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ISSUE 225 December 2016 – January 2017

Church News

Report from Sports & Social Club

Report from Bletchington Brownies

School News

Community Project Update

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Tel: 01869 350359 Kenwood,

e-mail: Oxford Road.

From the Editor Congratulations to Islay Miller on Winning the Christmas Cover Competition and thank you to all

of the other entrants. It was very difficult to make a decision as we had a good response this

year. Thank you very much to all those who entered.

The Annual General Meeting of the Village News will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 30th

January, 1917 at 8.00pm. As the Village News is a village enterprise we trust that Chairmen, or

representatives of village organisations will attend. We also welcome anyone who may be

interested. We are still in need of a Secretary (which currently only involves taking the Minutes of

the AGM and perhaps a few letters per year). However attendance at this meeting does not mean

commitment! An AGM is a forum for suggestion and open discussion and the ideal time for you to

express your views.

Well done! to the Brownies for creating Fairy Jars for Blenheim Palace's new Christmas Lights event.

Their location is mentioned in the Brownie News. The School has certainly been very busy with

Christmas activities, but not too busy to write something for us. Thank you to Olivia J and Alfie for

their poems about World War 1.

Please do look at the Village Hall Cafe advertisement. It is going to be open on Tuesday afternoons

as well. It is well worth a visit.

Part 1 of Mrs Kim Amos's article about the Old School makes interesting reading in this

Issue. Thank you for all of the other contributions to this Issue. Articles for inclusion in the

February/March 2017 Issue are welcome at anytime but by 28th January, 2017

at the latest please. For your convenience it is possible to send your articles, adverts or cover designs

directly by e-mail. The Bletchington Village News e-mail address is

Mrs Greta Bickley, Editor







Carol Service: The annual candle-lit Carol Service will take place at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 18th December at St.

Giles’ Church, with the Bletchington Silver Band. Could everyone bring a candle in a jar (no naked flames),



The village now has 2 defibrillators. One has been installed outside at the Sports & Social Club and

the other at the Village Hall – left hand side by the café doors. These have been provided by

Bletchington Charity. Thankyou to Roger Hayward for installing them.

Please Note:

The Village Hall will be closed from 24th

December to 1st January 2017 inclusive

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We are part of the AKEMAN BENEFICE (Bletchington, Kirtlington, Weston-on-the-Green, Chesterton,

Middleton Stoney, Wendlebury and Hampton Gay)

Assistant Rector: Revd. Brian Wood, The Rectory, Alchester Road, Chesterton, Oxon OX 26 1UW

(01869 369815) email

Churchwarden: Judith Ledger

Assistant Churchwardens: Natasha Pitts and Fiona Teddy

Secretary: Patricia Hampson Treasurer: Ian Gedling

Members of the PCC: Natasha Pitts, Elaine Hurst, Fiona Teddy and Greta Bickley.

Services in St. Giles’ Church (unless otherwise stated) in December and January . The 8 a.m. Holy Communion Service on the second Sunday in the month has been suspended until the spring.

Services in the Akeman Benefice December 2016

Sunday: 4 December Advent 2

Bletchingdon 11.00 Holy Communion Chesterton 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP) Wendlebury 9.15 Holy Communion

Chesterton 11.00 Young Families

Kirtlington 16.00 Christingle

Middleton Stoney11.00 Morning Worship

Sunday: 11 December Advent 3

Bletchingdon NO 8.00 Holy Communion

Kirtlington 9.15 Holy Communion Wendlebury 16.00 Carol Service

Chesterton 11.00 Holy Communion

Weston o/t Green 11.00 Family Service

Hampton Gay 15.15 Carol Service

16 December

Chesterton 19.00 Carol Service

Sunday: 18 December Advent 4

Bletchingdon NO 10.00 Family Service Bletchingdon 18.00 Carol Service with band

Kirtlington NO 8.00 Holy Communion

Weston NO 11.00 Holy Communion

Middleton Stoney 17.00 Carol/Crib Service

Chesterton 11.00 Holy Communion

Kirtlington 18.00 Carol Service

Weston o/t Green 16.00 Carol Service

SATURDAY 24 December Christmas Eve


Kirtlington 16.00 Crib Service

Chesterton 16.00 Crib Service

Wendlebury 17.00 Crib Service


Bletchingdon 23.30 Holy Communion

Middleton Stoney 22.00 Holy Communion Wendlebury 22.00 Holy Communion

Chesterton 23.30 Holy Communion

Kirtlington 23.30 Holy Communion

Weston o/t Green 22.30 Holy Communion

Sunday: 25 December Christmas Day Weston o/t Green 10.00 Family Service

Kirtlington 10.00 Family Communion

January 2017 Sunday: 1 January The Naming of Jesus Chesterton 10.00 United Benefice

