knapp 36 flordon

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    Knapp 36. Flordon.Science Fiction Tale. Written by Alfred F.H. Juillet F.

    Sunday 7, April 2013 to

    Age: 5400 to 500 Common Era.

    Locations: Knapp (Lubina);


    Flordon (62) Pilot & Mechanic; Delaya (24) Biochemist; Masrin (60); Borton (40) Medic; Ninara (25)

    Geneticist; ED (Metallic).

    Vehicles: Sphere x300; Gusoff Fliers;



    Chapter 1.-


    The aerial vehicle landed on the plain, with the black mountains to the East. The city of Lubina was

    270 kilometers to the south.

    Nice trip! Now were ready to hunt!- Flordon said.

    Biochemist Delaya touched her bag, saying: Im ready to collect the samples! I m prepared.

    She was 1.75 mt. tall, slim and very agile, with blonde hair and hazel eyes, she was a nice woman

    to look upon.

    Good. Were in the middle of spring: the weather is good, mild and warm. Perhaps with cold

    nights- but surely our work will be from seven to fourteen hours. The rest of the day will be for us

    to choose what to do or not do.

    And a Sunday each six days?Obvious. Thatsthe time to sleep until late.- Flordon said, smiling.

    They descended to the ground by the ramp. A pair of Otniellos was two hundred meters away,

    eating from the ferns, forty meters high that were dancing the strong breeze.


    Miss Delaya approaches to the beast and when at fifty meters: she fired. The small syringe

    plunged into the flesh after cutting through the strong cover of scales and takes a small sample.

    Then it recoils, thanks to the thin steel wire.

    In a capsule the sample was storage inside a special box (capacity eighty two capsules).

    Hunting DNA could be fun.- Miss Delaya said.

    That was the mission: to take samples and then, at the RAA (Rebuilding Ancient Animal

    Laboratories) reproduce those animals by cloning.

    In older times, no more than forty times was all the number of times a cloned species could

    breed without much physical problems. Miss Delaya said, when returning to the group of

    persons. Flordon looked at his wristwatch, saying:- We have lots of hours for to hunt. Our

    Assistants will take care of the vehicle.

    The Assistants were five ED (Electric Devices) , metallic men, that could perform every task needed

    on board the Sphere.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    Using personal Fliers, that could take them into the air and travel at a hundred and fifty kilometers

    per hour, in any direction they wished; they arrive to a river, with big boulders being washed by

    the waters .

    Over the river, Pterodons were flying down waters, searching for fishes.



    Flying after one of them, Delaya and Ninara, the geneticist, fired their stings, catching DNA in a

    quick and simple way: the pteranodones had not scales only hides. Flordon, Masrin and Borton

    were by the sides, safe warding the ladies from those flying pteranodons.

    The group turns right and at a clearing on the woods they landed, and after leaving the flying

    apparatus on the ground, they rest for a while.

    Two samples in our first hour! Its a good omen. Delaya said, looking at the vials.

    Borton, the medic, takes some insects and collected them in plastic bags, saying: Most of these

    insects have strong juices able to make medicines and colorants and dyes. Here by example, its

    the bell shaped Formica ardens, that could provoke strong fever if administrate in strong doses.

    And the bugs were walking rapidly inside their plastic prison, willing to escape.

    They heard a bellowing and Flordon said: A big one. Lets go to see it.

    As the sound was coming from the woods, they left their personal Fliers around a big tree. Flordonwas the first to see the animal


    It was a Emasaur, big quadruped with vegetarian habits- a calf a meter and a half long was running


    Its a female and its calf. Wish the male is not in sight.- Flordon said.

    Why? They look very harmless. Ninara the geneticist, said.

    Oh! But the males always are on edge! They attack any creature that approaches his female.

    Flordon commented.

    Delaya aimed her rifle and said:- Now beware! Ill take a sample!- And she shoots.

    They syringe speeded inside the hide, taking a small piece of flesh, and come back to the rifle, in

    order to retrieve the sample that she soon enough store into a vial and a metallic capsule.There it is! Among the rest of the samples!- She announced, proudly.


    They were walking back to the clearing and a sound f wings startled them- two enormous bird-like

    creatures (Diatryma) landed just in front of them.

    Carnivores! Run for your lives!- Mr. Flordon said, giving the example- he literally jumped head

    long into the bushes.

    Masrin helped Ninara get among the roots of a tree-. The Diatryma walked stiffly but very quick-

    almost grabbing Mr. Flordon, that now jumped and run, followed by the Diatryma, but his destiny

    was not to die in that form, so he found a crevice and stepped into it.

    The Diatryma abandoned the hunt, going after some other specimen.

    Half an hour later, both Diatryma were still trying to get them. Some others arrives, finding the

    Flier packs- they pecked on those, ruining the commands.

    Mr. Masrin was perched on a tree, trying to hide from view, when an object descended, hitting the

    gournd and scaring the Diatryma with a sudden release of very hot vapour, that scorched their

    beaks, so they run away, screaming loudly.

