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Post on 01-Jul-2018






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Library Events

By Sofia S.

Tuesdays are Button Days!

Are you bored? Do you want to make a button? Have nothing to do on Tuesdays? Well come to the library between 6:30-8:30pm. It’s open to all ages and… FREE! The supplies are provided and you can color your own button or bring in an image!

Pictogram by Nora K.

Who Our Zine Writers/Artists Are We are weird tweens and teens who like to read, write, and hang out at the library for some reason.

KLN Zine is… Adam W. George H. Izzy B. Lily F. Kellen O. Nora K. Sofia S.

The Kenmore Library News

160 Delaware Road Kenmore, New York 14217




Illustration by Nora K.

It’s a Mystery! By Izzy B. Welcome to the most mysterious, peculiar, and

perplexing issue of the KLN that you’ve ever read.

(Well, besides for Caleb’s mazes…) In this issue

we’re going to be diving into Sherlock Holmes, his

underappreciated (but awesome) partner, John

Watson, and all of those extraordinary mystery

heroes. Welcome to the world of enigma… and


Illustration by Sofia S.

Con Stuff… By Izzy B.

Just so you otakus, gamers, and fans of anything nerdy know, conventions don’t stop. Since Fubuki Con, hosted by Daemen College, the University at Buffalo has had their own UB con, featuring events such as group D & D, the usual merch panels, and a guest speaker none other than Spike Spencer, who voiced several characters in the ninja anime Naruto and the reptilian-loving Snake in the horror/comedy anime set in England, Black Butler. If you attended, you know fully well that an extensive variety of cosplay is much more than welcome, and that this con celebrated an abundant range of fandoms, including some of my personal favorites such as others, Sherlockians, Otakus, Gamers, and YA Book Nerds. Posters featuring your favorite TV/book/movie/game character were displayed and available for sale in the Artist’s Alley, and things such as blind boxes, pins, cosplay attire, and numerous other accessories were up for purchase in the panels, and of course, snacks and refreshments were offered at the snack bar. So if you didn’t make it to this year’s UB Con, and you belong in a fandom or want to be in one, catch the next annual Con for exciting nerdiness all around, or hit the next local con for another opportunity for new games, speakers, panels, and most of

all, fun!!! ☺

Watch This! By Nora K. & Izzy B. Psych (review by Nora K.)

Psych is a television show which follows the adventures of young and

eccentric police consultant, Shawn Spencer, and his best friend, Burton “Gus”

Guster. Thanks to his policeman father, Shawn was raised with a high level of

alertness; he notices every single detail. He uses his observation skills to fool

people into thinking he is a psychic. Along with Detective Juliet O’Hara and

Detective Carlton Lassiter, they all solve crimes together. From catching the

Yin Yang Killer, to catching and helping Pierre Despereaux, the team is

successful in combating all crimes they are faced with. The show is USA’s

second longest running show with 8 seasons, 1 movie, and 1 musical. This

show is definitely worth watching! You can watch this on the Hallmark Movies

& Mysteries channel everyday from 1pm to 4pm, or anytime on Amazon

Prime! Enjoy!

Sherlock (review by Izzy)

Deep in 21st century England live the classic mystery duo: Sherlock

Holmes and John Watson. Upon meeting due to pure boredom, the

two men solve macabre crimes around England, including the

infamous Hound of Baskerville case. Watch Holmes and Watson fight

the master criminal, Moriarty, on Sherlock on Netflix!

Good Reads By Izzy B. & Nora K.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson Do YOU want to read about a disease annihilating thousands of Philadelphians in

1793? Do YOU want to read about the life

of a young girl wasting away in a city full of graves? Well then read Fever 1793 NOW!!!

A novel about young Mattie, a girl who spends her childhood half-heartedly

working in the family coffeehouse with her

mom and grandparents, miserably trying to thrive in a world of elegant gowns and tight

corsets. When her life is changed by the infamous yellow fever, Mattie must grow up

quick to stay alive.

Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens This is the fourth book in the Wells and

Wong (Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries) series. Hazel and Daisy have returned to

Deepdean to find many changes. For example, the new head girl Elizabeth

Hurst is terrorizing the school. In a

desperate attempt to lighten the mood, the teachers organize a Guy Fawkes Day

celebration. But after the celebration, Elizabeth is found murdered! Now Daisy

and Hazel must solve the case, but with their friendship falling to pieces- how will


So Comical! By Sofia S.

