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Chemistry Presentation

Group 8

• Asep Trisyana Putra•Deni Nurdiyanto•Rizal Aprilan K•Shandi Maulana

XII @ 5Senior High School 11 Garut

Chemistry Presentation

Transition Element


Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Chemical character

All of the fourth period transition element are metal

Has magnetic character. Paramagnetic for all, except Fe, Co, Ni are Feromagnetic and Zn is Diamagnetic

Has electropositive Character

Not too reactive metals

Has one or more oxidation number

Can be used as Catalyst


Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Has Solid shape in room temperature (250 C)

Has character as good heat & electric Conductor

Has high boiling and melting point

Has strong solid shape.

Physical character


Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Important data


Choose One:Choose One:Choose One:Choose One:


Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Function Function

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Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Function Function

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Chemical Character Chemical Character

Physical character Physical character

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Function Function

How to get How to get


used in tracers that is ammunition that has been treated to act as tracer bullet


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used as alloy as a substitute for aluminium, in parts or component of aircraft, jets and supersonic aircraft

used for making missiles and space capsules

used as replacement for bone and cartilage in surgery

in the form of alloy, titanium is used as a deoxidizer and denitrogenizer to remove oxygen and nitrogen from molten metals

In the form of titanium dioxide, it is used as white pigment in paints, plastic, paper, textiles and rubber


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used to make some alloy which are usually use to make any industrial products, such as engine parts, missile case, jet engine housing and others.

used to replace platinum as a catalyst in the manufacture of sulfuric acid

used as a drying agent in various paint


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used to make alloy with some metals. It is usually in automobile and other vehicle industries

used in electroplating to increase hardness and corrosion resistance of a given metal

used in manufacture of explosives, matches and dyes

used as a pigment


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used to make alloy like ferromanganese and spiegeleisen

used as deoxidizer in steel manufacture

used as oxidizing agent and desinfectan

used in dyeing cotton


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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usually used to make coated with zinc

used for galvanized sheet metal

used in manufacture of steels

used for treatment of anemia


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used to make a heat resistant metal alloy (superalloy)

used for making a permanent magnet

used as drying agent for ceramics and paints

used as a catalyst


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used for making alloys

used as a protective and ornamental coating for some metals

powdery nickel is used as a catalyst in hydrogenation of fats or oils in making margarine

used with copper to make coins


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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o used to make electric devices, among others are conductor cable

o used to make alloy

o used as fungicide

o used to test purity of alcohols


Chemical Character Chemical Character

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used to coat some metals

used for preventing and inhibiting corrosion

it is used as plates in dry electric cells

zinc oxide is used as white pigment in paints

zinc sulfide is used to coat the screens of television tubes

Data Skandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc

Atomic mass (amu)

44,9559 47,88 50,9415 51,996 54,9380 55,847 58,933 58,6934 63,54 65,39

Atomic number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Atomic Radius (Å) 1,62 1,45 1,34 1,30 1,35 1,26 1,25 1,24 1,28 1,38Electron Configuration

2 8 9 2 [Ar] 4s23d1

2 8 10 2[Ar] 4s23d2

2 8 11 2[Ar] 4s23d3

2 8 13 1 [Ar] 4s13d5

2 8 13 2[Ar] 4s23d5

2 8 14 2 [Ar] 4s23d6

2 8 15 2[Ar]4s23d7

2 8 16 2[Ar]4s23d8

2 8 18 1 [Ar]4s13d10

2 8 18 2[Ar]4s23d10

Oxidation Number

+3 +4, +3 +5,+4,+3, +2

+6 ,+3,+2 +7,+6,+5,+4 +2,+3

+2,+3 +2,+3 +2,+3 +2,+1 +2

Atomic Volume (cm3mol -1)