    The vapor enveloped the place- the humans saw the Diatryma going away, so they walked out

    from their hiding places.

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    Several figures went out of that thing that comes from the sky. They were black shadows in the

    mist. At first they were not noticed by Flordon and the rest, but after a short while, the vapor was

    carried away by the breeze.

    What are those?- Delaya asked, startled by the entities.


    There were people inside the bags, floating from under their feet they had another bags, smaller

    than a pair of watermelons that dangled near the ground.

    A voice speaks and Flordon approaches, saying: Hello, people! What are you doing inside that

    funny bag?

    The answer was muffled by the bag- but Flordon realize that the language was unknown to him.

    Strange people!- Delaya said, adding: But thanks to them we are freed from the Diatryma!

    Masrin turned towards her, asking: Do you really think they come here to save us in purpose?

    Obviously not. Just a coincidence.- Delaya replied.

    Now the newcomers were milling around. Their bags were translucent with a white bluish tone.

    They are humans- but not of our kind.- Borton (the medic) said.

    They seem to float: if not because of their bags, they would go up and away with the breeze.-

    Masrin commented.

    Some time later, another being went out and with a small bar he produces a higher volume ofvoice to be heard.

    Gibberish!- Flordon said, not understanding the language at all.

    These people come from a place nobody know! They float, they travel in crashing spaceships-

    they are marooned.- Said Minara the geneticist.

    Lets see their ship.-. Masrin said, approaching the half buried vehicle- it has a diameter of

    twenty meters, and now a door was visible- Inside they were bulbs of light.

    A person appears on the threshold, looking at them. A flash of light and two EDs come from the

    sky, descending near by.

    Masters! Are you in danger?- One of the Ed said to them, and he has a ray gun in his hand.

    Not at the moment, but some minutes later we were certainly in dear peril.- Borton replied.

    Your flier packs?- The ED asked him.In a clearing near there Im afraid they are busted by the Diatryma. - Ninara the geneticist

    answered him.

    Ill call to the ship to send some other ED to find out.- The first ED said, and he was model Ed

    serial number 2200- the second there present was ED 2540, as shown in a lapel on his arm.

    They begin searching for some other animals; the EDs found the dangerous Sinosaurus: two of

    them were immobile near a pathway, waiting for some unaware animal to jump on it.

    The EDs fired and takes samples out of those, and come back at a trot.

    Flordon was fully recovered from the passed impression and said: Lets return to the Sphere! ED:

    go there and fetch some flying packs for us!

    ED 2200 fly there with promptitude, and he was back in just fifteen minutes. ED 2540 said:- I

    already give the warning, so the packs will be waiting for his arrival.

    Borton was looking at the aliens, and said:- Those alien people are exploring like us, but not

    taking any sample.

    -They must belong to some planet with a lot lesser gravity , or perhaps they belong to some

    satellite of lesser dimension. Ninara said, who was very interested in to investigate the case.


    But all the intents were unsuccessful: the aliens now were not responding and in general, ignoring

    them totally.

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    The Flier packs arrived and Flordon and the rest returns to the spaceship, commebnting about the

    aliens and the Diatryma.

    We get to have more care with the trips we are going to perform. Masrin said, while seated at

    the rest room.

    Yes, well take some EDs to protect our explorations. - Flordon said.

    Totally necessary.- Borton approved, yawning.

    After a while more, they went to their cabins, to rest. They had ample rooms, with holographic

    sets and other appliances to fulfill any necessity of the crew.

    Flordon and Delaya were sleeping together, as they had a long relation. She said: In a week well

    collect the five hundred samples we need: the laboratory at Oredloro is ready to start the minute

    we arrive.

    Yes- work! My project is consuming all of my money. Hope this could end well. He said, taking a

    shower. She undressed and makes her way to the running water, saying. OH, water! A luxury but

    how good it is!

    You deserves it.- Flordon said, embracing her. She giggled, returns the embrace and said:

    Nothing will fail, dear! Have faith!

    Yes!- He said, smiling. The vapor envelopes them like a shroud.

    9At the next day, he said to the group:- Yesterday we were in deep trouble : that cannot happens

    again! I will g with delaya and an ED to the west, hunting. You are goint with an ED for protection

    from now on. Have you anything to add to this scheme?

    I see. You and Delaya are a team. Me and Ninara are the other . That leaves Borton alone, and is

    he going with two EDs?- Masrin asked.

    No, one ED will be enough.- Flordon said.

    In a next trip I will bring me a fiance! - Borton commented, not too happy to be the single one in

    this expedition.

    Borton looks towards Ninara, saying: Hope you have luck this time! I wonder if we find something


    Ninara laughed and said: New? The whole flora and fauna of this planet has been recorded andidentified centuries ago!

    Certainly we cannot exclude the possibility that there are more than their eyes meet. - Borton

    retorted, reddening: he has been in the verge of to ask her to be on his team, but with that

    rebuttal he was not going to do it now. He signaled to the ED to follow him, and soon they were

    high on the air, searching for a good place where to hunt.

