knowledge transfer to china: policy lessons from foreign...

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Knowledge transfer to China: policy lessonsfrom foreign affiliates

Peter J. Buckley, Jeremy Clegg and Hui Tan *

The recent strategy of the Government of China has been toattract foreign direct investment in order to obtain foreigntechnology and capital. There is an official preference foradvanced technology, and for its rapid diffusion to domesticfirms. This approach underpins the joint-venture legislationapplicable to most parts of the manufacturing sector. Using fourcase studies of foreign affiliates, this article investigates waysin which policy on foreign ownership has shaped theknowledge-management and knowledge-transfer strategies oftransnational corporations in China. The obligation to form ajoint venture often generates partnerships in which goalconflicts are rife, resulting in the transfer of knowledgediminished in quantity and quality, and slowing the rate oftransfer. In most manufacturing industries, ownershiprestrictions are now largely relaxed, but not so in many services.These findings question the efficacy of policies restrictingforeign ownership in order to promote knowledge transfer andfoster local technological capacity.

Key words: international knowledge transfer, China, foreigndirect investment, government policy, international jointventure


The Government of China has employed foreign directinvestment (FDI) as a key element in its development strategy

* The authors are, respectively, Professor of International Businessand Director of CIBUL, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integrationand International Business Management, and Lecturer in Business andManagement with Respect to China, University of Leeds, Leeds, UnitedKingdom. Financial support from the Sino-British Fellowship Trust and theUniversities’ China Committee in London (UCCL) for conducting interviewsin China is gratefully acknowledged. Contact:

32 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

since the 1970s (Shi, 2001). Disentangling the effects of anyone of the myriad of fundamental changes since the adoption ofthe Open Door Policy in December 1978 is highly problematic.Against a background of radical change, China is now estimatedto be the second largest economy in the world in terms ofpurchasing power parity (World Bank, 2001) and, since 1993,second only to the United States as a destination for global FDI(Ghauri and Fang, 2001). Policy choices clearly influenceoutcomes, but aggregate studies are unable to trace the effectsof individual elements of policy changes. This article uses acase method to examine the effect of the policy of restrictionson foreign equity ownership on the practice and performanceof knowledge transfer to foreign affiliates in China. Fourtransnational corporations (TNCs) from two industries wereselected for this analysis.

TNCs, in return for providing capital and technology, areallowed access to the Chinese market (Engardio, Roberts andSymonds, 1996). In the early years of China’s liberalization,TNCs were as a rule unable to invest except via internationaljoint ventures with a Chinese partner (Roehrig, 1994). This legalrequirement enabled Chinese interests, typically theGovernment, to retain effective control over foreign affiliates.It was expected that Chinese industrial partners would acquiretechnical knowledge. It is still the case that certainmanufacturing and a number of sensitive service industries aresubject to ownership restrictions. However, little is known aboutthe ways in which this policy towards foreign ownership hasshaped the internal environment of foreign affiliates. Inparticular, do joint venture requirements set up conflicts withinthe foreign affiliate that take years to resolve?1 If so, what isthe impact of ownership restrictions on the policy goal ofknowledge transfer to China?

1 In recent years it has become possible in the liberalized industriesto buy out the “unwanted” local partners that TNCs acquired during theearlier policy regime. The French telecommunications company Alcatel, forexample, achieved control of Shanghai Bell through this route (FinancialTimes, 2001).

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This article is concerned with policy lessons, as the titlesuggests. However, to derive these, it is important to study thestrategic decisions of firms affected by the policy, as it is throughthese decisions that the policy has any effect (intended orunintended) at all. If there has been a weakness in the policyliterature, it is that there has been inadequate integration of thepolicy dimension with the strategic responses of firms. Thisarticle seeks to rectify this deficiency. However, its treatmentof the firm’s strategic behaviour should not be misinterpretedas a preoccupation. It is plainly necessary to analyze theopportunity set and decisions made in detail in order tounderstand the behaviour of a firm in response to policy andtherefore the outcome of policy (Buckley, 1996). The innovationin this article is to integrate policy with the strategic decisionsof TNCs. The mere enunciation of policy is in itself insufficient toproduce outcomes until it is mediated through the actions of firms.

Although the joint-venture requirement has been abolishedfor much of manufacturing (Lemoine, 2000; Luo, 2000),ownership restrictions remain a central part of the policy toolkit.It still applies to final automobile assembly, and to sensitiveindustries, notably services, including telecommunicationsnetwork operation, banking and railways (Luo, 2001). It istherefore important to understand how ownership restrictionsinfluence the strategic decisions and behaviour of foreignaffiliates, which are the mediums through which the policy goalof knowledge transfer is targeted. This article addresses thisneed through an analysis of the operations of four TNCs fromdeveloped countries (Motorola, Alcatel Bell, Volkswagen,DaimlerChrysler) in China, based on the collection of originalprimary data. Of these four firms, Motorola has a wholly ownedaffiliate in China, the other three have joint ventures establishedunder legal requirements.

Foreign ownership policy and knowledge transfer

This summary of the literature examines the impact ofgovernment ownership policy on the knowledge managementand transfer strategies of foreign affiliates. This article confines

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itself to the primary transfer of knowledge from headquartersto foreign affiliates,2 because it concentrates on policies affectingthe host country (China), rather than the home countries of FDI.

The definition of knowledge encompasses more thantechnology, since other forms of knowledge are crucial toprimary transfer. In the context of management research, theterm “knowledge” refers to the tacit or explicit understandingin a firm about the relationships between phenomena, structuredin a scientific manner (Hedlund and Nonaka, 1993). It isembodied in routines for the performance of business operations(Nelson and Winter, 1982), in organizational structures andprocesses, and in embedded beliefs and behaviour. The transferprocess consists of knowledge communicated from one agent toanother, such as from one part of a TNC to another part of the firm.

There are several gradations in the policy towards foreignownership in Chinese industry. First, outright prohibition ofequity ownership. Second, the legal requirement to form a jointventure, with either a “sleeping” or an industrial partner. Twosituations exist: where the local international joint venturepartner is imposed by the Government, or where the partner isfreely chosen and simply approved by the Government. Inpractice, choice may be very limited – not only for reasons ofgovernment policy but also because of the scarcity of potentialpartners. Third, foreign equity ownership may be unrestricted,allowing up to 100% equity, i.e. a wholly owned affiliate. PeterJ. Buckley, Jeremy Clegg and Hui Tan (2003) suggest that, whenthe law requires an international joint venture, ownershipstructure determines business strategy, in a reversal of theconventional wisdom. In turn, business strategy determinesknowledge-management and -transfer strategies, thereforeimpacting upon the attainment of host country knowledgetransfer goals.

Ownership restrictions are part of a broad policy totransplant foreign technology. Local content requirements of

2 Studies also exist of reverse transfer, e.g. Buckley, Clegg and Tan(2003), and Håkanson and Nobel (2001).

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80% and constraints on importing components pressure TNCsto transfer their knowledge to China and then disseminate it tolocally owned firms, in the form of spillover benefits (Buckley,Clegg and Wang, 2002). In effect, policy aims to reduce TNCs’appropriability (Hymer, 1960, 1976; Magee, 1977a, b), and to“cause bleedthrough” in international joint ventures (Harrigan,1985). The challenge for the Government of China has been todevise ways of reducing TNCs’ appropriation of the returns ontheir knowledge, without eliminating the incentive to producein China altogether.3 Granting a degree of monopoly tointernational joint ventures, often through the exercise ofmonopsony power by the State and public bodies, has played akey role here.

