know before you go

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Tips on being culturally responsible around the world


Know Before You Go Tips on Being Culturally Responsible

EcuadorPeople will greet with a handshake and a smile. Try using the appropriate greeting for the time of day:

Buenos dias: Good morningBuenas tardes: Good afternoonBuenas noches: Good evening

When addressing people, use senor and senora. Only close friends and family address each other by their first names, but if someone uses your first name, it generally means you can address them with their first name.

If invited to someone’s home, it is polite to bring flowers, wine, pastries, or sweets for the host. Avoid giving lilies or marigolds, as they are used at funerals.


Guests will be served first, and the host will say buen provecho (enjoy your meal) as an invitation to begin eating.

It is considered polite to leave a small amount of food on your plate when you are done eating. If you do not want more to drink, leave some liquid in your glass.

Cover your mouth if you feel the need to yawn, as yawning in public is considered rude.

It’s a legal requirement to carry your passport with you at all times. An advance visa is not required for US citizens.

VietnamFamily is extremely important to the Vietnamese and they often live with their extended family in one household. In this families, the father is the head of the household while the children take care of their aging parents.

The philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism play a big part in the culture and every day lives. For example, Confucian beliefs emphasize respect for elders, and strongly influence family relationships in Vietnam.

VietnamVietnam’s etiquette expectations are similar to that of many other Asian

countries. Here are a few general tips to keep in mind:Avoid public displays of affection.Don’t touch anyone’s head; this is very disrespectful in Asian countries.It is impolite to point with your finger. Instead, use your entire hand to gesture towards something.Don’t stand with your hands on your hips, it is considered ill-mannered, as is, crossing your arms across your chest.The young generations generally shake both hands when greeting, and do not usually shake hands with an older person. A slight bow may be used to show respect to an elderly person.Dress conservatively. Even though it can get quite hot, it is best not to show too much skin. Dress appropriate when visiting pagodas, meaning no shorts, skirts, dresses, or revealing clothing. In larger cities the dress code may be a little more relaxed.

VietnamWhen dining with a family, you should wait to be showed your seat and only sit once the eldest person has taken their seat.

Bargaining is very common, but it is important to bargain fair throughout the transaction and not to get angry or begin arguing.

Tipping is always greatly appreciated but never expected. However, if you visit a pagoda and are shown a tour of the ground, be sure to leave a little something in the contributions box.


The greeting in Nepal is Namaste, which is done by bringing your palms together a few inches below your chin and facing them upwards and slightly bowing your head. Namaste is both a gesture and spoken greeting. It can mean hello, how are you, have a niceday, and good bye.

Punctuality is not a popular custom, so bus schedules and traffic are often unpredictable. Don’t get frustrated with delays but instead prepare for them.

Before entering someone’s home or a temple, remove your shoes. Ask permission before entering a Hindu temple.

NepalWhen sitting down at a meal with others, don’t handle any food other than your own. Pass food containers with only your right hand and make sure you don’t eat off anyone else’s plate.

When signaling agreement, shake your head from side to side and when showing disagreement, nod your head up and down.

If it polite to ask for seconds when you eat at someone’s house. If you’re in a group and have to leave early, apologize by saying bistaii khaanus, meaning please eat slowly.

Japan A large aspect of Japanese society is harmony and although the Japanese people are very forgiving, it’s appreciated when one acts respectfully and appropriately.

Older generations greet with bows while younger generations may use handshakes.

The common way to address people is by their last name, followed by the suffix “-san,” which is a more flexible version of Ms./Mr./Mrs. In non-formal situations, Japanese people may address you by your first name followed by “-san.”

JapanWhen entering a Japanese house or a ryokan, remove your shoes at the doorway.

Punctuality is valued in Japanese culture, as you will be able to note by trains and buses always being exactly on time.

Slurping your noodles when eating with chopsticks is acceptable, it enables you to taste the full flavor of the noodle while you eat.

There is no tipping in almost any circumstance in Japan. There is one notable exception: if you stay in a nice ryokan, it may be considered polite to leave a tip to the proprietor at the end of your stay.

