kaizen award implementation

Post on 09-Nov-2021






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KAIZEN™ AwardImplementation






1. Local KAIZEN™ Awards1.1 Requirements1.2 Categories1.3 External Partners1.4 Assessment Process and Reporting1.5 Selection of Award Recipients (Evaluation Process)1.6 Award Recipients and Prices1.7 Sales and Marketing1.8 Award Ceremony1.9 Process and Timeline

2. Global KAIZEN™ Award2.1 Category2.2 Nominees2.3 Selection of Award Recipients (Evaluation Process)2.4 Award Ceremony

3. KAIZEN™ Awards Process


IntroductionTo date the Business Units (BU) Brazil, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain, have been successfully launched the KAIZEN™ Award program in their local markets. Such an award program is a huge opportunity to strengthen the relationship with existing clients, to gain new clients, and to increase Kaizen Institute’s brand awareness.

The groundwork for the KAIZEN™ Award program requires long term plan-ning, commitment and preparation over several months. Gathering data from clients and non-clients and analyzing the data to choose final candidates begins as early as 6 months in advance. Please find within this guideline some helpful tips and guidance to successfully implement the KAIZEN™ Award program. All information provided are based on BU best practices and can be adapted to local needs and requirements whenever applicable.

In addition to the local KAZEN™ Award activities conducted by the BUs, KIAG launched this award program also on a global level in 2019. Please find more information about this global marketing activity in the second part of this guideline.


Local KAIZEN™ AwardsThe main objectives of the KAIZEN™ Awards are to recognize organizations taking the lead in implementing KAIZEN™; to drive Continuous Improvement efforts and to inspire change among industry leaders. The target groups are not only existing clients but also non-clients. At the beginning each BU should count with 5-10 candidates, based on past experiences the number will grow over the years.

Requirements• Budget (mainly for hosting the award ceremony and marketing activities)• External partners• Time do conduct the assessment at client sites• Appropriate location for the award ceremony

CategoriesTo implement the KAIZEN™ Award locally at least the category “Excellence in Continuous Improvement System” must be offered. The minimum assess-ment criteria for this category are based on certain global standards which are the same KIAG uses for the selection of the global KAIZEN™ Award recipients, see section 1.5.

In addition to the category “Excellence in Continuous Improvement System” the BU can choose further categories such as "Excellence in Productivity", "Excellence in Quality" or "Excellence in the Health Sector" but they will not be considered for the Global KAIZEN™ Award. For those additional cate-gories locally developed assessment criteria can be chosen. If a BU requires such additional categories, please contact the BL GSU for approval.

Based on local circumstances, it is recommended to do the evaluation of the candidates separately, for Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and large compa-nies, and to select award recipients for each company size (e.g. one for SME’s and two for large companies). Large companies are companies with more than 250 employees and a revenue higher than EUR 50 million. Both figures can be adapted based on local circumstances.





External PartnersTo demonstrate credibility, it is highly recommended to select an external partner for each category, who will validate the assessment model and pro-cess together with the BU, who will join the assessment of the applicant, who will be part of the committee to select the award recipients and who will also be present at the award ceremony. This partner could be a representative of a university, of an association or organization, or of a chamber of commerce.

Assessment Process and ReportingBased on the completed KAIZEN™ Award application forms received from the candidates, the BUs should do a first screening and consider only candidates for the next phase which have submitted excellent case studies. Candidates who are not going into the second phase shall be notified by the BU. During the next phase a comprehensive assessment will take place as described in this section. The following guidance refers mainly to the category “Excellence in Continuous Improvement System.”

Assessment CriteriaThe assessment criteria for the category “Excellence in Continuous Improve-ment System” is based on the KAIZEN™ Principles which are the foundation of the KBS. For this category these criteria must be used by every BU on a local base as these same criteria are used to select the award recipients for the Global KAIZEN™ Award.