15,0 10,60 8,35 7,23 7,39 7,10 6,70 6,60 7,10 9,20

Crystal structure Hex Hex bcc bcc bcc bcc Hex Fcc Fcc HexBoiling Point (0C) 2.836 3.287 3.407 2.672 2.061 2.861 2.927 2.913 2.562 907Melting Point (0C) 1.543 1.668 1.910 1.907 1.245 1.538 1.495 1.455 1.085 420Density (grams/cm3)

2,99 4,54 6,11 7,19 7,44 7,67 8,90 8,90 8,96 7,13

Heat Capacity (J/gK)

0,568 0,523 0,489 0,449 0,48 0,449 0,421 0,444 0,385 0,388

Electronegativity 1,36 1,54 1,63 1,66 1,55 1,83 1,88 1,91 1.90 1,65Electric Conductivity (ohm-1cm-1)

1,5.106 2,6.106 4,0.106 7,9.106 0,5.106 11,2.106

17,9.106 14,6.106 60,7 .106 16,9 .106

Heat conductivity (W/mK)

15,8 21,9 30,7 93,7 7,82 80,2 100 90,7 401 116

Value of Formation enthalpy (kJ/mol)

16,11 18,6 22,8 20 14,64 13,8 16,19 17,2 13,14 7,38

Value of evaporation enthalpy (kJ/mol)

304,80 455,2 446,7 339,5 214,74 394,5 373,3 377,5 300,5 115,3

Oxidation number

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

Sc colorless

Ti purple colorless

V purple green blue red

Cr blue green orange

Mn pink brown reddish blue green purple

Fe green yellow

Co pink purple

Ni green red

Cu colorless blue

Zn colorless


It is one of the rare elements. In the earth crust, scandium is about 50-th in order of the abundance among the other elements. It is usually found in some minerals such as wolframite and it usually forms trivalent-colorless salts.


Titanium is strong, ligthweigth, corrosion-resistant, and silvery metallic elements. Titanium is about ninth in the abudance among the elements in the earth’s crust. It is never found in the pure state, but is usually in the form on an oxide in the minerals ilmenite (FeTiO3), rutile(TiO2) and sphene (CaO.TiO2.SiO2)

To obtain titanium the mineral is ground and mixed with pottasium carbonate and aqueus hydrofluoric acid producing potassium fluorotitannate (K2TiF6 ). The fluorotitante is then extraced with hot water and decomposed with ammonia. In the next step, of those processes is processed to obtain titanium (TiO2) From the titanium oxide, titanium is obtained in the pure form (metal) by first treating the oxide with chlorine to produce liquid titanium tetracholride and then reducing the liquid with magnesium in a closed iron chamber yielding metallic titanium.

Vanadium is one of the fourth period transition elements which is silvery white and poisonous metallic elements in the earth’s crust. It is about 19-th in the abundance among the elements in theearth crust. Naturally, vanadium is never found in the free state, but it often exist in combination with various minerals called vanadium-ores, such as roscoelite, vanadinite, as cornotite. to obtain vanadium, the vanadite is processed to produce vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and then vanadium, pentoxide is reduced by using Al as the reducing agent

Chrome is one of the fourth period transition elements which is hard and bluish white or gray metallic element. In this nature, chromium is about 21st in abundance among the element in crustal rocks. The main source of chromium is chromites (FeCr 2O4), brownish black mineral are consisting of an oxide of iron and chromium. To obtain chromium, the chromite is processed to produce sodium dichromate ( Na2Cr2O7 ) and then the sodium dichromate is reduced by using the reducing of Carbon (C) or alumunium (Al).

Manganese is one of fourth period transition element which is reddish or grayish white brittle and reacted. In this nature, manganese ranks about 12 th in abundance among elements in earth crust. The main source of manganese is pyrolusite. Besides, manganese is also present in meteors in the form of free state.Manganese can be obtained by treating berolusite in a blast furnance with iron ore and carbon or by reducing Mn2O3 in mineral of hausmanite by using the reducing agent of alumunium (Al).

