ka palapala 1920-21.pdf

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1b I\t\-bL- bI Nr E:: W JJ r-o~e{bt-"1t

0" be~:(f '1J I.t 5 ~fhf,r

f W. ~t!bf."l ~ sS trP ,q.2-1





J\,ffecfioltatel}l JBcbi(Hf£b1[n

-~,/ ...../



jnurb of irgrl1ta of tl1r Jl1iurrliityof Eumuii

I nzo artley . R. Hemenway . G. mith

fr . \V. R. Frear Richard Tr nt

. L. tkin on, re id nt T rrit rial D ard of \o'ricultur

. L. Dan, re id nt of the niver ity of Hawaii.

Y th t I'm of the niv rsity of Hawaii hartel', ff cti,' July 1, 1920, theRoanl of R gents \Va incr a~e<1 from fly to cv n m mbers by th a lc1ition f the

Pre id 'n of the 'rerritorial Board of gri ultl1l'c and 1"01' try antl th Pre itlcnt ofth ni\'er it)' of Hawaii.

(N. D.-Mr. kaik kana 11a been app inti by the Go\'crn r f Hawaii to. ncc e [tb late I IlZ0 artl y a a mem b I' of the Board of Reg nt ).


Ju :!Irmnrtam

lIu mrmnry nf

Alnur£n (Surtlrymrmbrr of tqr QInllrgr aub luturr.atty

nf ltIumatt inarb nf 18rgrttt.a,

:Say 1, 19n7 tn - - -

1iltrb Aprtl 21, 1921

AHTlIPR L. ])I.;.\.X•\..l. (IJtU'Yard '(0), Ph.D. (Yale '02)

Pre .. id nl


.K ( ornelJ '03), LIJ.B'. (Xnlionnl '( niver·Hily 'OG), ' .M. '.I~. (1I11rvard '](j), :Jr. •.

(~Inss. Jnst. '1'('(·h. 'Hj)D nn of tlw olJpge of .\ppli('d .'cipnec., anti

Prof s or of ivil En in' ring

.\1 TTirR L.•\XDHEW •B.T.1. ( ol'lwll '9:3), :JI.L. (Corllt'1J '9;,)

Ph.D. ( , l'JlplJ (2)D an of lh College of Arls and. 'cicn('es,

nnd Prof ....or of English

.Torl:\ .. D X.\ mlro1\,B. (~llIri('tlll 'Hfl), .\. r. (1I1arirlta '07)

Prof ssor of IIlnthrmllli('s nnd .\.stronomy

JOHN M. YOUNGB.. (Univ. of l"lorida '9 ), :M.E. ( ornell

'02), IVUvI.E. (Cornell '04-)Professor of Engineering

MTNNm E. CTTlPMAN("Womfln's Art ,'chool, N. Y.)

Prof'ssor of Cerflmies find De. ign

l"RANK '1'. Dll LlNGHAl\{M.. (Worcester Iolyte~'hnic Inst. '01)

M. \.. (Yflll' 'lG)Pl'ofc. 01' of hemi .. try

ARNOLD RO'MBERGA.B. (Univ. of 'rpxas '10), Ph.D. (Harvflrd

'15)Prol'cssol' of Ph~'sies

L J,' .\. III~~KE

(Univ. of WLeon,ill ']2)Prof ~,or of .\grinLltur

RT liARD WREtoi', ITALL) h.B. (Yal't' '11), Ph.D. (VIIII' '15)

Profl'fifiol' of helllifitry

D.\YJD L. R.\Wl' RDB ..\. (Pomona '11), M ..\. (, tanford '12)

Profe' I' of Entomolo y

1HY[X, O. ] r: KI·:IA.B, (BOfiton LJnil'. '12), Alli:llll'e Fl'l1nl'lIifi ,

,'Ol'hOllne, T lll'ifiPl'ofpsfior of l~oll1nll('l' Lnn,gull/rr,

IlERI ERT F. BEHCDUXH.,. (Kanf-a: ,\grie.'ol. 'O:i), ;'f.,'. (l.'ni,'. of

)1 inn. . 15 ), 1 h. D . (C 11 i ". 0 f ;'1 inn. . 1 )

('I/.\I LI';S ! I. I'; ID! ()~ D, O~Ph.B. (r'ni\'. of Iowa 'o:n, ,\I.S. (Pni,'. of

lowlI '0,1), 1'1i.]). (lni\". of Iowa '(Hi)Profp~sor of ZooloA'~' lind Dirl'!'to!" of Marillo

Biologi("111 LalJOr:I!ory


IW;.I.\XZO .\D,D!.,\.13. (I'ni,'. of ;'Iieh. ·!li) ..\ . .\f. (C'lIi,'. of~lieh. 'n,), Ph.]). (l'lIi,'. of ('lii('a,go 'O:l)Profp~~or of !':1·onOllli(·s and "oeiolo,g.,·

('.\I{L I~..\;\DIH;\\,8B.S., ~! .S. (Rosl' I'ol.,'!pl"illlie Insl.)

I'rofessor of I':ng-in('pring"

'1'.\. ( K.\ 11.\R.\D.\B.n. (Yale '91), D.D. (.\lI1h('r t '10)

LL.D. (Edinhoroll~h 'to)Prof!', SOl' of ,Tapnnes Languag' and IIi tory

KAI L . I.EEB1HKB .•. (llniv. of 'nlifornill 'Jl), M... «( nh'.

of 'Illifornia ":1), Ph.l>. (lTni\·. ofalifornill '17)

Prof .. or of 1ristor~' Ilnd Politirnl • rirllcP

n:.. l~ K. PL.\~DER

.\.13. (Bat,' 'O·l), A.M. ( tanford '17)Pr f 8,'01' of Education and P 'ychology

'I'TI~:\ M( \\.\~G

( hin-shih)Profr,'. or of hines Lnng-lIng'(' lind History

M.tE L. WELLB .. ( oluml in '14), A.M, ( olumbia ']

Assi. tant Pl'ofes. or of Hou .. ehoJd cien<:


I.A. (Yal ']2)A., istHnt P,'ofesso1' of Tcology

.\~~.\. 1'0:\ I '.\LZJm n,\lIL(FOl'mel'l~' hend of Yienna '<:hool of o.. tum

Designing, . an l"l'flncisco).\..·si tant Prof SS01' of Textile .. and De.. ign



LT. 01, . .\n~.\ <1. L.\HKI·;J nslrlll'lor in ~lililary •'(·ipn(·

J\LI('J+; ,.;. J1.\l B.\1TGII1nslrlll'lor in I>l'u\\'inj.! :lnd (,(·rami(·!,;

}'H.\~ 'E,' n.. ~IITTf

.\.B. (YassaI' 'J (i)In~trudor in English IIno Director or

Phy.ieul Training' for \\'OIlH'1l

1 .\ Y~l O~ J) ~r. Jo:LTJTOTTB.\. (POlllonll 'J7)

Instl'lI('tol' ill Physi(·s lind J>il'pdo1' oCPhysi('u! Trnining for j\( n

\\".\1.'1' I<:R \\' r;~Dl'B .. '. (L ni\·. of Wi:eollsin '30)

Instructor in .\gritultur

I~LOHE~ I~ 'I'. Wn;LmO~

ceretal'Y to th Pre 'idcnt

FREln:1UCK .\. POTTER• upCl'intcndent of the .\qn:ll'iu11l

EL IE ,AYe<:1'0 tn ry


Alma flatrr1.

In gre n ),Ian a Yall y ur ..\lma1Iat r , tand

\\ h re mountain wind and how rr fr h h r Iertile land"

The Hag f Ir d m I ckon,' ab \'e h r:hining walls

T larg r truth and ' rvi 'e ur .. Ima),Iater call .


1ra\\'aii, \\ ha\' ~~;ath r d within thywid -nun~..; loor

:\ ns and daughters claimin c)" thyfr ly-off red tore :

urI yal prai tend r, and 11 dl";to h lei thy aim

Till 0 an's far horiz 11 shall h ar thyh 11 r 1 nam .

, p(ln('£'rJJ. ~i("hols




?If. LiBindt

?II. Xi("hol.JknnerDud£'

UooRr \l'n

MnlsullluraHi 'rba 'h


J. Li

Editor ,Robert pencer, '22\ i tant Editor }{ rbert ullen, '23

Husine's l\Ianag r l?red Deni n, '22\s i 'tan t Mana o' r \ Villia11l \ Volter , '23Literary J ph Li, '23

John 1at tl11lura, '23Deatric hono', '23

ynthia Drown, '24Henry Bindt, '23

\dlllini 'tration ,jlay Gay, '23The Year ,Edith penc r, 2-+

• D rthea h... raus '24Class s \Nilson Jacobson, '23

alendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1artha ich I , '2-+Leonor Dud e '2-+

Art. " retchen Lierbach '2-+R. Y. Goo, '24

Societic and Organizati I1s Harlan ] enner, '23Athletic Ezra rane, '23

[ilitary Richard Ton a', '23I11111 ni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ary Li, '22

Exchanges ,"I roward Nich Is, '23

Joke 'ad IfcTar"o'art, '22Phot o-raphy :\1urry ] ohnson, '22

iKa Jalapala ~taff

WoltersDelli onullenpellcer

[KA PALAPALA ).:\~'f'S'""""

Nruaba---1!;amaii---(@rrgnuada f tball team

ling a \ ict ry t thefully

ing into the a on

mIlT inn -man b k. In fa t the editor did. littl of thWactual \ rk that it w uld 1 a rim t a ~ Ul1l th cr dit.In th fir t llac , a Jarb ' an I ffici nt taff w rk d diJi . ntly

at the ta k and lid iL duti s \ ith practically n lir cti 11. l3ut ina Iditi n th r ar a Jar )'e numb r [p r n wh lab r d in J _ urity

~y:,. [KA PALAPALAJIi"" '"

for the ucces of the b k. mong the. are D uo"la r111i t nandMortimer Lydgate, who a. i ted the mana 'er in the olicitin" of ad..

\\~e al owe a great d al t Mi hipman of the rt Departm ntfor her kind a i tance; an I to the following person for writing 1111 ­cellaneou article : H. 1\lorita, Y. to, 1\1r . 1\Iat uo"awa.. L. earl I

D. Mo man, 1\1. Greio" M. l~orbe ,E. hi ld , ~. and R. Ho .

lIiratrruitira au~ ~urq

(11\ ~ ~E hear it ften l' marked about the ampu that th I' i aW lack of social life about the Uni\'er ity. '"10 a con iderabl

extent thi i true, and we belie\ e it i. largely due t theab ence of int r-campu oro"anization , club, ocieti ,etc.

uch raanizations w uld tend to draw the tudent cl er t ­g'ether, and at the same time it would center th ir activitie around th

niversity. At the pre nt time the' tudent g'O outside of th Uni­verity for a large porti 11 of their social life. Thi ha a tendency toali nate th ir interest, and to encourage th m to 10 k el ewhere foren joym en t.

Th Univer ity hould not be m I' ly a place where we att ndIe ture. Too many of u look up n it in that way. ,Vhile wareatt ndil1~.: college the campu h uld be the center of our life.

One remedy for the pre nt lack of cial activity.. \\ e beE v I

would b the f rmati n of club., and societie. organized along non­racial line, and of a non-political nature, d i 'ned t impr ve thescholar hip of it member.; t increa e niver ity pirit; and toenc urage ocial activity.

mnra llt 'ay IDn !\~urrtiar?

1it1t H E.~)J Ka palapala. first went lookin o" f l' advertisement. thi.ltltI Spring", they weI' refu ed recognition as an adv rti in~)'

m dium by th H nolulu Chamber of ommerce, who ub-tituted a plan of their wn wher by the manager of cho 1 publica­

tion. would seek a . istance from the merchants in th name of ben v ­lent donation.. It d vel p d, how Yer, after a few bu ine m n hadbeen appr ached on the propo ition, that th bu ines communitydoe recognize the value r Ka 1 alapala as an advertising a~.;ency, andt.hat. \ hile they u ually did "kick in' with a lonation, they did itgruc!gino'ly, and with the Ie ling that th y \V rc o"iving omethin o' an 1

etting n thin o" in return. ~I t firm ha\'e an adverti ing budg t,


n t mak any y't mati' prO\'i'i 11

~t.~~-:-.:' :_.~;~~ . ~ _. a • •

..,., - ~-..... ....~_.. -," . . _J. -. )


Jlowrrg nub ~l1irtwni5t1i


Ian 'uid pnn o'

ha 1 .,idea fen 11

. ," he

i1[ KA PALAPALA ]_\~.c~

mu ed, 'i tied up in the flower bu ine , and what if I should fail?"1t wa a matter of no mall concern. The little flower farm rep­

rented the careful hoardint:; of f ur strenuou year on a ugar plan­tati n. It had been hard work, and Tanaka had no de ire to ao back toit. In the previous autumn, when the Japan e had called ff theirtrike, and gone back to work h had remain d behind, looking about

for ome mean of arning a 1 s arduou livelihoo,d. For a time he hadbeen empl yed a a yard bo), but later hi innate commercial in tincthad come t the urface, and he had hit upon th idea of ellin a flowerto the touri t who were makin a Honolulu the 0Teat play ground ofthe Pacific. 0 he had rent d a little plot of land in Palolo \ alley,and et to w rk. v ith pride he had watched hi plant grow and budin the mellow oil, and he oft n thouo'ht, "How kind i nature to herchildren in Hawaii." But n w it seemed a th ugh natur had merelybeen lurin a him on, in rder to make hi ruin more complete in the,nd.

Tragedy was scrawled in large letter on Tanaka' face, a hpas ed a cottage wh r a couple of touri t w re lounging on thlanai, an 1heard one of them say, "Good heav n , Loui e, look at thatJap tryin o' to ell flower in thi Paradi e where there i nothingelse."

"Yes," came the indolent response, "nothing else i good. I wi hhe had c rnucopias. Remind me of Cor nada, where the illy Mexi­ican peddle hot tamale on th hote t kind f day."

rI'anaka did not under tand all that wa aid, but he knew thevwer lau 'hing at him, and that they had very littl confidence in th~succe s of hi ventur . H plodded doagedly on, but a note of weari­ne crept into hi v ice a he droned, 'Flower-r-r- , flower-r-r-r- ,flower-r-r-r-r- . '

A w althy lady glidin o' by in a limousine leaned out to aaze at himwith the lively intere t of a touri t in the picture que figure of atrange land. Then ettlin' hack amon a the cu hions he gave her-

~elf up to dreamy contemplation. "\1\ hat an awfully un uitabl nt r-pri e,' he mu ed, "competition with nature i 0 very keen."

But the lady had not alway been ne of the idle rich. In heryounger day he had travel d f r a ew York hirt-wai t house, and

0, she wa human at h art. With an intuition born of the trade, sheanalyzed the flower boy's p itiol1, and sympathized with him. IVIovedby an in piration, he lean d forward and pok to the chauffeur. 1 hecar lowed down at the tre t cros ing, swuno' about in a moothcurve, and alidding back toward the peddl r, dr w up at the curb. he°Te ted the flower boy with a mil of fell w hip, and began to prichi flower.

