knowledge management practically defined

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The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development


Prepared for the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s

Electronic Networking for Rural Asia/Pacific Projects (ENRAP) 2nd Comprehensive Workshop

Singapore, February 6-9, 2001

byDon Richardson

TeleCommons Development Group

512 Woolwich St., Suite 200Guelph, Ontario N1H 3X7

don@tdg.caTel: 519-822-8385 x 241 Fax: 519-837-9883

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development


Table of Contents

Knowledge Management – Practically Defined............................................................3Personal Knowledge Management Skills.....................................................................3Moving from Personal to Organizational Knowledge Management: Core Activities.....4Knowledge Mapping.....................................................................................................7Incentives for Knowledge Management........................................................................9Essential outcomes of knowledge management for development organizations.......10Conclusion..................................................................................................................10Appendix: Knowledge Management Best Practices & Tips........................................11

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development


Knowledge Management – Practically Defined

Knowledge management is a very personal activity that, if practiced widely, can improve organization’s ability to achieve development results. Knowledge management means taking responsibility for what you know, who you know—and what they know.Knowledge management begins and ends as a personal activity. Without the human understanding, personal context and need for immediate utility which we bring to bear on knowledge, all we have is raw data.

Personally accessible, immediately useful and relatively inexpensive personal knowledge management tools can empower development workers to take ownership of their intellectual assets. Knowledge management starts with the individual and moves through an organization. Every individual uses knowledge management tools – including personal memory, date books, notebooks, file cabinets, email archives, calendars, post-it notes, bulletin boards, newsletters, journals, and restaurant napkins. Knowledge management begins when an organization enables individuals to link their personal knowledge management systems with organizational knowledge management systems.

Knowledge management tools only work when individuals see direct benefits in linking their personal knowledge management systems with organizational knowledge management systems. If development workers believe that the chores of contributing to an organizational knowledge management program benefit only their bosses, and not themselves or the communities with which they work, they may decide the best way to take advantage of the value of their individual knowledge is to use it for personal or local advantage. This results in serious knowledge deficits for the wider organization.

At the individual level, knowledge management involves a range of relatively simple and inexpensive techniques and tools that anyone can use to acquire, create and share knowledge, extend personal networks and collaborate with colleagues without having to rely on the technical or financial resources of the organization. Implemented from the bottom up by one development worker at a time, these techniques can increase productivity and enthusiasm and help to build momentum that can overcome the technological and social barriers to top-down, organization-wide knowledge management initiatives.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Personal Knowledge Management Skills

Too often, knowledge management is thought to be contained in sophisticated electronic networking software tools. This ignores the critical human factor. Personal knowledge management skills are far more important than technical tools. Personal knowledge management skills include:

Ways that people filter information overload Effective reading Concise note-taking Making sense of and analyzing information Synthesizing information Communicating effectively with others

Development workers typically have all of these skills, but these skills are seldom given serious attention within job descriptions, training programs, performance appraisals, and organizational strategic plans. Development organizations must find creative and practical ways to encourage continuous organizational and personal learning about how to improve information processing through methods to increase the clarity, quality and value of the information that people can share, receive and use.

When development workers consciously practice knowledge management they learn how they can get information when and how they need it, spend less time reading and writing, control how others receive their information and build reputations as quality suppliers of information. The result is that they increase their value inside the organization and within the communities with which they work. Development workers need to feel comfortable that they have an organizational mandate to develop their own creative approaches to knowledge acquisition and evaluation.

Development organizations can support individual knowledge management by consciously looking at what development workers actually do to manage their personal knowledge to see how to leverage that, organizationally, to encourage more efficient knowledge management behaviours across the organization and within projects. Choosing knowledge management software and electronic networking tools must be done very carefully so as to “fit” with how people actually work and manage their time. A field worker will benefit little from an on-line knowledge management database that requires significant time in front of an office computer. They might benefit more by using and contributing to simple paper-based “factsheets”, or simple hand-held computing devices that can synchronize with a database once a month.

