j/ze 0mmanue/ r;o//eye i3:brar'l

Post on 06-Dec-2021






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J/ze 0mmanue/ r;o//eye i3:brar'l

Emmanuel's Library of Tomorrow

Emmanuel College opened its doors to twenty-nine students in 1919 to

become the first Catholic college for women in New England. At the time

of Dedication, His Eminence William Cardinal O'Connell said:

It was with just pride and .ioy that we welcomed the announcement of

the opening of Emmanuel College, and saw in that achievement

another golden and inspiring page added to the .history of Catholic

Education in the Archdiocese of Boston.

Founded for the spiritual and intellectual instruction of Catholic

young ladies, wisely directed and carefully watched over by the

faithful daughters of Notre Dame, Emmanuel College cannot but

merit the protection and blessing of God and be {lnother .iewel

reflecting the glory oj Holy Mother Church.

With happy anticipation, we look upon these auspicious beginnings,

and rejoice in the firm conviction that one day, not in the far

distant, Emmanuel College will take her place as one of America's

finest and largest colleges for young ladies.

The Prophecy rang true!

By June of 1923, the date of the first graduating class, enrollment had climbed to 148 students.

Total enrollment has now streaked to a record 1,064 students.

To meet the challenge -

In 1949

In 1954

In 1958

In 1962

Alumnae Hall - the science building was opened.

Marian Hall - the Student Union build­ing was completed.

St. J ames Hall - administration wing and

Julie Hall

St. Ann Hall and

Campus Shop

residence - a building, housing 152 students were ready for occu­pancy.

- a residence hall for 220 students

- a snack counter and store are scheduled for completion.

Today's Real Need ... is an EMMANUEL COLLEGE LIBRARY worthy of

the students, faculty, alumnae, and many friends of

Emmanuel. Increased demands for excellence in

education - the hallmark of Emmanuel - make

a new library an absolute MUST.

For Instance ... with more than a thousand students and an additional

106 faculty members to serve" the present library has

a capacity of only 250 seats. Said in another way,

there is but one seat available for every five poten.

tial library users.

And . . . existing library facilities at Emmanuel allow room

for 47,740 volumes. Tomorrow's library will have

space for 200,000 volumes.

A library makes up the academic heart of any college.

Our proposed Emmanuel Library will contain:

Lecture Room (300 seats) Library Offices

Rare Book Museum General Reading Rooms

Seminar Rooms Faculty Study

Microfilm Room Faculty Lounges

Listening Rooms Storage Facilities

100 Carrels Conference Room

Typing Room Processing Room

Our dream library will cost approximately $2,000,000.

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Twelve Listening Rooms will be furnished with modern audio-visual equipment.

Lecture Room in the first floor wing will have a seating capacity for 300 students.

Can Emmanuel afford less?

Look at some random statistics showing what the 1961 graduating class

IS doing:

24% Graduate School

56% Teaching

10% Business and Industry

8% Marriage

2% Religious Life

Emmanuel alumnae can be found in almost every field and calling,

throughout the nation and the world.

How YOU can

make Emmanuel's

dream library - come true!

By continuing your already g-enerous support of Em­manuel.

By searching out other men and women like yourself who would be interested in joining: the Emmanuel Family in this g-reat and necessary effort.

Through your earnest and continual prayers asking- the Good God to assist us in making this new ven­ture successful.



Dear Sister Ann Bartholomew,

I believe that the following named non-alumnae would be interested in

joining the Emmanuel F amily in support of our college's library campaign.

N arne, address:

Sincerely yours,


Artist alumnae who gave of their talents and time

to design this brochure. . .





His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing furthered our thinking as alumnae

at an address h efore the Class of 1961 with words singularly appropriate to

our Lihrary venture:

... at Emmanuel College - you have been given a reverence for

the mind at work throughout the broad range of universal knowledge.

You have learned more c[bout God, Hi~ masterpiece, mankind, and

the world - by every legitimate m eans, be it divine revelation in

theology or human reason, ranging through all the liberal arts thclt

could free you. with the help of God's grace, from the bondage of

ignorance and easy answers, from pride, prejudice, and passion.



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