Family Communion

Sunday: 8 January The Baptism of Christ: Epiphany 1

Bletchingdon NO 8.00 HC Chesterton 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP)

Kirtlington 9.15 Holy Communion

Weston o/t Green 11.00 Family Service

Middleton Stoney11.00 Christingle

Wendlebury 16.00 Family Service

Sunday: 15 January Epiphany 2

Bletchingdon 10.00 Family Service Kirtlington 8.00 Holy Communion (BCP)

Middleton Stoney 9.15 Holy Communion Chesterton 11.00 Chesterton Praise

Weston o/t Green 11.00 Holy Communion

Kirtlington 18.00 Evensong (BCP)

Sunday: 22 January Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Bletchingdon 10.00 United Benefice

Holy Communion Kirtlington 16.00 Messy Church restarts

Sunday: 29 January Epiphany 4

Weston o/t Green 11.00 BCP Holy Communion

Our services are for any age and everyone is welcome, but children may find that the Family (All Age) Service, usually on the third Sunday, is easier to understand. These family services are great fun – why not come along

and see for yourselves!

For details of services in the other parishes in the Benefice please see the notices on the Church and Parish

Council notice boards. Times of the services are also on the internet under

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From the registers:

Baptism: Sunday, October 16th Elliott Nightingale Foster

We welcome Elliott and his family to St Giles’ Church

Service of Remembrance: Wednesday, October 5th George Swan

We send our deepest sympathy to Claire and all George’s family and friends.

Morning Prayer: A group is meeting in the cafe area in the village hall each Tuesday at 8.45am. It is

just for 15 minutes so do come along if you can.

Pastoral Care: If you would like to be visited by a member of the Church or a Priest, or if you would like to

request a visit on behalf of a friend or neighbour, please contact Brian Wood (address above).

School Prayer Group: A prayer group has been established in the village and meets once a month.

The idea is that prayers can be posted by children and staff attending the Akeman Benefice schools in

a prayer box in the school, which are then collected weekly and prayed for by the group. If you would

like to know more or wish to get involved please contact Elaine on 07969139785.

Christian Values Award: The school and church have agreed to present an award each term to a boy

or girl showing the school’s Christian values. It was awarded this term to everyone in Woodpecker

class - year 1 and 2 - for the new school value UNITY. Mrs Hatton said she thought the children in

Woodpeckers have all been amazingly supportive and stood united in working with Miss Shuff, the

new class teacher.

Harvest Service: This service was held on Sunday 16th October. The collection was given to the

Rytas Orphanage in Lithuania and the food was given to the ladies at the Bicester Food Bank, who

were very pleased.

Christmas Thankyous: As always, we are very grateful to all the people who have supported the

church in many ways throughout the year. There are too many to mention, but please accept our

thanks for everything you do.

Christmas Market The annual Christmas Market took place at the village hall on Saturday 3

rd December. The new starting time of

4pm led to an increase in attendance, or was it the lure of mulled wine?

The numerous raffles were supported generously and especial thanks are due to Greta for her dedication to

selling tickets for the main raffle around the village in addition to organizing her own “indoor” raffle. As usual the cake and produce stall was very successful and we are most grateful to everyone who took time off

from their busy Christmas schedules to bake cake and biscuits and bring them along.

Thanks to Bunkers Hill Nursery who provided plants to sell and also for donating a beautiful Christmas tree to the church.

Private stall holders offered lovely craft and knitted items, seasonal wreaths and also, for the first time, a nail


A poor chicken who had lost her egg was chucked back on her nest by children with good aim, they also managed to bag some prizes on the hoopla.

The festivities were interrupted by the arrival of Father Christmas who was making a preliminary visit to ensure

he can find Bletchingdon easily on Christmas Eve. We are most grateful to all those who helped, to those who contributed items, those who spent time in

preparation, those who staffed the stalls and we owe a special mention to those who intended to call in for ten

minutes but found themselves co-opted for a couple of hours.

The market could not succeed without the good-will and support of the people of Bletchingdon. THANK YOU

Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2017 to everyone.

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Letter from Rev Brian Wood, Chesterton Rectory

Lead us heavenly Father, lead us. I am writing this the day after Donald Trump has been announced as

President-elect of the United States of America, 'the leader of the free world'. Sometimes people

yearn for 'the smack of firm government'; other people want less government.

What do you want? What do you yearn for?

Christmas is coming- apparently it's on the 25th of December this year. Are you looking forward to it-

honestly? 'Eat, drink and be merry'; or 'it's all about the kids'; or a family knees up; whatever?

I have remarked before I think on how the periods after Christmas and Summer Holidays are 'peak

times' for the services of Relate- the relationship counselling people- so no more on that now. Is it

possible to take the hassles out of Christmas? Easier said than done. Is it possible to bring peace to

the beleaguered residents of Aleppo or Mosul? Easier said too. Any sign of Christ at Christmas?

