keep social simple

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Keep Social Simple

An easy guide to understanding social media for you, your business and your brand.

Brought to you by: @BriteLA @jaclynmullen

Topics We Will Review Tonight

• Creating a natural approach to displaying your creative abilities, with the goal of monetizing them.

• Getting enough followers and transitioning followers into paying customers!

• Taking the time to use social media. Holding yourself accountable to use it.

• Participating in social media for 30 minutes a day so that it is meaningful and of service to others?

Additional Topics Covered

• What is the best way to get organized, get started, find clients and be successful?

• Coming up with a cohesive strategy across all platforms.

• Calculating ROI.• Creating more frequent posts, starting

out branding, building audience.

Re-examining Social Media

• Social networking and Social Media are a few years old, yes this is true. But the principles behind them are fundamentally time tested.

• What are the fundamentals? – Networking and connecting.– Communications and relationship building.– Storytelling, educating and entertaining.– Marketing: Product, place, price, promotion.

First things first

• I used to say social media was like going to a cocktail party. More often than not, you attend a cocktail party and don’t know people so you mix and mingle.

• This analogy is true for starting out, but as we start to build up some online presence, social media changes. It starts to become our own television show.

What Do I Mean By That?

• Does it become, “me, me, me?” My life on display! No.

• Think about Oprah. Does Oprah sit there on her television show and talk about the cars she gets for herself? NOPE--she gives her audience (cars, gifts, her favorite things) FOR FREE

If You Want to Build and Keep An Audience, Be Generous

• Do you have to be like Oprah and give big cars away? NO!

• Start with something small and simple. They say “keep it simple” for a reason.

• What defines simple? Something that can be implemented and followed through with in 3-5 simple steps.

• GREAT example of this,

What is it that you want to say?

• Don’t just go to Twitter and Facebook everyday without an idea with regard to what you will talk about.

• Look for patterns, trends and clues in your data.– Facebook insights, Google Analytics– Phone calls, emails: How did you hear about us– Perhaps there are tie ins from your industry, example

of this let’s say you are a restaurantuer, you can carve out some food themes around holidays. Tomorrow is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.

Pick A Planning Day

• Usually, on Friday I go over my content for the previous 4 days to see what people have liked and said.

• You can look for clues/insights in their comments.

• Some people don’t comment because they are busy, so look at the eyeballs your post gets.

• Try creating a loose topic calendar for the month to test response rate.

Here’s Another Audience Building Tip


• Even if you can only start with 1-2 platforms, give yourself a consistent and frequent goal to meet. – I.e Will tweet three times a day, post to my

blog once per week and update Facebook.– Here’s a kicker: WILL GO TO 1-2 face to

face networking events per month.

Displaying Your Natural Talents

• If you don’t say it, people won’t know it. • Make sure your profiles and copy reflect the

work you are currently doing.– Every month, do an online check. Update your

Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook bios to reflect what you are currently working on.

– Share how you are solving problems. Share whose problems you are solving and invite people to contact you with their concerns/challenges.

We Can’t Hide Behind The Screens

• Establishing face to face connections will totally help you build an audience and expand your network further.

• Same principles as previously mentioned apply. Spell it out for people. What you do, how you do it, where they can find you doing it.

– Television show/Oprah, remember? What does she do: Tune in to my show today at _______ Read my magazine.

– It’s not bragging or over promoting because she is

sharing helpful content!

As For Making The Best Use of Your Time

• Set a timer! It’s easy to get caught up in the social space “socializing.” Give yourself a goal. 15 minutes per time period. I.e morning, midday, night. Establish a structure and benchmarks.

• As an example, one of my clients hired me to do business development for them. Each day, I would allow myself to find 5 new beauty brands/influencers then follow them and email them. Once I was done, it

was time to get off.


Continuing on

“The Numbers Don’t Lie” Social Media Fallacy

• We all want a ton of followers. I understand that looks great!

• Similar to the concept of friends, “I may have 10,000 acquaintances but if I have 5 real friends, I am lucky.”

• The same goes for social networking/social media.

• Hate to sound like a broken record but it is quality over quantity.

The Real Fans vs Perceived Fans

• The real fans visit your profiles often and RT your content. They Like your Facebook page, comment on it. They repin your stuff. – Do you ever say thank you to them? – That’s a start. Give genuine thanks and praise.

• Also, the real fans won’t care when you spell something out for them to do, I.e Come to my event! Please bring your friends or provide an offer “Feeling spontaneously generous today, 40% off for you!”

The Offer Element Goes Along With ROI

• ROI is often thrown around in the social media world when it should really be ROE. – Return on Eyeballs!

• How do we measure ROE? – An increase in followers.– An increase in comments on our blog.– An increase in Likes.– An increase in Traffic.– An increase in “talking about.”– An increase in sales!!!! – An increase in email acquisition (leads)

Why Aren’t We Getting ROE

• Our instructions aren’t clear. – We aren’t spelling out what people need to do.

• Our offer is not what they need. Perhaps it is what we think they need. – Don’t be afraid to try something, I.e a sale and learn

from it! Example, this class.

• We aren’t marketing to a wide enough audience. – Social media is not the only way people pick up

information. Some people in your target audience may not even use social media at all.

Measuring Monthly

• It’s exciting to communicate much less connect online to a world wide web of people.

• Make sure to have a tracking system in place. • What are you tracking?

– Number of followers. – Email acquisition if you have an opt-in box. – # of Facebook likes. – Alexa Rank, download the tool bar at

If You Want ROE, Learn To Provide VALUE

• Best example of this is the Bed, Bath, Beyond campaign. 20% may not seem like a lot in comparison to 50%. But it’s frequent, they’re consistent.

• The offer provides value: it never expires and you don’t have to do much to get it.

• Your offer doesn’t have to be this easy but put yourself in your target clients shoes. WOULD YOU BUY FROM YOU?

Television Analogy One Last Time

• Storytelling. People like to be entertained. Take American Idol as an example.

• You watch the highs and the lows. • There’s great product integration and

then………..• CALL TO ACTION: Text 1893 to 544-


What’s Your Story Or Your Brands Story? Are you sharing it?

• Ways you can share it while also gaining visibiltiy and traffic. – Guest blog posts. Example from me, – Videos. Whether you shoot them yourself or have

someone make them for you. This can also help you generate traffic back to your site.

– Public Speaking, Events, Teaching classes, telecalls. Eventbrite is a great partner for this and also helps broaden that reach.

In Closing• Start with 1-2 platforms so that you don’t end up on overwhelm. • Have a plan. Share what you are working on, storytell vs

promote, be generous with your content and know what you are going to talk about.

• Listen to and build upon feedback, conversations. • Diversify your mix. Online vs Offline: networking events, hosting

events of your own. • State the calls to action clearly. • Measure monthly.

• Have fun and be yourself!

Keep Up With Jaclyn Mullen Media

If you liked class tonight, please be sure to share! You can comment on my FB page or Tweet about it.

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