june 10 bulletin

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Bulletin for worship services at Dayspring United Methodist Church, Tempe, Arizona.


“. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.”

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

June 10, 2012

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

DayspringUnited Methodist Church

A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Our Mission Statement:To create disciples of Jesus Christ who touch and inspire people

through an open and diverse community

June 10, 2012 9:00 & 10:30 a.m.

*As a courtesy, please make certain your cell phone is off during worship. Thank you.


MUSIC FOR GATHERING Rev. L. Michael Kelley at the Organ



*THE CALL TO WORSHIPPastor: Time to rejoice!People: We are loved.

Pastor: Be glad and hear the good news.People: We are loved.Pastor: Time to rejoice!People: Let us worship God together!


*HYMN OF PRAISE Hymnal #400“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

A TIME FOR OUR CHILDREN(As children age 2 through 5th grade leave for Sunday School,

please join in singing Hymn #143)

“On Eagle’s Wings”And God will raise you up on eagle’s wings,

bear you on the breath of dawn,make you to shine like the sun

and hold you in the palm of God’s hand.

THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 10:30 a.m.Nola Katherine Gass

(January 23, 2012)

Response: With God’s helpwe will so order our lives after the example of

Christ,that this child, surrounded by steadfast love,may be established in the faith,and confirmed and strengthenedin the way that leads to eternal life.

HYMN RESPONSE Hymnal #611“Child of Blessing, Child of Promise”

(Stanza 1)

THE ANTHEM Arr. Richard Walters“How Firm a Foundation”

Christopher M. Kelley, Baritone


A TIME OF SILENCE (for personal prayer)



THE EPISTLE READING Philippians 4:1-9


THE OFFERTORY Harry Rowe Shelley“The King of Love My Shepherd Is”

Michael and Christopher Kelley

*THE DOXOLOGY Hymnal #94Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise God, all creatures here below;Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


*THE HYMN OF PREPARATION Hymnal #160“Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”


THE SERMON The Rev. Jane Tews“Have a Nice Day”

*THE CLOSING HYMN Faith We Sing #2171“Make Me a Channel of Your Peace”


*THE BENEDICTION RESPONSE S.H. Nicholson / Arr. Kelley“Lift High the Cross”

Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaimtill all the world adore his sacred name.

*PASSING OF THE PEACEPastor: Let us greet one another as sisters and brothers in the

ministry of Jesus Christ. May the grace of our Lord and Savior be with you.

People: And also with you!

(Please turn and greet one another as disciples of Jesus Christ!)

*POSTLUDE Sigfrid Karg-Elert “Now Thank We All Our God” 1877-1933

*FELLOWSHIPPlease Join Us for Refreshments in Fellowship Hall

Communion is offered between services. Those who would like to receive the elements are invited to gather around the communion table.

Assisting in the Service this Morning:Rev. George Smoot

Pianist this Morning:Mary Sievert

To You, Our First Time Guest: We’re delighted you’re here! Please stand when the pastor asks for first time guests, so we can recognize you. We also invite you to stop by the Welcome Table near the church entrance and pick up a packet with information about our church. Welcome to Dayspring!

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING are given by Patricia Robinson, grandchildren, Brad, Lora and Jill, and great-grandchildren, in loving memory of Robert & Stella Collett; and given by Blyden & Florence Boyle, in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary on June 14th, and Blyden’s birthday on June 13th.

THE FOOD BASKET ON THE ALTAR THIS MORNING is given by Dana & Kris Kroeger, in celebration of their 2nd wedding anniversary; and given by Mary Thielemeir in honor of Carol Walsh’s birthday and 35+ years of friendship.

NEW PARENTS - Dayspring has a tradition of placing a rose on the altar to announce a new baby in our church family. Be sure to let the church office know when your child is born and we will honor him/her with a rose.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS are available each week. Please ask an usher if you prefer large print. Also, please return large print hymnals to the narthex following worship.

HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE - This sanctuary is equipped with a hearing system. Please ask an usher for a receiver.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP GUIDES are available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need assistance. Please return the folders to the “USED” box following the service.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are located in the pew box. If you have a need or celebration, fill out the card and place it in the offering plate.

IF YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW is a victim of domestic violence, please know there is information and support available through Dayspring. There are packets of information in the narthex, or for assistance, please call Rev. Jane Tews at (480) 838-1446.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide you with the confidential one-to-one Christian care you need to make it through a crisis or help through a difficult time. Call Sally Butler, (602) 524-2109; Elizabeth

Winkler, (480) 456-6573; or Liz Alden, (480) 497-0929 if you need someone to care.As Members of The United Methodist Church, we have pledged to support our Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness


The friends and family of 17-year old JaKelle Westergard, best friend of Dominique Devereux, following JaKelle’s death on June 5 after a long illness and hospitalization

Richard James Hampton, Jr., recovering following lung surgeryIan McAlpine, son of Kathie McAlpine, for safety during his Army

Ranger trainingMaxine Lauder, mother of Jerry Smith, for swift recovery from a fall in

HawaiiJanice Williams and Family, following the death of Janice’s cousin,

Selma Honesty, on May 26 in PhiladelphiaDale Wilner, recovering at home following heart surgeryJohn, childhood friend of David Harbster, coping with serious health

issues, including the return of cancer and need for a lung transplantMary Grimm, recovering from eye surgeryKevin Lausch, friend of Pat Carl, recovering from a heart transplantRussell & Sara Williams and Family, following the unexpected death of

Russell’s mother on May 19 in Brookfield, WI

Ongoing Health Concerns

James Roberts, Les Mesbergen, Bobby Dale, Chandler Roesch, Marlene Meyer, Polly Smith, Teresa Webb, Marge Sydell, Kristen Stegeman, Pam Narcy and Joan Venturini

All military personnel and their families, especially those who are actively serving our country during this time of war.