The Jewish people of Mary and Joseph's time had been waiting hundreds, thousands of years for the

coming of the promised Messiah to usher in a world of peace and joy. He came, but did people

recognise the Son of God? Some did. Same today. Some will. Do you? The peace of God is available to

you and all, and not only at Christmas. Give yourself five minutes peace- you're worth it surely, at

least. When you find peace it transmits itself to others- you don't need to consciously set out to

share it- it radiates itself. I am constantly 'banging on' about how well off we are- we are! Do think

about how the poor, the oppressed, the refugee, the stranger might be helped- ask the kids. I tell you

they are much better 'connected' than we are. They know.

O come all ye faithful, and not so faithful … meet with Jesus the hope of the world again this Christmas.

Post script- Monday 14 November. In our church services on Sunday- Remembrance Sunday- we

were able to read a message from the Rev'd Gareth Miller, as follows:

Dear friends, I am feeling very honoured and humbled to have been offered the post of Rector in the Akeman

Benefice and look forward to making my home among you and getting to know you all. I don't yet know when

I will be moving but we hope to have a date sorted fairly soon. Please hold me in your thoughts and prayers

and I will hold you all in mine. With warmest good wishes, Gareth.

01869 369815.

A little extra note: On Christmas Day, Weston are having a Family Service at 10am.

Jo Cropp would like all the families/children coming along to bring a present with them.


George Swan (1934 – 2016) In the early 1950’s George came down from Sunderland, to work at the Shipton

Cement Works. He enjoyed his new job and quickly fitted in to ‘village life’. One of the first things he did

was to join the Bletchington Football Club. He also (as mentioned in the last Issue) played cricket, served

behind the Bar, had been a Committee member and became a Life Vice- President of the Club. Two years after he came here he married Eilean Saunders and in 1970 their daughter, Claire was born. They

eventually bought, and were the first occupiers of, No.1 St. Giles. Sadly, Eilean became a victim of Cancer

and passed away in 2002. After George retired from playing cricket he became interested in Bowls and became a member of the City and

County Bowls Club in Summertown. He also played for the Oxfordshire Bowling Association. He was an

excellent bowler and was often called on to play for numerous bowling clubs in the County. We offer sincere condolences to Claire, Mike and Emma

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Bill Dyer: Although Bill moved to Weston-on-the-Green in 1985 he is still remembered with great respect by

those of us who knew him. He came to live in one of the new houses built at the bottom of Oxford Road in 1964. In 1968 he was nominated as a Charity Trustee. He resigned in 1986 but remained as Treasurer of the

Charity until 2009. During this time he wrote, and had published, a book entitled “A Short History of

Bletchington Charity”. In 1969 Bill became a Parish Councillor. He was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council in 1972. At the Annual Parish Meeting in 1986 – Miss Hodgman (Chairman), thanked Bill saying that

he had been a Councillor for 17 years, 10 and a half of which he had served as Chairman. He was also a

Parochial Church Councillor for a number of years.

Bill was also instrumental in the introduction of the Village News. In 1974 he reported, at the Annual Parish Meeting, that at a meeting of the Bletchingdon Society the possibility of a Village newspaper was discussed.

This didn’t come to fruition until Jan’ 1979 and then Bill joined the Committee as Treasurer and resigned after

he had moved to Weston-on-the-Green.


The members enjoyed their trip to Lechlade and the garden centre, and we were joined with some of Islip’s Thursday club. We really enjoyed the childrens’ nativity play rehearsal in the church, then came back to the hall for refreshments. Thank you to Mrs Hatton and the school. Our Christmas meal is at Kirtlington Golf Club again this year, with guests we have 38 people going this time. No meeting in January. February we will be making pancakes. Come along and join us on the1st Thursday of the month 2.00 in the village hall.

Rozz Wing


The purpose of the Charity is to help persons resident in our parish who are in need, hardship or distress.

The Charity may make grants of money, or provide or pay for items, services or facilities intended to help people of all ages.

The type of grants available are as follows:-

Fuel allowances during the cold weather. Assistance with travel expenses to hospital, clinics, etc, for individuals or their relatives.

Assistance with disability aids.

Student grants (to assist with the cost of travel expenses, books, etc.)

Eductation supplies for children, or support for adults who are retraining. TV licenses for those who may be isolated in their homes.

If you wish to apply for a grant please write to the Charity Secretary – Mrs Heather Smith, at 15, St Giles,

(01869 350417) explaining the reason for your application. The Charity may request additional information, but assures all applicants that the information will remain confidential.

