keynote: career path of corporate social strategist

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This presentation was the final keynote at Womma, Nov, 2010 in Las Vegas It's based off the research report of the same title: "Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist"


WOMMANovember 18, 2010

Jeremiah OwyangIndustry AnalystPartner, Customer Strategy

The Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Image by gsfc used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

The World Changed

© 2010 Altimeter Group


An Open Leader Emerges

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Image by coreburn used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Internal Storms Hinder Progress

© 2010 Altimeter Group


Compounding DemandsCompounding Demands

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Image by iandavid used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Two Paths for the Strategist

© 2010 Altimeter Group


Path 1: Grounded to Social Media Help Desk

Image by carl-w-heindl used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group


Path 2: Achieve Escape Velocity

Image by carl-w-heindl used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group


© 2010 Altimeter Group

About this Research Project

An Open Leader Emerges

• Background

• Responsibilities

• Program

• Challenges

Career Path: Two Choices

The Future of this Role



© 2010 Altimeter Group


Definition: The Corporate Social Strategist is

the business decision maker of social media

programs – providing leadership, roadmap

definition, innovation; and directly influencing

the spending on technology vendors and

service agencies.

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Scope: Companies with over 1000 employees, which we define as enterprise class corporations (SMB data available for clients)

Data Sample: Quantitative and Qualitative

• An online survey of 140 enterprise-class Social Strategists across industries

• 51 interviews and interactions with corporate Social Strategists or topic authorities

• 50 job descriptions on company and recruitment web sites

• 50 LinkedIn profiles of current Social Strategists

• Hundreds of Social Strategist hires catalogued on Web Strategy blog’s “On The Move” series

• Ongoing catalog the “List of Corporate Social Strategists for 2010”

Research Methodology (WOMMA)12

© 2010 Altimeter Group

About this Research Project

An Open Leader Emerges

• Background

• Responsibilities

• Program

• Challenges

Career Path: Two Choices

The Future of this Role



© 2010 Altimeter Group

Their Background

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Image by Telstar Logistics used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Digital or marketing background15

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Risk-takers and multi-disciplinary

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Their Program

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Image by Blyzz used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Programs are nascent, lacking long-term direction

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Stem from Marketing or Corporate Communications

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Limited budgets

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Understaffed to serve enterprise

Average team was only 3.1 for companies with 1,000 to < 5,000 employees (Figure 6.5).

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Organizational Models

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- One department controls all efforts- Consistent- May not be as authentic- e.g. Ford, Regulated


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- Organic growth- Authentic- Experimental- Not coordinated- e.g. Sun

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- One hub sets rules and procedures- Business units undertake own efforts- Spreads widely around the org- Takes time- e.g. Red Cross

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- Similar to Coordinated but across multiple brands and units

- e.g. HP, Microsoft, Tech Giants

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- Each employee is empowered- Unlike Organic, employees are organized- e.g. Twelpforce, Zappos

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Five Ways Companies Organize: Hub & Spoke and Centralized


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Their Challenges

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1. Friction from internal culture and a lack of education thwart progress.

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“Right now, the social media professional has been a visionary pioneer willing to endure

frustration and criticism by a great many senior corporate people who were set in their ways.”


© 2010 Altimeter Group

2. Proving real ROI difficult beyond engagement metrics

© 2010 Altimeter Group

2. Proving real ROI difficult beyond engagement metrics

© 2010 Altimeter Group

3: Serving the Entire Enterprise with Few Resources

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“Challenge: budget and resources. It’s not well understood, so its not well funded.”

-Director, Social Media and Community

© 2010 Altimeter Group

4. Ever-changing technology space leaves Strategists with “Head Spinning”

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Various data types, APIs and reporting, third parties can make changes “on a whim.”

© 2010 Altimeter Group

5. Initially perceived as a threat, success breeds jealousy.

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“They will get slings and arrows in the front (from customers) and the back (from colleagues), as social

challenges the status quo and existing positions.”

-Director, Corporate Communications and Social Media

© 2010 Altimeter Group

6. Internal and external demands are rapidly compounding.

© 2010 Altimeter Group

“from 4 to 5 times more requests this year from last.”

-Social Strategist

© 2010 Altimeter Group

“There are two people standing in front of my office demanding Facebook pages.”

