ksbha hearing transcript: ltc terry lakin denied kansas medical license for challenging obama's...

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  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 1

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    6 Case No. 12-HA00029

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    14 taken on the 21st day of October, 2011, beginning

    15 at 2:02 p.m., at the Board of Healing Arts, 800

    16 Southwest Jackson, in the City of Topeka, County

    17 of Shawnee, and State Kansas, before, Gary

    18 Counselman, D.C., Hearing Officer.

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  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 2


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    6 Ms. Stacy R. Bond

    7 Kansas State Board of Healing Arts

    8 800 Southwest Jackson

    9 Suite A

    10 Topeka, Kansas 66612

    11 785-296-7413

    12 sbond@ksbha.ks.gov

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    17 Pro se

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  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 3

    1 HEARING OFFICER: Doctor Lakin,

    2 Conference Hearing Application. Docket No.

    3 12-HA00029. Disciplinary Panel 26: Doctor Webb,

    4 Doctor Templeton, Doctor Soria, Doctor Galbraith,

    5 Doctor Settich. Any other recusals?

    6 THE BOARD: (No response.)

    7 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. State your

    8 appearances, please.

    9 MS. BOND: May it please the board, Stacy

    10 Bond, associate litigation counsel, appears on

    11 behalf of the board. Terrence Lakin, M.D., (sic)

    12 appears in person and pro se in this matter.

    13 These materials begin on E-book page 1,354 of your

    14 -- your E-book. We are here today on Doctor

    15 Lakin's application for licensure as a physician

    16 in the state of Kansas. In that application for

    17 licensure he answered yes to disciplinary

    18 questions 20, 21, 20 and 22 in Addendum 2 which

    19 asks if you have ever been arrested, have you ever

    20 been charged with a crime, or have you ever been

    21 court-martialed or discharged dishonorably from

    22 the armed source -- armed services. Doctor Lakin

    23 was subject to a general court-martial on December

    24 14th through 16th of 2010. After that

    25 court-martial he was convicted of one

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 4

    1 specification of missing movement in violation of

    2 Article 87 in the Uniform Code of Military Justice

    3 and three specifications of failing to deploy and

    4 disobeyed direct orders from his commanding

    5 officer to deploy in support of Operation Enduring

    6 Freedom in order to render medical services to our

    7 armed services that were fighting in the combat

    8 Enduring Freedom.

    9 Applicant has stated and stated before his

    10 basis for refusal on his belief that President

    11 Obama is not qualified to act as Commander in

    12 Chief or the President of the United States due to

    13 his belief that President Obama was not born in

    14 the United States. He took this matter to a

    15 hearing and was found to be in violation of the

    16 Uniform Code of Military Justice. He was

    17 discharged from the services and he did spend

    18 approximately, I believe, six months in

    19 confinement at Fort Leavenworth. He is here

    20 before you today requesting that he been granted

    21 licensure. It is before the board to determine

    22 whether or not he should be granted that licensure

    23 and whether or not his refusal to follow order to

    24 render -- to be able to deploy to render medical

    25 -- medical aide to individuals involved in

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 5

    1 Operating Enduring Freedom would disqualify him

    2 from licensure in the State of Kansas. Doctor

    3 Conley.

    4 DOCTOR CONLEY: It's your opinion that

    5 it's a felony or a Class A misdemeanor?

    6 MS. BOND: You know, there is no

    7 correlating civil -- or criminal in civil in that

    8 I can find that correlates that. I think the big

    9 question here also in regards to, you know, he had

    10 a duty. He was an officer in the United States

    11 military. He had a duty, he signed up for that

    12 duty, he swore to support the Constitution of the

    13 United States and he did not do that by refusing

    14 to deploy. And in doing so there was one less

    15 physician, one less individual over in the Middle

    16 East that could be there to render medical

    17 services to our armed forces. So it's not just

    18 whether or not it was a felony or a misdemeanor,

    19 but his morale actions in refusing to go that I

    20 believe need to be addressed by this board.

    21 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: There is a misprint on.

    22 Did he -- he is not an M.D., correct?

    23 DOCTOR LAKIN: D.O. Yes, there is a

    24 misprint.

    25 MS. BOND: I'm sorry, my fault. He needs

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    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 6

    1 to be sworn in.


