june 2015 · 1 . june 2015 table of contents president’s message s page 2 first estes park wool...

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June 2015


President’s Message page 2 First Vice President’s Report pages 2-3 Ply-Split Braiding Workshops page 3 Miniworkshop Form page 4 Sample page 5 Library News page 6 Future Weaving Workshops page 6 December 2015 Towel Exchange page 7

Salida Fiber Festival page 7 Estes Park Wool Festival page 7 Meeting Minutes pages 8-9 Sample Schedule page 9 Membership Form page 10 Treasurer’s Report page 11 Officers and Chairpersons page 11 Advertising rates page 12

I cleaned and lubricated my new-to-me carder after the workshop. I started out slowly as I wasn't sure what to expect. It all worked. As Pat suggested, I did 3 passes. I am very satisfied both with refurbishing an old, rusty carder and my first roving. The workshop was very helpful. Mary Madison


President's Message By Sandy Hutton

The new U.S. made reed is here so excuses for not threading the Jacquard have evaporated. I’m winding up a few odds and ends, but I should have something to show and talk about when we meet again in September. Don’t forget to have your President’s Challenge for 2014-2015 ready too. I mentioned at the May meeting that the President’s Challenge for 2015-2016 would be to look at creativity. Only a few times in one’s life do we experience the joy resulting from something unique we have put together; drawing from the knowledge we’ve gained through observation and/or reading about what others have done. The process of spending time and thinking about something you’d like to do but not knowing how to do it is very hard work. Generally, when something is created it is a process of putting two or more “knowns” together in a new way into something that is uniquely your own. Accomplishment results in an unbelievable high. I want us to look at blocks to creative highs this year. I’ll be drawing from the work of several people who have written about the creative process, including Eric Maisel, author of Life Purpose Boot Camp. He recently outlined 10 strategies to getting rid of what I’m calling “weaver’s block” in a magazine named Experience Life (May 2015). When I read it, I couldn’t help but think about how many of the things he said had meaning for artists who work in the medium of fiber as well as other materials such as writing or sculpting. I love to weave things that are somewhat mundane and just throw the shuttle. I also love to work really hard to see how yarns and structures can be manipulated into something uniquely my own. Working with sett and beat to get a fabric that hangs right and is the correct size and shape for the intended purpose takes time, thought, and experimentation. Sometimes the result isn’t very creative and is a disappointment. Other times, the result is very satisfying. Let’s see how we can bring more creativity to our lives this year.

Greetings from the First Vice-President By Cherie Irvin

It is my privilege to serve as your First Vice-President for the upcoming 2015-2016 year. I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the coming months. Please don't hesitate to introduce yourself if we haven't already met. I will always welcome any comments, questions, or suggestions about our upcoming programs. At last May's meeting, we were delighted to enjoy a light-hearted program entitled "The Accidental Fiber Artist." Barbara J. Walker presented her journey from national park ranger to circuit rider teacher of weaving and ply-split braiding. She showed her earliest fiber art and the progression to her present award-winning work, with a lot of interesting and humorous stops along the way. It was an enjoyable program that was sandwiched between days of two major workshops on Ply-Split Braiding. The first was a workshop on Drawdowns for Ply-Split Braiding. The second workshop was making a three dimensional Ply-Split basket called Pieces of Eight. A great time was had by one and all despite the May snowstorms. After the May meeting, many of our members and guests went to The Margarita at Pine Creek for a delicious luncheon to share our interests and memories of the last year. (Continued on next page)


Looking forward, we are anticipating a great year of Programs and Mini Workshops for the guild year 2015-2016! Don’t miss our first meeting on September 11th when you will learn about the Guild, how it works and what it offers, its committees, and all the Study Groups associated with our community. If you are a new or longtime member there will be something for you to get involved with.

At the September meeting, we will also have a wonderful program about Textile Preservation and Conservation, given by Allison McCloskey. Allison is Associate Conservator of Textiles at the Denver Art Museum, where she specializes in the treatment and preventive conservation of historic and artistic textiles and prepares objects for the museum’s rich exhibit schedule. She is particularly intrigued by the challenges presented by composite objects, where a variety of materials respond differently to changes in environment, as well as the care, storage, and display of oversized textiles.