"Th y're v ry beautiful," he aid with parlding eye, "I thinkI'll take th whole lot of them. Jut put them in hr. They will belov ly for the ath dral.'

hapl y tran f rlllation took pIa e in Tanaka' face a h

'.,.~)~r. [ KA PALAPALA l~((

bowed and tri d t expr




ij[ KA PALAPALAlli~ '"

After ~utl!iet

De cription.

By J H Y. MAT M R ,'23.

71 T wa ne late ummer evening when we at re ting on a largeill flat rock on th top of Punchbowl.

For everal minute we at th re without peaking a word,evidently exhau ted by the vigorou climb we had ju t made. Thenthe peaceful and familiar t 11 f the vening b 1l from one of thechurche broke our silence. 1m t unconsciously, we turned ourheads toward th church, and we counted to 'ether as the b 11 con­tinued t ring.

"__, two, three, fur, five', ix!"lready a few li 'ht wer hining h re and ther amon a- th tr e ,

like tar spar ely dotted on the evening sky. The light of the day waslowly pa in' away. It last faint ray were disappearing; the fia-Ul-eof Diamond Head was 10 ino' it exact hape little by little; the cloudnear the horizon w re I:::;r wing darker and darker, and the horizonit elf wa gradually becoming faint and imperceptible; th ky-line ofthe distant vVaianae Mountain wa fadin o' away, leaving a huge darkblui h-gray ma . By thi time the light of the treet car and the-.:treet up n which they were running had 1een turned on. The light­hou e at Diamond Head, Barber's Point and at the ntrance of thharbor of Honolulu wer already throwina- ut and retractin o' their1right ray of red and gr en, performing their night dutie. Theblinking dot out n the oc an t Id 11 that fi hing boat w re out. Thehip in the harb r, lart;;e and mall, a if dete ting to be behind the

other in their exhibition, put extra bright light on the ma t and1 ewher. ~Iore lio'ht appear d on land. ne by on their number

increa ed, until the whole r gion, from Fort haft r to Kaimuki, fromthe beach t the foot of th hill n wh e ummit we w re itting, wasd tted with th u. ands and perhap hundred of thou. and of gay,brilliant light. Thi. made 111 recall ne f the pa aO'e in L ng­fell w' (Evangeline."

II ilently, one by one, in the infinit mead w of heaven,Blo 01l1ed the 1 vely tars, th fora- t-me-not f the angel "

ilIon lulu i quit a larg city," exclaimed my friend."Ye , indeed" I rer lied, "lar 'er than w u ually think it i "Th bla k clolJ I which were h vering ab ve the horizon an h ur

or 0 before, had completely c v red th \i\ aianae Range by thi time.The ea an 1 land f rmed on wide h et of darkne ,bedecked with acounties number of large and tiny fla h .


nt of th 11 cturnal lif\\Te c uld h ar the hout


By HERDER'I' CULL -< ,'23.

rnHE lipper- hip, ",Vhite \Vare," a hundred day out of NewW Bedford, hina-bound, wa ri ilia' and fallin; , ith the lono-

ilent swell of the Pacific. Ev ry inch of canva was et, butshe made no headway. Her ail dro ped in th t rrific heat of theequatorial un. The '\,Thit \\ are" had be n becalmed in the dold­rum for a month now. Ev ry day was the am . The un ro e ands t lik a ball of fir -at night the ea wa a ma f ilvery pho 1 hor­esc n e.

"Man the boat, you do o' ," bawled out aptain Brown. He waaNew England kipper-o-o d at heart but a tyrant aboard hi hio.

The cr w wa re tIe s. For the la t month th y had been dis-satisfied. The food wa far from bein 0' the b st, the wat r wa taland the h at wa extreme.

"\\ ork is a cu re-all." wa aptain Brown' mott an I well did heke p to it. Every day he made the men take a turn at the oars andtow the ve el under the tr pical sun. Every day ome Door fellowcollap ed. n had died f1' m ,lIn trok. Today, on h arin o' hiorder, no man moy d.

","hat? Did you hear me, you ulky CUL?" re v,;alke 1 t wardthe m n who wer 1 ung'ing in th had of the galley. A 'haggylooking' fellow, named Drig'gs, lazily to c1 up and poke.

"~ow, ki01 er, w 'ye had t 0 damned much f you. I'm. kipperof thi here. hiD now, and th mate, :\Jr. Tohn on, ha agTeec1 t erveun ler m. Yo'l1 pack your kit a r need that th re cabin, I r ckon.Hurrv up! Get a move on."

He wa. alone. Hi officers ;:tnd m n all w re ag'ainst him. Heturn d and went to hi cabin. Th y had already rummaged thr ul!hhi 10'k r. Ii" Distol Wcl gone. He sat n the edg of hi. bunk withbowed head. Mutiny! It -emed imp sible. He was stunn-el. I-Imust have sat th re for hour. II 'a. disturl eel bv the udelen en­trance of four half-drunken seamen, yelling unintelligible. entence .rl hey forced him on deck where he was greeted by a serie of oaths.

"You'r 0' ing' to erv us now a. w hav sla' ed for you-G tinto that bat-Now, hurry un ;:tnd tow u.. 'Ale want to g' t to hina.Been h r long' enough," yell d Drigg. between the \ intermittentcheer of th cr w.

aDtain Drown rowed with an a. y, even stroke. It g';:tve him0111 thing t do at fir~t. Th terrific heat soon b gan to tell. '1 he sun

em el t corch hi brain. His head beg'an to throb. Th towingb came torture. If he tODDed, som one would hurl an emntv bottleat hi 111. fh 'ettin ()' of the un 1 hi nd a bank of cloucl ea eel hi h ad

[KA PALAPALA ]"'\9~'"

III thir t. H ried ut f r wat r but waJIe 1 ked at hi watch. It wa n't f ur

hi]. 1[ had rrlan d at th cl ck when

h ur? Th



ail wer in

atten ti n

cl th b at und r the b w- I rit


111 n. thin o' 111 r tonio"ht. Turn in" h

w. H to d by the binna I

L Y ur pi t 1 and th key t th

ni ht.'

',.l)~r [KA PALAPALAJIi.. '"

fly llmprrssiou of tl1r (Uampu1iDy HENRY lVl:. BI DT, '23.

The writer i totally blind-Editor.

711 EFORE ver I enr lied, I vi'ited the coIl O'e with the expresW purpo e of learnino' my way from th car. To kn w where to

alight from th treet car, wa imple; it i the fir't tation afterthe fir t turn to the left. I experienced little difficulty in followin . throad, which also turn d to the I ft. bout a block beyond this pintthe r ad slope abruptly downward, and her there i a eros road,which I have learned from frequ ntly h arin o' vehicle I a 'sing alon o' it.1\ly impre ion ha alv\ ay been though uncertain, for I haye nevertried to verify it, that the campus beo'in with this cr road. \\'hatI understand a the campus, lie n the left a 1 de end the slope.vVhat lies on the oth I' 'ide i a compl te mystery. ~oll1etimewhen

walkino' too near the edo' of the I' ad, I haye found that the campui bounded by a moderately high curb. \ \ hat 1i s beyond thi curb,I do not know, thouo'h I imao'ine it is a lawn with a few cattered tree.A I have passed near the curb I hav S0111 time fancied I detect dan occa ional hadowy pre ence that mio-ht be a tree or a pIe.

omewhere along the curb a path ha it beo'inning and tretcheaway to the main building; J ut I am not dev I' enouo'h in estimatingdi tance to know preci ely wh re thi point i. \ \ hen I am on myway to cla in the mornin o', th re are alway oth l' tudent takingthe ame route and if I am not talkin o' with one f them, I Ii t n totheir foot t ps and guide myself accordingly. The feet tr ading thesame oTound 0 con tantly, are improvin o' the path, but I till fin I itsomething f a \\ iIl- '-the-wi p. It lik tIe it elf under my f etand I u ually pr fer t follow th f ot tep f the ther tudent rio'htaero to the front tep. In rainy weath r the path grow soft, givingway underfo t. For part of the distanc ther i an mbankl11ent onthe left which tells 111 the minut I tart t tray from the lath; andwhen I draw n ar the buildino- it elf th rare u ually noi e thatattract my attention and rve a mean of guidance, uch a themurmur of conversation r the clatter f a typewriter.

me di tance below this path, tand the mail box with the bardwalk runnin o' to th front tep. \\ h n there are no f t tep for In

to follow, I al ways go to thi mail b x and al n? th walle I walknear the curb I can tell, by a subtl en e of feeling, when I com tothe mail b x, and 0 1 kn w where th b arcl walk i . and it i nowill-o'-the-wisp. In {llowin it I need ha e no f ar of aiml . lywandering aJ out the lawn; and I caj that worst of all terr rhaunting a lawn, the po sihility of (danger f). tumbling- ver an Ullex­p ctecl [aucet.


I'he fr nt t ps I en. e thr ugh that a1l1e. ubtl



ff.,er.f!1ERE it come at la t!' exclaimed a dozen voices simultan-'I, ou Iy and \\ ith eyident relief; r lief it wa' f r the 'e indi-

vidual who had been awaiting the grand spe tacle for thepa t hour and a half-'eated on benche' and chair in the litt! dino'Ytwo-by-four drug t r of hinatowl1, which con tituted the r nd z­vou of th idle, the poor, and th r bir 1 of the ame feather. Therewa a mad ru h, much cranin:::; of neck and rough 11 0\ ing a thecr vvd end avored to O'et a better view of the pectacle-whatev r ithappened to b. Ton O'ue worked fa t and furiou 1)' f r hinat wnwa all agog with curio ity. Nothing had furnished a m re ab orb­ino- and int re tino' topic for conver ation than the d ath, three davb f re, of Tan o' Enlin, the Rice l~ing, ~peculation had been rife a "towhat he had d ne with hi enormou ",,I alth-his 1 roperty, th rc'ultof y ar and years of toil. 1t was rumored that he had willed e\'ery­thing to a 'haritable rganization; it wa also rumored that he hado-iven all his wealth for the con truction and maintenance of a homef r the maimed and blind of the hine e c ml11unity.

"It c rtainly i a pity-no family, no relative ," observ d som onein the cr wd.

"Here O'oes anoth r pamper d pet f Fortune," aid another,om what ruefully. ,.\\ hat o'ood did his wealth do him- ince he i

una! Ie to brin o' it with him to hi grave?""IIe wa certainly the most mysteriou man in Chinatown,"

'aid an ther, "N 0 ne knows what province h came from, what hifamily connections, if he had any at all," added an old man, hakinghi weather-beaten old face and trokin o' hi grey bard.

,. ome ay that h had had a pa t life b f re comin . to the eandal-wood isle ," c ntributed an ld w man somewhat bent with

ag, ,,] Ia! who know but h might have had a 1 ri on record? rand­mother Ah un, who ha been his housekeep r all th e years aythat he come f a cultured family but-"

,. I-i u h 1" aid omeone a th funeral procession wa olem nly ap­proachin o', "'"fo hear y u talk would make th dead turn in hi -rave."

Th proce i n wa cr eping al ng, as if reluctant to r ach itsde tination-as if th corpse was not willino' to part with the materialw riel. The dismal, mournful. I mnity of the 1 aiel mourner withtheir white c nc- hap d hat ancl gowns, th very stern, s t, stiffno ture of thc unclertaker whos countenanc . e m cl carved out of~t nc and, th imat;e of immutability itself, the h ar e cov r d withfl wers and the red anel white paper, thickly. pecklecl with O' ld andilver clots which were catter d along the tr et cr ated an 1m1 re -

----....-=------ ----

ilr KA PALAPALA ].~~I~ ..

lldd nly,

nti­th 11111 rial

:--," v rnor' ~ dallgh-

f 1 ney I nee

i111) rial govern r n the

wiftly rrlid d llt f thb, a muffled "farew 11" and th

A Remote Province in China.

n e.th r.


[KA PALAPALAJIIHawaii-Early Eighties.

tall, ad-eyed youth toad c nt mplating, with the harborbefore him. Hi pale, g ad-looking face-the face f a Chine escholar, betrayed hi emotion at th ight of thi trano- land- afar rem ved fr m-I--Ii thouo-ht wer interrupted by a voice at hielbow.

"\ e hall land in a f w minute~. h er up, n, wh kll \V 1utl' u mio-ht make your f rtune in the e Sandal-wood I I ?"

"Fortune?" the l' uth repli d Ii tl 11', "1 car not f l' fortune-I am not eking fortune."

"Ye , but you are l' ung, l' ur future lie ah ad f you," the th rr plied.

"YounO"!" r torted the young man bitterly; a tear rolled down hispale ch ek which h wip d away in tantly. Thi' taciturn l' uth,a different from the re t of the peopl on hip-l ard a nio'ht i fromday, wa re rved, moody, my t ri u , in fact h wa a can tant

urce f peculation for th e from whom h kept ala f. It wa onlyknown that hi name wa Tano" Enlin. \\ here h hailed fr 111, whathi intere t , no one knew. "scholar" was all they could mak outof him.


milino-, gre n rice-field, tretche f them, bow daftly beforethe wind-l wed before a middle-ao'ed man wh t ad gazin "at themrr m hi veranda. ad, far-off I k found expr ion in hi eye-th l' w re alway ad. omething inexplicably on"owful charact r-ized hi god-looking countenanc '. Str ngth of purpose, uff ringhad I ft their imprint on hi fac , but ov l' and ov r ab ve that, kind­11 ,benev lence were more pr min ntly protrayed in hi 1 ok. Thesoul of o"oodne it elf, h eemed and actually wa .

Tang nlin wa lord of all h urvey d- tretche and tr t heof rice-field , as far a the eye could e. Like Mida of old, his t uchturned everything to o-old which h distributed O'enerou 11' and freely't th n edy and the po r. Th r wa not a per n with whom hecame into contact who did not re pect, admire and love him.

Re rv d, taciturn, my teriou he remained even to the la tminute of hi life.

Once he wa asked:"Why don't you go back to China?" He an w red with hi u ual

caInes :"Becau e my pe pIe 11 ed me here."Anoth r time, an old woman had III ti ned him thll"vVhy don't you O"et married?"

[KA PALAPALA ]11II ha 1m rely. mil d and had d hly turn d th nyer ati n int

111 thing I e.Ditt rand ael \\ere hi. thought. }'fany a.l pie.. night a he

t d llinrelf f \' ri.'hly in b d, he \Va.. tirreel by thOlwht of an lelmother wh had eli d br 1 n-h art I-th ug-ht of a lim y ungmaid n \ h ha I I no', I no' .. inc marri d th match-mak r:.; eh ic ,thouo'ht whi h . aeld ned him anel left him g'l Ill)' anel d j cteel for~a)'. a t, but n t I a.'t, \ a. th agonizing thought that he would

11 \'er hi 1 irth-pla a ain-that h would di on a f reio-n tran l.




lffrr QIqattrrDy I THI \ DR \ N, '24.

and ark. The

[KA PALAPALAJIIhe ru h d madly out into the treet and pu hed her a ide but not

1 f re h wa dra oed under the wheel. cry of horror ar fromth peorle wh a w the accident and immediately all traffic cea ed.The r y car t pped, picked h r up and ru hed her to the neare tem roo ncy h pital, f !lowed by a crow 1 of hy terical men andwomen. There he was brought to c n ciou ness thr Lwh the aid ofth doct rand wa informed that he would Iiv. \Vhen th newwa c 11\ yed t the crowd waiting below, a cry of joy and thank­fuln went up and reporter were bu y here and there writing up thefact f eth' heroi 111. The n xt 1110rning her picture wa printed inthe paper, with a hort ketch f her life. well known busine manin the ity immediat ly vi it d th ho pital and he offered her a chance.That ni "ht in the ward f the merO"ency ho pital, Beth murmured:

fIG d, y u haye made me for omethino' in thi world."