The Committee members administering the Charity for the BFC are:-

Howard Dellar (Chair), Julie Fenn, Sue Green (Treasurer), Sue Lane, Ian Gedling, Greta Bickley, Andrea Lambert, Sue Macready and Heather Smith (Secretary)


The Brownies have been busy working on their artist badge, making posters using textured materials, book marks and pictures. We also decorated Christmas angels and made Christmas birds.

We took on the challenge of creating Fairy Jars for Blenheim Palace's new Christmas Lights event. Lots of

glitter and creativity was used to make almost 70 jars between us all. If you go to the lights, look out for them by the grotto.

We had a visit from the older Rainbows and some others to see what we do and we look forward to them

joining us in January. Woodstock District celebrated Christmas with carols around the tree outside Woodstock town hall

accompanied by Bletchington Silver Band. It was a lovely start to the festive season and thank you to the band

for coming.

Next year we have plans for a sleepover, a 2 night pack holiday, a day trip and working on more badges.

We do have spaces for girls age 7-10 starting in Jan- register at us or email

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By the time you read this we will be well into our Christmas engagements. Apologies that we were not able to fulfil our promise of playing around the village on Sunday 4th . Due to coughs and colds, we were only able to muster a very small band and only one collector, so unfortunately we had to cancel. Our Christmas concert however, is scheduled to go ahead on Saturday 10th with a varied programme including some Christmas favourites and a performance from our training band.

Our other Christmas engagements are:

December 10th Christmas Concert Bletchington Village Hall December 11th Tackley Wassail Tackley Village December 16th Lower Heyford Carols Village Square December 18th Carol Service St Giles Church December 19th (Private event) Woodstock December 24th Blenheim Palace December 31st Blenheim Palace

We take this opportunity to thank all our supporters for their continuing encouragement and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

FIFTY YEARS AGO: Extracts from the Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting, chaired by Mr A. Eeley, held on


December, 1966:-

“Parish Notice Board – The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr Enser had been advised by the

manufacturers to use toughened glass and the Council agreed to accept this advice.” “Highways: –

The minutes passed at the previous meeting that ‘a letter be written to Lord Rothrwick

concerning the widening of the road between The Laurels and Manor Farm’ was rescinded. Voting being even, the Chairman used his casting vote.

It was agreed to accept the County Surveyors offer to meet the Chairman, when plans for the canal bridge

are more advanced.

Parking of Vehicles on the Highway: Resolved - that a letter be written to the County Police concerning the parking of vehicles for extended periods on the highway.

Village Green: The Chairman reported that the Town & Country Planning Dept. (Mr Moore) would give a

written report on the trees on the Village Green if advice were required. Resolved – that a letter be written to the Town & Country Planning Dept. asking for their considered opinions,

to assist the Parish Council to reach a decision.

Registration of Common Land – It was agreed that application be made for the registration of the Village Green. Also, that a letter be written to Mr Wood asking if land known as ‘cow common’ could be registered.

Accounts for Payment: The following accounts were passed for payment:-

Oxfordshire Assoc. of Parish Councils – PC Review 7s 6d

S.E.B. – Supply & Maintenance £9 10s 5d Mrs B.G.Knight – School Caretaker (11.03.66 – 9.12.66) £1. 5s 0d

Mr E G Taylor - Clerks salary (£12), expenses (19.8) typing Minutes (£3) £15. 19s 8d

Clerks Salary – Resolved that the Clerk’s Salary be increased to £15 per annum commencing April 1967, providing this decision is not affected by the Government wages freeze.”

“Street Lighting – Resolved – that a letter be written to Mr Dick Wise asking him to expedite

street lighting in St Giles & Coghill.” Extracts from the Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting, chaired by Mr A Eeley, held on 27th January, 1967:-

“Parish Notice Board - It was agreed that the notice area should be covered with green baize.

Village Green – A report by the Forestry Office on the condition of the trees was circulated, and as there

appeared to be no immediate urgency, it was resolved to plant 3 trees to replace 3 which had died and postpone further action until these are established.

Trees – Resolved – that thanks be recorded for the planting of trees in Valentia Close by Mr

Eeley and Mr Howe.” “Council Houses – Resolved – that a letter be written to the Ploughley R.D.C. asking for the development in

Bartlett’s Allotment to contain a proportion of old people’s bungalows.

Accounts for Payment: The following accounts were passed for payment:-

S.E.B. - Repairs £9.10.5d Supply & maintenance £13.1.7d

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Bletchingdon Parochial CE (VA) Primary School

As you can imagine we are really busy in school at the moment, with Christmas creeping upon us rather quickly. Since the last edition of the Village News our Year 5s and 6s have attended a three day residential at PGL’s Wiltshire site, our Year 3/4s made us very proud when they took part in a West Oxfordshire football tournament, our Year 5s and Year 1s have taken part in dance workshops at The Marlborough, we have helped raise money for the British Legion’s Poppy Appeal and our School Council have organised fundraising for this year’s Children in Need appeal. Our Year 5/6s are currently working hard with Mrs Kelly to organise this year’s Christmas Fayre which is also being supported by our PTA.