--Social Strategist

© 2010 Altimeter Group

About this Research Project

An Open Leader Emerges

• Background

• Responsibilities

• Program

• Challenges

Career Path: Two Choices

The Future of this Role



© 2010 Altimeter Group


Path 1: Grounded to Social Media Help Desk

Image by carl-w-heindl used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Reactive or Proactive?45

© 2010 Altimeter Group

The Tail Spin:

1. As more business units adopt “social media religion” they will start to demand their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.

2. If the Social Strategist is unable to comply, business units will deploy on their own.

“Facebook Strategy? Yeah my niece is all over it!”

3. Then the Social Strategist succumbs to mere order taking and clean up, relegating themselves to a “Social Media Help Desk.”

Path One: “Social Media Help Desk.” 46

© 2010 Altimeter Group


Path 2: Escape Velocity

Image by thirty_and_three used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Savvy Social Strategists develop a proactive business program that gets ahead of business – and customer requests.

Serve the entire enterprise as an internal resource –engagement doesn’t scale.

Grow scope beyond their business unit –assisting the end user along the entire customer journey.

Path Two: Escape Velocity 48

© 2010 Altimeter Group

About this Research Project

An Open Leader Emerges

• Background

• Responsibilities

• Program

• Challenges

Career Path: Two Choices

The Future of this Role



© 2010 Altimeter Group© 2010 Altimeter Group

The Future of this Role

Image by articnomad used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Strategists may work themselves out of a role:

• “In five years, this role doesn't exist. The role will be subsumed into every part of the company.”

• “We don't have a ‘verbal communication strategist’ or an ‘email planner’ now.” -@steverubel

Yet, we expect that these corporate entrepreneurs will likely move on the next wave of emerging technologies.

If successful, they work themselves out of a job51

© 2010 Altimeter Group

While these technologies are disruptive today, they will eventually become the norm.

• Every customer touchpoint in their journey

• All departments

• Like “Air” – it’s pervasive

As we heard from one Social Strategist:

• “The need for a dedicated staff will diminish, social will be a part of the fabric - marketing, PR, IT.”

The program transcends marketing – to span the entire customer journey


© 2010 Altimeter Group

John Bell, Global Managing Director at Olgivy’s 360 Digital Influence team, said:

• “In two years, Social Strategists are involved in every marketing operation at the table. In five years, they are at the head of the table.” -@jbell99

Thus, today’s Social Strategist may rise to executive status

• VP of Customer Experience

• Chief Customer Officer

• A role we’ve yet to imagine

Some will have opportunity for the Corner Office53

© 2010 Altimeter Group

About this Research Project

An Open Leader Emerges

• Background

• Responsibilities

• Program

• Challenges

Career Path: Two Choices

The Future of this Role



© 2010 Altimeter Group


How to Achieve Escape Velocity

Image by thirty_and_three used with Attribution as directed by Creative Commons

© 2010 Altimeter Group

This independent research report was 100% funded by Altimeter Group.

This report is published under the principle of Open Research and is available at no cost.

The Creative Commons License is Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States at

Open Research: Use and Share with Attribution56

© 2010 Altimeter Group


1. A proactive mindset is required –or end up in social media


2. Do this by setting up requirements for social media engagement

before the Business Units ask.

3. Get to Hub and Spoke formation(s) quickly. (Tip: Governance >

Process > Education) covertly manifests COE

4. Become an enabler for Business Units, you can never hire

enough community managers or deploy and manage efforts

5. Deploy scalable programs: communities, advocacy, SMMS, invest

in SCRM. Dialog does not scale.

6. Over time, think and deploy greater than the marketing

department –the duration of your role is limited

Six Steps to Achieve Escape Velocity –and Stay out of the Social Media Help Desk

© 2010 Altimeter Group


Jeremiah OwyangIndustry Analyst


Twitter: jowyang


With assistance from Christine Tran, Andrew Jones, and Charlene Li


Altimeter Group is a research-based advisory firm that

helps companies and industries leverage disruption to

their advantage. We have four areas of focus:

Leadership and Management, Customer Strategy,

Enterprise Strategy, and Innovation and Design.