    3 called as a witness on behalf of the Respondent,

    4 was sworn and testified as follows:

    5 DOCTOR LAKIN: Board members, thank you

    6 for letting me appear here and I -- I understand

    7 that, you know, this is a new application and --

    8 and you have the responsibility to make sure that

    9 you have licensure to competent physicians. I

    10 think the question of my military conviction was

    11 solely administrative and military in -- military

    12 in process. It has no civilian equivalent. It

    13 also has no reflection upon my medical abilities

    14 or privileges. I hope I have enough copies that I

    15 passed out letters from my attorneys stating that

    16 fact that at no time during my conviction or my

    17 trial processes or any question about my military

    18 privileges. And, in fact, I was performing

    19 medical care for the military at Walter Reed up

    20 until the week of my trial. And I had numerous

    21 discussions with supervisors and credentials that

    22 there was no question about my abilities or my

    23 privileges and we're not going to revoke them. So

    24 I think -- you know, I don't want to step into

    25 political or, you know, other type of discussions,

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 7

    1 but I do think that I had a responsibility as an

    2 officer and my oath to uphold the Constitution and

    3 my loyalty and my -- my convictions I took a stand

    4 and I stood by those and that was in defense of

    5 the military and the Constitution and of the

    6 enlisted soldiers that don't have that right as

    7 their oath of office allows them. My oath of

    8 office as an officer has much more of -- has much

    9 more responsibility to questioning orders that I

    10 thought might be illegal. And I went through a

    11 process in the military for over a year and a half

    12 to try and define that and I received no

    13 responses, and essentially I was left with a -- a

    14 decision to make, and from that decision I had a

    15 conviction and I take my punishment and I'm ready

    16 to move on into my medical practice. Subject to

    17 your questions, I --

    18 THE SPEAKER: If I can introduce myself

    19 I'm --

    20 MS. BOND: I'm going to object to this

    21 individual testifying. This is a conference

    22 hearing. It's not set up for parties. I believe

    23 this is Doctor Lakin's brother, am I correct?

    24 THE SPEAKER: Right.

    25 MS. STEVENS: It wouldn't be appropriate

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 8

    1 to have anyone other than the parties testify in a

    2 conference proceeding.

    3 THE SPEAKER: Okay. Even if I act as a

    4 legal representative?

    5 MS. BOND: Are you an attorney?

    6 THE SPEAKER: I have been a practicing

    7 attorney until I saw the light and became a

    8 physician.

    9 MS. BOND: So you're not licensed in the

    10 State of Kansas?

    11 THE SPEAKER: I'm not licensed in the

    12 state of Kansas. I am licensed in Colorado.

    13 MS. STEVENS: We cannot allow you to act

    14 as legal counsel in the board proceeding.

    15 THE SPEAKER: All right. I just want the

    16 truth to come out about his history and

    17 performance.

    18 HEARING OFFICER: Doctor Beezley.

    19 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: When did you join the

    20 Army?

    21 DOCTOR LAKIN: It was 1993. I was in --

    22 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: Why did you join the

    23 Army?

    24 THE SPEAKER: Because I wanted to serve

    25 my country, and I -- I was in medical school up at

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 9

    1 Kansas City and -- and I -- I -- our whole family

    2 has always been in public service. Teachers or

    3 firefighters or policemen and the military and

    4 that was my calling to serve the military.

    5 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: Did you think that you

    6 might some time during your career be deployed

    7 overseas?

    8 THE SPEAKER: Definitely. And I enjoyed

    9 deployments. In fact, I was deployed to Honduras

    10 for a year. I was in Bosnia in the first wave for

    11 a year, and most recently I was in Afghanistan for

    12 -- I was '05 -- in 2004 I was --

    13 DOCTOR SETTICH: Excuse me, sir. Would

    14 you speak into the microphone, please. Thank you.

    15 DOCTOR LAKIN: I've had numerous

    16 deployments and most recently in 2004 I deployed

    17 to Afghanistan as a squadron flight surgeon for

    18 the calvary, and I was actually a -- looking to

    19 volunteer again because I completed my second

    20 residency in occupational medicine and I was

    21 looking to -- I knew we had a high OPTEMPO, and I

    22 was voluntary to deploy until I came up with an

    23 ethical and moral problem that I couldn't solve

    24 and I started withdrawing my volunteering to

    25 deploy.

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 10

    1 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: So I guess you need to

    2 explain the difference between going to

    3 Afghanistan in 2004 and going over there after

    4 President Obama elected, is that the big kick?

    5 DOCTOR LAKIN: Yes. And, you know,

    6 despite what was said, I have always just -- you

    7 know I don't know what beliefs or where Ms. Bond

    8 gathered my beliefs in what she's stating, but I

    9 have maintained the standard if there is a

    10 questions that needs to be answered and I tried to

    11 use the military process to find the answer to

    12 this question, and the military was unable to give

    13 me an answer and -- and so I, you know, I did what

    14 I thought was right and I took my punishment from

    15 the military and that's -- that's done with.

