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Post on 13-Apr-2017






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What is my back?• The back is divided into 3

sections!• Cervical Spine– This Is consisted

of vertebrae C1-C7 with the first 2 vertebrae holding the head up and allowing it to rotate.

• Thoracic Spine – This is vertebrae T1 – T12 These vertebrae give the back its curve called a kyphotic curve.

• Lumbar Spine – These vertebrae are numbered L1-L5 and provide the back with the most support. The lumbar connects the thoracic vertebrae along with the pelvis.

Injury to Cervical Vertebrae- Phrenic NerveControls function of the diaphragm muscle – the primary muscle involved in breathing. It tells the diaphragm when to contract, allowing the chest cavity to expand and triggering the inhalation of air into the lungs.

What is my back cont.• The back is consisted of

muscles and ligaments that give the body more strength and stability.

• These muscles allow you to stand up straight, support and protect your spine and reach, pull and extend your arms and torso.

• Poorly developed muscles can lead to muscle tweaks and pulls to imbalances of the musculature simulating the hunch back look most people incur as they age.

Major Back Muscles• Latissimus Dorsi• Rhomboid

Major/Minor• Trapezius • Erector Spinae• Teres Major

What do the muscles do for me?

• Protection

• Support

• Axis

• Movement

• Provides housing for the spinal cord

• Carries the body above the pelvis

• The vertebrae form the central axis of the body

• Posture & Movement

Common Injuries • Common back injuries

include sprains and strains, herniated disks, and fractured vertebrae.

• 90% of the time the lower lumbar is the affected region mainly because of its flexibility and the load it carries!

Back Facts!

Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease.

One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work.  In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.

Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic—meaning they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain—and that’s just for the more easily identified costs.

Experts estimate that as many as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in our lives.

How to avoid injury!• https://


Techniques for proper liftingSTRETCHINGA few simple stretches can help avoid injury before the work day starts. • Knee to chest • Standing back arch Kneeling back extension

Technique plan• Keep a wide base• Squat• Keep good posture • Lift slowly • Hold the load close• Use your feet• Lead with your hips• Set down gently

Other TipsMaintain a healthy

diet and weight.

Remain active—under the

supervision of your doctor of


Avoid prolonged inactivity or bed


Warm up or stretch before exercising or

other physical activities, such as


Maintain proper posture.

Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.

Sleep on a mattress of medium firmness

to minimize any curve in your spine.

Treatments• Chiropractor • Deep Tissue massage• Foam Roller • Acupuncture• Physical Therapy


Drifting into sleep• REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement)

– A kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and bodily movement, and faster pulse and breathing.

NREM Sleep • Stage 1 – occurs mostly in the beginning of sleep, with slow eye movement. This

state is sometimes referred to as relaxed wakefulness. Alpha Waves disappear and the theta wave appears. People aroused from this stage often believe that they have been fully awake. During the transition into stage-1 sleep, it is common to experience hypnic jerks.

• Stage 2 – no eye movement occurs, and dreaming is very rare. The sleeper is quite easily awakened. EEG recordings tend to show characteristic "sleep spindles”, which are short bursts of high frequency brain activity, and "K-complexes" during this stage.

• Stage 3 – previously divided into stages 3 and 4, is deep sleep, slow-wave sleep (SWS). Stage 3 was formerly the transition between stage 2 and stage 4 where delta waves, associated with "deep" sleep, began to occur, while delta waves dominated in stage 4. In 2007, these were combined into just stage 3 for all of deep sleep. Dreaming is more common in this stage than in other stages of NREM sleep though not as common as in REM sleep. The content of SWS dreams tends to be disconnected, less vivid, and less memorable than those that occur during REM sleep. This is also the stage during which parasomnias most commonly occur. Various education systems e.g. the VCAA of Australian Victorian education practice still practice the stages 3 & 4 separation.

Sleep diagram

How it works!Average Sleep Needs by Age

Newborn to 2 months old 12 - 18 hrs

3 months to 1 year old 14 - 15 hrs

1 to 3 years old 12 - 14 hrs

3 to 5 years old 11 - 13 hrs

5 to 12 years old 10 - 11 hrs

12 to 18 years old 8.5 - 10 hrs

Adults (18+) 7.5 - 9 hrs

How to obtain deep sleep• Sleep schedule• Sleeping ritual • Exercise• Comfortable Bed• Use light circadian

rhythm • Eat earlier


Better Health

Lower risk of injury

Better Mood

Weight Control

Clear Thinking

Better Memory

Stronger Immune System

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