Tab Key to navigate to the next three fields only. Once in the Assoc Type* Field, you may not navigate in either direction using the Tab Key or Alt+Tab Key combination. User is required to grab the mouse and click in a field on the form to continue. IN CHROME When adding an Associated Donor, pressing the Tab Key from the Donor Field causes the cursor to blink at the end of the data that automatically populates in the Allocation Field. This is BAD. To highlight the whole field without grabbing the mouse, one must press the Tab Key to move forward then use the Alt+Tab Key combination to move back to the Allocation...where the data that automatically populates in the Allocation Field is highlighted. When adding an Associated Donor row, if you enter an Allocation Code that had not yet been used this day, the cursor disappears from the form once the check occurs. Pressing the Tab Key four times causes the URL in the browser window to be highlighted. Pressing the Tab Key fourteen more times causes the cursor to highlight "Gift Batch Control" in the Navigation Tree. Pressing the Tab Key further will highlight the "Gift Batch Assoc Donors" tab in Advance then back to the "Gift Batch Control" in the Navigation Tree then back to the "Gift Batch Assoc Donors" tab in Advance then back to the "Gift Batch Control" in the Navigation Tree then back to the "Gift Batch Assoc Donors" tab in Advance then back to the "Gift Batch Control" in the Navigation Tree then back to the "Gift Batch Assoc Donors" tab in Advance then back to the "Gift Batch Control" in the Navigation Tree...and so on and so on. Point being - you can't Tab to get back to the fields on the Form...even fifty more times (I've tried). User is required to grab the mouse and click in a field on the form to continue. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000144436 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: If you enter an allocation with a "+" in the name you cannot access it in a lookup. If it shows up in a lookup results list, when you click on it to view the details, Advance will take you to the Allocation Overview page but it will be empty (it will not show any information about the allocation). I think this is happening because Advance Web is changing the "+" to a "%2b" which it won't find in the database. (For example, the allocation code "C+CC" will be changed to "C%2bCC" which of course won't be found in the database.) "%2b" is the URL encoded format of "+". This does not seem to be a problem when looking up an allocation when adding a gift - it is only a problem when looking up an allocation in the lookups. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000145933 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: When doing a task lookup using either the quick template lookup or the task lookup from the nav tree, the task is not returned if the person only has one task and the task result set is used. The entity overview is returned doing the same lookup if the result set is changed to entity, Also, the data is returned if a second task is added for the person. Reported in 2015 but also a bug in 2016. Note that the user does not get the no records found message - they instead get an empty prospect task application. ======================================================================


Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146908 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: A clipboard created by importing an alternate ID list does not seem to be usable. On the screen, it correctly matches everyone to their entity ID, but using it for other purposes fails. VCR functionality produces an error. Running a report (based on temp_web_report_keys joined to the entity table) gives 0 results. Mass add results in an Invalid ID for every record. When importing the exact same list of people using their entity ID, everything works as expected. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146956 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: If the user has saved non-entity id number clipboards, they are not able to re-load them. The clipboards show in the list but when the user clicks on a particular clipboard to load the data, the entity overview displays. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146969 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: When using a lookup that combines address, address geo and employment criteria and using an employment result set, the result set contains employment rows were the address geo does not meet the criteria specified in the lookup. If the result set is changed to be the entity result set, then the correct data is returned. Reported in 2015 but also an issue in 2016. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000146975 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: When trying to execute a lookup using the contact report text column for a contact report lookup, the using is getting an error: 'A problem exists with your search request. This query cannot be processed.' If the user changes the output result set to entity they still receive the same error. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147102 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: When trying to use the wildcards for a text column in the filter functionality, no data is returned based on where the wildcard is placed. For example, a LIKE '%XXXX' will work but a like 'XX_XX' will not return any data. Not clear which wildcards are supported and the placement of those wildcards. Reported in 9.10.0 but also an issue in 2016 ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147340 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: When doing a prospect lookup using the prospect lookup quick template, there is a column called primary entity. The user has two options for this column - primary or non-primary. However, the lookup syntax does not contain whatever the user enters for that column so data is returned regardless of that criteria. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147447 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: Clipboard being used for mass registration contains an entity id number that is already registered for the event. The user turns on the 'select all' checkbox, enters the required data and clicks generate. The user gets no error message but the generate fails to create the registrations. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147461 MODULE: Lookups PROBLEM: Trimming of trailing space works for new entities, however when modifying a last name for an existing entity, if an accidental space is added to the end of the last name, the system is not trimming during the first initial save. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000147770 PROBLEM: Warning message: This combination of criteria and/or output format is not compatible. This request cannot be processed when doing a lookup for Bio - Activity Participant with a range for the start_dt, Advance adds an extra start_dt <> '00000000' ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000148580 PROBLEM: When more than one record contains this alternate id, it brings up an error. Previously, when this occurred, it would bring up a message saying that two or more records had the same id, and let the operator chose the correct record. ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000149557 PROBLEM: Several rows of metadata have invalid dates in them and should be corrected. They are: column date_modified in zz_mt_app_forms where app_id in (91397, 91400) column date_modified in zz_mt_menu where menu_id in (50097) ====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000150214 MODULE: Technical other PROBLEM: Advance 2015 added a new feature where you can export data as Excel files. Starting with Google Chrome 53, when you try to export data as an Excel File, the export will not work, and at the bottom of the Chrome window (where file downloads are listed) Chrome will show the exported file name with the text "Failed - Network error" below it. This error does not occur in Firefox or Excel. Both are able to successfully export to Excel files. Note: This defect was supposed to have been corrected in Advance 2016 as CR-000143876.


====================================================================== Change Request (Defect) #: CR-000150494 PROBLEM: When Advance 2015 uses Oracle 12.2 as backend database engine we got the following message: When trying to use Advance 2015 or 2016 on Oracle 12.2 (even though they are not officially supported) the following error will occur when trying to log on: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_SECURITY", line 53 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DB_UTILS", line 542 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DB_UTILS", line 1322 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_DB_UTILS", line 531 ORA-06512: at "ADVANCE.ADV_SECURITY", line 28 ORA-06512: at line 1 This line (line 1322 of the package adv_db_utils, in the procedure who_called me) is causing the error: i_name := LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( v_line, v_n+1 ))); This can be fixed by adding a SUBSTR on the line: i_name := SUBSTR(LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTR( v_line, v_n+1 ))), 30); It is not known if there are any other issues related to Advance and Oracle 12.2. ======================================================================

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