*REMEMBER all those, known and unknown to us, who are in special need of prayer.

PRESENCEAttendance for June 3, 2012


GIFTSOffering received June 3, 2012


The Acolytes This Morning9:00 - Joseph Doty • 10:30 - Jeremy Dilli


BE A PART OF THIS MINISTRYWe invite you to explore the Dayspring family by attending our next NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION class. To register for the class, or for more information, please contact Carol Coleman at carolc@dayspring-umc.org or (480) 838-1446.

Dayspring Members and Friends - The Church Office has begun their summer hours. The office will be closed on Fridays until Aug. 10. Thanks.

Dayspring Youth Ministry (DYM)* 10:15 - 11:30 - Sr. High in Room 111* 10:15 - 11:30 - Jr. High in Room 110

Singles at Dayspring - Singles, Etc. Lunches - Each Sunday after the second service, those who want to go out for lunch as a group meet at the restaurant listed below. If you attend first service, please join us! We gather around noon under the name “Dayspring”. June 10 - Nello’s - On Alma School, between Elliot and Guadalupe, on the west side.

Family Promise - We will be hosting Family Promise again the week of June 17. Sign-ups will be available on the patio after both services today. Volunteers are needed to cook, spend the night, set up rooms, and clean up at the end of the week. Other ways to help include contributing a meal item/s, washing laundry at the conclusion of the week, and/or accompanying us on our Saturday outing. Contact Maria at 480-636-0963 with questions.

Brown Bag Lunch - Come join us for Brown Bag Lunch every Tuesday at noon. Bring your own lunch and socialize with people from the church. We always have a good time. Come and be a part of this fun group.

Connections is a Dayspring mission that advocates for the intrinsic worth of all persons, regardless of their sexual orientation. It offers support to and education about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons and their families. It also hosts the Tempe PFLAG group meeting each first Friday of the month. Our clergy can provide names of “Connections” members for you to contact.

Koinonikos Schedule - The next deadline date for the newsletter is June 15, and will include events in the month of July.


SUNDAY, JUNE 109:00 AM - Worship

- 2 Year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship - 2 Year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

MONDAY, JUNE 119:00 AM - Vacation Bible School 7:00 PM - BSA Troop 172, Fellowship Hall, Room 112

TUESDAY, JUNE 128:45 AM - Yoga, Media Center9:00 AM - Vacation Bible School

12:00 PM - Brown Bag Lunch, Room 1126:00 PM - Yoga, Media Center7:00 PM - Foundation, Adult Room

- Open Table, Room 201

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 139:00 AM - Vacation Bible School

THURSDAY, JUNE 149:00 AM - Vacation Bible School6:30 PM - Stephen Ministry Supervision, Room 112

FRIDAY, JUNE 159:00 AM - Vacation Bible School


SUNDAY, JUNE 17 - Father’s Day9:00 AM - Worship

- 2 Year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School

10:15 AM - Jr. High Formation, Room 110- Sr. High Formation, Room 111

10:30 AM - Worship- 2 Year-olds Sunday School, Room 116- Summer Sunday School

4:00 PM - Alcoholics Anonymous, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

5:10 PM - Al-Anon, Fellowship Hall- AA Teen Meeting, Room 110

“Things that matter mostmust never be at the mercyof things that matter least.”

J. W. von Goethe

You are Invited

“Celebrate Mission”Summer Salad Luncheon

Thursday, June 21 • 12:00 Noonin the Adult Room

Salads, bread, dessert and drinksprovided by United Methodist Women Members

Featuring a local and a world mission supported by UMW.

An offering will be taken to support these missions.

Please bring a canned food item or box of cerealfor the Wesley Community Center pantry.

All Dayspring women are invited to be our guests for this special summer event.

Call Marilyn Astroth with your reservation,or for more information

. . . the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet unto the way of peace.

Luke 1:78-79 KJV

The ministers of this church are its members.Those who assist them are:

Bishop Minerva CarcañoRev. Robert Burns, District Superintendent

Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tews, Senior PastorRev. George Smoot, Associate Pastor

Rev. L. Michael Kelley, Minister of MusicCarol Coleman, Minister of Spiritual Formation

Jill Moyer, Church SecretaryKris Kroeger, Program SecretarySusie Seckel, Financial Secretary

Mary Sievert, Music AssociateJulie Hackmann, Director of Bell Choirs

JulieAnne Weissberg, Director of Children's MusicJackie Miller, Director of Cherub Choir

Kris Kroeger, Youth Ministries CoordinatorKay Luzaich, Children’s Coordinator

Linda Falk, Preschool DirectorMarilyn Bunte, Nursery Coordinator. Ron Venturini, Facilities Maintenance

Frankie Vasquez, Custodian

Dayspring United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation. We welcome all people, regardless of age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, or ability into the full life of this congregation.

Dayspring United Methodist Church1365 East Elliot Road • Tempe, Arizona 85284-1608

(480) 838-1446churchoffice@dayspring-umc.org


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