junior school bulletin issue 10, 23 august 2013

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Junior School Bulletin Issue 10, 23 August 2013


One of the five essential elements of the Primary Years Pro-gramme is ‘action.’ (The five essential elements of the writ-ten curriculum in the program are: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action.) Action is included as an essen-tial element in the PYP as it is believed that education must extend beyond the intellectual to include not only socially responsible attitudes but also thoughtful and applicable ac-tion (Making the PYP Happen, 2009).

The IB Primary Years Programme Model

Simon Davidson (2009) suggests that the most imperative aspect of PYP action is the daily classroom practice. We cannot always expect ‘big actions’ which can be remarkable large scale projects that leave a lasting impression on chil-dren, as this can be an unrealistic expectation. (It is amaz-ing to be an observer when a ‘big action’ is undertaken by students! This can be such a rich learning experience for all involved.) Research indicates that for actions to have an en-during impact, they must reach a student’s inner conviction. For this to occur, students must be offered genuine choice and genuine responsibility. Before students can determine

From the Deputy Head of Junior School & PYP Coordinator

Issue 10 / 23 August 2013

Schools are very busy places and the last two weeks have been no exception at St Andrews. Here are just a few of the things that the students have been involved in: Science Competition at Griffith Uni, ICAS Mathematics Competi-tion, Year 5 Colonial Day, Choir Eisteddfod, Dance Ei-steddfod, Disco, Year 4 Family Service, Japanese Language Speaking Competition, Band Eisteddfod, Book Week Activities, Bike Centre Excursion, SLAPS Athletics Carnival @ QSAC and Youth Club. Our aim at St Andrews Lutheran College is to educate the whole child. The children have plenty of opportunities to get involved in activities that educate the mind, get the body moving and stimulate the senses.

Last Wednesday we hosted the “Partners in Literacy” workshop. It was very well attended by a large number of parents and grandparents. The education of a child is a partnership between the child’s school and his/her parents. Hopefully the skills and techniques shown at the workshop will help you when you listen to and help teach your child to read.

Darrin SchumacherDeputy Principal/Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

Hinze Dam ExcursionOn the 31st July, Year 2 went on an excursion to the Hinze Dam. The transdisciplinary theme that the students were exploring was ‘Sharing the Planet’. The students were inquiring into the conservation of water.

The students determined the quality of the water by exam-ining the water bugs that were present. They looked at a cross-section of the dam wall and found interesting facts about how the dam was built and what materials were used.

We left the dam with a healthy respect for the conserva-tion of water. Students have a great appreciation for their responsibility in protecting our waterways. Importantly, we discovered the process that water takes to get from the dam to our taps.

Daniel ToomeyYear 2 Teacher

what choice to make, they must have the opportunity to think it through. The ultimate aim of involving students in taking action is to allow them to choose to act, decide on their actions and to reflect on their chosen actions in order to become active global citizens.

In our PYP classrooms, we strive to encourage our students to learn to make good choices, to think for themselves and to take responsibility in a realistic and appropriate way. At St Andrews we see evidence of student initiated action that has been taken as a result of the learning process. The ac-tion may take many forms: finding artifacts/books/informa-tion to share with the class, engaging in conversations with people in the wider community, visiting the local library, implementing change in the home e.g. placing a bucket in the shower to catch excess water as a result of a learning engagement in class. It must be noted that, sometimes stu-dents will choose to take no action (as a positive choice) as they may not yet fully understand the problem or the action may be to learn more and understand what the situation is.Can I challenge you as a parent, to engage in a conversa-tion with your child/ren to find out what action they are taking as a result of their inquiry, and just as important, have them reflect on the impact of their chosen action. “Even the smallest of choices, providing it is significant to students, can be powerful in developing habits of making thoughtful choices and carrying them out over sustained periods of time.” Simon Davidson

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18NIV

Jacqueline FaulknerDeputy Head of Junior SchoolPYP Coordinator

the home e.g. placing a bucket in the shower to catch excess water as a result of a learning engagement in class. In must be noted that, sometimes students will choose to take no action (as a positive choice) as they may not yet fully understand the problem or the action may be to learn more and understand what the situation is.

Can I challenge you as a parent, to engage in a conversation with your child/ren to find out what action they are taking as a result of their inquiry, and just as important, have them reflect on the impact of their chosen action.

“Even the smallest of choices, providing it is significant to students, can be powerful in developing habits of making thoughtful choices and carrying them out over sustained periods of time.”

Simon Davidson

The Action Cycle

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18NIV

Jacqueline Faulkner

Deputy Head of Junior School

PYP Coordinator


Act Reflect  

Year 2 News

Art News

Junior School Choral EisteddfodsBoth the Golden Clef and Semitone choirs performed last week on the Art Centre stage under the direction of Ms Kristine Dennis. It was a positive experience for them all as they watched other choirs and performed enthusiastically to large audiences. Congratulations to The Semitones who were awarded Very Highly Commended. Thank you Ms Dennis for your talent, enthusiasm and patience. Thanks also to Mrs Hayward, Mr Arnold, Miss Moore and parents for their support.

