kumogakure ryu ninpo

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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A ninja ryu listing of kata and related information.


  • Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo

    This ryu is also a complete fighting system also one of the three Ninjutsu ryu of Bujinkan.

    Founded by Heinaizaimon Ienaga Iga.

    Taijutsu No Kamae

    Ninpo Library::Ura & Omote::June 1996::The author of this article wishes to remain anonymous. Any comments or questions should be addressed to the editor, Liz Maryland at: .

    The following stances are all described in the hidari (left) aspect, they can also be done to the migi (right) aspect. They are described in no particular order.

    Shizen no kamae - Shizen no kamae is a natural stance, where the hips and the shoulders are square to (facing) the opponent. The hands hang naturally and the feet are shoulder width apart. The knees and elbows are not locked; they are soft, slightly bent. The head is erect.

    Goku no kamae - Goku no kamae is a half facing stance. The body is angled at 45 degrees away from the opponent. The hands hang naturally, with the front hand open and the rear

    hand clenched into fudoken. Hanmi no kamae - From Shizen no kamae simply take a small step forward with the left.

    The body should be sideways to the opponent.

    Ichi no kamae - To enter Ichi no kamae from Shizen no kamae take a step forward with the left foot and move the bulk of the body weight rearwards over the rear leg. The body should

    now be sideways to the opponent. The left hand comes up and points at the opponent. The right hand stays at the rear clenched in a fist at belt height just forward of the hip.

    Ichimonji no kamae - Ichimonji no kamae is entered from Ichi no kamae. The right hand is

    brought up level with the left shoulder, just outside of the chin. The knees are bent, with approximately 65% of the weight on the rear leg.

    Kosei no kamae - Kosei no kamae differs from Ichimonji no kamae by the shifting of the bulk of body weight forward and changing the arm positions. The right hand is clenched into a fist and raised level with the temple with the forearm rising at approximately 60

    degrees into the air. The left hand is clenched into a fist and points to the right elbow. Jumonji no kamae - From Kosei no kamae the clenched fists become boshiken. The arms

    are crossed at sternum height. The body remains sideways to the opponent with the body weight forwards.

    Doko no kamae - Doko no kamae is the basic fighting stance. The body is sideways to the

    opponent. The left hand is leading, but still fairly close to the body, the fist clenched. The right hand is clenched into a fist and level with the left shoulder just outside of the chin.

    Boshidoko no kamae - From doko no kamae the clenched fists become boshiken. The left

    hand remains where it is. The rear hand comes up over the head. Nage Uchi no kamae - From doko no kamae the left hand is extended until parallel with the

    ground, the fist is rotated until flat. The right hand comes up to nose height and is rotated so the back of the fist is facing the nose.

    I-nori no kamae - I-nori (or "pledge of the brotherhood") no kamae can be gained from doko

    no kamae. The right arm comes rearward slightly until vertical. The left hand comes around, parallel to the ground, until it crosses the right arm.

    Shizumi no kamae - This is a low stance, where a deep step is taken rearwards with the right leg and the body comes down vertically over the right leg. The body is to remain vertical with the left leg fully extended, the left arm comes down parallel to the leg. The right hand

    remains up protecting the head.

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  • Hira no kamae - In this stance the body is to be square to the opponent. The legs are slightly

    wider than shoulder width apart, the knees are not locked and the body weight is held lightly on the balls of the feet. The arms are extended straight out to the sides, with the elbows slightly bent and the hands open.

    Hoko no kamae - For Hoko no kamae it is easiest to describe from Shizen no kamae. Take a short step forward with the left leg. The hips and shoulders are to remain square to the

    opponent. The body weight should be felt lightly in the balls of the feet. The arms are raised above the head with the hands open, and coming together to form an apex.

    Hasso no kamae - Hasso no kamae is the ceremonial stance of Kumogakure Ryu.

    Seiza no kamae - From Shizen no kamae, the left leg is moved rearwards until the shin is resting on the ground and the thigh vertical. The left hand remains at hip height, will the

    right hand slides down the front of the right thigh. The right leg is now brought into position. The feet are not to cross. The hands are moved forwards equally until just in front of the knees. The body weight is evenly centered as you kneel.

    Fudoza no kamae - This seated posture starts from Seiza no kamae. As the body is brought over the back of the feet, the knees are splayed open, the right foot is in front of the left. The

    hands are clenched lightly and positioned on the insides of the knees. You are sitting mainly on your left foot, with the right foot in front, touching the left knee.

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    Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu - Jeweled Tiger school Koto Ryu Koppojutsu - Tiger Knocking Down school

    Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu - Regard for Justice school Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hikenjustu - Tradition of the Nine Demon Gods school Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu - High Tree Willow Spirit

    Shinden Fudo Ryu - Tradition of the Immovable God school Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu - Hidden Door school

    Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu - Jeweled Heart school

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