
Post on 14-Jul-2015






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The collapsed of the Mahakam River Bridge in Kutai Kertanegara, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which connects between Tenggarong District with Tenggarong City on Saturday, November 26 2011, at 16.30 pm, occurring in just 30 seconds. the collapse bridge Kutai Kartanegara that crosses the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan led 30-40 barges transporting coal can not be crossed. Every time passed, about 70 thousand tons of coal passing through. The Kutai Kartanegara Bridge have many name on it. People called it Kukar Bridge, Tenggarong Bridge, Mahakam II Bridge, and also Kalimantan s Golden Gate Bridge because of it s design resembles the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, United States.

The Kutai Kartanegara Bridge is a suspension-cable bridge crossing over Mahakam River, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. Located in district Kutai Kartanegara, north Kalimantan, this bridge become the most important transportation way connecting almost all of city in this province. This bridge is the one of longest suspension bridge in Indonesia. Its free-span 270 meters with 9 meters width, and the total length of the bridge reach 710 meters across the Mahakam River. Kukar Bridge is the second bridge built across Mahakam river, so its also called The Mahakam II Bridge. The first Mahakam Bridge built in Samarinda. This bridge was built in 1995 and completed in 2001, constructed by State-Owned Corporation PT Hutama Karya. At 2011, this bridge collapsed, ten years after its inaguration.

Some mining companies through the bridge, among others, PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN), Harum Energy Tbk (HRUM) etc., declared shipments of coal company would be disturbed by the collapse of the bridge Mahakam II, Kertanegara Kutai in East Kalimantan. Produsen batubara, PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN) menyatakan, dalam sehari sekitar 10 pengiriman batubara perseroan melalui sungai Mahakam tertunda. Hal ini menyusul ditutupnya jalur transportasi akibat robohnya jembatan Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. "Dalam sehari, distribusi batubara Bayan yang berasal dari 3-4 site tambang di Kalimantan Timur melaui kapal tongkang lebih dari 10 perjalanan," kata Direktur Bayan Jenny Quantero saat saat dihubungi beritasatu, hari ini. Dia berharap, penutupan jalur transportasi melalui sungai Mahakam ini tidak berlangsung lama. Pasalnya, hal tersebut bisa berdampak pada kinerja keuangan perseroan akibat tertundanya pengiriman batubara ke pembeli. "Kami kan sudah ada kontrak dengan beberapa buyer," kata Jenny. Meski masih bersifat sementara, namun tidak ada kepastian sampai kapan penutupan berlangsung. "Transportasi distribusi batu bara kami di wilayah tersebut, satu-satunya melalui jalur sungai Mahakam, untuk itu kami berharap penutupan tidak berlangsung lama," ujarnya. Salah satu lokasi tambang Bayan yang cukup besar di Kalimantan Timur adalah Gunungbayan Pratama Coal dengan produksi sekitar 4 juta ton. Adpel Samarinda melarang semua jenis kapal melintas di bawah reruntuhan Jembatan Kartanegara. Larangan itu untuk memudahkan proses evakuasi yang sedang dilakukan Basarnas. Staff Adpel

Samarinda mengatakan, larangan melintas itu dikeluarkan demi mempermudah proses pencarian. Untuk sementara, kawasan tersebut steril dari kapal-kapal yang berseliweran. The Mahakam River is the largest river in East Kalimantan and has one of the most crowded coalbarging traffic activities. the most-affected listed coal companies would be Harum Energy, Indo Tambangraya Megah (ITMG), Sakari Resources and Bayan Resources. The closure will prevent us from transporting coal from our Separi port to our transshipment points in Muara Jawa and Muara Berau, said Harum Energy spokesperson Alexandara Mira in a statement. Our coal shipment for the month of November 2011 should largely be unaffected since almost all of the coal due to be loaded for the month has been barged past the affected section of Mahakam River. We have notified our customers of potential delays of future shipments resulting from the river closure. Jenny Quantero, corporate director at Bayan, said that there would not be any impact on the company in the short term. For now, we are not affected, she said in a statement. We hope that the reparation of the bridge will not last long. If the renovation will take more time, we will be affected. Saturday s collapse of the 10-year-old bridge, which spans the Mahakam river in central East Kalimantan province, has claimed the lives of at least 10 people, and 28 more are missing. The government is currently assessing the effects of the disaster. The government has prevented any ship from crossing the area of the river where the bridge collapsed. Since Sunday November 27, the local government has obligated to stop all coal transportation activities by vessels. The discontinuance of coal transportation gives great impact for giant coal miners as PT Harum Energy, PT Resources Alam Indonesia Tbk, mine field of Jembayan owned by Sakari Resources Ltd (SAR), PT Trubaindo Coal and PT Bharinto Ekatama that are owned by Banpu Plc through PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG). PT Santan Batubara, controlled by PT Indika Energy Tbk. International Prima Coal which has just acquired by Bukit Asam last August. PT Bayan Resources Tbk. Probably there is no immediate impact towards mining output as stock is available for three weeks. Now those coal producers are still calculating the impact. The collapsed suspension bridge may affect the barging operations of several coal mines in that area. All boats, barges are temporarily banned from passing water around collapsed bridge of Kertanegara Tenggarong in Kutai, East Kalimantan. As stated by the Director of Traffic Police of East Kalimantan Police Commissioner Nurhadi, Monday (28/11). According to a shipping servicing company operating in East Kalimantan, around fifteen medium to big scale coal miners have affected, and their barging operation will be disturbed due to bridge collapsed. PT Tanito Harum, PT Santan Batubara & PT Mahakam Sumber Jaya, PT Kayan Putra Utama Coal, PT Bina Insani Sukses Mandiri, PT Jembayan Muara Bara, PT Gerbang Daya Mandiri, PT Morris, PT Mitra Bagun Jaya Sejati, PT Trubaindo, PT Kimco Armindo, PT Multi Harapan Utama, PT Gemida, PT Bukit Menjangan Lestari, PT Insani Bara Perkasa, PT Borneo Putra Mandiri, PT Gunung Bayan, and some