It is better to integrate a knowledge management tool — even an old one like a file cabinet — into your knowledge handling habits rather than let a tool dictate how you work.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Knowledge management tools go beyond electronic or paper-based data repositories. They include, communities of practice as through which people create personally meaningful knowledge networks. Development organizations need to encourage development workers to take advantage of communities of practice by enabling, encouraging and rewarding them to join professional and special interest groups.

Moving from Personal to Organizational Knowledge Management: Core Activities

Implementing organizational knowledge management requires the full involvement of individuals at all levels across an organization. Only through the participatory design and development of knowledge management systems and processes can a development organization ensure that people actually employ knowledge management tools effectively. This also requires respect and acknowledgement for the value of personal knowledge management activities so that the best features of those activities can be leveraged and adopted across the organization.

Based on knowledge management in the corporate world, we identify eight core activities for implementing knowledge management systems that move from personal to organizational knowledge management:

1) Knowledge mappingKnowledge mapping describes what knowledge an organization has, who has it and how it flows (or doesn’t) through the enterprise. Knowledge mapping can show what changes are needed in organizational and personal behavior, business processes and enabling technologies so knowledge can be applied to improve results. It is valuable in pointing out improvements to existing processes and identifying people who have been acting as barriers to knowledge proliferation, whether inadvertently or on purpose. Knowledge mapping can also can clarify what information various people really need and locate the best sources for it. It can reveal, for example, the best practices that fieldworkers have developed but have kept to themselves and a few colleagues. Most importantly, knowledge mapping can answer a crucial question: Is your organization socially ready to become a knowledge organization? If the answer is yes, you can proceed with making it one. If no, at least you’ll have identified the barriers (see more on knowledge mapping below).

2) Commitment to multi-stakeholder planningIf knowledge mapping suggests that the organization is ready to become a knowledge organization, the organization needs to commit to multi-stakeholder planning for knowledge management. Delegating the design and implementation of knowledge management systems and practices to a small internal group will not result in a knowledge organization, but a knowledge

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

management elite who may try to force people to adopt tools and processes that do not fit with their working lives. Multi-stakeholder planning means that people have the opportunity to highlight knowledge management best practices, innovations, socially appropriate tools, suggest ways to eliminate obstacles, and participate in the design of programs to learn about and adopt tools.

3) Participant goal settingParticipants in multi-stakeholder planning can better grasp the value of organizational knowledge management when they have the opportunity to integrate their personal knowledge management goals with those of the organization. This requires opportunities for people to creatively express and share their personal goals, in forums that allow stakeholders from across the organization to learn about one another’s personal goals. Properly facilitated, such forums will enable participants to recognize that many personal goals are shared by others, and that those goals can more likely be achieved through information sharing.

4) Organizational goal settingParticipants in multi-stakeholder planning can more easily move to organizational goal setting when their personal goals have been heard and acknowledged. These personal goals need to be linked to organizational knowledge management goals. Forums that enable stakeholders to discuss, identify, refine and rank organizational goals will help direct the implementation of knowledge management systems and processes.

5) Partnering/networking goal settingKnowledge management goals must also go beyond the internal functioning of the organization and look at the wider organizational context of relationships, partnerships and networks. Multi-stakeholder planning ought to include stakeholders who are external to the organization, but who have a stake in helping achieve the organization’s goals. Together with internal participants, external stakeholders can help identify, refine and rank goals for improving relationships, partnerships, and networks. A simple method for doing so is to create a matrix of organizational relationships through which participants agree on qualitative rankings (e.g. strong, medium, weak) of each relationship, and determine how they would like to see those relationships in the future… and brainstorm about how they can practically improve those relationships.

