know more about asbestos and mesothelioma

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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People continue to be exposed to asbestos worldwide, which has been linked to mesothelioma and other diseases. Learn more online from


What youneed to knowtoday about



Say the word “asbestos” and most people think

you are mentioning something from the past – something

that has no relevance to people today. But that perception is

far from accurate. Shockingly, asbestos, a known carcinogen,

is responsible for approximately 10,000 deaths a year in the

United States alone. And due to powerful industry lobbying,

the use of asbestos is still not banned in the United States.

As one of the first law firms to ever successfully win an asbestos

cancer lawsuit, Baron & Budd is proud of the work we have done

to expose the companies responsible for knowingly exposing

innocent people to asbestos. And we are proud that, over and over

again, we have been able to seek and win financial compensation

for our clients, the victims of this terrible tragedy.

In addition to representing people in the courtroom we also

consider it part of our duty to inform and educate the public about

the dangers of asbestos.

We hope that this brochure is helpful and encourage you to call or

email us, day or night, with your questions.

Thank you for your interest in this important environmental issue.

Russell W. Budd

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Why is asbestos a problem today?

During the last century asbestos was widely used in all types of construction.

For example, it was frequently used in drywall compounds, paint texturing,

ceiling texturing, gaskets, sheetrock and other routine construction

materials. During the construction process many workers were exposed to

asbestos as they worked to build homes and other buildings. The common

practice of using asbestos in building materials continued through the

1970s. Since the latency period of asbestos-related cancer is so long, the

problem today is twofold: one, people who worked in construction or in

other contaminated environments decades ago are just now becoming sick;

and two, the buildings originally constructed with materials that contained

asbestos are now often being remodeled, which means that the dangerous

material is once again being released into the air.

Wouldn’t I have known if I was exposed to asbestos on the job?

Many people have been exposed to asbestos without their knowledge. For

example, common construction materials such as sheetrock, “popcorn”

ceiling materials, vinyl f loor tiles, gaskets and other construction materials

contained large amounts of asbestos and were manufactured and installed

for decades without any warning labels or caution given to workers. Asbestos

may not have even been listed as a product ingredient. Also, asbestos often

breaks off and becomes airborne in such small pieces that it is invisible to

the human eye. Yet even those invisible particle can be inhaled and cause

asbestos cancers.

Why is asbestos exposure a health hazard?

The health risks of asbestos occur when these tiny fibers are released

into the air through normal handling of the material and are breathed

or ingested. The asbestos fibers also can eventually trigger cancers like

mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Is asbestos still being manufactured and used today?

Over 50 countries today have banned the use of asbestos but due to

powerful industry lobbying, the United States is not one of them. Products

containing asbestos are still allowed into the U.S. in the form of some

construction materials and auto parts, to name a few.

Is there any safe level of exposure to asbestos?

The overwhelming worldwide scientific consensus is that there is no safe

level of exposure. Although overall risk rises with increased exposure, even

Over 50 countries

today have banned

the use of asbestos

but due to powerful

industry lobbying,

the United States

is not one of them.


one small exposure has been reported to trigger the type of cancer that is

only caused by asbestos.

Is the asbestos problem overhyped?

The World Health organization calculated that in 2009 over 90,000 deaths

were directly linked to asbestos exposure worldwide.

If my house was built before 1975 does it contain asbestos? How do

I know for sure?

If your home was built prior to 1975, chances are that it does have

asbestos in it. The good news is that, left undisturbed, the asbestos is

not harmful. A certified asbestos technician is the only person who can

accurately evaluate your home and tell you if you have areas of concern.

See for a list of asbestos technicians.

How do I protect myself if I have asbestos in my home?

If you have asbestos in your home it is important to leave the area containing

asbestos alone. When asbestos is sealed in a wall or covered with paint,

it is not a hazard. The hazard occurs when the construction materials

containing asbestos are broken into and the fibers are released into the air.

Do not begin any remodeling of your home without proper inspection if

you think there might be asbestos.

Do not begin any

remodeling of your

home without proper

inspection if you

think there might be


The person in this photo is not a client of Baron & Budd.


I’m concerned that I may have been recently exposed in my rental

apartment or school. What do I do?

If you are concerned that you were exposed to asbestos through an apartment

you rent or a school you attend, you should contact the Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) asbestos ombudsman and the asbestos coordinator

through your state’s environmental agency for assistance. The EPA has

jurisdiction over asbestos exposure in schools as well as housing containing

four or more units. You can find their contact information on the EPA’s

website at

What is my risk of developing cancer if I worked with asbestos

products years ago?

Fortunately, not everyone who works with construction or other products

containing asbestos develops a related disease. The percentage of people

is relatively small. Yet there are many cases where people developed the

disease after just a short-term exposure to products containing asbestos, or

exposure to products brought home via dust on a family member’s clothing.

