just wages

Post on 18-Oct-2021






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Just Wages


Celebration of Worship Sunday, September 5, 2021 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Click Here to Listen Prelude Impromptu in Gb Major Franz Schubert Words of Welcome Rev. Tiberi Introit Summertime George and Ira Gershwin Yvonne Trobe, soprano DuBose and Dorothy Hayward *Call to Worship Ed Saphar

God said, “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord.” Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, And I will give you rest.” We come in the name of the Spirit, resting from our labors, Let us worship God this day!

*Hymn O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright PUER NOBIS NASCITUR Music may be found on page 8.

Prayer for Wholeness

We are workers, O God, as you have called us to be. But we confess that our actions do not always affirm and honor each other’s work. Our work is not always done in a spirit that is pleasing to you. We confess that, on some occasions, we have blindly bought goods made by people who are paid too little or work in unsafe conditions.


We admit that we have failed to end an unjust system in which some workers have jobs that provide good wages and benefits while others may have no job, or one that pays little and provides few benefits. Creator God, help us to be your people, working for a world where all workers are valued. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness (from John 3)

Hear the good news from scripture: “God sent the Son into the world not to condemn the world, But that through the Son the world might be saved.”

Friends, believe this gospel and live in peace: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God.

Scripture Psalm 90: 1-2, 13-17

Message for All Ages

Music for Reflection The Poet and His Song Florence B. Price

A song is but a little thing, And yet what joy it is to sing! In hours of toil it gives me zest, And when at eve I long for rest; When cows come home along the bars, And in the fold I hear the bell, As Night, the shepherd, herds his stars, I sing my song, and all is well.

My days are never filled with ease; I till my ground and prune my trees. When ripened gold is all the grain, I labor hard, and toil and sweat, While others dream within the dell; But even while my brow is wet,


I sing my song, and all is well.

Sometimes the sun, unkindly hot, My garden makes a desert spot; Sometimes a blight upon the tree Takes all my fruit away from me; And then with throes of bitter pain Rebellious passions rise and swell; But—life is more than fruit or grain, And so I sing, and all is well.

Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar, adapt. Price

Scripture Genesis 2: 3-9, 15 Sermon “Just Wages” *Hymn Jesus, Our Divine Companion PLEADING SAVIOR Music may be found on page 9.

Invitation to the Offering ⴕ Offertory Music He’s Got the Whole World in His Hand Negro Spiritual Arr. Margaret Bonds


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Let songs rise up from earth below; Let stars and galaxies enthrone;

Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One! Amen.


Prayer of Dedication God of new life, out of the abundance of our lives

we offer these gifts to you. Through your blessing and our willingness to share, may these offerings become a source for hope and love in this church family, and in the community beyond us, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers of the People Prayer of Jesus

Our Creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Spirit come! Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Spirit, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn Lord of All Hopefulness COURTNEY Music may be found on page 10. *Charge and Benediction Postlude Allegro, from Concerto Grosso, Op. 3, No. 6 G.F. Handel Arr. for piano, four hands, Ernst Naumann Passing of the Peace


Thank you to. . .

Liturgist: Ed Saphar Musicians: Jeffrey Thompson, Yvonne Zora Trobe, and Lee Wright

ⴕYou may give your offering in the offering plates near the front of the sanctuary after worship or by mailing a check to: 121 N. Fitzhugh St, 14614

All music and musical texts in this bulletin are reprinted with permission under One License, License # A-707805. All rights reserved.


WELCOME to everyone who is visiting this morning!

We are happy that you are here and invite you to come again.

We seek to use diverse images and liberating language about divine presence in our services of worship. Please feel free to adapt the words in hymns and prayers as needed so that they express your faith.

This is a Hearing Loop equipped sanctuary – please switch your hearing aid to the “T” (telephone) position.

We give thanks for the flowers…

Traditionally on Labor Day Sunday we have sunflowers. For many years Marge & Ozzie Salyards and Ray & Ellie Newell gave the flowers grown by Ray & Ellie. This year our church family is giving the flowers in loving memory of Marge, Ozzie, and Ray and in honor of Ellie.

This Week at Downtown Church

Sunday, September 5

10:45 Nursery Care

11:00 Worship

Preacher - Rev. Laurie Tiberi

Liturgist – Ed Saphar

Sunday, September 12

10:45 Nursery Care

11:00 Worship

Preacher - Rev. Laurie Tiberi

Liturgist – Kim McConnell







The Downtown Church Staff

The Rev. Laurie Tiberi, D. Min.,

Interim Pastor Jackie Griffin, Nursery Coordinator

Mark Anderson, Director of Operations Joseph Taylor, Maintenance Supervisor

Ed Verna, Maintenance Moses Nhial, Maintenance

Robert Clement, Maintenance

Dr. Lee S. Wright, Director of Music Ministry

Jason Cloen, Associate Musician Alan Jones, Associate Musician

Penny Crudup, Church Secretary David Mear, Business Manager

Teresa Ward, Bookkeeper & Receptionist Coordinator Keisha Betts, Receptionist

Theresa Reddick, Receptionist

Parish Leaders

John DeHority and Nancy Lauder Brown, Co-Clerks of Session Joan Mackey and Carol Snook, Co-Moderators of Deacons

121 N. Fitzhugh Street, Rochester, NY 14614 Telephone: (585) 325-4000 ~ Fax: (585) 325-6023

E-Mail: office@DowntownPresbyterian.org www.DowntownPresbyterian.org

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