kendall times super weekend edition

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Kendall Times Super Weekend Edition


  • 8/3/2019 Kendall Times Super Weekend Edition


    2 Kendall Weekly Times

    In This Editionby the sports sta

    Welcome rom Dick Kol Editor

    Super Predictions by Tim Flowers

    Tailgating with Catherine

    Sit Down with Chicago Bliss Player

    Nadia Larysa

    Team Capsules

    Weekend o Super Events

    Discussion Board with our Sta on

    Facebook !

    Kendall WeeklyTimes SuperBowl Editionby Dick Kol

    Welcome to the Kendall Weekly

    Times Super Bowl Edition every-

    thing ootball. In this special edi-

    tion we will be oering team break

    downs, places to watch the game, a

    ull discussion board on acebook,

    and a special interview with Nadia

    Larysa the starting deensive end or

    the Chicago Bliss. Glen will weigh in

    on his Super Bowl predictions and

    the sta will oer their nal insights

    into this weekends biggest event the

    Super Bowl. So sit back grab a cool

    drink and enjoy this weeks special

    edition o the Super Bowl Weekend!

    Super BowlPredictionBy Tim Flowers

    How many times in the history o the

    Super Bowl have two teams played

    more than once? This will be the4th matchup between two teams the

    other three are the Steelers and Cow-

    boys who have played three times;

    Cowboys vs. the Bills twice; and the

    49ers vs. Bengals Twice. Sorry or the

    history lesson but it adds to the mys-

    tic o the Super Bowl. Four years ago

    the Pats came into the Big game un-

    deeated and the Giants were a long

    shot and it was a David vs. Goliath

    scenario. The Giants prevailed win-

    ing their 3rd Super Bowl in ranchise

    history joining the elite teams o the

    Super Bowl era. The Pats come into

    this years Super Bowl once again

    avored and hoping to join the elite

    o the dynasties with their 4th title in

    10 years. Only the 49ers and Steelers

    have been able to sustain a decade

    o dominance in this sport. So with

    so much history and bragging rights

    on the line it comes down to game

    time. With the Giants earsome our-

    some on deensive, going against

    the old war horse in Tom Brady and

    the Patriots prolic oense. Having

    met several times since the Super

    Bowl these two proud opponents

    know and respect each others tal-

    ents. This game will come down to

    special teams in which the Giants

    have a slight edge because o their

    run through the playos once againtraveling the wild card road and de-

    eating the best team in the NFL in

    deending world champion Packers.

    The Pats road to the Super Bowl was

    their typical one great oense and

    solid deense and Tom Brady being

    cool under pressure. This Giants de-

    ense is peaking at the right time and

    with their youth you could be seeing

    a passing o the torch rom one dy-

    nasty to another my prediction is the

    Giants 21- Pats 17.

    TailgatingWith Catherine Parker

    Great Chicken Wings


    -1 to 1 LBS o chicken

    wings (cut into rst and sec-

    ond parts, known as wingettes)

    -16 oz o your avorite cola (The

    one rom Atlanta is the best!)

    - cup water

    -2 TBSP o chicken base;

    or 4 chicken bouillon cubes-1-2 TBSP salt, to taste (add less,

    you can always add more later)

    -8-10 shakes o your avorite hot

    sauce (I like Louisiana Style)

    -1/3 Cup o molasses

    1. Combine all o the ingredients

    in a large saut pan. (Leave out

    8 oz o the cola) Add the wings.

    2. Cook on a slow simmer, turning eve-

    ry 3-4 minutes or about 12 minutes.

    3. As the liquid thickens, add the

    remaining cola. Cook about 15

    minutes more, turning requently

    so the wings do not overcook. Re-

    member to keep the fame lowso you don't burn the marinade.

    4. Remove the wings, set aside.

    1. Combine all o the ingredients

    in a large saut pan. (Leave out

    8 oz o the cola) Add the wings.

    2. Cook on a slow simmer, turning eve-

    ry 3-4 minutes or about 12 minutes.

    3. As the liquid thickens, add the

    remaining cola. Cook about 15

    minutes more, turning requently

    so the wings do not overcook. Re-

    member to keep the fame low

    Catherine Parker Founder o Kitty Barbecue

    This weekends special edition is brought to you by !

  • 8/3/2019 Kendall Times Super Weekend Edition


    3Kendall Weekly Times

    so you don't burn the marinade.

    4. Remove the wings, set aside.

    Heat grill to high. Brush the wings

    with a layer o Kitty's North Caro-

    lina Barbecue Sauce, enough or

    a nice, thick coat to caramelize on

    the heat. Turn requently to prevent

    sticking. Total grill time will be

    about 15-18 minutes.

    Someone YouShould Know !By Martin Flowers

    Recently I sat down with the starting

    deensive end or the Chicago Bliss

    Lingerie Team to discuss o all things

    ootball this weekend. During the in-

    terview I ound Nadia to be a person

    o many talents and committed to

    the values that we look or in todays

    pro athletes o leadership and giving

    back to her community. Nadia has

    been in Chicago or about ve years

    but in those ve years this South

    sider has ound a home or lie. As a

    child her brother encouraged her to

    participate in sports in high school

    she was a champion Discuss Thrower

    and a record setter in the high jump.

    It was on the volleyball court Nadia

    would nd her true calling in sports.

    Being a hard worker Nadia would go

    on to receive a scholarship to Bowl-

    ing Green and study business that

    would prepare or her next journey.

