junior school bulletin, issue 8, 30 may 2014

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Junior School Bulletin, Issue 8, 30 May 2014


From the Head of Junior School

Issue 8 / 30 May 2014

Arts WeekWe had a great week celebrating the Arts last week with a fantastic culminating Gala concert last Friday night. We are so lucky to have so many talented students at St Andrews who are born with natural talent but who practice hard to develop the talent. Congratulations to all who participated and thank you to everyone who worked behind the scenes to make the week a reality.

Mufti DayLast Tuesday we held our mufti-day with the theme being Kokoda. The funds raised will go to the Kokoda Youth Foundation.

The students in Year 5 are getting ready for their camp to Luther Heights in Coolum. We wish them God’s blessings for a fun filled, enjoyable and safe camp.

Thank you to everybody who contributed their feedback to our report survey. The feedback was very helpful as we look to provide you with the information you need about your child’s progress.

Thank you for your patience with the car parking at the College. We are currently transitioning from one building project to another. This has put a huge squeeze on the parking spaces at the College. My apologies for any incon-venience that has occurred.

Darrin SchumacherDeputy Principal/Head of Junior School

Junior School Bulletin

Counselling Update

Take 3 – A Clean Beach Initiative

Recently the students in 4B had a Positive Psychology work-shop about the concept of gratitude. We discuss the ways in which we can take action to show our gratitude for the wonderful coastal environment we live in. This has led to the students taking up the “Take 3 Clean Beach Initiative”.

The ‘Take 3’ message is simple: take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or... any-where and you have made a difference.

Marine debris, particularly plastic, has a disastrous impact in our oceans on marine life and, ultimately, us. We can greatly reduce the amount of marine debris in our oceans by preventing it from getting there in the first place! We encourage people to Refuse disposable plastic, Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle and Respond by picking up rubbish.

On Sunday 25th May some St Andrews students met at Currumbin Estuary near Palm Beach Parklands. In one hour the students and their families collected about 10 garbage bags full of plastics, bottles, cans, disused clothing, even surfboard fins and some remnants of a boat. We hope that this is the start of many cleanup mornings where St An-drews students can give back to the community and protect their environment. For more information about Take 3, go to http://www.take3.org.au

Our next Cleanup Day will be Sunday June 22nd. All stu-dents must be supervised by their parents during the clean-up. We will meet at Currumbin Alley Carpark at 9:00am and conclude at 10am. Please bring reusuable gardening gloves, hat and water bottle.

Mardi Frost School Counselling Team

Sport News

Representative Cross CountryWe had our representative teams competing at the Years 4-7 Inter Lutheran Carnival on Monday 19th May at Rivermount College and at the Gold Coast South District Carnival at Pizzey Park on Wednesday May 21st. Our Inter Lutheran team led by captains Charlotte Chant and Zac Micallef, finished 3rd overall in the ‘A’ Division, another outstanding team performance with our 10 and 11 years boys teams winning their Age Group divisions. Our All Star Relay team ran particularly well in the handicap race to fin-ish second.

Our best individual place getters were;Tim Hornsey – 1st, Tyran Lang – 2nd, Jack Read – 2nd, Jayden Sonter – 3rd, Ieuan Watkins – 3rd, Scarlett McMur-try – 3rd, Charlotte Chant – 3rd, Lily Harvie – 4th, Andreas Koster – 4th and Matthew Gabriel – 5th.

Our best performers in fields of up to 200 runners at the Gold Coast South District Cross Country were Tim Hornsey and Jack Read who both finished 11th in their respective races. A mention must also be made of Sarah-Anne Horn-sey who competed admirably with her broken arm in a full

cast. Another great team effort all round.GolfEmily Martin competed in the Kyogle Junior Open recently and won the overall Nett score (boys included) out of 35 entrants. She beat her new handicap by 8 shots so no doubt her handicap will come down again. But what impressed her parents as well was that she finally got brave enough to make a speech! Well done Emily.

Andrew ManionHead of Sportandrewm@salc.qld.edu.au

Art News

Junior School Gala ConcertAs a finale to our wonderful Junior School Arts Week, we presented our first Junior School Gala Concert, that show-cased some of our talented, choirs, ensembles and also some of our very talented Junior School Students.

Thanks to all of the students who performed, the parents who came to support and our wonderful Arts Staff for all that they do to support the creative journey of our students at St Andrews.

