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KAIYO Cruise Report

KY11-02 Leg3

Iheya North hydrothermal field

February 14 (Naha) – February 19 (Naha), 2011

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology



Acknowledgements We are deeply grateful to Captain Shinya Ryouno, the officers, and the crew

members for their safe navigation and skillful handling of “R/V KAIYO” during the

whole cruise. We would like to express special thanks to Commander Yoshinari Ohno

and all the members of “Hyper Dolphin” operation team for their excellent operation

and careful support for our dive research. We also thank Mr. Shusuke Machida for his

attentive support as a marine technician.

We are thankful to all the persons for their direct or indirect support for this cruise.


Contents 1. Cruise Information

1.1. Cruse number

1.2. Name of vessel

1.3. Title of the cruise

1.4. Titles of the proposals

1.5. Cruise period

1.6. Ports of call

1.7. Research area

1.8. Research map

2. Researchers 2.1. Chief scientist

2.2. Representatives of the science party

2.3. Science party

3. Observation 3.1. Observation

3.2. List of observation instruments

3.3. Cruise log

3.4. Dive information

HPD#1247 dive report

HPD#1248 dive report

HPD#1249 dive report

HPD#1250 dive report

4. Notice on Using


1. Cruise Information 1.1. Cruise number:

KY11-02 Leg3

1.2. Name of vessel:


ROV Hyper-Dolphin

1.3. Title of the cruise:

‘Hyper-Dolphin’ deep-sea dive research

1.4. Titles of the proposals: - To verify epibiotic structures controlled by hydrothermal environments and elastic

property of setae of Shinkaia crosnieri

- Keeping of Alvinocaris sp. and Shinkaia crosnieri using a propagable

piezostat-aquarium system with potentiostat.

1.5. Cruise period: February 14, 2011 - February 19, 2011

1.6. Ports of call:

Naha (departure) – Naha (arrival)

1.7. Research area: Iheya North hydrothermal field


1.8. Research m



2. Researchers 2.1. Chief scientist:

Tomo-o Watsuji (JAMSTEC)

2.2. Representatives of the science party: Tomo-o Watsuji (JAMSTEC)

Sumihiro Koyama (JAMSTEC)

2.3. Participants:

Scientist Tomo-o Watsuji, JAMSTEC, Chief scientist

Junichi Miyazaki, JAMSTEC

Ken Takai, JAMSTEC

Hisako Hirayama, JAMSTEC

Shinsuke Kawaguchi, JAMSTEC

Kazumasa Katou, JAMSTEC

Sumihiro Koyama, JAMSTEC

Akihiko Itoi, Geophysical Surveying

MiHye Seo, The University of Tokyo

Mitsugu Kitada, Enoshima Aquarium

Hiroaki Katayama, JAPAN Broadcasting Corporation

Kuniyasu Yamawaki, NHK Media Technology Inc.

Shusuke Machida, Nippon Marine Enterprises Co., Ltd.

Crew Shinya Ryouno, Captain

Takafumi Aoki, Chief Officer

Shintaro Hashimoto, 2nd Officer

Hidehiko Konno, 3rd Officer

Hiroyoshi Kikkawa, Chief Engineer

Kazuhiko Kaneda, 1st Engineer

Kenzo Kato, 2nd Engineer


Takaatsu Imoto, 3rd Engineer

Satoshi Watase, Chief Radio Operator

Hidehiro Ito, 2nd Radio Operator

Yuka Moriwaki, 3rd Radio Operator

Yasuyoshi Kyuki, Boat Swain

Yoshiaki Kawamura, Able Seaman

Kuniharu Kadoguchi, Able Seaman

Hideo Isobe, Able Seaman

Saikan Hirai, Able Seaman

Jiro Hanazawa, Sailor

Shun Abe, Sailor

Kozo Miura, No.1 Oiler

Toshikazu Ikeda, Oiler

Takeshi Watanabe, Assistant Oiler

Daiki Igarashi, Assistant Oiler

Ryo Matsuuchi, Assistant Oiler

Yasunori Kawai, Assistant Oiler

Ryuei Takemura, Chief Steward

Yoshio Okada, Steward

Kana Yuasa, Steward

Shigeto Ariyama, Steward

Yoshie Hidaka, Steward

Hyperdolphin Operation Team

Yoshio Oono, Operation Manager

Kazuki Iijima, ROV Operator

Katsushi Chiba, ROV Operator

Yudai Sakakibara, ROV Operator

Shigeru Kikuya, ROV Operator

Atsushi Takenouchi, ROV Operator

Ryou Saigou, ROV Operator


3. Observation 3.1. Observation 3.1.1. Overview The research was conducted with two proposals, because this cruise was organized as