6) Measurement frameworks – monitoring & evaluationMeasurement frameworks are critical to successfully implementing knowledge management systems and processes. These measurement frameworks need not be overly elaborate – as in the qualitative relationship ranking described above. Measurement frameworks must be relevant and meaningful to stakeholders. To be so, they must be developed by the

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

participants, and the tracking of measurement indicators must also be done with and by participants. This will help ensure that participants take responsibility for the evolvement of tools and processes that work.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

7) Selection of tools and processesParticipants need opportunities to learn about knowledge management tools and processes employed elsewhere. They need opportunities to see knowledge management at work, whether it be through workshops, personal visits, case studies, guest speakers, journals or websites. Once people have seen the tools and processes available, they need opportunities to develop a consensus on the tools and processes that can work across the organization and/or within their personal working contexts. Fundamentally, knowledge management requires use of communication media. These media need not be sophisticated or cost a great deal of money. Communication media can include meetings, newsletters, workshops, focused on-line discussions, training videos, bulletin boards, tea breaks and parties.

8) Implementation of tools and processesTools and processes that are thrust upon people with little consultation are likely to fail. People within the organization must also have the opportunity to participate in the development and execution of implementation plans. This way the users of the tools can take ownership of the tools, and modify the tools and processes to suit their circumstances. There are no “magic bullet” knowledge management tools that can immediately turn an organization into a knowledge organization – only people who direct the process and choose the tools can do that.

Knowledge Mapping

Just as there’s no point in launching a marketing campaign until you know what you want to sell, it makes no sense to start a knowledge sharing initiative until you know who in your organization knows what. Since most organizations don’t know that, the first order of business typically is to generate a knowledge map.

A knowledge map not only shows where knowledge resides, but also makes evident the state of the organization’s technology, how well its processes support knowledge sharing, and the work styles and culture of its people.

Knowledge mapping consists of two major tasks, each of which can be done without the other. The first, is to identify where knowledge resides, and involves locating repositories of knowledge throughout the organization. This effort prepares the way for creating a knowledge database.

Identifying where knowledge resides is relatively straightforward. It means taking an inventory of what people in the organization have written down or entered into information systems, as well as identifying sources of information people use that come from outside (such as public or university libraries, web sites or subscription services).

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Finding and organizing all that data may be time-consuming, but it is not conceptually difficult.

The second, more intensive knowledge mapping task attempts to capture the patterns of knowledge flow in the organization. Mapping knowledge flow requires examines how people process and direct information, since ultimately that determines how well an organization uses and shares its knowledge.

Mapping where knowledge resides and mapping patterns of knowledge flow are interdependent. Many organizations have attempted to map only one characteristic of knowledge, and find that their efforts yield few results. For example, if the organization looks only at where knowledge resides, it will not gain insight on how knowledge can be better shared, distributed and accessed.

Ultimately, knowledge mapping is focused on what people are doing, thinking and feeling. The goal is to examine people’s attitudes toward and habits concerning knowledge sharing in the organization and learn with whom they collaborate, how they get the information they need, whether and when they document their own knowledge, and how they store and distribute knowledge.

Knowledge mapping often includes a written survey, facilitated group discussions and individual interviews. These efforts should cross departmental lines, because when all levels are involved, findings reflect reality better because the perspectives of staff at a single level cannot skew the overall results.

Knowledge mapping may surprise senior managers, because it may show that they are part of the problem. For example, knowledge mapping can uncover problems in how managers filter information as it travels down to lower levels. Managers may assume that they are communicating organizational goals and rationales, but knowledge mapping may reveal that communication is nowhere near as effective as they believe. Knowledge mapping often illustrates that without feedback from front line staff, organizations create visible “knowledge bottlenecks” that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Knowledge mapping may also determing whether bureaucratic processes are designed to support knowledge sharing. Managers frequently do not provide sufficient incentives or time for knowledge sharing. They may not believe that effective knowledge capture is part of their staff’s jobs. Or, they may ask their project team members to compile lessons learned and best practices, but not provide them with the time to actually do so. Knowledge mapping will help make this visible and point to bureaucratic processes that need to change to support knowledge management.