Figure 1 sets out the entry strategy set, as determined bythe ownership structure and the type of partner (Buckley, Cleggand Tan, 2003). Three strategy sets are outlined: an “in-house”strategy for wholly owned affiliates, a “constrained” strategyfor joint ventures with a sleeping partner, and a “joint” strategyfor a joint venture with an active partner. The operating modeof wholly owned affiliates follows an international strategy,adapts to the international environment and works withinternational technology transfer costs (Cannice and Daniels,2000). The affiliate is free to invest, transfer knowledge andlocalize management, thus internalizing the development ofabsorptive capacity (Buckley and Casson, 1976). It can thenestablish local sourcing of inputs in an organized fashion,avoiding low-quality suppliers.

International joint ventures are constrained by theirpartners. Joint ventures with sleeping partners are less restrictedin that there is a greater likelihood that the partner will have aninterest only in profits.4 Initially, Chinese industrial partnersmay not make their true economic circumstances known (Child,

3 Although not strictly a policy, the alleged official Chinese laxityin enforcing foreign investors’ intellectual property rights could be viewedas a part of this general approach (Potter and Oksenberg, 1999; Clegg, Crossand Xiao, 2000).

36 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

Entry strategy in China

International jointventure with

“sleeping partner”


International jointventure with

“active partner”

Wholly ownedaffiliates

“In house strategy” “Constrained strategy” “Joint strategy”

Greenfield FDI Greenfield/brownfield FDI

Old vintage technologyreplaced and refurbished

(“post takeover”equivalent)

Knowledge transfer Training incorporate culture

Training incorporate culture


Establish absorptivecapacity and market


Establish absorptivecapacity and market


Local sourcing Knowledge transfer Local technologyupgrading

Knowledge transferEstablish supplychain

and cooperativeprojects

Secondarytransfer, expand

joint ventures

Establish supplychain

Secondary andreverse transfer?

Secondary andreverse transfer?

Figure 1. International joint ventures in China:the entry strategy set

Source: Buckley, Clegg and Tan, 2003, p. 74.

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2000), which has implications for trust on the part of partners.It is more often the case that an industrial partner aims to transferits costs to the international joint venture (in the form of surpluslabour, and obsolete capital assets), along with human-resourcesmanagement practices that hinder efficiency (notablyCommunist Party politics).

The distinction between the two categories of internationaljoint ventures may not always be clear-cut. Nevertheless, themodel serves to outline the typical ways in which policy isimplemented. The impacts of ownership restriction policy oninternational joint ventures are poorly addressed in the existinginternational joint venture literature. This stresses the importanceof selecting a partner that offers complementarity in capabilities,compatibility in management strategies and low risk of becominga competitor (Buckley and Glaister, 2002; Porter and Fuller,1986). However, the literature has little to say on theconsequences of adopting a joint venture when the wholly ownedaffiliate form would be the optimal mode, or when there is littleor no freedom when selecting a local partner.

Both types of local partners may have profoundimplications for the ability of a foreign affiliate to absorb theprimary knowledge transferred. Absorptive capacity is definedas a firm’s ability to “[r]ecognise the value of new externalknowledge, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends”(Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). A sleeping partner will not haveunwanted resources to impose, but may disagree with the TNCover the level of investment in creating absorptive capacity (e.g.training5), thereby constraining strategy. In addition, in the caseof an industrial partner, the resources it contributes to the

4 There are arguments both in favour of and against sleeping andindustrial partners. One expatriate manager quoted by Rosen on theimperative of avoiding goal conflict says “The JV still works in China, butif you do use it, do so with someone who is not in your industry [...]. Gowith someone who just wants to make money…” (Rosen, 1999, p. 50).

5 Chinese training norms are far lower than in the West (Zhang,1995).

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international joint venture may not support this capacity. Recentcontributions to the literature suggest that absorptive capacityis a relative and not an absolute concept. Thus, the efficiency ofinter-organizational learning does not depend simply on capacityresiding in the recipient firm (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990), buton the joint characteristics of the donor and recipient firm. PeterLane and Michael Lubatkin argue: “If student and teacher firmshave very different organizational structures, the student willhave difficulty assimilating knowledge from the teacher” (Laneand Lubatkin, 1998, p. 465). They find evidence that theefficiency of inter-organizational learning is determined jointlyby the structural and knowledge processing mechanisms in bothfirms.

In the case of such international joint ventures, there aregood reasons to believe not only that structures will differbetween donor and recipient (Buckley and Glaister, 2002), butthat goals may also diverge. Goal conflicts result in under andmis-investment in research and development (R&D) and humanresources, hampering the building of absorptive capacity(Buckley and Casson, 1988; Buckley, Clegg and Tan, 2003).

This article argues that structural dissimilarity and goalconflicts between the foreign and local partners will slow andrestrict the building of absorptive capacity for an internationaljoint venture compared with a wholly owned affiliate. It is alsolikely that a TNC will differ with its local partner over thetransfer of modern corporate culture into the international jointventure. The literature therefore suggests proposition one:

Proposition one: Primary knowledge transfer – from theparent to the Chinese affiliate – is swifter in a whollyowned affiliate than in an international joint venture undera policy of ownership restrictions.

When products require significant adaptation anddevelopment for large host markets, research intensive TNCstypically employ a knowledge creation strategy (Hansen, Nohriaand Tierney, 1999). This begins with the transfer of primary

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technology to the affiliate, along with the local development ofthe capacity to innovate. Human interaction and tacit knowledgetransfer are appropriate to this strategy. Wholly owned affiliatesare free to employ these strategies. However, under the model,for international joint ventures in which absorptive capacity isinadequate, the international joint venture may employ a strategythat simply re-uses the existing technology of the foreign parent(Buckley, Clegg and Tan, 2003). This strategy is inferior, asadaptation is held back. However, the codification of existingknowledge, and its transfer in the form of knowledge objects indatabases or libraries, can be seen as a coping strategy. This isalso likely to accord with the preference of the Chinese partnerfor “hard” technology. These various goal conflicts between thepartners means that at some point the international joint venturefaces a discrete choice in favour of a re-use strategy to avoidescalation in the cost of knowledge transfer (Hansen, Nohriaand Tierney, 1999). The model suggests that the primary transferof knowledge for re-use alone is diagnostic of low absorptivecapacity in the affiliate. Propositions two and three follow:

Proposition two: Ownership restrictions requiringinternational joint ventures with local Chinese firms reducethe affiliates’ absorptive capacity.

Proposition three: Ownership restrictions militate infavour of a knowledge re-use strategy in an internationaljoint venture rather than a knowledge creation strategy ina wholly owned affiliate.

Another aim of the Government of China is to encouragethe local embeddedness of foreign affiliates to foster knowledgetransfer and the growth of Chinese innovative capacity. ForSwedish TNCs, Lars Håkanson and Robert Nobel (2001) foundthat “embeddedness in the local network” is a positive factor inachieving knowledge (technology) transfer. Embeddedness inthe context of a knowledge creation strategy means that localabsorptive capacity is developed to create a local extension ofthe TNC’s own learning network. This begins with the “in-house” development of local full-spectrum absorptive capacity

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(including R&D capability), that is subsequently rolled out viacollaboration with local firms. Such a network straddles theboundaries of the TNC, encompassing local firms and researchbodies, and is associated with two-way, rather than one-way,flows of knowledge and more advanced technologies (Buckley,Clegg and Tan, 2003; Hansen, Nohria and Tierney, 1999).Learning networks develop the abilities of both foreign affiliatesand local Chinese firms to generate new knowledge.