Tank ommitt e.

Frank \\' alton Br ad! ent.

iichi FllO·imoto.

1. 'Kinley High 'ehool, '17.

Memb r . H.

ac1emy, '17.




\\'i11n fman ~{ina.

Punahou ademy, '17.

Ba k tball Tam, '19.

Tra k Tam, '19.

Football T am '17,'1, '19, '20.

aptain Fo tball Team, '20.

Gle lub'l

Ka Palapala anaO'er, '19 '20.

PI' idellt Dramatic lub, '20.

T ic1ent . H. '21.


Herman I~ofoad tender.'t. Loul , '17.

Dil' ctor Dramatic lub, '20.

~I mbel' A. ~. U. H.

Yell Leader, 20.

Franci \bel.PUl1ahou, '17.

Member Dramatic lub.

:M: III bel' R. A. '1'. '1

~IeJllber . H.

'I'o'hi'uke hilllizl1.McKinley Hjo'h ~l'hool, 'lv.Member A. . U. H.

Captain Tenni' lub, '2].

~ n Fon L e Tnl1la.

:M ·Kinl y Hio'h •'('ho 1 15.

"\ i ('·Pr(' ic1 nt .'ellior 1a.. , '21.

~rell11 e1' \.. S. . H.

Dani I I calali .:.\f -Kinl r High ,'·h 01 '16.

~[ Illb r .i. •• '. G. n.

Rapha I \ \ an 'hin \i.~I ill .. Hi<rh ,\·11001 ] '.

TI';I('k tl':II11, '17 '1(.

~rCIllbel' A. S. . n.

Fook Tan hing.McKinlcy Hi;2'h School, '17.

Mcmber A. S. U. H.

Gl c Club, 'I .

Ka Palapala, '19.

Prc. ident Tennis Club, '21.

Tl'cfI urcl' A. '. U. H., '20.

Vicc-Pre ident, A. S. U. H., '21.

Ruth Shook Jin Hoe.McKinlcy I-!jgh 'chool, '17.

Ka Palar ala 'taff, '19, ':20.

A. ' U, H. Exccutive Commit-

t c, '21.

Captain Vollcyball Tc:un, '20.

Basketball 'l'Crllll, '20.

~'1cmbcr Dramatic Club.

Knpoha kimoh wa Iji IJanohano LUIl11 cn (' l' Lall Kannhel \ Tholl1]>.'onYap D ni, n M 0 I ('']'ag-g-llrt

knnlt JohnRon Doper ,'lI7.uld'uzuki Mun 'ki Purk 'hung

* Tak 'Illota ': pi ('lul'(' llIitt<'d h,v mistake.

ilJ KA PALAPALA lidmInas nf '22

Pr ident J. C. Thomp on

ic -Pr ident J. F. 1\100

e r tary E. L. ~1cTao'o-art

Trea urer F. . Deni n

1ititE ha\ had our fun a-plentylt1J1 In thi cla of t\ and twenty

nd the murd r We C mmitted wa. a hame;We hav urely lived in clover,

nd w re w to uo it ov r,

au an bet that ev ry n would do the am .

In the 1 cture while we're norino',Prof th n think that we're encoring,

n I w really are-w 'd like t sleep omc more;But th y tar with glance icy,

w nore another hio'hFor we're dreamin o' of the femme the night 1ef r .

In ur ad but waking quizze ,Ther ar heard di mayeel, '~Gee whizze ,"

t the que ti n that tho c pedagoo'u s do a k;And w 're fill d with can. ternation-

nc ntration- Ie p rati nBut th night bring exultation-and a fla k.

nd 1 t u tip our o-la sT th 1 rof of all aUf cla.

(If w cann t tat with b z we'll drink n ar-b r)D an aid' Lack f applicati n,"

me 1 ft on a vacation,nc1 what'- left f u ar lucky that w 're here.

(Writtpll l)'y fl hl'otlwl' of '2:3 ntl tllP LT. of PClln.)

nI'll' (lny Ni('ho1f; Li

'flltsUl1lllrn rnn ,]I\('o\)son 'I'ong'

WO!tPI'S ~Iln Plikishimn ClIlIl'n

• hield, Yim Rindt hong'

• ishimoto Bush Miynk I nncr


A. hun



rrong1';. 1,UIl1




niver ity f Hawaii am t an


illlas!l of '23Pr ident 1 arlan Benn f

\~i e- r ident. \\'il n Jac b n

cretary J 1h Li

Irea Uf r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nald Larna h

haw'Ill]), in



Jurf] lartmal1


M, Forbe,

A.. himoI,ydgnl'



p 11('crBiprbadlKpppplH

Krauss, Forbe ..

BowrrsR. 00:\'i('hoh;




* 'J'ak moto* M mber of Junior 111 ..

KoikeK ngL('


Picture in ert d hel' by mi

Mal. ukiIatsulllUl'AII il'nno



hungJ. hunMorita


Iott- 'mithTJlllUTing


Pl' nel l'gast'l'nrleton



'rani 1 evcriclgI attcnBourn



Morim to:t:atsuzawo.



~la!1!1 of '24Pr id nt Franci Bower

ic -Pr in nt. . . . . . . . . . . .. ortimer Lydgate

retar Thelma Hartman

Tr a ur r " 1erlin Forbe

f '2-1- ha had a y ar of enviable llcce , due largely topirit f th cIa. v nty-one Fre hmen r g­Il1nll1 f the colleo'e y ar, thu establi hin o' a

. Thophs,


[KA PALAPALAJIiiU1UuiiUlt 1£ultbn

Th verdan t w\ \Th r pr tty A v I" n d t

B neath gr at fern tOr n a r ck be ide th tream;

r thr ugh the ro -p rfUI11 cI cia .\\' \ at 'h the clancing \ avcs ballct;'uch ens as th will far utla t,Pa t ral pi's of th pa:t.

T :tr)11 among- fanta tic bowcr ,\1llic1 th . lel ancl crim n H w rs;

nel natch s fold p ra find] n airy clan 'e f th wincl.r-r s th grand majestic how

f blushin c)" sun. t' r y glO\ .r hear the tal s t ld by th br cz

In t the f rn. an I f r t trc

T'o hear th m rmaicJ:.., by th \Va\''iIH~'ing th ir ong in c ral ca\' s;

__I 0 • ail th s as of r at morn\\'h 11 Trit n souncls his wr ath cI h rn'\ncl watch th wa \'e b yon I the bay\\h r h ary ~T ptun h IcI his way.

ligh ts as the. e th ul c mmancl:In ur fair Hawaiian Lancl .

-R.. 1 ,'23.

~ntirtir!i nub ®rgnui~ntinu!i


IDl1e A550riatrb ~tubrut5 of tl1e Juiurr5ityof 1!;await

Pr id 11t. ~~ rman I in , '21

"\ ice-Pr id nt. ~ k an hin', '21

cr tary 11a ay '23

Trea ur r J hn Thomp 11, '2~

thl tic 1anao·er Earl MeTa 'o'art, '2~

dit r Ka alapala R b rt p nc r, '22

11'anao' r I a Palapala Fred Deni 11, '22

111111 i tt

] r. }. . L brick, Earl ~1cTa 'art' 22;

vr cl D ni n, 22· Ruth H , 2~; R bert

1en r, '22.

. II. i a tud nt rbanizati n t \ hi h ev ry tucl ntm 1111 r f th fa ulty i I 'ill. It lurp anu

include branch f tu lentrganization under

liege t the n1-

n to kn. titu­nt I y

[KA PALAPALAJIiWqr Iniurrsity of 1A1awttit mramattr Qtluh

Pre ident Robert Spencer, '22

:Manao-er Fred Deni on, '22

ecr tary Harlan Benner, '23

PI' P rty 1an............ larence 'Searl , '23

Dir ctor of 1 21 Producti n .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H rman tender, '21

/7rHE Dramatic lub i an rO"anization of everal years standing.W In fa t, it i th· pi ne r tud nt oro'anization, it beginnino-

datin~ back even farther than that of the ociated tudent.a fact r in making th Univer ity f Hawaii known to the peol I

of H nolulu th Dramati lub ha b en invaluable.Fir t un ler th c achino- of Dr. and Mr. . L. ndrew the club

made a tart, and produced play which gained it recognition a oneof the be t amat ur organization in th city. Thi wa followed bytw ucc ful y ar und r the dire tion of Mr . R o'er Joble Burn­

ham, in which f ur ucce ful play were produced.] hi year nly 11 production ha been attempted, because of the

ru h f th r tudent activitie. ir James Barrie', comedy (( lice

it-by-th -Fir ," wa played at th Mi ion Memorial Hall on thev nin' of D em1 r 17 and 1. mar complete account of thi

y ar' activiti , h wever, will be found in anoth r I rtion of this

v lume.',\That th Dramatic lu! 11 ed above all el e is an auditorium on

th amI u , in which to tag their 1 r sentations. t pres nt there isa 1 ill in th Territorial Leo'i lature which aim to Ul ply this n ed hypr viding f r a library and audit rium building, so that, in all prob­

ability, th Varsity th pian will soon have every facility f r encour­

aO'ing th ir ff rt .


IDl1r Uuinrraitl1 of iffamati ~lrr Q.tlubIr silnt. T. I. Ka) halilll h \Va','"ic -Pr ,i 1 nt " " . ~r:lY ay, ~

cr tary .1. . Th Illp 11, 22Tr a. urer F. O\V L, '24Lil rarian \. I. ih'a '23

lubwas a , arsity dane at thals w 11 att nd I.

11 h L1 r 1\,' f t.

i:, , and

Nui tGokaqi

pene ral'l

rmi tonM. Forb

Pidurcs not appearing:

McTag artnil nrane


ruwford, tend r,

ooperJacob onWolterBowers



Deni on~ieho]'s

B nnet'A. Forbes


R. Hoehil'ld~

~Int. Ull1l1l'a

MlIlsu1.'lwa Luke






Mal', himoK 1Jo

[KA PALAPALAJ.IDqr 3fupattrnr ~tubrttta' 1\nsnriutinu nf tQr

luiurraity nf 1!;uwuii71 vi \V the growino' number of student the necessity of aill medium to brin o' th old and new students into clos l' friend hip

and d velop omethin o' common to mo t of the student war aliz d. To 111 - t thi n ed the Japane e students of the Univ rsitvd em I it b t to f rm an a ociation am no' them elve, 1\Iere. tor­ino' f kn wledg-e h uld by no mean be th nly pur uit of college.:tud nt. Rul bing one' h uld r again t other- with deep or shal­l w kn wI d 'e n cultur d, h nest,op n O'round sh uld be mphasizedas vital in the coll o'e life f every tudent.

'\\ ith bj ct as the ab v in view the Japan e tudent formallyrt;aniz d the a ociation in the early I art of the last colleo'e year and

h n r d r. T. himizu to lead a th fir. t president with the as i t­anc f 1\1'1'. T. l\1aneki a s cr tary and l\11'. S. Takemoto as tr asur r.

fter a year of g d ervice l\11'. himizu wa succeeded 1y G. Fuji-111 to in ay, 1920, John 1\IIat umura a vice-pre ident and Manekiand Tak m t h Idin o' th ir r pective offices.

IDl1r (1lqittrBr ~tubrtttn' 1\lliuttrr of 1tIuluuii7:T' HE aim f the Alliance are to promote clo er unity and sym­Wpathy among th hine tudents in Hawaii; to encourage the

int rchano'e f id a and the pur uit f hio'h r e lucation amonghin e tudent ; and t pI' mote th study of the hine e languao'l~

and lit rature. The many 1roblems confronting the Hawaiian-bornChin e tud nt d mand that th y f rm an oro'anization of some sortt h Ip Iv them. Th pI' gram which the lIianc ha followedha b en trictly ducati nal and 0 ial.

R 'ular monthly me tin' are h Id at which the different branch(lub pr ent pr t;ram in turn. Variou peaker are invited to talkto th tud nt on topic of th day. Last year, under th abl admin­i trati n of Mr. F Ie Tan hing, ~he lliance, with the help of the

hine e niv rsity luI of Hawaii, stag d a prize e say conte tamono,the hin e tud nts of the hio'h chnols, and al 0, the hinese

tu I nt' lliance Annual. This year the annual will be continued.rie f nt t d bat among the branch clubs at I?unahou, Mills,

't. Loui , and McKinley, t ok plac durinO' Al ril, the winner of whichwill I awarded a tr phy 1y the hin e Univer ity lub of Hawaii.

In Iud d am ng th a tivities of the Alliance thi year will be thepre ntati n f a hine e play, "The Yell w Jack t." \7Ve are mostfortunat.' to ecur the ervic. f 1\IIi Frances Smi th f the l1i­versity f Hawaii, wh i dir ctin the I lay. 1 he I rocceds of th per­I rmances will 0' t ward the hine e famin R lief. The Alliancentertain. a larO' numl er of hin e tud nt ,wh pass throughFI nolulu in L\.:ust r epteml r each year, on their way from hina

to 111 ri an 011 O'e .

QInmmrnrrmrnt 1920


aftern n of June fir t the t nth annualf


liege of Artstu lents,as their

1~)~, [ KA PALAPALA ]_~~c,..

lJ1rrnl1mrn ~trln llnittatrbthe aftern

lur d to thth 111 t

cl and th ultimatum reach d nly wh ncl that th t) 1 f w arino' the hair down the

~npl1nmnrr-lJ1rosl1lJ11ag 9lunl1September 22.

h the f rtune' f th dayther, th llu 'ky Fr h

r t the top f th 1 I,


[KA PALAPALA ]_\'<l':~"'"

iull UB. iBullrta


[KA PALAPALA ]1'~qort (ltournr for 'lautation flru

mH morn in' of ctob r 11 aw the beginnino' f the tw weekW h rt c ur f r plantati n m n at th niv r ity. The cour ewa conduct d j intly by th ni\ r ity and the Hawaiian

... u 'ar lant r ' ciation. The fir t of it kin 1 wa held in the fallof 1 1 ) and wa 0 ucce ful that the oro'anization decided to con-tinue it in ucc ive year.

Fifty- yen men fr m the vari u i land plantati ns reo·i teredf l' th cour ,and all \ ere I ud in their prai e f the (( hort c ur e"id a, becau e it O'av them an opI rtunity to combine bu in withpI a ure, and enj y a plea ant vacation at th am time that th yw re I tainin o' a gr at d al of I eneficial trade information.