Knowledge mapping does not guarantee a successful knowledge management initiative, but it improves the chances that an organization company is addressing the right problems and deploying the right resources to address them.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Incentives for Knowledge Management

Organizations often struggle with getting people to incorporate the knowledge management tools and processes into a daily work routine. People are typically socialized to use whatever is the traditional tool for storing or accessing information, and when something new comes along it can be hard for people to adapt and adopt. Technology alone cannot make people into better knowledge managers. Knowledge management means asking people to devote their scarce time to codifying their newly acquired knowledge and transmitting it to others. People need to have personal and organizational incentives and they need to be able to access training to use new tools.

Knowledge management tools and processes ought to be interesting (and even fun!) to use. Organizations can also include a variety of incentives:

Job descriptions and performance evaluations that reflect the value of knowledge management to the organization. Knowledge sharing performance can be ranked on a scale from 1 to 5. Staff cannot earn a 4 or a 5 unless they have participated in knowledge sharing activities, such as responding to posted questions, organizing knowledge sharing activities, or publishing research.

Bonuses to managers whose departments contribute the most useful information. "Reputational" incentives via a "best-seller" list that publicizes the most frequently

accessed contributions to a knowledge database. The theory is that if you are on the list, your coworkers will recognize you as an expert on certain subjects. By becoming an acknowledged expert you are likely to end up with better assignments (Who gets to fly to Singapore to help design the next exciting new project? Is it just someone nearby, or is it someone who's really an expert?)

Quantify and measure the success of a knowledge sharing program and then publicizes the results detailing which parts of the organization have contributed to success

Senior managers also have to be the role models so people know they are serious about knowledge management. If they are not, people will know that knowledge management is the latest organizational fad and they will wait until it goes away and is replaced by the next organizational fad. Senior managers also require organizational incentives tied to implementation and support for knowledge management activities across the organization.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Essential outcomes of knowledge management for development organizations

There are three basic outcomes of knowledge management. These outcomes can help individuals, and the organization, shape its knowledge management goals:

1) Make things visibleFor example, explaining biophysical information, or agricultural information, or rural development information (increasingly with the aim of creating new perspectives rather than transferring pre-packaged solutions) - this is a function of a web database like the ENRAP website (

2) Foster policy acceptanceKnowledge sharing is linked to interactive policy making where stakeholders enact and promote policies that yield development results. This is often a function of workshops and planning activities among key stakeholders, and the use of practical tools for sharing best practices with regard to adoption and acceptance of policies

3) Facilitate/enhance platform processesGiving voice to different internal and external stakeholders to engage in platforms where negotiation among different parties can take place with regard to local and regional development initiatives. This is part of the function of ENRAP workshops held in India, Sri Lanka, Singapore and the Philippines.


Development workers must be able to pick and/or help design the organizational knowledge management tools and processes with which they want to work. Implementing an organization-wide knowledge management system is often a lengthy, expensive—and contentious—process. Without a “bottom-up” approach to system design, knowledge management initiatives will likely run out of time, money or political support before they can contribute real value.

Knowledge management works best when development workers take the initiative and responsibility for what they know, don’t know and need to know. Doing so not only makes the individual more likely to contribute to development results, it also enhances the application of knowledge to the organization’s future development activities.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

Appendix: Knowledge Management Best Practices & Tips

The following are lists of best practices and knowledge management tips compiled from business-oriented publications.

1. Productivity enhancement – practical tips for designing and using information:

Time control: How does the information’s appearance effectively guide the eyes?

Workplace wellness: How can healthy work environments and lifestyle habits improve productivity?

Speedy research: How can the data needed to create quality information be collected efficiently?

Document structuring: What is the logical hierarchy (or hypertext linking) of information blocks?

Information design: How does the information’s appearance effectively guide the eyes?

Target writing: How do word choice and terminology, as well as sentence and paragraph cohesion, influence meaning and action?

Processing infrastructure: How can a well-organized office, desk and computer desktop improve work performance?

Filtering techniques: What are the cognitive and technical aids to increasing work process efficiency?

