khaitan public school, sahibabad summer hhw, …...khaitan public school, sahibabad summer hhw,...

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  • Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad

    Summer HHW, 2018-19

    Class – VII English Activity1. Design a book mark measuring 15x5cms and write a catchy slogan of your own based on the topic ‘Health is Wealth’. The slogan should be short and crisp. Present your bookmark well; you may use a good calligraphy to write it and you may colour it too but do not paste anything on the book mark. Do not forget to write your name, class and section at the back of book mark. Activity 2. Complete the story map given below based on your reading of the Chapter ‘The Cop and the Anthem’ from the supplementary reader, ‘An Alien Hand’. Do not write more than two lines in each box.

  • English Rubrics

    Activity 1 Criteria Details Marks Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible

    handwriting. No cutting or


    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Relevance of Content (1 mark)

    Should be relevant to subject matter.

    Uniqueness and appropriateness of idea.

    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Grammar and Vocabulary (1 mark)

    Grammar. Vocabulary.

    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Punctuation (1 mark) 1 mark Timely Submission (1 mark)

    Submitted within the first two English periods. Submitted in the third or fourth period. Any later than fourth period.

    1 mark ½ mark 0 mark

    Activity 2 Criteria Details. Marks Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible

    handwriting. No cutting or


    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Comprehension (1 mark)

    Appropriateness of idea.

    1 mark

    Sequencing Skills (1 mark)

    1 mark

    Grammar and Vocabulary (1 mark)

    Grammar. Vocabulary.

    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Timely Submission (1 mark)

    Submitted within the first two English periods.

    Submitted in the third or fourth period.

    Any later than fourth period.

    1 mark ½ mark 0 mark


  • सामान्य निरे्दश :- गहृकायय को ध्याि से पढ़ें | स्वच्छता का ध्याि रखें |

    प्रश्ि. -1 ‘ववक्टोररया क्रोस’ कहािी को पढे तत्पश्चात उस कहािी में आए पात्र लेखक (भगवती चरण वमाय) व सुखराम के हुई बातचीत को संवार्द के रूप में ललखें | प्रश्ि.2 ‘हहमालय की बेहटयााँ’ पाठ पढ़ें | पाठ पढ़िे के बार्द ‘िहर्दयों का बचाव’ ववषय पर एक रंगीि ,स्लोगि सहहत पोस्टर तैयार कीजिए |

    वसंत,अमतृ संचय व व्याकरण के समस्त पाठों/बिन्दओुं का पुनराभ्यास करें |

    कायय करिे हेतु निरे्दश :- 1. कायय करते समय rubrics का ध्याि रखें | 2. प्रश्ि संख्या-1 को A4 साइि सीट पर करिा है तथा अपिा िाम,कक्षा,वगय ललखकर उसे फोल्डर में लेकर आएाँ | 3. प्रश्ि संख्या-2 को A3 साइि सीट पर करें | 4. संवार्द लेखि हेतु निरे्दश -क.संवार्द कहािी पर आधाररत ही होिा चाहहए | ख. प्रत्येक पात्र के 6-7 संवार्द होिे चाहहए | ग.पाठ स ेसम्बंधधत बातचीत ही ललखे | घ.अिावश्यक ववस्तार व बातचीत ि हो |

    4 mark Clear and legible handwriting No cutting or overwriting . No mistake. conversation (12-14)

    1. Question 1 (5 marks)

    ववक्टोररया क्रोस

    3 mark

    2 or 3 mistakes & conversation (10-12)


    2,1 mark(accordingly) More than 5 mistakes or incompletion of Answer & conversation below 10


    1 mark

    ½ mark

    0 mark

    Submitted within the first two


    Submitted in the third or

    fourth period.

    Any later than fourth period.

    4 Timely Submission (1mark)

  • 4 mark Clear and legible handwriting No cutting or overwriting . appropriate colour , meaningful depiction & slogan

    1. Question 2 (5 marks)

    3 mark

    without slogan but colourful-,meaningful depiction


    2,1 mark(accordingly) without slogan & colour but only , meaningful depiction


    1 mark

    ½ mark

    0 mark

    Submitted within the first two


    Submitted in the third or

    fourth period.

