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Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4 F. & a. m.


July – Sept 2008 A.L. 6008

The Arizona Keystone

Volume 1, Issue 3

The Arizona Keystone

Volume 1, Number 3

Jul-Sep 2008


Christopher Campbell, Master


George E. Weil, Secretary

The Arizona Keystone is an official

publication of Scientia Coronati Re-

search Lodge #4 F. & A. M. and

printed quarterly. Unless otherwise

noted, articles appearing in this publi-

cation express only the private opinion

or assertions of the writer, and do not

necessarily reflect the official opinion

of Scientia Coronati Research Lodge

#4 F. & A. M. or the Grand Lodge of

Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona.

Articles are subject to editing and be-

comes the property of Scientia Coronati

Research Lodge #4 F. & A. M. No

compensation is allowed for any article,

photographs, or other materials submit-

ted for publication.

Permission to reprint articles will be

granted upon written request to the Edi-

tor. When reprinted, articles should

note “Reprinted with permission of The

Arizona Keystone (Month, year).”

Please direct all correspondence to:

Editor: The Arizona Keystone

773 S. Maple Lane

Chino Valley, AZ 86323





Marion McDaniel Lodge #56 celebrates two




Downtown Prescott Arizona, becomes the

showcase for 126th Annual Communication.


Scientia Coronati Research Lodge No. 4

unveils a new Commemorative coin.


Welcome to the third edition of the Arizona Keystone. Our Lodge of Research has not been stuck in Neutral,

on the contrary we have been very busy getting our Lodge recog-

nized and established among Arizona’s Freemasonry landscape.

We have reached a milestone. Our Lodge has been in exis-

tence for over one year and still going strong. It is through eve-

ryone’s dedication and labor that we succeed. I would like to

thank all the family members and significant others that have

played a role in our success story so far. Without their support,

we would not be able to reach our goals and without them our

small victories in life would ring hollow.

Our Lodge is focused on Freemasonry being a progressive

science. Its mission is to disseminate light, and to dispel dark-

ness. It holds in reverence every man’s temple; desecrates no

man’s altar. Its march is ever upward to the full fruition of

knowledge. The spirit of our Lodge is the spirit of confidence, the spirit of trust and, above all,

the spirit of brotherly love.

This issue is a Western themed issue and centered around our colorful Western heritage.

It’s also dedicated to a very special brother who epitomized the symbol of the Cowboy and of

our strong American values. In more than 200 films made over 50 years, John Wayne sad-

dled up to become the greatest figure of one of America's greatest native art forms, the west-

ern. He won an Oscar as best actor for another western, "True Grit," in 1969. He is an exam-

ple of Masonry, and although the history of the man is covered in a few brief lines, the princi-

ples which he illustrated in his life are the proud heritage of the noblest Craft in history. The

members and guests of Marion McDaniel Lodge #56, celebrated Bro. Wayne’s 101st birthday

on Armed Forces Day! More on this within the pages of this newsletter.

The Grand Lodge Annual Communication was incredible! Scientia Coronati directly con-

tributed by being actively involved in the production of a “History of Freemasonry in Arizona”

computer presentation . It was proudly showcased and played during the social and dinner

event for all the Grand Lodge officers and their guests. Well done, to all who contributed to-

wards the production of the presentation!

O.K. enough of my chatter. Enjoy this issue and hopefully, it has some areas of interest

that you find worth while. My brothers, I end with this; That our faces are always turned to-

ward the eternal Light, with hope in humanity and faith in T. G. A. O. T. U.

George E. Weil


TUSCON - In celebration of its 50th anniversary, on Saturday, May 17 2008, MW Bro. Dave Luebke, Grand Master of Masons in Arizona pre-

sided at the Marion McDaniel Lodge #56 Rededication Ceremony. In addition to the 50th anniversary celebration, Marion McDaniel Lodge honored one of its most well known members, John Wayne, with a

celebration of his 101st birthday.

He was born Marion Michael Morrison in Winterset, Iowa. When Marion was six,

the family moved to California. There he picked up the nickname Duke - after his Airedale. He rose at 4 a.m. to deliver newspapers, and after school and foot-

ball practice he made deliveries for local stores. He was an A student, president of the Latin Society, head of his senior class and an all-state guard on a championship

football team.

Duke had hoped to attend the U.S. Naval Academy and was named as an alternate selection to Annapolis, but the first

choice took the appointment. Instead, he accepted a full scholarship to play football at the University of Southern Cali-fornia. There coach Howard Jones, who often found summer jobs in the movie industry for his players, got Duke work in the summer of 1926 as an

assistant prop man on the set of a movie directed by John Ford. One day, Ford, a notorious taskmaster with a rough-and-ready sense of hu-mor, spotted the tall USC guard on his set and asked Duke to bend over and

demonstrate his ball stance. With a deft kick, knocked Duke's arms from his body and the young athlete on his face. Picking himself up Duke said in that

voice which then commanded attention, "Let's try that once again." This time Duke sent Ford flying. Ford

erupted in laughter, and the two began a personal and professional friendship which would last a lifetime.

Countless others were also touched by his strength. Although it would take the critics 40 years to recognize what John Wayne was, the movie going public knew all along. In this country and around the world, Duke was the most popular box-office star of all time. For an incredible 25 years he was rated at or around the top in box-office appeal. His films grossed $700 million-a record no performer in Hollywood has come close to match-

ing. Yet John Wayne was more than an actor; he was a force around which films were made. As Elizabeth Tay-lor Warner stated when testifying in favor of the special gold medal Congress struck for him: "He gave the whole world the image of what an American should be."