a joint cruise. The purpose of one proposal is to deploy in situ colonization devices like

setae of Shinkaia crosnieri in Iheya North where a large number of S. crosnieri individuals live to clarify why the epibiotic microbes are attached to the setae of S.

crosnieri. The purpose of another proposal was to examine whether the weak negative

potential induced electrochemical products injures the deep-sea shrimps Alvinocaris sp.

and S. crosnieri in piezo-stat aquarium system.

We conducted dives for two days, although the plan of the dives was constituted for

four days. During the dives, we could deploy the in situ colonization devices in

Bathymodiolus colony, S. crosnieri colony, Paralvinella hessleri colony and

non-hydrothermal area in Iheya North. We could get living deep-see animals to be

available in the aquarium system because we could catch Alvinocaris sp., S. crosnieri and Bathymodiolus without dead individual.

The deep-sea drilling vessel Chikyu drilled holes at hydrothermal area in Iheya North

on September 2010. This cruise was carried out for the first time since the drilling

operation. Because Iheya North is the largest habitat of rare animal, S. crosnieri, we

concerned about the disruption of the natural habitat by the drilling operation. However

we could not observe the decrease in the number of S. crosnieri individuals in respect of

the screen image televised by Hyper-Dolphin in this cruise. The casing pipes were put

in drilling holes after the drilling and we found thermal fluid was welling from the pipe

heads of all the casing pipes that we observed. We could first collect the thermal fluid

from each artificial thermal vent then.


3.1.2. To verify epibiotic structures controlled by hydrothermal environments and elastic property of setae of Shinkaia crosnieri

Tomo-o Watsuji & MiHye Seo

(JAMSTEC & The University of Tokyo) Many species of invertebrates dwelling in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold

seeps are known to host bacteria (epibionts) on the surface of specialized tissues such as

the dorsal setae of Alvinella pompejana, the gill chamber of Rimicaris exoculata, the

setae of Shinkaia crosnieri, the setae of Kiwa hirsuta, and the sulfide-coated scales of

scaly-foot snails. The epibiotic microbial communities on the host animals mainly

included the phylotypes affiliated with the genus Sulfurovum within

Epsilonproteobacteria and the Marin epibiont group I within Gammaproteobacteria. The

fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis reveled that most of the epibionts

belonging to Epsilonproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria were filamentous in the

epibiotic communities. Molecular approaches have revealed that the dominant

epsilon-proteobacterial epibionts in A. pompejana expressed a gene encoding ATP

citrate lyase, a key enzyme in the reverse tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle, a CO2

fixation pathway. Additionally, a metagenomic analysis of the epibiotic community in A. pompejana revealed the presence of genes involved in the complete reductive

tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle and sulfur oxidation. Actually, the epibiotic

communities of S. crosnieri assimilated 13C-labeled bicarbonate. Moreover, the

incorporation of H13CO3- into the epibiotic microbial community was enhanced with the

addition of potentially thioautotrophic substrates such as sulfide and thiosulfate. These

results suggested that the dominant filamentous epibionts were capable of

chemolithoautotrophic growth by sulfur oxidation. However, the filamentous epibiont

affiliated with Epsilonproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria have not been isolated

from the epibiotic communities.

The galatheid crab, Shinkaia crosnieri forms dense colonies in deep-sea hydrothermal

fields of Okinawa Trough and has numerous setae covered with filamentous epibiotic

microorganisms. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the epibiotic

communities in S. crosnieri consisted mainly of yet-uncultivated phylotypes within

Epsilonproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria in both hydrothermal vent fields.

