kiev grand classic

Post on 26-Aug-2014



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With the purpose of revival light, eternal human values Kiev Grand Classic was created. It is a unique Ukrainian Charity Fund aimed at the active assistance and support of young talented artists of instrumental classical music, students of the world-famous Ukrainian school. We created a stable, efficiently running organization providing real help talented young musicians. Kiev Grand Classic provides the most favorable conditions for the initiation and further development of their professional career.


Charity support fund

Ofyoung musicians

Reviving the

Kiev 2014 -2015

Popularization of classical music art, by means of active assistance of young

Ukrainian musicians at the international level.

With the purpose of revival light, eternal human values Kiev Grand Classic was created. It is a unique

Ukrainian Charity Fund aimed at the active assistance and support of young

talented artists of instrumental classical music, students of the world-

famous Ukrainian school.

Mission of Charity Fund

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby Narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +38 050 351 85 25Web: www.grandclassic.orgE-mail:

We created a stable, efficiently running organization providing real help talented young musicians. Kiev Grand Classic provides the most

favorable conditions for the initiation and further development of their professional career

The goalOf Charity Fund

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Creative Board

Creative board takes inherently important part in the performance of

Fund whose members are modern worldwide renowned outstanding

musicians . Determination, support and lobbying of scholars of Fund are in

the competence of a Creative Board Therewith performance of Creative

Board is oriented to carrying additional concerts, music workshops, festival

and other such-like events.

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Creative board

Already at the beginning of its existence the Creative Fund Board included outstanding musicians of our time: Evgeniy Stankovich - composer, Hero of Ukraine, public Artist of UkraineVladimir Kozhuhar’ – Head conductor of the National operaOf Ukraine. Public artist of Russia and UkraineKirill Karabitz – Head conductor of Bornmutskiy Symphonic orchestra (Great Britain) Alex Zografos - composer (USA) Vladimir Koshuba – organ player, Public artist of Ukraine. Garry Abadzhyan – artistic manager of the Youth symphonic orchestra, Public artist of Ukraine.Gabriel Denaro – famous pianist and composer (Italy)

Charity fund «Киев Гранд Классик»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Selection of Charity fund scholars

Mechanism of selection nominees for creative scholarship occurs maximal objectively based on experience of the best world practices of carrying international competitions. Nominations are determined

in two age categories : Junior group (14-18 years) Senior group (19-25 лет)

In the season of 2014 - 2015 prizewinners will be selected for scholarships in the following categories :

- Piano; - Violin; - Cello.

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Scholarship of Charity fund

Fund scholars receive an annual package of highly professionalproducer services, particularly:

- Covering all costs associated with participation in the prestigious international competition.

- Covering all the costs for organizing a solo concert for a scholar. - Sponsoring solo album of a scholar.

- Recording a composition in a summary album Kiev Grand Classic. - Professional multi-chamber video filming of scholar solo concert at the expense of

the Fund.- Professional photo shoot at the expense of the Fund.

- Participation in the annual gala concert

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Every two years a special jury of a National Television Company of Ukraine selects a candidate for international competition «Classical Eurovision» among scholars of our

fund. Only one scholar will have an opportunity to represent Ukraine at this competition with broadcast over

15 European countries.

Classical Eurovision

Trustees board There is also a Trustees Board formed in the structure of Fund. It is the main guarantor

of Kiev Grand Classic performance. It will include the elite of our country. Every year members of Trustees board elect a chairman of Trustees board. Each member of the

Board of Trustees receives a certain package of services:

• Permanent number of seats at all events of Kiev Grand Classic. • Exclusive right to replace advertisement on all possible data storage media of Kiev

Grand Classic.

Thus, besides unforgettable aesthetic experience, members of Trustees fund receive all honor of Patronship and special opportunities for developing its social reputation.

Kiev Grand Classic does not limit the range of its benefactors and receive any help, both financial and intangible kind in order to achieve the main goals of the Fund.

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Trustees Board

Alexandr Mazurchak –

former main advisor of Kiev National city


Alexey Svirid– head of group of

companies EasyPay

Vadim Rudenko – general manager of companies HiTech

Vlad Baginskiy – musical producer of National Ukrainian

Television company

First steps in informal activity of Kiev Grand Classic were concerts of Classic Academical music, organized by a founder of the fund Sergey

Likhomanenko. Under the aegis of Kiev Grand Classic, beginning from 2007 concerts with participation of different groups such as National

Academic Synphonic Orchestra, Youth Academic Symphonic Orchestra “Slobozhanskiy”, Academic Symphonic Orchestra “Philarmonia”, Students Chamber Orchestra named after Chaykovskiy, Chamber Orchestra “Opus”

are regularly carried.

Founder ofKiev Grand Classic

The founder of Kiev Grand Classic is businessman Sergey Likhomanenko, which officially presented Fund in a columned

hall of the Kiev city hall on February 17, 2012 . Being an experienced manager and professional marketing specialist, Sergey intends to create a lot of accompanying projects and

large-scale concert activity under the aegis of Fund.

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Telecast Kiev Grand Classic

The telecast Kiev Grand Classic is an informational product with educational and

entertaining sense which provides for TV viewers fascinating plots about biography

of the well-known musicians which are telling by stars of a modern

platform. Musical composition well known all over the world will perform by young Ukrainian talents in every

release and the little-known facts from life of outstanding world composers and

musicians will accompany the main subject line

Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Charity fund «Kiev Grand Classic»Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6

Tel.: +30 044 46555755Web:


Charity fund Kiev Grand Classic started a large-scale television project "Orchestras of Ukraine". Its essence consists of promoting of the cities of Ukraine as sources of

inspiration of great classical composers among which are P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. S. Prokofiev, N. V. Lysenko, R.M.Gliyer, O. P. Borodin, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov and other

outstanding figures of world value. Using the latest technologies the Fund provides carries video filming of symphonic orchestras from different Ukrainian cities.

Projects«Orchestras of Ukraine»

Our awards and letters of Appreciation

Благотворительный Фонд «Киев Гранд Классик»Украина, г.Киев 01004, бульвар Дружбы Народов 14, оф. 6

Тел.: +30 044 46555755Web:


«On behalf of Charity Fund and from myself personally I apply for everyone who are indifferent to help or assist in our business. Regards and gratitudes»

Kind regards.The founder of Kiev Grand ClassicSergey Likhomanenko

Ukraine, Kiev 01004, Druzhby narodov boulevard 14, office. 6Tel.: +38 050 351 82 25

Web: www.grandclassic.orgE-mail:

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