Be sure to sign up early for our first Mini Workshop of the year planned for October 9, 2015 after the meeting. We have room for a maximum of ten participants for this Mini Workshop

on Ice Dyeing. No previous experience with dyes is required. Learn both wet and dry techniques for dyeing with ice; how to choose colors for blending and contrast, plus general information on working with fiber reactive dyes. Participants will dye two silk scarves during this class. There is a registration form in this newsletter. Please fill out the form, and mail according to the directions on the form. The deadline is October 1st to register. Hope you all have a great summer of fun, including fun with fibers. Don't forget to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes every day doing the things you love. From the Fifteen-a-Day Club, Cherie

Ply-Split Braiding Workshops with Barbara J. Walker

May 6-7 and May 9-10, 2015 We had a great time in the Ply-Split Braiding workshops. Barbara was a great teacher, and we learned how to use weaving drawdowns for designs, how to make amazing 3-dimensional objects as well as some helpful details about finishing our ply-split braiding projects. The weather was a bit strange with rain, sleet, hail and several inches of snow during those days, but we still managed to meet and work on our projects.

The photo shows three of the completed 'Pieces of Eight - 48' baskets from the second ply-split

braiding workshop. From left to right, the baskets are by Bernadette Marquez, Sue Seufer and Annie Coyne.

Allison McCloskey


Pikes Peak Weavers Guild

Ice Dyeing Presented by Jan Seltman

October 9, 2015 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Workshop: Ice Dyeing No previous experience with dyes is required. Learn both wet and dry techniques for dyeing with ice; how to choose colors for blending and contrast, plus general information on working with fiber reactive dyes. Participants will dye two silk scarves during this class. Location: Judi Arndt's house, 4708 Brady Place, Colorado Springs. Registration: The cost is $15 to be received with your registration form by October 1, 2015. There will also be a materials fee of $20 which will be paid directly to Jan Seltman at the workshop. Due to limited space please submit your registration form and check by October 1, 2015. There is a limit of 10 participants. Cancellation Policy: In order to host the workshop we must have a guaranteed enrollment. If you cannot attend the workshop after registering, we will try to fill your spot from a waiting list. If we do not have a waiting list, it is your responsibility to find a replacement person or pay the workshop fee. Questions: Please contact Cherie Irvin cherieirvin@yahoo.com (623-764-6799) or

Edna Devai edna_joseph_devai@msn.com (303-681-0300)

You can bring your form and check (made out to PPWG) to the September meeting, or if you are mailing your form and check, please send it to: Cherie Irvin, 892 Pinon Lane, Florissant, CO 80816. Please remember registration forms and checks will be entered on the list in the order received. Fill in with contact information Registration: Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ I agree with the participation terms and cancellation policy of this workshop. Signature ___________________________________________ Date ______________


PPWG Sample June 2015 newsletter By Robin Monogue

I decided to finish the remaining warp from the Bonnie Inouye Opposites Attract workshop using the 4-color doubleweave technique taught in the class. The warp was navy blue and lime green 10/2 perle

cotton, threaded alternately on odd and even shafts, and sett at 40 ends per inch. This was woven on a 12-shaft table loom. Using Bonnie’s instructions, I designed a treadling that incorporated both straight and curved sections for a variety of appearances. After experimenting with colors, I chose wefts of a gold-tan rayon, and the same navy cotton that was in the warp. There was a significant amount of draw-in while I was weaving (about 8% reduction from the width in the reed), and a small temple might have been helpful. The shrinkage after wet-finishing was 8% horizontal and 7% lengthwise.


