k2 090113 david and goliath lw - crossroads kids...

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August 31-September 1, 2013

I Samuel 17

David and Goliath

God Rescues his Family

Hang out with kids (10 minutes): Ask kids about their week. Get kids into groups and play games together. Large Group (30 minutes): Model what it looks like to be engaged in large group. And don’t be afraid to redirect kids who aren’t! Small Group (20-30 minutes): Keep kids in small groups until parents arrive. If you all have extra time at the end, you can review the video and songs together.

When you're doing a craft/activity that kids will do individually, write their names on the back of the item as they come into the room. That will save you some time later and allow you to spend more time helping them with the activity. Plus it is easier to distinguish which craft is theirs at check-out time.

As kids leave, remind them to tell their parents about today’s story using their story bags.

Today, kids are hearing the story of David and Goliath again. God delivered his entire family through David, who was an unlikely candidate for a rescuer. Today we want to focus only on the fact that God loves to rescue his family and we have nothing to fear!



Goal: to help kids review the story and understand that they can claim God’s power, too Why? This is a story many kids have heard within the past year. This time, we want to not only retell but also emphasize how God has power over all things.


Tip: Encourage kids to get into pairs and practice retelling the story using props.



CONNECT 1. Share your name and one word to describe the best part of your week (if you’ve

already connected before large group, move directly to question #2). 2. Describe a time when you felt really scared.


1. Why did God’s family feel scared? (the Philistine army had a really big giant warrior who wanted to fight them)

2. Why was God’s family scared to fight Goliath? (He was huge—9 feet tall!) 3. Who was brave enough to fight Goliath? (David, a shepherd) 4. Why was David brave enough to fight Goliath? (He knew God would help him; God

had helped him in the past!) 5. How did David beat Goliath? (he threw one rock in a slingshot) 6. How did God use David to rescue his family? 7. Why do you think God used David instead of a big, strong soldier?

ACTIVITY The kids are making a David "story bag” with items to help them tell the story of David. First, give each child a bag. Tell them that we are going to practice telling the story of David and Goliath so they can tell their family. Then give each child one of each of the following items. As you give them the item, ask if they know how it fits with the story.

• A cotton ball - reminds us that David took care of sheep. Kids can even pretend that the cotton ball is a sheep.

(Continued on the following page)




• Grass (green felt) - David helped the sheep find food. Kids can use their "pretend sheep" to eat some grass.

• Food Picture – David took his brothers lunch while they were fighting. David didn't go there to fight Goliath. He was just delivering lunch.

• Armor Plate - David said he would fight Goliath, so the king gave him some armor and a sword. But it was too big - David said he didn't need it. (You can even have kids rip or wad up the plate to remind them that David refused the armor.)

• Stone - David got five stones. One stone killed Goliath.

8. Read today’s verse again: I Samuel 17:45: You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I’m coming against you in the name of the LORD who rules over all. He is the God of the armies of Israel. He’s the one you have dared to fight against. What do you think that means? How did David beat Goliath in the name of the Lord who rules over all?

9. How do you think God can help YOU…when you feel afraid? (Refer to what kids shared in question #2).

*As kids finish, ask them to practice retelling the story to you or a classmate. And remind kids that God’s family doesn’t ever have to be afraid. God is with them! Then pray together, thanking God for being with us whenever we are scared. …Extra time? Have kids draw a picture of what they’re afraid of, then say, “I come against you in the name of the Lord who rules over all” and rip it up!


Today’s story could be scary for younger kids. Really emphasize how we don’t ever have to be scared when we’re part of God’s family!

The first half of the lesson has a lot of audience interaction. Really play it up!