In contrast, foreign affiliates that become “embedded”through local linkages inherited from the Chinese internationaljoint venture parent firm, or local joint venture partners,experience a qualitatively different type of embeddedness.Again, structure precedes strategy. Local partners’ goals do notinclude new knowledge creation. These linkages, propelled bythe imperative to meet local content requirements, can onlysupport a knowledge re-use strategy. Rather than promoting full-spectrum knowledge transfer and the local capacity to innovate,this type of embeddedness blocks or holds back the creation ofa local learning network. Therefore proposition four issuggested.

Proposition four: A wholly owned affiliate can promotelocal embeddedness by creating a local learning networkbased on mutual exchange more effectively than aninternational joint venture.

Table 1 summarizes the four propositions. A “+” signindicates that the ownership form under analysis promotes anincrease in the variable under scrutiny. Likewise, a “-” signindicates that the ownership form under analysis demotes ordecreases the variable under scrutiny.

Research method

This article employs a multiple-case design of four firms(Yin, 1994). The propositions generated in the theoretical revieware explored using these cases. According to Robert Yin: “[c]ase

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studies are the preferred strategy when ‘how’ or ‘why’ questionsare being posed” (Yin, 1994, p. 1). A case study approachconsisting of four firms has been chosen because the researchquestions centre on the “how” and “why” of knowledge transferin the emerging market of China. This permits a comparisonacross cases. Findings from multiple-case research can begeneralizable to a wider context based on “analyticalgeneralization” (Yin, 1994, p. 10). In this research, China’stelecommunications manufacturing and automotive industrieshave been chosen for the case studies. There are manysimilarities between these two industries, but there are alsocrucial differences that make them appropriate for case-studyanalysis. In terms of similarities, both are large-scale industriesdominated by FDI in which extensive knowledge transfers havebeen reported. In respect of their differences, these largely arisein the technology intensity of production and their human capitalintensity. The telecommunications manufacturing industry is at

Table 1. The four propositions

Ownership form

Joint Wholly ownedPropositions venture affiliate

Proposition one:Speed of primary knowledge transfer - +

Proposition two:Absorptive capacity - +

Proposition three:Knowledge re-use or + -Knowledge creation - +

Proposition four:Two-way flow of knowledge - +to and from the local economy (See text for

short- and longterm effects)

Source: the authors.

42 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

the forefront of advanced technology,6 and cutting-edgetechnologies are the basis for creating firm competitiveness. Theautomotive industry, on the other hand, is less technologicallyintensive, relying on mature technologies and large-scaleproduction to reduce average cost and maintain competitive edgeover rivals.

In identifying potential research candidates, TNCs that hadbeen operating in China for a period of at least five years werechosen.7 This was deemed necessary so that the selected firmswould have at least one key technology transferred and utilized,and the overall success of the transfer(s) could be assessed aftera process of knowledge transfer and organizational learning.Thirty-nine companies meeting the above criteria, roughly equalnumbers in the two industries targeted in this research, werecontacted in order to seek permission for interviews. Twelvefirms responded positively, and nine of them were selected. Theother three were eliminated because they were either too smallor only able to provide access outside the dates of the scheduledfieldwork. Based on the results of the first fieldwork, four firmsfrom the two industries were identified as the cases for furtherresearch. As final assemblers, these firms have engaged ingreater knowledge transfer and organizational learning thancomponent suppliers. Being at the top of the FDI league table(Reuvid and Li, 2003), they were considered to be of large sizeand therefore more suitable for comparative analysis than others.In addition, according to the theory of international business,

6 “Advanced” or “high” technology normally refers to that whichis relatively new and represents the application of recent research anddevelopment. “Low technology”, by contrast, refers to older, more maturetechnologies, arising from research and development carried out some timeago. There is often (but not always) an association between the level oftechnology and its factor intensity. Advanced technology, arising from recentR&D in high-wage economies, is often associated with relatively capital-intensive manufacturing process, while older technology is often relativelymore labour-intensive (Child and Lu, 1996).

7 The five-year criterion is consistent with that established inprevious research on knowledge transfer and organizational learning, e.g.Inkpen (1995, p. 129) and Lyles and Salk (1996, p. 887).

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R&D and knowledge-intensive firms are likely to wish tomaintain appropriability over their intellectual assets, eitherthrough ownership strategy or through effective internalorganization to reduce dissipation (Buckley and Casson, 1976;Harrigan, 1985). The four cases can therefore be seen to seeksimilarities in respects where these are expected, on the basisof received theory.

There were two phases of data collection. In phase 1,information about TNCs’ knowledge transfer and organizationallearning in the Chinese telecommunications manufacturing andautomotive industries was accumulated through a review of therelevant literature and the study of archives, and the four firmsselected were contacted. In phase 2, two rounds of both open-ended and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conductedusing multiple interviewees in each company.8 The intervieweeswere senior executives, including those responsible forfunctional divisions such as business planning, marketing,finance, production and human resources. Some of the topmanagers experienced the whole process of negotiation onestablishing the foreign affiliates and attended numerousdiscussions on facilitating knowledge transfer and localization.The majority of the senior executives had at least ten years’employment in their respective firms, and participated in theprocess of knowledge transfer. Members of the knowledgetransfer team, such as the training manager, operational manager,project engineer and other technical professionals, were alsointerviewed. As the interviewees consisted of both foreignexpatriates and Chinese, the English version of the questionnairewas carefully translated into Chinese. Back translation, assuggested by Brislin (1970), was carried out to verify the contentconsistency between the two versions of the questionnaire.Managers, regardless of their positions and nationalities, were

8 It is a frequent criticism of case studies in China that they rely onsingle respondents. This study uses multiple respondents in each foreignaffiliate in China. The range of respondents is six to eight in the four firms,with most of them interviewed more than once.

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treated equally in interviews. Care was also taken in handlingprobing to avoid interview bias (Huber and Power, 1985).

Interview data and field notes were recorded by using the“critical incident” approach (Erlandson, Harris, Skipper andAllen, 1993), involving recording significant and meaningfuldata and structuring them to focus on emerging themes. Theinterviews were analyzed to focus on the managerial dimensionsin the success of the knowledge transfer. Using a “within-case”analysis, theory was first developed by examining the contextof knowledge transfer in one case. Then, pattern matching (Milesand Huberman, 1984; Yin, 1994) was adopted to compare thefinding from this first case with the other three. Commonalitiesand differences in knowledge transfer practices between thefirms were identified and reasons responsible were establishedwith gained data and through prolonged contacts withinterviewees. The findings and conclusions are generated fromthis process of raw data analysis combined with juxtapositionwith the model. Wherever possible, the interview data werechecked by triangulation with a second and independent source.

Business strategy and knowledge transfer

Profile of the four firms

Motorola set up its representative office in Beijing in 1987.In 1986 the law on foreign investment was changed, andcomplete foreign ownership was permitted in thetelecommunications equipment industry. The firm establishedMotorola (China) Electronics Ltd. in Tianjin in 1992 as a whollyowned affiliate. It produces pagers, cellular phones, two-wayradios, network equipment, semiconductors, auto electronics andaccessories, largely for sale in China and other Asian markets.Motorola (China) had made $3.4 billion of investment in China.By 2000, Motorola (China) had established one wholly ownedcompany and seven joint ventures. As a wholly owned affiliate,the primary affiliate enjoyed total discretion over recruitmentand the sourcing of inputs. At the time of this research it was

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the largest foreign investor in China’s telecommunicationsmanufacturing industry, and its strong performance was a matterof public record.9 From entry, its strategy was to produce forboth the Chinese and the global market. Eighty to ninety percent of its output was for the buoyant and highly competitivelocal consumer market, with the balance going to exports.

