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'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

KEY STAGE 2 Word of the Day


Vocabulary Ninja

Official Vocabulary Ninja Product © Published - July 2017

Vocabulary Ninja

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'



Firstly, thank you for being a part of the vocabulary revolution! ViVa!! Together we can have a huge impact on understanding and application of vocabulary! Vocabulary Ninja is was born out of a desire to improve general outcomes for pupils within a classroom, stumbling upon vocabulary as a huge barrier.

Just as times tables are a pre-requisite to most mathematical investigations, vocabulary is to reading and writing. Without an in-depth understanding, pupils will always have barriers in learning and in life!

Well, you have passed the first test grasshopper! And demonstrated your worth!! I must reward your endeavour with this wonderful 140 page VocabularyNinja Word of the Day Resource Pack!

Remember, the true value of being a VocabularyNinja lies in time given, it is a gift. Time must be provided for discussion, demonstration, explanation, play, sharing, editing, rehearsal and celebration.

Simply showing pupils these words is not enough. Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : relinquish Definition : voluntarily cease claim or give up


renounce, give up, abandon. retain, continue.


Challenge : Use WOD with -ed or -ing suffix in a compound sentence.

He relinquished his grip of his favourite book.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : plethora Definition : an abundance or excess.

excess, deluge, plenty. scarcity, few.


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

There was/were a plethora of stores to buy goods from.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : devoured Definition : eat with speed, hungrily.

chomped, gobbled, destroy. nibble, build.


Challenge : Use WOD to write a statement.

The book was finished, she had devoured it.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : dwindle Definition : reduce gradually in size, amount

or strength.

decrease, reduce, wane. increase, flourish.


Challenge : Use WOD or with -ed or -ing opener / fronted adverbial.

Dwindling, the king’s power was not what it once was.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : warrior Definition : brave or experienced soldier.

fighter or soldier. civilian.


Challenge : Post-modify WOD in a sentence..

There stood a warrior, tall, strong and effortlessly brave.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : simultaneously Definition : at the same time.

together . singly.


Challenge : Use WOD as a fronted adverbial.

The soldiers simultaneously raised their berets to salute the major.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : impede ing / ed Definition : delay or prevent by obstructing.

hinder . facilitate.


Challenge : Use WOD with -ing or -ed suffix.

Pupil progress may be impeded by lack of exposure to vocabulary.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : revengeDefinition : an act in return of injury or offence.

retaliate, vengeance.forgive.

(verb / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD to describe the weather's actions.

His final act of revenge was desperate and reckless.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : smuggle / smugglerDefinition : move something secretly, possibly

illegally. Someone who carries out this act.


(verb / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

The pupil smuggled sweets into the playground.


Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : imagined / imagination Definition : a mental image or picture in your


picture, visualise. doubt.


Challenge : Describe what a character imagines.

The world the child had imagined was unlike anything he had seen before.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : jubilant Definition : a feeling of great happiness.



Challenge : Use WOD in an embedded clause.

Easter was over, the teachers were feeling jubilant, they were ready to teach.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : flail Definition : wave or swing wildly.

wave, swing.


Challenge : Use WOD in direct speech.

The children were flailing their arms in the air, like they just didn't care.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : hypnotism Definition :



Challenge : Find WOD in our KS2 book of the day.

Hypnotism was being used to control the unruly children.

the practice of hypnotising people.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : profound Definition :

heartfelt, intense, extreme.


Challenge : Post a picture of little ninjas sentences using WOD.

The doctor let out a profound sigh of relief.very great or intense state.

So profound was her grief, she could not fight back the tears.

superficial, mild.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : marathon Definition :


Challenge : Write a sentence using parenthesis.

Easter revision was a marathon! 26 mile race or a long task.

Thousands of people ran the London marathon.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : germinate Definition :

develop, grow.


Challenge : Plant some seeds and watch for a week. Then write a sentence about it.

Germination was a slow process. The seeds began to germinate.

begin to grow and put out shoots.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : crippled Definition :

broken, disabled.


Challenge : Use WOD with a modal verb in a sentence.

The computer was crippled by a notorious virus.

unable to walk or move properly / severely damaged.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : serious Definition :

important, significant.


Challenge : Write a serious sentence...seriously.

Correct PE kit was a serious matter.

acting or speaking sincerely, meaning it.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : deliberate Definition :

intentional, calculated.


Challenge : Use WOD in a fronted adverbial.

His poor behaviour was deliberate.done consciously and with intent.