    Any later than fourth period.

    4 Timely Submission (1mark)


    A.Be creative! Design your own poem on light coloured A 4 size sheet.

    Write one innovative and meaningful poem related to maths.( Any mathematical

    concepts/geometrical concepts/3D shapes/properties of 2D shapes/formulae/etc).Minimum

    word-limit should be 80 words .You may also draw along with the poem.

    B.Write Life history of following mathematicians according to your Roll Nos ( Word

    Limit 150 words). Roll no Mathematician

    1-13 Who discovered ‘0’?

    14-26 Who discovered Pythagoras theorem?

    27- 40 Who discovered ‘π’(pi)?


    *Life history may include-achievements, How the discovery was made of above mentioned,

    Contribution in field of mathematics(Information related to the personal life of

    mathematician is not needed here but you should always read it)

    C.You have studied in your previous class about fractions and decimals. Google search

    more about them and find out different kinds of fractions, decimals and also how do we

    perform four operations(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on them).

    Types of fractions and decimals

  • How to add, subtract fractions?

    How to multiply and divide fractions?

    Now based on these videos answer the following questions to check your understanding. Use

    A4 size white sheet to do your work-


    1. Fractions in which numerator is greater than denominator is called __________. 2. Fractions in which numerator is less than denominator is called __________. 3. , , are called _________types of fraction because they have same ___________.

    4. , , are called_______ types of fraction.

    5. + = _________.

    6. = ________.

    7. + =__________.

    8. What would be the denominator of ?

    9. = __________.

    10. In solving which term will be reciprocated and which sign will be replaced ?

    11. What are like and unlike decimals. Give examples.

    D.Do Worksheet No-1 Level -2 Q1(a,b,c); Worksheet No 2 Level-2 Q.1 ; Page 23 Q5 ;

    Worksheet No-8(Complete) using pencil in Workbook.

    E.Revise the syllabus done so far.


    1. Poem and Life history should be written on light coloured A-4 size sheet. 2. All work must be hand written with margin of 2cm from all sides. 3. Writing work can be done with any coloured pen/pens. 4. Worksheet should be done in Maths workbook only with pencil. 5. Paste the picture of the mathematician along with their life history. 6. For question C use white A4 size sheets.

  • Marks Rubric for class VII Serial no


    ● 3-4 parameters present: 3 marks.

    ● 1-2 parameters present: 2 mark

    Work is handwritten and not printed.

    1 1.

    Maintenance (3 marks)

    Legible handwriting. 2.

    Mention Name,Class,Sec,Date ,day.


    Choice of right pen/pens (preferably gel pen) while writing.

    Use of sharpened pencil . Use of margins wherever

    instructed by the teacher. Choice of right

    materials(A4 Coloured sheets, Picture of mathematician) for HHW.

    Adhering to the word limit.


    4 Parameters-5marks 3 parameter- 4 marks 2 parameters- 2.5 mark 1 parameter- 1 mark

    Poem related to maths concept.

    Life history of mathematician.

    Picture of mathematician. Answering questions

    based on videos.

    1 1.

    Content (5 marks)

    2 mark Submits in first two periods. 1 . Submission (2 mark)

    1 mark Submission in third and fourth



    0.5 mark Submits after repeated reminders and follow up by the teacher.


    5 marks 4 marks 3,2,1 Mark(accordingly)

    No mistake. From 1-5 mistakes. More than 5 mistakes or incompletion of worksheet.

    1. 2. 3.

