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Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. May 28 through September 3

June 1, 2017 (Thursday) Trinity Lutheran Church Women’s Historical Meeting will be held at 1:30 in the Gathering Place. We will celebrate the women who have served the church for 50+ years. All women are welcome!

New and renewed Mission Statement

In the last few months, we have gathered data from various committees regarding words

that represented Trinity and our mission in our community. A committee took this information along with our previous mission statement and has developed a mission statement for us to live into in the coming year that represents our goals and commitments as a congregation. This was discussed at council and approved for us to live into in the coming year. Trinity’s Mission at this time:

“As God’s people, we are

nurtured by word and

sacrament to welcome, empower

and serve others.”


June 11

9:30 a.m.

Youth-led worship at the Trinity Stand at the Faribault County Fairgrounds. Bring your own chair.

Pastoral Coverage Pastor Jeanette will be away at her studies from June 5th to June 24th. There will be pulpit supply and emergency pastoral coverage is available. Please contact the church office or one of our council members if you have a need during this time and they will be able to assist you. You can follow Pastor Jeanette’s blog about this 3-week course at Jbidne.wordpress.com.

God’s Work. Our Hands.

The God's Work Our Hands committee will

meet on Monday, June 12th in the church conference room at 5:00 p.m. Anyone is welcome to attend. Our goal is to match

community needs to the talents of the congregation. Questions? Contact Sue Olson at dsolson@bevcomm.net.

Trinity Scholarship

Trinity Lutheran Church has funded a scholarship for high school graduates since 2002. The scholarship committee looks for activity in worship as well as other church and/or community involvement. During the high school senior recognition program on May 21, Matthew Meier received the $1000 Trinity Scholarship. The Buckwheat scholarship was established several years ago with funds from an anonymous donor for the purpose of helping a member of Trinity with the costs of higher education. The recipient does not apply. Instead, the award is granted by a committee after reviewing Trinity students who are attending college or vocational school. This $2000 scholarship was given to Tucker Kuhn. Congratulations to both of these Trinity graduates!

June 4 – ‘Gift Sunday’

Pentecost. “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.” 1 Corinthians 12:4 During worship June 4th, we will be given the opportunity to sign up for areas where we can use our specific gifts/talents. Come to worship June 4 to learn more about ways YOU can serve!

The Trumpet June, 2017 Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA 235 East 7th Street, Blue Earth, MN The mission of Trinity Lutheran Church, as God’s chosen and baptized people, nurtured by word and sacrament, is to live for others boldly sharing the good news of Christ; using all the gifts we have been given.

It’s June. Most schools have come to a close for the summer. Graduation parties have begun, some are already finished, and summer has arrived. So guess what time it is? Time …. to… study. At least it is time for your pastor to study as I head to my second year of residency for the Luther Seminary’s Doctorate in Ministry focused in Biblical Preaching. But I wonder, if it is time for you to study as well? Ok, wait a moment, before you quit reading and declare “But it’s summer!” Just hang on a few more sentences. On June 4th during worship, we as a congregation will celebrate the Day of Pentecost, for Christians a day celebrating when the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem and gave them the ability to share the good news far and wide. Not only will we hear that story of scripture but you are invited to study your own abilities and gifts that the Holy Spirit gave you. Then we invite you to share what they are at Trinity. Beginning on June 4th, we will have posters listing opportunities to be God’s Hands and Feet, God’s church gathered to care for one another and scattered to serve others. These posters will reside in the sanctuary for a few weeks. We invite you in the coming weeks to let us know what gifts you are feeling called to share so that when there is a need and the Holy Spirit calls we can know

who among us may be excited to listen. So, as I head off to Luther Seminary to study Preaching as

the Proclaimed Word (the theme for this year of study) and the Acts of the Apostles (my elective course), among others. I invite you to study in June as well. Take a look at the gifts you have and how you can use them to make Christ’s presence, love and care a little more apparent in the world and among us. If Gift Sunday on June 4th and a few posters can help ease the needs in the world through the gifts God gave you, then I’m sure the Holy Spirit is at work. Looking forward to seeing what you may learn about you and the God who sends you the Holy Spirit! United in Christ, Pastor Jeanette

Gathered church refers to acts of

service and ways of being that help a

faith community strengthen each other

when we are gathered (e.g. ushering,

serving communion, worship leaders).

Scattered church refers to when a faith

community is being sent out to serve

the community, often out in the

community (Habitat for Humanity, food

shelf, etc.)