    Borton advances in a straight line until finding a ravine- the sides of which ravine were rocks, and

    the bottom has a stream, that had given birth to numerous trees, bushes and ferns.

    He saw some Fulengia eating the leaves patiently.


    Go and take samples!- Borton said to the Ed, the synthetic being soon was aiming his rifle to the

    nearer Fulengia- the syringe was fired and a sample was taken. Through the cord the syringe was

    recovered and the sample was storage on a vial.

    Good work! Lets see if we find some other species.- Borton said and yes- not three hundred

    meters down the ravine, they found two Ohmdenosaurs, bathing on a pond.

    This time it was Borton who takes the sample, approaching the pond on hands and knees, with the

    ED near-by, just for extra protection. The syringe was received by the animal with a faint thud, and

    retired and storage by the Ed, who said: I saw a spider near your left side, Sir. Take care.

    Borton paled and walked away- it was a twenty centimeters long black and white spider, very

    venomous and abounding near the water.

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    Condemnation! This happens because I was in all fours! Never more!- He said, and he was also

    thinking in other dangers that come by walking in the jungle.

    They passed near the pair of Omhdenosaurs and suddenly the weather conditions changes. Strong

    winds and then a heavy rain ensued.

    Guess this is all by now! We will return to the sphere.- He said to the Ed, and they used their

    flying packs- this last makes him totally wet.


    At the Sphere, the left the flying Flier at the lock, and went to take a shower a warm one, so

    soon he had recovered his true self- and not the depressing mood he had when arriving.

    He was not in a talkative mood, so he decided to stay at his cabin it has a holographic set, a null

    gravity bed and the small but complete bath.

    Classic music now.- He said, and the computer gives the order to the recorder, that begin

    replaying classic music from famous composers from Knapp planet. A soft theme in a low tone,

    just as he had set the controls previously. He sprayed a meal on the air; he preferred toast and

    coffee, and that was he gets, just breathing the special gas. Healthy meals, chewing and biting was

    a thing of the past, and the majority likes to have sound teeth instead of chipped, repaired or half

    gone denture, pancreatic cancer, peritonitis, reflux, vomits, infections and the like.

    He attends at the news, and then he gets into his bed, ready to have some pleasant dream, thanksto a subtle wave system, that forbade the appearance of nightmares.

    Outside the cabin, Miss Ninara, the geneticist, pressed the buzzer of his den, but the main

    computer knows better: sensing that Borton was in dire need of his ration of sleep, silenced the

    buzzer and a message appears at the door for her to read: Mr. Borton is sleeping, please do not


    Ninara knew what that means: the main computer will reject calls and so, she stomped on the

    floor with one foot and walks away- she had been trying to show Mr. Borton the list of samples

    received in that day: Damalasaurs, Kaiyangosaur and Geranosaur were listed in it but her inner

    desire was to approach the man with romantic intentions


    She was willing to have a romance with the guy, before Mr. Masrin begins to pester her withemotional requirements.

    She appears at the laboratory, and seeing that three EDs were there, she asks at random:-Some

    of you had seen my samples, already?-

    One of them, model EDX 632, said:- I have storage your samples, Ninara. A good finding.

    Good! Some other samples had been storage yet?- She asks, with her clear voice.

    Yes. Mr. Bortons samples. . Another ED replied.

    Good. And the rest of the crew, and they delivered more samples?- She asked, curiously.

    No, Ninara. They are still in the field.- That ED replied.

    With this kind of weather? Its raining, by Jove!- She exclaimed, mildly disappointed to realize

    there were more dedicated people- and not too soft as her.

    Whos in the ship, no?- She asked.

    You and Mr. Borton, who is asleep.- The first ED said.

    She walks out of the laboratory and went to the main room- there were three other EDs around.

    Any news?- She asked, resting on a chair.

    The teams are working in the field, Miss Ninara, except you and Mr. Borton. - ED 9128 replied- he

    was, apparently, in control of the other EDs.




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    Yes! But are there some big animals near the spaceship?- She asked, yawning- the soft lights

    always produced the same effect in her

    No, Miss Ninara- the rain sent animals in search for cover.- ED 9128 replied. She looks briefly at

    him: he was using a darker shade of green uniform, to be different from the rest.

    Ill be in my cabin, for anyone who wishes to know about me.- She said, walking to her quarters-

    she rest on the null gravity bed, where she laid still- soon she was sleeping.

    Outside and thirty kilometers to the west, Flordon, Delaya and two EDs were at a cave. A fire had

    seen let by the EDs, and a hot coffee had been prepared if they like to take that beverage or brew

    in the old fashion way.

    Its raining. I wonder if the others had taken any samples.- Flordon said.

    Why dont you ask to these EDs we had in here? They must know.- Delaya said.

    ED 621 said not waiting for an order: Miss Ninara and Mr. Borton delivered samples to the


    Good. We had been not lucky.- Delaya said, because they hadnt find any dinosaur on the


    Wish I knew why you choose to search for samples on the mountains .- She complained , kicking

    a pebble out of the cave.

    14Sorry about that! But I love Gongbusaurs, and they prefer mountains! They always are searching

    for the red ferns that only grow in these mountains.- Flordon explains to her.