Congratuations to our SCOPE Winner Sam Collis 4C (photo below)

MTAQ Composers CompetitionCONGRATULATIONS to all our budding composers. The results for the day: 7 years 2nd Masashi Tetsuo3rd Luca FriebelHC Claudia MewingC Isla Slattery8-9 years 2nd Isabella Seymour3rd Amali BatsonVHC Mia Cuffe10 years 3rd Laura Mackenzie3rd Emily Martin11 Years 2nd Callum Ahern3rd Jack Schumacher

Special thanks to our PAT teacher Learne Faint for her work with our young piano students and her encouragement of composition in our young musicians

PAT Fee Increase Semester 2As of the start of Semester 2 2014, our PAT Fee structure will increase. This is the first increase since Jan 2011 and still provides families with an affordable and convenient op-tion for Private Tuition at school. The PAT Fee structure will be as follows:· Individual $30· Pair $17.50· Group $11 (Group Size determined by the teacher)

Please note that it is up to the Individual PAT Teacher whether they charge GST. In line with these changes, Animi Dance Fee Structure will also increase as follows:· 1.5 hour classes $17· 1 hour classes $12· 45 min classes $11· 30 min classes $9. Any enquiries regarding this increase can be directed to Head of Arts at priscillas@salc.qld.edu.au

Priscilla ScottHead of Artspriscillas@salc.qld.edu.au

Visiting AuthorStudents in Year 3 (in the lead up to NAPLAN) were fortu-nate enough to participate in writing workshops lead by Tristan Bancks. Feedback from the students is summed up in the word “AWESOME!”. These workshops provide the students with the opportunity to learn skills from a talented writer and to gain confidence in themselves as writers.

Advanced Researching Skills – Students Teaching StudentsSome Year 5 students were selected to participate in Ad-vanced Researching sessions designed to improve student awareness of searching strategies and understanding of how a search engine operates. Additionally these students were charged with the task of teaching others about these searching skills. To do this they created a tutorial to share with the students in their class. Additional support resourc-es are available at Searching the Internet and JS Virtual Library – Researching.

Examples of these videos and tutorials are constantly being created and may be accessed using a QR code or Aurasma app via our Wonder Wall in the JS Library. More to come about this project. These resources are a ‘living resource’ for other students and reflect our PYP journey.

Junior School Library News

Book FairThank you for your continued support of reading and literature through our book fairs. The resources that we were able to buy as a result of the Carnival Book Fair have all now been processed and are available for borrowing. The sales totaled $6418. This amount equals to $2035.50 books that we have added to the JS Library collections.


Just a reminder about borrowing. Each class has a pro-grammed borrowing day and time. Students are also en-couraged to borrow outside of these times, before school, lunchtimes and after school (with a parent), each and every-day. Additionally, we have special collections that students are able to borrow from, such as the Audio Book Collection and the Graphic Novel Collection.

In the Upper Primary, students may also borrow from the Older Reader Collection. This is a restricted collection due to the nature of the collection (e.g. mature content and themes). For students to be able to borrow from this collec-tion, parent permission is required (forms are available from the JS Library). Older students are also able to borrow from the Cecile Ryan Centre (CRC).

The Parent Library has materials for parents (e.g. parenting skills) and we have recently extended this collection with devotional materials. These were purchased with funding from the P and F. Please see the JS Library staff to apply to be a Parent Borrower.

If you would like any information about the programs we run, resources we provide or would like some training or advice please contact me.

Julia BoultonTeacher Librarian Innovation & E-Learning Leader juliab@salc.qld.edu.au

During Term One the Year 1 students participated in a Unit of Inquiry relating to “Sharing the Planet” which saw them investigate the central idea of how “humans have a responsibility to share the Earth’s resources with other living things.” As part of this inquiry process we had an informa-tive excursion to David Fleay’s Wildlife Park where we were able to research many types of animals, their needs and environments. The Year One students later used this infor-mation to write and present an information report.As a follow on to our excursion and a culminating activity to this Unit of Inquiry we were fortunate to have an RSPCA incursion. The community development officer, Rohan Henderson, discussed with the children such topics as what to do if you find injured wildlife, how rubbish effects living things, the impact of feeding wild animals human food, how cats pose a threat to our ecosystem and why our wild-life is such a precious resource.

Rohan brought a variety of hands on resources such as nesting boxes and toy animals to provide an engaging ses-sion for our students where they were able to actively par-ticipate and have their many questions answered. To assist the RSPCA to continue their vital work in helping more than 42 000 animals each year, the Year One students chose to take action by making donations of pet food and blankets. These items were presented to Rohan on the day along with a $100 monetary donation to the RSPCA on behalf of the College in appreciation of his visit. The money will be put towards a new Gold Coast Animal Rescue Ambulance.The children did a wonderful job and Rohan was over-whelmed with the generosity and support and good man-ners shown by the Year One students! He presented the students with a certificate of appreciation for all their hard work which proudly hangs in their classrooms.

