k night 6 12-12

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Kindergarten Night at HMS-June 12, 2012


• Dott. Blanchard-Kindergarten Teacher

• Sara Duval-Kindergarten Teacher

• Bill Carozza-Principal

• Betsy Wilder-HMS Office Manager

For new parents…2012-13

Introduction to Harold Martin School

Structure of School District

• Harold Martin School

– Grades PK to 3

• Maple Street School

– Grades 4-6

• Hopkinton Middle High School

– Grades 7-12

Hallmarks of HMS

• Focus on reading, writing, math and a lifelong love for learning

• Respect for all: students, parents, community members; a welcoming atmosphere

• The Three Bʼs: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible

• Teaching students how to be good citizens and care for one another

Recent Initiatives

• Full Day Kindergarten

• Professional Learning Communities

• Commitment to Technology

• Numeracy Specialist and a focus on Math

• Brand new state of the art playground

HMS Logistics• School day: 8 AM to 2:35 PM

• Preschool (and morning K) Day: 8-11:20

• Afternoon K: 11:20-2:35

• Full Day Kindergarten: 8 AM to 2:35 PM

• Transportation:

• All students can receive bus transportation, including mid-day Kindergarten

• Parents may pick up as well. Except for mid-day, pick up is in the music room

• Safety:

• Only one door open

• All non-staff must wear visitor passes

• Other

• Notes-important for dismissal

• Call absentee line (746-4030)-our nurse checks by calling home

Richness of Staff

• Great resources:– Full time school nurse (R.N.)– Full time guidance counselor– Three Reading Teachers– Numeracy Specialist– Behavior Specialist– Class sizes averaging 18-20 students.– Library– Technology

Richness of Staff

• Nature of our teachers

–Experienced teachers, more than 2/3 with Masters Degrees

–Continued professional development/Working early and late

–Strong advocates for your children

–Large percentage live in Hopkinton

Richness of Parents and Community Members

• Volunteer Organization


• Support

• Partnerships with HYSA, TSNH

Curriculum• Reading: Guided Reading

• Writing: Writing Process utilizing Write Traits

• Math: Growing With Mathematics

• Social Studies and Science are integrated within themes

• Art, Music, P.E.

• Library, Computer

Special Programs

• Spring Enrichment Program– “Reaching for the Stars”

• Artist in Residence• Author Visits• Help for all students

•Reading Recovery, Title One

•Special Education, •Health, Guidance•Enrichment math and reading

Teaching Students to Care• Second Step

– empathy, impulse control/problem solving, and anger management

• The 3 B’s

– Be Safe

– Be Respectful

– Be Responsible


• Email: all staff:

– First letter first name/last name @hopkintonschools.org

– wcarozza@hopkintonschools.org

• Weekly Parent Flash-hard copy and via email

• PTA Meetings, first Thursday of the month

• HMS Web Site: http://hopkintonschools.org/haroldmartinschool

• HMS News Listserv

• Monthly HMS Podcasts

• Phone: 746-3473

New Initiative: Pilot Full Day


History of the effort

• FDK Committee in 2005

• Discussions with School Board through the years

• Greater interest shown in current Board

• Time to jump in


• Provide academic intervention for those in greatest need

• If pilot is successful, it will provide guidance for future implementation and/or growth of FDK.

General Structure of FDK

• Assuming low enough enrollment, 2 half day sessions and 1 full day session.

• Approximately 8 Intervention Students will be given free access to FDK. Others will be part of lottery. Approximately 8 other students will be given slots with an eye to gender equity.

• Cost is $4400 for the year

What’s Does Intervention Mean?

• Much like our preschool model, the goal is to provide an extra academic boost to children who need it.

• SINI situation

• We have solid data from our screenings and from the students who have been in our preschool program

• Intervention from the classroom teacher, special educators reading staff and numeracy specialist

• Parallel to Reading Recovery

Potential Pitfalls?

• If enrollment gets too high...

• Currently at 43 students registered. Last year at this time we had 10 more students registered.

• If we reach in the 50s we would then retreat to 4 sessions.

Why FDK?

• The advent of the Common Core State Standards

• Nationwide, from 10% FDK in 70s. In 2008, 60%.

• Less grade retention, higher math and reading growth.

Timeline from here

• Requests for Lottery due on June 14-email to Bill by 5 PM

• Selections conducted on June 15 and calls/emails will be made to those who have slots.

• All placement decisions by the end of the school year

• Sara and Dott will have visitations for children in August

FDK Potential Schedule (draft!)

8:00 Arrival and Morning ChartAs children arrive for the day, they unpack their bags and answer a question on the Morning Message.

8:10 Morning MeetingWe meet on the rug to say the Pledge of Allegiance, greet each other, share, do a short group activity or game, and read the Morning Message. We learn about the calendar, patterns, numbers, place value, weather, sight words, graphing and addition facts through calendar related activities. We are then able to go over the day’s schedule and move on to the rest of our day. The Morning Meeting has been developed from the Responsive Classroom Program, a curriculum focused on social growth and development.

FDK Schedule (cont.)

8:30 Literacy Block- an uninterrupted 90 minutes• WIN Time with the PLC team• Whole Group Instruction/Small Group Instruction• Phonics Program- Fountas and Pinnell• Writing/Journaling• Handwriting Without Tears

10:00 SNACK

10:15 Learning Centers/ Small Group Instruction/ Individual InstructionChildren participate in a variety of learning centers that relate to the current unit of study. Our learning centers include math, science, language, writing, fine motor, blocks, art, sensory and dramatic play areas. While children are participating in learning centers, adults in the room are able to work with small groups of students and provide targeted instruction.

FDK Schedule (cont.)

11:00 Recess and Lunch

12:00 Read Aloud and Quiet Time

12:30 WIN Time with PM Session OR INTERVENTION TIME

1:00 Math/Science/ Social Studies (Hands on Instruction and Activities)

1:50 Closing CircleReflection of the Day, Sharing Time, Announcements for Tomorrow, Music and Movement

2:10 Recess

2:35 Dismissal

General K Presentation

• Big Themes

• What you child needs for school

• What parents can do to help

• Logistics (visitors, arrival/dismissal, snacks, volunteers, food in classrooms, communication)

Q and A

Check out classrooms briefly

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