Egypt Unlike many places in the modern world, Egypt still has a three-part social class system that plays a major role in the society. It consists of the upper, middle and lower class.

Muslim is the dominant religion in Egypt and it plays a major role in the society’s values and practices.

Handshakes are customary between those of the same sex. Handshakes may be longer than is routine in other countries.

EgyptSalting your food at a home cooked meal is considered rude. Once you are finished leave a small amount of food on your plate or you will continue to be served.

Appearances are very important in Egypt and dressing conservatively is a respectful gesture to their culture; modesty is key.

Within the tourism industry of Egypt, tipping is expected. Keep in consideration that most Egyptians that work in the industry rely on tips as part of their pay.

ColombiaThe phrase “a la orden” translates to “at your order”, which can be substituted and used in place of “thank you” and “may I help you?”.

There are three ethnic group from which the citizens of Colombia descend from: Indians, African people brought to the country as slaves, and European settlers.

Colombian coffee is a major trademark, and the fruit juices of the country are held with high regard.

ColombiaWhen dining at someone’s home, wait to be seated by the host and don’t rest your elbows on the table.

If you’re caught with any amount of drugs, whether you’re trying to transport them or not, jail time will be a consequence. When discussed, drugs are a serious topic that isn’t taken lightly and never mentioned in a joking matter.

Colombians don’t follow strict time frames like in the U.S. Being on time for dinner parties and casual meetings is not imperative for Colombians. Meetings do not always follow a linear pattern.


The official language of the country is Hindi. Although, there are different languages for the many different states of India.

All relationships within the culture are part of some type of hierarchy. Teachers are the source of all knowledge, fathers are the head/leader of the family, and both are very well respected.

When greeting someone or saying goodbye, hold your palms together at chest level while announcing “namaste”. This is the most common greeting.

IndiaWhen eating dinner at someone’s house, remove your shoes before entering and dress conservatively.

Dietary restrictions are common among Indian religions. For example, Muslims don’t eat pork or drink alcohol.

Relationships within business are very important in India, as Indians prefer to do business with people they know. Therefore, most meetings begin with small talk and business is discussed much later.

CambodiaAround 95% of Cambodians are Buddhist, which is reflected in their daily lives.

One key component of Cambodian culture, derived from Buddhism, is a concept referred to as “saving face,” or never loosing your cool no matter what the situation may be, especially in public.

They believe in reincarnation and karma. Protecting the reputation of themselves as well as the collective society, or family, is very important.

CambodiaGreetings between Cambodians are dependent on the hierarchical relationship between the people. The person who is the eldest is most likely the person that is going to greet you.

Bow your head and put your hands together in a praying position when introducing yourself.

Don’t touch a person on the head because it is known as the highest and most spiritual part of the body. It is considered incredibly rude to do so.

TanzaniaTanzanian people, who speak Swahili as their main language, are known to be extremely friendly and polite.

In Tanzania, handshakes are extremely important in social etiquette. Most Tanzanians continue to hold hands throughout the entire conversation.

Try not to pass things with your left hand as it is typically used for toilet duties. When receiving something, always use your right hand, which is also used for eating.

TanzaniaGreat respect is given to the person who cooks the food for a meal. Never smell the food because this indicates that the food is bad and is disrespectful to the cook.

Respect for their elders is very important within their culture. Tanzanians feel as if the older you are the more knowledgeable you are.

Public displays of affections are frowned upon.

China Punctuality is seen as a sign of respect, so make sure to always arrive to dinner on time. Chinese dinners are served family style on a glass circle that rotates in the middle of the table.

Table mannerisms are very specific in China. The host always sits facing the open door, you should wait to be seated, and do not eat or drink until the host has done so themselves.

A major faux pas in China is placing your chopsticks straight up in your bowl, as this symbolizes death.


Tasting all the dishes that are offered to you is considered a cultural courtesy and will be greatly appreciated.

If you’re finished with your meal, leave a little bit of food on your plate. Otherwise, you’re indicating you’re still hungry.

It is uncommon to leave a tip in China.

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