kait robinson. she was born in 1990 eduaction she went to fashion institute of technology in ny her...

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Kait Robinson

• She was Born in 1990• Eduaction She went to Fashion Institute of Technology in

NY• Her work is shown in big fashion magazines one

magazine is 7-Stops• Style she’s known for is Portraits, Beauty, also Classic

but Modern• Style she's about is because she's a Brooklyn style type

she does• Interesting facts- She loves food, She hates writing

about herself, She loves photography (obviously)

Photo #1

Photo #1

• The lighting is outside at the beach so natural and its pointing out to the horizon of the sky. I love the lighting and texture they used

• The main subject is her she is the main subject• The composition the lighting and texture makes this photo an

amazing • The communicate is A new hair style of this model and the classic

but modern twist• I selected this photo because this photo is one of my favorites

because everything about it I like

Photo #2

Photo #2

• The lighting is artificial (inside) in a room on a bed The picture is taken from the side with a man reflection she's looking at I love the lighting it gave it great tone of it

• The main subject is her and she's looking at a man who is a shadow in the background

• The composition uses texture and focus so amazing I love it

• The story of this picture is about her waiting there for the guy she's watching him but she's left for someone else and she just watches him

• I picked this photo because this was my #1 photo I liked and the mood in her face and tone

Photo #3

Photo #3• The lighting is a natural (outside) The direction is Pointed to the ground

she's laying down and I like the lighting and how it looks sunny outside

• The Main subject is The women laying on the ground looking up and I can tell because her and the sand is all that’s in it

• I like the texture and lighting and sand color and how she's in the sand not just standing on the beach

• She's a young girl at the beach having a great time looking really pretty dressed for the beach

• I like that this picture was taking in the sand and how clear and focused she is on this girl is focused to on the camera and the girl is a great model and are in more then one of her shoots

Photo #4

Photo #4

• The lighting is natural (outside) and the directions coming straight at this girl I love the low lighting of this picture Also its an amazing color use

• The main subject Is the girls face her eyes and I can tell the backgrounds blurry behind her and its looking into her eyes close up

• Her picture has a lot of great color lighting and texture in her face I love thin photo

• She's looking deep in to her soul threw her great blue blue eyes trying to find something

• And I chose this because I love her eyes and her face And the color of her make up and her face is like prefect skinny

Photo #5

Photo #5

• I was Artificial lighting (inside) Coming from the side and she is looking over and I don’t not like it but I wish it was outside and more color if it’s a dark background or in general

• The main Subject is this girl and the flower I know this because the rest is just pitch black no light

• She’s using texture and not a lot of extra light at all because the only light there is on her and the flower be side her

• The store is darkness cant cover beauty and natural beauty not just a girl everything

• And I just liked the color and how she put a flower by this girls face to in cooperate nature in with the photograph

Citation Sources

• http://www.kaitrobinson.com/book-i

• Kait Robinson Photography | Facebook

• Top 15 Famous Photographers around the world and their 

• Photography from Kait Robinson - 7STOPS Magazine

• s://www.flickr.com/photos/kaitlinrobinson/6165119464/in/photostream/

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