Speedy reading: Taking into account company culture, language and information quality standards, how can internal documentation be read more quickly?

Speedy notation: Taking into account company culture, language and information quality standards, how can verbal information be written more efficiently?

Source: Ronald Hyams, Open Connect

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

2. Information use and dissemination tactics:

Clarify your information needs. What are your goals, priorities and critical decisions? What information and knowledge do you need to support them?

Develop a sourcing strategy. Consider what periodicals or databases you need to scan regularly and which are accessible when you need them. Identify the best content sources, including people, for each of your information needs.

Clarify what you want "pushed" at you and what you want to "pull" as needed. For which information is it essential that you be alerted about changes? It is more efficient to err on the side of just-in-time pull rather than ask to see everything.

Work out how and when to process information. With incoming information, you can read it immediately, file it or trash it. Using software filters to automatically process incoming electronic information turns push into pull. If you don’t need to work on a given folder right now, that’s e-mail you don’t need to read yet.

Set criteria for what you want to file and save. Why do you want to keep it? For me it is seminal articles, essential reference material and work in progress. For most of the rest, I rely on the Internet and other sources that allow me to access what I need when I need it.

Create a personal filing system with a well-designed structure that is appropriate to your work activities and areas of knowledge. File things away as soon as you can; don’t leave them in a "to read" pile. For computerized information, use search tools that index all the information on your PC regardless of format.

Refine your information. You might, for example, codify information into different categories, such as facts, opinions and examples. As you collate it and use it, synthesize key concepts and messages.

Review your information periodically. Prune ruthlessly based on use. Some people code their files by colors that tell when they last accessed a file. If they don’t access it within a time limit, they don’t keep it.

Source: David J. Skyrme, The Knowledge Networker’s Toolkit (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999)

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

3. Ten Lessons Learned in the Literature:

I. Effective knowledge management systems have specific users who demand specific data to inform decisions for which they are held accountable.

II. The sustained commitment of ministry leadership is directly tied to the sustainability of a knowledge management system.  As initial “champions” become distracted or disenchanted, the odds of the knowledge management system effort stalling increase.

III. Incentives in developing countries to use objective information tend to be weak.  Other criteria (e.g. securing funding, rewarding supports) may be more important in determining the success of a manager or a policymaker.  Frequently, the absence of reliable data can be to the advantage of the potential user.  Knowledge management system users tend to contribute and use information when there are rewards for doing so.

IV. Donors often overestimate client demand for knowledge management systems.  These misconceptions often take the form of: “The demand for a good knowledge management is always there – the only things lacking are the means,” or “If given the information, decision-making will be rational.”

V. Knowledge management systems tend to be over-designed.  Systems with the highest use and downstream adaptation tend to be simple and modest in scope.  Similarly, knowledge management system design tends to be burdened by unrealistic expectations about the degree of precision “required” without taking into account precision’s high costs.

VI. In most cases, more information is collected that actually analyzed and applied toward decision-making.  Knowledge management reform should focus first only on information that directly informs priority decisions.

VII. Effective systems tend to build-off of existing databases, taking advantage of current data collection routines.  Maintaining familiarity while enhancing efficiency builds early wins for a more ambitious, long-term effort.

VIII. Most knowledge management interventions – assessment, design, implementation – tend to focus on technical solutions created by technical teams, and tend to overlook the organizational processes and institutional incentives that drive information use.

IX. Large-scale knowledge management efforts require stakeholder/user consensus.  New information tends to create “losers” who may actively resist implementation.  Broadening information use at all levels tends to increase the likelihood of ownership.

X. Knowledge management systems tend to have the greatest impact on planning and policy support – at that stage policymakers have the greatest latitude to act in response to new information.

Source: Luis Crouch, Mircea Enache, Patrick Supanc. Education Management Information Systems (EMIS): Guidelines for Design and Implementation. TechKnowLogia.

TeleCommons Development Group

The Practical Reality of Knowledge Management within Development Initiatives

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