    Gongbusaurs! I wonder what you see in them! I see only dumb herbivores in them!- She said,

    half smiling.

    Flordon looked at her, thinking in how happy women seems to be when defying preferences of

    other people, so he didnt fall on arguments- Gongbusaurs were special, to him, because he had

    them around when he was a kid- his father , Orton, had been a farmer, and Gongbusaurs had been

    around his house for decades. So Flordon knows their ways in full: patients, caring for their

    offspring and calves were funny to see them grow, among plays and shrill sounds of pure joy.

    They joy of life. He said, sipping of his cup.

    Am I the joy of your life- he had not been able to change her no matter how many lectures he hadthrown on her.

    A strong trumpeting was heard over the sound of the rain. One ED went outside and the other

    said: A Emasaur . ED 621 is taken a sample.

    Good! Someone , at least, is working here!

    Delaya said, accusingly- Flordon smiles only, and wait . Soon ED 621 returns with the sample

    already insulated.



    Good hunt! Male or female?- Flordon asks.

    Male. Seems hes trumpeting before arriving to his resting place.- ED 621 said.

    Signaling his return to his female!- Flordon said to her.

    So he has a couple! How quaint!- She said, laughing.

    Emotions did exist in dinosaurs! Strong as they are, emotions and feelings did occur among

    them. ED 621 said.

    This Synthetic guy is forever giving lessons nobody are asking for! - Delaya said, looking at the


    Calm down! These persons did realize when a natural person is in need of some more

    knowledge. Flordon said, fully aware that his commentary will awake half an hour of complaints

    from that irky woman: and so it was!

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    Later, return to the Sphere with that only sample; it was important and they went to sleep, after

    being reading the national global news.

    By then, the last team, Masrin and Ninara, had a hard time near a river; each one of them,

    including the ED, were taking samples of Garudimimo, Otniellos, Paleopterix and Microdontosaurs.

    Masrin likes several samples of the same species but of different individuals at the time when

    Delaya and Flordon were bedding; they still were talking samples in the darkness that was not so

    for them, thanks to the night vision goggles (ultra red light).


    At dawn, they return to the Sphere, takes showers and individually- they went to sleep. For

    Masrin, the working with Ninara was a delight: to see her nice face and body near him was

    something he enjoyed. He hadnt asked her to be a mate for life- he just sensed she had her only

    as a fellow worker- no sentimentalisms or romancing ideas at all , between them.

    At midday, a chime awakes them and as usual, they walked towards the mess hall- place of

    reunions when needed. They take coffee and biscuits, other members of the crew were aspiring

    food gas from spraying cans.

    Good morning, friends! A new day for each of us! Well hear now an ED presenting a resume on

    what we had brought yesterday here.

    ED 621 said:- Forty one samples obtained: three of them rejected because the individuals weresick. The list obtained is this:

    43 Samples

    Name of the dinosaur Total Number Male Female

    Otniellos 4 1 3

    Emasaur 6 2 4

    Diatryma 2 1 1

    Fulengia 6 2 4

    Ohmdenosaurs 3 1 2

    Gongbusaurs 1 0 1

    Emasaur 2 1 1Garudimimo 1 0 1

    Paleopterix 3 1 2

    Microdontosaurs 12 5 7


    Flordon said: Well done, folks! At this pace, our job will be finished before schedule and that will

    mean well be returning to the city before we had planned.

    Their faces lightened up and soon the teams were out in the field, with some EDs to do the most

    dangerous jobs.

    Flordon and Delaya started at the place they had finished the day before, and Flordon said: Well

    be returning soon to the society.

    Big deal! I like it in here- solitude, ample means, and no bills coming from under the door.-

    Delaya said, looking at a ferns bugs with a glass.

    Remember that you like to dance!- He said, meekly.

    Dance! Those days are gone since I met you!- She laughed, and Flordon was sure that was but

    one of the many things she had against him- but it was that or leave her for good, and at his age,

    Flordon was sure it would be hard time to get another young female so beautiful they saw

    Garudimimo eating ferns at a distance and that ends the subject.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    No way could we walk near them without provoking their escapade!- Flordon said, looking at the


    ED 621 said: I can shoot at them from the air.

    Yes? Do it, then!- Flordon replied, happily, but he earns a bad gesture from his companion;

    Delaya was forever finding him having bad ideas, and that was easing his love for her.

    The ED climbs in the air using a Flier personal pack, carrying a sting rifle.


    Flordon saw how the synthetic man maneuvered his flying apparatus at a very fast pace- like an

    hawk, the plunged against a male, firing his hypodermic rifle- the hypoderm takes a sample and

    went back to the side of the rifle, where it stay, magnetically attracted. ED 621 takes the sample

    and put it into a shirt pocket. He takes three other samples, this time for female Garudimimo.

    What a way to work! - Delaya said, shining.

    Yes. Good machine we get there.- Flordon murmured for himself. She looks at him, but as she

    had not heard that phrase clearly, she reminds silent.