Stewardship Committee


“As each has received a gift,

use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace” 1 Peter 4:10 Trinity is debt free! This is something to truly celebrate! On behalf of the Stewardship Committee and Church Council,

THANK YOU! Your generosity helped Trinity pay off the line of credit, the loan taken out for the air conditioner and parking lot, and pay back the funds borrowed from another Trinity account. Due to the generosity of Trinity members, and a generous challenge gift of $5,000, funds received were over and above the $18,178 needed – so much so that we will be able to make a substantial gift to Habitat for Humanity. As we begin summer debt free, we can’t become complacent. Summer can be a financially tough time for churches, as members travel out of town. Don’t forget about Trinity during the summer months. Please stick to your pledges – Trinity’s mission doesn’t take a summer vacation. If you will be out of town, consider paying your pledge electronically. Go to Trinity’s Website, and click on Online Giving. You can either make a one-time donation, or set up automatic weekly or monthly payments. This helps keep the lights on and the air conditioning humming during the summer months. If you don’t feel comfortable setting up automatic payments online, there are blue envelopes in the pew racks you can fill out to set up automatic giving. Let’s make the effort to keep ourselves out of the cycle of dipping into the line of credit, and end the summer months as financially strong as we began. Peace & Blessings, Renee Beattie Council President A listing of those remembered or honored on Momentum Sunday is on the next page.

Stewardship / Momentum Sunday continued Those remembered include: Evelyn Danielson, Esther Anderson, Harriet Anderson, Ester Mastin, Marjorie Beattie, Inez Beyer, Marjorie Benson, Minnie Hauskins, Ken Queensland, Florence “Flossie” Cosby, Eleanor Johnson, Myrtle Frederickson, Harold and Alice Gartzke, LaVaune Norell, Mike Johnson, Gladys Johnson, Dora Mohlis, Joan Becker, Marvis Northwick, Loretta Engesser, Margo Odden, Irene Skogen, Carol Kesselring, Maurine Lutteke, Electa Pearson, Betty Greenleaf, Dorothea Nichols, Clara Roverud, Marguerite Wilson, Naomi Sawyer Shulins, Harriet Weber, Glay Dobie, Blanche and Glenn Wells, Elvera Moeller, Ragna Wiborg, Mothers of Ken & Elloyce Queensland and Ellen Sanders. Gifts given in honor of include: Lorene Kampf, Joan Bidne, Elaine Bidne, Marcella Braun, Elloyce Queensland, Edanelle “Eddie” Ekstrand, Iona Hanson, Elsie Kittleson, Sister Verna Meckes, Eileen Mensing, Dorothy Nassen, Marie Sahr, Charlotte Olson, Myrna Pirsig, Donna Loge, Jacqui Dikken, Harley & Sonja Willmert, Daughters of Judy Orvedal, and “All Moms”. TLCW Quilting Season

During Oct 2016 and Jan-Mar 2017, the TLCW Quilters made 78 large quilts, 6 Camp Noah (LSS) quilts and 3 baby quilts. Some of the quilts are given to

local needs including the Trinity Youth Mission Meal auction and

the fundraiser for Rose Evenson. All of the other quilts go to Lutheran Social Services and Lutheran World Relief. TLCW Stewardship

Trinity Church Council met May 8, 2017. The 5th chapter of Amost Christian was discussed. Financial reports were reviewed. Reports from Worship/Art/Music, Property and Education Committees were reviewed. High School Senior Recognition will be May 21. Will have Sunday worship at the Fairgrounds on June 11 and August 13. Discussed and approved new mission statement: “As God’s people, we are nurtured by word and sacrament to welcome, empower and serve others.” Will be selecting a gift for Mary Fiel (Maggie Dickman) who will graduate from Lutheran Seminary on May 21. Complete copy of minutes is available

on the display rack outside the office.

June Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Harley Willmert, Huse Family and Strukel Family

June Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Steve Frederickson

Ron Loge, Dennis Montgomery

If your family is interested in ushering on Wednesday

evenings in July or August, contact Donna in the church

office or leave a message with Dale Meckes at 526-3007.