These criteria have been chosen because of the following reasons:

• The KAIZEN™ Principles reflect a cultural approach and change ofKAIZEN™ or Lean deployment and implementation;

• The KAIZEN™ Principles are universal regardless if the applicants are KIclients or not;

• The KAIZEN™ Principles can be applied for all sizes of companies, i.e.small and large companies have the same opportunities.

Local criteria such as elements of the KCM can be added but don’t count as criteria for the Global KAIZEN™ Award. For all other categories the BU can choose their own local criteria.





A guideline with an overview and detailed explanation of the KAIZEN™ Principles is accessable at: KIM/Branding/Documents and Templates for KI Services/KAIZEN Awards/KAIZEN Awards- Assessment

Preperation of the AssessorThe consultants doing the on-site assessment must fulfil the following qualifi-cations:

After the project owner of the KAIZEN™ Award program has selected the consultants for the on-site assessment, the consultants will be prepared and trained internally by an experienced senior consultant to represent a quali-fied assessor. The purpose of this training is mainly to align and calibrate the assessment to ensure a standardized approach for each applicant, within the BU and across all BU’s globally. This is even more important with a growing number of MNCs joining the KAIZEN™ Award program.

AssessmentThe assessment should be announced well on time and conducted within one working day by two assessors, a senior consultant and a junior consultant. Optionally, an external partner can join the assessment. It is very important to ensure that key leaders and resources of the applicants are available during the assessment to answer specific questions on site.

Even the assessment criteria are based on KAIZEN™ Principles, the assessment agenda’s storyline is organized according to KCM. It will help experienced KI consultants to observe the utilization and deployment of KAIZEN™ Principles in a systematic manner. Note: KCM implementation and KCM assessment criteria are not assessment criteria for the Global KAIZEN™ Award.


No. Qualifications

1 More than 5 years experience as KI consultant

2. Implementation of KBS tools at minimum 5 clients

3 Experience in the management of MNC projects

4 Completed local internal KAIZEN™ Award training

5 Participated in Global KAIZEN™ Award info-session



A typical agenda for the assessment can look as follows (the timings are at the discretion of the applicant and the assessor team):

*) It is preferable to talk to the senior leadership first, so it is possible to check/confirm Gemba

understanding of leadership vision.

During the entire assessment KAIZEN™ tools used on-site are constantly checked such as team boards, bowling charts and x-matrices. Visible tools are used as artefacts to get deeper insides into behaviors and true believes.

The standard “KAIZEN™ Award Assessment Sheet” for the assessment is accessable at: KIM/Branding/Documents and Templates for KI Services/KAIZEN Awards/KAIZEN Awards- Assessment

ReportingThe standardized KAIZEN™ Award Reporting Template should be used to develop a comprehensive and robust report for the applicant. The template is easy to use and should be the base to select the local KAIZEN™ Award winner in the category “Excellence in Continuous Improvement System”. In addition, MNCs might use this template to compare the assessment results among different plants in different countries. Therefore, a standardized way to present the results will be even more important in the future.

Time What Who

09:00 am – 10:00 am

KAIZEN™ vision, mission control of execution, business relevance of KAIZEN™ / Lean deplo-yment

Senior leadership*) of the applicant, BU assessors

10:00 am – 02:00 pm

Gemba walk – visit in Gemba tier teams Team leaders of the applicant, BU assessors

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Value Stream discussions – value for client and flow efficiency

Value stream owner of the applicant, BU assessors

03:00 pm – 04:00 pm

Breakthrough projects – capability for problem solving, overall value stream planning, planning of improvement activities to deliver customer value and fulfil customer demand, e.g. pull implementation etc.

Project leaders of the applicant, BU assessors

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Wrap-up and summary Senior leadership of the applicant, BU assessors



The report together with the completed application form and assessment sheet should be shared also with the BL GSU as a foundation to choose the Global KAIZEN™ Award winner. The “KAIZEN™ Award Reporting Template” for the category “Excellence in Continuous Improvement System” is acces-sible on KIM at: KIM/Branding/Documents and Templates for KI Services/KAIZEN Awards/KAIZEN Awards- Assessment

Selection of Award Recipients (Evaluation Process)The local KIBU evaluation committee should be composed of BU leaders and/or senior consultants and external partners, see point 2.3.