In the case of the international joint ventures, TNCs werein the position of seeking local partners in a process thatresembled an “arranged marriage”. This was most pronouncedfor Alcatel Bell, which entered the Chinese telecommunicationsequipment market at a time when foreign TNCs were legallyobliged to form international joint ventures with a local partner.The only partner with whom a TNC could form a joint venturewas, in effect, the national State monopoly supplier. ShanghaiBell Telephone Equipment Manufacturing Company Ltd.(Shanghai Bell) was established in 1983 as a joint venturebetween Belgian Bell (32% of the equity), the Government ofBelgium (8%) and China’s Postal and TelecommunicationsIndustries Corporation (PTIC), the industrial arm of the formerMinistry of Post and Telecommunications (MPT, now Ministryof Information Industry; 60%). Through its monopsony powerin fixed telephony, PTIC guaranteed a large market for ShanghaiBell’s output. In 1986, Alcatel acquired Belgian Bell, becomingAlcatel Bell. However, Shanghai Bell still reports to Alcatel Bellin Antwerp, Belgium. It specializes in the production andinstallation of Alcatel 1000 S1240 (S1240 for short) exchangesand related parts and components. By 2000 Shanghai Bell hadestablished 12 affiliates in China and 2 in Europe. The businessstrategy of Shanghai Bell was to service the local market toreplace ageing analogue exchanges with digital, and it becamea dominant supplier.

In the automobile final assembly industry TNCs have been,and still are to date, required to enter the Chinese market by

9 For example, according to the Financial Times (“Manufacturersturn to China’s mobile market”, 13 December 2001, p. 25), Motorola (China)is the largest supplier of handsets in China and occupies 30-32% of China’shandset market, which is the largest in the world.

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international joint venture with a local Chinese partner.10 At thetime the two final assemblers entered China, not all locallyowned producers were allowed, or wished, to form aninternational joint venture. Therefore the choice for TNCs wasmore limited in practice than it might have appeared. The roleof the Government was to approve the choices once made. Thelocal partners that were chosen by the two firms had decades ofindustrial experience.

Beijing Jeep was established in 1983 between BeijingAutomotive Works (68.85%) and American Motor Corporation(31.15%), which was acquired first by Renault Group and thenby Chrysler Motor Corporation (now DaimlerChrysler Group).It produced the Cherokee XJ series off-road jeeps at a rate ofabout 30,000 units per year, sold exclusively in China.

Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company Ltd (SVW)was established in 1984 between Volkswagen AG of Germany(50%), Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (25%), theBank of China Shanghai Trust and Consultancy Company (15%)and China National Automotive Industry Corporation (10%). Itproduced the Santana range of cars with an annual output of300,000 units, and 350,000 engines units, destined for the localmarket alone. In the 1990s it occupied around 50% of China’scar sales.

Knowledge transfer

The purpose of this section is to examine the differencesin the process of knowledge transfer between the four firms. Ifthe policies of the Government of China affect knowledgetransfer as the propositions suggest, then differences should bediscernible in each of the logical stages of knowledge transfer.

10 It remains the case that, even after China’s entry into the WorldTrade Organization, foreign affiliates cannot hold more than 50% of equityin any final car assembly operation. However, there are no ownershiprestrictions in other automobile manufacturing industries, for example,components.

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Here knowledge transfer is analyzed in four stages: articulation,training, copying and adaptation. The propositions on policyidentified above are examined for each of these stages.


Articulation is the first stage in the knowledge transferprocess, and concerns understanding, testing and sharing theknowledge transferred (Hedlund and Nonaka, 1993). Thelanguage difference between western TNCs and their Chinesestaff poses a threat to the efficiency and effectiveness ofarticulation.11 As part of the drive to open China, foreignlanguages (primarily English) were given priority in secondaryschools in 1978. This generated a plentiful supply of graduateswith a good command of foreign languages. However, this doesnot extend to non-graduates. Language differences were singledout by the interviewees across the firms as the biggest concernfor management. For example, one senior manager in ShanghaiBell said that “[we] realised that product quality and service alldepended on the understanding and assimilation of transferredknowledge by employees. The language barrier must beovercome straight away to enable understanding andassimilation”.

All four firms tackled the language problem early in therecruitment stage. University graduates with a good commandof foreign languages are attracted by better pay and modernsocial facilities. The firms also provided workers with languagetraining as part of their general training programmes. Differencesemerge between the four firms. Following Motorola’s worldwidestrategy, Motorola (China) employed intensive person-to-personcommunication in the transfer of knowledge and hence madeheavy initial investments to ensure English language ability.Stringent recruitment requirements in language capabilities and

11 For example, Marschan (1996) finds that the lack of languageskills obstructed the effective inter-unit communication flows within a singleTNC.

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continuous in-house training enabled its managers and engineersto communicate efficiently and effectively. Chinese shop-flooremployees as well as engineers and managerial staff underwenttechnical training in English before starting their jobs, withcontinuing training to improve their production and languageskills. Frequent international personnel exchanges took place.The high frequency of personnel exchanges increased theexposure of the Chinese employees to English and the TNC’scultural environment, promoting learning effectiveness (DeGeus, 1988; Nevis, DiBella and Gould, 1995). One managercommented that “[we] regularly host engineers and managersfrom the HQ and sometimes other affiliates. Some engineersand managers from Motorola (China) have also been sent to theHQ for training, placement, or entirely transferred there”.

In contrast, in the international joint ventures recruitmentand training was constrained by the need to bargain with thelocal Chinese partners over human resource issues. One formerforeign expatriate at Shanghai Bell described it as a “familyquarrel”. All the international joint venture in-house trainingprogrammes involved language content, but this was lesswidespread. For example, in Shanghai Volkswagen, only afterworkers had passed German language examinations did theybecome eligible for further training in Germany.

Although the Chinese management teams and engineersin the international joint ventures generally had a goodunderstanding and command of the foreign partners’ language,12

this did not apply to shop-floor workers, whose proficiency wasat best basic. It is nevertheless important for production lineworkers to assimilate knowledge from the foreign parent.Therefore, in marked contrast to Motorola’s (China) universal

12 Unless they were graduates in the relevant foreign language,managers and engineers had to demonstrate language capability in therecruitment process, e.g. pass examinations in reading, speaking and writing.In-house training continued after they have taken up their posts. Languagecapability was taken into consideration in terms of promotion oropportunities of assignments in overseas countries, such as conducting jointresearch or receiving training in the headquarters of the foreign partner.

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approach to language training, all three international jointventures established translation and documentation centres toprovide technical materials in Chinese. In Shanghai Bell atranslation group screened and selected all the transferreddocuments. It translated the required materials into Chinese anddistributed them to the relevant departments. This isrepresentative of the articulation process in each of theinternational joint ventures, based on a codification strategy.The translation and documentation centres are repositories fortranslated knowledge objects, consistent with a knowledge re-use strategy. In the international joint ventures the internationalmovement of knowledge objects substituted for the greaterintensity of personnel exchanges and language training in thewholly owned affiliate. While this ensured that the transferredknowledge from the foreign parents was correctly understoodand dealt with, articulation of the knowledge needed to build aknowledge creation strategy was absent.

Although language differences are the major problem inthe articulation of knowledge transfer, there are others. Theunderstanding of technical terminology, differences inoperational norms and practices between parent firms and theChinese affiliates, also come into this category, but have lessimpact on articulation than language.

