k 9s alert 6, 2019 27th sun in...“eucharistic miracles and eucha-ristic phenomena in the lives of...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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1 The Sanctuary Lamp is the candle near the tabernacle which reminds us of the true presence of

Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in memory of Michael Means

Corpus Christi Parish Office Hours are

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9—2.

Tuesday 9:45-2.

Articles to the bulletin need to be submitted by 9AM on Monday to bulletin4cc@gmail.com

unless otherwise noted.


Please submit information for the

October 20th bulletin by October 10th at 9:00am.

October 6, 2019

Altar & Rosary

The Altar and Rosary Society invites everyone to attend its

Fall Salad Luncheon, Bake and Craft Sale on Tuesday, Oc-

tober 22nd. Serving time is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The

cost, which includes hot chicken casserole, salads and bever-age is $6 for adults and $2 for children.

The luncheon is open to the public, so please invite family and

friends. It will be held at the McAteer Center.

The Altar and Rosary Society will hold its monthly meeting

on Tuesday, October 1st. The meeting, which will be held in

the McAteer Center, will begin with the praying of the rosary

at 6:45. All women of the parish are invited to attend. After

the meeting there will be refreshments and fellowship. This is

a great way to serve the church and to work with other mem-

bers of our parish.

October A&R Rosary intention is “Pray that everyone of all

ages have respect for life and for each other. Pray that morali-

ty returns to our society. “ Those praying are: Virginia Fell,

Mary Helen Davison, April Hoefer, Daryls Theobald, Stacy

Monti, and June Verheyen. Remember everyone is welcome

to pray along.

Pray the Rosary

October is the Month of the Rosary. Join our

parish community each night during October

for the praying of the Rosary at 8:00PM at IHM


K-9s Alert

by Dan Lyons

Part of K-9 training for police

work includes training dogs to

perform "building searches" for

burglars, bombs, disaster victims,


When a dog locates a hidden or

trapped person, it alerts the

handler by pointing to the location

of the person or barks and

becomes aggressive.

In 1995, Pope John Paul 11 was in the United States. He was scheduled to visit some seminarians. To accommodate the

Pope, the seminarians lined up on the front steps of the local

Cathedral to meet him. The Pope was scheduled to arrive in

his mobile, go up the steps of the Cathedral, briefly visit the

seminarians, and then be on his way.

However, when the Holy Father arrived at the Cathedral, he

said he wished to visit the Blessed Sacrament first. The secu-

rity people were a bit anxious and concerned. The visit to the

Cathedral had not been planned. Consequently they had not

done a "security sweep" of that building.

With little time to prepare they decided to do a five- minute "building search" of the Cathedral. The dogs searched

every nook and cranny of that building without finding any-

one. Eventually the dogs and handlers worked their way to

the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel.

When the K-9s entered this chapel, they alerted and pointed to

the Blessed Sacrament, indicating to their handlers that a

LIVING PERSON was present.

By Faith, we believe in Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucha-

rist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

This story was presented by Sister Anne Shields on a program

that appeared on EWTN called The Choices We Face.

“While every doctrine of our

Faith is important, faith in the

Eucharist is clearly foundational for

Catholic Christianity. –Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC

This year’s Festival Letter by Bishop Jenky is titled the “The

Real Presence” To read this letter by our Bishop please visit


"The greatest love story of all time

is contained in a tiny white Host." -Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen


All are invited to visit the tomb of



In the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception.

607 NE Madison Ave. in Peoria, IL

Monday-Friday 12:00pm—2:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm—6:00pm

Sunday 9:00am—2:00pm

Corpus Christi Parish

Laura Junk ~Cluster D.R.E. 309-337-0301 RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE 309-343-8289

Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Youth Group Meetings for October: Sunday, October 6th, 7:00 - 9:00 PM at IHM Sunday, October 20th, 7:00 - 9:00PM at IHM Sunday, October 27th, Youth Group will attend the Festival of Life at Bethel Baptist Church.

2726 Costa Drive, Galesburg,

IL 61401


Our Vision: Costa Catholic Academy is Dedicated to the Whole Child; Body, Mind, Spirit and Community! Our Mission: Striving everyday to bring the Living God into the Hearts and Minds of our Students.

SAVE THE DATE: Car & Cash Raffle Family Kickoff Night will be November 15th, 2019



RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Do you know someone who has an interest in becoming Catho-

lic? Do you regularly attend Mass with our community but

haven't joined full communion with Holy Mother Church?

RCIA will meet this fall and spring on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thursday evening from 6:30PM - 8:30PM at the McAteer Cen-

ter at Corpus Christi.