The c ur e con i t d f a eri of 1 cture on ubj cts of impor-tan t 1 lantati n 111 n. 11 pen forum or free di cu ion method\ a ad pt d by the 1 turer, and upon everal occa ion the cIat k xcur i n t th xperilll ntal fi ld f the H. . where thepint f the 1 cture w r gi\ n pra tical illu tration.




lic Gr y Fl renc "eId n

Ion 1 rey ,Vilnorman King

my . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. retchen Bi rba h

1110 . Ezra rane

inerva Benita larke

t phen Rollo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franci Bow r

Richard n :................ lice 1Iatth \V

Fanny NIartha Tich 1

ur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11arjori ri (J"



wl1r Nrua~a 1J1nnthall ~amr!1la t th lr am of year cam true for the niver ity athletes.


IDI1~ Qtumpuign fnr u ~Ulimming IDanktal r 1: 1 ~O, av the \. . . II. with enthu­

audit riul11 r ~ unci d \\ith a \ ildtud nt unan i111 U Iy y ted t

c nstructi n f an

meeting n the lanai f

v ryb dypaid f r.

r ' Dave


v fI 11/1/JII,0


'rHE EY L '1'1 N OF A \\ I nIHW TAKK


§tubrttt ~nnrmhly 1£rrturrn

l\1er antil Printin a

entral merica."mba ad r to


f 1. II. Davi

IDqr ~nrial 'rar

the fre-

ni\ er ity,cla .

ubj ct:

Few Idea of

.- ul j ct:



numb r and in rea d unity within th tudentry mll h nriched ~ cial life n the

Th re hay b en danc ,

Octob r wa the banner m nth in campus ociety, and clo ed witha hard tim party n the venino- f the 30th. If clothes are any indi­cation f th finan ial tandin' of tho e pre ent, I'd say they were apretty hardup bunch. The Gle lub again contributed their orche tra,and dancin 0- wa th rder f th evenino-.

Durin' th h ek that the Univer ity of evada footballteam wa in H n lulu th reo ,a a continual round of dance malla ial and oth r functi n. Mo t f the e were carried on by indi­

vidual tud nt in their home, but th atmo pher of th niver itywa alway pre ent. The . H. owe a larg debt of oTatitudet th tud nt wh h 11 d along in thi manner. l110ng the rna t~ncce ful of th e o'atherino- w re: the lunche n at the Outrio-ger

lu b 'iven I y the ladi f the Var ity in honor of the vi itors and theHawaii fa tball t am on the day th ao-ebrn her arriv d fr m Ren ;amok r at the 0111m rcial lub at which practically every niv r ­ity man wa pr nt with the vi itor a gu t ; a luau in ManoaYalley at which both football Iuad were pr ent ague t of the

. 1.' a hine h I uey n New Y ar' eve, 'iven by 1iL n r Durfee and h r mother; and an open hue at the hom ofHarlan n11 r. In ad liti n t th e and many other smaller o-ath­ering too numerou' t mention, th vada men w re ent for a vi itto th oIcan a the g'u t f the niv r ity tudent a iati n.

ther ocial functi n during the latter part of the first and thearly part f th e and eme trw re: very ucce sful dance at

th ni, er ity gi' en b th oph more at which the r t of the tn-d nt were th invited O'u t ; a recital and dance o'iv n by Franci

ow r , 24, th pr e d of which went to pay hi ub crir tion to thetank fund; and th dance g-iven by th . U. H. in honor of thegraduatino' la e f the vari u preparat ry chool f th island on

pril ~ tho The la t nam d ha come to 1 e an annual function at theni r ity, and thi y ar wa the 1110 t laro-ely attend d that has ever

b n o'iv n.Th climax f th ocial cal ndar will take place on the evenino-

f th 6th f Jun ,wh n th annual enior banqu t and dance will take1 la at th m111ercial lub. Thi i directly und l' the mana 'ementof th ]uni l' cIa V\hich a ur that it will bath rouo'h ncc




1£thrarll711 E E of th change of the Colleo'e of Hawaii to the niver­lUI ity of Hawaii, the library ha °Town very rapidly, the cau e of

thi bein~::; the d velopment of new cour 'e in education,n mi ; p ych I o'y and hi tory.The r p rt f th library for the year ending June 30.. 1920, howed

that th iiI rary had 2 ~,70 bound v Iumes, and a few over 40,000pamphlet an 1 periodical. ,Ve hav r ceived during the pre ent yearan in rea e f n arly 2,000 bound \' lume and 8,803 unbound peri di-

cal and 1amphl t .There i an in r a f tudents this year, 0 that there are many

more u inp' th library as a lab rat ry. Th I ace i so small, thatther i a lot of cr wdin o', making it very difficult for student~ totudy. The nap hots will how more clearly, the condition of the

iiI rary, thi y ar, in re 'ard to crowdin o'. ,i\T e are in a very criticalc nditi n a to th h lving- f book, a the library ha quit ut­gr wn it helvin rom. Th f 11 win:::; are names of persons donat­

ing b k to the library thi past y ar:tIr. I xand r, Mr . Gulick, Prof. J. Donao'hho, NIr. bel,

:Mi oder Mr. E. H. Bryan, ii mith, Mr. V. fac aughey, 'I'hBi h p Mu U111 Library, l\i['r. ,Vithers, Dr. A. L. Dean, 1\Ii' J. T.MacIntyre, ir. D. P. L e, Mr. J. M. T. Chock, Mrs. ,V. A. B wen.

Ther i a r adin . r 0111, where the daily mainland and local

nw~pap r ar~d peri dicals are kept. There are to b found manypOlular ma 'azine a well a t chnical. VI,!e have in all about 237 dif-

fer n t maaazine .Th library i al 0 a government depo itory for books and pamph-

lets, which are kept on file for th o'eneral u e of the t rritory, as well

a for the u e of t11 tuden t6.

[KA PALAPALA ] ,t'~:

Iniurrsity Ql1ub 11lrrturrnDuring the niversity year a mo tint re ting and in tructive

5eries of lecture wa given by the m mb r of the faculty of theUniver ity of Hawaii, under the au pice of the Univer ity lub andthe niver ity of Hawaii.

ovember 16-- 'The Ru ian R \ lution and the French Revolu­tion." Karl C. Leebrick.

November 3D-"The Geol gy of nderground Waters.' (Illu-trated). Harold . Palmer.

December 15-" ome Impre fr m a ummer in Europe."Irving O. Pecker.

December 2 -"The olar y tem." (Illu trated). JohnDonaghho.

January 11- 'The Place f cati nal Education in th Modernchool ystem." J e 1 . Flander .

January 25-" ~ arth Tr mor and ei J11 graphy. (lllu trated).rnold Rom berO'.

F bruary 8-"The Education f a amural In ld Japan." Ta ukiHarada.

March 1- 'The R lation of In ct to HaIth." (Illu trated).David L. Crawford.

M'arch 15-"Trad Route of the Pacific." Romanzo dam.March 29-"The Expr i n of the Unc n cious find in Litera-

ture." rthur L. ndrews.

IDqr il(anrnqr ~nufrrrnrr

1~ DER the au pices of the Y. M. ., and through the genero ­lJl ity of Mr. Th odore Richard , tw nty-two tud nt from the

niver ity a em bl d at Kane he, pril -10, f r a di cu ionof the que tions and probl 111S facinO' the in tituti n.

The conf rence del gat s c mbin d bu in with plea ur andput in two days of tw nty-f ur h ur each, wimminO', kylarkin o', andarguing. It was a r ed by all th~t the niv rsity campu need d morecolle'e ] irit, r "] p" r whatev r you want t call it. Th mean ofgetting it wa not so obviou. Finally, h wev r, it wa decid d thatdorm it ri s wer a vital n c ssity to the Univer ity, and it wa v t dto petition the leO'i latur for the con tru tion of same.

The intr ducti n f th 1-:1 n r y tem at the niv rsity was ad- 'vo at d by 1-:1 nry Bindt, '23, and fav r d 1y th conf rence. . incltwa appointed chairman f a I11mittec t carry n a pr pao'andaamon th tud nt , aimil1O' toward it adoI ti n.

1 he lue ti 11 of the ri ntal tud 11t alliances was brought ul hyAh om Lau, '22, who adv cated their di olution in th 'inter t fstudent unity. Vle w nd r if Lau kn w the calib r of the x]lo ivhe was i niting. Th s i 11 1 cam int re tina at nce, but aft rconsiderable' fireworks, it calm d d wn, and the conferen e adjournedwithout reachinO' a cl ci ion. me tin wa call d for the f 11 wingSunday evening at Profe r Le bri k's h me, when it was eXl ectedt c ntinue the di Cll ion.



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of 1 20!

ilr KA PALAPALA JIa... ,.~

81 E T ER, Oaptain-electQuarterback

JA OB NGuard

KIN, aptainenter

upon. A VI eek later we met and lefeated theLuke Field eleven 47.0. Our final pr limi­nary <Yam wa played at Moiliili Field again tthe chofield team. A<Yain the Var ity con­firm d it reputation of being a larg scoringmachine by winning hands down 41-0.

'The major football schedule commenced onD ember 4, and we opened with a clean-cutvictory over the Palama eleven. The scarwa 7-0. The Palama entered the <Yame thefavorite, but within a few moments afterthe fir t whi tIe the opinion changed, for"cowy" onani,

pee d y halfback,had wormed hisway throLwh thePal' defense for atau c h dow nand

aptain King hadkick d goal for theadditional poi n t.

From th n on, although th re were a fewtim wh n VI wer 111 danger, our elevenuc e ded in topl in<Y th run of Bra h an I

the pa to Hil a. arle aved the day inthe third luart r with a b autiful trackle ofBra h after th latter had run ixty yardsthrough a brok n fi ld. onant wa our out­stan ling tar, with earl, Spencer, Lydgateand Kin doing noble work. The team e tab­

Ii hed itself a awell-oiled machine,with lot of driv­mg power.

Our econd major engagement was withth Outrigg r anoe lub team, coached byDr. Paul Withington. After outplaying ouropponent during the first half and holdingthem in the cond half, w lost the gamewh 11 ~al11pl 11 of the Canoemen placed an at drop kick over the bar for the only coreof th day. The <Yame was a di tinct di ap­p intm nt to our follower in that we ]0 t,but our boys put up a great battl , and hac!not the break <Yon against us we might havecom out of the game at ] ast un cored upon.

The short forward pass game of th Var­ity work c1 time and at;ain for <Yain , but theurfrid r held when in danger, and although

we f ught de p rately we could not force theball acros th line. onant made ur lotwest

TIl MP NIlnlfbn 'k

[KA PALAPALA ]andhan r f ramI b 11 by

nL W llt-


'l'a 'kl




-- ...


The Univ rsityof evada was thefir t mainland coI­l ge to end a foot­ball team to l-Iawaii, anel the fan turned outen mas e on th first day the visitors stageelpractice on Alexander Field. From then onint rest wa at it highest pitch and argu­ment.· waxed hot as to the po sibilitie. ofour trimming the vi iting eleven. Such namesa Bradshaw, Reed anel aId well were onth tip of all Iiv football enthusiasts'tongue, and as the great clay approach cl, thewhole town e111eel on edge for the battle.

The Varsity got off on the wrong foot inth first minute of play by 10 ing the ball toth visitors on a fumble. l-Iere the Val' ityh ld and proved it versatility by taking thball away from evada on down. Our boyevidently were till uffering a bit fr0111 stagefright, for again on the first play we fumbled



MA a ELFullbacl'

711 Y BRI GI G the University of N e­~ vada football squad to Hawaii for two

post eason O'ame la t winter, a newcu tom was introduc d in the athletic affairsof the Univer ity. Largely through the ef­fort of Bob Spencer, it wa made po siblefor the Sagebrush r to make the trip, andon hri tma and New Year's days, our cap­tain-elect aw th fruit of his labor mate-riali~e, for the . _

game w re marucce ful t han

w a ever antici-patecl. at only didthey urpa anyhopes held by thecomm ittee, butthey proved be­

yond a eloubt that Hawaii could turn out foot­ball leven on a par with the average uni­ver ity on th mainland. Ithough n itherof the games r ulteel in a victory for Ha­waii, th aal11 1etw en the Outrigger luband the vadan ended with a scoreles tie,and our gam wa on of the harde t foughtev l' tageel here. We 10 t after putting up agreat exhibiti n.




and the I all wa recov l' d by evac1a. Brac1­haw on N vada fir t play tor off ten yar In a Ion end run, and R ed £ollo\\'ed with a

aain o£ ix yard thr t1O"h guard. Thi plac c1th val within a £0 t f ur goal lin. ft rt\ a un ucc ful tri at th center f urline, Fo:t r \ nt vel' £ r th fir t touch­d VI n aft r four and a half minut of 1lay.H \\ ard kick d oal. t thi point of lhaal1le our b y fund th m Ive., and fromth n n a\' vada a gr at battl. The

cond quarter wa featur d by th lin -bu k­ina of vada andthe tr n d fen-

IV llay of thlocal t am. Timan 1 aaain evac1atore throu h thcent r of th linefor o'ain ,anI tob tal ped by th

c ndary d fen e bef re dama e could bIon. p ncer t a\ ay ant c1urin a the

quart r for our Ion t gain, \ ith a run ffift en yar 1 off tackle. H wa badly in­jur d in the I lay but c011tinu I until thn 1 o£ th luart r.

rad haw op n d the c nd half with alalla return f th ki koff, dodain back upthe fiell for O\'er thirty-fi \' ard. Botht am \ er fight-ina hard £ r (10wna n cl veral x-chana of 1unt

to k plac , with Ly 1 at ttin th liahtd on Re d. ft I' Lydaat had punt d

down t vada' tw nty-. ix-yard lin ra 1-haw tor ff tw run of tw nty-fiv and ten

yarel aj i ce \ hich plant I the ball in thmid II of lh fi lei for fir. t cI wn. udd n-han in ta tic by th vadan , fr m Ii nplun in t f rward J in up t ur I-f n and a 1 na pa fr 111 ra I haw to R cI1lac 1 th ball 11 au r lwo-yard lin. p n l'

ma I th lackl that av (1 11 £1' 111 a c rtainsc r. ] I r th quart r-tim whi tl nIlth fi rc t quart r f th aam.