Uptake experiments using 13C-labeled tracers clearly demonstrated that both H13CO3-

and 13CH4 were assimilated into not only the epibiotic microbial communities associated


with the setae, but also the epibiont-free tissue of living S. crosnieri. The uptake

experiments suggested that sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic and methanotrophic

production by the epibionts provides the nutrition for S. crosnieri. In this cruise, we

deployed in situ colonization devices in Bathymodiolus colony, S. crosnieri colony,

Paralvinella hessleri colony and non-hydrothermal area in Iheya North to cultivate the

filamentous epibionts at the actual site without depending on the host. We are going to

collect them in another cruise. In the future study, we will conduct the SEM

observations, phylogenetic analysis, and FISH analysis of the microbial colonization on

the devices.

3.1.3. Keeping of Alvinocaris sp. and Shinkaia crosnieri using a propagable piezostat-aquarium system with potentiostat.

Sumihiro KOYAMA1 & Mitsugu KITADA2 (1JAMSTEC & 2Enoshima Aquarium)


The deep sea represents a large portion of the total volume of the oceans and this

extreme environment is characterized by the absence of light, low temperature, and high

hydrostatic pressure. After the advent of deep-sea vessels opened the door to research

on deep-sea organisms, many have been isolated and characterized (Horikoshi and

Tsujii 1999). There are two major obstacles to biological studies of deep-sea

multicellular organisms under atmospheric pressure. The first is the development of

devices for capturing and maintaining them, because most succumb as a result of

decompression and exposure to the high-temperature surface seawater (Koyama and

Aizawa 2000; Koyama et al. 2002, 2005a, 2005b). The second is acclimation of the

captured organisms to atmospheric conditions. It notes that rapid decompressed

deep-sea multicellular organisms have little or no appetite under atmospheric conditions.

To dissolve these problems, the author has developed piezo-stat aquarium system for the

deep-sea organisms (Koyama et al., 2002). The piezo-stat aquarium system composed

stainless steel and it was unsuitable for using hydrogen sulfide containing seawater,


Results on shipboard and future plan To make improvement on the aquarium system for studying the hydrogen sulfide

required deep-sea organisms, -0.75-V vs. Ag/AgCl weak negative potential applied to


the aquarium system using potentiostat and succeeded in avoiding the hydrogen sulfide

induced rusting. In the future study, we will examine whether the weak negative

potential induced electrochemical products injures the deep-sea shrimps Alvinocaris sp.

and deep-sea crabs Shinkaia crosnieri in the aquarium system.

References Horikoshi K, Tsujii K (1999) Extremophiles in deep-sea environments. Springer, Tokyo

Koyama S, Aizawa M (2000) Tissue culture of the deep-sea bivalve Calyptogena soyoae. Extremophiles 4:385–389

Koyama S, Miwa T, Horii M et al (2002) Pressure-stat aquarium system designed for

capturing and maintaining deep-sea organisms. Deep-Sea Res I 49:2095–2102 Koyama S, Nagahama T, Ootsu N et al (2005a) Survival of deep-sea shrimp (Alvinocaris sp.) during decompression and larval hatching at atmospheric pressure.

Mar Biotechnol 7:272–278 Koyama S, Kobayashi H, Inoue A et al (2005b) Effects of the piezo-tolerance of cultured deep-sea eel cells on survival rates, cell proliferation, and cytoskeletal

structures. Extremophiles 9:449–460

3.1.4. Temperature measurements of boreholes during exp.331 IODP cruise. 1Junichi Miyazaki, 1Kazumasa Kato and 2Akihiko Itoi

(1JAMSTEC & 2GRC) One of the objectives of this KY11-02 Leg 3 was determining temperature distribution

in boreholes which were dilled during expedition 331 of IODP cruise, because in both

the IODP cruise and the Natsushima cruise (NT10-17) at September, we could not

measure fluid temperature from borehole. By using Kandata system which can access

depths of borehole by Watanabe’s winch system, Kuster thermometer will roll down

into the boreholes. Kuster thermometer is Amerada-type thermometer and can measure

high temperature (Max. 500°C) without electric system. The targets of the borehole will

be C0013E, C0014G, and C0016B whose depth were 54.5 m, 136.7 m, and 45 m,


Another objective was deployment of the rope tester to determine the heat stabilization

of fiber ropes. Why are test the fiber ropes? We have a future objective which is

deployment of in situ colonization for a long time. However, the heat stability for a long

time has not been known. Therefore we will deploy the rope tester in which 9 kinds of


fiber ropes are tied.