To ensure that the decision on the award recepients is objective the external partners should decide on the award recipients in close coordination with the BU. To support the decision making the partners will be provided with the on-site assessment reports. Whenever appropriate external partners can join the on-site assessment.

The committee should reserve the right to abstain from awarding any prizes if none of the applications meet the minimum quality requirements.

Award Recipients and PricesFor each category the best candidate(s) should be chosen as KAIZEN™ Award recipients, if applicable for SME’s and large companies. Depending on local circumstances, either all nominees or only the KAIZEN™ Award recip-ients should be invited to the award ceremony. The KAIZEN™ Award recip-ients should receive a trophy during the ceremony and a price such as free KAIZEN™ College training courses, invitation to a local KAIZEN™ Benchmark Tour or books, depending on the budget of the BU.




Sales and Marketing

SalesThe KAIZEN™ Award can be promoted through the following marketing channels (examples): KAIZEN™ Awards website, press release, training cours-es, client visits, emailing and newsletter. Furthermore, consultants should contact potential KAIZEN™ Award applicants in person, formally invite them and share the application form and brochure of the program with them. During this process the applicants should be asked to complete the standard-ized application form which is accessible on the KAIZEN™ Award website in the specific section of each participating BU. To create the application form and brochure please contact the BL GSU.

KAIZEN™ Award WebsiteThe BL GSU has developed the KAIZEN™ Awards website where the Global KAIZEN™ Award as well as the local KAIZEN™ Awards are promoted. Each BU running the KAIZEN™ Awards program has a separate page to publish their local information about the award in 7 different sections: Categories, Application, Evaluation, Timline, Event Registration, Award Winners, Publications (obtional) and Slideshow.

After every local award ceremony the BU’s are asked to send high quality images of the last award ceremony as well as updates about the upcoming local KAIZEN™ Award to the BL GSU to keep the award website updated.

Marketing and Communication MaterialsThe following templates are available at KIM/Branding/Documents and Templates Materials for KI Services/KAIZEN Awards/KAIZEN Awards- Marketing and Communication Materials:

• Backdrop*• HubSpot Header Image*• Marketing Flyer (Word Format)• Online Banner (PPT)• PowerPoint Templates• Roll-up Display*

*Please contact BL GSU to create the material






Naming Policy and OrigamiTo have a consistent brand image in all markets, it is mandatory to use the name KAIZEN™ Awards [Country]. The key visual for the KAIZEN™ Award marketing program is the origami “Star”, which is shown on all communica-tion materials.

E-mail AddressTo receive the application forms and attachments as well as to send out information and invitation, the following email address should be used for the KAIZEN™ Award program: awards-[country code]@kaizen.com.

Post MarketingThe BUs should provide a summary of the event as well as high quality photos to the BL GSU via email (gsu-bl@kaizen.com), see also point 1.7.2.

Award Ceremony

OrganizationTo prepare the ceremony timely the location should be chosen and booked well in advance. It should be a nice and outstanding location equipped with e.g. KI branded materials (roll-up displays, signs, press folder), and a projector, microphone, chairs and tables, nameplates for participants.

For the ceremony itself it is important to organize catering appropriate to the location and daytime, a photographer to take pictures as well as a cameraman to shoot a professional video.