Deliberately, the hungry tiger waited, motionless in the long grass.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : rise / roseDefinition :

stand up.


Challenge : Use WOD as in past tense.

The knight rose slowly from being knighted!

move from lower position to higher.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : recycleDefinition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a question.

It is important to recycle your plastic!

convert waste into a reusable material.



KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : createDefinition :

generate, produce.


Challenge : Use WOD in a question.

How could the children create such a mess?

to make or bring something into existence.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : contemplateDefinition :

observe, scrutinise .


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

The manager had to contemplate how the game had played out.

think about or look at for a long time. Think deeply.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : participateDefinition :

take part, involve.


Challenge : Use WOD in a fronted adverbial.

Participation levels were high on sports day.to take part in.

prevent, ignore.

"I wish to participate,” bellowed Timmy.


KS1 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :Antonym :

Word of the Day : unfold Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD to describe.

The story unfolded word by word.

spread out or gradually develop.

flatten, develop.Vocabulary Ninja must carefully unfold his belt.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : epiphany Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in an exclamation sentence.

The secondary teacher had an epiphany...primary rocked!

a moment of sudden revelation.

Liam had an epiphany whilst learning about subjunctive mood.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : occasionally Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in an exclamation as affronted adverbial.

Occasionally, I like to boogie!

at irregular intervals.

My aunt and uncle visit occasionally.

Antonym : often, frequently.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : belonged Definition :

own / owned / owns / owned


Challenge : Use WOD in simple sentence..

The fidget spinner belonged to the pupil.

the property of.

"Fidget spinners don't belong here," said the teacher.

Antonym : alienate.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : tiptoed Definition :

snuck, sneak, avoid.


Challenge : Use WOD in simple sentence.

Tiptoeing carefully, he crept towards the biscuits.

walk quietly or carefully avoid.

He tiptoed away with a custard cream.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : anxious Definition :

worried, nervous.


Challenge : Use WOD in an embedded clause.

The ninja is never anxious.

feeling or showing worry.

SATs had arrived, she was no longer anxious, she was ready.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : disguised Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

The disguise was terrible.

change appearance to hide.

He could not disguise his anger.

Antonym : reveal.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : poisoned Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

The poison was rather deadly.

being administered poison.

The ninja stealthily poisoned the target.

Antonym : cured.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : indignant Definition :



Challenge :Use WOD in a compound sentence.

angered at being treated unfairly.

Indignant and exhausted, he gave up.

Antonym : content.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : translucent Definition :



Challenge :Use WOD in science lessons.

allowing some light to pass through.

Translucent wings spread as wide as the cavern.

Antonym : opaque.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : illustrate Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

draw pictures to bring a story to life.

The teacher illustrated his point using the movie.

Antonym :


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : devour Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

eat hungrily or quickly

The ant-eater greedily devoured the juicy ants

Antonym : savour.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : plunder Definition :


(verb / noun)

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

steal goods using force - time of war.

The hungry teacher plundered the pupil’s packed lunches in search of salt and vinegar crisps.

Antonym : retrieve.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : havoc Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

widespread destruction / to lay waste.

The hurricane had caused havoc in Cuba.

Antonym : peace.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : pinnacle Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

the most successful point / peak of a high point.

Winning the cup was the pinnacle of his career.

Antonym : trough.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : restrain Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a relative clause.

prevent someone from doing something.

The pupils couldn't restrain their excitement.

Antonym : provoke.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : capitulate Definition :



Challenge :Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

to stop fighting an enemy and admit defeat.

The army was close to capitulating after the siege.

Antonym : resist.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : adopt Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD with a suffix -ing -tion.

choose to take-up or follow an action or idea /raise a child as your own.


The sports team adopted black arm bands as a show of respect.

Antonym : abandon.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : solidarity Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

unity of feelings or actions, coming together over common interest.


There was a great feeling of solidarity between the soldiers.

Antonym : individuality.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : panorama Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

an unbroken view of a region / wide view.


The school hall offered a panorama of children's writing on the walls.

Antonym :


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : codswallop Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

another word for nonsense


The teacher's lesson was pure codswallop!

Antonym :


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : tedious Definition :



Challenge :Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

too long, slow, or dull; tiresome.

The school holiday quickly became tedious and boring.

Antonym : exciting.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : immaculate Definition :



Challenge :Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

perfectly clean, neat or tidy.

The blue dress was immaculate, without flaws, perfection.

Antonym : grubby.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : euphoria / euphoric Definition :



Challenge : Use WOD in a statement.

feeling of extreme happiness.Euphoria spread around the school like a wild fire! The year

5 pupils had won the national poetry competition!