If you are interested or know someone who is interested, please

contact Father Rose at 309-344-3108

or fatherjacobrose@gmail.com.

Mark you calendar for our

Vegetable Soup, Ham & Bean Fundraiser

on November 17th.

Girls Days

with the Apostolic Sisters of St. John

for girls ages 9-14

Dates: October 13 /December 15/ February 23

April 26-Family Weekend

Contact chiaralucegirlscamp@gmail.com

11:00 Midday Prayer

11:15 Holy Mass

1:00 Sack Lunches

1:30 Teaching

2:15 Activities and Crafts

4:30 Prayer (parents welcome)

5:00 Goodbyes

Please go to the link below to sign up.


A Book to Consider

Interested in reading more on the

many ways God has revealed Himself

through Eucharist?

Why don’t you pick up the book

“Eucharistic Miracles and Eucha-

ristic Phenomena in the Lives of the

Saints” by Joan Carroll Cruz.

It will AMAZE you to read the differ-

ent ways God has revealed Himself in

the Eucharist to all of us!

Don’t forget we have a Mobile App

for our parish. This app is available

for download in the Android and Ap-

ple Stores. The App is a new and ef-

fective way for the parish to com-municate with you and for you to stay connected with the par-

ish. The App is PACKED with prayer resources including Lit-

urgy of the Hours, Daily Mass Readings, the Order of the

Mass, Sunday Reading Reflections, the Bible, the Catechism, a

digital rosary and on and on. It is also packed with educational

resources, parish events, Mass schedules, photo capture tools,

prayer requests, discussion boards and more. Best of all, we

can alert you of extra special happenings and cancellations via

the app’s push notifications system.

You can download the app in the following ways:

· Search for it in your app store · Click the link on the home page of our parish website

· Visit https://www.parishsolutionsco.com/


“The Eucharist is the secret of my

day. It gives strength and meaning

to all my activities of service to the

church and the whole world.”

-Saint John Paul the Great

3 Corpus Christi Parish


Groceries are given out to those in need on Wednesdays only between 1 & 2 pm Please DO NOT CALL. Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 Volunteers set up for Wednesday distribution of food.

St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry needs: bar soap and canned pumpkin or pie filling. October 6: Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel Jesus tells his disciples, “When you have done all you have been commanded, say: We are unprofitable servants; we have only done what we were obliged to do.” The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been able to bring the love and mercy of Jesus to those who feel left out and abandoned through your most generous donations. Thank you!

LET US PRAY FOR EACH OTHER Lord, look with loving kindness on the needs of all our

parishioners, and remember especially those who are ill at

home, in the hospitals and nursing homes;

Linda Krueger, Steven Nemeth, Barbara Phillips, Larry Welch,

Adam, Bill Richards, Evelyn Trisilla, Consuelo Howell, Lewis

Nichols, Jim Verheyen, Deb Worden, Patricia & John Kissinger,

Lenard Palmer, Mona (Mendez) Sollom, Kathrin Hall, Ioda

Rayford, Ventura Betty Alva, Mike Reatherford, Horst Eoecker,

Ron Devlin, Father Bill Miller, Jack Soper, Boyd Kisler

Sick & Shut-ins: Please notify the office if a parishioner is

seriously ill or housebound, hospitals are not

allowed to give out this info. Also please call

when the parishioner is well, so we may take

them off the list and say a prayer of thanksgiving.

Pray for Our Military especially for

those from Corpus Christi Parish

Ryan Beil, Joseph Mangieri, Samuel “Max”

Hess, Tony Trisilla, Mark McDowell , Jimmy

Nache, Zach Kaniewski, Kim Becker,

Matthew Schiff, Christopher Edwards*, Sean Hatfield,

Brett Cutts, Maria Blunt, Nathan Jones, Kavan Woodruff,

Timothy Brennan, Jesus Weigand

If you have a family member serving in the Military please

contact Kathy Ensley at 368-7191 when your loved one comes

home, please call and we will remove their name from the list

and offer prayers of thanksgiving for their safe return.

* Serving Combat Duty

Prayer Warriors: Every day is abortion

day now that they are doing chemical

abortions in Peoria.

7x7x7x: 7am, 7pm-7 words “Lord, please

stop abortion in this country.”


OCTOBER 4th. Do you want to be part of the nationwide 40

Days for Life pro-life witness outside of abortion facilities? Join

other Pro-Lifers from Knox County on Friday, October 4th

outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 2709 N.

Knoxville Ave in Peoria. Stand in prayer for 1 or 2 hours. Call

Dick at 309-343-2852 for more information.