3.1.5. Geochemistry of thermal fluid from artificial thermal vents

Kawaguchi shinsuke, Hisako Hirayama and Ken takai (JAMSTEC)

The fluid sampling for geochemical analysis was conducted by using a gas-tight

sampler WHATS II. The temperature of each vent fluid was monitored during the

sampling using a Pt resistant temperature probe equipped at the intake of sampling

systems. The fluid samples were filtered by 0.2 µm pore-size filters in order to remove

particles prior to subsumpling for each of the chemical analyses. The samples for

onshore cation analyses were acidified by adding 0.3 mL of 20% hydrochloric acids

down to at pH<2. After the recovery of WHATS II onboard, the fluids in stainless-steel

gas-tight bottles (150 mL) were immediately opened to a vacuum line (ca. 3 L) to

recover the gas components. Reagent-grade solid sulfamic acid (HOSO2NH2) and

mercury chloride (AgCl2) was added to the fluid in the vacuum line to extract CO2 and

remove H2S, respectively. After degassing at least for 10 min, the gas phase was

collected into 50 mL stainless bottles for the subsequent gas analyses. At the same time,

the degassed liquid was filtered (using a 0.45 µm pore-size filter) and collected for the

magnesium measurements. The major cation concentrations in the fluid samples will be

measured by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectrophotometry. The pH

and the concentrations of NH4 were analyzed onboard. The pH was determined using a

pH electrode. The NH4 concentrations was measured by colorimetry. The concentrations

of H2, CO2, CH4, H2S, COS, and C2H6 were determined by GC-HID


3.2. List of observation instruments: Place Instruments

ROV payload Slurp gun

WHATS water sampler (Takai-type)

Sample box

In situ colonization devices (Watsuji-type)

Kuster-type Thermometer

Laboratory Water tank system

pH meter

Gas extraction system

Gas chromatography

UV detector

Titlation system

3.3. Cruise log: (Time=UTC+9:00)


Position: 26-14.2N, 127-40.8E / Weather: rain / Wind direction: North/ Wind force: 5/

Wave: 1 m/ Swell: 0 m/ Visibility: 5 nautical miles (12:00 JST)

14:00 Onboard

15:00 Departure from NAHA

15:45 Briefing about ship's life and safety

16:00 Proceeding to the survey area (North IHEYA Ridge)

16:30 Make the shift to proceeding to OKINAWA sea area Southeast

(due to avoiding rough sea)

17:30 Stopped engine and drifting

18:00 Scientific meeting


Position: 26-47.0N, 127-22.5E / Weather: overcast / Wind direction: NNE / Wind force:

5/ Wave: 4 m/ Swell: 4 m/ Visibility: 8 nautical miles (12:00 JST)


06:00 Proceeding to the survey area (North IHEYA Ridge)

22:30 Arrived at the survey area (North IHEYA Ridge_INH4D)


Position: 27-47.4N, 126-53.8E / Weather: fine but cloudy / Wind direction: ESE/ Wind

force: 5/ Wave: 3m/ Swell: 3 m/ Visibility: 8 nautical miles (12:00 JST)

06:00 Released XBT at 27-43.96N, 126-53.19E

08:06 Launching HPD (HPD#1247)

09:28 HPD landing (1043m)

11:39 HPD leave the bottom (977m)

13:36 HPD on deck

13:40 Proceeding to the next dive point (INH4)

14:28 Arrived at the dive point (INH4)

14:38 Launching HPD (HPD#1248)

15:54 HPD landing (1025m)

17:21 HPD leave the bottom (993m)

18:08 HPD on deck

20:00 Scientific meeting

20:15 Stopped engine and drifting (North IHEYA Ridge_INH5D)


Position: 27-47.4N, 126-54.1E / Weather: rain / Wind direction: NW/ Wind force: 5/

Wave: 4m/ Swell: 3 m/ Visibility: 6 nautical miles (12:00 JST)

00:15 Finished drifting (North IHEYA Ridge_INH5D)

08:20 Launching HPD (HPD#1249)

10:57 HPD landing (1048m)

11:30 HPD leave the bottom (1054m)

12:13 HPD on deck

14:50 Proceeding to Southeast word of research area (INH5D)

18:00 Scientific meeting


Position: 27-44.2N, 126-56.0E / Weather: overcast / Wind direction: NNW/ Wind force:


