know it: plagiarism,netiquette.and copyrighting

Post on 27-May-2015






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  • 1. It: Kn ow , ar ism la gi,and Ptte tiq uene ti ngyr igh Ullah c op na meClick to edit Master subtitle style y : AB9/25/12

2. Plagiar ism is t aking someone elses wor k or ideaand saying it is your own wit hout giving cr edit t ot he aut hor .Coping and Past ingSynonyms: bor r owing, f r aud, inf r ingement , t hef t ,and pir acy.What is Plagiarism?9/25/12 3. Wor d t o Wor d : wor d t o wor d plagiar ism isbasically copying and past ing. Copying somebodysexact wor ds or idea and not cit ing , giving cr editt o t hem, and not quot ingPar aphr asing: Par aphr asing is r est at ing someoneelses wor k or idea in your wor ds.Not Plagiar ism: Not plagiar ism is simply notplagiar ism. You eit her used common knowledge,you cit ed or quot ed exact wor ds and sour ces.Types of Plagiarism9/25/12 4. You dont want to get a F on a paper because you plagiarizeor you dont want to get fined so, I suggest you follow thesetips on how to avoid plagiarism: Put in quotations everything that comes directly from thetext If a piece of information isnt common knowledge, youneed to cite a source. Use your own words and ideas.How to AvoidPlagiarism9/25/12 5. Net iquet t e is simply a guideline f or appr opr iat ebehavior on t he int er net .Helps pr event cyber bullingEt iquet t e on t he int er netWhat is Netiquette? 9/25/12 6. Basics:help the new people, research before asking,andremember peoples feelings. Sending:be brief. Use white spaces, stay on topic, andmake sure you are sending it to the right person. Replying:check current information before replying,make sure again you are replying to the right person Confidentially:respect copyright,remembering archiving,and never send what you dont read.Types of Netiquette 9/25/12 7. Basics:help the new people, research before asking,andremember peoples feelings. Sending:be brief. Use white spaces, stay on topic, andmake sure you are sending it to the right person. Replying:check current information before replying,make sure again you are replying to the right person Confidentially:respect copyright,remembering archiving,and never send what you dont read.Types of Netiquette 9/25/12 8. Plagiarism can get you expelled from your class orcourse Plagiarism can result in your work being destroyedPlagiarism can result in expulsion from your academicinstitution Plagiarism can result in legal action.Consequences of Plagiarism9/25/12 9. A legal right given to a publisherand a originator to print, publish,perform , film, or record musicalmaterial. Copyrighting9/25/12 10. What do Copyrights protect?The rights granted by copyrights include protectionsregarding any attempts at copying, distributing oradapting the original work. What works can be copyrighted? According to copyright laws in the United States, thefollowing works may be copyrighted:engravings,maps andcharts, musical records, musical compositions ,literaryworks and books, etc.Copyright FactsHow long do Copyrights last?The Copyright laws , specified limitation or period of time9/25/12of protection will vary based on location. 11. Hope this slideshare powerpoint has help you learn or learn more about plagiarism, copyrighting, and netiquette. Here is a short quiz to help remember and sum up the whole presentation.1.What are the 3 types of plagiarism?2.Name 2 facts for both plagiarism and copyrighting.3.What is netiquette?4.What are some consequences if you plagiarize?Overview 9/25/12 12. Free Pictures Web: Dream technology background picture(2012) Fix: Non-Plagiarized Work (2012) Bloggers: 40+ Websites For Copyright AndRoyalty Free Photos (2008-2012) Page:Mono Live Free Plagiarism Scan (n.d)http://

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