kindness injection

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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The Kindness Injection delivered by the Kindness Crew.



A Revolution in Kindness

“It is in the giving that you truly



Mood AwakeningWrite a positive wake-up note for yourself and stick it to your mirror: Nice bed head!

Smile Therapy Smile and acknowledge three people you don’t know today. Remember how it made you feel.

Concrete Jungle Buy a lush green plant for your workspace. Plants rejuvenate stale air into fresh oxygen.

Get LostTake a different route to get to work, for no reason but to appreciate something new. Be a tourist in your own town.

Silence Please Pause to take some deep, steady breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth is best. 4 seconds in, 4 out.

Shake, Shake Señora!Put on some smile-inducing music; crank it up and take a 5-minute dance break. (Hint: Bobby McFerrin - Don’t Worry Be Happy!)

Om WorkTry some basic yoga poses at your desk. Interlock your fingers and raise your arms above your head. Squeeze your stomach and lean to the left, then lean right.

The 60/40 SplitWrite down 6 great things about yourself and 4 things you would like to improve. Post the list in a place where you see it on a regular basis.

Alarmed & GenerousSet your watch alarm for a random time during the day; when the time comes, take a moment to feel grateful for what you have. Write down those ideas!

Think Outside The Lunchbox Switch up your lunch break. Go for a stroll and get under something green.

Means taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

“Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in doing creates love.” LAO TZU

SCIENTIFIC FACT:The average adult laughs 15 times each day, a child 400 times a day. M. Beck, 2003

Silence Please

Rx: Volunteer


Stand UpBe a comedian and find a hilarious video or joke on-line and share it with a co-worker. By resist-ing tired, negative thoughts and sharing positive ones you are making a stand for a healthier workspace.

Bring to FruitionBring a platter of fresh fruit to work for people to eat on their break!

Anti-oxidizeGet your brew on! Green tea is good for everything, from headaches to depression. The high levels of anti-oxidants found in this super tea even inhibit the growth of cancer cells! Tea for two?

Being Gifted Is EasyEveryone loves a present. Don’t worry if it’s small: it’s the surprise of the gesture that makes someone’s day. See if you can make it specific to that lucky person.

The First LunchWelcome a new hire into your office by sharing your lunch break with them or schedule a coffee with someone you’ve not had a chance to connect with yet.

Compliment TunnelStand at the front door in the morning and compliment everyone who walks in. Get your co-workers involved; you’ll be laughing all day!

Flower PowerTurn a co-worker’s work area into an Eden by dropping off some flowers: heck, make it a living plant so it will be the gift that keeps on giving!

Love LetterUnbeatable and unconditional: sign up a co-worker for the free love letter at

Two Ears, One Mouth Don’t forget to be a good listener. Pause before responding and please don’t interrupt. By listening, you empower the speaker and that solves half the problem.

In Their ShoesMake someone feel welcome and special by learning a few words of their native tongue or remembering a religious holiday.

Means treating your colleagues like an extended family.

"Every great business is built on friendship." JC PENNEY

SCIENTIFIC FACT:Compassionate communication is a simple yet powerful methodologyfor communicating in a way that meets both parties' needs. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 2003

"Every great business in built on friendship." JC PENNY

Small courtesies and kindnesses given consistently yield huge dividends. -Stephen Covey, The 8th Habit.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Find your motivation

Create a sense of Urgency

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill

The Gauntlet of Goodwill


Powerful LunchShake –up the business lunch meeting by taking a customer for a lunch-hour volunteer session at a local soup kitchen.

Old HatTake off your business hat for ten minutes and ask some questions that are really thoughtful and considerate.

Virtuous (Wo)ManEach day tell a long time customer genuinely how much you appreciate a virtue within them. Diligence, reliability, honesty and commitment are all good examples of virtues.

Being PresentCreate a personalized gift for a customer you see regularly. Wrap it up and give it to them on no particular occasion.

Passion in ActionAsk a customer about one cause they feel passionate about and then take action on it together.

Meter MadeEmpower the customer to commit a Random Act of Kindness. Give them an extra quarter to plug someone’s meter or tell a clean joke they can pass on.

Warm & StickyGive a customer a sticky note with a personalized compliment on it. Attach it to a work order or a product being shipped out.

Breakfast BoostSend an email that starts someone’s day on the right foot - try a love letter from

Seek And Thou Shalt HelpLook for opportunities within your work-day that would be useful to your customers. Maybe a client is putting in an extra long day: why not order his or her family pizza for dinner?

Come On, Courtesy!Treat you customers with a higher than usual level of genuine courtesy (especially customers that have possibly been treated poorly). Remember to say please and thank you.

Means not just using compassion to give customers unforgettable servicebut working with them to connect communities that change the world.

"Biggest question: Isn't it really 'customer helping' rather than customer service? And wouldn't you deliver better service if you thought of it that way?" The Sales Bible

SCIENTIFIC FACT:Positive relationships at work, especially high quality connections, havebeen shown to enhance organizational wellbeing and effectiveness. Dutton, 2003


GoodlumsTry random kindness on for size and see how it fits. Rally a gang of do-gooders and take to the streets! Bring your bracelet and pay-it-forward to a stranger.

Axis of People Go to a where the people are! Take your favorite game or story to a community center and connect with someone. Try Cranium or Monopoly!

Know Thy NeighborInvite your neighbors to a backyard bbq or potluck. Don’t forget to include the new folks!

Hunting And GatheringGather nutritious non-perishables and hunt down a local food bank! Remember, the healthier the food, the more vibrant your community.

Growing GreenFind a space in your neighborhood that could use some green. Plant a hardy tree that is native to the area.

Coffee TalkTake Sunday morning coffee on your porch and belt out “GOOD MORNING” to every-one that passes! By simply acknowledging those around you, you make your streets safer.

It’s In The BagTie off a bagged lunch to a parking meter for a homeless person.

Curbside GivingPlace a donation box for your favorite charity outside of your house.

Put Yourself Into CirculationThe blood that flows in you can give life to someone else. Donate blood at your local Red Cross. It takes less than an hour!

Club KidsJoin a club. Any club! How about salsa dancing, salsa eating, bonsai trimming, frisbee golf, scrap booking, dragon boating, walking or cards. Joining a club increases the social capital in your community and that’s good news for everybody!

Means being actively involved in and serving the local and global community.

“It is in the giving the we truly receive.” ST. FRANCIS OF ASISSIS

SCIENTIFIC FACT:Volunteering can boost your life expectancy by as much as quitting smoking. Better Together Report 2001

Join a club

“Volunteering can increase your life

expectancy as much as quitting smoking.”

“Today I will experience the joy of being kind.”

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