    Worksheet Workbook (5 marks)

  • Science

    Q1. Read L-7 ‘Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate’ and do the questions of the workbook. Q2. Collect information about any five services given by the Indian Meteorological Department and write the answer in points. For reference: http// Q3. Make a PPT on the topic “Adaptations of animals in different habitats and Migratory Birds’ a) Adaptations of Whale and Sea turtle b) Adaptations of Rat and Hawk c) Adaptations of Rhino and Giraffe d) Adaptations of Snake and Wolf e) Adaptations of Whale and Weasel f) Five Migratory Birds coming to India Note: PPT should have maximum of 8 slides and minimum 6 slides. Two adaptations or three migratory birds can be shown in a slide. Try to write in points, avoid writing in paragraphs PPT should be sent to the respective science teachers on their email by 25th June


  • Criteria Serial no. Rubric Marks

    Content 1 Relevant Information

    Relevant info - 4 marks

    (8 marks) Irrelevant info - 2 marks

    2 No. of slides 6-8 slides - 3 marks 5 slides - 2 marks less than 5 slides - 1 mark

    3 Creativity 1 mark

    4 Information about services of Meteorological department.

    Info about 5 services – 5 marks

    Info about 4 services – 4 marks

    Anything less than 4 - 2 marks

    Workbook 1 Workbook Complete - 5 marks

    (5 marks)

    Incomplete - 1 mark

    Submission 1 Submits workbook in first two science periods and PPT by 25th June.

    2 mark

    (2 mark) 2

    Submission of workbook on third and fourth science period and PPT by 28th June.

    1 mark

    3 Submits after repeated reminders and follow up by the teacher.

    0.5 mark

    Social Science Instructions-

    Read and understand the Holiday Homework properly before doing. Submit your HHW with a proper heading, name, class and section and in a

    folder. And also write the details in mail. Use visible colored pens or glitter pens to make your work attractive. Keep your work tidy. (Remember there are marks for everything) Creativity and uniqueness is appreciated. You can refer any book, magazine, TV and website or any other source of

    information for further samples and tips for effective advertisement.

    I. Imagine yourself as one of the members of Public Health Care Department of India. To spread awareness about the topic “Health is wealth” create an advertisement on an A3 size sheet mentioning and elaborating the following points:-

  • a) The entire advertisement should not be more than 40-50 words, including a catchy slogan.

    b) It should be crisp, clear, colorful, attractive and appealing. c) Mention any 2 important facts of health in it. d) The message in the advertisement should serve the aim. e) Feel free to use your any creative skills- sketching, drawing, painting. f) Include the name of any celebrity in your advertisement to make its impact better. g) Remember your target audience while making it. h) Take references from any magazine/newspaper/pamphlets/internet.

    i) On the back of the same sheet of the advertisement also mention the following- 1) Any 1 reason to choose the celebrity. 2 Write 2 points on the expected impact on the audience after publishing of advertisement.

    Sample advertisement-

    The email addresses are:




    II. Create and enact an advertisement during these holidays at your home on any

    product related to health and make a video of yourself and send it to your teacher by


    Consider the following guidelines while making it:-

    i) The size of the video should not be more than 10 mbs.

    ii) The length and duration of video should not exceed 1 min.

    iii) It should be very precise and clear.

    iv) The advertisement should have a jingle/slogan or rhyme.

    v) You can take help of any prop, costumes, any family member, friend or any other

    material to be a part of the advertisement but the main role should be yours.

    vi) Please do not introduce yourself in the advertisement. Only the information of the

    product is required.

    vii) Use your own ideas and creativity, avoid copying already made advertisements.

    viii) You can refer the Ads of TV for better understanding.

  • ix) Give an appropriate name to your product.

    x) Send the video by mail before 25th June to your respective subject teacher. Adherence

    to time is important.

    xi) The best 5 Ads will be displayed through smart board in the class. Enjoy the


    III. Do Ascend worksheets no. 1-5

    Social Science Rubrics

    Activity 1 Criteria Details Marks Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible

    handwriting. No cutting or overwriting.

    1/2 mark 1/2 mark

    Content (3 marks) Should be relevant to subject matter.

    Uniqueness and appropriateness of idea.

    2 marks 1 mark

    Timely Submission (1 mark) Submitted within the first two S.St periods.

    Submitted in the third or fourth period.

    Any later than fourth period.

    1 mark ½ mark 0 mark

    3rd Ascend (5 marks) No mistake. For 1-4 mistakes. More than 3 mistakes or

    incompletion of worksheets.

    5 marks 4 marks 3,2,1 mark(accordingly)

    Activity 2nd Content (3 marks)

    Should be relevant to subject matter.