Library News Linda Shaffer and Margaret Sweet

May Raffle: In addition to all of the previous donations for the raffle, Bev Weaver (Shelia O’Hare print), Julie Nace (handwoven towel and wooden spoon), Linda Lugenbill (2 traditional willow skein bracelets) and Anne Evans felted hand dyed bag) donated items for the raffle in May. The raffle made $274 for the library. Thanks to everyone who donated. Library Revenue: The library also made $99 from the sale of duplicate books that were donated to the library. Overdue fines brought in another $25. Summer Updates: Over the summer, the library listings will be updated with all of the new and donated books from the year added to the book program and to the holdings list on our website. Due Date: Please keep in mind that any items that are checked out are due at the September meeting.

Future Weaving Workshops By Linda Shaffer

I have scheduled two workshops: a 3 day round robin color weaving workshop with JOY using their beautiful handpainted fibers for April of 2016 and a 3 day weaving (not a round robin) workshop with Robyn Spady in October of 2016. We now have 18 people on the preliminary sign-up sheet for the JOY workshop and 20 people for the Robyn Spady workshop We will also have mini workshops with both of these presenters on the Friday afternoons following their programs and people are signing up for these also. If you are interested in any of these workshops, please contact Linda Shaffer lindalshaffer@msn.com to add your name to the list.

Go to www.justouryarn.com or http://spadystudios.com to see more information on both presenters. The official sign-up forms will be emailed to all people on the JOY 3 day workshop list in late August. If we do not have 20 people, it will be opened to the Pueblo guild after the September meeting.


December 2015 Hand Towel Exchange We all enjoy weaving towels, as well as sharing them with our friends and family. What better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a towel exchange! To participate, please bring a towel you have woven to the December guild meeting, where we will draw names and exchange towels. Pin a tag to your towel listing the fiber content and your name. The finished towel should be approximately a standard hand towel size, which ranges from 15” x 28” to 16” x 32” (after wet-finishing and hemming). You are welcome to weave larger towels if you choose. Please use yarns that make nice towels, such as cotton, cottolin, hemp, or linen. If your loom is not wide enough, you could weave the towel in sections, and piece it with flat seams, as in Kente cloth. Start thinking about ideas for designs you would like to weave, there’s plenty of time left before the holidays!

Welcome to the 25th Annual Estes Park Wool Market. Celebrate this commemorative year with the completion of two new facilities, new event features and an expanded vendor barn! This event, in its 25th year, would not be possible without the support of our sponsors and participants. NEW THIS YEAR: The Wooly Wonder Fashion Show! Join us on Saturday, June 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the Rocky Mountain Park Inn to help us celebrate the 25th Anniversary. The show will feature unique and one of a kind items from your own Wool Market Vendors and more! The event is FREE; complimentary appetizers and a cash bar will be available. We hope to see you there!


Pikes Peak Weavers Guild Board Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2015 President Sandy Hutton called the Board meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. Others present included Betsy Anderson, Judi Arndt, Emily Jones, Sally Kuhn, Bernadette Marquez, Robin Monogue, Sarah Richards, Cathy Sterling and Beverly Weaver. Sandy asked everyone to let her know when they would be available to meet for a Board meeting during the summer. It was tentatively set to meet in August. There was a general discussion about Colorado Weavers Day, including the date, location, keynote speaker, etc. Because one date that was being considered coincides with the Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild regular meeting, calls will be made to determine if another date is possible at the location selected. If not, contacts will be made to see whether RMWG would be willing to re-schedule their May meeting to another day. The CWD committee will report back to the Board about the date and location selected. Sandy asked all the Board members to think about whether PPWG should spend money to make our web site more amenable to mobile devices. We will discuss this further at the summer Board meeting. Sandy said all Board members and committee chairs should estimate their income and expense amounts and get those to Betsy before the Board meeting this summer. Beverly also reminded everyone to get their reimbursement requests to Betsy before May 31 in order for her to close out the guild year. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 a.m.