Visit us at or contact


1. Steve Bendt, Senior Marketing Manager, Social Media, Best Buy

2. Richard Binhammer, Senior Manager, Strategic Corporate Communications, Dell

3. LaSandra Brill, Senior Manager, Global Social Media, Cisco Systems Inc.

4. Rebecca Brown, Director, Social Media Strategy, Intel Corporation

5. Kelly Colbert, Director, Marketing Strategy, Wellpoint 6. Marty Collins, Director, Emerging Media, Microsoft 7. Florence Drakton, Social Media Manager, Toyota Motor

Sales U.S.A. 8. Kati Driscoll, Community Specialist, Social Media, AAA 9. Bert DuMars, Vice President, E-Business & Interactive

Marketing, Newell Rubbermaid 10. Frank Eliason, Senior Vice President, Social Media, Citi 11. Kimberley Gardiner, Manager, Marketing, Toyota Motor

Sales U.S.A. 12. Jeannette Gibson, Director, Social Media Marketing, Cisco

Systems Inc. 13. Jamie Grenney, Senior Director, Social Media, 14. Julie Haddon, Senior Director, Global Social Media, eBay

inc.15. Gareth Hornberger, Coordinator, Social Media, Levi’s 16. Ken Kaplan, Manager, New Media and Broadcast, Intel 17. Steven Lazarus, Lead Strategist, Social Media & Interactive

Marketing, IBM 18. Jason Long, Community Manager, QlikTech 19. Dan Maloney, Global Vice President, Ecosystem Business

Development & Web Strategy, SAP 20. Manish Mehta, VP, Social Media & Community, Dell

21. Scott Monty, Manager, Global Digital & Multimedia Communications, Ford Motor Company

22. Petra Neiger, Senior Manager, Global Social Media, Cisco Systems Inc.

23. Marcus Nelson, Director, Social Media, 24. Bowen Payson, Manager, Online & Digital Marketing, Virgin

America25. Holly Potter, Vice President, Public Relations, Kaiser

Permanente26. Maria Poveromo, Director, Social Media, Adobe Systems 27. Toby Richards, General Manager, Community & Online

Support, Microsoft 28. Chip Rogers, Vice President and COO, SAP Community

Network and Ecosystem Events 29. Vanessa Sain-Dieguez, Strategist, Social Media, Hilton

Worldwide 30. Dan Schick, Manager, Web Communications, TELUS

Communications 31. Daniel Schmidt, Senior Product Manager, CBS Interactive 32. Liya Sharif, Director, Marketing, Qualcomm 33. Peter Simonsen, Senior Director, Web, QlikTech 34. Ted Sindzinski, Manager, Internet Marketing, Monster

Cable Products 35. Shiv Singh, Head of Digital, PepsiCo Beverages North

America 36. Kim Snedaker, Manager, Social Media, AAA 37. Ed Terpening, Vice President, Social Media Marketing,

Wells Fargo 38. Alexandra Wheeler, Director, Digital Strategy, Starbucks 39. Mark Yolton, Senior Vice President, SAP Community


Interviews with Corporate Social Strategists (39)


1. Tac Anderson, Vice President, Digital Strategies, Waggener Edstrom

2. David Armano, Senior Vice President, Digital, Edelman

3. Tom Bedecarre, CEO, AKQA

4. John Bell, Managing Director & Executive Creative Director, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

5. Andrea Harrison, Vice President, Strategy, Razorfish

6. Liza Hausman, Vice President, Marketing, Gigya

7. Shel Israel, CEO, SI Associates

8. Peter Kim, Managing Director, North America, Dachis Group

9. Jennifer Leggio, Social Business Blogger, CBS Interactive (ZDNet)

10. Steve Rubel, Senior Vice President, Insights, Edelman Digital

11. Andy Sernovitz, CEO, / Social Media Business Council

12. Dan Ziman, Vice President, Marketing, Lithium Technologies Inc.

Interviews: Topic Authorities61

© 2010 Altimeter Group

Charlene Li, Partner, Altimeter Group

Christine Tran, Researcher, Altimeter Group

Andrew Jones, Researcher, Altimeter Group

Susan Etlinger, Altimeter Group

Prathima Murphy, Altimeter Group

Tarah Remington Brown, WOMMA

Ann Handley, MarketingProfs

Asha Hossain Design, Inc.

Sonal Mehta, Student

Jennifer McClure, Society for New Communications Research;

Anita Wong, Student

Gil Yehuda,

Contributor Recognition62

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