When doctors told Duke there was no hope for his cancer, he urged them to use his body for experimental medical research, to further the search for a cure. He refused painkillers so he could be alert as he spent his

last days with his children. When John Wayne died on June 11, 1979, a Tokyo newspaper ran the headline, "Mr. America passes on."

"There's right and there's wrong," Duke said in The Alamo. "You gotta do one or the other. You do the one and you're living. You do the other and you may be walking around but in reality you're dead."

Duke Wayne symbolized just this, the force of the American will to do what is right in the world. He could have left no greater legacy.

(Reprinted from Reader’s Digest, October 1979)


MWGM David Luebke presides at

the Rededication Ceremony of

the Marion McDaniel Lodge #56

in Tucson, Arizona.

MWGM Dave Luebke performed the 50th An-

niversary Rededication Ceremony of the

Lodge with the assistance of 3 Grand Lodge

Officers. In accordance with Masonic tradi-

tion, WB Charles Barnes, as the Lodge Re-

dedication Architect, certified the building to

be Masonically sound.

● John Wayne was raised in Marion

MacDaniel Lodge No.56. July 11,


Worshipful Master Dr. Seneca Erman,


● Entered Apprentice, July 9, 1970

● Fellowcraft, July 10, 1970

Bro. John Wayne receiving his Masonic Bible at Marion McDaniel Lodge 56 in Tucson, AZ,

July 1970.




ion of

Grand Lod

ge Office



TT, Ari






Bros. Keith Rosewitz and Lon Thomas

will be refining the next version of our

Lodge’s website.

To those who are questioning why we

are changing the present version I offer this

explanation. As an organization that pro-

motes forward thinking on research and try-

ing to keep the professional standard high it

seems most appropriate to raise the level of

our website.

As we enter our 2nd year in existence

we look at improving the Lodge both inter-

nally and externally.

So… my brothers, stay tuned for an

even better looking website. By the way if

you have ideas to make the website even

better, please send those ideas to the editor

of the newsletter.




One of the greatest fears we have

when giving our dues to the Research

Lodge is the thought of producing a re-

search paper. It’s a fear that may come

from not knowing how to write one, or

how to format one. It maybe that we

have been so far removed from ever writ-

ing anything longer than a postcard letter

that we are at a loss to what is required

for a quality product.

Well fear not my brothers! We

have guidelines on what a research paper

should have, and some of the other

nit-noid details that make the paper a

thing of beauty.

The guidelines on writing a research

paper for Scientia Coronati Research

Lodge #4, F. & A.M. is on the web.

Please go to

and review the document at your leisure.

Or, if you have enough paper, print the

entire document for future reference.

A Research Lodge is aptly named

because its focus is on research. There-

fore, it would make sense that the mem-

bers actively participate and develop that

skill set called “Research.”

Nothing’s wrong with Ma-sonry. It’s what’s wrong with Masons.

There are many things that are a part of the decline in attendance and enthusiasm of Masons for their tenets and the building of better men and making better men out of good men. They have lost sight of their goals that were theirs when they first became Master Masons.

They have accepted the nega-tive philosophy that the end of Masonry, as we know it, is inevi-table. It is very easy to do this. It is the path of least resistance. Stay home and watch television. You think that your presence is of no value in the lodge room. You won’t be missed.

Brother, how wrong can you be?

Our ancient Brethren used their craft to build, not to let things deteriorate. Use our craft to build your own character, as a man of distinction, integrity and as a man who serves his fellow man.

It is not only our goal, but it is our duty to serve not only our fellow man, but also to serve our Great Creator. What better way can we do this than by at-tending lodge meetings to share our tenets and values of Broth-erly Love, friendship and char-ity. — Warren F. Lee, The New Hampshire Freemason, Fall/Winter 1998-99


Our Research Lodge has produced a Commemorative Coin that is available to all membership levels as a

benefit of membership. Members will be given one coin as part of their benefit package, and will be re-

quired to pay for any additional coins or replacements. This coin is available to non-members for $7.00.

Some of the meaning of the coin should be mentioned.


• Red = Fortitude

• Gold = Valor

• Blue = Loyalty

• White = Leadership, Light

• Black = Ignorance, Darkness

The Motto around the coin means : WHOM VIRTUE UNITES DEATH CANNOT SEPARATE

Shield: A Mason’s protection against ignorance and the profane. The colors on the shield represent mov-

ing from darkness to light.

16 Stars plus 50 Leaves: Total 66.

65 = The number of Arizona Lodges in existence at the time of the issuance of our Lodge’s Charter

1 = Star at the top of the shield represents the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Arizona

Level, Square, Plumb: The honorable jewels of our craft



Question: How many Masons does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: After much research this tricky question can now be answered.

It takes 20, as follows:

2 to complain that the light doesn’t work.

1 to pass the problem to either another committee, the Temple Board or

the Master of the Lodge.

3 to do a study on light in the Lodge.

2 to check out the types of lights the Knights of Columbus use.

3 to argue about it.

5 to plan a fund-raising dinner to raise money for the bulb.

2 to complain that “that’s not the way we did it before.”

1 to borrow a ladder, donate the bulb and install it.

1 to order the brass memorial plate and have it inscribed.

(Reprinted from Masonic Daylight Lodge #79)

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