The following names are from the active membership list in the church database. If there are additions or corrections, please contact the church at 526-3463. June 2 – Chad Cory, Jonas Ekse Brett Wirth 3 – MacKenzie Determan, Riley Holmseth, Anne Skaare 4 – Zander Hledik, Joel Hulke, Peggy Sabin 6 – Quinn Huisman, Paul Wiederhoft 7 – Maija Brown, Hazel Enger 8 – Lisa Erdahl, Ben Johnson, Cindy Shure 9 – Dylan Anderson 10 – Karelyn Lacher 11 – Howie Lange, Eileen Mensing, Traven Zierke 12 – Shanna Gudahl, Lori Maher Molly Omland 13 – Terri Hanson, Laura Kokos 14 - Samantha Hougen, Verna Stindtman 15 – Carl Badje, Grant Strukel 16 – Troy Douglas, Mike Ellingsen 17 – Sidney Eitzmann 18 – Kyle Hagedorn, John Lindsey, Jr., Sue Schavey 19 – Harley Skogen 20 – Nick Beattie 21 – Joshua Lopez, Jack Norman 22 – Kirk Odden, Penny Stevermer, Duane Williams 23 – Shawn Gudahl 24 – Shirley Mueller, Ethan Evans 25 – Betty Ankeny 26 – Cassidy Grant 29 – Nolan Eitzmann, BJ Weness

Parents, Kids and Money Matters® - June 29

Did you know that 63% of kids feel it is important for their parents to talk to them about saving and spending wisely?1 Yet, many parents don’t know where to start. Join us on June 29 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church to get tips and tools to help start those important conversations. Free meal will be provided. (No products will be

sold at this event.) Contact the church office at 526-3463 to RSVP. 1T.Rowe Price “Parents, Kids & Money Survey,” 2014

This is a 3-session educational event. Information will also be given on July 6 and July 13. Parents/Students who attend two of the three events will receive a Piggy Bank. Be thinking of a creative name for your piggy bank/spending/saving tool!

Recap of April and May Trinity Lutheran, along with other congregations in the Southeast Minnesota Synod, are working with consultants GSB (Gronlund Sayther Brunkow) to enhance our stewardship program. Stewardship for All Seasons

(SAS) is a service designed to teach congregation leaders how to carry out effective stewardship development throughout the year, year after year. GSB helped design the brochures sent last fall and helped prepare for the Mother’s Day Momentum Sunday. Below is a short recap of offerings and attendance for the past two months: Easter worship attendance = 384 April average attendance = 211 May average attendance = 173 April Sunday offerings = $18,847. April electronic deposits = $9335 April designated for the building fund = $1936 May Sunday offerings = $13,610 May electronic deposits = $4693 May designated for the building fund = $1898

General Church e-mail

Trinity@bevcomm.net Donna Perryman, Office Admin.

Pastor Jeanette Bidne


Kim Jacobson, Director Children

Youth & Family Ministries Kimmjkimmyj@gmail.com

If you would like to receive the Trinity Trumpet newsletter electronically, email the church office at trinity@bevcomm.net.

1919191968 Trinity Cookbook68 Trinity Cookbook68 Trinity Cookbook68 Trinity Cookbook

Do you have a well-used copy of the ‘old’ Trinity Cookbook and would like one with a ‘clean’ cover? The 1968 edition was dedicated to Pastor Arling and Mrs. Ingeborg Thompson. The first 2000 copies were sold in the Spring of 1968. From 1968-1978, a total of 9000 copies have been printed and distributed. This cookbook has been reprinted in its original format -- and is available in the church office. $15 each for 1 – 4 copies $12 each for 5 – 9 copies $10 each for 10 or more copies Make check payable to: Maria Lindberg

Trinity 125 Years

1891 – 2016 Souvenir

Crock or Pitcher

We still have some of the Anniversary souvenirs available. The Redwing Pitcher is $20 or the Candy Crock is $25. They are available for purchase in the church office. (clip art is sample of shape only!)

Day Camp July 17-20

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Open to grades completed K-6th

grade. Registration is $25.00. Forms were sent home

with kids at Release time and Sunday School. If you need one please stop by the church!

Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:30-12:00, 1:00-5:00 (507) 526-3463

2017 Kimberly Jacobson, Director of Children/Youth and Family Ministries

507-525-0747 Kimmykimmyj@gmail.com

Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite scriptures. It is special for me in part because it is the verse I chose for the annual Whitewater camping trip. I have the unique opportunity to sit in the presence of kids for 5 whole days without cell phones and have face-to-face conversations. It is precious time to bet free from distractions--for the kids and me. Over the course of the last 18 years I have taken hundreds of kids on this trip. Every day we spend 45 minutes in “quiet

time”. It is a rare opportunity for most of them to just “be still”. During the course of our time away many things are discovered about themselves and creation, and about their relationship with God. Many of them share that “quiet time

with God” is their favorite part of the week. I always remind them they don’t have to wait until the next summer to take that time. But for mos, as soon as they return home, life happens and well intentions get forgotten about with the busyness of life. I often wonder how many others put off spending that special time “quiet time” with God… to just be still. I read an interesting devotion this week in Living Lutheran that speaks well about the importance of being still when we face storms in our lives. I know I’ve certainly had my share of storms, and as chaotic as life can seem to be I know that He calms them with His gentle reminder that He is God. Below are parts of the article written by Pastor Kris Capal, written for the 2012 issue and was just republished. She writes…