Participants• KAIZEN™ Award recipients• Business unit leaders and members• External partners• Guests (clients/non-clients)• External speaker

Draft AgendaStep What Who Time

1 Opening speech BU Leader 10 min

2 Presentation of KI BU Leader 15 min

3 Speech External Speaker 30 min

4 Announcement of the 1st place; category CI – SME company

BU Leader 5 min

5 Announcement of the 2nd place; category CI – large company

BU Leader 5 min

6 Announcement of the 1st palce; category CI – large company

BU Leader 5 min

7 Presentation of case study Recipient of the 1st place; category CI – large company

10 min

8 Step 4-7 for other categories BU Leader

9 Closing and announcement of the next award ceremony

BU Leader 5 min




Global KAIZEN™ AwardThe annual KAIZEN™ Awards, presented by BUs, honor the best in KAIZEN™. The Global KAIZEN™ Award will be presented to an outstanding KAIZEN™ Award recipient in the "Excellence in Continuous Improvement System" category for their significant, innovative and effective implementa-tion of KAIZEN™ principles and practices.

CategoryThe organization demonstrates excellence in implementing a Continuous Improvement system and engaging the entire workforce in the process. The system integrates the practice of Continuous Improvement at all levels of the organization by everyone, everywhere, every day. The category recognizes organizations from all fields and sectors.

NomineesThe local KAIZEN™ Award recipient of the category “Excellence in Continu-ous Improvement System” of each country is automatically nominated for the Global KAIZEN™ Award. BU should submit their nominee for this category to the BL GSU including the completed KAIZEN™ Award Reporting Template, the completed application form and assessment sheet as well as any addi-tional supporting material such as presentations or videos. In case a BU offers the KAIZEN™ Award in this category for SME and large companies BU sub-mits only one nominee for the Global KAIZEN™ Award despite the company size. All local elected nominees will be invited to the Global KAIZEN™ Award ceremony.

EvaluationThe Global KAIZEN™ Award committee, consisting of participating BUs executives and Kaizen Institute Global Operations directors, will evaluate and assess the data of nominees for the Global KAIZEN™ Award and will decide on the raking of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Global KAIZEN™ Award recipient. If needed, nominees will be re-visited for an on-site assessment by a representative of KIAG.






Award CeremonyDuring the Global KAIZEN™ Award ceremony all nominees will present their case studies and the three Global KAIZEN™ Award recipients will be an-nounced. All three award recipients will be presented with a Global KAIZEN™ Award trophy and additionally, the 1st Place Global KAIZEN™ Award recipi-ent will receive two free seats for a KAIZEN™ Insight Tour in Japan or a local KAIZEN™ Benchmark Tour.

KAIZEN™ Awards Process


I. Share Information and Guide-lines

II. Select and invite Candidates

III. Collect Applica-tions, first screening

IV. Prepe-ration for on-site Assessment

V. On-site Assessment

VI. Selection of local Award Reci-pients

VII. Global Assessment

VIII. Selection of Global Award Recipients

Send award brochures to applicants

Send appli-cation form to apply with a specific project

Local consultants to contact local clients and potential parti-cipants

Personal con-tacts by mails and phone calls

Share refe-rences from earlier awards

Contact and chose external partners

Collect applica-tion forms

Ensure that ap-plication forms are completed correctly

Collect missing information

If there are many appli-cants, do the first screening based on the application forms

Select the best applicants for on-site assess-ment

Train assessors

Prepare site-visits, incl. agenda

Ensure that key leaders and contributors are available during the on-site visits

Conduct on-site assessment according to standard assessment

Observations are documen-ted in the standard report template

Assessment of candiates by award com-mittee

Selection of award recipients

Local KAIZEN™ Award Cere-mony

Local award recipients con-tinue to Global KAIZEN™ Award compe-tition

Assessment of nominees by award committee

On-site visits if needed

Selection of award reci-pients

Global KAIZEN™ Award Cere-mony




Kaizen Institute, Ltd.Global OperationsBahnhofplatz6300 ZugSwitzerland

Phone +41 (0) 41 725 42 80ki@kaizen.com kaizen.com


Kaizen Institute, Ltd.Global OperationsBahnhofplatz6300 ZugSwitzerlandPhone +41 (0) 41 725 42 80pr@kaizen.com www.kaizen.com


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