krpc youth · suntem lucrarea lui şiam fost zidiţiîn hristos isus pentru faptele bune pe care...

Post on 26-Jan-2020






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Upcoming Events

• November 2: Preaching Training @ KRPC – 6 pm (board room)

• November 4: Youth night with Cristi Boariu @ 8:00 pm

• November 5: Visitation at 3:30 pm

• November 9: Olimpiada Practice @ KRPC – 7 pm to 9 pm (basement)

• November 20 - 22: Staruinta dupa Duhul Sfant (Mon, Tue, Wed)

• November 24: Ray of Hope meal

• November 24 – 25: Staruinta dupa Duhul Sfant (Fri, Sat)

• December 2: Operation Christmas Child – 7 pm to 9:30 pm

• December 16: Christmas Concert – invitee: Pastor Iulian Costea

• December 24/25: Caroling (school bus + big vans)

Fountain of Hope – Food & clothing drive

• Fountain of Hope is a Christian center for the homeless in KW

• We agreed to do a food and winter clothing drive

• When: Monday, Oct 23 to Monday, Nov 6

• What you can bring: non-pershiable food items | winter clothing that is in good condition

Be careful how you dress Jesus

Phone Number Issues – At Youth Night

• Thank you those who filled out the form

Please remember: if you CHANGE your number, let us know too

• If you have not yet filled it out, please grab a form

Bible Question

Cine va primi cununa vieții?


Who will receive the crown of life?

Bible Answer

Cel ce rabdă ispita (Iacov 1:12)


Whoever endures temptation (James 1:12)

Bible Journey: Habakkuk

Verse of the week: Ephesians 2:8-10

Căci prin har aţi fostmântuiţi, prin credinţă. Şiaceasta nu vine de la voi, ci este darul lui Dumnezeu. Nu prin fapte, ca să nu se laude nimeni. Căci noisuntem lucrarea Lui şi am fost zidiţi în Hristos Isuspentru faptele bune pe care le-a pregătit Dumnezeu maidinainte ca să umblăm în ele.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of

works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His

workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good

works, which God prepared beforehand that we should

walk in them.

1 Tesaloniceni 1 - 3


Bible Reading Plan & Memorization

Monday: Matei 19, Marcu 10

Tuesday: Matei 20 -21

Wednesday: Luca 18:15 -19:48

Thursday: Marcu 11, Ioan 12

Friday: Matei 22, Marcu 12

Saturday: Matei 23, Luca 20 -21

Sunday: Marcu 13

Bible Memorization:

Text: 1 Thessalonians 3

Until Monday, November 13


• Gather His Word in our hearts

• Have detailed knowledge of the scriptures

• It is written … (have an argument)

Rugăciunea pentru tineret

Fasting and prayer this week:

• Marta Radu

• Caleb Radu


Luminița Prisecaru

Say hello to: at least three new people, and ask how many exams they enjoyed youth night


1. Intro / Who is the Holy Spirt

2. Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

3. Holy Spirit in the New Testament

4. The Work of the Holy Spirit

5. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

6. Baptism with the Holy Spirit

7. Gifts: Gifts of Revelation (3)

8. Gifts: Gifts of Power (3)

9. Gifts: Gifts of Inspiration (3)

10. Gifts: Various Gifts

11. Hot topics: Prophecy

12. Hot Topics: Blasphemy & grieving

13. Testimonies and experiences

14. Questions and Answers

Seminar: Holy Spirit

LucrareaDuhului Sfânt

The work of the Holy


Duhul Sfânt


Holy Spirit

Lucrarea Duhul SfântThe work of the Holy Spirit

The Great Commission

Equipping & Empowerment Sanctification

Marea noastră chemareOur great calling

• Cea mai mare chemare a noastră e pe două frontri (Mat 22:36-40)

– Sfințește-ți viața (1 Tes 4:3)

– Du evanghelia până la marginile pămânului (Mat 28:19-20)

• Este o ordine normală și logică pentru această chemare:

1. Sfințirea: Isus și-a sfințit ucenicii prima oară (Ioan 15:1-3) | agentul purificării: CUVÂNTUL (Iacov 1:22-23)

2. Procmalare: dorința naturală după întâlnirea cu Isus, e de a vorbi despre Isus Ioan 4:28-29

Notiță: Ce ar trebui să facem după o seară de tineret?

• The greatest calling we have is two fold (Mat 22:36-40)

– Sanctify your life (1 Tes 4:3)

– Take the gospel to the end of the earth (Mat 28:19-20)

• There is a normal, logical order to this calling:

1. Sanctification: Jesus first purified His disciples (John 15:1-3) | the agent of purification: the WORD (James 1:22-23)

2. Proclamation: the natural desire after meeting Jesus is to talk about Jesus John 4:28-29

Side note: what should we do after a youth night?

