kellogg marketing scholars

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Scott Markman gave a speech to the Kellog Marketing Scholars on April 10th.


The Monogram GroupChicago and CharlotteBoldly Repositioning & Creating Brands

Lunch Keynote Presentationto Kellogg Marketing ScholarsApril 10, 2011

Let’s start with a quick exercise:

America is ____________.

So who we are in the United States of America?

Let’s develop a quick snapshot.

We’re a melting pot of very diverse ethnic groups, and it’s been that way since 1776.

We anchor our beliefs in values that put individual freedoms on a pedestal.

In some respects that takes our country into some very interesting debates...

...but also has lead to a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

We firmly believe the USA is the greatest country on earth, but we’re scared to death our time has passed.

We firmly believe the USA is the greatest country on earth, but we’re scared to death our time has passed.

We love our sports...

...we live our religion...

...and we increasingly argue, and argue, and argue over politics.

We’re pretty darn insular (if it isn’t happening in one of the 50 states...)

Our style of communication can be a bit direct (let’s call it blunt and in-your-face).

Our style of communication can be a bit direct (let’s call it blunt and in-your-face).

And lastly, we are not a “pub” society.

And lastly, we are not a “pub” society.

So now that you have an idea of who we are, what’s the best way to sell to us?

Selling to Americans Reality #1:

Expect a metric ton of competitors. What’s worse, every company is a specialist and everyone plays to win.

Selling to Americans Reality #2:

Beyond The Melting Pot, there are also profound regional differences to consider...y’all.

Selling to Americans Reality #3:

In the corporate world, two words strike fear in everyone’s heart:


Selling to Americans Reality #4:

Forget direct competitors. There’s a fierce battle for share of your prospect’s mind from every direction. Start with Wal-mart and segue into the soccer carpool.

Selling to Americans Reality #5:

Because we’re overworked, overscheduled and over communicated with, we use email and voice mail as a moat around our castle.

So now that we’ve touched upon a few of the cold, hard realities, what recommendations do we have?

Leverage your Britishness while addressing their Americanness.

Selling to Americans Recommendation #1:

Selling to Americans Recommendation #2:

Use B2C branding and marketing principles to sell to your B2B prospects.

Selling to Americans Recommendation #3:

Conduct research on your buyers and influencers to anticipate their question:

“What’s in it for me?”

Use top notch client service as a differentiator. Don’t just rely upon product innovation and superiority alone.

Selling to Americans Recommendation #4:

Personalize your communications and deliver them personally.

Selling to Americans Recommendation #5:

Have a strategy and stick to it. For example, don’t do social media just because it’s trendy and inexpensive, and the intern can do it.

Selling to Americans Recommendation #6:

Don’t be discouraged. It’s a tough crowd but this country is a huge opportunity...that’s why you’re here.

Thank you for your time.The Monogram GroupWillis (Sears) Tower

233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 410Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA

Tel: +1 312-726-4300Fax: +1 312-726-4308

Scott Markman,

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