The EPA has jurisdiction

over asbestos exposure

in schools as well as

housing containing four

or more units. For more

information go to

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Are there tests I need to undergo if I am

concerned about asbestos exposure?

Because asbestos exposure can cause both cancer and noncancerous

conditions such as asbestosis and pleural disease, the National Institute for

Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that people with a history

of occupational exposure to asbestos undergo periodic health testing. These tests

generally include a chest X-ray and lung function tests, as well as an evaluation of

the patient’s overall health and his or her history of asbestos exposure.

If you are concerned about exposure to asbestos in the past and believe you

should be tested, please consult with your doctor.

What types of diseases are caused by asbestos exposure?

What are the symptoms?

Asbestos exposure can cause certain forms of cancer, as well as noncancerous

but debilitating lung conditions. Generally symptoms begin as shortness of

breath, pain in the chest or abdomen, fatigue, weight loss and perhaps

build-up of f luid on the wall of the lungs or abdomen.

How long do these diseases take to develop?

Asbestos-related diseases take a long time to develop. In most cases, the

amount of time between a person’s initial exposure to asbestos and the

development of disease–the “latency period”–can range from 15 to 30 years

or even 60 years or more. That is why some people who were exposed to

products containing asbestos decades ago are just now developing diseases

like mesothelioma.

I do not know if the products I worked with or around contained

asbestos, but many of my co-workers have developed asbestos-

related diseases. What were some of the types of products that

contained asbestos?

Many products have been shown to contain asbestos. While the number

is too large for a detailed listing here, we’ve listed below some of the

general types of products that are known to have contained asbestos in

years past. For more information about asbestos-containing products, visit

• Drywall materials

• Joint compounds

• Plaster

• Certain types of paint

and texture products

• Roofing materials

• Floor tiles and adhesives

• Gaskets

• Pump packings

• Cement pipe

• Pipe covering

• Valve packings

• Valves

• Engines

• Oil derrick drilling mud

• Elevator shaft materials

• Various materials on

Naval and merchant ships

• Various materials on

railroad locomotives

and equipment

• Various home and

commercial construction


Our law firm devotes

our asbestos practice to

representing people who

have been diagnosed

with asbestos-

related diseases like


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Also, asbestos exposure has placed a variety of trades at certain types of

workplaces at risk for development of asbestos-related diseases. Here is a

partial list of such workplaces:

• Construction sites

• Chemical plants

• Steel mills

• Shipyards

• Manufacturing plants

I have been tested for asbestos-related diseases and fortunately, my

doctor has given me a clean bill of health. But I’m still worried about

developing an asbestos-related disease in the future. Do I have a

legal claim based on my exposure history alone?

Under the law of many states, you can only pursue a personal injury claim

for asbestos exposure if you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related

disease. In many states, you may have a basis for “medical monitoring” and/

or “fear of cancer” claims.

Our law firm devotes our asbestos practice to representing people who

have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma. If

you have not been diagnosed with an asbestos disease but are concerned

about asbestos exposure and your legal rights, we hope that the resources

provided in this pamphlet are helpful to you.

How much time do I have to pursue legal help if I am diagnosed with

an asbestos-related disease?

The law provides a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit for an asbestos-

related disease. If you do not bring your case within the time limit–called the

“statute of limitations”–you may be barred from ever seeking compensation

for your injuries. The amount of time you have to file a case will depend on

a number of factors and differs from state to state but it is generally no more

than two years from date of diagnosis. If you ever are diagnosed with an

asbestos-related disease, it is wise to contact an attorney as soon as possible

in order to pursue your claim within the time limits required by law.

Where can I learn more?

You can learn more about asbestos and the diseases it causes by visiting the

following websites:

This comprehensive website, contains a wealth of information about

asbestos exposure, mesothelioma, treatment options, resources for patients

and family members, and up-to-date news on asbestos and mesothelioma.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s website has a great deal of

information about asbestos exposure, especially in homes and schools.

The law provides a

limited amount of time

to file a lawsuit for

an asbestos-related


• Smelters

• Paper mills

• Drilling rigs–land-based

and offshore


The Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA)’s website

provides comprehensive information about asbestos, including safety

regulations governing asbestos in the workplace.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health’s website provides

information about occupational exposure to asbestos and disease.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission contains information about

hazardous consumer products, including products containing asbestos.

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is a non-profit

dedicated to giving a voice to asbestos victims, advocating for a ban on

asbestos, supporting medical research, and educating the public and the

medical community about asbestos.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit that has compiled

a lot of research about asbestos. You can find this information through the

“chemical index” tab on their website.

Baron & Budd, P.C. Main Office:

3102 Oak Lawn Avenue,

Suite 1100, Dallas, TX 75219


Other Offices: Austin, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Protecting What’s Right®

Copyright Baron & Budd, P.C. © 2010

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