Th final quarl r 01 n d with Ilawaiifi hting unci r h l' wn a al p t £ r ths cond tim. n the fi rst play w h lei, t p­pina lh on latwht £ Re 1 £01' 11 gain. ut



LYD TE'I'a 'Ide


on the next play the 1lunging captain of thevi itor went over the lin for the condand final touchdown of the clay. H wardagain kick d goal, making the core 14-0 in

vacla' favor. pecer, who had been takenout on advice of a 1hy ician, wa nt ina<Yain for 'Ihomp on upon th can ent of

\"ada who acceded to the r que t of CoachElliott. From then on penc r featured innearly everyone of our offen ive play and

vacla wa everal time threat ned with apo ible cor. Many forward pa se werere art d to by the

ar ity in an at­tempt to wipe outthe tigma of a no­core battle, but al-

though veral ofth pa e werecompleted, vadah lcl u when in

dang r, and the game finally ende 1 with theball in Ne\ ada po e inn ar th middle

f th fiel!. Hawaii wa introcluc d to itfir tint rcolle iat football game with one ofthe mo t p eta ular and hard fought gam

v r tag d on lexan ler Field.ne man who toad out head and houlder

abov hi team-mate for th Var ity waBob 1 n 'er luart rback who play d th

rate t <Yame ofhi career ancl ju t­ly arned the po i­tion of quart rl ackn Hawaii' mythical 11- tar eleven. 1-

though v r ly inj ur 1 in th econd quar­t r by a fierce tackl , Bob continued until

rd r d out of the game by a doctor, andthen wh n n ded in the final quarter, re­turned and taged a great rally in an effort to

or n the mainlan I r . ott- mith ourlongat d guar I, too lout in his playing a

w II a hi height, and many time tal pedth ru h of the vacla backfi Id. "Mutt"played the game of hi lif against evada,

pening up hole when th need came andclo in<Y them when it was nece ary. artLy Igat hared th honors on the lin with

ott- mith. Ly Igat play cl a . tron<Y gam ,but hi real valu to th team lay in hiability to <Yet hi punt off without having

til ir1 110"


\V r


llalfba 'k


puntinG" a ain t e-

.... '



ft rplay cl

11 manyam til

\\ aken cl

'.LJ\ 1\[1 EIVl'

.Ilalfba 'k


.r KA PALAPALAllithe au of the cond tau hdown. ix were attempted by the vi itors.In total yardag gained evada put it over u by ac ounting for 2?yar I with but 27 yard 10 while we gained but 70 yard, with 33yard 1 . Th mall amount of yardag rrained ! ~

by u may be account d for by the fact that we'wer n th d fen ive for more than three-quart r of the o-ame and a had little apr ortu­nity to di play our pow r of attack.

n thing brought out by the o-ame morethan anythino- I e wa the o-ood port man hipdi playe I by both aggreo-ation . at once dur­ing th o-ame were there any rourrh tactic u edand fan w re giv n a real exhibition of colleo-ef otball-the I an t of all 1art . va lalived up to all xpectation a to her ability toplay dIan f otball, an I aUf boy out lidthem I e in an ffort to how th 111 that 1-:1 a­\ aii toad for all that it clean and Ul rio-ht inamat Uf port. ver four thou and rootingfootball fan \ itn ed th trugo-I.

Mcl'AGGARTManag r

xt fall th big o-ame will be played again t th tron niver ityof r g n tam. Thi i ur to be the hard t game ev r play d inth I land. Th ar ity will uncloubt dly hay th be t team it haev r had, and vi wed from the pre ent outlook, ther eems ev ry pro -p ct that Hawaii will i\ th \ i itor a real run for their man y.


1920 Q AD

Wrath <tIqa:mptousqtp, 19211~ ND -< Roach Elli tt and aptain Han hano, the track ar ityl/l. came thr u~::;h \ ith a champion hip, our fir t in track. After

\ innino' "ral min r me t with prep ~chool and club, theat"- ity nt r d th 11- tar meet with the Inter chola tic Ioint

\ inner with little h pe of vict ry. \\ e w re conceded point in s v-ral \' nt but it van t ex] ected that our sprint rs or di tance men

C' ule! h ld their wn with the lick f th i lands. How v r, the unex­J e't d happ n d and by a ar at pillin o' f the "oTand old dope," ourboy m ro'ed winner by the core of 57-46. lthou 'h the Inter cho­la tic w l' hy two f their 111 n, till it wa a o'reat thing for ur

mall \ ar ity t turn the trick ao'ain t our rival. t v ry turn,Ul t t k place and th fan were fairly tak n off f their f et byth l' ult. .

In th print, Tarl t n and ran, 1 laced in 10th the 100 and 220and ran n our \ innin o' r lay team. Kinney won the 440 in a greatrac with ilva of th tar. "1\[ mi" Kanahele hawed a pair of heelt th fi lel in I th th 0 and mil. Two n w r cord were hun a upin th tw v nt. uzuki pIa d third in b th di tance. vVongto k third in the hurdl

In th field ev nt, Iott- mith 1 an d up in the hot-rut andcIi 'cu ancI t ok third in th hio'h jump. Lydo'ate got two s cond inth w iO'ht v nt and lIi t r F r1 e placed third in the di cu .\\ no' w n out in th br ad jump and Merlin Forbe took third placein th I Ie ault.

An 1 th climax came wh n ur half-mile relay team defeat cl thepick f th Int r h la tic, by at lea t four yards. earle, rane,Vi11ney and Tarlet n c mpo d th quart t that trimmed th tar.Ev ry man ain d n hi opp nent; had we been pushed the timemi ht have 1 e n much fa t r.

The tra k ]uad will I fortunate, in that f w men are 1 avingch 1 that next y ar the sam array of tal nt will be back to

clef nd ur title. Th 1 r P cho 1 will 11 1 up everal fast men to11 II ut. a that th t am n xt year h uld 1e the Teate t y t.

Th f 110win a m n w n their bl ck "H' in track thi year: ap-


tain Hanahan, I tt- mith, Tarl t n rane, I inn y, earle, \Vono-,Lyclgat and I anah 1 .

Th r ~ult fth lin'me t\ rO-yard run- 1 Kanahele, Tim ,

2 :12 2/5.1 I vault- 1 I-Ii] a (2 arr Ira 3) M. Forbes. I I-I ight,

10' 1)~" .100-yard da h-(1 Luk, 2) Crane, (3) Tarleton. Tim, :10 2(-.

h t-l ut- 1) Matt-Smith, (~ Lydgate, () Lai. Di tane4.-' 54"

IiI run- 1) Kanahele, (2)Broad ,ium) -(1) Wong, (-) Hi) a, 3 H It. Di tan e, 1 ' 20'2..,,0-yard da h-( 1) Tarleton, (_) Luk 3) Crane. Tim , :~3 3/=.Di eu - 1) Matt-Smith, (~) Lydgate) 3 A. Forbes. Di-

tanee, 10 ' 7"Hio-h jUI11I-(l Hipa, ..,,) I min' r (3 Matt-Smith. H io'ht,

5' 6"4~0-yard run-(1) Kinney, 2) ilva (3) Kaah a. Tim, :554/i220 1 w hurdle -(1) ,Yhittle, (~) Dai, (3) Wong. Tim :2 2/5.

O-yard r lay-\\ n by l niver ity. arl Kinn y, rane,Tarl t n). Time, 1 :35.


-< arle MeTao-o'art; ph m rc .. Ray 11i tt willul11pir all the



iankrtball ~l'a5nU1 1921·n1 r t am , a

and M. Forb .l1lson} tIcTag-

bon, ranc, T ng, Ha himoto, \Volter , and

ach Elli tt r f r d all f th Inter- la cant st .

IDruuia'~NE of the m t popular p rts on the campu thi y ar ha beenW the tenni curt. Few and far between w re th afternoon

wh n no tenni nthu ia t c uld be een on the court andg n rally th re wa a line f 1 lay I' waitin for a turn n the a phalt.The n ed f m re court wa certainly brou 'ht out thi year. everbef re ha t nni b en 0 p pulaI' and with but one curt on the'ampu , many of the tudent 10. t an opp rtunity to play. Many whowould play if they lid n t have to wait in lin for ev ral hour, had to

f r go th pI a ure due to th lack of tim. ext year it i th h pef tenni fan h re t put in one r po ibly two additional court. Thi

will b a Teat boo t for tenni and the tournam nt next year h uldb 111 r ke nly c nte ted than heretofore.

The two annual men' tournament w l' play d off during Marchand pril and a . od number of m n i<Yned up f r the ame. The

:ingl tournam nt wa play d ff fir t and a a re ult Peter Chan?"w n the premi r h n r winning the final fr m himiZLI in a hotlyonte ted match.

The men' d uble w re n xt llay d and brolwht out me <Yoodt am play. han' and Zan won out in the final, winnin<Y from

himizu and hin o', 6-2 and 6-4. 1 he hiI'd t wa not I layed due tolack f tim and th form I' pair wa awarded the titl .

A we o' to pI' tw ther tournament ar in the pI' ce ofcompletion. 1 h mixed double are being played with tu 1 nt andfaculty member taking part. Thi t urnam nt h uld take a regularpIa e on th calendar f tenni t urnament n xt y ar.

A ingl ' and dou! I tournam nt betw n Mill chool and the'( niver ity i al' b in . play d n w. Alth ugh veral Mill m nhay already w n th ir matches, the Univer ity men. h uld be able

t tak the maj rity of matches play d.

ill KA PALAPALA lEi~ ..


111\ F c u~ . a yet aquatic activities in the niversity have beenW v ry lImIted due t the ab ence of a tank. However, this year,

w have llcceeded in rai ing funds to build a tank uch a fewuni er itie or club in any part of the world can boast of. The tank

n w near the pint of com! letion and the "water-dogs" of the

campl1 ar ! lanning f r the fir t plunge.In the m antime, plan. f r a crack swimming squad next year

ar all' ady bein o- formulated. Many fast men are now attending theUniver ity: " tubby' Krug r, form r world' back troke championand pr ent holder of world' record in the 150, 220, and 440-yardback troke ev nt ,i now a member·of the Freshmen cla . Kruo-er isal a sprint wimmer and wa a m mber of the Hawaiian relay teamtw year ag that br ke the world' r cord. He was a member ofth 1 20 Olympic team that went to ntwerp. With Kruo'er a amain tay and uch men a h Kin Yee, Lam bert, Lydgate, Bower,and oth r to help ut, the 1921 Var ity hould be a great team.

Th re are pro I ect that the Yale wimming team, that i comingher t p dorm in July, will compete in our new tank. If thi hap­p n , it will be a fitting opening c remony, for this will be the first.c 11 giate wim111ing t am to perf rm here and if the meet is held inour tank, it will tart the hist ry of th pool off on the right foot. Andin the m antime, w will all make good use of the new plunge.

[KA PALAPALA 1. ~~~~ ,

Q.tn-rll Atl11rtits7t1 I\..ETB LL, a by far th 111 t imp rtant p rt taken up byW the, men f th Univ r ity durin th y ar. They' er faith-

ful in th ir pra tic . Th mat rial fran xcell nt team waa aiJabl and am . ad llay r were I vip d. 1t v a d cid d not toj in the] a 'U , 1 ut I ractice O'am v re llay d with Pajama, cKin­1 y and the ri ry. Thi practic ,ith ut id t am wa f reat b ne­fit and e hope that n rt; ar that w ,ill ball t join the 1 ao-ueand ha, th pp rtunity of playin re ubr mat h 'am

Ba ball wa tak n UI for a h rt I ri d. uite a I it of nthu ia mwa h wn. I w ver, it wa a 'ain v ted not t j in th 1 ao'u amany had n thad n u "h practice in th o-ame and f It th y auld notd v t the n cary daily pra ti e tit.

lle) I all wa tak n 11 p a f w m nth I for th cJo f choo1.·~ lar' r numl r f o'irl ,1111 ut f r thi than f r any ther "amb au f it mild natur, v ral intere tin' practice "ame wereplayed with th irl fr m Pl1nah u cademy.

T nni i ut ide {th r ular' hedl1l of c - 1 athl ti ,but,a taken up I y many f th tudent. \ n f mix d d ul I wa,play d. Th court at the niver ity ar fill d pra tically th wh Itim and th n d f r additi nal urt i tr no-ly f It.

v ral tim durino- the ear th v men' ymna lumla wa excu eel wimlllino- at \Yaikiki. Ii mith ac m-

panied th c -ed and o'a in trl1ction t th beo'inn r . Pr f. almertwi e help d the m r xp rien d wiml11 r at v rt D Ru y, wherth ,ater i d p and b t uit d f r divin " It i hIed that a\V m n' \ imlllin o' t am may h r O"al11Z d ne.l t y ar, ' hen th n wtank will I availal Ie.

n tw a ca i n th c - d f thwith iIi mith. ne wa an all-day trip UI I alihi. m di tan upthe vall y th y had th ir Jl1n hand nj y d an ic -c II mountaintr am wim. Th th r hik a t r . \ . i. vr ar hom on

Tantall1. It wa mad in th 1 f th aft rn on, and the walk h meaft r UI per wa ma Ie by tarli ht.

iI[ KA PALAPALAJ..flilitary §rirl1tr

1~ . DER the M rrill ct which tipulate that all tate or Terri­:!tl torial Land-Grant ollege give in truction in military cience,

the niv I' ity f Hawaii was required to provide militarytraJl1II1 0'. H wev r, the Univ r ity, up to 1918 had such a small en­ro11m nt that it wa unable t form a military company.

In 191 , at the tim when the United States was in the thick ofthe ,\ orld V ar, a tudent rmy Training orp was started. This

. T. . la ted until the b 'inning- of the Christmas vacation. TheArmi tic made furth I' inten ive military traininO' unnece sary so the

. T. . unit wa di banded. 0 cour e was given the following, me ter in the pring f 1919.

In th fall of 1919. reo'ular in truction in military training wasaO'ain tarted. Th fir't unit wa a branch of the Coast Artillery,orp. Later 1 y order of the mmandin o' General, it was converted

into a r O'ular Infantry mpany.Th aim of th niv r ity i to ecure a enior Reserve Officer'

TraininO' rp unit but ju t at pre nt the number of men is in uffi-

aptain earle Maj. Lewis, Instructor 2nd Lt. Benner 1st Lt. Lal'lluchCol. Adnl1 . Iflrlw has succ d d Maj. L wi as commander of the University Corps.


cient t make up thr c gniti n i -rant d.the nr 11m nt funit will a ily 1 e

f gr at value. It ill mean th fllr-

at th

iostrr of lJufautrl1 (ltompuull1 IUinrrsity of~aUlaii

aptain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arlc

1 t Li llt nant. D. \ . P. Larna h

.nd Li ut nant n. F. nn r

1 t rO" ant. , 1. J hn n

upply rg ant \1 . \ It r

r . ant : J. M. Lydo"at , P. A. 1. w r , Tarlet 11, R. I .

nant D. V. r111i t n, A. K. ilva.

. ,;1:, [KAPALAPALA]Ij~ ~

1st Squad.rporal:

R. H. 1ott- mithPri, at :

. LambertG. Rutt1l1anH. icholD. l\I. L. ForbeF. J hn onR: Y. 00

. 2nd Squad.Corporal:

VV. M. Jacob onPrivate :

]. ]. H. ChunW. Y. T. uVV. F. hana

· ,i\ ono-,;y. Prend r 'ast

· ,iV011 O'

· R. F rbe

4th Squad.



]. 1. hoY. Ho hinoYama hiroH. K. K ppler

orporal:\. R.