    The ED returns, saying: We have an Equinodon to the right of here.

    -Go for it!.- Flordon said.

    No! Lets have some fun!- Delaya said, starting in that direction.

    Some Paleopterix went up on the air from a large tree top. Flordon said:- Theyre searching forfood. Perhaps there are some eggs up there on the tree.

    Do you really want to climb up? A fall and youre history, Flordon!- She laughed, and he realizes

    that perhaps that was her inner wish-. To be ride of him without the need of a nasty fight.

    And that decides him; All right, you two waits here! Ill climb up to see!

    Suit yourself!- She said, adding: When you finish here, go to the right: well be chasing that



    Go in peace! If I get lost, Im sure ED will find me! He said, because he had a radio implant that

    he could get started in any time he wants.

    Flordon walks through the forest, listening from time to time the far away trumpet-like sounds of

    the larger dinosaurs. They had a harmonic quality that soothes his spirit.The tree was an easy one to climb, but at the middle of it he was already finding feces- white and

    like charcoal, easy to crumb under his boots; the residual substance falls, then like gypsum to the


    The nest was perched very securely with lots of small branches, intertwined, and also dry grass.

    Inside of it, three eggs the color of mud was to be seen- the size of an ostrich egg but somewhat

    wider at the middle portion. Flordon takes one of those and descended- he was now carrying it on

    his backpack.

    ED 621 was waiting for him at the foot of the tree, saying: She sent me to guide you where she


    Something wrong happening?

    No, Sir. Just follow me no danger present.- ED said, and begins retracing his tracks. Flordon

    looks at the sides and rear, because he was well aware that no matter how prefect a synthetic

    being could became to be there was always a window by which to fail... And yes, not twenty paces

    into the dense bush, an animal shows an ugly face to the back.

    Watch out! A Sinosaurus!- Flordon yelled and the ED retrace his steps, and fired against the

    seven meters dinosaur; the sample was taken and ED 621 retrieved it and flee to the left,

    attracting the Sinosaurus attention- a thing that was helping Flordon, who climbs a tree and stays

    panting on a branch.

    Whatmakes so scared? - A voice asked from high.

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    Delaya! Good for me to see you again! Theres a Sinosaurus lurking down there! It almost catches

    me!- He warned.

    Oh, yes? And what species it is?- She asked.

    A Sinosaurus!- He answered, looking at her long legs that were hanging down, as she was seated

    on a branch.

    A sinosauropteryx? But they are sixty seven centimeters long! Were they more than one? She

    instantaneously begins to smile in mockery.

    Only one! But it was seven meters high!- He replied, happy to see her smiling, no matter the

    reason was to ridicule him

    No way, Flordon! Must have been some other species! Ill take a look!- She said, descending

    with care but there were no signs of the beast.

    Flordon also descended and shows her the Paleopterix egg.

    Nice egg! Were they many?-

    Three of them. - Flordon replied.

    Oh, perhaps we could hatch this one.- She said, smiling.

    She walks towards a big fern tree, saying: A rare lizard, look!- And it was a red and green colored

    lizard five centimeters long . Flordon heard steps, and saw the terrible head of a big dinosaur

    appearing among some bushes.Delaya! There is the Sinosaurus!- And pointed towards the beast.


    Wow! Its not what I thought! Take cover- She said, terrified. They plunged head on into the

    bushes, trying not to be spotted.

    See? Its not a midget!- He said, triumphant.

    Certainly true.- She said, embracing him; and she was trembling

    A rumor of leaves, and among them, the head of ED 621 appeared. He said in a murmur:- What

    are you waiting for? Lets get out of here!- And he guided them away from the Sinosaurus.

    And which kind it was?- Delaya asked the ED 621.

    A Sinosaurus triassicus, that is, a Theropod tetanuranos carnivore.- ED 621 said.

    Yes! I am sure he eats meat!- She said, trying to smile. The sight of that beast had made her topee

    They return to the Sphere- she wants to take a bath and while she did that,


    Masrin (60) and Ninara (25) were, at that time, resting on a rock and near the Maporico River.

    They had already taken eight samples of fish, while ED was busy collecting insects and putting

    them into a plastic jar for further studies.

    Yes, insects are many more in numbers than animals, and you never know when a new species is

    discovered. Who knows? Perhaps in tat jar ED is filling, more than a new species could be

    crawling.- Ninara said.

    Masrin nodded in ascent- her voice was honey for his hears. He saw she was stripping off her

    pants- she was using now a bathing suit underneath- and walked into the river.

    Come! Its very warm in here!- She said, waving her hands for him to approach.



    Masrin has not a swimming suit, so he just take off his shoes, socks and went into the water

    without his shirt and jacket, but with his pants on.

    No, no! Takes those pants off! Or arent you with underpants?- She asked. He obeyed and went

    into the water for a second time, realizing the water was very cold.

    But this is not warm! Its cold!- He said, trembling.

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    Oh, I forgot you are not young!- She said, deceptively. That phrase seta a wall between them,

    and Masrin was very upset from then on- he walks out of the river and seats on a rock to dry his

    legs with the light of the sun.