Examining the four propositions, one can conclude fromthe case comparisons of the articulation stage that the foreignparent’s sole ownership of the Motorola (China) venture madeit possible to implement the type of articulation that increasesthe speed of knowledge transfer from the foreign parent firm,improves local absorptive capacity and, as a result of that,enhances local embeddedness. It is also consonant with theknowledge-creation strategy of the foreign parent. In contrast,local Chinese interests produced a lower investment in languagetraining in the international joint ventures, and relied ontranslation centres to help tackle language barriers. This resultedin a slower speed of primary knowledge transfer from the foreignparent and complicated the process of absorption, whichhindered local embeddedness. International joint ventures’

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comparative deficiency in treating the language issue dictatedarticulation of the kind suitable only for a knowledge re-usestrategy.


The technologies and complementary management skillstransferred by TNCs dictate a higher level of training for Chineseemployees than is the norm in China.13 All four firms establishedtraining centres with dedicated facilities and special trainingofficers. Every new employee undergoes a training programmeto qualify for work. Training continues after each member’sappointment and is a process that continues beyond theconclusion of the primary knowledge transfer.14

Training in Motorola (China) is the responsibility ofMotorola University, an internal training organization in chargeof training throughout the worldwide group. Training issystematic and intensive and part of Motorola’s competitivenessstrategy for local and global markets.15 Investment in trainingis high, in terms of training officers and in extensive personnelexchanges with headquarters. The scope of training is also wide,with local officials and tutors drawn from prominent Chineseuniversities contributing to in-house programmes. Fast trackmanagement localization takes place via the “ChineseAccelerated Management Program” (CAMP). Training was alsoused to transfer knowledge from headquarters and from

13 Chinese firms do have training systems, but training is carriedout usually only for newly recruited employees. After the pre-employmenttraining, it is normally the case that employees are expected to carry onlearning on their own. Very few Chinese firms can afford large-scale post-employment training on regular basis. Training budgets are always the firstto be cut when the business performance is unsatisfactory.

14 Primary knowledge transfer pertains to the knowledge specifiedin the parent-affiliate or joint venture contract. It usually concerns thetechnologies for producing a certain product or a range of products.

15 Training is a key element of Motorola’s four-point businessstrategy: investment and technology transfer; management localization; localsourcing; joint ventures and cooperative projects.

51Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

established affiliates to new affiliates, to transform them intoworld competitors. As one training officer put it: “[t]raining isnot for special people, or for a special period, but for all of thepeople all of the time”.

Each employee, including heads of companies, attends atleast 40 hours of training each year arranged by the university.This training is extended to employees of the joint ventures ofMotorola (China), its cooperative projects and componentsuppliers. In the affiliate, training is not limited to job-relatedtechnical and managerial knowledge, and encompasses socialknowledge (including corporate culture) to create “Motorolapeople”. This integrates local and worldwide operations. Thecombination of training and learning strategies was expressedby a training officer as follows: “Learning does not stop aftertraining. Instead, learning starts from training”. The spread oftraining beyond the boundaries of the firm, and the dual use oftraining as a means of transferring skills and technical and socialknowledge, points to the building of a learning network andpursuit of a knowledge creation strategy in China.

In at least two of the international joint ventures socialknowledge had been identified as important. A senior managerin the foreign parent firm stated that social knowledge wasregarded as the “secret weapon” of Shanghai Bell’s performance.Training programmes were held in both Shanghai and Antwerpin Belgium, taught by Belgian managers. They were creditedwith being an effective way of injecting the belief, company-specific knowledge (internal jargon, management style, technicalsystem, etc.) and corporate culture of Alcatel Bell. ShanghaiBell’s training scheme also covered employees in its affiliatesand suppliers, clearly differentiating it from wholly Chinese-owned firms in its attempt to build absorptive capacity. In BeijingJeep, training comprised seminars, professional short courses,case analysis within workshops, and sending trainees to theUnited States (including sponsored American universitydegrees). To equip employees with Volkswagen’s tradition ofinnovation and sense of quality, Shanghai Volkswagen sentmanagers and engineers to Germany for between 3-4 months to

52 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

2 years, and invited German experts to China to run trainingprogrammes and to exchange information.

The international joint ventures instituted trainingprogrammes that appeared capable of developing learningnetworks, following the parent TNCs’ practice. But theinternational joint ventures’ training was less systematic andintensive than in the wholly owned affiliate. The level ofinvestment in training in an international joint venture dependson consensus between the partners. The Chinese partnersundervalued training, consistent with local Chinese practice. Ingeneral, less frequent post-employment training programmeswere provided by the international joint ventures than inMotorola (China). The training behaviour of the internationaljoint ventures differed most with the wholly owned affiliatewhen they faced difficult times, when training was treatedlightly, or even ignored. For example, training was scaled downdramatically when Beijing Jeep experienced serious marketdifficulties in the middle of the 1990s. The outcome of suchbehaviour was that the international joint ventures adopted levelsand limitations on training consistent with a knowledge re-use,rather than a knowledge creation strategy. There appears littledifference in the approach to training between the sleeping andthe active Chinese international joint venture partners. For localpartners, training is less seen as a strategic issue to promotecompetitiveness, but more a budgetary one, being a chargeagainst the profits of the international joint venture. This isillustrated in one interviewee’s comment: “Training is important,but profits always come first”.

In terms of the propositions, one can discern no obviousrelationship between training and speed of knowledge transfer.But the wholly owned affiliates enhanced absorptive capacitymore effectively than the international joint ventures and aremore supportive of a knowledge creation strategy, whereas theinternational joint ventures’ training encouraged knowledge re-use. This difference comes out in the attitude towards the degreeof priority afforded to human capital development as opposedto short-term goals.

53Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)


Primary knowledge transfer from foreign parent firms tothe Chinese affiliates is essentially a one-way process. Copyinginvolves assembling business operations in the Chineseaffiliates, based on the blueprints of the foreign parent firms.Its efficiency relies on the absorptive capacity that has beenestablished. It requires the direct application of all the transferredtechnologies (product design, manufacturing process, producttesting and quality control), and the employment of managementskills (marketing, accounting and finance, planning, purchasingand supply, and stock control). In primary transfer, the aim is toachieve a “cloning” of the production system of the foreignparent firm, which requires that absorptive capacity isestablished (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990).

There are two strong pressures to produce componentslocally. First, importing components into China is very costlyand subject to considerable delays (Zhang, 1995). Second,government policy imposes tax, profit repatriation and tariffpenalties on firms achieving localization rates of under 80% ofthe value added. This has forced foreign affiliates to acceleratethe transfer of technologies into China even when faced withweak local absorptive capacity (Zhang, 1995).

Component production may be localized either in-houseor purchased from local suppliers. In the 1980s, Chinese firmslagged 30 years behind their counterparts abroad in productionquality, and more in component production. Corporate culturewas dominated by communist ideology, not professionalism.These shortcomings imposed heavy costs on foreign affiliatessearching for reliable suppliers. Affiliates also risked“inappropriate internalization”, producing in-house in theabsence of good independent suppliers.

From the outset Motorola (China) copied three productlines simultaneously, beginning production in 1992 ofsemiconductors, pagers and cellular phones. A software centre,a mobile telecommunications products development centre, a

54 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

manufacturing technology research centre, and a paging R&Dcentre were founded first. The centres established absorptivecapacity, enabling the primary Chinese affiliate, secondaryaffiliates and subcontractors to assimilate efficiently and quicklythe knowledge required for production. They also enabled thein-house production of a number of components in the absenceof good local suppliers. Motorola (China) did not simply copythe technology of Motorola, it also copied the capacity toproduce new technology and to innovate.