    16 HEARING OFFICER: Doctor Whitmer.

    17 DOCTOR WHITMER: Do you believe he was a

    18 U.S. citizen, President Obama?

    19 DOCTOR LAKIN: I don't know what it --

    20 DOCTOR WHITMER: What would it take to

    21 (inaudible) --

    22 THE REPORTER: I can't hear you. I'm

    23 sorry.

    24 DOCTOR WHITMER: The long form of his

    25 birth certificate has been publicized. What does

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 11

    1 it take to make you believe that he is a U.S.

    2 citizen?

    3 DOCTOR LAKIN: I think that I have a

    4 question and I don't think that question has been

    5 answered, but it has nothing to do with my medical

    6 capabilities.

    7 DOCTOR WHITMER: What would it take to

    8 have that answered?

    9 DOCTOR LAKIN: I think it needs to have

    10 validation from --

    11 DOCTOR WHITMER: Does a birth certificate

    12 -- a valid --

    13 DOCTOR LAKIN: A valid birth certificate.

    14 DOCTOR WHITMER: Does he not have a valid

    15 birth certificate?

    16 DOCTOR LAKIN: There has many --

    17 HEARING OFFICER: Excuse me --

    18 MS. STEVENS: We're going outside --

    19 THE REPORTER: Thank you.

    20 DOCTOR WHITMER: Say if and when he's

    21 elected again the Health Reconciliation Act

    22 becomes law, which it already is, and all of a

    23 sudden we have 20 million more people who've got

    24 healthcare are you going to refuse those people

    25 because this is?

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 12

    1 DOCTOR LAKIN: No, no, no. I was being

    2 ordered to a combat zone to, you know, put my life

    3 on the line along with every other soldier out

    4 there that can't ask this question and I asked the

    5 question. I spent a year and a half trying to

    6 address this through the military channels and got

    7 no answer. Now, I've, you know, again if this has

    8 to do with my medical --

    9 DOCTOR WHITMER: The military (inaudible)

    10 --

    11 DOCTOR LAKIN: Let me back up (inaudible)

    12 --

    13 THE REPORTER: I can't hear. I cannot

    14 hear.

    15 MS. STEVENS: We're not -- we're not

    16 getting the comments on -- the court reporter

    17 isn't able to take them down when people are

    18 talking over each other.

    19 DOCTOR LAKIN: Well, let me back up a

    20 little bit and just say that I believe that the

    21 entry into the national data bank registry by

    22 medical -- med -- Medcom. I believe that was an

    23 error and I think the documentation that I've

    24 shown you supports that my -- my lawyers that have

    25 followed my case and --

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 13

    1 HEARING OFFICER: Ms. Bond, did you have

    2 an objection to this?

    3 MS. BOND: I have reviewed those. I

    4 believe that at least one of these documents is

    5 already contained in your packet, therefore, I

    6 have no objection to these being entered.


    8 DOCTOR LAKIN: And I will be working in

    9 the process of getting the national data bank to

    10 correct that. It's going to go -- be several

    11 months to make the Army review that and hopefully

    12 they will see the truth, too, and -- and withdraw

    13 that first item in the entry and just talk about

    14 my administrative military convictions. It has

    15 nothing to do with my medical practice or

    16 rendering services. I never --

    17 HEARING OFFICER: Well you keep saying

    18 that, but, you know, there is a lot of things that

    19 we do in our private life that does have an effect

    20 -- effect on how we apply to the healthcare field,

    21 so.

    22 DOCTOR LAKIN: The statement that one

    23 other person had the deployment placed. The

    24 military accommodates for everything and I gave

    25 them well enough advance notice that this may be a

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 14

    1 problem. There was several doctors that were in

    2 the que also. Physicians deploying with a unit

    3 are not -- no one in the military is a key

    4 personnel who can't be combat effective.

    5 HEARING OFFICER: Do we have any other

    6 questions for the doctor? Any other comments?

    7 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: I would like to make a

    8 motion that we continue this until Doctor Lakin

    9 can successfully clear this issue with the

    10 national data bank if possible.

    11 DOCTOR WHITMER: I'll second that.

    12 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. We have a motion

    13 to second?