6/ Wave: 5m/ Swell: 4 m/ Visibility: 6 nautical miles (12:00 JST)

07:00 Arrived at the dive point (INH5D)

11:30 Suspended to HPD operation due to rough sea, Proceeding to NAHA

18:00 Scientific meeting


Position: 26-14.2N, 127-40.8E / Weather: cloudy / Wind direction: NNW/ Wind force:

4/ Wave: 1m/ Swell: 0 m/ Visibility: 6 nautical miles (12:00 JST)

09:00 Arrival at NAHA

09:30 KY11-02 Leg.3 finished


3.4. Dive information: Dive Report: HyperDolphin Dive #1247

Date: 16 February, 2011

Site: Iheya North in Okinawa Trough

Landing: 10:34; 27°47.5047'N, 126˚53.9564'E, 1043m

Leaving: 12:46; 12°42.7892'N, 143°32.3407’ E, 977m

Observer: Tomo-o Watsuji (SUGAR Project, JAMSTEC)

Objectives: The objectives of this dive are to 1) deploy in situ colonization systems at NBC site, 2)

collect some animal specimens from the NBC site, 3) collect hydrothermal fluid from

CORK head pipe and 4) deploy a bundle of titanium pipes for experiment of

heat-resistant ropes in drilling hole.

Dive Summary: We landed at approximately 100m north from the INH-4D CORK in the Iheya North

(27°47.5047'N, 126˚53.9564'E, 1043m) and deployed in situ colonization device (Blue

H1247-5) in the non-hydrothermal area. We headed to the INH-4D CORK. We could

find the INH-4D CORK welling fluid from the head pipe. After landing on the CORK

platform, we collected the fluid by 2 x WHATS and the max fluid temperature was

310°C. After the collection, we headed toward top of the NBC. We found

Bathymodiolus sp. colony at the foot of the NBC. After landing on the colony, we

deployed the device (White H1247-3) and collected Bathymodiolus sp. by using slurp

gun. After the operations, we headed toward the top of the NBC. We found Shinkaia crosnieri colony halfway up the NBC. After landing on the colony, we collected S. crosnieri by using slurp gun and deployed the two devices (Both of the devices were

colored pink. H1247-1 and H1247-2). After the operations, we headed to the top of

the NBC. We found Paralvinella hessleri colony at the top of the NBC. After landing on

the colony, we deployed the device (Green H1247-4). We could not collect P. hessleri

by using slurp gun because the surface under the P. hessleri colony was hard. Then,

nearby the P. hessleri colony, we found the drilling hole of the INH-1D disappeared and

new chimney was constructed at the point. We collected the chimney by manipulator


and fluid by 2 x WHATS. The max fluid temperature was 308.5°C. After the operatins,

we left the bottom.

Payloads: 1) in situ colonization device (watsuji type) x5

2) Slurp gun x 1

3) WHATS with a temperature probe x 1

4) A bundle of titanium pipes for experiment of heat-resistant ropes x 1

Location of Events: Time Position Depth Event

10:34 27°47.5047'N, 126˚53.9564'E, 1043m Landing on mud

10:39 27°47.5047'N, 126˚53.9564'E, 1043m Deploy the device (blue)

11:03 27°47.4101'N, 126˚53.8606'E, 1028m Landing on INH-4D

11:18 27°47.4101'N, 126˚53.8606'E, 1028m Collect fluid from INH-4

11:43 27°47.4498'N, 126˚53.8208'E, 997m Landing on Bathymodiolus


11:45 27°47.4498'N, 126˚53.8208'E, 997m Deploy the device (White)

on Bathymodiolus colony

11:47 27°47.4498'N, 126˚53.8208'E, 997m Collect Bathymodiolus by

slurp gun

12:05 27°47.4574'N, 126˚53.8062'E, 982m Collect S. crosnieri by slurp


12:05 27°47.4574'N, 126˚53.8062'E, 982m Deploy the devices (Pink)

on S. crosnieri colony

12:14 27°47.4560'N, 126˚53.8048'E, 979m Deploy the device (Green)

on P. hessleri colony

12:20 27°47.4540'N, 126˚53.8033'E, 978m Collect chimney of INH-1D

(ODP1-A marker)

