kosovare male and female brains

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Brain Research - LTCY 199 - Summer 2009 - Male vs Female


Male and female brains are different

By: Kosovare Mustafa

[ ES ]





A new theory claims that the female brain is predominantly hard-wired for empathy, and that the male brain is predominantly hard-wired for understanding and building systems (Baron-Cohen, S. (2004)

Are males better at systemizing

Males tend to show far more 'direct' aggression (pushing, hitting, punching, etc.). Females tend to show more 'indirect' (or 'relational', covert) aggression. (Baron-Cohen , 2004)

Are females better at empathizing?

Baby girls, as young as 12 months old, respond more empathically to the distress of other people, showing greater concern through more sad looks, sympathetic vocalizations, and Comforting (Baron-Cohen , 2004)

The x chromosome that males have

one and females have two of- though

one acts as a backup –is a cognitive

“hot spot,” carrying an unusually large

percentage of genes involved in brain


Woman are generally more complex,

because the active x chromosome in

their cells are a mix of moms and dads.

Macdonald, M. (2008

Men's and woman's brains are different

structurally and biochemically-men

have a bigger amygdale and produce

serotonin faster, for example—but we

don’t know if those difference have

significance. Men and woman respond differentially

to acute stress: woman activate the left

hemisphere’s amygada and remember

the emotional details. Men use the

right amygada and get the gist.

Macdonald, M. (2008

By more than 2 to 1, women are more

likely to get depressed than men, a

figure that shows up just after puberty

and remains stable for the next 50

years. Males exhibit more antisocial behavior.

Females have more anxiety.

Most alcoholics and drug addicts are

male. Most anorexics are female.

Macdonald, M. (2008)

Mama`s boy

The reason they say “mamas boy” is

because Men's x chromosome all come

from mom, and their y chromosome

carries less then 100 genes, compared

with about 1500 for the x chromosome

Female= more varied

Male= less varied

Macdonald, M. (2008)

Brain parts

• Bigger more complex in woman (control decision making)

• Larger in males (general of emotion and memory)

• Larger, faster in females (process short term memory to long term memory.

• Larger, faster in men (controls emotion and mood faster then woman)

Frontal cortex




John medina (2009).

John medina (2009

jokesIf they can put a man on the moon…why

cant they put them all there?

RESOURCES John medina (2009). Brains rule. Retrieved July, 9 2009 from University of

Washington School of Medicine, Bioengineering Web     site: http://www.brainrules.net/gender

Macdonald, M. (2008). YOUR BRAIN:THE MISSING MANUAL (1st ed.).    Sebastopol, ca: o`reilly media. 

Baron-Cohen, S. (2004). Male and Female Brain : Information from    Answers.com. Retrieved June 9, 2009 from , Web site:    http://www.answers.com/topic/male-and-female-brain

Medina, j. (2009). Brain rules (1st Ed). : Tracy cutchlow.

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