    14 DOCTOR WHITMER: I second.

    15 HEARING OFFICER: Okay, Doctor Whitmer

    16 second. Any other comments?

    17 DOCTOR LAKIN: Can I just clarify that.

    18 There again that first sentence in the statement

    19 --

    20 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: You're -- you're trying

    21 to petition the national data bank to get this

    22 report from the Army about the incarceration of

    23 felony withdrawn, correct?

    24 DOCTOR LAKIN: No. I -- I -- what I have

    25 problems is I think your -- your issue also is

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 15

    1 that first statement. Essentially the first

    2 sentence in the entry is that I failed to render

    3 medical services on deployment and that should not

    4 be there. That was not a charge. That was never

    5 addressed in -- in my -- in my charges or my

    6 conviction. And if I get that first sentence in

    7 the entry removed would there be any question with

    8 the board about my application then.

    9 HEARING OFFICER: I move we go into

    10 executive session.

    11 DOCTOR WELSH: Okay.

    12 DOCTOR MINNS: Second. Minns.

    13 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. For how long?

    14 DOCTOR LEINWETTER: 15 minutes.

    15 HEARING OFFICER: We'll go into executive

    16 session and come back in at 2:30. (EXECUTIVE

    17 SESSION.)

    18 HEARING OFFICER: We are back in open

    19 session. Doctor Beezley.

    20 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: I would like to withdraw

    21 my motion to table this application.

    22 HEARING OFFICER: Is there a second?

    23 MS. STEVENS: I don't think there was a

    24 second to his motion.


  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 16

    1 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: I don't think it was

    2 seconded.

    3 MS. BROWN: I had Doctor Whitmer.

    4 DOCTOR WHITMER: Yeah, I seconded.

    5 MS. BROWN: Withdraw.

    6 HEARING OFFICER: All in allowing that to

    7 withdraw say aye.

    8 THE BOARD: Aye.

    9 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Opposed?

    10 THE BOARD: (No response.)

    11 HEARING OFFICER: Doctor Whitmer.

    12 DOCTOR WHITMER: Mr. President, I make a

    13 motion. I think the board finds that the

    14 court-martial is dishonorable conduct, therefore,

    15 we deny the license.

    16 HEARING OFFICER: Okay. Do I hear a

    17 second?

    18 DOCTOR WELSH: Second.

    19 HEARING OFFICER: Doctor Welsh. Any

    20 other discussions?

    21 THE BOARD: (No response.)

    22 DOCTOR BEEZLEY: Do we give him an

    23 opportunity to withdraw his application for

    24 voting?

    25 DOCTOR WELSH: No.

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 17


    2 THE BOARD: (No response.)

    3 HEARING OFFICER: Hearing no other

    4 discussion all in favor of the motion say aye.

    5 THE BOARD: Aye.

    6 HEARING OFFICER: Opposed?

    7 THE BOARD: (No response.)

    8 HEARING OFFICER: We deny your

    9 application.

    10 DOCTOR LAKIN: And the reason being that?

    11 HEARING OFFICER: We consider that

    12 dishonorable conduct and that is within our

    13 statute.

    14 MR. STOOKEY: Doctor Lakin, there will be

    15 a Final Order published with a notice and appeal

    16 rights. That order will be sent to you.

    17 THE SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you.

    18 (THEREUPON, the conference hearing on

    19 application for licensure concluded at 2:34 P.M.)

    20 .

    21 .

    22 .

    23 .

    24 .

    25 .

  • 8/3/2019 KSBHA Hearing Transcript: LTC Terry Lakin Denied Kansas Medical License for Challenging Obama's Eligibility


    10/21/2011 BOARD MEETING 18



    3 ss:


    5 I, Cameron L. Gooden, a Certified

    6 Shorthand Reporter, commissioned as such by

    7 the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas,

    8 and authorized to take depositions and

    9 administer oaths within said State pursuant

    10 to K.S.A. 60-228, certify that the foregoing

    11 was reported by stenographic means, which

    12 matter was held on the date, and the time

    13 and place set out on the title page hereof

    14 and that the foregoing constitutes a true

    15 and accurate transcript of the same.

    16 I further certify that I am not related

    17 to any of the parties, nor am I an employee

    18 of or related to any of the attorneys

    19 representing the parties, and I have no

    20 financial interest in the outcome of this

    21 matter.

    22 Given under my hand and seal this

    23 day of , 2011.

    24 ______________________________

    25 Cameron L. Gooden, C.S.R. No. 1335

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