12:30 27°47.4540'N, 126˚53.8033'E, 978m Collect fluid from INH-1D

by WATS 308.5℃

12:44 27°47.4540'N, 126˚53.8033'E, 977m Left the bottom


Dive track:


Dive Report: HyperDolphin Dive #1248 Date: 16 Feburary, 2011

Site: Iheya North hydrothermal field in Mid-Okinawa Trough

Landing: 15:54; 27°47.43'N, 126˚53.90'E, 1025m

Leaving: 17:21; 27˚47.44'N, 126˚53.81'E, 993m

Observer: Junichi Miyazaki (SUGAR Project, JAMSTEC)


The objectives of this dive are 1) deployment of rope tester with in situ colonization

system into borehole C0013E, 2) sampling animals, and 3) sampling hydrothermal fluid

from C0016B borehole.

Dive Summary: At 15:54, we landed on sediment near C0013E borehole. We headed to the C0013E

borehole. We tried to set up the rope tester but we could not completely insert the tester

into borehole because of the strong fluid and probably plug in the pipe. Therefore, we

inserted only a part of the tester. Next we headed to NBC mound. At the middle of

mound, we sampled shrimps and mussels. Finally, we headed to the borehole C0016B

to sample hydrothermal fluid. We confirmed C0016B borehole at 16:55 and reached at

the corrosion cap. We sampled the fluid from pipe. Max fluid temperature was 275°C.

We left the bottom at 17:21.


1) WHATS with a temperature probe

2) Rope tester

3) Sucssion sampler

Location of Events: Time Position Depth Event

15:54 27°47.43'N, 126˚53.90'E, 1025m Landing on sediment

16:07 27°47.43'N, 126˚53.90'E, 1039m Reached at borehole



16:17 27˚47.41'N, 126˚57.87'E, 1024m Deployment of rope tester

16:29 27˚47.41'N, 126˚53.83'E, 990m Sampling mussels and


16:53 27˚47.44'N, 126˚53.81'E, 991m Arriving at C0016B


17:05 27˚47.44'N, 126˚53.81'E, 992m Sampling WHATS (1&2)

(1; Temp. max. 245°C

, 2; max. 275°C,

17:21 27˚47.44'N, 126˚53.81'E, 993m Left the bottom.


Dive track:


Dive Report: HyperDolphin Dive #1249 Date: 17 Feburary, 2011

Site: Iheya North hydrothermal field in Mid-Okinawa Trough

Landing: 15:54; 27°47.43'N, 126˚53.90'E, 1025m

Leaving: 17:; 13˚47.051'N, 146˚00.180'E, 10m

Observer: Ken Takai (SUGAR Project, JAMSTEC)


The objectives of this dive are 1) observation of artificial hydrothermal vent of C0014E

(INH-5D), 2) sampling hydrothermal fluid from the artificial hydrothermal vent of


Dive Summary: At 10:54, we landed on the artificial hydrothermal vent of C0016E. Vigorous

hydrothermal emission was observed. The temperature of the vent fluid was 311 ˚C.

This mission looked like a little bit vapor-rich as compared to C0014G and C0016C,

C0016D. Totally, 3 bottles of water were collected sediment near C0013E borehole. At

11:35, we left bottom. After leaving bottom, we took 1 bottle of deep-sea water at 960


Payloads: 1) WHATS with a temperature probe

Location of Events: Time Position Depth Event

10:54 27°47.4126'N, 126˚54.0481'E, 1048m Landing on the platform of

well head cap of C0014E

10:55 27°47.4126'N, 126˚54.0481'E, 1048m Start WHATS sampler

(max. 311˚C)

11:35 27˚47.4126'N, 126˚54.0481'E, 1048m Finish WHATS (3 bottles)

and Leaving bottom

11:40 27˚47.4126'N, 126˚54.0481'E, 1000m Sampling a reference


deep-sea water in #4



Dive track:


4. Notice on Using This cruise report is a preliminary documentation as of the end of the cruise.

This report may not be corrected even if changes on contents (i.e. taxonomic

classifications) may be found after its publication. This report may also be changed

without notice. Data on this cruise report may be raw or unprocessed. If you are going

to use or refer to the data written on this report, please ask the Chief Scientist for latest


Users of data or results on this cruise report are requested to submit their results to

the Data Integration and Analysis Group (DIAG) of JAMSTEC.

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