Pikes Peak Weavers Guild Regular Meeting Minutes May 8, 2015

The PPWG meeting was called to order by President Sandy Hutton at 9:35 a.m. The minutes from the April meeting were approved as published in the May newsletter. Officer reports: President: Sandy asked for KUDOs. Linda Lugenbill has a basket on display at the Fiber Celebration exhibit in Greeley and has other exhibits upcoming. Mary Madison will have her quilts on exhibit at the Cheyenne Mountain library. Sandy mentioned that several PPWG members will have things on display at the Handweavers Guild of Boulder exhibit that will be at Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins from May 11 to May 24. Vice Presidents: Sarah Richards described today’s activities. Recording Secretary: Nothing to report. Treasurer: Betsy Anderson gave her treasurer’s report. Membership Secretary: Emily Jones was accepting membership forms and checks. Members at Large: Nothing to report. Past President: Nothing to report. Committees: Advertising: Nothing to report. Demonstrations: Judi asked for more volunteers for the demonstrations at Rock Ledge Ranch on June 6. Sandy reminded everyone that this demonstration is one way that PPWG fulfills its educational responsibilities. Hospitality: Cathy Sterling thanked Edna Devai and Mary Madison for supplying snacks and doing hospitality this month. The coffee urn has been located. Cathy passed around a sign-up sheet for next guild year. Library: Linda Shaffer reported on new books, magazines and videos in the library. Major Workshop 2015: Beverly Weaver said things were going fine with the ply-split braiding workshops. Major Workshop - Future: Linda Shaffer discussed workshops for April, 2016 and October, 2016 and passed around sign-up sheets. She has contracts now for both workshops. Newsletter: If you have problems getting to the newsletter, contact Doreen McLaughlin or Robin Monogue.


Publicity: Bernadette Marquez said that Robin Monogue will be updating the PPWG Facebook page. Samples: Heather Hubbard asked people to sign up for samples for next year. Web: Nothing to report. Nominating Committee: Edna Devai listed the committee chairs and officers that she, Dottie Weir and Mary Madison have nominated for the guild year 2015-2016. Beverly Weaver moved to accept the slate of officers by acclamation. The motion was seconded and passed with no opposition. Old Business: Sandy Hutton wants everyone to be ready to discuss what they did for the ‘president’s challenge’ when we meet in September. She is planning a new challenge for next year. Sarah mentioned the latest donations to the IWC scholarship basket. The basket will be delivered by Doreen McLaughlin. New Business: Robin asked if there would be any interest in another towel exchange. Several people indicated they would like to weave towels for an exchange to be held in December. Robin will write an article for the June newsletter to describe the challenge. Linda Shaffer and Margaret Sweet managed the library raffle. Announcements and show-and-tell followed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Submitted by Beverly Weaver

Sample Sign Ups for 2015-2016 Newsletter - Heather Hubbard Thanks so much to everyone who signed up for the coming year of samples for our newsletter. Please notice that there are lots of openings for weaving, spinning and dyeing. Here's an opportunity to share your experiences with our guild members. Tell us what inspired you and what you have learned from your sampling. Sign up for an open sample slot by email (calhjh@gmail.com). Please submit two (2) samples for each sample you sign up for, using the guidelines below, along with a digital photo using .jpg format, and your text description in .pdf or .doc format. Weaving Samples: 6”x6” minimum, 8”x10.5” maximum, a draw down in .wif format Spinning Samples: approximately 4 yards long wound into butterflies Dyeing Samples: on any fiber, yarn or handwoven cloth – use above guidelines

Email your sample photo .jpg and if applicable .wif draw down to the newsletter editor (editor@pikespeakweavers.org). Bring or mail your physical sample with documentation (2 hard copies, one for each notebook) to me (Heather Hubbard 17925 Black Squirrel Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908). If you cannot take a digital photo, or create a .wif draw down of your sample, or print out your documentation, arrange with me (calhjh@gmail.com or call 719-495-1873) to do so well in advance of your due date. We have 2 sets of physical samples in notebooks in our library, one of which may be checked out. Take a look at our past samples. Get inspired to contribute a sample of your own.