3rd Squad.rporal:

Y . . Ton'Private :

· . LeT.. Lung'V. B er

· I . Lam· I. iau

I . K. Liu· Ha him to

5th Squad. 6th Squad.orporal:

'V. 1. AkanaPrivat

1. I oikeK. B. Hira himaH.Ik da'111. hungD. hung]. . Ting

hung, ai

7th Squad.rp ral:

.]. ranrivate :


Y. Jay. YimI11U ra

M. H. h 11;H. I . In

8th Squad.orp ral:


L. Laui himoto

A. K. YeeT. Zaneiz. KawaharaM. Yal1igih:uaT.. Park

7.,V~r. [ KA PALAPALA ]..~

9th Squad.orp ral:

~ . atPrivate :

~. 1\1. TaniH. \\. IIorim toJ. F. 1\1 0

. . Mat Ul11uraI . Y. at ukiH. . Low

. Kon

10th Squad.rpOl-al:

rivatJ. ~I. h ck

hun. II. I 0

".l~)~~r [ KA PALAPALAJ.... '"


13. Re -i trati n lay. :Many Fre hmen.14. Iany more.15. vr h tau ht how t walk from one cla to another without

'etting 10 t.1. Th mmy put n hi fa tball tog.17. rr hom 111 ha c mpany.1. vr h dazed. ni\ r ity hold cla e on aturday.20. nday, th fir t day after unday.21. w n plant flag pol. ophom re prepare for vict ry ?22. h I in ee ro t on t I of flag pole. phomor d moralized.23. Tw Fr h minah I ird take claim on fr nt lanai.24. l\1inah bird hatter ince antly.2 -. ran and ullen mak love in cIa . K. C. obj ect .27. I in O' d n fa tball armor and call for recruit .2 ti return fr m aree. Minah birds regist r for French.2. Heavy Iano'uao- re -i tration c ntinu. ari tyle p pular with

co- d .30. L. urfee unall t dra\ a trait;ht circle in rt.



an early tart.

p ned und r up rVI I n

luad uff rin

nt .

n th di 'nity f

5,000 f r a ,W1m.

and arry rattl by

- d relay 111 int re t f

hIt a her '.

n th I un h wa har 1.

o t ---. Ruth and Euphi

luI, and tak

ph 111 re-Juni r in h t 'am. Mc-

rtain fri nd .in Engli h 1. Th y \ ear th 111 high r









2 .27.2 .2 .30.



t re v r .mlly hall partiti n [ r th pr verbial

, and fall throuo'h.


1. I. . r turns fr 111 I auai. bad penny alway turns ur .2. Dr. lam fl" t hi spec.3. F tball rally. Fir t lar of 111ustach relay won by McTao·o·art.4. Val' ity, 7-Palma O.6. lass onducted in whi p r. ampl1 left its voice at Moiliili

fi ld.7. VVren hall play dirty trick on Chem. I, and o'ive them a quiz.8. Mortimer 1 two round.9. Mutt O"ain thr pound.

10. 'Mont" introduce. Pr xy' n w yell: II u s-ca-say, cuss-ca-say,CLl - a- ay-cela."

11. utri; "er, 3-Hawaii, O. uwe. ccid nt happen yen 111c 11 "e.

13. Patten de id to 0'0 to l\1exico in search of ore and senoritas.


16.17.1 .19.20.22. .



truggle at Moana.

tryout for "Alice Sit-by-th -Fire."

office takes a day off.

as hair prout on Forb '

111U tache. No difference noted in o'eneral ap-





ample ke and

O.a'ebru hr.

cl arrive from R no with11 w 11, and m th l' .


lice it-by-the-Fir"

c lleg vam1 but fall for a b ach-

r erv jud ·ment.

hili, r' ntin , and Brazil are in

ut bef re larg audi nee.


1 .20.21.




15.1 .17.1 . utriao' r t tie



1. Outrir,'ger. plus Gilman, O-:\' vada, O. milin o' Jimmy u-1 en led for p r judgment.

3. Bob S. apl ars with a bum headlight, but r fu . t ay wheth l'

he got it in th evada game l' fr 111 l'il (( t ve."4. K. .] ack at his ld tricks. uts clas J and naturally, very] ody

kn w th i1' 1 . son.










1 .1 . .27.2 .29.31.


mmercial Iub, with the age-

utly maintain that the gila man ter i a native of

Lambert ug-


near.war t."

nt br th r .



1. Th campu. look. alma t th ame as it did b for exam.2. H w v r, there hay been a £ w hifts in the cenery here and

th r .3. The tank c mmitte let. a ntract for can truction £ the wim-

11ling tank. .4. \\ rk n th tank b '111.

5. " n rita, c'e. t I culiar," r mark Prof. Peck r J a Gretchen\ alk. int French on tim .

7. Fr hm n la.. maintain. that I r. nclrew 1 ctllrecl n n thin,?'.







at to u e 1I1 Zool gy

ar. Th ar \\"In by a kn k-

tl11arke i 'R n ."Th re ult will 1e

ir wn.

22.... 3._...-t.


1 .1 .21.


all.n in En 'Ii. h 1.

\nania iub.hard luck tuff an 1 1 ()'

are k pt n r rv lr .

th r [ r nee




. Grac ful, I'll tell the

the mail box (from the

. and II. F. . after the book

to kid Va Palapala. 1311sin s

coli g

llt in pani.h 1.



r th nickl tri k.11- ~tar track me t, Bourne as. 1 ting Var ity

a h mel ~. c ntip cleo

a zit.I llt fail









17.1 .1( . .29.30.31.



26.2 .


manag'er begins t think

where they can di c ur e9.

16.1 . J.

2 .




w ak n.

11 and :Manl1 1 in

Th mp n ha


for a we k.

r hear al.

11111 r 11 in d -

2. ~ Dr. D an ai 1to th f I-lawaii, "It'. th b t Leo'i.­lature we ever had."

3. Eelitor eli. cover . Tak m to' pictl1r on th fre hm 11 cut.Tak m to i. a Jl1nior.

4. c id nt will hal pen. J t 's pictur dis ver d in tw pla sn fre. hm n cut.

S. Dr. An Ir w spring. a luiz in Loh'ic.If he didn't d it ye terclay h will today.T'acl11ty h'iv recepti n for tl1dent..

7. This looking int th future is th bunk.h hell cl it y 11 r elf.


Ri hard 1. . J ,D.Ilar leI ~. ~tarrat, D. .

r, ~ ew York ity.laa Hawaii




l' 1nt 1'-1 land I11pany

. A., Hi!.



.,i' liying in


F rtilize1' o.tat 1'my

ugar ch mi t,

u ta Ballantyne n. ., h miTai l3un 11 e, B....'., a istant

t rma ter orp, II 11 lulu.\\ J11. yuk Lin fIo, D.Mariuchi l,-uwal11ato-dJ hn hun ~Ii11t:; D.

Hon lulu.In' \\T n Dow, D. ., ugar chemi t, Paia l\1aui.R b rt K. Pahau, B. ., a i tant aOTi ulturist I . S.Luk fay Tyau, B. ~., ao-riculturist aui.

Ir . I. . T an o', 11 e ~[i ' Funo- 'uno' Tun " D.T i anfu ... hano-tun h ', hina.

Jac b Yau-Tet \Y ,H.I auai.


f hemi try at therk it L ,B..... , wa. a ... i tant pr fniv r ity f lTawaii; now n mainland.

]'_n \\funt->' Le ng, n.... " as i tant c unty ngin er f thunty .[ 11 il , Hawaii.

r . l-larry D ni n. n ra 1 rgan, B..... , Ii ing 11

I hiji l\1i) am t , D....'., agri 'ulturi t laa ugarIT awaii.

ity and

Iawaii.I tel.




rner Bra h, B. ., chemi t, Kahuku Plantation.e r' Dr mley, B. . chemi t, Kaliuhu, Hawaii.

Ed\ in Bryan, " tudyin in the Yale Graduate chool, N wHav 11, nne ticut.

BU!1a Lum hun, D. . (111 ouri ;;'i niversity) and 111.C niver ity of Hawaii) i an a T nomist at the Federal Experiment

tati n H n lulu.Harry L a ni 11 B. ., a i tant agriculturi t, H.

1 ohala, Hawaii.harle 1'r d rick Poole, B. ., chemist, Paauilo, Hawaii.


l1iver ity.

ni\ rsity.

c .,

Lan , civil en o'ineering, B ton Tech.ivil ngin rin, Bo ton Tech.


outh rn ali-


H n


r with th


The Greatest Mistake.

ince my lowly 1 irth to thi wayward earth,I\ e buno'led thr luo'h lif each y ar;I've blundered alono' and d n thing wrong,

11 thr uo'h my crazy career.I\ made mi take and minor break

nd faux pa by th c re;I'v aid thin,' rum and acted dumb

million tim or m reo

It i my fat when I'v a dat

T g t my elf in Dutch;Th I' a n why I don't g t by;

I 1 ill th b an to mud1'v r I'....i t red wr n b ' and 0' tten it trong

Fr m Davy H y him elf;If m n y'ed come from actino' dumb

I'd ure be r l1ino' in p If.

nut n v rth Ie I mu t c nfeIn all my blun I rin o'life,Though I\ e play d the f 01 and acted the l11ul

nd au ed n end of trif p,

It' . af t b t that the wor t thing yet

f all my life f f lly,,Ya \ ith h l' bel v the mi tleto -An 1 I th ught the tuff wa hoUy.-Pelican.

A •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A f rIDUllIrng M21illl ~rID1Ul~~ l[illlrID 21 JJr21~e

rIDJr lliI21ve 2llffi A~V21illlCe~ JE~illlC21UnrIDilll

The train I man barely make a livino- at 25, \Vh n thun killed work r ha money to p nd but aft r that the manwho mix brain with l11U de <Trow on tantly in earnin<T power,wh rea th un killed labor r i practically "all in" at fifty.

The tat giv the youth a C0111m n cho I education, andhi I arent if abl. iv him a a Iemi and colI ge cour e. ta­ti tic prav that the mol' learning he r c iv the more pro ­perou he i in later life.

Therefore, very parent houid av om thil1<T toward thchildren' colI g ducation an I tach their chiIdr n the valu

f aving towar I uch an ducation.

Hav you thouo'ht of it ju t thi way before?



4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '1 •••••••••••• •• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,

~"'I"""""""""""""""""""""""" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.


The Best of The Most

To tho " ho chool lay are over; to tho e "hono,v take up the rious bu ine of life, the ques­tion of ',vhat hall I do?" i inevitable.

uman in tin·t t c: ch u to obtain the mo t andth b t for ur effort and money-it i th un­,vritt n la,v of progre ion.

Th Ho OL L TAR-BuLLETIN attributes it suc­e. to it I ali 'y of ' giving the be t and th most."It i th 1 c: linD' n ,v paper of Ha" aii in point of

qualit3 and in point of quantity.

Our av ra' daily n t paid circulation i over9,000 copie. Our advertisers ar daily finding

out that it do pay to u th column of

The Honolulu Star~Bulletin

.........................................................., , .

..............................................................................., ,


WE carry \' rything pertainino- t building" mall pur-

cha r iv n ~am att nti n a,' if \V W r furnishin

all mat rial f r a bi j b.

\\ can iv y u ryic and \ ant y u t call n u

fran) thino- in ur lin. If it i \ ir f r ral bit, 1 io- n

r chicken co p, v n mall pi f lumb r f r uch

puq ,,1.aint bru h la, ,nail cr w anythin .

you build, w hay th mat rial and r qu :t th

tunit t rye y u.

W21~~ l?21~eIr



)Irun ~e§

)unn~~eIr 9 lliI21[~~ aIre

JR\@[D~nIDl~ Jr21~er

~nIDl ~e



21 ~e

'4 ..

~ ~

Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd.ITlffive ~melffi~ eCllnJrll~lle

lRe21~ lE ~21~e9 l~21lffi~ eg~~ll21~e~9 R~lffi~lllffig9 ITlffi unIr21lffiCeIn I la ing your bu in ,vith us you area urecl of prompt and court au service

Ho TaL L

Class and Classes.

You can alway tell a eni r,For he' 0 edately o-owned,You can alway tell a JuniorDy the way h trut around,Y u can alway tell a Fre hmanDy hi w rried I ok and uch,Y u can alway tell a phomore

T y u cann t tell him much.



On the Oahu Railway, Fifty- ix l\!I:iles from Honolulu





E'j············································.·· o.

n Iri hman \Va p nino' a bottl. H \V rked at th cork forveral minut and then impatiently aid: " 'jabb r I'll ° t you ut

if I hay t h \ ) e in. '-Lyre.

( a that' Mr. J 11 i it? Dy the \ ay what \Va her maid nname? '

"1-[ l' maid n aim wa to 0° t l11atTi d f c ur e."- argoyle.

Th r' on critt r that rtainl ha ur ympathiThat' a tap \\' rm inhabitin o' a huno-er triker.- haparral.

'Ln'titt badab ut eo-o-y?""\\'hy what" hapi n d t h r?',. h' I n t man dance lat

fr 111 the \ ai,t up."-Jack 'Lant rn.that h" l11U Ie bou nd

De p 0°10 m and diffi 'ulty wa . preacl ver th youn o' tuel', fac ;the xperiment r quir cl min ral w 1. H cratched hi h ad andmutter d: (, w what the h-l i min ral wool?" 1'h 11 the id adawn d. 1 et ut t h l' a hydraulic ram.-P lical1.

drh (criti ally): "I 11 vel' coull e much in the

"he (ala a critic): "Ah 111y d aI', but y u n verI ked at them

in th ri 'ht Ii rht. '-P lican.

The He and She of It.

\ man 11V111 cl a/:;ain. t hi \ ill1. of th am pini n till'

mai I nvinc cl aooain t h l' \ ill] .. n t c nvin d- l' ev n till.-I lican.

YOlln Mo lady (who ha I jll t b 11 perateel on for app neliciti ):( h, cI etor, cia y II think th scar will h w?"

D ctor: "It ughtn tt."

Is Pants Plural Or Singular?If a man w ar th m it' plural."\ \' 11, if he d sn't?Jt' singlllar.-Laml on.

: , .


Castle & Cooke, Ltd.

E. D. TE



EY, PI' ident and Manag I'

TLE "' i e·PI' ident

A TLE, Vi e-Pro Wen


F. ATHERTO, Vice-Pre ident

T. H. PETRIE, ecretary

. L. CA TLE, Auditor

Trea urer

Repre, enting


Apokaa SurraI' Co., Lt LEwa Plantation Co.Kohala ugar o.W,aialua Agricultural '0., Ltd.


Chas. C. Moore 0., of San l! ran-ci co, Engineers

Bab ock & Wilcox, team BoilerGre -n 's Fuel E onomiz rWahiawa Water Co., Ltd.

fa on

SHIPPINGavigation o. of an Francisco

, I

Frcirrht aUlI Pa nger teamsllip plyin rr between an Fl'anci~co, Seattle and

Island Iort .Direct line of I a 'seliger 'teamer plying bctwe n an Francisco :lml, Hono-

lulu a)1(} I land Iort .


~ ,.

, ..


in v I' mark " aTh uIr mac




The \ aterhouse Co., Ltd.ol Di<- tribtttor

1039 i hop . tr ' t onolulu

B nl1 r: ',\ h iran Ittm' n hi b ok?'n b: "H wa;1t t b t it a. n ar hi. 1 rain a

Pr f. rawf rd: "\\ hat i th cliff r nc 1etw en a nake an 1 aC otie?"

I\1an ki: 'I d n't kn w."r f. ra\ f rd:" nak rawl n hi own tomach 1 ut a

ti i n t particular."