Echiparea si spirjinirea prin DuhulEquipping and supporting through the Spirit

Șase acțiuni ale Duhului: Ioan 14 – 16

1. Mângâie (Ioan 14:16-17)

2. Învață (Ioan 14:26)

3. Mărturisește (Ioan 15:26)

4. Călăuzește (Ioan 16:13)

5. Calibrează (Titus 3:5)

6. Edifică (1 Cor 14:4)

Six actions of the Spirit: John 14 – 16

1. Comforts (John 14:16-17)

2. Teaches (John 14:26)

3. Witnesses (John 15:26)

4. Guides (John 16:13)

5. Calibrates (Titus 3:5)

6. Edifies (1 Cor 14:4)

Duhul Sfânt: Mângâie (Ioan 14:16-17)Holy Spirit: Comforts (John 14:16-17)

Paraklēton [Παράκλητον] – folositde cici ori în Biblie

• Avocat: în numele cuiva într-o curte judecătorească

• Mijlocitor: roagă imploră

• Mângăietor: repară și consolă

“Chemat în ajutorul cuiva”

Romani 8:26 | Efeseni 6:18

EX: “Ajută pe fratele meu…”

Paraklēton [Παράκλητον] – used five times in the Bible

• Advocate: on behalf of one in a court of law

• Intercessor: pray or implore

• Comforter: mend and console

“Called to one’s aid”

Romans 8:26 | Ephesians 6:18

EX: “Help my brother …”

Duhul Sfânt: Învață (Ioan 14:26)Holy Spirit: Teaches (John 14:26)

Didaxei [διδάξει]

• Preda: cauză să inveți

• Instrui: împărți cunoștintă

• Direcționa: arata calea

A instrui despre revelația lui Dumnezeu

Luca12:12 | 1 Cor 2: 12-13

EX: “El mi-a zis să merg…”

Didaxei [διδάξει]

• Teach: cause to learn

• Instruct: impart knowledge

• Direct: show the way

Instruct about the revelation of God

Luke 12:12 | 1 Cor 2: 12-13

EX: “He told me go …”

Duhul Sfânt: Mărturisește (Ioan 15:26)Holy Spirit: Witnesses (John 15:26)

Martyrēsei [μαρτυρήσει]

• Aduce mărturie: a afirma ceea ca a fost văzut

• Aduce dovezi

• Declara: a nu reține nimic

Duhul declara autenticitatea persoanei lui Isus

1 Ioan 5:6 | 1 Tim 3:16

Martyrēsei [μαρτυρήσει]

• Bear witness: to affirm what one has seen

• Give evidence

• Testify: not to keep back

Spirit declares the authenticity of Jesus’ person

1 John 5:6 | 1 Tim 3:16

Duhul Sfânt: Călăuzește (Ioan 16:13)Holy Spirit: Guides (John 16:13)

Hodēgēsei [ὁδηγήσει]

• A călăuzi: arăta calea

• A ghida: direcționa calea

Duhul direcționează viața persoanei zilnic

Fapte 15:28 | Fapte 16:6-10

EX: “Mai opt trepte …”

Hodēgēsei [ὁδηγήσει]

• To lead: show the way

• To guide: direct the way

The Spirit directs the life of the person daily

Acts 15:28 | Acts 16:6-10

EX: “Eight more steps …”

Duhul Sfânt: CalibreazăHoly Spirit: Calibrates

Anakainōseōs [ἀνακαινώσεως]

• Regenera: a face ceva nou

• Renova: a schimba pentru mai bine

Reînoiește mentalitatea și schimba dorința inimii

Ieremia 31:33 | 2 Cor 3:6

Anakainōseōs [ἀνακαινώσεως]

• Regenerate: make something new

• Renovate: change for the better

Renews the mentality and the heart desires

Jeremiah 31:33 | 2 Cor 3:6

Duhul Sfânt: Edifică (1 Cor 14:4)Holy Spirit: Edifies (1 Cor 14:4)

Oikodomei [οἰκοδομεῖ] – a construi o casă

• A construi

• Încuraja

• A ridica ceva

Duhul lucreaza la construcția persoanei

Iuda 1:20-21 | Efeseni 6:18

EX: “Vedenii și taine…”

Oikodomei [οἰκοδομεῖ] – to build a house

• Build up

• Encourage

• To lift something

The Spirit works at the construction of the person

Jude 1:20-21 | Ephesians 6:18

EX: “Visions and mysteries …”

Aplicația PracticăPractical Application

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