kb+, licences and usage statistics jonathan mcaslan anne simmons

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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KB+, Licences and Usage Statistics

Jonathan McAslan

Anne Simmons

What we’re going to cover Introduction to KB+ (JMcA) KB+ Registration and adding subscriptions

(AS) Licences (JMcA) Finding Journal Statistics in KB+ (AS) Overview of Statistics and Usage Reports

(JMcA) Finding Statistics on Q:/ (AS) Questions/Feedback

Background Usage statistics are increasingly important as a validation for

our expenditure on e-resources Nearly 8m journal articles accessed, 2.7m e-book chapters

accessed and 7.7m database searches But always some missing (of which more later) Collecting usage data is very time consuming Jisc were aware of the difficulties for libraries and setup JUSP

to provide a single point for some of the bigger e-journal deals (but by no means even close to all). JUSP statistics are fed into KB+

JUSP/KB+ statistics are only for e-journals Jisc also recognised that libraries have difficulties in keeping

track of what journals are included in ‘big deals’ and, as Jisc negotiate these deals, they decided to create KB+ as a tool for librarians.

Registering for KB+ Go to: http://www.kbplus.ac.uk/kbplus/

Please ensure you fill in both first and surnames in the Display Name box.

Select “University of Oxford” and “Read only user” then click Request Membership

KB + Subscriptions Will list all our Ejournal Deals Each subscription details

start/end dates Our entitlements (journals included in the deal) Licence

At present we have the “big deals” on KB+ has journal titles lists for the NESLi2

deals And full lists for many publishers that don’t offer

NESLi2 deals Journal Lists are updated throughout the year

with any changes to deals/publishers.

Licences Most licences are either Jisc licences or modelled on

the Jisc licence. The Jisc licence is very liberal and designed to

favour the institution. Most licences allow ‘walk-in’ user access. Those providers that do not allow ‘walk-in’ user

access use Shibboleth (SSO) to control access. Licences are displayed in KB+ in a ‘yes’ ‘no’ format. Licence terms for Jisc deals have been assessed by

Jisc and it is their interpretation. Other licences are by us but based on the Jisc


Finding Journal Stats on KB+ KB+ will only show statistics for publishers

that are in JUSP It includes most of the major publishers Participants listed at:


Go to Titles Search for the title

You will need to amend the date if it is an expired subscription

Click on Subscription Name for your title Find the Journal and click on the link – scroll

down for JUSP statistics

Yearly Journal stats on KB It is possible to download a spreadsheet of

statistics for a particular subscription Only for publishers on JUSP Only contains stats from that subscription not

all titles we take from that publisher Go to University of Oxford > Subscription Click on the subscription you want Go to the Renewals tab > Click “Here” Click on Generate Comparisons Sheet Open Excel and Convert Text to Numbers

Journal Statistics

Report Types JR1 Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by

Month and Journal JR1A Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from

an Archive by Month and Journal. JR1A is a subset of JR1. Also newest report s include Open Access usage JR1A – the period covered varies by publisher e.g. SAGE

content prior to 1999, Elsevier content prior to 1995. JR1 is the most widely adopted e-resource report making

e-journal reporting more comparable than, for example, database and e-book reporting.

A small number of providers do not provide these reports. Only JR1 reports are counted for SCONUL.

Database Statistics

Database Report 1(DB1)This provides Total Searches, Result,Clicks and Record Views by Month and Database

 Database Report 3 (DB3) (Also now called Platform Report 1) Searches, Result Clicks and Record Views by Month and Platform

There used to be a SCONUL requirement for sessions (how many times a database was used) but the introduction by most universities of federated discovery tools skewed the sessions to such an extent as to make them unreliable as an indicator of use.

Sessions are much better indicators or usage than searches, and both are far better than ‘hits’.

Database Statistics

Databases are less comparable than e-journals or e-books due to some providers not providing COUNTER comparable usage statistics.

Databases in both law and business are particularly problematic though it also applies to small providers who lack the resources to implement COUNTER statistics reporting.

E-Book Statistics Book Report 1 (BR1) Number of Successful Title

Requests by Month and Title Book Report 2.(BR2) Number of Successful

Section Requests by Month and Title BR1 is not favoured by SCONUL and they ask

that providers use BR2 as BR2 more comparable with JR1 for journal articles

SCONUL have decided that BR1 can be converted to BR2 by multiplying BR1 by 5.4.

Most e-book providers provide a range of other usage information in addition to the COUNTER reports.

Above : AAAS JR1 report

Right: Hein Online Usage Report

Usage Statistics on Q: These are all saved in Q:\ER-Management\Statistics They are subdivided by Database Stats, Journal

Stats, Ebook Stats Some providers will have statistics in more than one

folder Organized by Provider - not publisher

except for JUSP stats – listed by publisher Filename is in the format [name][year][reporttype] They will be saved in the format that the provider

publishes them in – where possible we obtain .xls or .xlsx files but often they will be .csv

Updated Every 6 months (March & September)

Ejournal Example To find the statistics for a specific Journal: First find the title in OU Ejournals and check

which providers it’s available through

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Journal Stats\AEA (American Economic Association)

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Journal Stats\EBSCOhost\Business Source Complete

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Journal Stats\Ingenta

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Journal Stats\JSTOR

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Journal Stats\Proquest

Ejournals – issues Highwire titles – will only appear in our

highwire account if it has been registered by us – if you find a title not linked to our highwire

account we will do our best to locate the stats and get it linked – can only be done on a title by title basis

Platform Changes – if a title changes platform the stats do not move with it. You will need to check the appropriate historical stats for each platform – e.g APA PsycArticles now on Ovid

Database Example Identify which provider the database is

available through

E-Book Example

Identify the Ebook Provider

Q:\ER-Management\Statistics\Ebook Stats\EBL

Questions and Feedback Any Questions Feedback on KB+ eresources@bodleian.ox.ac.uk

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