We have a couple of busy weeks coming up with our Nativity Rehearsal on Thursday 1st December in front of the Thursday Club, before our double performance at 2pm and 6pm on Monday 12th December and our Christmas Fayre on Friday 9th December from 2.00 – 3.30pm (ALL WELCOME). As per last year, our nativity (combined with carol concert) will be taking place at St Giles Church. Our Year 5/6s will be entertaining residents at Heathfield Nursing Home on Tuesday 13th December.

Although we are now looking towards Christmas, we would like to share two poems written by Year 6 pupils in memory of those who have fought bravely for their country.


Regimented rows of white crosses now stand, Where a wide sea of red stood before me. We rustled through the sludge, The wind blew; we launched on. The silent battle field; the smell of gas… “Gas! Quick boys! – a catastrophe!” Fitting on the tight masks, All looking round, but … One man who had not. The screeching sound like a man on fire. Staring through the misty panes. He was guttering, choking, dying … The blood-stained smell on the floor. War goes on… By Alfie


Bent down, like old men, we cursed through thick mud Shaking, shivering, hacking like hags The wailing bombs whistled through the air until ‘BANG!’ Another man down, then another Shells surge from the enemy lines and kill. ‘Gas!’ ‘Gas!’ shouted someone from the front lines Fumbling with masks, time running out, gas gaining But someone was shouting sounding terrified He takes his last solemn breath and falls. Dead. If you were there throwing bodies into carts You would feel the pain and fear we went through His hanging face, with white withering eyes Still the memory haunts on and on and on … By Olivia J

We would like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Best Wishes

All the staff at Bletchingdon Primary School

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Bletchingdon CE (VA) Primary School Nursery

(Springwell Hill, Bletchingdon, Oxon, OX5 3ES) Tel: 01869 350393

e-mail: Headteacher: Mrs Louise Hatton

Our new Foundation Stage Unit (encompassing both our Nursery and Reception Classes) opened last September.

Admission into a nursery class is not a statutory process, as it is with a Reception class, so arrangements are made directly with the school. Completing an application form will let us know that you would like your child to be added to our list. Around four months before your child is due to join us, we will contact you concerning the number of hours you would like your child to

attend, invite you to come along for a visit and ask you to complete an admissions form with contact and medical details on. We will also have regular open days which you are welcome to attend.

Our Nursery Application Form can be found on our website under ‘Parents’. Alternatively call us or pop in to see Jackie in the office.


By KIM AMOS (former Head Teacher)

Part 1

For over 100 years the children of Bletchingdon Parish were taught in a typical Victorian school situated on

Weston Road, Bletchingdon. It originally consisted of a single rectangular stone built school room with a

school master’s house adjacent. There was a small courtyard playground at the front. To the rear were the schoolmaster’s garden and earth closets for pupils.

Throughout the 20th and early 21

st century, the Head Teachers and Governors carried out whatever

improvements they could in an attempt to keep track with modern-day living standards and expectations.

Each development should be acknowledged for the commitment given by Head teachers, staff and governors through the years involving much voluntary effort and professional drive. Although these developments seem

small in comparison to the extraordinary achievement of what must be now one of the best school’s in

Oxfordshire, if not the country. It is important to recognise how, what Bletchingdon has now evolved up until today.

The earliest internal photographs of the school show what it was like in 1906. A fascinating historical archive

often studied by modern day children in their learning of the past. Pot bellied coal fuelled stoves can be seen!

In summary – what in their time were the major improvements that I am aware of were:- 1870 Bletchingdon School, Weston Road, built.

1950’s Toilets, cloakroom block and kitchen added to front of school.

1980’s Conversion of upstairs of school house to office and staff room space. 1994 Infant portable classroom craned over the main building to sit in the garden.

2003-4 School office moved from upstairs ‘cupboard’ to downstairs schoolhouse room

and new entrance door created. Legislative site security for premises.

2004-5 Disability access improvements including widening doors, installing disabled

toilets and a ramp to the infant class, internally reinstating movable partition

doors to create separate classrooms for Junior children and a flexible small whole-school gathering space.

2007-8 Two summer houses (garden sheds) and purpose-designed Early Learning space

with portable toilet block erected in ‘Orchard’ for Reception children These major improvements were coupled with ongoing maintenance needs such as playground resurfacing,

drain unblocking, electrical rewiring, new boilers and radiator installations, roof repairs, decorating, floor

coverings, window and door replacements. Additionally, accommodating the provision of computer technology which in it’s early days was far more cumbersome than it is today. Meeting increasing

demands of both Health and Safety and the new curriculum required constant effort, adaptability and

meticulous budgeting.

