keeping christ in christmas 2

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Keeping Christ in Christmas 2


    Keeping Christ in Christmas

    Melissa Hart

    November 1, 2011

    English 3134 R51

  • 8/3/2019 Keeping Christ in Christmas 2


    As the holidays are quickly approaching we begin

    to think about shopping. Many of us start looking for the

    Black Fridayads to see where the best deals will be. We wake as the sun begins to shine on

    November 25 to rush out to the packed stores in order to try and save a little money. As I sit

    here and ponder on Christmas gifts for my children, friends, and family my mind begins to travel

    to the true meaning of Christmas.

    People are so focused on gifts,Santa Claus, Rudolph, decorating, and the stress of getting

    everything together that we forget what Christmas is truly about. So many children are taught

    about Santa Claus while Jesus is never

    mentioned. The children are told If you

    are not good Santa will not bring you any

    toys. If we are to ask most children what

    Christmas is about they will answer

    presents. Like the majority of us, I was

    taught that Santa was real.
  • 8/3/2019 Keeping Christ in Christmas 2



    We went all out decorating the Christmas tree, listening to Christmas music, and baking

    Christmas candy. I did attend the church Christmas

    program every year and participated in it most years. I

    was also read the story of Jesus on Christmas morning

    before opening gifts. This is a tradition that I continue

    with my children. Christmas is a wonderful celebration

    of the birth of a precious baby; a Savior for the world.

    The wonderful Christmas story commences with

    the Virgin Mary and her fianc Joseph. The angel Gabriel

    spoke to Mary and said Dont be afraid, God has been very kind to you. You will become

    pregnant by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a baby boy and you will call him Jesus. He will be

    Godsown son and his kingdom will never end. Mary was frightened, but she trusted the Lord.

    Joseph was disturbed as well when he heard the news that a baby was on the way before the two

    were married. An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said Dont be afraid to have Mary

    as your wife. The angel explained to Joseph that Mary had been selected by God to be the

    mother of his son and that the baby would be named Jesus.

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    TheRoman Emperor Augustuswanted to

    complete a census to make certain everyone paid

    their taxes Augustus then ordered every person to

    return to the town their families were from and

    enter their names on the register. Mary and Joseph

    headed out for their journey from Nazareth to

    Bethlehemwhere Josephs family was from. The journey was a long one, about 70miles, for an

    extremely pregnant Mary.

    Mary and Joseph reachedBethlehemand could not come across a place to stay. There

    were so many people traveling because of the order Augustus made that all the beds at the Inns

    and homes were full. The only place they could find to rest was a stable and this is where baby

    Jesus was born. An angel appeared to the shepherds outside ofBethlehemand said Dont be

    afraid. I have good news to bring. Today a Savior has been born for you. You will find him

    lying in a manger. The shepherds traveled toBethlehemto see Jesus and tell everyone about

    the angel.
  • 8/3/2019 Keeping Christ in Christmas 2



    The night Jesus was born a new star appeared in the sky. The star could be seen from far

    away countries. Most people refer to the star as the beautiful star of Bethlehem. The Wise Men

    saw the star and followed it. They came to Jerusalem

    asking Where is the child who is born to be

    King of the Jews? They continued to follow the star

    to the stable where Jesus was born. The Wise Men

    brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

    They bowed down and worshipped baby Jesus.

    This baby born in a manger on a starry night in Bethlehem gave his life on a cross for our

    sins. He was tortured, beaten, battered, and bruised because of his unending love for us. For

    God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish

    but have eternal life(John 3:16). How many of us would be willing to sacrifice our children for


    Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. I enjoy spending time with my

    family as much as anyone else. Decorating the tree, making candy, listening to Christmas music,

    and family dinners are some of my favorite memories. I love to see the look on the faces of my

    boys when they get their gifts on Christmas morning. The one thing that I will not fail to do is
  • 8/3/2019 Keeping Christ in Christmas 2



    remind my children every year what Christmas truly is. We will continue to read the story of the

    birth of Jesus each year. My family makes Jesus a birthday cake and sings happy birthday to

    him. Everywhere we look people want to take Jesus from us just like removing prayer from

    school. Let us all keep him in our homes where he needs to be. Teach our children that there is

    more to Christmas than Santa, the elves, reindeer, and presents. The gift of Christmas isn't

    wrapped up in presents or parties. . Everyone enjoys giving and receiving gifts. The gift of

    Christmas is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega. When we choose to follow him

    we may find that we spend less time in lines, less money, and more time with the people we love.

    We all need to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.

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