king of the brand | the art & science of brand/community building with visuals

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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T H E A R T & S C I E N C E O F B R A N D / C O M M U N I T Y B U I L D I N G W I T H V I S U A L S


Content with relevant photosor Infographics see a

increase in page views versus

content without images.


Colored visualsincrease people’s

willingness to readcontent by


Visual content is more than

more likely to be shared on social media


of senior marketing executives believing visual assets are core to how their brand story is communicated

of online marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing


The National Center for Biotechnology

Information found in 2015, that the average

attention span had dropped from 12

seconds in 2000 to


Luckily, visual content is

consumed at a much faster

speed than text

When it comes to making decisions we start with our


Studies have shown that people are unable to come to a decision if

they are not emotionally influenced

in some way.





We leverage UGC we find on social platforms like Instagram, and put the fans into our social updates.


We use a tool called Pixlee to find these images, and get the permission. The images showcase the products we sell, and are more authentic than model pictures.



The WeAreFanatics blog posts in which we focus bringing stories for fans to enjoy. Highly visual content, as it tells the story better.



The jersey evolution posts are great examples as these appeal to all sorts of fans. Especially when it concerns a team which didn't win the championship since 1908, Cubs, fans do like the nostalgia of the content.





Learning from what fans are searching for, we tailor the content to the search demand when we find a topic.

Example: What does the GSH stands for on the Chicago Bears jersey. We leverage our Facebook Fan pages to distribute the content, and get high engagement on these.







H’What isVisual



Visual content is blazing the path


My wife said that she has not used Google to search

for anything in over 2 years, and that she uses

Pinterest because it gives her everything she is

looking for in an easy to consume visual format.






The need a brand has for a community that supports

and follows them


Brands canno longer get away

with “not being on social”


Building your brand goes well beyond just

the “branding” of your website.

You need to have an identity on places like Facebook, Instagram

and Twitter.


Have a strong purpose behind

your visual content


Identify needs and set goals


Create content based on those needs and goals


Is itsharable?


Can you generate

leadswith it?


Is it helping you build a communityor brand?


Are you generating


Are you sparkinga debate,

conversation,or controversy?


Earning links for your visual content is

incredibly important for branding - Because links are important focus on creating visual content

that will earn links.









Who here wouldn’t

mind links from Forbes, Huffington

Post or even Allure or Esquire?



So that is all fine and

dandy Mat, but how canI do betterwith visual content?



Don’tmake it


Are you missing

easy branding victories

with visuals?



Think Instagram, (Instagram Story)

Snapchat (snapchat story) Facebook Live,

Periscope, YouTube live.



Can live video expand your branding and community?


Instagram story: How will you

position yourself?


(offer something unique to this

channel only and followers will come)


Richie Norton - (friend of mine shares how to grow business tips on his Instagram story updates) and you can only get these behind the scene

ideas and tips from him on Instagram.



THINK How can I

capitalize on something like this in

my industry?



Think about it being a good place to

build community, interact with

customers, help them, answer

questions, share and grow together - crowd source them




These visuals ain’t right

for branding






Those kind of examples are not good for branding or community



Good examples

for branding



Speaking of beards…


Again - think easy Branding Wins - This isa personal branding win






So what does content like these previous examples do?

It makes me want to follow them and be a part of their


That leads to more of what they post in front of me, that leads to me be very familiar with them and when I need

(or want) to purchase something in their

industry - I will go to them.







Where are we headed?

What type of visuals will I start seeing more of in

the future?








When you can build a brand

that the community

grows, defends, adds value to - you

have done your job.



T H E A R T & S C I E N C E O F B R A N D / C O M M U N I T Y B U I L D I N G W I T H V I S U A L S

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