Upcoming Music Events“Twilight Classics” September 2nd 4.45 – 6.00 p.m

Parents and friends are invited to hear an hour of classical music in the Staff Common Room in the new Administra-tion Building. Refreshments will be provided. Please note, it is important to R.S.V.P Miss Gendi Moore for catering and seating purposes. gendim@salc.qld.edu.au

Cultural Awards Information 2013Our Cultural Awards Evening will be held Friday 11th October, which is the end of Week 1 Term 4. As this is a little earlier than normal we are starting to gather informa-tion for the allocation of Awards. Below is the Criteria for Years 4 – 12Essential Criteria for all levels: Active Participation in school cultural activities.Please note criteria is applicable from Years 4 - 12. Bronze AwardThis is awarded to students who:have been involved in several ( 3 – 4 ) cultural groups/activi-ties throughout the year ORPassed Grade 5 or above in Music, Dance or Speech & Drama Exam ORAre nominated for outstanding contribution to a school ensemble/activity Silver AwardThis is awarded to students who:Have been involved in 5 or more cultural groups/activities throughout the year ORPassed Grade 5 or above in Music, Dance or Speech & Drama Exam + involvement in cultural groups/activities throughout the year ORMajor Award at Regional level (GC Drama Festival / Ei-steddfod Championships etc) Gold AwardRepresentation at State level or equivalent in chosen disci-pline ORMajor Award (eg. Top of State in Speech & Drama Exam) In Junior School, we base our information on our rolls from our Co- Curricular Groups and information provided by PAT

Teachers. If you child is involved in significant Arts Activity not associated with the College, you will need to email this information to performingarts@salc.qld.edu.au for it to be included.

In MS/SS Surveys are emailed to students or are available from Head of Arts. Any questions regarding this process can be emailed to priscillas@salc.qld.edu.au

Priscilla ScottHead of Artspriscillas@salc.qld.edu.au

Japanese News

On Sunday, August 19, eight enthusiastic St Andrews students represented the College at the Griffith University, MLTAQ Speech Competition.

I am very proud of the commitment displayed by these students.

Year 4Sarah Yates, Keira Parmley, Joel Lupton

Year 5Sophia Dart, Peter Thomas, Amber Clarke

Year 6Madison Egen, Maya Hobley

It was a close competition where the students performed a rehearsed speech and then answered questions pertaining to their speech. The following students received an award.

Madison Egen 4th Place

Maya Hobley, Peter Thomas and Sophia Dart - Highly Commended.

The students gained so much from this experience and are showing great confidence in Japanese classes.

Shelly PrattActing Junior School Japanese Coordinator

Sport News

Inter Lutheran AthleticsOur Years 4-7 team competes on Wednesday 21st August at QSAC, Nathan. We will have a report on results in future publications. I’m sure our team will again display outstand-ing endeavor and sportsmanship.

District AthleticsCongratulations to the 20 students who made it through to Gold Coast South District Championship Day. This is the most St Andrews has ever had qualify for this ‘Finals’ Day.

Regional AthleticsCongratulations to Jack Read (800m) and Satine Masiar (200m) who have both been selected in the Gold Coast South District Athletics team to compete at the Regional Championships next Monday 26th August at QSAC. This is an awesome achievement and we hope you do very well.

NetSetGO!Well done to the students who have begun the NetSetGO! Junior Netball program in the MPH on Wednesdays after school. We hear it is heaps of fun.

Student Achievements.Congratulations to the following students as we recognise their outstanding achievements in sport.Mackenzie Bru, Ellie Foster, Mollie Hobbs and Emily Rich-ards – Selected in the South Coast Representative 12 years Girls Rugby League Team to compete at the Wide Bay Carnival in Hervey Bay in September. Great work girls.

St Andrews Athletics FacilitiesThe P & F have continued their wonderful support for sport-ing facilities at St Andrews with the funding of a number of projects. At present we are in the process of concreting the run ups for our long jump pits and circles for shot put events. More details as we progress.

Andrew Manion Head of Sport andrewm@salc.qld.edu.au

Many thanks to the new volunteers but also to the regular volunteers who give us a few hours each week/fortnight to give us a hand. We would be lost without your help.

Please check on your child’s Flexi Schools details. We still are having students who are under last year’s class com-ing through. Receiving Tuckshop is a huge thrill for some children, but to find that there is no order for them in their class box is quite distressing for some. So please ensure that the classes are correct. As we are now almost in spring, below is some information regarding the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated.

Fluid For Healthy KidsDrinking fluid is essential to stay alive. Water is the best fluid for everyone to drink as it is important for temperature

regulation, digestion, transpor-tation of nutrients around the body, kidney function and elimi-nation of waste products. Water also cushions organs and joints from injury and pressure. It is so important that the body can only survive a few days without it.

If we encourage children to drink water from an early age, it is likely that this good habit will continue into adulthood. Dehydration can result from not drinking enough water. This affects concentration and increases stress, headaches, lethargy, dry itchy skin and constipation.

