kidney - rk university...ckd, particularly in high risk populations. stress the important role of...

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Pharma Health Club Newsletter, ISSUE hc

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PAGE� hcMonthly newsletter by School of Pharmacy, RK University

World Kidney Day is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of the kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide.[1]

It is observed annually on the 2nd Thursday in March. It is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF). This day was intended to raise awareness about afflictions of the kidney; although many are treatable, they are a secondary medical concern of the greater population. Theme for 2016 is: Kidney Disease & Children… Act early to Prevent it![2]

Main objectives of this day are to : [4]Raise awareness about our "amazing kidneys". Highlight that diabetes and high blood pressure are key risk factors for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).Encourage systematic screening of all patients with diabetes and hypertension for CKD.Encourage preventive behaviours.Educate all medical professionals about their key role in detecting and reducing the risk of CKD, particularly in high risk populations.Stress the important role of local and national health authorities in controlling the CKD epidemic. On World Kidney Day all governments are encouraged to take action and invest in further kidney screening.Encourage transplantation as a best-outcome option for kidney failure, and the act of organ donation as a life-saving initiative.

World Kidney Day

What are common diagnostic techniques used to detect Kidney


What are the treatments used for End-stage Kidney Disease?



DAY10 MARCH 2016

PAGE� hcMonthly newsletter by School of Pharmacy, RK University

ST1 MARCH, 2016Pharma Health Club Newsletter, ISSUE 15

What are common clinical conditions involving Kidney? [4]

What a re common d iagnos t ic techniques used to detect Kidney defects? [4]

Laboratory testing:

•Complete blood count (CBC)•Serum electrolytes including Na+, K+, Cl-,

HCO3-, Ca2+& PO4-•Blood urea, nitrogen and creatinine;•BGL&Glycocylated hemoglobin.•Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)


•Imaging studies are important in the evaluation of structural renal disease caused by urinary tract obstruction, renal stones, renal cyst, mass lesions, renal vascular disease, and vesicoureteral reflux.

•Imaging techniques used most frequently include renal ultrasound and helical CT scan. Patients with suspected vesicoureteral reflux may undergo voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG).

Biopsy:•Examination of specimen using l ight

microscopy with multiple staining techniques (hematoxylin and eosin/H&E, PAS, trichrome, silver stain) on multiple level sections.

•Finally, ultra-structural examination is

performed with electron microscopy and may reveal the presence of electron-dense deposits or other characteristic abnormalities that may suggest an etiology for the patient's renal disease.

What are the complications of Kidney diseases and what are their remedies?

High blood pressure:[15]•People with kidney disease may experience

worsening high blood pressure. •Remedies to lower your blood pressure:

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers - and to preserve kidney function and water pill (diuretic) and a low-salt diet.

Hypercholesterolemia: Statins to lower your cholesterol. People with chronic kidney disease often experience high levels of bad cholesterol, which can increase the risk of heart disease.[15]

Anemia: Hormone erythropoietin, sometimes with added iron. Erythropoietin supplements aid in production of more red blood cells, which may relieve fatigue and weakness associated with anemia.

Pharma Health Club Newsletter, ISSUE 15 ST1 MARCH, 2016 hcMonthly newsletter by School of Pharmacy, RK University


Swelling/Oedema: People with chronic kidney disease may retain fluids. This can lead to swelling in the legs, as well as high blood pressure. Medications called diuretics can help maintain the balance of fluids in your body.

Bone deformities: Calcium and vitamin D supplements can prevent weak bones and lower your risk of fracture.

What are the treatments used for End-stage Kidney Disease?

Dialysis: It is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood and is used primarily as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with kidney failure.[17]

Kidney Transplantation: Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. [19]A kidney transplant involves surgically placing a healthy kidney from a donor into patient's body. Transplanted kidneys can come from deceased or living donors. Immunosuppressants are given to prevent rejection of new organ.[15]

What are the lifestyle modifications & diet regulations to strengthen and clean/heal Kidney? [20, 21]

Stop smoking & alcohol consumption.Eat healthy, low-fat, balanced diet. Restrict salt intake to less than 6g / day. Don't use over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, except when advised to by a medical professional.

Reduce body weight (only for obesity patient) & do regular exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week Reduce food intake with high protein content like meat, milk, cheese, eggs, etc.Increase consumption of pure water, watermelon, carrots, mangoes.In case of kidney stones: Avoid coffee, alcohol and tea. If stone is of uric acid, avoid animal meat especially red meat, liver, brain, sausages, etc. Avoid chocolate, and spinach. If the stones are calcium oxalate: the best for you is a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and limit or reduce the consumption of pasta, bread, potatoes, sweets and all products containing white sugar.

Herbal therapy[24, 25]

Gokhru Churna, Gokshuradi Guggul, Varunadi Kwath, Apamarg Kshaar, Saatodi (Punarnava) Churna/Kwath, Rasayan Churna, Dandelion, Panfuti, Kothmir and Bijoru are excellent diuretics, tonic for kidney and urinary bladder, help in various urinary tract disorders like kidney stones, and improve the general functions of the kidney.Arnica: Used when suffered a severe blow in the kidney either in form of external application as a cream or consuming arnica tea infusions.


PAGE� hcMonthly newsletter by School of Pharmacy, RK University

Pharma Health Club Newsletter, ISSUE 15 ST 1 MARCH, 2016

1. Introduction of World Kidney Day. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)2. World Kidney Day-Wikipedia. Available on: (Accessed on: 18/02/2016)3. World Kidney Day Logo. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)4. Basics of Kidney. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)5. Anatomy of Kidney. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)6. Nephrotic Syndrome Image. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)7. Image of Renal Cyst. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)8. Image of Chronic Kidney Diseases. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)9. Image of Nephrolithiasis. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)10. Infection in Kidney - UTI. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)11. Image of Urinary tract infection. Available on: on: 18/02/2016)12. Image of Urine analysis. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)13. Kidney Imaging. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)14. Kidney biopsy image. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)

References:15. Treatments & Drugs - Kidney Diseases - By Myoclonic staff. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)16. Image of Hemodialysis. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)17. Dialysis - "What is Dialysis?". Available on: on: 19/02/2016)18. Image of Kidney transplantation. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)19. Kidney transplantation - Wikipedia. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)20. NHS Choices: Chronic Kidney Disease. Life style changes. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)21. Biomanantial. "Foods and herbs to strengthen and heal kidneys". Available on: on: 19/02/2016)22. Image of Dendelion. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)23. Image of Parsley. Available on: on: 19/02/2016)24. PMC3361922/ 25.

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