other small scale miners are among the few companies that affected barging operation. According to market information, some of shippers that have affected by the bridge collapsed have declared Force Majeure to their respective buyers. Menatime, some other miners are considering to issue anticipate force majeure notice to their respective buyers. Coal exporters are believed that Indonesian coal prices could rise coming weeks as a result of a bridge collapse. But, we have not seen any immediate price correction until today.On Saturday afternoon, 26 November 2011, the Kutai Kartanegara bridge collapsed into the Mahakam River. The cause of the collapse is still being investigated by the authorities. This is a very unfortunate incident and we are saddened by the loss of lives.

Harum Energy and Bayan Resources said on Tuesday that they expected delays to their coal deliveries from Borneo island after a bridge collapsed at the weekend, blocking a river used for barge shipments. Harum Energy spokeswoman Alexandra Mira, adding that the company had notified buyers about the possibility of rescheduled shipments. She did not give any estimate regarding the volume or length of the likely delay. The delays from the world's top exporter of thermal coal are not seen lifting regional coal prices, given an oversupplied market and concerns about weak demand.

Bayan's coal barging of 20-25,000 tonnes per day along the river from its mine to a port was affected. it could be a problem for the industry if the delays continued. "This may significantly impact transportation of coal at many coal producing mines in the area. The Mahakam river accounted for around 15 percent of Indonesia's production, so a three-week stoppage could cut three million tonnes the river each week carried all of Harum's volume of 200,000 tonnes, 158,000 tonnes from Indo Tambangraya Megah and 180,000 tonnes from Singapore-listed Sakari Resources. CLSA put the potential volume at 20 percent of Indonesia's output, though said firms usually carried three to four-week stockpiles at mines and ports.

"Any outage beyond four weeks could affect Indonesia's coal production by up to 5.7 million tonnes per month," CLSA said in a report. Harum Energy has declared force majeure on prompt coal deliveries to some clients, after a bridge collapsed on a river in Borneo that it uses to transport shipments, the company told Reuters on Wednesday (30 Nov). the miner expected the river to re-open as early as next week, and so if it then lifted the force majeure in coming days, production and sales were unlikely to be affected. Pascaambruknya Jembatan Kartanegara, Poros Loa Kulu - Loa Janan jadi jalan alternatif yang menghubungkan Tenggarong dengan Samarinda dan Balikpapan. Persoalan baru kini mengadang. Selain rawan macet, di sepanjang jalan sekitar 45 kilometer itu juga terdapat banyak lubang. Jalan ini memang tidak pernah dilakukan secara tuntas, kondisinya juga sempit. Jika tidak segera dibenahi, dalam satu bulan ke depan arus lalu lintas di jalur tersebut akan mengalami kendala serius. Apalagi bukan hanya warga Kutai Kartanegara yang melintasi di jalur ini, tapi juga warga Kabupaten Kutai Barat. Apalagi setiap pekan marak kegiatan masyarakat, seperti pasar tumpah. Hal tersebut diyakini akan membuat titik kemacetan baru. jarak Tenggarong, Loa Kulu hingga Loa Janan sekitar 45kilometer, dengan lebar hanya 4,5 meter. Di jalur ini terdapat pasar tumpah yang berlangsung pada Selasa dan Jumat subuh. Belum lagi kegiatan tradisioanal, dan hajat pernikahan. Di sepanjang jalur Loa Kulu hingga Loa Janan terdapat beberapa perusahaan batu bara, yang coveyornya melintasi jalan. Di antaranya, PT Mega Prima Persada (MPP), PT Multi Harapan Utama (MHU). Dampak untuk Indo Tambangraya berasal dari tambang du anak usahanya di Kutai Kertanegara, yakni PT Trubaindo Coal dan PT Bharinto Ekatama. a failure of the public Kutai Kartanegara suspension bridge over the Mahakam River at Tenggarong, which lies between Separi and Samarinda, occurred on Saturday 26 November 2011. The Mahakam River is a major conduit of coal barge traffic and suppllies to and from upstream mines, including Sakari's Jembayan mine.

Direktur Utama PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Nur Pamudji memastikan ambrolnya jembatan Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar), Kalimantan Timur, tidak mempengaruhi pasokan batubara untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) di Pulau Jawa. Ambruknya jebatan tidak mempengaruhi pasokan PLTU-PLTU PLN di Jawa, Sampai selesainya pemindahan reruntuhan jembatan Tenggarong, 15 hari lagi, PLTU batubara masih aman, karena cadangan di lapangan penyimpanan batubara masih cukup, ujar Helmi, Selasa (29/11/2011).

Sebanyak 65 persen pasokan batubara untuk sejumlah pembangkit PLTU milik PLN berasal dari Kalimantan Timur. Adapun total kebutuhan batubara PLN tahun ini mencapai 41 juta ton.jembatan ini merupakan sarana transportasi yang digunakan perseroan untuk mengirimkan logistik untuk kebutuhan tambang perseroan. "Kalau untuk distribusi kita tidak lewat jembatan itu," imbuhnya. Seperti diketahui, Jembatan Kukar yang menghubungkan Tenggarong dengan Tenggarong Seberang serta Kota Samarinda,

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