    Are you mad?- She asked, while jumping in the river.

    No!- He said, looking at the sparkling reflections of the water near her slim body.

    Sorry!- She said, laughing again. Masrin looked at her- like a child, she was. But her body was

    certainly of a grown up woman: he desires her and mused about having sex with her

    I love you!- He yelled at her.

    What? I cannot hear you from here!- She said, but certainly she had heard him, and laughed: an

    old man in love! She finds it very ridiculous.


    The EDX 632 appeared flying- he landed near them , saying: Troubles. Flordon is asking for

    everyone back at the Sphere!

    In a minute!- Ninara said, beginning to dress.

    When arriving to the spot, they saw Borton looking at the sky with a pair of binoculars.

    Whats happening?- Masrin asked him.

    Someone sent a LASER beam against the Sphere! The ED is repairing the hole- were waiting for

    you to set the force field on!In that moment, a ringing sound ensued, and the trees and sky gets blurred and stands like that

    from then on.

    The force field is on!- Flordon said, appearing at the threshold of the spaceship airlock. Another

    LASER shot was received, only that this time it rebounds on the strong force field.

    We are under attack.- EDX 632 said.

    I had noticed it.- Flordon said, adding:- We better gets inside the Sphere and moves away.

    That he said, not willing to add that a missile could come next, provoking more than an internal


    Soon, Flordon was moving the Sphere towards the mountains, and in a very narrow glen they


    I sent a tracker.- Delaya said, and a spy satellite went out from the sphere, speeding towards theprevious site, and up until reaching eight thousand meters high.

    The tracker is sending a visual.- Delaya said.

    On screen.- Flordon asked her, and at the main screen they could see a huge green colored




    Three hundred meters long, a hundred and twenty eight meters width, thirty nine meters high. -

    Delaya recited, reading from her scanner.

    A battle ship?- Masrin asked to her.

    I doubt it! Knappian Star Fleet colors are golden and black- this one is green!- She said.

    Call him through the spy satellite!- Borton suggested.

    Calling. Foreign spaceship, what are you making out of your attack on our Sphere?- Delaya

    radioed and that message keeps repeating itself automatically.

    No response.- She said, after twenty minutes of waiting.

    One hour later, the object moves from its synchronous orbit, until it was out of sight. Delaya call

    the spy aerial object back to the Sphere, and in five minutes the small box gets inside the main


    Bad omen is this! Why someone could wish to harm us? We intend no harm whatsoever!-

    Ninara said.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    Fool people exist! Evil is around.- Borton said, remembering the eighty per cent of psychopaths

    the civilization has in its core.

    Flordon went out the Sphere, saying:- Delaya! Put a spy over our site! We cannot take risks


    She did that and said to ED 9128:- Chief, you stay on watch. Any problem and you sound the


    Very well, Lady.- He said in response.


    The surrounding area was full of rocks, stones and crevices where nothing alive persists.

    Back to the ship! There is nothing for us in here!- Flordon said- of course, some of them not even

    moves from the ramp.

    They fly over mountains and finding a valley full of trees, they descended on the slope of a hill.

    Its getting dark: I will send two EDs to do the job for us.- Flordon said when the airlock was


    The breeze comes inside the ship, bringing a nice smell of vegetation.

    Flordon seats at this usual chair, and begin looking through ED 621, one of the Synthetic men in

    charge of the recollection of samples.

    As it was already dark, he begins to see in green shades- the ED finds a dozen Dachonsaurs near aravine. He takes samples of three of them: one male, two females.

    Good catch!!- Flordon said, by radio.

    Thanks you, Sir.- ED 621 said, using the same mean of communication.

    What are you doing?- Delaya said, coming from the corridor.

    Im looking the hunt through ED 621 eyes.- Flordon replied. She seats near him, yawning.

    Are you tired?- Flordon asked her. She was wearing a towel around her head, a sign that

    indicates she had taken a shower bath.

    Yes! But I have my hair wet. I cannot go to bed like this; I could catch a cold or a torticollis.- She


    All right, stay with me. This is interesting.- Flordon said, looking at the monitor screen.

    27After some more walking, ED 621 finds a small rodent perking on a branch. He ignored it, as the

    order was to hunt for dinosaurs only. Minutes later, he finds a lonely Riojasaurus, his big body

    leaning on a tree- the breathing of this beast was deep and reassuring- or so it seems to Flordon,

    who turns his head towards Delaya, but seeing that she was sleeping, he said nothing about the

    dinosaur but takes her into his arms and carried to bed, while she was smiling.

    ED 621 keeps on searching, until ED 195, who was also from the night hunting group, said by

    radio:- I found something curious! Want to see it?

    But we are working now!- ED 621 said.

    Itll be a moment, only!- ED 195 insisted.

    When ED 621 arrives to the site, he saw a big crocodile hatching lots of eggs on the sandy terrain

    he had located.

    What a find!- ED 195 said.

    Yes: eggs! The captain could hatch this and provide living specimens any time he wants!- ED 621



    Heres a bag- thirty three, as Im counting already!- ED 195 said.

