kingdom protista eukaryote heterotroph autotroph most are unicellular but all do not have tissue or...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Kingdom Protista




Most are unicellular but all do not have tissue or organs


4 – 6 groups

classified by movement by pseudopodia, cilia, or flagella

Slime molds move in the amoeboid stage then form mold like structure

• They eat bacteria, plankton and other protozoans

They live in lakes ponds and streams, some live in bodies of animals as parasites


• Moist damp areas

• Plankton an organism that drifts and swim weakly on the surface

Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution

• There is now considerable evidence that much protist diversity has its origins in endosymbiosis

• Hypothesis that a cell lives with a host cell

• Mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis of an aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote

• Plastids evolved by endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic prokaryote -cyanobacterium

This lead to organelles

1. Sarcodinia – sarcode means jelly

Movement – pseudopodia – false foot

Ex- Radiolaria- shell like

Ex- Entamoeba- parasite causes dysentery

• Via food, water, utensils

• Fever , chills

Ex – Ameba proteus - fresh water, harmless

Ameboid movement – endoplasm pushes outward, followed by ectoplasm then pseudopods retract

Old terms …

Cytoplasmic streaming – contents of the cell are slightly moving

Phagocytosis – endocytosis of food

Binary fission – asexual reproduction

2. Ciliphora – complex cell, common, pellicle is a stiff protective membrane

movement –cilia row

ex – Stentor

ex- Paramecium

oral groove ingests food, micronucleus – controls reproduction, macronucleus – controls metabolism

3. Zoomastigina or flagellates

Movement – flagella – whip like

Ex – Giardia – fatigue, cramps

Trypanosome – African Sleeping Sickness

tsetse fly – host invades the brain

4.Apicomplexans -Sporozoa

Movement – no movement, it’s a spore

Ex -Plasmodium

Complex lifecycle –

Malaria• Currently there are an estimated 500,000,000 infected persons, with

1-2 million dying annually.

• There are four types of Plasmodium

• All of these are transmitted to human hosts solely by way of Anophele mosquito vectors.

• Plasmodium is one of the oldest known parasites; its long history suggests a long, adaptive relationship with the human host.

• Symptoms of the disease may go unnoticed ; clinical signs include fever, chills, weakness, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia,

• Untreated malaria may result in death there are antimalaria drugs

Poverty and Malaria

DDT- pesticide

• discovered until 1939, and it was used with great success in the second half of World War II to control malaria and typhus among civilians and troops

• DDT and other pesticides may cause cancer and that their agricultural use was a threat to wildlife, particularly birds

• a large public outcry that eventually led to DDT being banned in the US in 1972

• DDT was subsequently banned for agricultural use worldwide under the Stockholm Convention, but its limited use in disease vector control continues to this day and remains controversial

5. Euglenophyta was in the Algae Kingdom

Mixotrophs – heterotroph and autotroph

Has a flagella


Ex – Euglena

Fig. 28-07

Long flagellum


Short flagellum

Contractile vacuole



Plasma membrane

Light detector

PellicleEuglena (LM) 5 µm

6. Dinoflagellates ( pyrrophyta) 2 flagella


Ex – red tide

Two flagella make them spin as they move through the water

• Dinoflagellate blooms are the cause of toxic “red tides”

Chromista - Plantlike Protists




No true roots stems or leaves, lack an internal system of tubes which plants have to move material around.

The Kingdom Protista is a messAlgae was classified into 6 divisions

Unicellular algae – Chrysophyta, Pyrrophyta, Euglenophyta

Multicellular algae – Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta

2 moved to Protista and 1 moved closer to plants and 1 Fungi moved in

Classification – is based on there pigment and how they store there food.

All algae have chlorophyll A some contain chlorophyl b,c, and d.


Cellulose wall

Algae do not reproduce like plants and they are aquatic.

Structureof Algae

The structure is diverse

multicellular – has the body called a thallus

colonial – group of cells, divides labor

filamentous – row of cells, branching

unicellular –float near surface, plankton

1. Phaeophyta ( phaeos = brown )multicellularEx – kelp -shallowEx – fucus - tidalseaweed

The body is called a thallus; holdfast, stipe, blade they do not have roots, stems or a leaf like plants

Fig. 28-15




2. Rhodophyta

( rhodo=red )

• Nori. The red alga Porphyra is the

source of a traditional Japanese food.

The seaweed isgrown on nets in shallow coastal waters.

3. Chrysophyta

Unicellular colonial

Ex- golden brown algae

4. Bacillariophyta

Ex – Diatom

• unicellular algae with a unique two-part, glass-like wall of hydrated silica

5. Oomycota ( large egg fungi)

Unicellular have a flagella and cellulose cell wall

Ex- White rustDowny mildew 1870

Ich - water mold

Fig. 28-17-3

Germ tube






Haploid (n)Diploid (2n)



Egg nucleus (n)

Antheridial hypha with sperm nuclei (n)






Plant Kingdom ? 440 million yrs ago

4. Chlorophyta ( green algae )

Possibly derived from the same ancestor to plants

A photosynthetic autotroph ..

Ex – Volvox

Ex- Spyrogyra

Fig. 28-21(a) Ulva, or sea lettuce

(b) Caulerpa, an intertidal chloro- phyte

2 cm


• Algae live symbiotically with Fungi

• Found on bark, logs and rocks

Algae Hero or Pond Scum ?


• This is a intricate cycle occurring in the oceans, where there is a balance between photosynthetic organism (algae) producing biomass (from carbon dioxide) and oxygen

• Luckily, some of the algae biomass that took carbon dioxide from the environment and "fixed" it into organic molecules sinks out of the system and gets buried on the ocean floor. This buried organic carbon - when buried in high quantities - eventually becomes oil over millions of years.

Pond Scum

• How about - dead zones.• Nutrient run off from rivers causes algal blooms. • Nitrogen and phosphorous work to fertilize the plant on

land - specifically crops ,they also work to fertilize algae once the excess reaches lakes and oceans.

• When the algae bloom as a result of the nutrient addition, they are quickly eaten by protist, zooplankton and bacteria, that turns all that carbon that is now in the form on algae biomass back to carbon dioxide.

• the heterotrophs use up all the oxygen produced by the photosynthesis in the bloom and then some.

Modern Importance of Algae

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