At Last, Human Defined.WIS man

v\' ith tnt p r'i i nf a \ man,

rav thi d finiti n:.. I ra' 'a 1 n and a hank £ hair. 'But \N t t b utc1 n ,D fin 1 manIn th followin lun:, nap', a c1 r n and a tank f air."- h wn .


~ ;

Dut wh n w w re married, I found to my ruth,The tammerin o' lady had poken the truth:F r ft n in b\ iou dudo-eon,

he d ay if I v ntur d t give her a joo-In the way f rer r f-" our a dog-your a dog-your ado'

d - a doo-l11atic curmud 'e n!

ut f temper at Ia t with th in lent dame,nd feelin o' that madam wa o-reatly to blam

T c ld 111 in tead f carr in o', .I mill1ick d h r peech-like a churl that I was­

nd ano-rily aid," our a dam-dam-dam­damao' in tal of able ino'!

-John G. axe.

Don t tudy wh n you're tired,r hav anythin o' el e to do'

Don't tudy when you're happy,F r that will make you blue;

'Don't tudy in the day time,nd d n't tudy at ni 'ht;

Dut tudy at all oth r tim"\ ith all y ur main an 1 might.

-The L g.

Wha't the Graduation -Gift MeansIt i h:11'd to ov r stimate th value a I er on hold ill a ,graduntion gift- omo-th in' heri h d for life. .'hoo e yom fri nd' . ift from th firm that know ""hat tudents like. Tho'ur'o w hav bad in tbe making of chool au(l call O'e emblems natmaJlybrought u into contact with the tudent body, and we have olected manybeautiful thin' that will ,plea e th Ill. ':'

~~;elnt~ . gra<lu~:,:~~~f~~;~:l:,~n ~o~,:wt~:~~ jew lry~a gift ':.::.1

Manufacturing Jewelers - 1112 'Fort Street

.,. ~:.





Chambers Drug CO., Ltd.Fort and ICing tre t

Phone 1291-1292

Honolulu, Hawaii


Teacher: "What littl b y can tell me wher the h me of thewall w is?"

\tV illi (after a Ion' ilence): "The h me of the wall w i inthe tummick. '- ab rt oth.

Dr. Adam, the th r mornin . thou -ht he had left hi watch athome and then proceeded to pull it ut of hi po k t to ee if h hadtime t 0 h me and get it.


SU h as you need daily. W pc ially all your 'attention to our

LOO E LEAF TUDE T ' NOTE BOOICTh Y ar more efficient nnd very economicnl.

our work will look better.orne :in a)1(1 let u show yo one with no obligation to you whnt vcr.


'11 ..

" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 •••••••••••••••••••• •••• a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I' ••••••••• ,~



laid ervant: "Th madame nt me t exchanooe this rai incak -w found a fly in it."

Bak r: loT 11 your mi tr th r' nothino" doino"o If he r turnthe fly I 11 <Yiv h r a rai in in llac of it."-Ka per ( OOtockholm).

IIyp : "\ hy d women 1 ak Ie in February than they do i~1any other m nth?"

ynthia: "\i\Thy?"HYl : "B cau it hasn t many day."

Hav Your njforln ~1ade at

HOOK ON CO.AIrmy 2lIDlQl N21V 121n~({DIr

16: . I\:L.. G S'fREET

Phone 1417

Branch at 'hofield Barrack

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .J .


..........................................................................................·..· ·· · · ·..· ···..· ·1

Sugar Factors


Importers and Commission


\i\ hoI al r of

1'0 ric'anll' and Tobac 0

Dry oodHanlwarePaint and OilFarm ana Plantation

Ia hinel'y

In uran

LifFiriarinut mobilC ic1 nt

Liability, m]J n atioll

FFI 'E: I 0 JOLlL T. H.

il a\vc ii

an ] rauri eo

Irailua H \vaii


~ '1lI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~

A Midnight Game.

The f tball "am wa , er,nd bef re th parlor grat ,

maiden and a Eddy,\\ r~ ling l:ing .. rather'l'afe. ' '

, .

They talked of punt and pa es,Thin<Y which were rather tame,

Till upid d nned hi n e-guarcl\nd buffed in the "ame.

I-I quickly lined the couple up,Th n made th 111 toe the marIend 0 n he had them o"oin 0"

\1\ ith a rimmaO"e in the dark.

n I a th y at there ilent,In their new-found bli ,

Th man th Lwht that th cri111111ageut;ht to nd up with a ki

thereupon he tried one,n amat ur affair,

But he 10 t it on a fU1111 Ie.nd in t ad it hit the air ..

Th n xt he landed on h r eye;The mail did hyly ay:

" u'r penalized f r hIding, Ted,Lik wi e for off ide play."

Fi rc ly he tri d another,1 hi tim u c edin 0" fine,

F r n w h made a touchdownDir ctly on the lin .

th y at th r then, in ilence,111monino" ul t oul;

1 h parI r d r:f1 w open,nd father kicked th goal.

-Th L g.

w I lay 111 e d wn to r t,T tudy hard I've tried my b t,

If I h uld d i b f re I wake,I d have n darn d xa111 . to take.

- ub ::tlifornian.

~ .




.., ······..··············..·······1


For Bungalows, Business BlockFactories, Apartments

hap r than an oth r me trial ,a I to fit an} t p f builclill 0',

Th nl practical til on th mark t.

PHILIP F. LE:E J IT WALKER, Mal1fL')'C'l'\VutC'l'hOll (l Tl'U t lO, IHl6 King trcct

I h n :3701 Phone ] 9,7





1HIe21~ijun21Ir~eJr§ ~(fr,r· (clffiemnC21~§9 (C~emnc21n (G~21 W21Ire

2llD1~ 2l~~ l21~@Ir21~(lliIr ~ un~~~ne§

Fort and Hotel b'eets HO OLULU, T. H.

In the day of old when dude were holdnd heet iron tr u er wore,

They lived in peace, for then a creaseW uld la t ten years or more.

In those old day they had a crazeFor teel hirts, and they wore 'em,

nd there was bli enough in thisFor the laundry never tor m.-Cub Cal.




" " ,~


The Call of ,Sportsa atur anc1 th p rt f h l' L t u c1 or

v r b k n c1 to u a th J h ulc1 in n lulu?"' 11 ,vant to g t a" ay to the b a -h th linkth t nni curt r h ill unt(' in t.


au will find here all n ce -

ary luipment for your lort

-a firm a cu tom d t thedemand of 111 nand wom nwho p r anality crop out



E. O. Hall &Son, Ltd.Iortin' 001 D P rtm nt


Good News for Track Men.

that the

] hnny drank wat r. 1 hen h drank' 1 "w J h11ny j dad,

'all th t mach-pump br k

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~••••••••••••••••••••••••• • :1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••• r ••••••• ll••• • •••• • .....\


PIANOS'Ph upr 1ne Arti tic Piano ot Today

In bu in ' a Pic no you "Tant the one ,vhich i in the van ofprogre today

Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd.rand I\:ing tr t Honolulu

Slight Accident.

\. hink I y the nal11 f hing- Ling-,F 11 off a treet car, bin ·-bin a .

• Th n. turn d hi head t th pa en' raid':"Th car' 1 t a wa 11 r, ding--ding."-Th Drexerd.

Bigger CropsBetter Crops

Hawaiian Fertilizer Company, Ltd.~Ianufactur rand al r in Fertiliz r for Sugar

'1 all , ic Pin apr 1 offe , Gard n Truck, Etc.

r~ •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,, •••• ~ •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• II ••••••••••• II •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ~

~ ••••••••••••• e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...................................................................................................


Th 1 G t ou can elo for our If i to 1001- th I artyou ·woulel t k in lif .

me p opl 0' thr uo'h thi " rIel "ri hou th 1 teli Ila of h ract I' I' ineli, ielualit .

11 big bu in m n haY chara·t I' in om el gr- orne ar born ,vith it ticking out 11 ov I' th m;om acquir i.

haract I' rna b acquir 1 in "\ I' 1 "G ith aT at mG 11;) it i m I' 1 a matt I' of ell' . v h th I'

ou think hi important or not haract rful andin liviclual elre at 1 a t b P aks an opportunity.I(nox Hat ar chara terful hats. Th y ar a ureincli a or of mG n <Yoo 1 t t an 1 juel'm nt.

an;) m n h"\ b n off r 1 'oel p ition n thtr ngth of th ir ell' alon .

..,.'";';; ~


\\ e'll have to r 11 up our tocking pretty oon," aid a co-ed toa crowd of friend, '\iVinter i c ming on, I feel it."-Sabertooth.

Pr f. \\ ren hall in hem. I : "You peopl think you mell hydro­a 11 ulphide but y u don't. It' your te t paper ."

"Th baby wallowed one f my letter ."'That' all ri ·ht· mu h i good for children."-Pelican.

Tout To Many.r b " 1 a milli n ki ,-<I urett to ed her pretty head:, milli n ki e 11 vel', but I mio'htay tw ," he aid.

II r father hard my plea ling,IIi la t r mark I dread,He opened wid the door:, t T ut," h said.-Pelican.

The Net Result.TT: ou airl all 1 ok horter in blo mel's."

he: "But y u men all look lono'er."- lican.

Johnny:\\ ell :J hnny:

und r th hcould 'et it

"F rdie wa horribly mano'l d yesterday."'How did that har pen."

'He had n hi newall-wool uit wh n they put himv er and it hrunk a fa t that he wa cru hed before heff."-Pelican.

Tack: "\\ hat b cam of that littl girl that you u ed to go with?"Dab: 'he turn d me d wn!"Tack: 'r U1 po e h r turned the rin o'."Dab: "\\ ell he aid I c uld come up ome night and pick it

ut.' -P lican.

Close Observation., ay did y u vel' ki a o'irl in a quiet p t.

e , but it wa only quiet \ hile I was ki ing it.-Pelican.

1 ittl r tch n had a curl'Twa alway in her face

he put a rat ab ve h rearT k p that curl in I lac .

Th r wa. a young ni r call d . t\iVh wa. n't .0 tall but was sl nderH h T W hair on hi Ii] and called it a "zit"F ram u tach it wa a pr t nder.


~, ~~.~

What Is Your Hobby?·.,111111,111111,111111111",1111,111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Wir 1 Tel phony br'na' youin tou h vvith the out id wOl~ld,

ou can tay at hom andlearn ·what th out ide ,vorld idoin ' if you have a vvirel t.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

DeFor t Tuner

¥ e carry a compI te line of wirele appal atu forth amateur and profe ional.

Vi it our 1~ ir l D pa'}'tl1~ent

T ki the Illi you uo"ht to kiI 11 t t ki ami.,But to ki th 111i yOll ou ·ht t m1

nd to Illi th mi y u ught to ki ,I to ki. s th III is ami .-Tar Baby.

Everything 1" quired for theintrior of your hom

~1illIrll1ln~1illIre9 IThIr21~eIrne

2lll1l~ ~1illg§

oung. Building~ ......................................................•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l


will find great ati faction in a


Th et can i t of a urlingIron, and a handy 3-pound El c­tric Iron with tand and placeto h at curler -all nclo ed ina neat little cretonne bag, readyfor traveIin<T.

all an 1 e th m.

Home amfort peciali ts

Watch Your Step.

Irunkard of I ng tanding ha been reformed by an operationwhi h rem v d a bon that 1r d again t hi brain. The Detroit

w al 0 r p rt a number of cures effected by the removal of a bra srail that wa pre ino' a 'ain t the foot.-I

Tan a City Star.

A 'Woman's Way.

, I hav never 111 ked before," he said, blowing rlngs.-


" t the 1all la t night her co ·tume wa ripping.", ell! well 1"

FI or walk r (to v ryn rv us and very flu teredman): "Ye ir;th r anythin w can do for yo,u t lay?

]"'h man: "\IV 11 my wif ent me down for a ca serole or aamis I . I f r . t which."

FI orwalk r: "V'l 11 that depen 1 on what kind of a chicken youwant to put into it."

:. .11

He: 'I'v I rou o-h t y u om flower."he: I I h, h w b autifu1! hey're' Marguerit ,aren't they?"

He:" "Er, no- h wa n't in."

F rdi : " ay \i\ 11s, ar n't you 1 in b weight 1C\t 1y"?.\ ell : lYe, I've bOLwh t a afety razor.'

She Said No.l\10ther: "\Vhy did y u 1 t him ki you?"Dori : I \\ ell, he wa 0 nice ab ut it. H a ked.'10ther: 'Th idea. I av n't I told y u you mu t 1 arn to ay

no."Dori : "That what I did ay. H a k d m if I'd be v ry

ano-ry if he ki ed me."-Tar Baby.

I Inc me Tax" oTuml1ed the carp t a father ot bu y with hilittle ham1TI r.-Lampoon.

la i a1 Danc r: "D tor, I want to b vaccinated omewherewher it won't how."

Doctor: "My d ar lady I'm afraid I will hay to do it inter­nally."-Lamp on.·

Light Verse.

In a pari r ther were thre ,maid a parI r lamp, and he.

Thr e' a cr wd, without a d ubt,nel th parI r lamp w nt ut.

The V.ery Early Bird.

" w, then, my hearti ," aid th gallant captain, ICy u have atough battl I ef re y l. Fight lik her e till your powder i' O'one;th n run. I'm a littl lam and I'll tart n w."-Th tar and tripe.

"I that a devil d-ham andwich?""Yah-uh' it ta t like 'eIl."- haparral.

II ~ "\\'hat did y Uf father ay when you told him my 1 ve waslike a mad, gu hino' riv r?"

'- he: "Papa said, I aml1 it.' "-1 h L

........ ,."t. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1:'1

.., , ~

Fort and 1 rchant tre t


in all the latest English Tweedsand Woolens, and at prices that

_are real values.

Oh, Boy!

Firt -<nthuiat: "You h uld etheo-irllmetlastnight. hhad th 111 t w nd riul hair~ and th mo t wonderful forehead; andth 111 t ulful ey . and the ro ie t ch k ; and y u hould have

en h r 111 uth; and the dimpl he had; and oh! that chin and neck,-are y 11 f llowin . m Bill"? -

Bill: " ,I 111 way ahead of you !-Tio·er.

1940 (with gr at pride): 'One f my ancest r laid ut th townof n thl h m."

1 40 I h m r : " h, that' n thin o'. \\ hen my father wa 111

all h laid ut a bartender.-Pelican.

e I O'y r f: 'PI a e o'ive 11 th name of the laro'est c1iam nc1."

I anahele (th mornin t ; after the ni 'ht befor ): "1 h ace sir."

' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D••••••

.. , "

lTI IE. p ializ in all 1-1n] bin!! li1' imp l' r. from II' lan 1 an 1

B 19'ium. pa will 11 t P I'm it u.' to try an l ] . rib our full lin

hut vv a. ur )' 11 it will 11 . a 11 a.1H' to hay you in,'p ct n1' b au­

tiEul . 1 tion at any tim .

R E~rBR IDERIE 'ro \RE F TIlE IIIGIlE rJ 'I PEth world pro In .'. l' m far off ~Iad ira w hay an a. ,'ortm nt

thn.t an 110m b fonn 1 in In l'g .l' in ituti n. an," hel' .