Throughout all, the beautiful outside areas including the orchard, pond, garden, play areas, storage for PE equipment, staging and bicycles were developed and cared for.

To be continued in next Issue.

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Bletchingdon Community Project News

Village Community Café update – Extra afternoon session added to the week

The café has now become an established weekly event with lots of regulars and

new faces too. If you recall, this café idea started with a Pilot run back in the

Spring of 2016 with funding from the Bletchington Charity and BCF.

The Pilot showed a clear need

for a café for the Village,

however it was unable to

sustain itself fully and

required further support to

enable it to run. The current

Wednesday morning café

rent is funded by the

Bletchington Charity and the

café takings fund the goods

purchased/baked and one

paid role. This ensures the

café is guaranteed to open

weekly and a number of

volunteers support this paid role on a rolling rota. Fancy getting involved in helping serve or baking?

See Sue or Al at the café or mail Vikki at

Feedback has been very positive, so much so that the survey results suggested an afternoon session

would be popular. So from mid-December for 10 weeks an afternoon café session will be piloted and

will run each Tuesday- current opening times are 1.30-4.30pm but this may be subject to change as

we gauge the most popular visiting times.

The Tuesday café will offer lunch time goods such as soup and bacon rolls as well as cake and

refreshments depending on demand.

Wednesday morning café 9.30-11.45am offers bacon rolls, cakes refreshments, Costa coffee and

other goodies

We hope these two café sessions will give Bletchingdon a regular place to meet and socialise. If you

haven’t been in for a visit, why not give it a try - there will be lots of faces you recognise and maybe a

few you don’t! Find us to the left of the Hall as you approach from Station Road (the café entrance is

on the building work side of the hall).

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Club Membership is due for renewal at the end of April. Renewal forms will be distributed in due

course. If you would like to join the Club the please contact the Membership Secretary: Roger Hayward

on 01869 350209. New members are always welcome. We are a family orientated Club that offers a

friendly atmosphere and a chance to meet new friends. We have Sky Sports, darts, Bar Billiards, football

and cricket teams (youth and adult). Drinks are cheap. Membership is also cheap, £6 for an individual

annual social membership or £10 for an annual family membership. Come and have a look for


A defibrillator has been installed outside the Clubhouse and is now functional. Thanks to Roger

Hayward for installing the defibrillator

. Bar Billiards

Both teams have made a good start in the winter leagues. At the recent World Championships in Jersey Andy Skinner reached the semi-final of the plate competition, in

doing so Andy received a ‘Most Meritorious Performance’ award. Congratulations to Andy.


The men’s team are in third position of section A in the Kidlington darts league. New players Dave Walker and

John Peachy are doing well. New players are more than welcome. Come up on Friday nights for a practise

throw. Its early days in the women’s darts league so nothing to report.

Football The men’s team have made a strong start in division 3 of the Witney and District League and are top of the


The boy’s team under the guidance of Daniel Tweddle are enjoying some success and continue to improve.

Cricket At the end of season dinner the following awards were made: 1

st team player of the year was Chris Day, 2nd

team player of the year was Rusti Rabani and the 3rd team player of the year was Sam Anand.

Forthcoming Events





The Bar will be open on Christmas Day from 12 to 2pm

There will be no entertainment on New Year’s Eve due to a lack of volunteer bar staff; however

the bar will be open

The Club would be grateful if ballgames were not played against the buildings as windows, guttering

and drain pipes have been damaged.

The Club would appreciate if cars did not park in the lay-by opposite the Club’s gates as lorries have

difficulty getting into the Club when cars are parked there.


All details of the Clubs activities and links to the Sports Leagues can be found on the site.

Bar Opening Hours

Friday 7.45pm to 11.00pm

Saturday 7.45pm to 11.00pm

Sunday 7.45pm to 10.30pm

Wednesday 8.00pm to 11.00pm

Tuesday and Thursday 8.00pm to 11.00pm depending on home fixtures of bar billiards and darts (see

behind bar for weekly details)

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WESTON-ON-THE-GREEN WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The speaker at our October meeting was Tim Foster, MBE, the title of whose talk was Gold Fever. Instead of a history of the Klondike or San Francisco gold rush, he gave us a very interesting account of what it was like to be a member of a coxless fours rowing team in quest of Olympic gold medals. Tim’s interest in rowing began at school after he realised he would grow too tall to be a footballer. He and his team progressed quickly to compete in the Barcelona Olympics, the Atlanta games where they won bronze medals and the Sydney games where they won Gold. Winning gold meant years of aspiration to be the best in the world, gruelling physical, mental and technical preparation, total commitment and learning to benefit from self-criticism. There was also the need for acceptance of set-backs, the continual push to improve and learn from mistakes and, most importantly, to have total confidence and trust in the other members of the team.