    Uniqueness and appropriateness of idea.

    2 marks 1 mark

    Time limit (2 marks) Video is sent before the summer break is over.

    Time duration of the video.

    Exceeding time duration for more than 30 seconds and not submitting during break.

    1 mark 1 mark 0 mark

  • COMPUTER Create an informative webpage or website(linked webpage) on “The Month of SAVAN”

    using maximum tags to the best of your abilities.

    Marks and incentives will be awarded for:

    Indentation of code in HTML file. (1)

    Content formatting & organization in webpage. (3)

    Positioning of content,appropriate color combination(clarity in visibility of objects

    placed on top of each other.)

    Emphasizing text content using bold,italics,underline,headers and font tag (4)

    Adding Horizontal Rule tag. (1)

    Incentives will be awarded for use of images, list and links (not mandatory).

    Holidays HW to be mailed at before 20th

    June 2018.

    Your mail should include your Name,Class & Section in the subject otherwise it will not be

    considered. (1)


    Do French Ascend worksheet 1 and 2.

    Do Extra worksheet given, based on culture & civilization of France and paste it in

    the French Notebook.

    Write any three points of difference between the cultures of France and India in

    French on A4 size light coloured sheet.

    Revise UT1 Syllabus L-0 & L-1.


    Culture & Civilisation

    Q1. Nommez :

    a. Quatre villes de la France

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    b. La France est bornée par quatre mers. Nommez quatre mers

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    c. Six pays voisins de la France

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    ________________________________ _______________________________

  • ________________________________ _______________________________

    d. Quatre fleuves de la France

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    e. Deux montagnes

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    f. Deux monuments

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    g. Deux vins

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    h. Deux français célèbres

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    i. Deux fromages

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    j. Deux parfumeurs

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    k. Deux couturiers

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    l. Deux voitures

    ________________________________ _______________________________

    Q2. Remplissez les blancs :

    a. __________________ est la capitale de la France.

    b. _________________________est utilisé comme synonyme de France.

    c. _______________________, _____________________ et _____________________ sont la devise

    de la République.

    d. _______________________________ est l’emblème national de la France.

    e. _________________________________ symbolise la République.

    f. ________________________________ est la fête nationale de la France.

  • Q3. Repondez :

    a. Qui est l’autorité suprême de la nation ?



    b. Qui a composé La Marseillaise ?





    Neatness (1 mark) Clear & legible handwriting.

    No cutting or overwriting.

    1 mark

    Content ( 3 marks) Should be relevant to the question.

    Grammatically correct.

    2 marks

    1 mark

    Timely Submission ( 1 mark) Submitted in first week.

    Submitted in second/third week.

    Submitted in fourth week.

    1 mark

    0.5 mark

    Zero mark

  • ववषय-संस्कृत

    काययपत्रत्रका िं. 4 और 5 सहायक शब्र्दों की सहायता से पूणय करें|लेखि कायय िीले रंग के

    पेि स ेकरें|

    सामान्य निरे्दश:

    समय अवधध- अकं-1 (4.7.2018 तथा 6.7.2018 तक गहृकायय रे्दिे पर पूणय 1 अकं हर्दया िाएगा|)

    पूणयता- अकं-2 (कायय पत्रत्रका िं. 4 व 5 की पूणयता का एक-एक अकं हर्दया िाएगा|)

    स्वच्छता-अकं-1 (त्रबिा काटे हुए सफाई से कायय करिे का पूणय 1 अकं हर्दया िाएगा|)

    वतयिी शुद्धता-अकं-1 (एक भी त्रहुट ि होिे पर 1 अकं हर्दया िाएगा|)


    Do Ascend worksheets 1,3and 4.

    Revise UT 1 syllabus

    Do the worksheets given below.


    Neatness (1 mark) Clear & legible handwriting.

    No cutting or overwriting.

    1 mark

    Content ( 3 marks) Should be relevant to the question.

    Grammatically correct.

    2 marks

    1 mark

    Timely Submission ( 1 mark) Submitted in first week. Submitted in second/third

    week. Submitted in fourth week.

    1 mark

    0.5 mark

    Zero mark

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