] L)·F Fort tr t Phon :1:051

five hundr d d llar end I' 1h ne

ken out."-Tar Baby.

r. ndr :' \Yhy di I tharning in math matic and a tron

arl: '11 cau th hio'h priand wat h th tar."

Some Feed.

Darb r: "IT w d y u lik that havin o' at?"- nlucky: "B t I alif rnian.

to cl but it


h Iin ' plac

and uI1 hay bit nailt Id m

· a 'Ie.

" 1 I •••• I' •••••••• 1 •••1. 1.1 •••• I I I I I' ••••••••• , I ••••••••••1. I" 1 •••1. I' ••••• ~

.: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.

an: "In what cour e do you intend to graduate?"Lam bert: In the c ur e of time."

mo t fraternity pin i not alway the oneth unr matic ock of the owner of anyone of11 t men under th kin are a bit old-fa hioned,

am: 'I w nt 1 lackberrying today."Ra tu : ' You did?'

am: 'I went t a c lored funeral. '-B. M. J.

'H r' th picture f my o'irl at the beach."'I'd all it an exp ure. '-Friv 1.

y heart i with the oc an!" cried the poet."You'v . ne me n better," replied the ick friend, a he took a

firm r rip n th rail.- rincet n Tio·er.

waday wh n a man reach for hi hip pocket, y u don't kn wh ther it' a thr at r a pr mi e.-Pelican.

-; x ited lir h (to urroundin' throng of admir r ): "Y , 11',

th ar ity fullback p k to m , going d wn to the train."k 1 i : "\i\ hat did he ay?"

1< l' h: " et the h 11 out of the way, will you ?"-Burr.

Int n iev r: " nd did you w rk y ur way thr UO'h colI b ?"Pr minent ld Party: " 0, I didn't, but I'm workin o' my n'

yay throu -h. 11aybe th Lord will for 'iv 111 . '-Life.


.nd what will I d in my new job?"tand in the front row, say nothing, d nothin o', andlican.

Factory: 659 Bcrctania t.


RAWLEY'SPure Ice Cream

pial at to Lodges, chool, hurche, Clubs, Etc.

l'way a vari ty of flavor to choose from••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .


.." .

Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd.FFI E


FFI ER D Dlh.E T R :

nt [wd


Directot'Dir t I'

ire tot'ire torit' tor

ugar Factors, Commission Merchants andIn urance gents

l"E T F

Ollllll rcia] uO"ar o. Kahuku Plantation ompanyKauai 'mit Lnn(l 01111 any, Lttl.Kaua.i Railway 01111 any, Ltd.Hon lu Ran hI ahului Railroad 'ompany



nion III m'an' oci('ty f anton Ltd., HongkonO".'Ollllllonw('alth Insurant' 'Olll] allY of 'W )/ork J ('w York, . Y.prin",ficl(L Fir and 1l11'in(' In uran 'oll1pany I ringfield J Ma ,'.('w Zen l:lIld III 'Ul'an 'olllpany, Ltd., Auckland, N. Z.nl('I'ic-an l]janc In uran S oeiation of . Y. N('w Y 1'kJ N.<.'\\'ark t"il' In lHane' 'OlllpUII,V, ('wark J • J.\vitZ('l'IHlld Marin JnSl1I':IIH: 'ompany Zuridl witzt'rlalld.

HOlll 111 'lll'un(' 'ol1lpany, w York,

~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 '.

...........................................................................................................................................................-- :

Home Products.

Th nnecticut clock; but-t n hi hicacro u p nd r to Detroit verall ; wa he hi face with

incinnati oap in a Penn ylvania ba in; wipe on a Rhode I landt wI; it up t a rand Rapid tabl . at Kansas ity meat and 11in­napoli flour ith Idah potatoe c ok d with Indiana lard on a t.L ui t ve burning Wyomin coal; put a ew York bridle on a

I rad br nco f d with Iowa corn; I low five' a re of land (cov-r d with hi mort ·acre.) with a hattanooo'a plow. hen bed

tim ome he read a chapter from the Bible print d in B ston; aysa 1rayer written in J ru alem; crawl under a blanket made in ewJ r y, only to be kept awake by fl a -the only home product of hi

wn tate.- an Franci co hronicle.

He: 'v hat w uld you d if I should ki you on th forehead?"he: 'I'd call you down."- outhern Campu .

1 ct a o'irl (a pretty one). Then bet her a dollar that youh r with ut t uchin her. (Thi ound imp sible and will

app al t h r p rtino' bl od). ext, ki her and pay the dollar likea . d 1 0 r.- lican.

Th mp on: '\ eren't y u ab ent ye terday, v ell ?"11 : "N ,I came at noon and went home at one-o'clock."

ren hall from B urnemou th,

speakin' district: Kindly

ny Enl".)i h peakino' Re ident,ct r, h mist or Man f cienc I referred)

Hawaii,lyn ia.



Rules of the Road in Japan.

, t th ri of th hand f policeman, top rapidly. Do not pashim by r th rwi e di re p ct him.

'\i\ hen the pa senger f the f ot h ve in ight, tootle the horntrump t at hi111 mel diou ly at fir t. If he till obstacle your pa age,t tl him with \ i or and expr by word of m uth, the warnin o',

hi, hi."

,.~;;: ..

,: , .

~(Q)JP)~ ~~ n~ (Q)ll1l JP)(Q)r~nll1lg (G(Q)(Q)~ lnll1l

f(Q)r Y(Q)illlr 21~~~e~n(C re~illlnr mmell1l~§

T ur for . 1 athl ti quil m n

([J)21~TIll ~~[~nrrn

G~~~ (C[J)oLimited

9 1 FORT T.


Th hand that 111 ve th lip tick i the hand that rule the

w rlel.-I eli an.

Chinese-American Bank, Ltd.Commercial and General Banking Busines

in All Departments

p cial att lltion o'iv n to aving" ('(' nut


~r"""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' , ..

I P nd upon th olupanie" ho e financial andm ral tG ndino' guarant the r liability of theirin ur n ntract both und r ordinary conditionsand in ttling 'laim 'which haY ari en in confia-Tati n .

W~y S~21rrn~ llrrn JJe@~21Ir~Y?

66 ((J)WN Pi ~IRIEWIEIR IP((J)lIT(C1{ 99


Insurance Department

1 xt Bank of Ha\vaii

Hal OLULl , T. H.

Telephone 2622

~~ ••••••••••••••• 1 ,

., ·············..·..············E

Offic : Yokohama Speci Bank Bildino' 2nd Floor

Offic Phon 1045 - l\1ill hone 3311

oph: 'What'll w d ?"eni r: "I'll pin a c in. If it' h ad w t the 111 vie ; if

it' tail we go to the dance; and if it tand n edge we'll tu ly."

Ain't It the Truth?

One:" far a I can e th re i no harm in girl wearing h rtoks."

Two: ' 0, n t a far a you can e."

High -grade Portraiture, Developingand Printing

[(il)~YllIDl ~IDl~ lEIDl~~Ir llIDl

~~ ,

: , : ~

The Products of

the Farm.. , l\'Iines, Forest andthe Fi heries

repre ent the only true value.l\tIoney doe not,

it being only a measureof the true value so

that exchange can be madeon an equal value basis.

The Bank i the center of liquidationof mo. t bu iness tran actions,and this Bank in particular

ha been the center of HavvaiianI land business affairs

since 1858-a period of 63 years

The Bank of Superior Service

~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fI II •••••• rIl••••••••• I..

.,j =-- ~~ ..

S GIH R co.Prol ri tor Z. u 'ihara

(Ge]ffieIr21~ t@]ffi~Ir21C~~Ir 9 E1Uln~~eIr§9 l?21n]ffi~eIr 9 l?~1Ulm~n]ffif

2l]ffi~ m21§~]ffiIr

E LE ITLo -411

Tel. I""'

t.- P.


THERE \Yroad h cr that 111 al 11 .?"ri ht-of-wa i our i n't it?'

: '\ hy d y u turn out f r v ryaid the mi u, rather r ly. "The

ut, th r a 11 i plainl) u<Ycr t d in thia 11 \' pal r re ntl :

'H re lie th b dy f \Villial11 Jay\\ ho died maintainin . hi ri ht- f- a ;II wa ri -ht d a 1 rio-ht, a h p d al ncr,

But h' ju tad ad a if he'd be 11 wr n -.'"

t 11 Tran cript.

. RIT ,Propri tor

ur G (. m. t p. m.

11 :~-1]3G Fort t., 0lpo it Pauahi t.nolulu T.

. ----------------_.~ .

;..j .

A Combination of Security

G~~~yetdl1r InIre§ 2lnn~

l~nn~gIr21m l1lll~Irnc21nntt§

Th1 '0"fr fFll II1l Corner Queen and Maunakeallll\lJ} lL~ Streets

Auto Service & Supply Co., Ltd.orner Alakea and Merchant treet

If y u want to g t a I n well-dig it Ie p.- ub alifornian.

H wh can de.H wh can't teach

Ther wa an old ophomor called ullen,\\ h wa ry n bbi hand ullen,H turned up hi no and on day it froze

nd that wa the nd f Herb nIl n.

\iVon leI' to ook and Delight to Hous ·wivesJ ;VER ' OLD BEFORE


AJJ TI N(()) 00 (()) 1[ (())I Y DR KIT H-<N

J1 0 T'O for which patcnt granted by the . . of America, British, Fren h,and Japane' gov l'nment ,i a white odour]e s powder of vegetabl orjO'in. It iinv nt a by . rof. Dr. K. Ikeda of the Tokyo Imperial niver ity. A pinch ofthi powd l' add d t food give immen ly meat-like ta t and flavour besidmaking i nutritiou and ea ily ili tible. It an be u ed 1ik table alt andpl' rv d for' any lenoth of time when k pt dry.


1&110 II{21W21@21f21...........................................................................................................................................................

( .



h Some enSucceed

want t a kmpany fa ­

n in and talk.

\\ e ar a y ry inf rmal 1 t clownher.

Ev ry young man h uld knowthe bu in r anizati n in hi'

To 0 I've that w may on inuto erv

Mother Goose Revived.-The Log.

Ii k ry-di kory-d k

Th m u ran up the cl ck,

Th lady creamed-

By tand r beame I .The cl k wa on h r k.

ary, 1ary quite contrary,

H w d y ur h pe- h t gr w?

nd cla I in all in a r \ .

\ ith whit cap new and re f r blu


Th rc wa a y un' ph m r all d ran

\Vh wa h arci t hay u ed thi. r {rain:

" h! unah u dar, I'm y ur '. tud ' th u 'h I'm her " E

That pr 1-· ho l-ki I kn wn a rane. i, '


Boilermakerslakea and Queen Streetsouth an I econd StreetORK

Founders1\ I OFFI E




Jobber and Dealer ofHo eInj torIn ulationPa kingPaintPipe and PittingPlatePullcyPumpRoad Roll rsRo k ru her

l' en


cparatorhreddert am Traptructural teel

ThcrmometersTool, Machine an<1

Hand'I"r::tctors, HoltValve -Globe, Anglite,et .

Wehling Outfits

General Electric Company

Lady: '\ hat i th peculiar dor that come from that field?"

Farm r: "That i fertilizer."Lady: "W 11, f r the land' alee !"Farm r:' um."-Lampoon.

Prop. 1{.O R

219 Beretania t., near lakea St.Honolulu, T. H.

A~~ ][ilIDl~ ill)~ (C21lke9 }pile 2lIDl~ Rrre21~Fir t-cla s make










R E - Q RR T IE - V\ RE E ifE.r

hone 49 1

he: D n't y u I ve a ni 'ht like thi .?"He:' t rdinarily, but I'll try."-Pelican.

6--71 o. Qu en t.

"\Nhat cau ed Harry' death?"Luml a '0.'

"I ow' that?"Th l1ur e rull ed hi back with ale bol, and he broke hi, n ck

tryin . to lick it ff."-\ hiz Ban -.

Phon 2197 P. O. Box 907

1fJHIIE JHIl\\WIl\\ITIT JHIITNJr(ffiB t dveI ti ing ~1edium

10 0-103 MITH 'T., no OL L , T. H.

lPrrllnn~llnn~ (JJ21~21nne e9 IEnn~~ll§~9 (C~llnne§e)9 ]The n nnllnn 9(C@~@rr W@rrIk9 IEnn rr21Wllnn 9 IB@@Ik~llnnQlllnng

2lnn~ Jrr21nn ~21~llnn C21rrefflUl~~ Ql@nne....................................................................................................................................................."'.

.~ .

CREAM BREAD((;UJJ([P~IDle§§ IkID1UJJ § n~9 g([D([D~

Mad with Flei ehman' Yea t

HO E 1431, or in i t that your dealer end you LOVE'S

C01ne in an(Z ee how we 1nake it

Oh! iss Ho, where do you <Yo

fter you I ave u here?( Oh anywher , I d n't care,

ame any plac you know."

Ha y u a little fairy in y ur hou e?a but I have a little mi in my engine.-Pelican.

Your Favorite



All Flavors

Phonc 1542 or 4676



.~ .

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at. ffice


In th old n day the irl u ed to roll up th irinto the kitch n. w they roll down their t kinclIO" .-Pelican.

and ~ail

and ail into

"You an I ad a tud nt to I ctur ,but you can't mak him

think."- aberto tho

"Lip that t uch liqu r hall never touch mine.""But wh will tak lip when h can find win ?"- \riz na

\ ild at.

THE DAILY IPPU JIJITh Larg t Japan Daily in Hawaii

Print d in n -Ii h and Japan


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W otta Break, W otta Break!

ft r fallinup n each other' n k and ch ru in th u ual 'H wzzaboy Jinkund rt k t b p lit and c n\ er ati nal.

H nd h w" h in luired, with a h w f inter t, "is :.1r . Jenk.-tandin o- the heat?"

J nk r -ard I him su pici u ly."B w'd you kn w he wa dead?" he d manded.

- merican Legion v eekly-:--- ..

" r y u ;f r . Pillingt n Haycock?'H r ""\\ ell I am; and thi i h r 1 w."- uth rn ampu.

ne oro wa tryin o' to addle a fracti 11 lTIu] , wh n a by tand r

a k d:that lUlll

" 0, uh 1ut hv r kick y 11, am?"

m tim kick wh rampu .

. ..........................................................................................................................................................~

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you must have

A l21rge §1q])clk 2llllld V2lrne1y q])f UlIllt§to choo e from

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6 Hotel Stre t Phone 6253

rof: 'I want to see you get an on thi exam., young man."tude: " a do 1. Let' pull together."-Southern Campus.

Diner: "I want a boil d egg. Boil it two minutes."ait r: " e' ah, be ready in half a minute, sah."

-Southern Campus.

Prof: 'How many tim do I have to tell you not to do that?"The Dumb One: -;'1'11 bite, how many ?"-Southern Campus.

P. O. Box 720 Phone 545



ICing t., near the Fi hmarket Honolulu, T. H.

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obody eesbi . hole

In a littlirl' t ekin 0"

But a littleHole in a big

ir1' toekin'ill tart a


One Night.



J inationMore flirtation

onver ation


M r flirtation

queezationExc1amati n

More flirtation

tar azation


till M r Flirtati n.,-Th L 0",

\rll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,

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