As part of our Year 4 Unit of Inquiry, “ Japanese people experience difficulties sharing finite resources”, we have inquired into the rubbish that is left on Mt Fuji and ways to help prevent this problem. This Unit of Inquiry, as part of Sharing the Planet , has created a sense of taking action among our students. Students have decided to take action by creating posters that we have sent to the Shizuoka Pre-fectural Government Office. These posters will be displayed at the government office in June as part of a celebration for the first anniversary of Mt Fuji as a world cultural heritage site. Students created slogans which they wrote in both English and Japanese. For example; KEEP MT FUJI CLEAN – Fuji san o kirei ni.

Other forms of action taken by our students included creat-ing and filming role plays in Japanese with the message of keeping Mt Fuji clean.

Year 1 News Japanese News

On 22/5/14 Tanah, Lucia and Teleah from Year 4A went to Rosies donation centre at Southport. They delivered a box full of food items that the girls had collected from the St Andrews community. The girls would like to say thank you to generous St Andrews members who kindly donated lots of canned food to help the homeless. The girls did a great job to help the homeless and the volunteers at Rosies were extremely thankful for their efforts.

Thank you! Uniformshop News

Volunteer Needed The Uniform Shop is looking for a volunteer on Wednesday mornings from 8am. You can usually leave by 8.45am but if you can stay later we have plenty of things you can help us with. Please phone, email or drop in if you can help. IMPORTANT: Uniform sizes for 2015The Uniform Shop carries a wide size range of uniforms but when we have several students needing items at the smaller or larger end of our size range we run out of stock. If you think your child could be one of these students, or you know that they are already wearing the largest size and will need bigger, can you please contact the Uniform Shop ASAP. We have to order next year’s stock at the end of this term and we want to ensure we can fit everyone. This is especially important if they are girls moving into MS or boys into SS where their uniform changes.

Sports Hat RecallIf you purchased a Floppy Sports Hat this year and it has already faded considerably or discoloured, please bring it to the Uniform Shop ASAP as we may be able to replace it for you.

Jacqui DesfossesUniform Shop Manageruniformshop@salc.qld.edu.au

Tuckshop News

Did you know that we can supply your child with treats for the class for their Birthday? We offer Mini Cookies or Mini Chocolate Mousse cups. There is a minimum order of 30. To place your orders, go to www.flexi schools.com.au scroll down to Birthday Treats and place your order.

We would like to thank all of our volunteers on the fantas-tic work that they do in the Tuckshop. You make our day a lot easier and we greatly appreciate the time and efforts that you put in. For those volunteers who have expressed interest earlier on in the year, I will be getting in contact with you all before end of Term to obtain volunteers for the new Tuckshop which will be operational in Term 3. If any-one wishes to express interest in volunteering, please email me at tuckshop@salc.qld.edu.au or drop by Tuckshop.

If you are not on Flexi Schools or need help in registering, please drop by Tuckshop any weekday morning and I will be more than happy to get you started.

Trina van der KampTuckShop Managertuckshop@salc.qld.edu.au

We are selling the Entertainment Books again this year!!

New this year, you have a choice:The traditional Entertainment Book Mem-bership that comes with the Gold Card and vouchers or the brand new Entertainment Digital Membership that puts the value of the Entertainment™ Book into your iPhone or Android smartphone.

Entertainment Memberships contain thousands of valu-able up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers from many of the best restaurants, cafés, arts, attractions, hotel accommo-dation, travel and much more!

The price is $55.00 per book and $11.00 from each book goes to fundraising for the College.Books are available from Reception, Junior School Ad-ministration and the Uniform Shop.


Dates to remember June

Wednesday 4Year 5 Camp to Luther HeightsThursday 5Year 5 Camp to Luther HeightsFriday 6Year 5 Camp to Luther Heights House Year 3 Mum’s dinner, Zullaz, 7pmMonday 9Queens Birthday Public Holiday Tuesday 10Years 4 - 12 Regional Cross CountryWednesday 11P&F General Meeting 7pm, CRCChess Tournament, CaningerabaThursday 12Volunteers Induction, CRCFriday 13Kids Club Years 4-6, 6pm - 7:30pmP2 Spooky Disco, Burleigh Town Tavern, 5.30pmYear 2 Parent’s Dinner, Taboon, 7pmSunday 15Year 1 Family Service, 9am Worship CentreMonday 16ICAS Writing Tuesday 17ICAS Spelling Friday 20Last Day of Term 2

It’s that time of year to up-date the interest earned on your LLL account that is credited annually on the 31st of May. Please send your books in by last day of term, the 20th of June. They will be sent to Adelaide for the interest update and will be returned to you on the first week of Term 3.


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