PIKES PEAK WEAVERS GUILD MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION Version date: 2015-2016 Paid membership includes: access to the guild library, rental equipment, participation in member programs, shows and sales, the monthly newsletter, directory and access to workshops. ANNUAL DUES FOR THE GUILD YEAR JUNE THROUGH MAY

• $35 Regular membership June-May ($17.50 new members January-June) $ ______ • Lifetime Membership (grandfathered members only) $ ______ • $10.00 Artist Gallery Page (PPWG web site) $ ______ • $2.00 Directory Mailing Fee (Directory may be picked up at the September meeting) $ ______ • $15.00 To have newsletter mailed (Newsletters are now published electronically) $ ______

Note: Advertisers receive a mailed B&W newsletter that is included in the advertising rate and DO NOT need to pay to have the newsletter mailed.

• Donation to the Guild $ ______ New_______ Renew________ Paid by: Check _____ Paid By: PayPal _____ TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $ ______ If paying by check, MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: “PPWG” and mail with a printed copy of this form to: Pikes Peak Weavers Guild, P.O. Box 8104, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80933-8104 If paying via PayPal from our website: Save a copy of this form to your own hard drive. Open it in your word processing software, choose edit options, fill out the form, then email it as an attachment to treasurer@pikespeakweavers.org, with a note in the email indicating that you've paid via PayPal. If paying more than the regular membership fee please indicate in the notes section of the PayPal form (membership + gallery, etc.) PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Name_____________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Check here if all information is the same as last year, if not, please fill in all information below: Address_______________________________________________________City_________________________ State________________________________________________ 9-Digit Zip Code_____________-_________ Phones: Home (_____)____________________

Work (_____)_____________________ Cell (_____)______________________

E-Mail Address_______________________ PPWG will notify members by e-mail when the newsletter is available on the website as well as communicating other important information. PPWG does not share our mailing list with any third-parties.




Treasurer’s Report April, 2015

Betsy Anderson, Treasurer Checking Account Balance Forward 4/1/2015 $ 14.492.09

Operating Monies 13888.33 Income less Expense -231.60 -35.00 $13,621.73 Dedicated Monies 409 Library +35.00 162.51 432 Demonstrations 476.25 $638.76

Checking Account Closing Balance 4/30/2015 $14,260.49

Restricted Funds: PPWG Savings Acct. Fund for Excellence in Fiber Arts 4/30/2015 $4,932.14 PPWG Savings Acct. Memorial Fund 4/30/2015 $5,916.18 Total Funds (Checking plus two savings accounts) $25,108.81

The Pikes Peak Weavers' Guild meets the second Friday of each month from September through May at the Mountain View Church of Christ, 1080 E. LaSalle St at Paseo in Colorado Springs, CO. Come for coffee, socializing and library time at 9:00 am.

The business meeting starts at 9:30 and the program begins around 11 AM.

Map below is courtesy of Google maps.

Officers: President Sandy Hutton 1st Vice President Cherie Irvin 2nd Vice President Edna Devai Treasurer Betsy Anderson Recording Secretary Sarah Richards Membership Secretary Joan Murphy Member-at-Large Bernadette Marquez Member-at-Large Cathy Sterling Past President Anne Vickrey Evans

Standing Committee Chairpersons: Advertising: Beverly Weaver CWD: Bernadette Marquez Demonstrations: Judi Arndt, Peggy Doney,

Dottie Weir Hospitality: Cathy Sterling Library: Linda Shaffer Assistant Librarian: Julia Nace Major Workshop: Linda Shaffer Newsletter: Doreen McLaughlin Publicity: Bernadette Marquez Samples: Heather Hubbard Website: Robin Monogue Yearbook: Susan Bowman

Email address: ppwguild@gmail.com


Deadline For Next Issue: 20 Aug Advertising Rates: Business card $10.00 ¼ page $15.00 ½ page $20.00 Full page $30.00 Classified Ads: $5.00 for 25 words 25 cents each additional word The PPWG newsletter is published from September through June. To place an ad in the newsletter, we must receive your check or money order by mail (P.O. Box 8104 Colorado Springs CO 80933-8104) and your ad in digital or electronic format to <editor@pikespeakweavers.org> on or before the 20th of Aug.

PPWGPO Box 8104Colorado Springs, CO 80933-8104

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