Try This On the

Google Machine! By George H.

Murder Games

So I’m just going to talk about a game from

Roblox called ‘Murder Mystery 2’. The point of

the game is to either survive or kill the

murderer. Also, you can collect coins to buy

skins for knives or guns. Let’s just say that

you can get pets in the game as well.

Currently, trading is disabled, but there was a

trading option before. There are many game

modes like ‘Assassin’ where you are supposed

to kill your target before you get killed,

‘Hardcore’, and ‘Classsic’. Okay. That’s it!

Have fun playing these games on Roblox!

Revisit a Classic Read By Sofia S.

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Here’s a good read- Black Beauty! It’s

about a horse’s incredible journey across

its’ entire lifespan. He’s been sold to a farmer and 6 cabmen, some of them were

kind and some of them were cruel. Black Beauty finally goes back to a meadow

where he spends the rest of his life. If you’re bored and don’t have anything to

do, read this book!

More Random

Good Reads By Nora K. & Izzy B.

Belly Up by Stuart Gibbs

Teddy Fitzroy’s parents work at FunJungle,

which is practically where Teddy lives as

well. That may be every kids’ dream, but

Teddy disagrees. For one thing, he is

forever being tormented by the security

guard, Marge O’Malley. But also, the park’s

mascot, Henry Hippo, is discovered dead,

belly up. Now Teddy must find Henry’s

murderer while dodging security guards

and his parents. This book is perfect for

animal lovers and mystery fans!

Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by

April Genevieve Tucholke

If you like really creepy short stories, you

should read Slasher Girls & Monster Boys

by April Genevieve Tucholke, which houses

some of the freakiest stories ever written.

From a deadly twist on Alice in Wonderland

to a story of a blind girl forced to find a

murderer in a medieval world, this book

has it all. Read this collection of short

stories if you’re emo and weird like me!

So Comical…

Again! By George H.


Kenmore! By Izzy B.

You should EXPERIENCE KENMORE by going to…

The Plaka!

Okay guys, what’s your favorite restaurant? McDonalds? Pizza Hut? Aah,

please no! Gross. Five Guys? Well, MINE is The Plaka! It doesn’t matter that you don’t know where The Plaka is, just know that it is the single

best restaurant E V E R! Between cheesy potatoes, Mafioso hard rolls (please don’t ask), and awesome waitresses, The Plaka is the best

Kenmore diner in all of history. Hey, maybe you’ll see me there sporting

an ever-so-trendy bork meme shirt playing some Roblox: Doomspire Brickbattle. So yeah, go to THE PLAKA at 2904 Delaware Avenue!

Great Mystery Movie! By Nora K.

Murder on the Orient Express

This movie is recommended for mystery fans. Hercules Poirot is traveling

on the Orient Express when it gets stuck in a snowbank. Then one of the

passengers is… MURDERED! Due to the desperate urging of his friend,

Poirot takes the case. This movie also contains numerous ads for Godiva

Chocolate. This is a definite MUST WATCH!

Illustration by George H.

Anime/Manga Mania! By Izzy B.

Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop is an older anime series about the futuristic Spike

Spiegel and his bounty hunter friends Jet and Faye, and their

adorable corgi named Ein. The odd tem have adventures in their

galactic world, and combine two vital attributes of anime:

friendship and gore.

Random Good Read By Izzy B.

If you’ve ever been assigned to read A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park for ELA, then you know the real-life story of Salva Dut and his trek to Ethiopia. Well guess what! Salva, himself, visited our school (Hoover Middle School)! I got to ask him a question (“Was Linda Sue Park’s novel accurate to your experience?”), and it was beyond exciting! Do the iron giraffe walk in your school so you can talk to Salva!

Poll By the Zine Staff

Random Good Read By Nora K.

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak This book takes place in Nazi Germany. Liesel Meminger is on her way to meet her

new foster parents when her brother dies.

Yes- her brother dies. So she is left on her own with her foul-mouthed but caring

mother and accordion-playing father. Liesel is missing her brother very much until she

meets Rudy Steiner, a Jesse Owens-

obsessed boy. Together they explore the world of adolescents. But times are

dangerous and Liesel’s family hides a Jew in their basement (and you know how that

worked out with the Franks). This book is amazing but also incredibly sad. It is not for

people who don’t like sad books. If you do

not fall into that category- read it!