The principal differences between Motorola (China) andthe international joint ventures in copying lies in breadth, volumeand sequence. The three international joint ventures started withthe assembly of only one product, i.e. the S1240 digital exchangein Shanghai Bell, the Cherokee in Beijing Jeep and the Santanapassenger car in Shanghai Volkswagen. Hence, the range andvolume of copying was greater in the wholly owned affiliatethan in the international joint ventures. In contrast with Motorola(China), there was a “from-easy-to-difficult” sequence incopying in the international joint ventures. They began with theeasiest parts of the production process: assembling and testing.Complete components were imported from the foreign parentsto the international joint ventures for assembling. Copying withinthe international joint ventures firms was primarily a process of“learning by doing” (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Lall, 1980).In each case the establishment of the appropriate absorptivecapacity did not take place in time to enable the primaryknowledge transfer schedule to be met.

A signal of delay in the copying process is when expatriatesfrom the foreign parent firms are retained longer in the recipienttransfer teams and in key positions in the affiliate. In 1997,Shanghai Bell employed 15 Belgian expatriates, ShanghaiVolkswagen 10-15 German experts, and Beijing Jeep 9 UnitedStates experts. Keeping expensive expatriates longer thanplanned is not decided lightly, and points to difficulties.

From the timing of the founding of the translation anddocumentation centres it appears that they were a response to

55Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

low absorptive capacity in the international joint ventures.Shanghai Bell founded its centre in 1985, to accelerate the rateof primary transfer. Beijing Jeep did the same in 1985 andShanghai Volkswagen in 1986, two-to-three years after theirestablishment. The selection of knowledge re-use strategies wastherefore a coping response to the low absorptive capacity ofthe international joint ventures. In contrast to the pro-activetraining in Motorola (China), the international joint venturesemployed a system that removed the need for much of theworkforce to absorb technical material directly in the foreignlanguage. This codification strategy, with its selective nature,also worked against organizational integration within theinternational joint venture across the language barrier, andbetween the international joint venture and the foreign parentfirm. It also militated against teamworking, which has beenreferred to as the single most important factor in facilitating thedirect transfer of knowledge (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Allthree international joint ventures identified joint R&D withforeign parent firms on new products to be a crucial part of firmsuccess. However, none of them was successful, partly due to alack of effective teamworking. The outcome was that theseinternational joint ventures still relied heavily on the transfer ofthe latest technologies at the time of the study. This is in starkcontrast with Motorola (China), which had established R&Dcentres for the Chinese as well as Motorola’s global markets.

The shortcomings in primary transfer point to fundamentalgoal conflicts in the international joint ventures. The TNCpartners were all large firms with extensive experience inestablishing operations abroad. Yet in the joint venture contractof Shanghai Bell there was no provision for the transfer ofmanagement and soft skills, and no recognition of the role ofsocial knowledge. The exclusive focus on hard productiontechnologies reflected the Chinese partner’s preferences.16

16 The excluded elements were transferred later by the foreignpartner outside the contract, when the impact of their omission had becomeevident.

56 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

For these foreign affiliates the choice of knowledge re-use strategies represents strategy following structure. Itprecluded knowledge creation. In the case of Shanghai Bell,the coping of the ability to conduct research was obstructedprimarily by a fundamental conflict of goals with the Chinesepartner:

The reason for this is that the market situation is sowonderful that the Chinese side just doesn’t listen to you.We have no choice. […] When production is six millionlines a year and the joint venture’s major shareholder andbiggest customer is MPT, why should they worry aboutthe next generation products? They try to extend the lifecycle of the present products, which is wrong. In a onebillion people market, it is not difficult to find customers(Senior manager, Alcatel Bell).

Government policy, local demand and competitivepressures obliged the board of directors of Beijing Jeep to set atarget of 80% localization by 1987, i.e. three years after theestablishment of the international joint venture. However,primary knowledge transfer was obstructed by two factors: weakin-house absorptive capacity and the cost and scarcity of goodquality bought in components.17 The United States partner wasbound by the joint venture contract to a target that reflected thepreferences of the Chinese partner to transfer technology rapidlyto the international joint venture, but without the investment inlocal absorptive capacity that this required. The targetlocalization rate was achieved in 1994, ten years after theestablishment of the international joint venture. Poor localmanagement skills and outdated corporate culture contributedstrongly to the local problems.18 As one manager said: “We andour suppliers are not up to the stringent standard to achieve a

17 According to Zhang (1995), a sample of 20 localized productsindicated that their cost on average was 1.4 times of those imported whichwas composed of: manufacturer selling price + packaging + sea transportation+ tariff + unloading at the port + surface transportation.

18 For Beijing Jeep’s experiences, see Mann (1989); for a theoreticaldiscussion of the topic, see Li and Shenkar (1996).

57Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

fast transfer and localization of the foreign technology. We haveto learn the western way of management step by step whichtakes time, especially when people are reluctant to say no totheir past.” In the short term, the flow of knowledge was reducedto match Beijing Jeep’s absorptive capacity. But eventually theinternational joint venture adopted a “localization community”approach in 1987, comprising itself and component producers,research institutions and universities, to build in-house andexternal local absorptive capacity. This enabled the internationaljoint venture to conduct joint design with local interests, essentialfor product adaptation. In effect, Beijing Jeep constructed alearning network, but in a rearguard action. Learning wasextended from the transferred technology alone to encompasstechnical, managerial and cultural inputs. For instance, BeijingJeep applied the same quality control system of Chrysler anddemanded quality to be maintained by all the employees insteadof only the assembly line workers.

In the case of Shanghai Volkswagen, goal conflictsbetween partners were evidenced in product development. TheGerman partner preferred a gradual approach in upgradingexisting models (Santana cars) while the Chinese partner wishedto develop new products for both the Chinese and global markets.Given the weak base of absorptive capacity,19 the Germanapproach was adopted. Shanghai Volkswagen jointly developedthe second generation of the Santana (Santana 2000) along withcolleagues in Volkswagen in Germany and Brazil during 1992-1993. The Santana 2000GTI followed in 1997, and a muchadvanced model was also in development. While Chineseengineers have increasingly played a more important role in theproduct development process, it has taken an undue length oftime to accomplish this.

The findings on the four propositions in this phase arethat the speed of copying was more rapid in the wholly ownedaffiliate because of its greater absorptive capacity. In the

19 Shanghai Volkswagen achieved a localization rate of 80% onlynine years into its establishment.

58 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

international joint ventures knowledge re-use strategies were acopying response to this low absorptive capacity. Bothownership forms created locally embedded networks ofexchange.20


The ability to modify products for the host market is acompetitive advantage (Dunning, 1993). Technical andinfrastructural differences between China and developed marketsrequire product adaptation. For example, in mobile phonetelephony there is a need for Chinese language text services onpagers and handsets. Motorola (China) established R&D centresin order to adapt and develop Motorola’s existing product range,and to develop new products. Motorola’s global structureenabled it to assign the Chinese affiliate to develop andmanufacture for the Chinese and world markets.

Motorola’s (China) approach was to manufacture a numberof components in-house (as in the model), and simultaneouslyestablish a number of research centres with local partners andpotential suppliers to develop new products. This strategy raiseslocal embeddedness within a knowledge creation strategy, andis congruent with internal organizational integration of the TNCand the creation of a learning network. This and the rapidlocalization of management enabled the affiliate quickly andeffectively to acquire local knowledge (Inkpen and Beamish,1997) with which to address the adaptation issue.

The main adaptation problem for Shanghai Bell was thatthe software of the S1240 exchange could not cope with thewide variation of network quality in China. As one seniormanager commented:

The telephone system in China was then very complicated,with various systems installed at different times being

20 Elsewhere it is shown that the wholly owned affiliate’s networkwas of a high quality, particularly its local R&D network (Buckley, Cleggand Tan, 2003).

59Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

integrated into the national grid. The Belgian software wasnot capable of meeting the needs of the Chinese system.This gave us many nightmares. We had to carry out lots ofmodifications, or even develop some new functions, tomeet the requirements of specific customers. We also hadto revise the defects of the original system that becamemagnified only in the new environment.

Adaptation was conducted within Shanghai Bell by adedicated customer development engineering department (withexpatriates assigned to Shanghai Bell) on every component ofthe exchange, and by the technical transfer team in theheadquarters of Alcatel Bell.21 Adaptation was therefore sharedwith the foreign parent, because the requisite capacity was notcopied in its entirety to China. The local joint ventures’production role was limited to maturing items formerly producedby Shanghai Bell, rather than comprising the production ofinnovative products within a learning network. This indicates adominance of knowledge re-use local embeddedness overknowledge creation. This is borne out in Shanghai Bell’s choiceof local partners. These were government bodies, such as localbureaux, rather than industrial partners, whose main role wasto circumvent local market access barriers for Shanghai Bellproducts.

The poor road conditions in most cities and the countrysideof China causes unusually high wear and tear on cars. Adaptationwas therefore crucial. Substantial modifications, e.g. to thebraking system, car horn and engine were required for theBeijing Jeep’s Cherokee and Shanghai Volkswagen’s Santana.One manager of Shanghai Volkswagen considered theircapability for adaptation and modification to be an importantfirm specific advantage:

We have always regarded adaptation and modification asthe only way of making the foreign product acceptable inthe Chinese market. Indeed, we never ignored R&D.

21 This resembles the process of “learning by adapting” (Lall, 1980).

60 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

However, our R&D started with adapting the transferredproduct (the Santana) according to road conditions andcustomer needs.

Local knowledge is important to adaptation. In contrastto the network approach to joint production of Motorola (China)the international joint ventures draw principally on the Chinesepartners. One senior manager in Shanghai Bell commented:

Lots of westerners don’t listen to the Chinese. They thinkthey know everything in this market. But the Belgians havebeen listening to us, they are very flexible, and cancompromise if we are reasonable [in interpreting thecustomer needs and putting forward proposals formodifications]. So, if you [foreign investors] want tosucceed in the Chinese market, you must have patience,you must be flexible, you must listen to the Chinese whencoming to this market. You cannot say I am number one here.

Shanghai Volkswagen and Beijing Jeep also relied heavilyon the local knowledge of their Chinese partners in theautomobile industry in their adaptation processes. While theyboth benefited from the fact that their Chinese partners had beenestablished passenger car producers for a long time, the linkagesthat this conferred were a mixed blessing. The extensiveknowledge of, and links with, local government, componentsuppliers, financial institutions and marketing channels werenot of the type essential for the joint design and implementationof rapid and efficient product adaptation. Their localembeddedness was predominantly knowledge re-use rather thanknowledge creation. As a result, product adaptation in theinternational joint ventures took far longer than it would havehad the targets set in the business plans for localization beenreached on time.22 The cumulation of delays outlined in the first

22 The length of time in reaching a localization rate of 80% in thethree international joint ventures was as follows: Shanghai Bell had notachieved this target by 1997; Beijing Jeep took 11 years; ShanghaiVolkswagen took 9 years.

61Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

three stages of the knowledge transfer process in theinternational joint ventures therefore held adaptation back. Thiscontrasts markedly with the organization and scheduling ofadaptation by the wholly owned affiliate, which had constructeda knowledge-creation learning network.

In terms of the propositions, speed of adaptation to localconditions was swifter in the wholly owned affiliate than theinternational joint ventures. The international joint ventures wereover reliant on their Chinese partners in securing feedback inadaptation, consequently the wholly owned affiliate was moresuccessful in the adaptation stage of knowledge transfer.

Knowledge transfer to the Chinese parents ininternational joint ventures

International joint ventures with local partners have thepotential to lower the costs of doing business in host markets.The resource-based view of the firm (Penrose, 1956, 1958;Wernerfelt, 1984; Grant, 1991; Foss, 1997) as applied tointernational joint ventures shows that firms can increase thereturns on their assets when partners with complementary assetscooperate.23 One of the motives for international joint ventures,especially in high-technology industries, is that of knowledgesharing and learning as part of a knowledge creation strategy(Inkpen, 1995; Lane and Lubatkin, 1998). In such instancesknowledge transfers not only from the parent firms of the jointventures but also, and not infrequently, back to the parent firmsthemselves. Such transfers are provided for, and governed by,the joint venture contract and supporting contracts relating tothe transfer of technology. Informal transfers of knowledge (forinstance, about markets) may also flow between the partners,and from the international joint venture to the partners (Buckley,Clegg and Tan, 2003). Although not governed by contracts, these

23 This point can be related to that on the economies of commongovernance (Ot) advantages identified by John H. Dunning (1993). Theresource-based view sees the firm as strategically acquiring Ot advantages.

62 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

non-proprietary transfers are generally considered reasonableby the partners.

Knowledge from operating an international joint venturecan therefore be used by the parent company to enhance its ownstrategy and operations. The acquisition of this type ofknowledge, called “output knowledge” by Eleanor Westney(1988), has been suggested as one of General Motors’ objectivein its joint venture with Toyota (Keller, 1989). However, thesituation in which transfers are legally governed or expectedwithin an international joint-venture relationship must becontrasted with those in which they are not. International jointventures may become a vehicle for the dissipation of proprietaryinput knowledge when there is non-contractual learning byanother parent firm. Partners may specifically wish to preventthe “bleedthrough” of input knowledge assets to each other byattaching separate licensing agreements and through the designof the corporate governance structure (Harrigan, 1985).

Host government policies that restrict equity ownershipby foreign TNCs are introduced both to facilitate knowledgetransfer to local firms, as well as to protect local industries fromforeign takeover (UNCTAD, 2003). The ownership restrictionpolicy of the Government of China is intended to improve thetransfer of foreign technology to domestic firms. However,ownership restrictions frequently interfere with a key stage inthe formation of international joint ventures, that of partnersearch and selection (Li and Shenkar, 1996). The primaryobjective of partner search and selection is to ensure that thepartners share the same goals for the international joint venture.Ownership restriction policy as practiced by the Governmentof China frequently involved the pre-selection of potentialpartners.24 This practice considerably raises the likelihood ofgoal conflicts between the partners, and a resulting lack of trust.

24 This is still the case in the automotive assembly industry whereeach foreign entrant is allowed to establish joint ventures with not morethan two designated Chinese players in China as a whole. Similar patternscan be observed in other sensitive service industries, such as telecom service,insurance and stock brokering.

63Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

Knowledge transfers to the Chinese parent firms of thesefour firms25 are largely in the form of the acquisition of foreignmanagement skills and corporate culture. For example, somemanagers that received management training in Beijing Jeeplater moved back to employment in the Chinese parent firm(Beijing Automotive Works), which launched a new internationaljoint venture with Hyundai (Republic of Korea) in 2002. Usingits pool of knowledge generated through working withVolkswagen, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation(Shanghai Volkswagen’s Chinese parent) established an equallysuccessful joint venture with General Motors (United States)and was also involved in purchasing Daewoo (Republic ofKorea), so embarking on its own transnationalization process.Shanghai Bell’s Chinese parent firm also employed managersthat had worked in its international joint venture. In this casethe staff were pivotal in setting up further international jointventures with the foreign parent firm, Alcatel Bell. While theyare not happy about the establishment of rival international jointventures, the foreign parent firms in the above automotiveassembly international joint ventures have to accept the fact thatthey lost appropriability of their input knowledge and now haveto face increased competition from new international jointventures established by Chinese parent firms with other foreignfirms. Alcatel Bell has minimized the loss of its input knowledgeby working with the Chinese parent firm of Shanghai Bell onnew international joint ventures with different lines of business.