During the years of hard training six days a week together and the seventh day for personal training, they competed in and won many international competitions and world records, but winning gold was by far the greatest experience of their lives. Tim had brought his gold medal to show us and we were all amazed at the weight of the medallion when it was passed round the audience. Tim went on to coach the British teams for Beijing and London and still rows from time to time. This was definitely a winner in the WI programme of talks, the variety of which never ceases to surprise our members.

Our speaker in November was local historian Moira Byast who gave a very interesting talk on “Tasting The Past”. She told us that the oldest British kitchen was discovered in the Orkneys and dated from 1500BC. From the evidence found at this site it was clear that grain formed a major part of the diet of the people of this time. The Romans were a huge influence on the changes of people’s diet, introducing meat in the form of Hare and Oysters. The Romans were also responsible for the introduction of mills, using donkeys to drive the mill stones to grind flour. The Saxons were pig breeders thus adding another form of meat to the diet and they also introduced water mills. Moira also showed us slides of different types of ovens throughout the ages, these varied in size depending on the fuel used. Wood fuelled ovens were very large as it took a large amount of wood to generate enough heat, compared to the coal fired oven which burned hotter and were thereby much smaller. Moira also told us of the importance of Chefs in very big important houses throughout the 15th and 16th century who became very high ranking officials and were highly decorated and respected. It was a very interesting talk which explained the vast changes in food and diet and how it was prepared for consumption over the centuries. She also supplied treats for us to taste comprising of sugared fruits and basic biscuits make from grains. The WI in Weston meets every third Wednesday in the month at 7-30pm in the Village Hall and all ladies are welcome to join us. Not only do we have excellent speakers at each meeting but we also have various other activities going on. Please come and join us as we are a very friendly bunch. Our December meeting is on the 14th.


Tim Foster, MBE

James Cracknell OBE, Sir Steve Redgrave CBE DL, Tim Foster MBE & Matthew Pinsent CBE

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Kirtlington and Bletchington History Society 26th January 2017

After a fascinating November talk about the history of Bicester we are looking forward to our January meeting hear about the Paston letters.

The Paston family of Norfolk rose from the peasantry to the aristocracy within just two generations. This is the story of how they did it. The letters between members of the family are the first record of private correspondence to survive in Britain and so offer a unique

glimpse into the concerns and fears of a very upwardly mobile family at a time of huge social upheaval. These letters provide an insight into the ups and downs of an ordinary family during the Wars of the Roses. Not only was there civil war at home but they were also threaten by raiding French pirates 26th January, 7.30pm at Kirtlington Village Hall


Mr A K Saunders (Chairman) 14, Coghill Tel: 350705 Mr C E Lane (Vice-Chairman) Village Farm Tel: 350257 Mrs M M Knight 18, Valentia Close Tel: 350162 Mr M E Taylor Stoneacre, Oxford Road Tel: 350609 Mr D M Ledger 3, Islip Road Tel: 351542 Miss J Benton 4, Springwell Close Tel: 351489 Mr M Kersh The Old Rectory Tel: 351139 Clerk: Mrs R McNaught, 4 Oxford Road. Email: Tel: 351967

The Clerk usually works from the Village Hall on Monday and Friday between 9am – 3pm

District Councillor: Simon Holland ( County Councillor: Anthony Gearing (

Meetings: Normally held on the last Thursday of the Month, excluding December and January, unless otherwise advertised. Notice of meetings are always displayed on the Parish Council Notice Board, which is on the Bus Shelter wall facing the Green. The Meetings are held at the Village Hall, please check the Notice each month for details of the agenda (or the new website). Members of the Public are welcome at Meetings, but must seek prior permission (by contacting the Clerk or Chairman) if they wish to join in the discussion of any matter.

Minutes: Full minutes of all Parish Council meetings are available on the Village Website

The next meeting will take place on 12th January, followed by a meeting on 23rd February.

Dog Mess: At the November Meeting the Clerk reported that there had been an increase in dog mess recently and it had also been reported to her by a concerned parishioner at the café. If you allow a dog in your charge to foul any area to which the public has access you are committing an offence. We have provided a number of bins around the village, which we pay Cherwell District Council to empty. By law dog owners must pick up any mess made by their dogs and there is a fixed penalty of £50, or if it is taken to court the penalty is up to £1000. *You can report an incident of dog fouling online on the Cherwell District Council Website and there is a link to the page on our new village website*

Planning Matters:- The following matters were put before the Parish Council at the meeting held on 27th October, 2016:- Applications: 16/01986/F - Mr P Bagnall - Greenhill Leisure Park, Greenhill Farm, Station Rd, Bletchingdon - Removal of existing animal stalls and extension to rear of current café building. Cllrs had no objections. 16/00291/TCA - Dr A Stern - Bletchingdon Park, Church End, Bletchingdon - Notice of Intent to undertake works to trees in a conservation area. Cllrs had no objections.