Hey, That’s Just My

Opinion By Kellen O.

Fortnite: Battle Royale: A Critical Look In my personal opinion, Fortnite: Battle Royale is a terrible game. I have only played it on console, so some of my opinions do not apply to the PC or mobile versions of the game.

Part 1: The Controls The controls, at least on console, are extremely difficult to work with. First and foremost, considering that the game requires fast reaction times, the camera moves extremely slow, making it very easy to die to anyone on PC (since they have faster cameras). Another criticism I have which applies to all versions is that it is unintuitive to have to use a separate control to switch between pickaxe and inventory instead of pickaxe being in an inventory slot. Also, for such precise accuracy required, it is extremely difficult to make movements correctly.

Part 2: Skill Balance …or should I say… lack thereof. There is no skill balance in this game stopping a new player from being matched up against the best players in the world. Some would say that this encourages new players to play the game and get better. However, I personally see this as unfair towards new players. Another issue is that most players start in the same location: Tilted Towers. This presents a dilemma. Anywhere else makes the game less interesting, but if you drop there, you are matched up against much better players.

Part 3: Gameplay The gameplay of Fortnite is essentially a 100 player version of the Hunger Games with guns. Up to 100 players drop onto a map, collect loot (such as weapons or healing items), and try to take down other players to be the last one standing. This happens all while avoiding the approaching storm which will slowly kill the players. This game, being competitive and online, is very luck based. If you get bad loot, it’s nearly impossible to win, and even when you do have a chance, someone can shoot you while you’re trying to heal.

Part 4: Business Model This game uses the “Razor and Blades” model. Here’s how it works. You download the game for free, hop into a match, and see someone with a skin that you love. After the match, you look into how to get the skin and discover you have to pay some actual money. So you think, “Well, it’s just a dollar. That can’t hurt”. So you pay to get the skin. You keep looking, and find more and more skins and pay more and more money, until you realize you’ve dropped hundreds into the game and made a huge mistake. You then put down the game and think about your life. In conclusion, I dislike every aspect of this game for the reasons listed above, I hope you take something away from this and rethink the game.

A New Mystery! By Sofia S.

The Murder of Anja Cleavent (A serial story) It was a dark and stormy night as I was sitting in my house sipping on herbal tea, when all of a sudden I heard a shriek from my next-door neighbor. “Mr. Cleavent, whatever is the matter?” I cried. “M-m-my house was robbed! I went out to get some groceries when I realized I’d been robbed,” he sobbed. And that is when I investigated the house and found his wife on the floor. Dead. “Was she dead when you left? I know it’s a stupid question, but still, I need to know. I am a detective after all,” I said, flashing my badge, He looked at me in a funny way, almost as if he was thinking is she for real? Either way, he only said “no”. This is when I realized we had a murderer on our hands! I collected a list of suspects and put them up on a board, pinning and connecting each picture with string like an old timey detective. I spoke with all of the suspects and jotted down a list of alibis. Ms. Rebeca was at her house, Mr. Joey was at the zoo with his wife and son, and the stable girl was at the stables. None of the alibis were solid, but then I realized the stable girl was at Mr. Cleavent’s stable! “I think we have our lead,” I exclaimed.

To be continued in our next issue!

Jokes to Die For By George H.

1. “George! You’re doing everything wrong” “Geez, you’re killing me!” 2. “Whomever caused this murder was bloody bad at hiding the

evidence!” 3. Lady Astor: “Winston, if you were my husband, I should flavor your

coffee with poison.” Winston Churchill: “Madame, if I were your husband, I should drink it.”


5. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Butter. Butter who? Well I butter tell you some more stupid puns.

Get Graphic By Izzy B.

Black Panther Adventures by Marvel

When the Fantastic Four find a

shipment of an all-powerful metal called

Vibranium, they must deal with the

force of T’Challa, the prince of

Vibranium. Will our grandiose heroes

unleash the secrets of the metal? Read

Black Panther Adventures by Marvel to

find out!

Steven Universe: Anti-Gravity by

Talya Perper

You like Steven Universe, right?!? If you

don’t, then you definitely need to! Like

SERIOUSLY, mate! So anyway… you

should read Steven Universe: Anti-

Gravity! Steven and the Gems are

solving the mystery of the levitating

villagers! So, yeah. READ IT!!

Some Portraits of Us

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