Antonym : misery.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : disclose Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence .

make secret information known.

She disclosed her secret to dividing fractions!

Antonym : conceal.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : undercover Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence .

secret work.The police were involved in an

undercover operation.

Antonym : open.



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : elope Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence .

run away secretly in order to get married.

Romeo and Juliet planned to elope at midnight, to escape their quarrelling families.

Antonym :



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : premature Definition :


Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence .

occurring or done before the usual or proper time.

Pupils ran prematurely into the school, the bell hadn't yet rang.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : brunch Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence .

a meal that is eaten late morning, sometime between breakfast and

lunch.The teachers scoffed brunch, whilst the children

played on the yard.

Antonym :



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : dehydrated Definition :

Challenge :Use WOD in a compound sentence.

cause a person's body to lose a large amount of water.

After the marathon, the runner was dehydrated.

Antonym :


hydrate.dehumidify .


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : alleviate Definition :

Challenge :Use WOD in a compound sentence.

to make less severe.

The heat of the sun was alleviated by the juicy rocket lolly!

Antonym :


aggravate.reduce .


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : gullible Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD as an adverb.

easily persuaded to believe something.

Gullible Mr Dyson was convinced that pigs could fly!

Antonym :


cynical.naive .


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : tragedy / tragicDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

something that has caused extreme sorrow.

The circumstances in which the train crashed were tragic.

Antonym :

(noun / adj)

catastrophe / catastrophic .


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : bamboozleDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in past participle.

cheat or fool

The year 5 pupil bamboozled the school with her magic tricks during the talent show.

Antonym :


cheat / fool .


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : eliteDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a simple sentence.

a group of people with power / the best.

The elite soldiers were guarding the palace perimeter.

Antonym :


creme de la creme.dregs


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : corruptDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in an embedded clause.

having or showing a willingness to act dishonest for money or gain.

The final was ruined by the corrupt officials.

Antonym :

(adj / verb)


You could smell the corruption.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : vigourDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in an embedded clause.

physical strength or good health / energetic or enthusiasm.

The cartwheels were a sign of vigour and health.

Antonym :



The warm-up was vigorous!


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : penultimate Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in an relative clause.

last but one, second last.

Lewis Hamilton began the penultimate lap in first place!

Antonym :



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : applause Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in compound sentence.

approval or praise expressed by clapping.

The applause from the crowd was deafening.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : rebuff Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in complex sentence.

reject in an ungracious or abrupt manner.

The head teacher rebuffed the children's requests for an extra break time..

Antonym :

(noun / verb)



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : cripple Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD as a past participle.

cause someone to become unable to walk / cause severe problem.

The pirates quickly crippled the ship’s engine.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : contemplate Definition :

Challenge :Use WOD in a compound sentence.

to think about something in a deep way, something important.

The school council had to contemplate whether or not to buy new bins.

Antonym :


think, deliberate.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : barbecue Definition :

Challenge :Use WOD in a simple sentence.

food cooked on an open fire or coals, usually meat.

We must barbecue the sausages perfectly, so that we do not get food poisoning.

Antonym :

(noun / verb)



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : ecstasy Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

an overwhelming feeling of great happiness of joyful excitement.

There was a look of ecstasy on the pupil’s face, as he saw an elephant for the first time.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : propaganda Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a complex sentence.

information that is misleading to promote point of view.

Don't believe the hype, it's all propaganda!

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : malleable Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

easily hammered into a new shape / easily influenced.

The teacher believed her new class would be extremely malleable and would meet her expectations.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : temporary Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a compound sentence.

lasting for a limited period of time/ a person who is employed on a

temporary basis.The pressure of SATs was only temporary…or was it?

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : troglodyte Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

someone who lives in a cave / someone who is deliberately ignorant

or old-fashioned.The children thought the teacher was a total troglodyte,

all he ever used was worksheets and the blackboard.

Antonym :



KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : nauseating Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

making someone feel sick or nauseous .

The stench coming from the farmyard was nauseating.

Antonym :




KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : vulnerable Definition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed.

The fifth platoon were vulnerable after the enemies latest attack.

Antonym :


endangered.well protected.


KS2 Word of the Day

'Words unlock the doors to a world of understanding...'

Word of the Day

Synonym :

Word of the Day : bewitchDefinition :

Challenge : Use WOD in a multi-clause sentence.

to attract or interest them a lot, so that you have power over them.

The young knight was bewitched by the beauty of the princess. He would do anything she asked.

Antonym :



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