Hi everybody! Welcome to Kids’ Club. I’m so happy to see you here today. Today, we’re going to hear an amazing story of God saving his family when they were in trouble. INTRO: SET THE SCENE (Acting it out) (Split the group into two sides; point to one side.) You guys are the Philistines. You guys are big and scary and mean. I need you guys to say: “Arrrrgggh!” (Use a mean face/growl sound; let kids respond.) Great! Every time I point to you guys, I need you to make that scary sound again. Can you do that? (Practice by pointing to them and letting them respond.) Oh, you guys are goooood. And YOU guys (point to the other side) are the Israelites. You’re God’s special family. But the Israelites (point and let them growl) are scared of the Philistines. So I need you to make a scared noise. (Tremble, put your hands to your face, and say “Ahhhhh!” Let kids respond) That is awesome. Every time I point, I want you to make the scared face again. Ready? (Practice letting kids make scared faces.) Perfect. So every day, the Philistines said (point for “Arggh!”) and the Israelites said (point for “Ahhhh!”). (Point back and forth and get some excitement going between the “Philistines” and “Israelites.”) This went on for quite awhile because the Philistines had THIS guy (show picture of Goliath). His name was Goliath and he was over nine feet tall! ONE MAN ISN’T AFRAID Well, one day, a guy named David came to bring his brothers lunch. His brothers were part of the scared (point) Israelites. And David saw the Philistines (point) scaring God’s family! (Point to the Israelites.)



David thought that God’s family shouldn’t be scared. After all, who takes care of God’s family? Who’s like our dad? (Let kids say: GOD!) Yes, GOD! And David knew GOD was way stronger than any old Philistines (point). So David said, “I’ll fight Goliath.” And God’s whole family said, “What?!” (Ask “Israelite” kids to say, “What?!”) See, David wasn’t very strong at all. He was younger than all the soldiers. And he didn’t have any armor. He wasn’t even a soldier at all! His job was a shepherd, which means he was a babysitter for sheep. So they wondered how on earth he would fight a giant (point to the screen). GOD RESCUES HIS FAMILY Well, David knew he couldn’t fight Goliath. But whose family was David a part of? (Let kids say: GOD’S.) Yes, he was part of God’s family—and he knew that God was stronger than the biggest, scariest giant! Now we’re going to watch a video about how David beat Goliath. As you watch, see if you can figure out how a little guy like David killed a big huge giant. Video: God’s Story / David and Goliath Wow, that was amazing! How did David beat Goliath? (Let kids say: He took five stones and shot one with a sling.) Yes, David chose 5 smooth stones. Then he put one in his sling….let it fly…and BAM! It hit Goliath in the forehead! What’s really cool though, is that David didn’t win because he was a good shot. He won because he asked GOD to help him. Here’s what he told Goliath, right before he killed him: SLIDE: I Samuel 17:45: You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I’m coming against you in the name of the LORD who rules over all. He is the God of the armies of Israel. He’s the one you have dared to fight against. ANOTHER RESCUE Goliath wanted to attack God’s family. So God sent David, a kid, to rescue them from Goliath. And one day, many, many years later, God would send another Rescuer—JESUS—to rescue EVERYONE from all the wrong things in the world. David gives us a preview of Jesus’ rescue and shows us how God loves to help his family. And WE don’t have to be scared anymore either. Remember, you are part of God’s family, so you can ask the God who rules over all (refer to verse) to help you too! WORSHIP Now let’s stand up and worship God—and thank him for rescuing his family! (Let kids stand.)



Song: Bravery Song: Because You Love Me PRAY Ask somebody to pray and thank God for rescuing his family.







Coloring pages: David and Goliath Markers One per child: 1 per kid: Gallon Ziploc bag with sticker --Avery 5264 labels (Sticker template in curriculum folder)


--Armor paper plates (OT: IN-13603849) --Cotton ball --small smooth stone --picture of food on cardstock (any type of food) --small square of green felt to put down as “grass” for the cotton ball sheep to eat




1. Image: Goliath (jpeg in curriculum folder)

2. Video: God’s Story / David and Goliath (3PK version)

3. Slide: I Samuel 17:45: You are coming to fight against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I’m coming against you in the name of the LORD who rules over all. He is the


God of the armies of Israel. He’s the one you have dared to fight against.

4. Song: Bravery (lyrics with hand motions version)

5. Song: Because You Love Me (lyrics with hand motions version)




Tell me about David and Goliath. Why did God use David to rescue his family?


The story of David and Goliath not only reminds us that God can send unlikely rescuers to save his family, but also that He is strong enough to save us from anything. Ask your kid about it. You can also watch a video about the story together on CrossroadsKidsClub.net or read about it in I Samuel 17, in the Bible.

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