    While in college she was oered an

    opportunity to play Volleyball over

    seas but due to an injury she would

    make her way to Chicago where she

    had amily. During her time in re-

    hab Nadia would make her way to

    the sandy beaches o Lake Michigan

    and begin building a new career in

    beach volleyball where she wouldbecome a legend. Through her time

    with the Volleyball community here

    in Chicago she would learn o a new

    opportunity in ootball. Nadia was

    persuaded to attend open tryouts or

    the Chicago Bliss the lingerie oot-

    ball team here in Chicago. At the

    open tryouts she was up against sev-

    eral talented athletes and was chosen

    to make the squad. For the past two

    years Nadia has led the team in sacks

    and been an inspiration and team

    leader or her teammates. However

    there is more to this story than a tal-

    ented athlete there is the inspiration-

    al part o this athlete who believes in

    being a role model and community

    participant. Nadia has moved rom

    the eld to the sidelines in her new

    role as marketing manager or the

    AFL which recently moved their

    headquarters to Chicago. The Arena

    Football League with Chicagos very

    own Rush Nadia now does sideline

    work in interviewing players and do-

    ing haltime reports. Nadia also does

    volunteer work with such notable

    charities as Kanine Therarpy that

    brings pets into the hospital to bring

    morale or the patients and she also

    supports the Adopt a Grey Hound.Nadia Larysa Marketing Manager For the AFL

  • 8/3/2019 Kendall Times Super Weekend Edition


    4 Kendall Weekly Times

    Nadia also brings a unique approach

    to her job whether it be athlete, side-

    line reporter, activist, and TV per-

    sonality having a sel condence

    and a good mental approach helps

    you to be able to achieve the goals

    you set orth or yoursel. Nadia re-

    ports that the Chicago Bliss had a

    great season but came up short this

    season and will be back in 2013 oranother run. However this weekend

    Nadia will be traveling on behal o

    her new assignment with the AFL

    and when pressured by this reporter

    to make a prediction about the up-

    coming Super Bowl she replied in

    a very proessional manner that she

    was neutral on this game she thought

    it would be a battle o Quarterback

    vs. Quarter back with both teams

    having outstanding players at that

    position but her heart remains with

    her Detroit Lions. Sorry Chicago

    Bears Nation however this adapted

    Chicagoan does root or the south

    siders and regularly attends games.So i you have an opportunity go and

    see the Chicago Rush at the All State

    Arena and maybe you will have an

    opportunity to meet a antastic per-

    son who is an inspiration and true

    role model, community leader , and

    someone who is making a dier-

    ence and she is Someone you should


    Staff Predictionsby the Sta

    Tim Flowers Giants Jennier Flowers Giants

    Dick Kol Pats

    Nadia Larysa Undedcided

    Martin Flowers Pats

    Antowne Jackson Giants

    Larry Heiman have to wait and see !

    Game Timeby the Sta

    What time is the Super Bowl?

    The 46th Super Bowl will take place

    on February 5, 2012 at Lucas Oil

    Stadium. Kicko is scheduled or

    6:30 ET on NBC.







    ERY ILLINOIS,60538


    4571 ROUTE 71 OSWEGO ILLI-

    NOIS 60543


    352 South Route 59Naperville, IL 60540

    (630) 428-5800


    Hello WTTW Pledge Volunteer,

    Notice anything dierent about us?

    Thats right, weve got a new stream-

    lined look and were very excited

    about it! So much more content,

    inormation, and insight into eve-

    rything related to WTTWs pledgedrives! Coming soon a brand new

    look to the WTTW Volunteer page

    as well!

    March is almost here and that means

    WTTWs spring membership drive

    is right around the corner. As most

    o you know, volunteer shits ll very

    quickly (especially this time o year)

    so dont wait to reserve your spot(s)!

    Sign up now:

    Click here to see and download the

    complete pledge volunteer schedule.

    Please reply to this email and select

    three shits in the order o preer-

    ence. You can volunteer or multiple

    shits or just one.

    You are also welcome to sign up as

    an individual, with a riend, or as a

    group. I there will be more than one

    person in your group, please give us

    the approximate number o people

    you plan on bringing.

    Also, groups o ten or more will re-

    ceive on-air recognition; so bring

    your business, school, or community

    organization. Include your ull name

    or group name in the subject line.

    All volunteer shits are scheduled on

    a rst come, rst serve basis. We will

    do our best to accommodate you and

    or your group. Volunteer shits are

    subject to change. We always make

    the best eort possible to give you

    and/or your group as much advance

    notice as possible.

    I you have any questions, click here

    to download our volunteer FAQ.


    Yuse Garcia

    Manager, On-Air Fun-

    draising Logistics




    Recently we just launched our an

    page over on acebook and this

    weekend we invite you to take part in

    our 48 hour town hall meeting about

    all things ootball. That's right the

    members o our sports guild will be

    taking shits in holding a discussion

    about ootball. We admit we have no

    lie but hey someone has to keep themasses entertained so please join us

    as we talk everything about the super


    Super BowlTriviaby Larry Heiman

    What team has won the Most Super

    Bowls ?

    What notable Bears player is the

    only person to ever return the open-

    ing Kicko o the super Bowl or a


    What Team Lost 3 straight Super

    Bowls ?

    Who guaranteeing a Win in a Super

    Bowl or his team and delivered ?

    Who was the Super Bowl MVP o

    Super Bowl 20?

    Stop by Poor boys and get the an-

    swers located at 283 MontgomeryRoad Montgomery Illinois,60538


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