For adults who drink beverages such as alcohol and those that contain caffeine, such as coffee or cola drinks, these drinks actually increase the amount of water lost from the body by increasing urine output. Drinking large amounts of these beverages leads to a greater need for fluid.

Sugary beverages such as fruit juices, fruit drinks, cordials, flavoured mineral waters, soft drinks and sports drinks are high in sugar and are of little nutritional value and therefore should be limited to occasional drinks.


Trina Van der KampTuckshop Managertuckshop@salc.qld.edu.au

Tuckshop News

Uniform Shop Volunteer neededThe Uniform Shop is looking for a volunteer for Thurs-day mornings. Hours 8am to 9am. Duties include serving customers, using the cash register (training provided), and re-stocking shelves. Friendly nature and a smile are essen-tial. Please contact Jacqui or Fiona during shop hours on 5568 5933 or drop in and see us. If you have any questions please email us at uniformshop@salc.qld.edu.au

Jacqui DesfossesUniform Shop Manageruniformshop@salc.qld.edu.au

Uniformshop News

Dates to remember August / September

Monday 26Year 5 Parents’ Coffee Morning, The Side Walk Café and Garden, after drop offBook Week Starts Thursday 29Student Led Conferences 7.30am to 3.00pmFriday 30 Gold Coast Show Day HolidayBook Week ends Monday 2JS Dance Troupe EisteddfodFriday 6 Selected Year 6 students Brisbane Writers Festival Excursion Year 2 Mums’ Night Out – Point Break Restaurant – 7.00pm

Born to knit campaign 2013Last year, Save the Children received 4,844 blankets for children in need programs across Australia and over-seas. 37 of these blankets were made with love by our St Andrews community.

It is time to start knitting again. Thank you to our knitters who continued through the summer; this has provided a head start on the blanket tally for this year. Please enlist your friends, family and neighbours to knit or crochet blankets. Blankets will keep children warm and help to save lives. Save the Children request the size to be 80cm square. Make whole blankets or knit 80cm x 20cm strips. If you require wool, needles or instructions please contact tonib@salc.qld.edu.au

College Fees – Optional Instalment ArrangementsTuition Fees become due at the beginning of each Term. However, we do understand that this may at times present cashflow problems for parents.

In 2013, St Andrews Lutheran College has implemented Direct Debit facilities for parents wanting to pay for their children’s tuition fees on a weekly, fortnightly, or month-ly basis through a regular deduction from your nominat-ed bank account, credit card, or debit card. Transactions are processed through a secure Westpac facility using the latest 128-bit SSL encrypting technology which is the banking industry standard.

If you are interested in this option to help with the family budget, please express your interest to the Business Man-ager, Mr Stephen Cooke - stephenc@salc.qld.edu.au

Thankyou everyone who attended the meeting last week, it was very productive and the P & F approved funding for a number of new projects for the school.

The next meeting will be the AGM which is held in Term 4. All positions will be open for nomination, so if you need any information on any of the roles, please contact one of the members of the current P & F.

The AGM will be held in Term 4 on Wednesday 6th Novem-ber at 7pm, so mark it in your calendar.

Funding and ProjectsThe P & F has provided the school with funds for removable AFL goal posts for the back oval, which we hope will be enjoyed by many for years to come. A new sound system for the MPH has been approved and should be installed by Term 4. Banners which will encourage student’s creativ-ity and sense of wellbeing in the College have also been purchased.

At the last meeting further funds were requested towards the Year 12 Common Room, which all students at St An-drews will eventually be able to utilise. The P & F felt it was important the Year 12 students had somewhere they could use and make their own.

During the September School holidays an extension to the Bus Shelter will be built which has also been solely funded by the P & F.

A climbing wall for the MPH has been approved as well as an E-library for the College, which includes over 400 book titles for use by all students.

A further donation has also gone towards funding a Lego Robotic Club which we are sure will benefit many children.

These are only a few examples of suggestions from parents attending P & F meetings which have come to fruition. Another important reason why you should get involved and have input into how the funds you help raise are put towards projects within the College.

Further information on the Grandstand should be available at the AGM, plans have been prepared, and the school is awaiting quotes to determine the cost. Approval for the expenditure will be sought at future P & F meetings.

St Andrews P & F NewsParents and Friends Association

SponsorsThe P & F would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued support of our school. Please show your support for these businesses.

Fathers Day Stall

Fathers Day Stall & Raffle will be held on Tuesday 27th and

Wednesday 28th August 2013 from 8.30am.

ALL GIFTS will be $5 and we will again be selling raffle tickets $2 each or 3 for $5 with great prizes, including

Bunnings Vouchers which Dad would love.

1st prize: Footy Hamper valued $1202nd prize: $50 Bunnings Voucher + Wine3rd prize: Wine + Selection of gifts from

Fathers Day Stall

We need some volunteers to assist on both mornings, so if anyone from Junior School can assist, even if just for an hour, it is appreciated. Please contact Julieanne on 0421

795 411 or Michelle on 0418 153 731.

Julieanne Andrewspandf@salc.qld.edu.au


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