On a recent Sunday in church, we reflected on Jesus’ calming the storm from the Gospel of Matthew. So many people came up to me after the service who were going through storms in their own lives — storms of sickness, grief, depression — you name it. If there were that many people on one Sunday morning at one church in Minnesota who are experiencing storms in life, I can only imagine how many people out there in the blogosphere might take comfort in the same words. So here are some of my thoughts. Matthew 8:23-27 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” When we look at this story, it is sometimes difficult to relate it to our own lives. Few of us get caught in a boat during a storm these days. And even if we did, the Coast Guard would certainly rescue us. But we do have storms in our lives. We do have times when we are frightened for our lives or our relationships or our very sense of well-being. And when these storms knock us off our course, where do we turn? As I was reflecting on this story last week, three things came to me, and they have made all the difference in my understanding of this text and of how God works in our lives and in the world.

1) God did not cause the storm. Did you notice that? The storm just came! God didn’t point to the disciples and say — “I’m going to teach them a lesson — they are kind of slow to understand and they don’t have enough faith. So I’ll teach them a lesson today.” Lightning did not come out of God’s fists — God’s breath did not roll like a mighty wind to knock over the disciples’ boat. No — the storm just came. Storms happen. Period. When storms blow through our lives, the number one question we ask is, “Why is God doing this to me?” First of all, it’s not God. God knows that we are perfectly capable of creating our own storms without his help. Bad things don’t happen because God is mad or wants to teach us a lesson. Jesus promised that storms will happen! In John 16:33 Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble. But do not fear! I have overcome the world!”

2) God did not prevent the storm from happening. Just as God does not cause storms to punish us, God also does not prevent storms in the lives of the good and godly. Some of the most revered and godly people in all of history have lived the most difficult and stormy lives. Think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther or the trials that St. Paul faced in his missionary journeys. The life of faith is not a life of cause and effect so much as it is a life of knowing whom you belong to and who is with you on the journey. 3) Jesus calmed the storm. The promise that we have in God through Jesus Christ is that no matter how stormy the waters of this life get, Jesus will always be in the boat with us. He will ride the waves of any storm with us, and he will speak his perfect peace into the middle of the rain and wind. One commentator writes this: It doesn’t matter how strong your boat is, or how skilled you are at sailing. What really matters is who is in the boat with you. The one who is in the boat with you is the one — Jesus Christ — who on the day you were baptized climbed in your boat and will not leave you in this life or in the next. Right now, I am sitting at the hospital as 24-year-old Nicole goes into brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Nicole taught Sunday school to 4-year-olds this year. Nicole is kind to everyone and lives a good and faithful life. Two weeks ago she was enjoying life and love. Today she is facing the biggest challenge imaginable. The tumor in her brain is not of God. God made her brain perfect and pure. She was created to be an artist and a friend, laid back and creative. She was created to run and play and dance and love. She was created to shine her light in this world. God did not cause this to happen to Nicole. But God is in that operating room with her right now. God is guiding the hands of the surgeon and protecting Nicole as she rests. We will pray over and over for God’s miracle of healing. And we will know for certain that whatever the outcome, Jesus is with her. That’s God’s promise to her.

Whatever storm is blowing through your life right now — know that this promise is also for you. Jesus is with you through it all. The rains will come, and the winds will blow — hold fast to Jesus — he is right there next to you — offering peace that passes all understanding. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:1-3, 10-11 (NIV) article written by Pastor Kris Capal

WhitewaterWhitewaterWhitewaterWhitewater Camping trip for 7Camping trip for 7Camping trip for 7Camping trip for 7----12121212thththth gradersgradersgradersgraders June 5June 5June 5June 5thththth ---- 9999thththth

DAY CAMPDAY CAMPDAY CAMPDAY CAMP July 17th-20th 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Open to grades completed K-6th grade Registration is $25.00 Forms were sent home with kids at Release time and Sunday School. If you need one please stop by the church!

Youth–led Worship @ the Fairgrounds June 11th at 9:30 a.m.! Stay for coffee hour and enjoy cinnamon rolls made in Dutch ovens!! Bring your lawn chair.

The Faribault County Fair is just around the corner!! As with other years it takes many hands to make our fair stand such a success. There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the main office as well as a link to a sign up genius page you can sign up from and find a spot that works best for you. Watch for details in the July Trumpet and weekly bulletins. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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