know about scorpio full moon and taurus new moon in this may 2015 by celestial insight

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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View the Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus New Moon in May 2015 by

Celestial Insight

Scorpio Full MoonThe Taurus-Scorpio polarity contains themes of death and rebirth. In the northern hemisphere leaves decay and the energy of plants retreats underground when the Sun in located in Scorpio. For us in the southern hemisphere, this happens when the Sun is in Taurus. Taurus is associated with the full flowering of spring, a time of beauty when the garden comes to life once more, but spring is when the Sun is in Scorpio in the southern hemisphere. The traditional meaning of the signs of the zodiac is out of kilter for those of us in the southern hemisphere, so how do we make sense of this?

Each Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, so we might choose to look at the Moon instead of the Sun. Planets in opposite signs of the zodiac are linked because the Earth is located between them. Opposites attract, are in compatible elements and have the same quality. In the case of Taurus-Scorpio they are linked by the common theme of death and rebirth regardless of which hemisphere you are in. Whatever sign the Sun is in, the Earth itself is in the opposite sign too. The ruling planets of Taurus and Scorpio, Venus and Mars, are now in a semi-sextile aspect, having separated 30 degrees since their conjunction in February. Planets in semi-sextile can have trouble understanding one another, so misunderstandings and communication difficulties can crop up now.

This Full Moon is likely to define the differences between

ourselves and those we connect with, bringing awareness and

personal growth.

Taurus New MoonThe sign Taurus combines the Earth element with the Fixed quality to create a solid base. Those with a strong Taurus signature want to align themselves with fundamental standards and values which they seek to preserve. They appreciate natural fibers, organic foods and products of quality that can be evaluated and appreciated by the five senses. Taurus teaches us patience, perseverance and persistence. Taurus admires what is natural and beautiful. Never in a hurry, Taureans are patient and move at a measured, regular pace. Taurus is also interested in money, which is the method we use to assign value in our world.

Because it’s a fertile sign, Taurus helps us understand the intrinsic worth of flora and fauna and that life itself is truly priceless. Most of all Taurus wants to establish solid, worthwhile standards which can be relied upon to measure and evaluate our experiences and the world.In Australia the Federal Budget is handed down this month, (2nd Tuesday in May) totally appropriate with the Sun in Taurus, the sign mostly connected with money, income and resources.This New Moon sees Venus in Cancer forming a mutual reception with the Moon. This promises to be a pleasant, comfortable and harmonious New Moon, though there could be simmering tension and frustration.

Mercury stations retrograde shortly after this New Moon, in its own sign Gemini. The trickster planet likes to throw a spanner in the works now and then to see what happens. Mercury wakes us up with his antics. The role of the trickster is to turn things on their head so we can break free from limitations and self-imposed restrictions. Laughter is a great way to get through Mercury retrogrades.

The good news is that Mercury and Jupiter are in a user-friendly sextile aspect. This means that any delays or setbacks are likely to bring opportunities. Communication is the key to this. Although Mars and Saturn could throw a tantrum, this will achieve little. The best approach is to keep a cool head and be patient.Stand your ground, speak your truth, but listen to others before rushing to make judgments, or spitting the dummy. Channel frustration into other activities and bide your time.

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