    Thirty three beautiful eggs!Ready to go! Bye!- ED 621 said, departing at low altitude with his


  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    By the radio, Ed 198 said: Crocodile arent dinosaurs! Perhaps our chief will fry the eggs for

    breakfast!- And laughed (that was an improvement on newly designed Synthetics).

    ED 195 fly over treetops and landed near the river. ; there the search for creatures- smaller and

    Vegetarian, they approach the water to drink using the small amount of light to have some more

    protection from carnivores.

    A group of Anchisaurus approaches, appearing by a trail- the male alpha was in front, and he was

    the first in taste the water. While the rest waits- then he goes to the rear, and stand in silence,

    watching to every side with a keen eye.

    ED195 fired his needle and gets some flesh and blood from that specimen that jumped to a side,

    startled by the fiery prick.


    As the rest of the heard became very hysterical, the male galloped back to the forest, followed by

    his females and the rest of the pack: ED 195 has still time to take two more samples.

    At dawn the ED returns to the Sphere, and storage their samples in a very cold environ.

    At breakfast, Flordon said: Last night our EDs did a real good work, bringing lots of samples for


    So we take the day off?- Delaya mocked.

    No! We get to work until our job is donned! In that way well be home sooner!- Flordon said,reading at their faces: not everyone liked his return to home so soon, because they precisely were

    there not to be at their homes!

    Soon he and Delaya were traveling above the trees- some Paleopterix were flying around too, so

    they speeded a bit, finding a mountain in front. He signaled to the left and landed in a clearing, in

    front of them, three very large trees speeded up totalizing 120 meters high.

    Really beautiful vegetation! Sometimes I wonder if I would had preferred to be a Botanist! -

    Delaya said, leaving the personal Flier next to a rock.

    Animals are better because they could move around.- Flordon said, mimicking a monkey, making

    her smile.

    They get into the forest and soon they were spotting an Allosaurus.

    This one must be spared! ED 621: you take the sample this time!- Flordon said, scared.30

    The ED 621 went there in all fours, and behind a tree trunk, he fired the syrinx: the small harpoon

    gets through the very strong and coarse hide, and takes the tiny piece of soft tissue for analysis.

    The dart was recovered thanks to a nylon cord, and the sample was well storage into a vial.

    The sample has been gotten.- ED 621 announced.

    Fine! Thats good.- Flordon said, taking Delayas hand to keep on walking. ED 621 was on front,

    at the alert.

    Two hours later, they found a heard of Diplodocus, each of them measuring twenty seven meters

    long of bones, flesh and hard hide. Some calves were also present, running around and trumpeting

    in a somehow shrill kind of way.

    This arent dangerous if they dont get scared!- Flordon said.

    They approached them with care, and soon they were obtaining samples of them through the



    The smaller ones spotted them and bumped on ED 621, sending him head on into the bushes.

    Flordon and Delaya run away from there, as the four meter calves werent a thing to ignore.

    They heard a bedlam behind them, so they turn right and kept running until stumbling to the

    ground, dead tired.

    No noise anymore! Seems we lost them!- She said, and then they saw ED 621 coming at a trot.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    The big ones gest hysterical! They stomped around the place- they almost hit me! But now they

    are heading to the west of here.- He said.

    Hope your vials are intact?- Flordon said.

    yes! Fortunately, I banged the ground with the other side of my body!- He explains, lightly.

    They keep on with their route until seventeen hours.

    Theres trouble.- ED 621 said, when arriving to the Sphere.

    Whats happened? Delaya asked.

    Borton and Ninara the geneticist had been lost until now! And Masrin, his partner in the hunt, is

    very upset!- ED 912 said to them.


    They waited and at 21.00 hours, the pair arrives in their personal Fliers.

    We were worried. Why do you sent back your appointed ED?- Flordon said.

    It was no need of him where we were! A peaceful valley, with plenty ofDachonsaurs in it!-

    Borton said, while Ninara was looking grim.

    Is this a reprimand?- She asks.

    Oh, nothing of the sort! Its only Masrin that was very upset and we became nervous!- Delaya


    Both newcomers went to their cabins, after delivering the samples at the Laboratory that wasvisited by Delaya.

    How many species did they collect?- She asked to EDX 632, which was there on duty.

    Fifteen, lady! Three Dachonsaurs, and the rest are Dacentrurus.- He replied.

    Very well: take the samples and storage them as usual. - Delaya said, after looking at the samples

    through a monitor.


    At a corridor, Masrin waits for Ninara, but it was Borton who walks by there first, so he said:

    What did you do to her?-

    Hunting! What else should I do, old man?

    Dont play games with me! I care about her, and if you make her suffer, I swear youll have a big

    problem with me.-Oh, yeah? And what are you to her? His granddaddy? Borton said, deceptively, Masrin takes him

    by the neck, and then they were fighting, but an ED was sent there in a hurry and separates them


    To your quarters! - He said: the men obeyed, not after insulting each other. ED 9128 said to

    Flordon: Borton and Masrin were fighting at Corridor 3 B.