Knox County Right to Life, in solidarity with Pro-Lifers across

the country, will host its annual peaceful, prayerful Life Chain and

Rally. Sign pick up: 1:30-1:45 p.m. in the parking lot just west of

Henderson Street at its intersection with Fremont Street. The Life

Chain will take place from 1:45-2:45 p.m. along Henderson and

Fremont Streets. From 3:00-3:30 there will be a Prayer Rally at

Colonial Baptist Church, 1232 W. Fremont Street. The public is

invited...come rain or shine. If standing is difficult, bring a

chair. Information: Mary at 309-343-0621 or Pat at 309-343-



6th A second collection will be taken up at all Masses on the

weekend of October 5/6th. Everyone is encouraged to contribute

one penny for each year of their LIFE, IN THANKSGIVING

FOR THE GIFT OF LIFE. All money donated will be be used to

support our Family Resource Center in Peoria. Visit

www.knoxcountyrighttolife.org for more information


p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish Center. SCOTT KLUSENDORF,



dinner reservations, which are required, please call Pat C, 309-343



at 6:30 at Bethel Baptist Church at 1196 N. Academy

Street. Scott Klusendorf, President of LIFE TRAINING

INSTITUTE, will be the keynote speaker. He trains pro-life

advocates to persuasively defend their views. Come and learn

how to be an effective defender of life. Admission is free.

Refreshments will be served. A free will offering will be

taken. For more information call Pat C., 309-343-2852 or Lisa L.


ADORATION: worship; veneration.

Every day at any time at the

IHM Activity Center.

Not good at sitting quietly in Adoration?

Not sure what to do? Consider the book

“An Hour With Jesus”

October 6, 2019 4


Saturday, October 5th & Sunday, October 6th

5:30 pm Pat Luna

Mary Vega

7:00 am Bob & Bill Weigand

Pat Weigand

10:00 am Mary Edwards

Mary & Ken Summer

Tuesday, October 8th

12:10 pm Kathy Lowney Murphy Connie Summers

Thursday, October 10th

12:10 pm Virginia Loonan

George & MaryAnn Maxey

Saturday, October 12th & Sunday, October 13th

5:30 pm Lesli Page Ross Richard & Donna Ross

7:00 am Joe Vega Bob & Mary Davison Family

10:00 am Fred & Gerry Burke


Anniversaries of our faithful departed:

A.R. Mooney, Lola Butkovich, Horetense Farrell, Joan Dolinsek, Tracy K. Tracy, James “Jim” Hill,

Deb Riley, Robert Weigand, James C. Godsil, Kenneth Loye, Shirley Jo Webber, Cheryl Hund,

Wesley Pipes, Kenneth Carr, Louise Burns, Edward J. Kennedy, Paul Loe, Charles West, Maxine Busse, Rev.

Patrick Murphy, I.C., Mary Rivers, James Pitman, Theresa Mingare, Maurice Fox, Marie Connors, Robert Swank, Thomas O’Donnell, John Perardi, Margaret Sullivan, Ray Krupps, John Dolinsek,

Virginia Welsh, Gus Hoosen, Anita Graham, Travis Humes, Evelyn Scott, Zachary Durbin

Eternal Rest, Grant Unto Them O Lord & Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

Corpus Christi Parish

FOR October 12th & October 13th ALTAR SERVERS

5:30 pm Annika & Ella Carlson, Braylin Patrick

10:00 am Andrew Bailey, Aidan & James Podhajsky READERS

5:30 pm Pat Conklin

7:00 am Minda Rodriguez

10:00 am Alicia Alfaro



5:30 pm Brad & Ann Hix, Diane Kinyon

7:00 am Jess Martinez

10:00 am Dave & Bess Cratty, M Thompson, K Larson


5:30 pm Timothy Jones, Anthony Wilson

7:00 am Tom Egan, Mark McLaughlin & Pat Weigand

10:00 am Jesse Valdez, Bob Dowd

Weekend Collection for Sunday, September 22nd

Weekly Expenses: $8400.00

Collection Totals: $4627.00

Shortfall: $3773.00


( please insert Arnold Minor DDS ad from back)

CELEBRANT SCHEDULE~ Oct. 12th & Oct. 13th

4:00 p.m.-IHM~ Msgr. Ernie

5:30 p.m.-Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Jacob Rose

7 a.m. -Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Jacob Rose

8 a.m.-IHM~ Msgr. Ernie

9 a.m. -St. Patrick’s ~ Fr. Jacob Rose

9:30 a.m. -Sacred Heart ~ Fr. Bill Miller

10 a.m. -Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Pat Riordan

11 a.m.-IHM~ Fr. Jacob Rose

6:00 p.m. Sunday Night–IHM~ Fr. Bill Miller

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