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MW.1025/16 - Philip Coplestone Shipton Ltd - Shipton-on-Cherwell Quarry - Permission for the continuation of development without complying with Condition 2 of Planning Permission 16/00807/CM in order to extend the period permitted for the extraction of mineral from 12/02/17 until 31/12/17. Cllrs made no objections to the request for a time extension. 16/01882/F – Mr J Gill – Daubney Cottage, Station Road - New bay window to front and erection of a conservatory to rear. Cllrs objected to the bay window as it altered the appearance of the frontage of one in a row of 4 newly designed properties facing directly onto the street. Cllrs did not object to the rear conservatory, however pointed out that it is very similar to the one that was refused planning permission last month about 50m away on the same road (16/01322/F - Burdock Cottage). Notices of Decisions: 16/01742/F - Land south east of Heathfield Cottages, Heathfield - Proposed Outdoor Arena (equestrian) – PERMITTED The following matters were put before the Parish Council at the meeting held on 24th November, 2016:- Applications: 16/02190/F - Raw Biomass, Heathfield House Nursing Home - Change of Use of the land to site 2 No containerised biomass boilers with fuel stores, ancilliary equipment and pipe for connection to the property. Cllrs had no objections. Notices of Decisions: 16/00291/TCA - Dr A Stern - Bletchingdon Park, Church End, Bletchingdon - Notice of Intent to undertake works to trees in a conservation area – PERMITTED 15/00822/F – Land at Lince Lane with access off Station Road, Enslow – Erection of office building and 14 no. dwellings together with associated car parking, cycle parking, garages, public amenity spaces and new footway link – PERMITTED Additional information: 16/01706/F - JE & AJ Wilcox - Land North Of OS 0006 And South East Of College Farm Pinchgate Lane Bletchingdon - Erection of 6 No. agricultural buildings for poultry production, together with associated infrastructure of broiler building, ancillary buildings, feed bins, hardstandings, access and drainage attenuation pond. This application is expected to go to the Planning Committee for decision on 15th December.


The Village has a new website. It still needs some work but it is a combined effort between the Parish Council and the Bletchingdon Community Foundation. It is hoped that all events within the village will be listed on there and that all groups will either have a page or a link to their own website. Please contact us through the website with any comments that you may have or if you have a community event that you think should be added to the calendar. You can also find all Parish Council Meeting agendas and minutes on the website as well as financial reports and all planning applications will be listed, too. Please take a look, we hope it will be useful.

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Adverts N.B. If you contact any of our advertisers would you please mention that you saw their advert in Bletchington Village News

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A local friendly plumber est. for 18 years

All plumbing maintenance

Plumbing, Bathroom & Shower Installation,

Kitchen Fitting.


Gareth Jones is looking forward to your call

Mob: 07889 683926 Tel: 01869 242038


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Bletchingdon Village Hall for hire

CHARGE RATES Valid until December 31 2015 Community -residents of Bletchingdon & Hampton Poyle for personal or fundraising events. Commercial - non-residents or residents running events for personal gain. Halls: Weekdays.

Whole hall Large Hall Small Hall

Community £10 per hour £10 per hour £10 per hour

Commercial –block booking £15 per hour £15 per hour £15 per hour

Commercial – single booking £20 per hour £20 per hour £20 per hour

Halls: Weekends are booked by session. Morning: 9am to 12 noon, Afternoon: 1pm to 4pm, Evening: 5pm to end.

Whole hall Large Hall Small Hall

Community AM/PM Evening

£30 £50

£30 £50

Please enquire.

Commercial AM/PM Evening

£60 £120

£60 £120

Please enquire.

All bookings require £100 deposit for a single session. A deposit is not required for block bookings

Other rooms and packages available at Contact Duncan 351542 or

Facilities include –

Café area,

Sprung wooden floor

Meeting rooms/ areas

Options for the whole/part of the hall space.

High quality audio and projector facilities

Use of a commercial kitchen*

Outside spaces

* Commercial kitchen – available to professional caterers only

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Local & Reliable, Home & Garden Improvements/Maintenance.

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Local & Reliable, Home & Garden Improvements/Maintenance.

Painting & Decorating, Tiling, Flat Pack Assembly, Landscaping,

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programmes to suit your needs.

Fully Insured - No job is too small.

Please call Noel Price on 07884185171 or 01869 351619

For Domestic Cleaning please call Jayne Price on 07795055202

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Extension, Alterations, Paving etc

All types of building work considered

Telephone: 01869 351532

Mobile no: 07817496502

Web page:


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