In the case of Motorola (China), the Chinese parent firmsof its joint ventures obtained access to Motorola’s unique systemof management training and gained experience of its corporateculture. In addition, technology spillovers occurred in thosecases in which Motorola (China) is keen on outsourcingcomponents based on mature technologies. In this respect,Motorola (China) is more effective in bringing new knowledge(technology) to its Chinese partners.

25 Motorola (China) only has Chinese joint venture parents at thesecondary affiliate level, i.e. the wholly owned affiliate is a parent in localjoint ventures with Chinese parent firms.

64 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

Chinese parent firms are the beneficiaries of any transferof output knowledge from an international joint venture, or ofinput knowledge via the international joint venture from theforeign parent firm. This potential for the transfer of knowledgefrom the affiliate to the parent firm entirely changes the valueequation, not only for the firm but also for the hostGovernment.26 However, insofar as these transfers are ofproprietary input knowledge and are unintended by the foreignpartner, they oblige the partner to transfer technology of lowervalue to the international joint venture, to limit the dissipationof its knowledge assets. It is this that underlines the weaknessof a host policy designed to raise the quality and quantity ofknowledge transfer, but which results in the truncation of theflow.

The findings of this article offer lessons for the design ofgovernment policy in China. Given that the objective ofknowledge transfer to China is ostensibly shared by both foreigninvestors and the Chinese authorities and local international jointventure partners, it would make sense to adopt a regime thatmaximizes the quantity and quality of transfer to the Chineseeconomy. While ownership restrictions may maximize the shortrun bleedthrough of foreign partners’ knowledge, it is at theexpense of the greater long-run transfer of superior knowledge.The evidence is that the ownership restriction policy designedby the Government of China has not facilitated the flow of newknowledge into local industry as intended. On the contrary, ithas created barriers to the maximization of knowledge transferbecause the foreign parent firm has no incentive to dilute itsbargaining power by releasing key assets. Consequently,knowledge re-use strategies are employed by foreign parentfirms of international joint ventures formed under ownershiprestrictions to maximize the short-term return on investment.On the other hand, full equity ownership can encourage foreignentrants to transfer more knowledge to local componentsuppliers based on a knowledge creation strategy.

26 The authors of this article are grateful to one of the referees forthis insight.

65Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)


This article has attempted to open ways to identify andanalyze the inherent conflict within host-country policiesbetween goals founded upon ownership restrictions and thepolicy goal of knowledge transfer to the host country. The caseresearch suggests that foreign ownership restrictions cause goalconflicts, which in turn compromise both internal (to theinternational joint venture) and external absorptive capacity, sohindering the pursuit of knowledge transfer. Through thecomparison of a liberalized and a non-liberalized industry, thecase analysis provides evidence that full ownership liberalizationactually promotes primary knowledge transfer to the hostcountry. Evidence shows that the process of liberalization movesan industry forward in accelerating the transfer of knowledgeto foreign affiliates and to the host country. The study suggeststhat ownership restrictions have profound and potentiallydamaging effects both on primary knowledge transfer and onthe quality of local embeddedness of foreign affiliates. Such apolicy limits the direct and the indirect benefits (via spillovereffects to local firms) of knowledge transfer.

The case studies support the propositions set out in thearticle (table 2). They find support for the contention that thereis an important policy conflict between an ideology of localownership through international joint ventures and the speed ofknowledge transfer (proposition one). They find that absorptivecapacity is enhanced in wholly owned affiliates in thearticulation, training and copying stages (proposition two). Whenpolicy requires the formation of an international joint venture,this reduces the absorptive capacity of the affiliate and biasesknowledge transfer towards knowledge re-use rather thancreation (proposition three). Degrees of embeddedness in locallinkages are also affected by ownership policies. Wholly ownedaffiliates are better placed to create a “local loop” in theirinternational learning network, rather than merely a local re-use enclave (proposition three). In the absence of localdiscrimination against them, wholly owned affiliates will create

66 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

a local learning network more rapidly and effectively than“forced” international joint ventures (proposition four).

The four-stage dynamic model of knowledge transfer(articulation, training, copying and adaptation) shows policyimpacting on TNC strategy at every stage. The findings are ofimportance for the crafting of policy. Clearly, if the goal isknowledge transfer to the host country, but the policy toolactually inhibits this, then a re-think of policy is required.

A number of policy recommendations can be drawn fromthe study. First, the policy towards foreign equity ownershipshould be liberalized in restricted industries, up to and including100% ownership. At present the Government of China fears thatunfettered foreign entry, given the competitive disadvantage ofChinese industry, will mean extensive negative spillovers tolocally owned firms. The cost of this approach is that establishing

Table 2. The four propositions and the knowledgetransfer process

Proposition 1: Proposition 2: Proposition 3: Proposition 4:Speed (Rate of Absorptive Re-use vs. Mutual

Item knowledge transfer) capacity creation exchanges

Articulation + + +

Training - + -a

(Takes moretime because See text

more thorough) + - a

Copying + + See text

Adaptation + ?b +

Source: the authors.Note: The sign concerns wholly owned affiliate versus international

joint venture.a International joint ventures create “shallow” links more rapidly while

wholly owned affiliates internalize training.b Net effect of (+) result of intensive training and local embeddedness

and (?) use of global standard and product mandate.

67Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

a strong capacity to create new knowledge is denied to Chineseindustry. Part of this recommendation is the imperative toimprove opportunities for outsourcing from local Chinese firms.These are the firms that will become part of the local loop inthe learning network, and that have the potential to grow to bestrong competitive firms in their own right. It is important thatTNCs have a free choice of local suppliers, as this will maximizelocal embeddedness within a knowledge creation strategy thatbrings positive spillovers to Chinese industry.

Infrastructural improvements are also important, as theseraise the rate of return to investment and therefore the rate ofinvestment by TNCs and Chinese firms alike. The analysis hasshown that there are reasons why one should expect internationaljoint ventures’ human-resources management policies to lagbehind those of wholly owned foreign affiliates. The human-resources problems faced by international joint ventures arerelated to those endemic in Chinese owned industry. Reform ofhuman-resources policies, in particular to detach politics fromthe process, is essential for Chinese firms to improve theircompetitiveness and ability to benefit from the presence ofTNCs. Lastly, the standard of managerial and social knowledgeneeds to be raised. From the study it is concluded that there arereasons to believe that wholly owned affiliates are better placedto address this as goal conflicts are removed. However, existinginternational joint ventures and Chinese firms need their ownapproach. The first step is to challenge the ingrained tendencyto relegate this important dimension to the status of an optionalextra. If Chinese industry is to make the most of its opportunitiesto learn from TNCs, then progress along these lines is essential.This has the potential to be the best long-term guarantor ofimprovement in absorptive capacity and in the capacity to createnew knowledge on the part of Chinese industry.

China has been outstandingly successful in recent yearsin attracting FDI. However, in terms of effective technologytransfer and learning, many imperfections remain. Theseimperfections are often policy induced. They often result inhigher costs and excessive internalization for TNCs unable to

68 Transnational Corporations, Vol. 13, No. 1 (April 2004)

find good quality local firms and institutions with which to createlinkages. If China is to continue to forge ahead in attractingFDI, and making the best use of it, the policy conflicts outlinedabove must be addressed. As noted in this article, ownershiprestrictions are still in force in the final assembly stage of theautomobile industry and in many services. Further research isneeded to evaluate the way in which a policy of ownershiprestriction influences knowledge transfer in other industries.


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