    Oh, well, some people cannot stand when losing a girlfriend! Put an ED near their corridor, so if

    they begin fighting again he could stop them short. Next time they are going right to prison cells. -

    Flordon said- the cells had nothing else but a bed and a bath- no holographic set, nor furniture.

    When Delaya knew about it, she said to Flordon:- Wish you could talk with them . Fights for a

    woman always end in the worst fashion.

    Perhaps tomorrow I will talk with them. Not now, as they will refuse any logical thinking. -

    Flordon said.

    That night there was a tense air inside the Sphere. Nobody except Flordon and Delaya seats at a

    table on the mess hall.

    What do you think it will happen?- Delaya asked him, while inhaling her dinner.


    Ill talk with them to know whos the friend Ninara has now. Flordon replied.

    Im sure Ninara never has a love affair with old Masrin! Hes sixty, by Jove! And she has only

    twenty five years old.- Delaya remembers.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    Twenty five and Borton have thirty five years old?- He asked.

    Forty. But forty its closer than sixty to twenty five! Dont you think?- Delaya asked him.

    Yes. But you and me- Was saying Flordon, but she interrupted him, saying:- Our love affair is

    different! We love each other."- and she kissed him, reassuringly.

    At the next morning, Flordon said to them all: As we have been seeing some violence among us,

    the teams will change: Ill keep on hunting with Delaya, Masrin will hunt alone, and Borton and

    Ninara will do it together. Of course, every team is going to have an Ed assistant.

    Masrin was pale faced and said: At least let me choose which ED is going to be my partner!

    All right, no problem there.- Flordon said.

    Let ED 9128 be my Assistant in this.- He said.

    Flordon twisted his mouth, as 9128 was in charge of the Sphere while they were away, but not to

    disappoint the man, he said: All right, you can have him as your Assistant.

    This was some kind of a triumph for Masrin, who begin giving orders to 9128, in order to bring out

    everything not of his liking apart from the stench, that pervades his cabin.

    Borton and Ninara fly pass the mountains and descended at a platform that was full of fern trees.

    They left the personal Fliers near a tree trunk, and then Borton said to ED 201:- Please, search a

    dinosaur for us.- And turning to Ninara, he said: Lets find the shadow under the trees?

    And they walked inside the forest. She was very interested in her new lover and kissed himpassionately the moment the ED was away.

    At ten oclock the ED 201 returns with thenews: Some Lesothosaurus are eating not twelve

    kilometers away, and to the west. I suggest you use the Fliers.

    Are them many?- Borton asks, standing from the grass.

    Twelve, sir. Four males, and the rest are females.- The ED replied.

    Lets move on! - Borton said, helping Ninara to stand up, and they return to the site where the

    personal Fliers were.

    Are they big? I mean dangerous?- Ninara asked him.

    Lesothosaurus are seven meters long, herbivores. As it is with them all, if you dont approach

    their calves, youll be safe and good.- Borton said, feeling elated with the adventure. She

    approaches him and gives him a long kiss, squeezing some of that superior energy she feels he wasoozing out.


    {when at the sight of them, she was amazed by the agility they presents from one site to the other

    in seconds, heads flashing in the sun thanks to very shinny scales they had on their hides.

    Theyre so swift!- She said.

    ED 201 takes care of to take the customary samples and after one hour of observation, the

    Lesothosaurus left the place as in a stampede.

    Where they go?- Ninara asked, half afraid it was because a still not seeing threats.

    Dont worry! Their behavior is like this!- ED 201 said.

    just in case, lets move from here!- She begged, so they keep on walking with ED 201 in front .

    Its very strange.- Borton said.


    You and Masrin! Hes so enraged about our affaire, and he has never had your love.- Borton


    Hes a jerk! I thought he was a good companion but suddenly he was fighting with you. I really

    think hes mad.- She said, taking his hand.

    If he do you any harm, I dont know what Im capable to do to him!- He said, feeling himself as

    her protector.

  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 36 Flordon


    She smiled and said: I feel pity for him! How did he dare to think , for one instant, that I could get

    interested in him? And old man like he is!- And she moves her head with incredulity.

    Im no youngster, either!- Borton said.

    Oh, but youre way much young than he is! He could be my grandpa!- She said, laughing merrily.

    A quarter of an hour later, they arrive to a deep pond, where strange fish were swimming.

    These arent dinosaurs! We will just ignore them.- Borton said.

    Not totally! Who knows how much good a pair of which could do in a new environ?- Ninara

    asked him.

    All right, lets take one sample!- He condescended and they have fun shooting at the swimming

    species, which were big and scaly looking.

    While there were there, ED 201 was on the lookout of new dinosaur specimens, and after a while,

    he said:- A couple of Massospondylus are on the bush.-

    No problem! Pity we have samples of them already.- Flordon reminds him.

    They sent the Ed to retrieve their Flier apparatus and returns to the Sphere.

    Its fifteen thirty hours. Borton said, when stepping up on the ladder.

    And so what? We are almost done with our shift. She said.


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