Iron is one the fourth period transition elements which is silvery white-lustrous ,malleable ,ductile and magnetic ( it is easily magnetized at ordinary temperature). Among of other metals, iron is the most familiar for us. It is because the iron metal is widely used in everyday life. In this nature, iron ranks about fourth in abundance among elements in earth’s crust. It is found mainly in the form of iron ores such as hematite, goethite, magnetite, siderite, pyrite, bog iron(limonite)and others. Among of those iron ores, hematite is the principal from which the compound of Fe2O3 is reduced in a blast furnance by using the reducing agent of C or CO to obtain the iron metal.

Into the blast furnance , an iron ore (hematite); carbon as the reducing agent; limestone (CaCO3)as the flux, are added through the top of the furnance. Through the bottom of the furnance hot air is blasted. As a result carbon is burned and it can produce heat which can rise the temperature of the furnance until about 2000oC. The reaction of carbon can be written as follows

C(s) + O2 CO2(g) + heat

In the next step, the carbon dioxide gas produced in the reaction above reacts with carbon to form carbon monoxide (CO) gas. They will reduce the ron ore gradually through the following reaction

First step : 3Fe2O3 + CO 2Fe3O4 + CO2

Second step : Fe3O4 + CO 3FeO + CO2

Third step : FeO + CO Fe + CO2

Total reaction : Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2 Fe (l) + 3CO2(g)

Nickel is one of fourth period transition elements which is corrosion-resistance, silvery white, hard, and malleable. In this nature, nickel rangks about 22nd in abundance among the others elements in earth crusts. It is present in some minerals such as ganierite, millerete, niccolite, pentlandite, and pyrrhoite.

To obtain nickel, NiO obtained from the nickel ores is reduced by using carbon as the reducing agent.

Copper is one the fourth period transition which is brownish red-lustrous, malleable, and a good electric conductor.Copper can be obtained from its ores through the four step as follows :floating it’s a method in processing copper ores to get the concentratred copper ores containing 20%-40% copper. roastingin this step, the concentrated copper ores obtainedfrom the floating step are rosted to convert iron sulfide to be its oxide, while the copper is still present in the form of sulfide. In the roasting of copper ores, the following reactions occurs4CuFeS2 + 9O2 2Cu2S + 2Fe2O3 + 6 S

meltingthe copper ores which have been roasted and then melted until they melt and separate to be two layers, those are the layer called copper matte containing Cu2S and molten iron and a layer called silicate slag containing some substances, such as FeSiO3. Those two layers are separated of each other, where the copper matte is in the top, while the silicate slag is in the bottom.

convertingthe copper matte is separated from the silicate slag and is then converted to be blister copper through the redox reaction as follows.2CU2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2

Cu2S + Cu2O 2Cu + SO2

purifyingthe blister copper produced still contains some impurities, such as iron, zinc, gold, silver, and platinum. Hence, the copper is then purified by electrolysis, in which the blister copper acts as the anode, while the cathode is the pure copper. Meanwhile, the electrolyte used is copper sulfate solutionCuSO4 (aq) Cu+2

(aq) +SO4(aq)

Cathode: Cu+2 (aq) + 2e Cu(s)

Anode : Cu(s) Cu+2 (aq) + 2e

Cu Cua

Zinc is one of the fourth period transition elements which is bluish white, lustrous, easy to react with oxygen and able to conduct electricity well. In thi nature, Zinc is found in the form of its compound, such as zinc carbonate (ZnCO3), oxide compound, such as Zn(FeO2O2),zinc sulfida (ZnS), and others. Some, of the zinc sources are calamine, sphalerite (zinc blende),franklite and smithsonite.

Commercially, the production of zinc generally is done by roasting the zinc sulfide( ZnS ), especially in zinx blende. In the roasting process the zinc oxide ( ZnO ) is produced and then reduced by the using the glowing carbon the reactions of which are as follows.

2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(s) ZnO(s) + C(s) Zn(s) + CO(g)

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